HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-01, Page 7GOVERNMENT CROP BEPORT
Rain Is Needed in Some Sections of the
Maratime Provinces.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
.\ bulletin covering the conditions
of crops and live stuck in all parts
of Canada as reported by special
correspondents of the Agricultural
Department, under date of June
15th, was lamed by the census and
.statistics office on Thursday.
In general the report shows that
despite the backwardness of the
sprung, which retarded early growth
in practically all sections of the
country, conditions in all the Pro-
vinces are now very satisfactory,
and except in sonic localities of the
Maritime Provinces, where the rain-
fall has been light, there is promise
of an excellent harvest.
Wheat, the great staple crop of
the country, has a reported arca of
7,750,400 acres, which is 1,140,000
acres more than last year. In the
Maritime Provinces and Quebec
there is little change, but in On-
tario the area is less by 106,600
acres, of which 88,300 acres is fall
wheat. Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta show an area of 0,878,-
000 acres, being 1,254,000 acres more
than last year. The condition of
fall wheat at the 15th of June was
82.15, and of spring wheat 92.15
per cent. of the st..,ndard for a full
The area of oats in the Dominion
is 9,302,600 acres, which is 1,361,-
500 acres more than last year, and
its condition is reported as 92.32 per
Barley, the cereal crop next in
importance, has a total area of
1,884,900 acres, or 119,200 acres
more than last year, and its condi-
tion is 91.49 per cent. Rye and
peas are less than last year, with
conditiAhs of 87.90 and 90.59 respec-
Mixed grains, with 582,000 acres,
arid hay and clover, with 8,210,300
acres, are practically of the same
extent as last. year. The former
bus a reported condition of 91.71
and the latter of 110.30 per cent.
The condition of pasture is 93.55
per cent.
The Province showing the largest
area of oats is Ontario, with 3,142,-
200 acres, and also the largest
area of hay and clover, with 3,535,-
600 acres.
Quebec is the next highest in hay
and clover, with 2,923,600 acres.
This Province has also 1,574,100
acres in oats.
Saskatchewan has 1,847,000 acres
in oats, Manitoba 1,390,000 acres
and Alberta 820,000 acres.
In the three Maritime Provinces
the total area in oats is 529,300
At the end of June, 1900, there
were 122,39.2 farms in the Provinces
of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and
Alberta, and at the end of 1908 the
homesteads entered (less all cancel-
ations) increased the number to
190,234, or by 10,853,760 acres. In
Manitoba the net increase of the
two and one-half years was 4,393;
in Saskatchewan, 41,423, and in Al-
berta, 22,020, but these figures do
not take account of farm lands pur-
chased from railway companies and
other corporations in the same
The drouth of summer and
autumn was less severe last year
than in 1907, but it had the effect of
reducing the number of farm ani-
rnals in the older Provinces. In
the whole of Canada horses exceed
the number of last year by 14,324,
whilst milch cows are Tess by 68,440,
other horned cattle by 245,057,
sheep by 120,014 and swine by
Other Crops in Alberta Look Very
A despatch from Calgary says:
Winter wheat will only be a quar-
tet to a third of a crop, owing to
much of it having been winter
killed. A great part of the land
has been resown to oats. Grow-
ing crops look splendid, and give
promise of a large yield. Weather
in southern Alberta has been excep-
tionally favorable for wheat grow-
ing, and the grain is not only grow-
ing rapidly but healthily. One sam-
rle sent in on Thursday from Dr.
Gras's farm at Bowden, near here,
is a trifle over 33 inches in height,
and is in prune condition. Farm-
ers in southern Alberta predict a
record yield if present conditions
4• -
Suburban Electric )tailwa%M Must
Equip .111 'Their ('ars.
A despatch from Toronto says:
The following regulation was made
and promulgated by the Ontario
Railway and Municipal Board on
Thursday, to take effect forthwith:
"Leery electric railway company
ir. Ontario, subject to the jurisdic-
tion of the hoard, shall provide in
each passenger car which runs
twenty miles or more. a suitable re-
ceptacle fur water, with a cup or
drinking utensil attached upon or
near such receptacle, and shall
i;cep such receptacle. while the car at Ducks, in British Columbia. 1'p
is in use. constantly supplies} wit) to the present, the officials have
cool drinking water for the use of received no information regarding
passengers and the conductor and the capture of any of the Wren iin-
tnotern►an in charge of such car. i•11catecl•
This regulation shall not apply to! - --4.-
street railways in towns or cities."
