HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-08, Page 4eter ` ti v o ratr,:1 • rue v. _ U co.;te*tcd acid affurdcd 11/4(11 i j 1 ,,, t. ter tree spectator.. besides glee , h s.t,.afactl) . to the winners Sander8 4 Creech Prupe. as u,,n,niu• w' „ i,ad the affair 'THURSDAY, ,lull $, 1909 leUTE .1ND CeMNIION-1. Tne Cilnto.t Nee Era editorially nude a plea for the fur;.itiiug by the County • .1 eac•i, ,tram:: of a complete re- p- .1 each of tee County newspapers, of the minutes of the torsion. at the earl lest posrt►.1• minute af•e. its conclusion. Without a doubt there are many things tratnsp(re at t,e County Council sessions that might be well reported throughout tee County, but It it useless to expect eve -y newspaper near. to be represented at a cost of several dollars and con- siderable time, or else wait two or three •weeks for a report. Y. M. C. A. In Bruce County.—A well - attended couvrrtiun of enthusiastic knits (eters and Christian iaynren of Bruce County was held to Walkerton, June 28, .for the purpose of introducing the Coun- ty plan of Y. M. C. A. work in Bruce. A /number of those actively engaged In the work in Canada and United States were present and gave addresses. The County Committee for Bruce was ap- pointed, and as eooa as the budget of $1900,00 for the year le raised, , a County Secretary will be called to begin organization. Bruce la the second of 'the counties in the Dominion to Intro- duce the Y. M. C. A. County Work. TEACHERS' WAGES.—The weary and tare -worn school teat -her le now enjoy- ing a few weeka of much needed rest after a terns of six months of tiresome mental and physical labor. Many per - eons who have had no experience In the tea hi ng line seem to think that any common school teacher whose wages are from $23 to $40 a month ought to make an Independent fortune 111 a short Hine. Let Puoh a one atop and consider what Is expected of a teacher. In the first place ehe is expected to be well dressed at all times, which le no small item of expense. She ea expected to buy all the latest books, and subscribe tar all the popular educational journ- als of the day, and attend teachers' meetings whenever and wherever held. All these requirements are attended by no small expense, and the teachers who comply with them will find at the close of the year, that they have a very small Portion of their earnings to lay up for a "rainy day." Do you not understand by this that such requirements are uaelese. But when It has become al- most absolutely necereary for a teacher to attend all such meetings as those who have supervision over them shall appoint ; it should be also required of the board of education and directors that they pay their teachers such wage. as will enable them to attend and have enough of their earning, left to het them until the school terra le gens again. +--- 1111811 NINE TAKE' ROTH Lucan July 1st.—Before large crowds to -day the Irish nine defeated the Wa- bash team of S•. Thomas twice. Thr 'cores were 7 to A. and 8 to 0. THE EXETER COUNCIL A regular meeting of the Cot nell of the Village of Exeter was held in the Town Hall, on Friday July 2nd., the/ members being all present. Minutes of meeting held June le and 23 were read and approved. Dr. A. It. Kinsman ask- ed leave to cut out certain shade trees in front of his residence. The request was granted subject to the Street Com- missioner's approval. Messrs. ltd. Gal- ley and I. Armstro:,g addressed the Council regarding line fiuce ne reported by the Fence Viewers at the last meet - Ing. The following accounts were read and ordered to be pald ;—Fred [tatter, labor, 770e.; ltu.t. Sardere, straw for beds in lockup. 23c.: Albert Blesett, labor. $6; Sidney Sanders $3; George Sanders 75c.; Geo. Cudniore $3.1 W. J. Bissett, salary, $33; C. W. Cross, part salary, l.:r : J. Settlor. Express fire dept.. 15c.. Sarni Sanders, part salary. $35; John Grigg. supplies 81.80 Quren City 011 Co., gasoline, $7.71: Electric Light Co.. arc ll;trttrtg. $:1't..14. Da.. street lights. $7,1.1%; Do., Town Hall $3,6n. Bel. error in May Payment $4.70 : Thos. Houlden„ 2 weeks street Watering :to.on , John 11. Scott. testing r,\tlk, eta. Peened on motion of Ilea - man and Lukcr,—Carried. AdJ. to meet Wednesday. July 7th. Jos. Settler. Clerk. - --- CENTRAL1.\ Mr. and Mrs. Ethelbert Butt and daughter of Detroit are vtsltleg at the parsonage—Misses Laura and Mabel Butt are •pending their holidays under the pare :tal roof.—Mlesce Lily and Katie Elliott of London are visiting t„etr parents.