HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-08, Page 1NOW IS THE TIME to eubecribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above itated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates ilbot te. Wedding Invitations 1n Newest Type On Best Papers The Fines: Work And Right Prices The Advocate Office, Exeter r TWBNTV-FIRST YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1909. SANDERS & CREEDS! The Old Reliable how 10 Keep! Cool White 600ds The real hot weather is here! Are you prepared for it? Here are a few -How to Keep Cool " suggestions, Muslins, Drawers, Organdies, White Waists, White Under- skirts. Suinrner Corsets, Corset Covers. fie : Men's and Boys' Straw Bats: White Vests, vel y choice line; New Ties, all of the latest in style and colorings. Special LADIES' BLACK HOSE, worth 25c, now 121e Crockery, a new line just in! Nov is the time to replace your broken lots at about half the price you paid for your old. We would remind you that we still have the Astoria Shoe in Men's only, in all the latest styles. both in the 1111• and high cut. Highest Prices Paid for Produce and Live Poultry ! Butter 1 7c, Eggs 18e. trade: 17c cash. These prices subject to change. CARLING BROS. argains for ladies! We ,bre showing this week some Special Values in Fancy Voiles in Blue, Brown, Linen and Black Colors. Also stitre very fine Eoliennes in different shade., very swell for SUMMER DRESSES. Our stock or Fancy Combs and Barretts i- complete. Very large stock of these goods. Do not miss seeing then). AIso Bargains for Men ! .......... In WHITE VESTS. latest style, WHITE STRAW HATS, COLLARS, ('UFF LINKS, FANCY HOSE. All up-to•dete goods and prices right. We Keep Nice, Clean; Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE R:T e PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST-OFFI CE rr. teaalasal cards. DLO. r. souurrON, L D. S., D. D. DENTIST •emW, of the IL O. D. S. of Ontario and Honor S,Nsete of Toronto University. 01/101: Over Dickson a Carling's Law ORre, In D•. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. �oDR. A. K. KINSMAN, L D. 1., D. D. e.. nor graduate of Toronto Urii .,tett'. DENTIST, theft extracted without any pain, or any had 'Recta Ole. over Oladman A 8tanbury's once, Maio street lass.,. Medical HR BRIOIIT, W. D , M. C. P. A P , HONOR a Graduate of Toronto University, Two years resident pkyy•IcI►n Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Oce and Re•Idence, ['r. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER. Da, T. P. MCLAUGHLIN Has resumed proof a atter spending a year (Col- lege) .t British and Continental hospital.. Ge feral Ira•-ttce with yrs. cat attention to Eye, (with airs Ueo; Ear Nose and Throat. (Wye Dashwood, Or t. Legal. DiCg8ON a ('ARI.ING, RARRISTERa, S(Ltr'1 tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Comm:r ferent Solleitore for Motsons Sant, etc. ■iesy to LN■ at toweet rates of Ietereet Ot11 'es, Main street, Exeter. I. 1. Cassese, dA , L. H. tc•eon MOSEY TO LOA:4 Ae have a large amo-int of re. ate funds to loss • rasa and c silage properties at low rates ct Intel Nf. GLADMAN A STANBURY.' Barristers, soIIcItOrs.Maln st , Exeter en B. 8. PHILLIPS, Ezic'rER. Liceaae1 Asctl Sae. wend( 1 in a!1 parte. Satisfaction gnaran Wed cr so pay _ Terms reasonable. All orders 'eft .1 Advocate 011'. will he promptly attended to. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Aaaurar-e Company. also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British ('ompan•ee. Main -St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. A NDEit SON. Licensed A uc tio;:ter for Huron County. Terms r^Aeonable. Dates can be made at bre Advo:atc. Fxrtcr. or 1ic:lry 1i;tlber's Office. Cred- Iton.. $ 1 HOUSE FOR SALE An este nen: brIk '.Ou.c. modrrn and up-te-date. Situated o -n stain street. Apply at thiS eft' -t. HERE TO STAY! Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. Telephone 41A Stables at Handford's Horse Exchange W)t. ARNOLD, Prop. iioesC TO RENT Brick :souse, 1 and 1-2 storey, on William Street, Exeter. Good number of rooms. House in good repair. Good hard and soft water. Number of fruit Mts. Apply to S. M. SANDERS, Exeter PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND 11ORSES The undersigned ran take a iimitcd number of cattle and horses for pasture by the month. For particulars apply to R. D Quinton, Saintsbury P. 0., Lot A. ''th Con. Usborne HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned 1s offer:ng for sale a good brick house and 10 acnes of land. l'art of South Half Lot 4. Con. 2, Ste- rhen. The house 1s to good repair. also a good frame barn and woodshed. good sett and hard water. never failing well, good orchard, 3-4 mile from school. 1 and 1-4 miles front chutch. Possession given next fall. Apply on the premises. MRS. WiNER, Centralia P 0 rARAi FOR SALE The undersigned is offering his farm tor sale, Lot 2, Corn. 1, Biddulph, 1-4 mlie from Centralia \ illage. containing 7'i arres. misty five under cultivation. ten acres bush pasture. There is a new two-etorcy brick cottage. hard and soft water, three good wells. Barn 31 by 50 and other buildings. Possession given in the fall. Terms easy. apply 10 THOS. W. NEIL. Centralia. Ont. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned is offerI► g for sale Sleuth Half of Lot 21, Con. 3. Stephen. 141 rni:ee west of Exeter ; alse 30 acres )f Lot 21, Con. 2. Stephen. and 25 ares in flay Swamp. There 1s on the fifty acres a frame house. bank barn, hay barn. drive shed and other convene len-ve : there Is an excel!ei.t serit,g crick running "rough the thirty a :es. mak- It 'cod ra•ture land. Witt be sold to- geinc: cr separately. For particulars apply to MRS. JOHN COOKSON. Exeter Nor.h, Itay P. O. DOODLE HAWKSHAK's ;1A!tRIEU INITIAL SERMONS OF' HEY. I1O11It�. MEN ARE :\UAIN \ ICTOItIOUS Irl' ONE GOAL ONLY, ' 4-13. Sandy Bawde)'s bunch of cherry-phk- ers, known as the single mcn's base- ball Ican,, agate:, suffered defeat at the hands of Doodle Hawkshaw'e double harness chaps, on Monday night al- though the margin of tuns was as email as it could be, the fillet score being 14 (u 13. The game was of five round do his length and was replete (loin start to obi finish with, overthrows, muffs, Wiese -4 grounders, bases on balls, stolen bases AA mighty slugging, mixed up w itlt .u, o^caslonal Lan out, beautiful fly field- ing and nice throwing. It looked like a runaway game for Doodle's team up to the end of the fourth, in which his men passed over the home plate no less than eight times, making the score 14 to 8, but the fifth saw ;hent blanked, while Sandy succeeded by squeeze playing and a lucky hit or two 111 getting five men around the diamond. Doodle and San- dy occupied the pitcher's box for their respective teams and honors were pret- i ty evenly divided between them. Derry Boyle did the receiving for the singles and 1s a star catclter. while Ton) Creech ' and Neil Bellwood did similar duty for , the doubles. Neil got a bad crack on one eye by a thrown ball when trying i' to catch a man cut at home. A black eye Is the worse result. Billy \Vllaon as umpire handled t he game pretty well and hadn't much kith coning on his de:isions. The players and acorea were Single-Bawden 8, F. Boyle 2, Palm- er '2, Setnior 2, Carting 2, Hoskins 1,1 l'.per 0, Elliott 0, Browning 1. tarried-Stewartl, Anderson 2, Cole l REV. RICHARD IIORBS 2, hlawkshaw 2, T. Creech 2, Bellwood Statham 1, D. Creec't 1, T. Boyle ]. ' Who Commenced His Pastorate In The ylanw. `'• c • Methodist C_iurch I E_ete. on Sunday Last. Trac standing of the games between I • married and single baseball teams town shows that the former have sod wished hint. Ile said he knew how ..o.t two and lost none, while the lat- necessary it was to begin right. And ter Lave lost two and won none. The during the course of the sermons, morn - third gauze takes place on Monday night itg and eveuh,g, from the one text, meet, and that ball ground will be the 'We wfil rejoice in Thy Salvation," Psalm 20, :', he