HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-01, Page 8• • , ► • • .\ (1')OD APPEARANCE dceee't come by chance, neither does it grow on trees. To be presentable you must 13E WELL DRESSED Look o'er our fine line of 'innings, pick Out what you like, and we'll do the rest. C:o:,.es made here dress you well at email chargee. Get measured. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Nosiness locals-- Read Them 31,n, keep kool .' Wear Stewart's 50c Spring Needle l'nth ra•„tr. They're dandy ' Any person wishing Buckwheat for arced can get same at the grist mill. Wheat, Oats and Barley wanted at the mill.—HARVEY BROS. Ladies—$1.95 buys a swell trimmed Hat at Stewart's. Regular value 3 to 5 dollars—move quick ! SECOND HAND I3ICYCLES Five good second hand Bicycles for sale cheap. Joan Triebner, Exeter. I0c the yard •fur your ehuice of any colored Dress Muslins at Stewart's—reg- ular rallies 15c to 25e—more quick ' COOPERAGE WORK.—I desire to in- form the people of Exeter and vicinity that I do all kinds of cooperage repair- ing. All tepalre gathered and returned Prices moderate. ED. HEIDEMAN, San dere street. 2 for 25c—Ladies' black and tan Hose —plain or ribbed—regular raltue 20c and 25c. 2 pair for a quarter. Stew- art's. APPRENTICE WANTED AT ONCE.— To learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN. 30 Seamless Room Rugs, in 1Viltons, Velvets, Balmoral, Brussels and Wools, all at bargain prices at Stewart's. Do you want one 1 SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the news. , ,. • • $11.00 bnys a swell Srnli-Porcelain China Dinner Set at `'trwart's. Pure white body with neat pink floral decora- tions and gold tracing. Repair Shop Gun repairing Umbrella repairing Lawn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissors Horse Clippers " Saws gummed and filed Wringer Rollers, All kinds of keys filed and locks repaired, New Bicycles and Sundries Guns and Ammunition in stock. J. TRIEBNER Three Lots North of Post Office ++++444444++++++++4444 THE THE BEAUTY behind a suit is not confin- ed to other clothing estah. lishments. There's a love- liness about our garments that will simply delight all who conte to us—that's so. The 1st of July will soon be $ here ! ! ! Got Your New Summer Suit Yet W. JOHNS Mer%;hent Tailor- I actor 111".111111110"1,11.11111118,11gr111,1110111111141,411 Mrs Jo`.:: Ne•aco::,be o: F+:a!ferd is LOCAL DOINGS ,�ylmlttng here. ` ♦ r` s J. G Stanury b was in To:mito 0:1 bus- CHANGED EXETER IAREET$S ►alkalk ���AI� g t:egins this week and looks 4tsa :set week. • sirs. J. .1. White and caliche: are hol- idaying at Detroit. Miss Wilson returned to tier home in Detroit on Monday. Mrs. J'obt. Sweet and child of Clink. are visiting here. Beattie Martin of Loudon Is spendl,.,; the holiday In town. Vias I(askett of Slasonvllle is the guest of Mrs. Sant'l Sweet. Miss Maria Seldon returned to her home In Ingersoll Saturday. Mr. Geo. E. Case of Toronto visited friends here during the week. Miss Johnston, teacher, left Satur- day for Toronto to spend the holidays. Mr. Chas. Duplan of Centralia was the gust of Mr. Shirley Dobler on Sun- da y. Mrs. Norman Lloyd left on Monday for Fort William, where she will join her husband. Mr. and Mrs. George Southcott were here last week, and have gone to the Bend to camp for the summer. .. .(r, hl deubt—get to work with the a an Mower. To -day is July 1st and everybody ...ices a holiday. Vias Eva Godwin former -1Y of Exeter has tnairied at Parkhill yesterday. Pure Paris urea„ 25 cents a pound at Cole's Drug Store. Costs no more :o get the beat. Mr. Chas. Tebutt, a former teacher 'tete, J,as been elected president of the Galt Teachers' Institute. Dishonesty is never an accident. Good :nen, like good women, cannot see temptation when they meet it. The only matt whose business dues not need advertising Is the man who does twt want to sell anything. Gerd. Manns Is out of baseball for a time owing to two severely sprained wrists sustained while unroofing a Auildiug. Wheat ham a good growth of stalk this year. We plucked an ordinary stalk from the field of Wm Robinson, Stephen, on Friday, which measured 5 feet 5 inches In length. The grain is :aoking fine and it will not! be long ?be- fore It will be harvested. T e country Moya got the better of • .e Y. M. C. A. Football team Friday :.ght, deteatlnr them 3-2. After the ether game when they were defeated the Country boys went down and got Pat Walker In the game and, well—that just settled it. If