HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-08, Page 5The Ideal Beverage
palatable, full It
the virtues of malt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi-
(LONOON) tion, is the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one need look no furttt.-r.
exact! btwctite
51.00 it pail in advance.
11.50 a year it not ito paid.
Te I.7alted States Sabscr(bers11.50
lea. a Year Strictly is Advasce.
SANDER- t CREEUit, Publishers.
The Leading School 1
Courses are practi:al. Our tes••hers etperi•
enced, and our ;;reduatea .'Mable to All respon-
sible positions. We aro re-eningmany applica-
tions for offt,•e help. During a single day- this
week we received seven applications for olsee
help and four for commercial teachers Our
graduate. succeed a none others .
Three departments -
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
Catalosue free.
High -Grade
are always a pleasure
to their owners
We have sold and are selling a great
many high-class pianos -and always
at reasonable prices.
Our Numerous Satisfied
Customers is the strongest
guarantee of the truth of the
above assertion.
Our pianos to -day are the beet that
the piano-urakers produce and our
prices and terms are what you will
Do nut be too quick to believe per-
sons who tell you different from the
above for the purpose of selling you
cheap and, in some cases, trashy goods
at big prices.
('all and see us and be convinced
that what we say we live up to.
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
Th•vAre n, tet for the IIvlity of their goals.
Oil 39th at Atlea Craig. Hugh O'Dwyer
19 years old. was committed to the
Asylum as toe dangerous to be at
large. It appears In June 1909. Anth-
ony O'Dwyer aesaul'e1 the boy, hie son,
and that entre teat time he had suffer-
ed from pains in the head. causing him
to do ell kinds of dan,leroue and re-
dtcuieue things. steel as carrying re-
volvers. razors. ordering coffins, hold -
Ing tierces cls.
Rueben 'Moore. son of Mr. Abe Moore.
Townlit:r, who was a rleltor at Mr. 11.
1a Eton's. near Moray. took a fainting
np'll and fell ort t rement flo3r In
the sep.tr.tor ruom and sustained severe
Injuries to Cie skull. and for a time
his r was quite critical.
Tne id! nand of d'atti visited the
hone' of Da:tie' Gllb2rt June 30th , and
rvmo c 1 .t lovas; mother and wife from
the fancily circle. The derea.rd, whose
11131de•l rants• wee Eliza .lace. daughter
of the late Janice Mac. Wilson. of Mc-
Gillivray Towillnc north. has suffered
from lung trouble tor the past year.
Every effort proved of no avail. She
le twee helmet to mourn the great loss
the husband and three small : hlldren.
Five blethers and teem sisters alio
(Survive. The funeral was Held on the
2nd to Parkhill cemetery. The sym-
pathy of the community Is extended Bo
the tereaved.
How's ThisP
We offer One Ihmdre.1 I' tr. Rr.. art f ,r int A.e
of ('atu,h that cannot be clred by hall's Catarrh
F. J. CIIENEY at Co.. Toledo, 0.
We the undenlgned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
in all bn.ineae tranw tion• and Anan'iatly able to
ivory out any obligations made by his first.
W.11.r13o, Ri%Na\ a RAIN 15,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
11a11's Catarrh Curet. taken Internally, acting di'
fectly on the blood and m•voue surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free. Pelee 75c. per bot-
tle. sold by all Druggists.
Take 11s11's Family Pills for constipation.
Mr. and Mre. O. Mistele of Deteo.t
and at r. and Mrs. J. Wind of Crediton
spent Tuesday at F. Luxlon'e. They
made the trip In their auto. -Mir. A.
Brooks of 'Lion spent Sunday with
Mende here --Mr. Harold Swan has re-
turned to his home In Fullarton for the
holidays. -Tae Trustees of the school
have erected a tine flag and rained the
flag presented by the Government for
the first time on July list. -Mr. Samuel
facie/ter 'nal the brick work completed
for hi. neer hour! whl-h will b' a gor1
one when finished.