spoke with no uncer- tain sound as to the course he Intended to pursue with regard to the work of C',rist In Exeter. During his first Sun- day he wished to hold up a few mot- 1''ir:st-elaes brick house on Main-st., 1 toes to follow which would be Exeter,; Terms easy. Also for sale' his aim. Ile had been asked the meah- \'oco Ir csangs' Wonderful Remedies. ling of Salvation and as he thought over WM. at. BLATCFf hOItD it he came to the conclusion that it meant more than deliverance from peril or danger. That was only the negative meaning. The positive meaning meant taken into safety. Salvation means out of danger and into safety. The author of Salvation Is God. We are Its pos- sessors, and as pastor and people we should rejoice. '. In the evening he named and described a few banners he wished to be held up in the warfare agahnet wrong, tell- ing the world who we arc, what we are what we stand for and what we wish to accomplish. To illustrate the signl- ticance of a banner to a nation, he de- w:rib:ad the Roman banner, the Union Jack and Canadian Ensign, and •,ruck a high note of patriotism In his illus- trations regarding the monarchial torn) of government, the three crosses of the Union Jack and the crown and wreath of maple leaven. Of the colors of the Canadian ensign he said the red stands for freedom. bought by the cost of blood, white for put ity. ler no enemy trail It In the dirt, blue for the heav- en,, whence every good gift comas; while the crown stands fo: liberty. the wreath of maple leaves for unity and the beaver for industry. In the name of God we would set up a Icy, tat::teres that James street church would start out right. -tat, A blood red flag. type of the flood of Crlet, with the charact- er, a Iamb. In white, and au Inecrlption NOTICE TO MAGISTRATES AND JUST- 'Behold the Lamb of Gtel."211d, A icon ICES OF TIIE I'EACE. k:hg of Least.. repreetnting the same Being as tee Lamb. ard, .\ mighty War The Ontario Statutes for 1909 have Hoe, representing Christian Life. which been received Ly me for distribution and Is a warfare. 4th, a spotlessly white Magistrates. Justices of the Peace and banner and on It In golden lettere, "Hot - others entitled to coplee may ob- Ines unto the Lord". H^ intended to tain them by applying at limy uffi (. strike with night and main all that is Goderlch 16th June, 19014.contrary to that flag. 5th, A black C. SEAUEI(. flag of death, w:t!t the Inc(r,p'lou."God's Clerk of the Peace, Huron 1't ohlhitory Liquor Law." Large congregations were present st both morning and evening aetvlree. On Sunday last Rev. Richard Robbs commenced lila pastorate; 111 James st. Methodist church, Exeter, by two int- pressive sermons et which he set be- fore the people the position he Intend- ed to assume during his term here. '1 have come In the name of the Lord to bidding at all haiards." !le in- tu do, and say. and be what smite of a desperate encounter. FOR SALE OR RENT F AR"I FOR SALE. One of the finest farms ht Usborne Apply to SANDERS A CREECII, Exeter FARM WANTED TO RENT. loo acres, to get possession in fall. Apply to SANDERS & CREECH, Exeter REWARD. $30 Reward for the arrest and con- viction of the person or persons trad- ing In my name in Iron. metal/ rage, etc. My wagons have the box painted red and the gear yellow, with my name in aarge letters on the box. Address. \V. G. CAINES, Patient)). F'AftM I- Oil SALE. A hundred acre farm, all seeded down hut one acre: situated north of Centralia 1-1 mile from Church, school and Post Office, being Lot. 6. Con. 1, Stephen. There Is on the premises a good frank house, three good frame barns. 4 wells, 1 windmill, 1 acre of good orchard.and 10 acres of hardwood bush: fences In good repair. and is well under -drained. Telma (asy. For particulars apply to MHS. 8. McCOY, Centralia. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the matter of the estate of Abrahant Dearing, late of t he Village of Exeter - in the County of Huron, Gentle. man. deceased. varmint to R.S.O., Chap. 1.10, Se. tion 3e. Notice i. htre)y given that ►ll creditors and others having claims against the estate of Abraham tearingir, late of the Village el Exeter. in the County of ninon, Gentleman, who died on of about the Seventh day of June, A. O. 19.11, are, on or before the Tw'enty•Fotirth Day of July, A.D. )9 09 to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Messrs. (!late man h $tantwry, of the Village of Exeter, Soli citors for the Exe"utrix and Executor of the said de- ceased. their Christian names and Surnames, ad- dresses and des'•riptions,the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature and the nature of the se,urities, (if am), held by them. and that after the day tart atoremid the said Executrix and Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de (amid among the parties en- titled thereto. has ins regard Only to nidi claims of which notice shall have been given as above vequit• ana the said Executrix and Executor will not be liable for the aid assets or any rant thereof, to any person of persons of whose claim of claims notice shatl not have been received by them at the time of sueh distribution. Pared at Exeter, this 25th dax of Jane, A.D. 190. OLA OMAN A STANSURY. Pnlillters for the Executrix and Executer HOLMES MUST SERVE Toronto, Junc. 30t.). -\wit. Holmes of Scaforth must serve his sentence of two years In the Central for abduction. Ile was convicted attd sentenced by the county judge of Huron County on a charge of abducting Maud Ifulicy, the daughter of Ills house. whom he took from Seaforth to Guelph. Tha appeal xas made on the grounds that Holmes was taking the girl home to her mother A stated rase was submitted as to whether it was a rase of abduction. The question 1s answered In the affirm ative, and the conviction sustained. SEItVANT GIRL WANTED .\n experienced housekeeper, references preferred. Apply at this office or to Mr.. W. D. Clarke, Andrew street. e1TUATION WANTED 1f you teed a hired mart for harvest Apply to 1(O:x 57. CREDiTON. TRIED hO[; ASSAULT AND ABUSIVE LANGUAGE Ite`o a M„g:strafe Kay on Monday and Tuesday nigi,'s a case of common as Sault was tried against Jonathan Kydd of Exe e: North, and a case of abusive language against Sidney West, pre- ferred by the one against the other. Af- ter !:caring the evidence the magistrate fined Mr. Kydd $5 and costs or 20 days, and Mr. West $3 and costs ea 10 days. it appears that on July 1st the with Tt:os. Brock, jr., were en- gaged at Mr. \Vickwire's barn on the London Itoad North, whelk they had a few words over the laying of a certain stone. with the result that Kydd hit west oft the forehead with a shovel, cutting a severe gash and rendering him um conscious. Ile was afterwards pack- ed up by Mr. Wickwire and taken to Mr. John Hawkins' in a wagon, thence in a buggy to town, where the wound was dressed. The wound was a nasty 0110 and took three stitches to doze. West at once laid information again- st Kydd for assault, and Kydd against Weal for abusive language, with the re.sui as above. Dickson for West and Stanbury for Kydd. FIRE AT HENSALL Heisall, July 1.-A disastrous fire h: oke out at 7.80 this eventing( in the se:•ond story of the machine shop of the henna[► foundry. Before the brigade ar- rived the fire was past control, and it was with great difficulty that they prevented the moulding shop turd saw nn:11 adjoining from catching fire. The lose, which is estimated at 18000, Is partly covered by insurance of a500u. BiIINEY'S BURNT BLISTERS \VIN 13Y 14--122 IN A SHOIIT GAME Rain interfered with the third game of baseball between 13issett's Busy Bat- ters and Birney's Hui•nt Blisters on Friday ptght, they only reaching the end of the fourth when the downpour done. The Blisters were ahead 14 to 12. The game was under the control of F'rezo Piper who made an Impartial umpire. As t he score indicates consid- erable strong batting was done by both sides, no innings being without two or more runs. Each one of the players, c•ept faddy Flynn, passed the home plate in safety. The