Canada now has 23.000 miles of
Some young then haven't even a The face value of courage shows
latae excuse fur ea trying a 'ane. up when it far, misfortune.
invention for Warship 'Tested With
Satisfactory Result.
Sir Percy Scott's secret invention
of an electrical fire -control for the
big guns of a warship has just been
tested with, it is understoond, the
most satisfactory results, in the
Tho cruisers Good Hope, Argyll
and Arrogant, on which the tests
have betas t onduoted under Vol
Percy's Scott's personal supervi-
sion, returned to Portsmouth re-
By aid of the new invention a
complete broadside can be grouped,
trained and fired without the pres-
ence of a gunlayer. The mechan-
ism can either be operated from the
fire control station or from the
conning tower.
Under the present system the
guns are trained by gunlayers, and
they then have to be connected
with the conning tower before the
officer fighting the ship can fire
them simultaneously.
11;5.0011 11 1: ►►• . t 1111 1' O R 11 t N D I T S.
Canadian I'atifle Blakey Issues
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
it was announced at the local of-
fices of the Canadian Pacific on
Thursday that a reward of $b,000
would be paid by the company for
the arrest and conviction of the
mien who were guilty of holding
up the express train a few day's age,
Rowboat Swamped in Gale while Crossing
Lake Killarney.
A despatch from Killarney. Ire-
land. says: :\ large rowboat, car-
rsina five American and four Eng-
lish tourists and four Irish boat-
men, was swamped in a gale while
crossing Lower Killarney Lake on
Wednesday afternoon. All Of the
1..ur.ist+ and two 01 the boatmen
M•, .Ir. 1,.,41 The sictims are: -
NI : - 1 1 II : n and son, of Ta-
, • t't .ash.: Nits and Mrs. Long-
! • r f.uughead. of Boston : Miss
1I II Cation. or ('etun,, of Mas-
sa• -t::. -•Its (town tint known); Rev.
R Barton and sister. of London;
and Miss Florence Wilkinson and
cousisn, of Brentwood, Essex ;
i'oatnten ('on. Toeney and ('on.
.flee -en
The heat was a four -oared craft,
used (•.r taking visitors about the
lake Mo..t of the passengers were
guests at the (Treat Soethcrn Ho -
Telegraphle Briefs From One Outs
and Other Countries el
lieeent Events.
The reports of the Ontario fac
tory inspectors emphasize the ro•
vival in trade.
Mrs. Lajoie was committed for
trial at Hull for cruelly abusing
her young daughter.
Several reductions have been
made in the Intercolonial stall' in
the Maritime Provinces.
Five commissions in the British
army have been awarded to this
years's graduates of the Royal Mili-
tary College.
Fire at Barrio on Thursday des-
troyed Querin's barber shop, H.
S. Rey'nold's grocery stock and W.
It. Mitchell's confectionery.
Mr. John Lawton of Applin and
Mr. R. W. Raspberry of Hamilton
are dead as the result of being
kicked by horses some time ago.
Board of Conciliation have been
formed to deal with the Grand
Trunk Pacific and Canadian North-
ern labor questions in the west.
The Government has let the con-
tract for the construction of a plant
at Ottawa to experiment with peat
•in the manufacture of gas.
Tho action brought on behalf of
the Czar against Ivan Proskowreak-
off, a defaulting Governor, at Win-
nipeg, has been settled by compro-
Tho United -States Senate in-
creased the Hou';, rate on shoes
and sole leather Ilse per cent.
A fifteen -months -old child was
fatally stung at Holland, Mich., by
bees that swarmed on her.
No trace has been found of Leon
Ling, the Chinaman who is believed
to have killed Elsie Sigel in New
Oxford University conferred the
lonorary degree of D. C. L. on Earl
The steamer Mauretana has clip-
ped another fifty minutes off her
\•est previous eastward transat-
lantic record.