Provincial loan of $3,500,000
VINCE OF ONTARIO, under the au-
thority of Chapter 9. of the Statutes of
Ontario. 1909, Invitee subscriptions
front the public for the/ loan of $3,500,-
0+10 on bonds of the Province of On-
tario, or "Ontario Government Stock"
The bonds will be dated lot June,
1909. and payable on the fat June.
1939, la denominations of $1,000 each,
with coupons attached for Interest at
the rate of four per cent. per annum.
payable half -yearly on the let June
and 1st December in each year at the
office of the Provincial Treasurer,
Toronto, or at the offices of the Dank
of Montreal, In Montreal, Canada, and
in New York, N. Y.1 at tee holder's op-
tion. Bonds will be trade payable to
bearer, but ort request will be regia-
tered in the office of the Provincial
Treasurer and endorsed as payable
only to the order of certain persons or
corporations, and on request of holders
will be exchanged for 'Ontzrto Gov-
ernment Stock" at any time.
'Ontario Government Stock" will
bear interest from the 1st day of
June. 1909. principal payable on the
1st day of June, 1939; and Interest at
the rate of four per cent. per annum
will be paid half -yearly by cheque on
the 1st day of Junes and let day ofDe-
cember In each year. 'Ontario Govern-
ment Stock" may be subscribed for in
sums of $30 or multiples thereof, and
will be transferable in the bloke of
the Treasury Department only by the
holder or his attorney in similar man-
ner to transfers of Bank Stock.
The issue price during the month of
June, 1909, will be 103 for each $100,
and after the 3ot't day of June 1909,
the issuo price will be 102 and interest
accrued front the 1st June, 1909.
Purchasers of Stock or Bonds will
be required to send certified cheque
with the application. payable to the
order of the 'Provincial Treasurer of
This loan tem raised upon the credit
of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of
Ontario. and is chargeable thereupon.
Subscribers should state whether
they desire bond. or 'Ontario (Severn -
melt Stock."
Example -A subscriber for 51,000
will have the option of taking either a
bond or 'Ontario Government Stock."
A subscriber for $75t1 will be given
'Ontario Government Stock" as bonds
are only in the denomination of $1,000.
Provincial Treasurer,
Treasury Department. Parlament
Buildings. Toronto, 3rd June. 1909.
N:wapepers Inserting this advertise-
nt'nt without authority front the De-
pertrnent will not he paid for It.
School Reports
The fo!'uv i e the report of S. S. No:
4. U,herpe. fer the mons: of June. -
Jr, 1V.. A. Hunter. L. Coates., V. Coates
L. liar/it.e. Mr. 1i1.. T. Skinner. M.
slay. 1. Ford. le. Webber. Jr. It1., G.
I(unter, R. Thomson. C. Thomson, V.
Pine grebe, it. Webber. IL Hunter F.
Ceete.t, V. Barka. Jr. IL, W. Thomson,
H. Coatea. C. Davis. Pt. iL. V. lacks,
M. Skin.icr. A. Holding. I't. 1.. 11. Car-
rell. V. Coates. E. Webber, E. Thomson.
F'. H. Swan, teacher.
T :3:towing Ip the result of June
'promotion examination.' held In S. S.
N3. 5. Usborne-Froth Sr. (11. to Jr.
IV., Lila Moir S1. Oertle Johns f,1 ;
Front Sr. H. to Jr. 111 . Maggie Moodie
74. Clarence Johns 1)6, Garnet McFalls
09 : From Jr. II. to Sr. 11., Orby Kestle
7., Ferrol Riggin.: 09. Harold Moir
09. Thelma Ford 65. Roy Perkins 01,
"Arthur Ford 60. No. on roll 25. av-
erage 24. E. L. MI, Phereoe. Teacher
Bean the The Kind You Hate A!sa s BotigM
The following 1e a correct report of
S. S. No. 3. Stephen, for the month of
June -Sr iV,-J, WIIIIe, A. Willis. C.
Parsons. O. Prcezc•ator, V. ltogarth. E.