there is anything Pat glories in It Is a good game of foot- ball. On Wednesday of last week the death occurred of William Earl, the little sot of lir. and Mrs. E. A. Howald (nee Mary Newcombe) aged 11 months and 18 days. The little fellow had been ill for some time of whooping cough, which de- veloped into inflammation a few days previous to his death. Everything pos- sible was done to save the life of the .:"le one. but in vain. The parents have • r.0 sympathy of their friends in their t.ereavement. The funeral took place to e Exeter cemetery from the residence ,: Mrs. Newcombe on Friday afternoon. <r- CCESSFLL STUDENTS,—For Com - :.ti Diploma in the Exeter School cut of six were successful at the examinations, which is an excel- - showing for Miss Johnston, the .er of this work, and for the succ •.•eful students, who are Harvey Pope Hctnsall and a tobsie Hunter who took .;hors. while Gladys Bissett, Olive •Wood and Fred Beaver got pass stand - 5. SUCCESSFUL GARDEN PARTY.—The Garden Party held on the Rectory Lawn on Thursday evening last wain' the aus- pices of ;he Ladies Guild of Trivltt Mem orial Church was p very successful af- fair in point of attendan e. enjoyment, and also financially. 'Fee grounds were nicely r.rranged. Fruits, ice cream and root drinks were euppl' .1 in abundance. The music by the Zurich band was tnioet enjoyable and reflects much credit on that organization. A number of quar- tette selections by tt s band boys were :muh appreciated, as were also the short (npecches by Rev. Collins. as chairman, Mr. \Wetdenhammer, Mr. Hurdon, Mr. Huston and Reeve McCallum on various Subjects. The proceeds amou:nted to about s6o. A regular storm period rovers the let to Oa 6th. of July. being central on the :11d. with full moon at extreme drrlin- at;on sleuth on the same day. The storm (Migrant et.owe that the period of both '•1• •,•ury and Venus bring at the open- of .July, hence their combined per- t!: b;::g influences will be felt at this first July storm ptriod. Certai:l wise r itica •rifornt us that "it is safe to p"ealet warm weateer 1., July," so we a 11 say that very high temperatures a .: prevail from about the 2nd to the . causi;:g a warm wave to pass east- wa:dly over the country on aid about "hose days. From tIrd to the 5t:n, low barometer and blustering, violetit Irternns will visit many localities In heir eastward sweep over the country While we do not look for a heavy gen- eral rainfall in July. the rombined for- ra of Ve::us and Mercury will rnatural- r use• soma violent local downpours. ''.e storms stove to the eastward, • 1.1!cnut_r will lige west of storm nth ie. bringing cooler westerly wb•:ds e. •d fair weather; but In advance of .rlc changes most parts Of the e•oun- ••v will have blustering to violent thun- der (..term',. pay abaut tee 3rd to the 3t.h. The 4th promises ratan and thun- der storms for many totalities. A per- iod 'of seismic probability is central on tar 3rd. extending front June 291a to 'he nth. \REWELL SER'sION—A large (on- - t'.o:n was 1:1 attendance at the Ja- ::tes street church Sunday eveaing last •a tear the farewell sermon of Rev. A. 11. Going, wr,o with '.ls family '.eft yesterday for Hamilton. where he will •:ave charge of the wotk ;n Zioa Tab - r • ac Ir. During the four years of Lis r .-•.rate here Rev. Going las made • .• : Irnd, in a•,d ou t of the church 1 .v work has bee:: v(r;: successful. • p'tiod in the history of the church • puipic been :more ably filled, t . and tie s. Going In their • .) •' r p• opts of Exeter, .c true C.lrlstlaa ,. t f a, ., .+ • e regret at their •. T • <.:r. •at wish of all Is . • t • • a • ,Wore su"ccsaful 1. 1 ••,,e course of fa - „ . \: . (o1: g sp3ite • of .t r'.; '•.' : 1•: g.•.cral. • our,: . , • .:• .a: •. #j. aal sat 1 all must i:.istry here :.e said rc :.ad c•eatly pleased at co' .t agrecabl ; sure,* - . ale e.o::grcgattv:• a: •:. • ills telations with the 1 : ad been htoas at.d W• S. llowEy• 'our years hee weat away, w g hu• ' e kindest 'Wings' ' S . ,ped . r'urth would • • 1 •••r •i•y ur.d•r his aucces- hd U(('�tician •. 1: .