—Mr. and Mrs. John Dins - dale of Kipper spent Monday with itev. Mr. and Mr,. Mutt.—Mr. Thos. Boyce 1s building a brick stable which will g:e*tly enhance the appearance and val- ue of tats properly.—Mr. Chris. Baek- :rvtlle aryl Mr. Thos. Wees't had .t nar- raw e.cape 0II Monday. \while they were working 1:1 Thos. Doyen' stable a part of the ,raffolding gave way ,and t ..: tell to the grownd. ,t distance of 12 feet or more. They were badly shak- e;. up. but hot seriously IrrJured.—The buster factory 1. aged,' tit full swing. aced though the building Is not entirely cen'ple'c. both lunettes and machinery proatl*c to be tee best and moat up-to- dete that cae tx secured. it has been less than five weeks from the date of tit^ fire tc the romnlenrenl,'i,t of buel- t eseag.t:n, and tele speak* velum's for t ^ husincas energy of tit. T'toe. Willis r';.' proptictur. All ale wish hint great Lu• cess.—Mr. Tho*. Elston) in putting a cermet foundation under the barn of Mr. 1'. Fasery's farm.—Wilbur Luker ,was take:/ suddenly 111 on :gunday eve- nitner and Dr. Orate wan called In. At one time It war thought that he might rave to be taken to t'.e'l:oepital tor at: .,peratio:i. but we are pleased to learn l..a' he r• ow o 1 a fair way to -ont- •p'e'e recovery. A large congregation is egad lit v. sir. Itult ter Sunday evening a ;d the service was of an 1:1ter•esting .character. Cie::tial a .a Big Day Is oars mote a *matter o' ,.'story. and a bt; day it wee. too. The weather was all that could be •gesirrd. cacept for the ratan wet, sold 1lh• lee cream and cco! dr':Ike 1' wasn't ,quite hot enough tor him. T,te *ports u, c:.arge tee price, but eer..ed good P -:z, e. Tee supper s : nerd by tee ladles wag Ju.,t what you would expect from the ladies v.eo turn:aired It. They have bee.: at It for aevc-rel years and no one knows '►atter the wants of a First of July •reed, or row better to rater to their wAta e. Strawbe ret were stere to at.LLn- tle. ••e. with creast buttered bread and mite it, great plenty. It is a hard day's a ark for the ladies and they deserve • :edit air their ur.tirle,g efforts to :fatisfy everyo:te. Two games o: baseball wire played n; thr t.onte team and a team from Den ::skin lee hune team winning both of :e.t.a' Tee worried saw(' ended 1:, to 1, ar,d the evt' wing game 21 to 4. The •u:ored ger-eternise pltc ring for the visttors was dna: at,d dumb, and no an:eu:,t of toasting had any effect on hire but as a twirler ':e proved to be a frost. and the boys banged hint all over the lot. Bruce Mitchell and King i'al.u_r in the box t •r the locale did gee' work and could have shut out the ,::,itora had they not eased up a little. \►'i,lte tatting in We evening Milt. Mit- ceee got hit on the head by a thrown bill and was forced to quit the game for the day. but you cad t put hlm out of the game for long with a baseball. tat place waa taken by Frank Snell. Dr. `.1:22u1 of Crediton umpired satisfactor- ily. Tree following Is the list of winners in the sports.—Races—floys under 8, A. Robinson. L. Abbott, G. Hanlon: Girl:/ under 8. C. Davey, E. Skinner, C. Thompson ; Boys under 12, Fred Es - eery, L. Abbott. A. Sambrook; Girls tuner 12. M. Heaton. M. Willis, M. 31ma ; Boys under 16. E. F'ahner, S. Hagen. A. Dupla,' ; Girls under 10, 0. Esaery, I. Brown. E. Baker, Wheelbar- row. G. and W. Butt, A. Duplan and S. McCoy, S. Eage. and L. Butt ; Po- tato, E. Fanner. S. Eagen ; Needle, E. Fainter, R, Coughlin; Three-legged, E. Fanner and E. M. Fanner, G. and L. Ilutt, A. Duplan and S. \McCoy ; Lad- les, P. Monett. L. Handford, G. Easery ; Obetacte, R. Coughlin, A. Duplan, E. ahner ; loo yd. Dash, M. Southrott. 11. Coug1:1 ri, 11. Wilson; Lad'.es throw- ing ball, L. Handford, Mre. M. Mitchell ; Flop, step and jump. H. Wilson, E.Fah- ner ; Running long Jucrp, H. Wilson, G. Butt ; Standing long Jump. If, Wilson. E. F'alt::er ; RJuster rate, L. Butt. A. Duplan, F. Eesery. Married men's race, N. Baker, E. Grosvenor, Wm. Bowden; etc -mile bicycle race, F'. Bloomfield. G. Sweitzer, H. Mitchell; Two-mile bMar- ath)u, G. Coughlin, C. Ileywood, O. 