Beet, E. Welsh. Sr. 111. -it. Parsons,
M. Willie. Jr. 1(i. -L. Sanders. C.
Tract,ncr. G. Stanlakc. Sr. IL -C. Par -
erns. T. Willis. L. Sanders. Jr. II. -
M. Trirbner, P. Sanders. V. Preszcator,
L. 11111. V Ilox 1't. 11.-C. Hamilton.
e1. Ham'.lton, C. Sander!. Pt. -A. Shap
to t. R. Parsons. E. Preszcator, E.
Stanlake. Jr. Pt. i. -C. Willis. L I1am-
i l')
Lars tbe 1"! !l 'd Y)l Hari Aiwert eat[gflt
Olpata."e / f" �•�• _
SUBSCRIBE for tri.' Advocate and
get all the news.
'dr and Mrs. Simon Campbell visited
tees dauveer. Mrs. A. Ramsay. In
'dentition last week.
011 of Wintergreen Contpou:.d Solve. a AROUND ABOUT US 1
Vexing Medical Problem.
______ As���
Orae of the most vexing problems lm
all medicine appears at last to have
been solved by the most simple of all
re-inediea. Ordhtdry on of wintergreen
properly compounded witn tityntol, gly-
cerine and other mild healing liquids.
tones up the heeithy akin while killing
and ultimately removing the eczema
This compound, known as D. D. D.
I'rtacription, Lae now so thoroughly
proven its efficacy that druggists re-
commend it unhesitatingly.
Mrs. Sarah E. Hollingsworth. of Plc -
ton, Ont., writes:
'Every other remedy I had tried
would help for a while, but D. D. D.
cured completely. It also cured a friend
of mine, who suffered untold agony bre
fore using it, and whout no doctor could
This is the point -D. D. D. cures com-
pletely, It instantly relieves the burn-
ing, torturing Itch, and In a ahort time
frce.a the skit of every trace of the die -
For free sample bottle write to The
U. 1). D. Laboratory. Department, E.
A.. 23 Jordan St.. Toronto.
For sale by all druggists.
Mrs. McKechnie of Toronto and her
daughter are here to stay a couple of
months visiting frlemda.-Mr. G. Car-
ter had his barn bunted On Saturday
night about 12 o'clock, on his farms
a anile and three quarters nortty of here,
on con. 1. McGillivray. This 1s the sec-
ond barn burned on that farm in a few
years. Some tne,urance.-The English
church strawberry social, held at Mr.
George Carter's, half a mile south of
the village, was a grand success. There
was a large gathering and a very pleas-
ant time was spent by all. -On Wednes-
day a heavy hall storm swept through
here, doing a lot of damage, breaking
windows, while gardens and grain
fields all suffered to some extent.-Tnert
are some tine fields of fall wheat
around here, and the spring crops are
looking well. -Mr, P. Logan has gone to
Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton On
a business trip. -Mr. Abott has pur-
chased five actce of land from Mr. J.
Collins. The price paid is understood
to be 150 all acre. -Mr. S. C. Crowell
is moving from here to Lucan. His
Clandeboye neighbors are sorry to see
him leave. He has always been kind and
obliging and always ready to lend a
helping hand when needed. We all wish
hint and his family every success In
their new home.
Mrs. McLeod of Detroit is visiting at
It. Bonthton'e.-Mins McEwen, nurse
of New York, is the guests of her father
John McEwen. -Mrs. Edith McEwen of
Batt la home visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. McEwen. -Henry Rey-
nolds and henry B. It:g:am. builders
and contractors, have dissolved partner-
ship. -The appearance of our streets
elite^ the council made the move to have
them cleared oft fully justifies there
Ac(Ion.-A grub is playing havoc with
the Dutch sets in this section and ac-
cording to some of the growers many
of the patches will not pay expenses. -
Mee. Bessie Lrqui.art, i„etructor in Ex-
pression and I';tyeical Culture at a col-
lege in Newton, North Carolina. Is home.
