HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-01, Page 5so 1 } • e 1 411WWWaWiliele Porter Undoubtedly the bast beewed on the continent. Proved to be so by saalysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially CnlcA;o 1893, where it received ninety•sia points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. (Utter gtbuocnte IIETEB — — ONTARIO 1100 0 pall In advance, 11.10 'year it not so paid. To Csited Status Subscribers $1. SO lt�s. a Year Strictly is Advance BANDER, k CREECH, Publieheru. The Leading School ! Courses are practical. Our teachers ever'. ended, and our graduates capable to till respon• Bible positions. We are re•_en•mg many applica• tions for once help. During a single day this week we received seven applications for office help and four for commercial teachers Our jraduates ru^Y•eed a+ none others •. Three departments -- Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy Cat tie,4tie free ELLIOTT & MCLAOHLAN Principals. High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure to their owners We h.tee sold and are selling a great many high-class pianos --and always at reasonable prices. Our Numerous Satisfied Customers is the strongest guarantee of the truth of the above assertion. Our pianos today are the hest that the piano•urakers produce and our prices and terms are what you will appreciate. Do nut he too quick to believe per- sons who tell you different from the above for the purpose of selling you cheap and, in some cases, trashy goods at big prices. Call and see us and be convinced that what we say we live up to. S. MARTIN & SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are Doted for the quality of their goods. Leading Entire Horses For the Improvement of Stock THOMAS CARLYLE 13879, pure bred imported Clydesdale stallion. hay color, owned by Messrs. C. II. Baskerville & Janes Handford of Centralia, a good son of the noted King Thome,. Will stand for mares this season at lila own stable. Centralia, all week. ex - rept Wednesday, when he goes to Josh Harding's. Con. 2. Osborne, for noon. rrturni0g home the same evening. C. H. BASKEI1VILLE. Manager. Provincial Lund $3,5001000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, under the au- thority of Chapter 8, of the Statutes of Ontario, 1909, Invites subscriptions from the public for that loan of $3,500,- 000 on bonds of the Province of On- tario. or "Ontario Government Stock" The bonds will be dated lat June, 1909, and payable on the 1st June, 1939, la denominations of $1,000 each. with coupons attached for Interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly on the lat June and lat December In each year at the office of the Provincial Treasurer, Toronto, or at the offices of the Bank of Montreal, in Montreal, Canada, and fit New York, N. Y. at the holder's op- tion. Ronda will be trade payable to bearer. but on request will be regis- tered In the office of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corporations, and on request of holders will be exchanged for 'Ontsrto Gov- ernment Stock" at any time. 'Ontario Government Stock" will bear ttitereet from the let day 'of June, 1909, principal payable on the 1st day of June, 1939, and Interest at the rate of tour per cent. per annum will be paid half -yearly by cheque on tine lit day of Jund and let day otDe- cember In each year. 'Ontario Govern- nnent Stock" may be subscribed for In sums of 850 or multiples thereof, and will be transferable in the boioks of rite Treasury Department only by the holder or his attorney In similar man- ner to transfers of Bank Stock. The Issue price during the month of June, 1909, will be 102 for each $100, and after the 30th day of June 1909, the issue price will be 102 and Interest accrued from the 1st June. 1909. ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDER TUE AU- THORITY OI" THE SAID ACT ARE (-'REE FROM ALL. ONTARIO PRO- VINCIAL TAXES. CHARGES, SUC- CESSION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of Stock or Bonds will be required to send certified cheque with the application, payable to the order of the 'Provincial Treasurer of Ontario." This loan Is raised upon the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and la chargeable thereupon. Subscribers should state whether they desire bonds or 'Ontario Govern- ment Stock." Example—A subscriber for 81,000 will have the option of taking either a bond or 'Ontario Government Stock." ► subscriber for $750 will be given 'Ontario Government Stock" as bonds .gee only in the denonninatlon of #1,000. A. .1. MATHESON. Provinrial Treasurer, Treasury Department. Parlament Bulldhtgs. Toronto. 