At a sheeting of London financi-
el men it was declared that Mr.
Lloyd -George's budget was unsound
and unjust, and that it would drive
capital from the country.
The army of the Moroccan insur-
gent chiefs was completely repulsed
in an engagement near Fez.
An insurgent army is at the gates
of Fez, and the Sultan of Morocco
is in clanger of losing his throne.
Grain Trimmers on Steamier Lake
Manitoba Entombed.
A despatch from Montreal says:
Sixteen trimmers at work on the
steamer Lake Manitoba were buried
ender 16,000 bushels of wheat on
Wednesday night, and narrowly es-
caped death. In fact, their escape
from death is little less than mira-
culous, as they lay for tout hours
en top of heaps of whea: under the
decks. They escaped suffocation by
taking turns at breathing under
the narrow ventilator pipes. The
sixteen then were spreading grain
i.t the hold. but as time went by
and the bunker filled up there was
no diminution in the flow of grain,
which poured in bushel after bushel.
The gang of trimmers worked heroi-
cally, but when they were compell-
ed to stoop under the deck the task
got beyond their control. The hold
was filled to the brim, and the six-
teen hien were away tinder the
deck, unable to fight their way to
the stopped -up exit. which was the
only hope of escape. For some rea-
son the grain kept coming in until
the men were prisoners. It was
only after hours of imprisonme t
that their fellow -workers missed
them and dug then out. All the
men returned to work on Thursday.
TIlI STIEI.I. F\1'Lol►I:1).
`eret. \► Oldie -en 11 minded at
tel. The party started out on Wed- 1►'orkpoinl Barracks. 11.
nesday morning sight seem When;� des arch from \;. terra, 11 C.,
Blies of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Houle and Abroad.
Toronto, June 29. -Flour -Ontar-
io wheat 90 per cent. patents, $5.30
to 85.40 to -day in buyers' sacks out-
side fur export, and at $5.40 un
track, 'Toronto. Manitoba flour;
first patents, $6.20 to $6.40 on
track, Toronto; second patents,
$5.80 to $6, and strong bakers',
$5.65 to $5.75 on track, Toronto.
Manitoba wheat --No. 1 Northern,
$1.35 Ueurgitus Bay ports; No. 2 at
$1.33, and No. 3 at $1.31.
Ontario wheat -No. 2, $1.35 out-
Barley -60 to 62e outside.
Oats --No. 2 Ontatio white 59e on
track, Toronto, and 55% to 56c out-
side. No. 2 Western Canada oats,
60c, and No. 3, 59c Bay ports.
Peas -prices nominal.
ltyo-No. 2, 74 to 75e outside.
Buckwheat -No. 2, 70c outside.
Corn -No. 2 American yellow, 82
to 82%c on track Toronto, Cana-
dian yellow, 76c outside, and 79 to
80c on track, Toronto.
Bran -Ontario, $21 in bulk out-
side. Manitoba, $23 to $23.50 in
sacks, Toronto freights; shorts,
$24.50 to $25, Toronto freights.
Apples -$4 to $5 for choice quali-
ties, and $3 to $3.50 for seconds.
Beans -Prime, $2.20 to $2.25, and
hand-picked, $2.40 to $2.45 per
Maple syrup -95c to 81 a gallon.
Hay -Nu. 1 timothy, $1.2.50 to 813
a ton on track here, and lower
grades at 89 to $10 a ton.
Straw -$7.50 to $8 on track.
Potatoes -Car -lots, 80 to 85c per
bag on track.
Poultry - Chickens, yearlings,
dressed, 14 to 15c per lb; fowl, 10
to 1lc; turkeys, 16 to 18c per Ib.
Butter -Pound prints, 20 to 21c;
tubs and large rolls, 18 to19c ; in-
ferior, 15 to 16c; creamery, 23 to
24c, and separator, 21 to 22c per lb.
Eggs -19 to 20c per dozen.
Cheese -Large cheese, old, 14 to
14j%c per lb, and twins,• 14% to
14%e. New quoted at 12%c for
large, and at 12%e for twins.
Bacon, long clear, 13% to 13%c,
per lb. iii case lots; mess pork, $23
to $23.50; short cut, $25.50 to $26.