-Itev. S. Toll and wife have gone to
Walkerville. Mr. Toll was presented
with o fine china solid dish with fork
,and spoon to match by his Bible (Hass.
r -Mr. Jewell of Exeter has the contract
for the brickwork of R. Carlisle's new
house and will probably complete it
this week. -Fred Smallacombe was tak-
en seriously iii recently with pleuro-pne
untohla and for a few days hie life
was almost despilred of Glad to fay
he 1s recovering.
1loskeis-McMartin,-On June 23rd, _a
very pretty wedding took place at the
horse of Mr. and Mrs. D. NcMartfn, Hett-
aall, wneh their only daughter, ida,
was united In marriage to Mr. With Ily
Hoskins of Mitchell.- The ceremony was
pen formed in the presence of a large
number of relatives and friends by Rev.
Toll. The bride was given away by her
father and looked teaming In a cream
silk waist and cream lustre skirt and
nridel veil which looked very be:orning.
She carried a bouquet :.f yellow roses.
\Lse Floesie iioskins. +leter of the
groom. aesietcd the bride. She wit -Ores
ted ht a very pretty create lustre and
carried yellow rosea. Ernest Miller of
Brussels asaletcd the groom. They will
reafde 1n Heneall for the present. -
C7A11! gle Ort. =Ay.
Bean the Its Kind You Hare Always Bought
Mre. Jut Motley and daughter, Bessie
vlslted civet Sunday with friends near
London. -Mr, and Mre. Daniel I[olgeon
spent the holiday last week •.vilh friends
in and around Thedford.-Mre. Caleb
Mtilison and son Cecil were guests at
Mr. J. V. Milleon's over Sunday. -Mia.
\Vett. Brooks left last week for Galt to
vlett with hie sister, Mrs. Jamleson.-
A number of our young people spent
July let In London and Port Stanley
wh'1' the older ones attended the amuse-
ments afforded at the neighboring towns
Centralia, Ellmvillc, Kirkton and Gran-
ton. -Rev. Mr. Watson preached his In-
troeu-tory sermon on Sunday afternoon
which proved very Intcreating and was
of it deep spltituai character. -Rev. Mr.
Butt w111 preach here next Sunda_:.
11 you have dandruff. get rid of It by
killing the germs.
it your hair Is failing out stop it.
There is one sure remedy that will cure
terse misfortunes and aid you t3 re-
main you,tg.
Parisian Sage,t Ie treat hal: r tstor e
Is guaranteed t0 permanently remove
dandruff In two weeks, W. 8 Cole will
give you your money bark.
Parisian Sage stops falling ittir-It
prever.ts the hair froth radius.
It Is the best beautifier for ladles' hair
as it makes harsh. lusterless hair Huf-
fysoft and beautiful.
Parisian Sage Is sold and rigidly gutir-
sntced by W, S. Cote. Price. 50 cents e
bottle. It ran also be procured at 3'1
cents a large. bottle, trent he Cana.lt t t
makers. all charges prepaid. A41r'.0
Olrouz Mtg. Co. feet I i'le, Ont.
Pat keill.--T::e J1tlhodnst enure:: was
hand.,erntiy decorated with masses of
white Marguerites. ferns attd bunting
_.t June 30, In ito:to. of r -.e wedding
of bliss Eva Godwin, dsugntet' of ltev.
W. Godwin, pastor of the chtfrch, to Rev
R. J. McCormick of Yarmouth Centre.
The ceremony was perforated by the
bride's father, unstated by Itev. Thomp-
son, McCullough and ilrahant.
Parkhill -One of the prettiest of the
June weduiugs was solemnized at St.
James' church, Parkhill, on June 30,
wltett Miss ticket New•toti, daughter of
Rev. air. Newton, was married to Dir.
Ray Lawson, son of Mr. and Mre. Frank
Lawson of London, .