3rd June, 1909. N. w.epepers Inserting this advertise- 111s1t without authority from the De- partment will not be paid for 1t. Mc•GILLIVRAY. Al aged and respected resident of Mc- lelivray died o:1 June 19. in the per- ' ee n of Mrs. Sarah Connor. at the age r• 79 years. 2 months, 11 days. Mrs. le ennor has teslded here since 1971. lIENSALL I!'reviously she lived In Wellington County. Her husband d:ed in 1906. V A 1 1 ed n t rendre!who Raht. firyedale .of Laurel. Miele. 1s v:.4'r •:r is father. Itebett Drysdale.— Robt. Celdwitl 14 110111: from the West and 1. vlsitieg his tatter at F'.ulsvllle. —Uar:,et ('udn,ore ne rcllevlmg A. I1. King at the stat:un. tete for a couple of week..—Thursday. July 9th Is lien - 01.1111.1 'Civ1' Hoilday. also the date of the great 1st ursl,n to Godcrich,—Wes. Moore :eft Friday for Detroit. Ile has Liken a rosirion with a motor firm.— Charles Cook and little daughter of Chicago t ave been spending a few days with etre. Hcory Cook. --John Marshall Is home front the Deaf and Dumb in- stitute. Dtclvtlle.—Robert Jarrtott, wife and daughter arrived home front Tux - ford. Sask.. Iasi week, alter three mon- ths sojourn In the West.—Robt. Bullard wit' an 1 c hydrin cants hong from Bran- don. Man.. on Saturday.—A number of our citizens were up before Squire Pet- ty, charged with placing obstacles on the street. Chief Whiteside prosecuted. 4l.nn was the general fine for each. How's ThisP We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any Cale Of Catarrh that cannot be curet by Hail's Catarrh ('ore, F. J. CHENP.Y & Co., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney fel the Iaet IS years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all t .in�r.s trona •inns ‘n,1 tlnan� ia11r a'g'e tc prey out any obligations made by his aim. W41.14e4, Krtsi',R lt%avtr, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's C rrh lure i. taken Internally, a,tin1 d.• redly on the flood and mit •ous eurfa: es of the system. Testimonials tent free Pri-e 7Sc. per bot• Ile. Sold iy all Druggists. Take Halls Family Pills for onetipation. K pee::—A woo imoue rail has bee cite idol to Rev. Mr. t"r. other!. pasto: Of ttr•• P:felytcria't church here and at 11111. g ce n. by Keox church. Listowel;. Mr. 1 r�,uhart Is a young men. an et - etre ' pr ether ant s'.outl n ive a bright future. Is quip v y six . .ire Enoch Conner of Croswell. Mich., NO -s. Lewis Hope of McGillivray. Mrs. Jas. Nlcrols of London, William Fleu- ry Connor of Area. London Township, Mrs. Andrew I'attoi, Clandeboye. and ;Mee. Fred Harrison. Allsa Craig. Tee fu ,eeel took place at the Halr' • renn- t e•y at Lit ury. The bereaved r'lees a::1 (teildren have the syntpath:e aL their Ifriceds In the lass ,t t ,elr :wed Monier CA�TOA=A. B,a', t, 1111 lord Yyl Hale Aisays &7.Ztt Bi`natn» ice io of (�� CENTRALIA Ladies' Aid Concert.—Tee Ladles' Aid Society of Ce:,tralla Methodist wilt Bold their annual (-citrert on July 1st. Come and hear tee celebrated "Italian Or- rhestra.-- Mr. C. Pink. tenor nolotst,Slrs. Case. reader of London. also Prof. Brown. accompanist and piano soloist of Clinton. Doors tepee at p.m.: tile - e! a 25 reel 1.' rests. EDEN. Mr. a:::1 Mrs. Wm. Caves of Centralia start Su::day at Wm. Coates.—\ties Ed Lut o : 1. visiting frle:.ds 1 t, Lunen, Rooke of Exeter spent Sunday +t.•'. CC( 1. Skl neer.—\ir. and Mrs. T. It' a 1,k, aper t Sunday at El;nnvl;le.—Mr. e 1 el. s S.ttnuri Ski .: e' r.:d daug!.ter %e ' se ley 'we. rc1.t'tvie i Exeter. ,- F'..e•, as r•.•u- r1 front Lu- fr ' ,r:.days. CAISrir A. a Pfaff tie /):'3 r -; t'; Miro I A ,: 8,l.'y'r`1 8:gaat:re M SUHgC(1IDB to• got at: the news. t' •' tiea•a:e Ilec_'LEMA VICTIM SAVED— WANTS EVERYONE TO KNOW .1 I Ila 91.7,11,11•11r Mr 'II r•ri Wit.tergree . Compound Stopped Icel. at Once—Disease Soot Disappeard. Atter takl,rg trestnnent front two doc- tors, and trying many different reme- dies front drug stares. that only seem- ed to make 111e disease store intolerable, Mrs. H. E. Johnston of Hespeler, Ont., found a cure. 11 is simply a prepara- tion of oil of wintergreen. compounded with such well-kn:own healing and anti- septic substances an thymol and gIYerine but it certainly cures the disease. Ilere's what firs. Johnston