Hams -Light to medium, 5% to
16c ; do., heavy, 14 to 14' _c ; rolls,
12% to 13c ; shoulders, 11% to 12c;
hacks, 17% to 18%c; breakfast
bacon. 16% to 17c.
Lard -Tierces, 1.1 to 14%c; tubs,
14% to 14%e; pails, 14% to 14%c.
Seventeen Miners Suffocated or Burned to
Death in Pennsylvania Mine.
A despatch from \Vehrum, Penn., I was in condition to give details,
says : As the result of an explosion 1 ut from ono it was learned that
of gas in mine No. 4 of the Lacks- the explosion seemed to strike
Cranna Coal & ('oke Company, every portion of the urine simul-
shortly after 7 o'clock on Wednes- taneously.
day morning, seventeen miners As sour as it was known that an
were killed and sixteen injured. accident had occurred at the mine
\1 ith the exception of one of those the greatest excitement prevailed
killed, they aro foreigners. 3ust Eoth at the mine and in tho'Iittle
uhat caused the explosion has not hamlet, it short distance away.
hien ascertained, but it probably Wives, mothers, sisters, and bro-
resuslted from an accumulation of thers rushed to the mouth of the
gas. mine tearfully imploring somo news
Tho few men who escaped from es to the fate of their loved ones.
the thine were burned and blacken- A number of the foreign women,
cd, indicating that the force of the screaming and crying, tried to rush
explosion was heavy. None of them into the dark pit of death.
the primo variety sold as high as
$6.55, and ordinary loads were firm
ar $6 to $6.40. The supply of
butchers' fell far short of the de-
mand and prices rose according-
ly. The finest grades of this class
vote firm at $5.50 to $5.80; ordin-
ary good loads selling freely at $5
to $5.25. Cows were in strong de-
mand and took a rise of 15 to 20c.
Stockers and Feeders -Steady de-
mand, but supply short. Milkers
and Springers -Good milkers and
near springers wanted. Sheep
Lambs -Easier, except for Spring
lambs, which were quoted at. 8% to
9%c per Ib. Hogs -Selects quoted
at $7.75 f.o.b., and $8, fed and
Packers Urge l'pon Government
That Local Dealers be Included.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The extension of the meat inspec-
tion provisions to local meat busi-
ness and compensation for animals
condemned and seized were urged
before Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Hon.
Sydney Fisher on Wednesday morn-
ing by a deputation which included
representatives of Blackwell and
Flavelle, Toronto ; Laing & ('o.,
of Montreal ; Matthews, of Ottawa;
Hatton. of Collingwood; Fearman,
of Hamilton, all big firms doing
both interprovincial and export
business. Tho delegation declared
that the provisions of the pure food
act to which they were subjected
should be extended by Provincial
legislation to local butchers and
packers who do business in a single
Province only and aro therefore not
subject to the Dominion act. Sir
\Wilfrid and Hon. Mr. Fisher were
urged to use their influence with the
Provincial Legislature to have local
pure food legislation similar to the
Dominion act. The Ministers pro-
mised to use their influence to
have the request carried out.
Montreal, June 29. -- Grain -
Oats-- No. 2 Canadian Western, 60 Tit•st
ti• 60%c; extra No. 1 feed. 59% to
60'/.c ; No. 1 feel, 59% to 60c ; No.
:s Canadian 'Western, 58% to 59c.
Barley -No. 2, 72% to 74c; Mani-
toba feed barley, 67% to 68e. Buck-
wheat -69% to 70c. Flour --Mani-
toba Spring wheat patents, firsts,
56.30 to 80.50; do.. seconds, $5.80
to $6; Manitoba strong bakers',
$5.60 .0 $5.80; Winter wheat pat-
ents, $6.75; straight rollers, $6.50
to $6.60; do.. in bags, *3.15 to
83.20; extra. in bags, $2.65 to $2.-
80. Feed --Manitoba bran, $22 to
$23; do., shorts, $24 to $25; pure
grain mouille, $33 to $35; mixed
mouille, 828 to $30. Cheese --
Westerns, 11% to 12e, and easterns
at 11% to 11%. Butter -Finest
creamery, 23 to 23i4e. Eggs -18!
to 19c per dozen.