•• ltob►s. ` Phone 50 Mrs. (Capt.) W. T Clarke of Port Hope 13 visiting her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Tom, and other relatives In town. Misr Hazel L. Browning returned from \Whitby College on Saturday, having pas sed a most creditable examination. Drs. George and Addle H. Welder and family of Hamilton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. holland for a few weeks, Mrs. C. 11. Ilotrney and eon Eddie left \\'ednesday for Cargill to spend the holiday, while Eddie will remain for t he summer. Mrs. (Dr.) D. A. Bowerman and daugh- ter. Genevieve of Menomonie, Wis., are visiting at the honte of her mother, Mrs. ffnarles Tom. Mrs. (Itev,)W. J. Down and son Harry Redvers, of Trenton, are visiting her - mother and slater, Mrs. has. Toni, and Mrs. W. D. Yeo. Mr. Frank Knight, jr., went to Lon- don Saturday, where he has accepted a po,ltfon as brakeman on the C. P. R., running out of the city. Mr. Geo. Willis and Misr. Edna ale - Callum of London arrived here last week and with, Mr. and Mrs. McCallum are now 'camping at Grand Bend. Mr. at;d Mrs. Garfield Buchanan 51.41 - ed relatives here this week while on their hcneyntoon trip, prior to 10a51:•g for their home near Manor, Man. Will Knight, who recently returned from a visit :to California, was in Lon- don Monday consulting a specialist re- gerding the affliction in his right eye. \Ir. Ti:os. Willis left for Kincardine Thursday to spend a few weeks by the Lake shore, and among friends of many years since when he used to reside there A number of Masons of Lucas and Hcnsall were here Sunday ; among theta EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley 3t1 Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton 7 50 Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw 1 5r) Butte Eggs Live hogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 1 :v a7 M, 8 5U 3 25 1 55 17 17 7 55 25 00 25 00 There are kickers always. Just now "iey are kicking about the very war:n weather we have been having. 1 1 N NAY FORKS 000 Having secured the agency for Beatty Bros.' Round Track Hay Forks 1 am now ready to equip Farm- ers' Barns and flay -Mows with same. These forks, without doubt, are the Best on the Market and to use them is to be convinced. We guaran- tee satisfaction and the price is 41right. Wm. Gillespie, Exeter PHONE 51 1 1 rp 'P��� 'tP�vIVva�t Here'sOood News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is the old reliable firm—M. JACKSON & SON—one door south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices (no trade and no truck) all CASH: Rags 75c per hundred Iron from G0c to 75c it Old Rubber Boots) .. 7c per lb & Shoes being former Exeteritca, Geo. Crawley, Colmer & BI'ass Geo. Bawden, Wm. Dignan of Lucan and Horse Hail' Lorne _Scott of Hensall. A by-law to raise 850,000 for a new o-hool 1n St. Marys was defeated by a large'majotity, and a by-'aw to grant p:ivi'egee to a gas conpa,n_: i:t Gorier - :ea was carried by a large majority. Mr. Will Knight arrived home Satur- day morning front a two months' visit with relatives In California, which he en- joyed very much. Unfortunately about a mouth ago the upper lid of his right eye became paralyzed and refused to to drawn up w)thout considerable effort. While not painful it is of great !ncot:- ,ve:,lence and we trust of only short Uuratior, eererel cars of export cattle we.• a 1 pea front here this week. Do. 't Ile. It wastes my tlm. yours, and i ant sure to find you out is tae cad. and It is always 1':e wrong e::d. M. Henry Smith t.as bean appol ."d judge of ahortt.or:n cattle at tine Bra•.- do:l Fair and will leave for that place viol tly- Mc•ssrs. Marti:, Safer and Geo. Ander- so:n acre fleeted to attend the High C)u1't of Independent Order Fores'rre at Cl,ttr:am, ray the Exeter Court ' , - we: k. Dr. K'nsman and Dr. Roulston. Den- tists of Exetea desire to announce that their offices will be closed every Wed- nesday afternoon during the months of July alai August. Drop 1❑ and let us know what you k :o•w, that others may know what everybody wants to know. but if volt say :•o we can't know, and everybody k rows t hat 1s no go. A Jew peddler came before Magistrate i• •y c:, Friday Met for violating the Cao :'y Pcdditrt' and Ilawkers' by-law n; '-c]i;rg winout a 11'ci se and was f1 :cd el4. liepaid the fine sad then I f e -a sped. >t W. 11. John•bo.t of Kipp_n and Mr. f•taw..on of Hay arc presiding at the Normal Entrance and Teachers' Examin atlone now beteg held at the Exeter S:hoot. Thirty-one scholars are writ- : g, twenty -dint of whom are students front the Exetcr School. PIG RAROA INS, RATTLING 1110 BARGAINS.—The Exeter Bargain Store .a ' re: tad and we trust (rack out the .good, at once inorder to give up poes- e.gelon of tee store. Everything goes at rattltrg big bargai::s. It's a halt price nate. Or the stock is offered 1:1 Joh lots at a low tate 0:, the dollar. Al- so for sal( at halt price ole Iron safe, one cash register. two counters, two tablea. Gee stove and pipes. etc, (1e. A11 must be (l(artd out at o ,car. Exec r, 110111 Ju .c 19••9. 