Brlti,ley.-The corner stone of the
new St. Marys church here was laid
ot1 the 25t1 ult.. by Rt itev. D. Will:
lams, Lerd Bishop of Heron, in the
presence of a large gathering of peo-
ple. The usual daily and w3ekly papers
were placed teller the stone. and the
1113110p was presc:itt-d with tate custom-
ary aliver trowels with welch he did
the work. A number of clergymen gave
uddresses as well as Ills Lordship. An
offering of $50 was received. A lawn
party was afterwards held on the
school grounds when $220 were taken
.11. A fine program was rendered.
Brucefield.-A pretty wedding took
Place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jae.
McGee on June 23rd, when their eldest
daughter Ray was united in marriage
to Mr. Wm. Armstrong, a prosperous
young farmer of Tuckersmlth. The cere
atony, which took place at four o'clock
was performed by Rev. A. II. Brown of
Tuckeremith.-On Juste 27the spirit of
James Nott, an old and well-known res-
ident of the London Road, took its
flight. It was not an unexpected event
as he had been in failing health for
some months. He is survived by hie
wife and two sons. The deceased was
the second eon of tee late Robert Nott,
who died ten or twelve years. a go.
Fullarton.-Emily E. Gale, wife of An
drew Barriadale, atter several months'
Illness, passed away at the family, resi-
dence, lot 29, con. 5, Fullerton, on the
25th at the age of 44 yearn They mov-
ed Here front Stratf ord a few years
ago. Two daughters and otte son also
survive besidea the husband.
Hay has commenced, but the crop he
not so large as was expected owing to
the past few weeks being so dry. -The
Sunday School picnic on July lest was
a decided success, the day being an Ideal
tette. The attendance was the largest
for a number of years, pnd a splendid
program was dispensed with, consisting
of addressee by Rev. Fear of Exeter,
Rev. Butt, Jr., of Centralia and Fred
'Johns, Interspersed with many cholce
select:oi.e by the Dashwood Band, which
deserve special mention for their excel-
lent playing. A aplendtd game of base-
ball and football was played in the
evening by sides being chosen. The pro-
ceed:e amounted to a little over $170.
-Mr. Jackson of Yorkshire, Eng.. is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Robt. Woods.
-Miss Bertlta Woods of London spent
the holiday under the parental roof. -
'dr. and Mrs. McLaughlin of [Bullet
spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs,
ltobt. Wood.-ltev. Burgess left on
left on Monday for his (tome near Port
arrived on the circuit and preached
Sunday. --Revs. Watson and I3utt gave
their Initial sermons on Sunday. They
made a good Impression to start with
and we hope it may continue. -Mr. A.
Pcnwarden Is able to be out again atter
'tie illness from muscular rt:eum.t1sin.
On Wednesday, June 30th, a very
pleasing and interesting event took place
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and ales. Richard Hodgins of the S.B.
of Usborne, when their daughter, Miss
;Attttle L. becante the bride of Mr. Geo.
Godholt of Winchelsea. in the presence
of a number of invited guests the cere-
nto.ty wary performed by [rev. Mr. Rac-
e)' of Kitk:o:t. Miss Ruth Hodgins e.ct
est as brick sinald and Mr. Harvey Hod-
gins as groomsman. The ceremony and
congratulations over all enjoyed a sunl-
p:uoue wedding sapper. A substantial
check. a locket and a tie -pin were the
groom's presents to the bride, brides-
maid and groomsman respectively. At -
ter a trip to Comber tate young couple
will riffle down on the groom's fine tarn[
east of Winchelsea. The Advocate ex-
tends the heartiest-ongratulatione and
beet wishes.
Mise Florence E. Nell left for her
home in Luran to spend her holidays.
-Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson of Sarnia
Tunnel spent a few days with relatives
in this vicinity. -Mies Mabel fiord Is
spending her holidays at her home In
West Williams. Diaster Wells llroph•
cy of Shlpka spent the past week with
hie cousin, Gordon Ulens.-Mies Lu-
ella Sherritt is visiting Mrs. William
Whiteside. -Mr. and Mrs. Wee. Isaac
and family spent a sew days with rel-
atives 1n Lucan.-Mies Ethel Carruthers
of Detroit arrived on Saturday to
spend her holidays at her hone here.