Chicago. June 29. -Wheat -- No.
2 red. $1.50 to $1.55; No. 3 red,
1'1.35 to $1.40; No. 2 hard, $1.25
G' $1.26; No. 3 hard. $1.20 to $1.-
44; No. 1 Northern. $1.30 to $1.32;
No. 2 Northern, $1.25 to $1.28; No.
3 Spring, $1.17 to 81.25. Corn -No.
2, 73''% to 731/;c; No. 2 white, 75 to
754c; No 2 yellow, 73% to 74e; No.
3. 73 to 73„c ; No. :1 yellow, 7:11!4 to
73%e; No 4. 71'; to 72c. Oats -
No. 2 white. 57' .c : No. 3 white, 51
t • 56c ; No. 4 white. 50 to 51c ; stan-
dard, 56t;.
Minneapolis, Juno 29.- Wheat -
July. 81.27' to $1.27,'.,; Sept ,
$1.0.8%; Dec $1.06%; ('ash, No.
1 hard, $1.31%; No. 1 Northern,
rho lower lake was reache(i it was says: cergcant Wilkinson of the $1.29% to $1.3034; No. 2 Northern,
Army Ordnance Corps at Work- $1.27'4 to $1.28!4 I'lour- -First
point Barracks was badly wounded patents, $6.30 to $6.50; second pat -
• f ,e
found that a heavy wind from the
north-west was blowing. Several
other boats that had started over
Steel Made in the Open
Hearth Furnace.
.\ despsatch from Sault Ste.
Marie, Ont.. says: Mr. W. C.
Franz, manager of the Lake Su-
perior Corporation, in an interview
stated that the new No. 3 open
hearth furnace trade its first steel
on Wednesday. The foundation
work on No. 3 blast furnace has
been started and it is expected that
in two weeks time work will bo
commenced on the new structural
mill, which will include all require-
ments for making structural steel.
The snaking of steel in the new
open hearth furnace on Wednesday
1.rings to successful culmination the
first improvement under the new
management, that is, since English
capital was introduced into the con
cern. Mr. Franz said it would
take about a year to complete the
blast furnace and about seven
months to have the structural steel
mill in operation.
'Three Persons Imprisoned for Two
Weeks in Texas.
A despatch frorn Galveston, Tex-
as, says: In removing a cyclone -
wrecked house on the farm of
Charles Dilson, in Brown county,
01► Wednesday, the wreckers dis-
covered a storm cellar in which
were Dilson and itis wife and 12 -
year -old daughter, more dead than
alive. For two weeks they had
been prisoners in the cellar, with
barely a morsel to eat for a week
and nothing to drink for two days.
Raw potatoes had been their sub-
sistence for six days. They will
survive. After the storm WI'
wrecked their home the three Dil-
sosns were missed and searchers
believed that they had deserted
their place and moved away. Tho
house had been blown over and cov-
ered the storms cellar, which was
about 20 yards from the House, and
searchers knew nothing about it.
The trio of prisoners tried to dig
their way to the surface with their
hands and succeeded only in cut-
ting a tunnel which afforded them
1'Ot Glll'1''1'11h: RAILWAY.
Mr. Dodd Built Wire Fence .across
Track and is Now in Jail.
A despatch from Yorkton, Sask.
says: E. Dodd, a farmer in this
locality. who has opposed the C. P.
H. running through his farm, ever
since the road was constructed,
built a wire fence across the track
on Tuesday, and he is now in a cell
charged with obstructing a train.
He had notified the engineer he
would stop frim sometime soon.
When the line was under construc-
tion Dodd held up a gang at the
point of a loaded gun for several
days, until restrained by the police.
Great Britain and Germany Have
Nothing Under Discussion.
A despatch from London says:
Foreign Secretary Grey, in the
course of a speech hero on \Wednes-
day night, said there was nothing
tinder discussion between Germany
and Great Britain at the present
moment which was liable to create
difficulties between the two coun-
tties, nor was there anything in the
innermost deliberations of the Brit-
ish Government which was likely to
cause anxiety to Germany.