'Taylor. The gate receipts were over •1:30. The Concert in the evening under the auepirea of the Ladles Aid was largely 'Mended and proved to be one of the best ever given stere The church was literally packed. over '.r being taken at th0 door. Tile Ital- .an orchestra, Mr. Pink and airs. Case, all of London, with Prof. Brown of Clinton furnished the program, which could hardly be surpassed. Everybody was del'.ghted and every number on the p -ogram was all that could be desired. All in all it xas the best celebration •r held. The different committees went •) work like beavers and great gratiflc- ,: et is being expressed on every hand ,t the social and financial results. Local Items Miss Vera Rowe Is vlilting in Clinton Mr. Arthur D. Davis leaves for Win- nipeg on Monday. Mr. Tom. Marks visited at Mr. Geo. Maneon's on the holiday. Mrs. J. ei•lntyre of Fullerton vial'cd er Mr. A.Dow•aover Sunday. Mrs. Harry Chestney of Winnipeg is the guest of Mrs. Geo. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon visited tela Heel In Ingersoll over Sunday. Mts. Wilson and her little niece are al a visit to London and Petrolea. Mr. Htltse of Toronto visited his els- :'•r ,Mre. L. D. Vincent. last week. Mre. Cha.. Ltvingstohe visited Mre. F. C. McDonell at Ilensall last week. Mr. Wnt. Wilson has gone to Wing mins. t.e:ng employed by Mr. Ilartnoll. Mr s. J lin Scott and children are vis- iting relatives and children in Downie. Miss Martha Carling, who has been test-t.ies in tlrantford, is home for the t. )itchy.. M A. Tr o n'o 1 anti L"ntly of Lletowe: are guests of Mrs. Fowell here and at Grand ilend. Mrs. D. hackney at,d two children of Regale, Sask.. ale visiting at Mr. Si- nt -n Campbell's. Miss Baskett, who has been the guest of etre. Semi Sweet, has returned to her /tome In Ma.nohv111e. Mr. itobert Saudere and niece. Mies -eine '*ander,, left Monday on a pleas- ure trip to Seattle. Oregon and Alaska. in R letter to the Advocate Rev. A. H. Going expresses himself as being highly pleaacd with his new field of labor. The bowling game which was cut short by the rain on Friday night wilt take peter tt 1, Friday evening with the saner players, as near as possible. \Mre, Mc Keeley and daugt ter returned r) (1r•stlard to -day. atter a few days sp^I.t tare owing to tee illness of the fu,11101'+ mother. Mrs. Piper. who ie Ae•o.ering. A good gave of football took piste at l:« e- Nort't Tu^,(Ley eight between hrr- e- Not: • and Iluroadale, resulting favor of the former. 1 to t). Mrs. Ernest Stinger and little daugh- te-. Prances of Toronto are visiting her to ,m,,.e. Mrs. J. Wood and Mrs. J. Rta;r hford, also other relatives for a few weeks. Mr. Frank Mellott while breaking some • el oe Tuesday, unfortunately was murk by a flying piece on the let' reek bone. fracturing It. The wound Is tv 'e painful and he wears a heavy n, lige over it. 1' . Mats street Epworth League pro- p), glvl:i,t a garde;, party on the ., lawn on the evening of Tuesday. tee.. to:•y e ita Harpers of Lor. - do will furnish the music. Admtseio;. 2e me t t. inrludt:lg supper. Supper s:rv- e•1 fro:n 6 to 8, 'V • Ie''tr—Morley—Ot, Jur.e 1. b) tee Re, Mr. Holmes. Piccadilly street. Lo :fon, WUltam C. Schaefer. of Ham- • to Daly L. Morley. of CSa, de o)J', eat LCCAN. err. and Mrs. S. Davis spent a few days in town the guest of Mrs. Jo:tce. —Among the former Lucanitea who are spe:dittg 'their vacation at their gornes here are,M1sses Etta Stanley, Itt•'.t Fox, Holly Martin, Dutcte Martin,Laura Sutton, Lena Abbott, Gertrude Elliott. —Meagre. John and Rich. Hodgins o1 Ottawa spent a few days with their par- ents beers.—Rev. Steverson and wife ,t::d family have returned after a week's visit In liarrletore—Mr. 8, C. Chowen has moved over from Clandeboyo and to occupying tee house lately vacated by J. S. Gllfillan.—Mrs. W. E. Murdy of London is spending a week with her parents here.—Mre. Mobray to vteitirng at her home In Oshawa. --Owing to the great number of new houses now being built In town the workmen have bee:, delayed In beginning work on the new post office.—Mrs. Geo 'lodging and daughter, Gertrude, attended the wed- ding of the fornmer's grand son, Mr. Ray Lawson to MIs. Helen Newton of Parkhill.—Miss Edna Lux- ton sof Eden Is the guest of tier cousin, Miss Edna McDougal.—Misses Eva and Violet Carter of Toronto are spending thetr vacation at their home here.—elise- es Jennie Johnston and Della ilaritol etr. and Mrs. Albert Hall and Archie Routledge of London spent Sunday In town.—A union picnic of the Presbyter- ian, Methodist and Anglican Sunday ;schools Is to be held at J. Park's woods on July , 14.—Miss Aggle Anderson spent July tat at her home in Centralia —Miss /.aura Fox has returned home after a pleasant vacation.—Dr. J .Brown lee and Mrs. Brownlee of Detroit spent the holiday In town. CRREDITON. Mrs. Gus Dello and children of Detroit visited the formcr's cousin. Mrs. John Slips alid other friends a few days last week.