players lined up in the 'same order as In the second game and their promptness and regularity in turning out to their games Is a good example for the older fellows. The Burnt Blisters by this victory claim that the Busy Batters lost their name and should again be styled Bungled Blun- ders. however. the game was short and we hope to see a better one shortly, wheat a decision as to t'le championship may be fairly given. HICKS' FORECASTS --A reactionary storm ycriod Is central on the 8th, 9th and 10th. This period promises severe electrical and atincspneric unrest. The amount of violence to be expected front storms at this time will be, plainly tote - shown by the readings of the barometer. Look for heavy thunder gusts and driv- ing rain squalls. On and touching the Um storms will rcartt their crisis. A sharp change to rising barometer, with Toole: winds fro:n the wcet wll! bring op the rear o1 Case storms. A regular storm, period 1s central on the 14th, ex- tending front the 12th to the 17th. As we enter this period the temperature will r• rise very t,lg:. ' , barometer will fall, and storms of ' :catching adpcct visit ,nano localities, pr, gressive,y fro:nl west to cast, between the 14th and 17th. This period promises the heaviest rains perhaps, of any period in this month. 'After derided storms and the barometer beghts to rise, change to cooler will f01 - low Sor a few days. A seismic period iod is central .:, the 11th, extending tw`0 or thrcc day. before and atter that date BIRTHS Johne. -111 E -.ter, on July 1st. to Mr. and Mts. Wellington Johns, a daughter Fisher. -In Usborne, on June 28th, t0 Mr. and MIs. Jeff. Fisher, a son. 1lairiy.-At Farquhar, on June 28th ,tO Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harris, a daugh- ter. e McTavivh.-in Shakespeare, on June Ye, to Mr. and Mrs. J. aicTavlsh,. nee Jen- ele Taylor. a daughter. Armgtro11g.-i11 Stephen, Juno 27th Mr. ..rad Mrs. Albert Armatroag. daughter. 10 a M.AItRIAGES McCormick -Godwin- At Parkhill, OD Juni t:O, by Re/. W. Goiwin, Miss Eva ktay, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. Godwin, Parkhill. to Rev. R. J. McCor- n1:ck of Yarmouth Centre, Ont. Lawson -Newton -At I•arkh111, on Juno :10. Helen Agnes, eldest daughter Of Rev. F. G. Newton, to Mr. Frank Ray, Lawmen. of London. DEATHS Gilbert -June 30, Eliza Jane, beloved wife of Daniel Gilbert of the 8th coll., ,Mr•Gitlivray, aged 35 years. Nott -it- Tuckersmlth, on June 27th, Jan -A.5 Nu-. aged 09 years. Special This Week Hot Weather Requisites FOOT EASE --a :rnc fuer comfort 0. C. C. -COLICS Cons CURE --25c a box. TALCUM POWDERS - Largest assortment in town -NA Dltt• Co (flesh color) latest. COLE'S ALMOND ('REAM -ME- LISSA BALM -The popular toilet lotion. SOVEREIGN LIMIT JUICE -The ideal Summer thirst quencher -15 and '2;i cent bottles. NATIONAL FLY SHIELDSThe best try killer :3for 2Se. COLE'S WILD STRAWBERRY COMPOU NI) -a safe and effective remedy for relaxed condition of the bowels, etc. COLE'S DRUG STORE Get the habit of corning to us for drug supplies -it pays. Binder Twines and Ropes Car of Plymouth Twine Just Arrived Use nothing but the best this year. as prices are very low. Bic to llc per lb. Gold Medal Pure Manilla Rope for Hay Forks, etc. Special 1 4c Ib. Sling Ropes. Pulley Hoist Ropes, etc., 11e to 14c per lb. Owen Sound USE New Brunswick Portland Cement A N l) Plaster Paris Scythes. Snaths, Paris Green, Gasolene Stoves, Oil Stoves. Screen Doors and Windows. All yhur hard- ware wants supplied. Fishing Tackle of Every Description NEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOYE STORE 'P'! AVIV ♦'!'11 '111"11111FAIP'►'•'1 VT "VW 1'1,1i1111111' ,,, •lir'erier •'0 SP , q'P eP 9 Y • 0 Oil MIS8 •.-�-- Feature ---Silver Medal for 100yd. Amateur Championship Specialp p • 0 Starts at 6:30 sharp On Agricultural Ground3, Exeter 15C and Mr;r', See Bills ►a iu&,saAli aasag sefts as!kills in' sA&ilk ,e►ains Asswilk aint Alt ALAI fh 1& Alt 4 1 1 1 4 of e e 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1� 1