Machines billing 'three Persona
Every Two Weeks.
A despatch from Chicago says:
Automobiles are killing Chicagoans
this year at the rate of three per-
sons every 1 wo weeks. in 1907 the
slaughter was one person every
three weeks, according to police
No Free Trade in Coal Between Canada
and the United States.
A despatch freni Washington Numerous attempts were made to
says : Bather unexpectedly to itself 1 educe the rate, and there was one
the Senate hate on Wednesday con , effort to obtain free coal, but all
eluded its c•The \'ration of the coal 1 were voted flown and the commit-
s.hedules. The I. Mance Committee : tee's scale retained.
en Thursday, when the detonator cats, 50.20 to ,. ir. c through Mr. Aldrich reported an 111 a tete of fifty to tweet
the same course put back. It was (f the twclre•p►.nrnd shell, which he 8:►•OS t0 '15.25: second clears, $a.n3 amendment fixing the duty ►,1t eight, the Senate finance Coin -
not long before anxiety began to be was examining, exploded.
with to $3.85. Bran -in bulk, $22 to bituminous coal and shale at sixty ; miltre's amendment placing a duty
felt concerning the bunt which had Captain Gillen. the recently rap- $22.50• cents per ton : on cent slack ..r calm, o f $1 40 a thousand fret on sawed
continued on the course, and---- at fifteen cents per tort; coke and
p�ointed Arm} Ordnance officer,
lumber, aith differentials on fin-
filkinson was examining the stores
rrarchrrs, who put out when the ` LIVE STOCK \1.t11Kf.TS. compositions iised f, r fuel at twt•n1( •shed lumber was rnrri I Tt
aind died clown a little, discoter- •
r ammunition in the Ordnance
ed her overturned with two of the •bed at the fort of Signal Hill. in
beaten n clinging to the keel. The! ,,,rhe manner the detonator of a
Rev. lar. Barton and two of the' ttveltt► pound shell went off. rxplod•
women could he seen in the dis-' inst. shattering Wilkinson's wrist
lance, supported by an oar, but end leg slightly wounding rap -
reachsank before the rescuers could fain Gillen. and. Wilkinson was convey -
reach them. The others had already ,,I ht motor car to \founds rat Bar -
disappeared. I racks Hospital and his Injuries at -
The two boatmen -vit.) were res- tended to. Ho tnay recover it
cheer weer too exhausted to gi`e kinson's time here expires on Tues.
any .c cin: of the accident. (day next.
Montreal. June 29. Prime per sent. ad valet ern. \ area hack .. 11 • ata
equal t.. the dish i� ci'l..tt►(1 tes.els is fifty cents below th,' Ding -
beeves 501(1 at 6 to f...c per Ili: iec rates. 1n nick succe� ie;►
rretty good animals. 14+ to 5';e, in the for►rai)11 q
'i his •, ,r, `.' `..;,;rich ex :'Sia. setetai other paragraphs of the
common stock. 2', to 1 Se per Ih. l lumber schedule r.rrr rises ,s1 is.
Milch cotss from 821 to $15 each.
..i. t.' n i. I..•: on of retia c•t.ts p.% amendrn^rat; ifferr:l by lar
most of the sales being at from •a; ur.de r the bona. t: •, . .1 Irirh and r.Gtr► d to by t!te fi •r.
to 45 each. Calves. front $2.50 N.
,m • n.lment, he said, also 'r.;t
• 71n- hotire reel tre<itt resist„n. ''t.-• the duty en clapboards ens ie
$10 each. Sheep at 4c per lb. ; i 1 , ,, :,.rd fn•i AI to $/.F><) r r t!N,u
limbs from $3.7:, to :tear 1,6 r3, 1, it, .1 r t believe. t ...' tt c•t p
(food lots of fat hogs sold at s' r+ •i' wontei 1.:n ,t Amit ` t'''' en int!►.•. frim 20 to 2:, ►e.,i 4
i, if tLe t• rt 111 t'.. sap I pie, to:
ant' n .hingl .t
to 9,;c per lb.
� ' � I ' •
Toronto. June 29.-Exportei . f I • • r le -:t in the :1.11,:, '' •''' t 3 5' tents.