—Little Verda Sims was on the ,Ilei( list but Is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Lawson and family and Dir. and Mre. Thos. Edwards and family of Indiana, were camping at Grand Bend last week. Mr. Harriss of Winghans has been in the village the past week with the object of organizing a lodge of the Ca- nadian Order of Foresters.—School closed last iVednesday for the sum- mer holidays. The lady teachers, the Misses Dunlop, Polly and Hartlieh, have finished their term in this school and the trustees will he obliged to en- gage three new ones for the corning term. During the time the ladies CASTOR IA Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the �J� Stgnaeuru of �L New Perfumes : . Tref Tref Violet gauze Rose Prairie Rose These ars on sale only at this store, in bottles at ROC• odor different, duality stronger than other perfumes. Thew odors are not sold else- where in Exeter and are not genuine unless un der The Purity label. It you wish fragrant. lasting; perfumes. buy your perfume hers Otb• er grades at low er pri,•es. Can. P-cp. Bldg THE PURITY J. Wi;lie Powell taught here they gave excellent scetia- faetiut►.—Richard Howsen,of the Bank of Commerce staff, has returned here after spending his two weeks' holidays at bis home in \Vinghatu.--Jos. Law- son, who has the contract to construct the concrete abutments of the new bridge at the river, has torn down the old bridge and is busily engaged at cunsttuctiug a temporary one. In the meantime traffic is blocked across the river for a period of about a week or ten days' tinte.—One of Lawson's men took an involuntary dip in the Sauble on Tuesday. He was in the act of crossing the river in a small boat, when. for some reason, whether ner- vousness or having had a drop too much inwardly, he suddenly grasped the boat in his arcus and rolled over. Work at the bridge was stopped for several minutes. The amen were un- able to work on account of the antus- ing incident.—Dominion Day passed otT quietly here. Cuite a number were at the Bend and some went to Centra- lia. The following visited friends here for the day: Garnet Baker and Chris. Finkbeiner, of London; Charles Ewald of Akron, Ohio; and August Kuhn, of St rat ford.—Mrs. Voelker and son Hen- ry visited her sons in Detroit during the holidays.—Mr. and Mrs. Mistele, son, and Mr. Chas. Wind are here vis- iting relatives. They came from De- troit in their automobile.—Samuel Kuhn purchased a piano from S. Mar- tin ae Son of Exeter on Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Heist of St. Catharines are visiting relatives in our midst.— Farmers are busy at the hay crop. Some have been ploughing, but find find the ground too dry and have stop- ped work.—Art. Holtzman was in Dashwood on Tuesday.—Mr. Tom Ed- wards. wife and family have returned to Indiana after visiting their rela- tives here for several weeks. They returned in their automobile. While here they gave quite a number of our citizens and others the pleasure of having an auto ride.—Last Sunday evening the Annual Children's Day Festival of the Evangelical Sunday School was held in their church. The auditorium was crowded to the doors. The anthems by the choir. choruses by the school and smaller classes were well rendered. Solos were sung by the Misses Brown and Haist. The program throughout was a good one and the male chorus assisted nobly in making the entertainment a success. —A ministerial meeting was held in the Evangelical Church on Monday afternoon. Quite a number of minis- ters of the neighboring circuits were present. After the session. lunch was served at the home of Rev. E. H. Bean. D.\Sli\FOOD L'� M. RR,)KESsItIRE, DASIIWOOD C•)NS'CY. [`J. Y.NCER Deeds, Wills, Mortgages and all Legal Dytume is carefully and promptly prepared Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Mr. Geo. Wambold of Berlin spent a ,eek under the parental roof, leaving 1111410111011111411 THE BEST Flour `''` If it is the best li.,ut vol .rant there it but one place In town to get it- that is from us. The brands are: JEWELL (Ontario Blended) ROYAL HOUSEHOLD (Ogilvie',) 5 ROSES (Lake of Woods) PURITY (Western Canala Flour Mills) Lease your orders or • all up Phone 2. R. G. Seldon, Exeter Crediton Flour Mills We have to otter Good White Shorts, also Bran & Feed in ton lots. Shorts, at $25 per ton Bran " 25 " Family Flour at $3.25 per 100 lbs. Ontario " " 3.00 IP! Special reduction- on large lots. Henry Sweitzer --- Crediton East r ToM- Act4, r+l NOTICE Regina NVat* hes, when sold without an Official (ivarantt; :', and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to he Secom! - 'land NVatches, taken in trail:.! or procured in some other second-hand %slay. I am the only authorireu Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. A. MARCHAND, the Jeweller, EXETER, ONTARIO. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ULD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTIBLISIIED 1407 R. S. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,QQQ ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most cooveniegt way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denomination* oI $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fragce Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of each clteque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. Birt. Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton The general public will take notice that 1 ant doing business in Exeter it: the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Etc. Etc. Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. IHAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE. EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. 1 IT PAYS TO BUY A GOOD RArreE WE want to tell you about a Good Range --It's called the -- IMPERIAL -OX FOR D A PERSONAL inspection is request - 'ed and now is a good time to come, New Stock just in --Let's talk it over. Surprisingly moderate prices for sure satisfaction. See us before you buy. For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN for Berlin on Wednesday morning.—Dr. ;McLaughlin left Friday morning for a few weeks holidays. his practice here being looked atter by Dr. Neely.— Mr. and Mrs.Donahue, nee Miss Laura Goetz rune ):ere on Friday evening on their honeymoon trip and a reception was held at the home of hen parents in hon- or of the event, to which the relatives and innudlate friends of the bride were Invited..—The let of July was a quiet day here, most of the people going else where to spend the day. School closed on Wednesday for tine summer vacation and the children can now do about as they please.—Masons are now busily engaged building the foundation under- neath Mr. henry Guenther's barn. — Ttte Strawberry Festival held under the auspices of tune Y. P. A. on Tuesday. elate was a decided success In every partit•ular. The committee who had the arranging and carrying out of the de- tails connected therewith deserve great credit for having eartled it to etre/ a success. Aed especially +rout w commend the efforts of the Y. P. ['resident, ells,' Martha Otet:etctr. who labored with unlirlt,g zeal and en orgy that tt.e great alm mlgla be attain ed, that of raining a snug sunt of money to aid the Medicine fiat Mi.sIon. That, eve, -)•002 who attended enjoyed themsel vas gore without saying and no doubt should a similar occasion take place in future a good gathering would ag- ain conte together.—Mr. 11 A. Keller - mann occupied the pulpits at Zurich and 14th concession appointments on Sue day. The Dashwood Furniture Store I wish to announce to the public that our stock is now one of the largest and best that we have ever carried. Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines No agents. (',,nunision goes to you. 1 -louse This line is now cunIplete and Furniture ,,ought from the leadingnl't'g's of Canada, as we are barred from none. We have a large assortment of Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, Baby Carriages, Folding ('arts, Ger('arta, Express Wagons, Curtain Stretchers, Step-Laddere, Carpet Sweeper°, Picture Moulding, Room Moulding, Pictures, Ete. Brass Extension Rode, White Cottage Curtain Rode, 10c each. Picture Framing done on shortest notice. mita.e..UNDERTAKINC�"W- \We carry a large and well assorted stock in this line. In tone of need do not fail to call. Any ordets received by phone will he promptly attended to. ('leave call and examine our stock and Ret prices. '''C FTIWAi. P. McISAAC, Dashwood 1 i i 11 he Molsons Bank incorporated 1855 Capital (paid up) - Rest Fund - - • $3,50,000 $3.500,000 Has tl.i Branches in Canada. and Agents and ('orre.i, •ltdents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A 0ENRRAL RANKIN° Bt:91l(F.99 TRANSACTP.D. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches, interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH • Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Dictsox & CARLtro, Solicitors. N. D. lilL'RI)ON, Manager,