3. W. PRODERiCK ;' The Nr1 PO9 KodakCataiokae :felt and we want , :9 .e. it. Ask For It We: stir a varlet) of .:re. and styles 'n steak a •1 ev • ,!1 .urt•liH frt•h. Mlle EXETER 9c • 30c " Lead and Zinc 2ic " IRON PIPE A great variety of iron pipe always on hand at a reason• able i rice, suitable for FENCI: POSTS, BRACING et ROULEVARIII\G M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST., EXETER. OPPOSITE ELECTRIC POWER HOUSE ra 00100000110000000 Patronize aa S Hair Dressing Pail Hasting's Old Stand ors 2 First-class equipment throughout and careful, conscientious work. We guarantee satiate, Ron to all customer- -Your patronage respe'-tfully solicited. A. Penprase — W. D. Burke `° N t0ewisesoctD�0sl0f)233, � W1IEN YOU ROLL Ti(E DOUGH made fro:n our flour yea will find It hie'. rigid. You'll fact lastinctivciy that you are going to have good luck with your hakl:tg, and you wit! be right. TILE WOMAN WHO USES OUR FLOUR always has good lurk. Even an ordi• - ary baker gets eple':dtd results. T taker produ•ee hatter bread. care, and pies than she ever did before. Or- der a park of our flour as an experi- nlr•t'. '.Sr k•'o'x you will I`.kr it better 11.1 - • • • .lye •. •d. HARVEY BROS. 'r'LI; MANIA • t ((Atli:. EXETER• ONTARIO Fall Term Opens Aug. 30th Our graduates ale 1" to the hest pceition-. \'. , . • for the reason. 1'rtitt!. now to enter at beginning of term. Mail Courses for those who wish to study at home. , , Clinton I3usiness (blle_rt• v'iFvvv"Iry vvvits (4E1i. 11'uI•Tt)N, Pitt:.(11•.eI. Farmers, Gardeners, and Others ! Come here for your tools. Buy your wife and girls a nice hammock. Get the boys a lawn mower and keep the grass on the lawn in trim, Get the little tots some tools like father's and they'll be happy, Come here for your flower and grass seed. We have some nice Paris Green for Mr. Potato Bug—let the visitors get busy. Binder Twine for garnering the grain. If there's anything else you need that a good hardware store keeps, we have it. And then, if you wish a day's recreation, buy some of our fishing tackle and everybody take a day's outing. T. HAWKINS & SON June is the Month for Brides Always something required for the home at this season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor, Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits; Combination Side Boards, China Cabinets, Extending 'fables, Dining Chairs in all grades, Felt Mattresses in three grades. the best on the market for comfort ; Wire Springs, guaranteed not to sag, none better; Iron and Brass Beds, for quality and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock before you, pur- chase. No trouble to show goods ---but delighted. ROWE & - ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE Hot WcalVcr Smostiolls This is the kind of weather we have been (.„'king for. Good, warn,, 'uI1)It r day-. It makes us think of the summer. Just What You Want Found Here in Abundance ! White Muslins and Lawns A nice white dress of one of our swell white muslins will he very nice for the warn' days. Good Plain Muslins or Lawns from 10c to 35c per yard Dainty Checks or Crossbar Muslins 15c to 35c per yard Nice Fancy Striped Muslins from 10c to 25c per yard Also a nice line of Colored Muslins from Sc up Stylish White Waists We are •hawing a beautiful range of the very smartest waists we have ever shown— i'i t the thing for this weather. Prices $1 to Dainty White Wear This is a necessity you eannot overlook. If you want a good large selection, this is the place to carne for your Skirts, (:owns, Corset ('overs or Drawers. Talk AEA& Aa ifis ilk Alsilk Ala Ad'AdcJAL AAA'P'Pv IF iet 410 A Big Silk Special IF 4 'I'lttfeta Silk. piet'cs t,ltly (,t. the 2s inch 50c .lap 4 4Oc a yard {� colors—('rea,n. Whi'e. Champagne and Hit,'. I kr NIP 'PIV' IFIV' V'IP'tPiTitiTYIFlir YIV' YYY ilk Fancy and Black Parasols Von must have a nice sunshade for the warm days to come. if it is a Real Fancy one or a flood Black, we have a good large assorttn• •,t to choose from. From 75c to $3 We Don't Forget the Gents I let a is a list of good %vai m weather comfortable, i y Shit is Fancy Vests Linen Hats Balbriggan Underwear Open Mesh do Athletic do Straw Hats Fancy Sox ' Ties " Beaus Crash Hats JONES & CLARK Ht'it'1 quarters for the celeltrtte'1 \V. E. Sanf'•1'1 ('lathing