-Mr. and Mre. Milligan and family of
Lot.don sport July 1 et with her father
Mr. H. Isaac.
LC M:Lt .
Mr. Oeo. Hohkirk ie building a silo
this week. Mr. John Hnnki,l is over.
seeing the work. -Mr. Edward Ford
of ('asselton, N. 1)., was here this
week visiting his sisters, Mrs. John
and Gordon Bolton. -Miss Fera Glenn,
teacher, of Dundalk, is spending her
vacation with her parents here. --The
young men in this vicinity are pear.
tieing haseh:all for the purpose of or-
ganizing a team, although they are
rather late in getting started, they ere
making very- good progress. --Mr. Jno.
Glenn is having his residence nicely
painted, which adds much to its ap-
pearance. --Miss Govenlock of Seaforth
was the guest of the Misses Horton on
Sunday.- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackson
of Listowel spent Dominion Day with
the latter's mother, Mrs. Thos. Glenn.
-Mr. Fred Ellerington was in the
Forest City on Dominion Day. -Mr.
Stewart McQueen had the misfortune
to have his leg Jammed just above the
ankle at Albert Bell's barn.raising,
but is able to be around again, which
we are glad to say. -Mr. Jas. Horton
was in Aylmer for a few days the first
of tbe week.
•. . r. `♦
/ - lite .r
When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain'
remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't,
any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would
also benefit her if suffering with the sante trouble ?
Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Glanford Station, Ont. - "I have taken Lydia E. Pinkhattes
Vegetable Compound for years and never found any medicine to
compare with it. I had ulcers and falling of the uterus, and doc-
tors did me no good. I suffered dreadfully until I began taking
your medicine. It has also helped other women to whom 1 have
recommended it." -Mrs. HenryClark,Glanford Station,Ontario.
Another woman says Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is the best remedy in the world for women.
Foz Creek, N. B. -"I have always bad pains in the loins and
$ weakness there, and often after my meals my food would dis-
tress me and cause soreness. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done me much good. I am stronger, digestion
is better, and I can walk with ambition. I have encouraged
many mothers of families to take it, as it is the best remedy in
the world for women. You can publish this in the papers."
- Mrs. William Bourque, Foz Creek, N. B., Canada.
We will pay a handsome -reward to any person who will
prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful
- or that either of these women were paid in any way for
their testimonials, or that the letters are published without
their permission, or that the original letter from each did
not come to us entirely unsolicited.
What more proof can any one ask ?
For 30 years Lydia E. (Inkhorn's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female Ws. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of aures to its medit.
mra Mrs. Pinkham invitee all sick woWea
to write her for advice. Mae has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Min. Ptakhain, Lynn, Mass.
We are making a new
departure this reason, and have
arranged to reit wheels three/ by wail,
saving to our cu.tomers all intermediate profits.
lay this plan we can offer
Regular $50
Hyslop Bicycles
for $25
•This surpri.ing value in lint -class wheels will be an import-
ant help to the restoration of their popularity. We have
planned fr.r a big bicycle year, and are ready with the
bee machine for the money ever offered in Canada.
Send fur 111u,trate.l Folder
We -Class Automobiles and
etcrcies TORONTO, OMT.
Put a little
An old-fashioned,
ill -working furnace is a non-
It consumes the coal, but through leaks and
tracks wastes the heat.
It is not economy to have such a furnace in
your own home, or in your tenant's home.
If you are thinking of building you should be inter-
ested in Sunshine Furnace. It adds 100 per centto
home comforts.
As soon as you let the contract for your house decide
on your furnace. The " Sunshine " man will be
pleased to tell you just how the ro-)ms ought to be
laid out with an eye to securing greatest heat from
the smallest consumption of coal.
If you want t) experiment with the question don't
specify " Sunshine."
If you want to settle the question specify " Sunshine."
For Sale by T. Hawkins & Son, Exeter
will pat it riibt
quickly sad surely.
Mosey bask if they
do .et cure.
Ai ani Dreegietls.
or direst fee.