says of It; "Your preparation has cured me pt Eczema after docturing with two doctors and trying different ointments from drug stores, tt..tt only made it worse. I feel as though everybody should hear of it so they might be helped." Wy go on suffering from torturing' skin diseases, when there Is a cure that la simple, sate and sure. For free sample bottle write to The D.D.D. Laboratory. Department, 1 A. 23. Jordan street Toronto. For sale by ell druggists. F'AIte)UllA The Theme a Road nrhool picnic for 1909 has passed into history. It was held in Thos. Hunktn's grove on $at- urday and was a very successful affair. the day being Ideal. the crowd large. the sports enjoyable and the eat- ables all that could be desired. Early lit the afternoon a large num- ber of foot races were indulged in with the following results :—Claes 2 V. Stewart, B. Monteith. M. Pollen ; Class 3, C. Jeffery. N. Monteith, 13. Bolton Class 4, E. McDonald. G. Duncan, SI. McDonald ; Glass 5. V. Hunkln, J. Hod- gert, J. Monteith: Class 7, L. Stewart, H. Turnbull, G. Brown ; Class 9, 5E. Darch, T. Coward, M. Snell; Class 9, W. Jeffery, C. Coward. 51. Hodgert; tenkle Mace, E. Pollen, H. Jeffery, C. Cottle ; Walking race, E. Kay, B. Mon- teith, C. Stewart; Wheelbarrow, C. Cow- ard and C. Brown, W. Jeffery and J. Cottle; Sack race, E. McDonald, H. Dun- can: Wheelbarrow, H. Jeffery, E. Pol- len, C. Monteith ; Walking, E. McDon- ald, M. McDonald, G. Duncan ; [lopping, 5D. Darch, E. Hunkln, J. Hodgert ; Hand -and -foot, C. Jeffery, C. Stewart, U. Snell; Donkey, C. Allison and M. Hodgert, C. Coward and C. Brown, H. Turnbull and J. Hodgert ; Hand -en - hand. 1-1. Jeffery and J. Hodgert, E. Pollen and C. Cottle; Graceful walking, J. 'Monteith, T. Coward, J. Allison: Sack Race, E. Pollen, H. Jeffery ; Hurdle, L Hodgert, C. Coward. C. Brown: Driving. 51. Darch and R. E. Hodgert, T. Coward and M. Snell, V. Hunkln and J. !lodger( ; Doltkey, II. Jeffery and 3. Hod gert, C. Monteith and E. Pollen; Needle C. Coward C. Alliaon, W. Jeffery ; Cou- ple race, E. McDonald and H. Jeffery, L Kay and E. Pollen, H. Hunkln and C. Monteith ; Lock -hand, 13. Monteith and G. Duncan, E. McDonald and H .Hunkln, L. Kay and M. McDonald ; Backing, E. Ilunnki,. T. Coward, J. Hodgert ; Driv- ing. H. Jeffery and J. Hodgert. E. Pol- len and U. Snell: Leap frog, C. Allison and �1. Hodgert. C. Coward and C.Brown Backward Hop, C. Brown, C. Allison. W. Jeffery ; Three-legged, Ii. Itunkln, and E. McDonald. L. McKay and, M. Mc- Dotnald, N .Pollen and V. Stewart ; Two hand and foot, L. Stewart ; Tied ankle, II. punkin, E. McDonald, M. McDonald: Haul under knee, G. Brown, L. Stewart, It. Turnbull ; Lock -leg, C. Allison and M. Hodgert, C. Coward and C. Brawn: (goys under ten, J. Ilodgert ; Under 15, W. Jeffery ; Married men. Arthur Camp bell ; Ladles' race, Nellie Stewart, Miss 1lannilton. A nine inning. game of baseball was played tetwecn Farquhar and Woodham resulting a tie, 15-15. Both teams did heavy batting In the si-ih wten Farqu- har got 9 and Woodltann 6 runs. With this exception the game was well played all through. Mee Clark of W l::cne;sea umpired. The players were,—For Far- quhar, F'. Waghorn. J. Ballantyne M. McCurdy, W. Roach, D. Waghorn, W. W. )1cNicol, E. Cole. C. Borland, S.Dun- +•.i:, : For Woodliant. H. Berry. L. Mills, 11. Berry, W. Stewart. W. Mills. II. Copeland, R. Kirk, H. Mills, E. SIllls. After tca a five Innings game was played between Exeter Boys and a pick - 01 team of W'oodhant, Farquhar. Itus- aelidale and W'Inchelsea Boys. resulting In favor of Exeter by a score of 3 to 2, wee an (unless to spare. The feature of the game was the fine fielding and pitching of Sandy Dawden. Will Hod- gert umpired. The Exeter , players were Carling. Senior. llawkshaw, S. Bowden Creech. Anderson. Browning. Brint- r:'1, and F. Bawden ; and the picked team CAISTORIA. Bean the , 1-1Y))Hii k* IBoyM Signature 7 - I of <�e�ee/ ere --- HA 1* TOWNSHIP The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 15, Hay. at the end of June.—Sr. IV., Willie S:hroeder; Jr. IV., Rosetta Rader, Gladys) Turnbull ; Sr. Iii.. Vera Luther. Della Fischer, Carle Beirling. Roy Stat - lake : Jr. 111.. I3eatrlce Turnoull, Edith Herkman-i. Fred Shuart. Willie Fischer. Ethel Olivet ; Sr. 1I., Rosabella Pfaff, Johnny Beckmann : Jr. Ile Albert Fie- f Is- nc�r. Adolp r I:eller , Sr. Pt. II., Willie Fischer, Leo:'ard Seeroeder ; Jr. Pt. 1L. Norman l' lac:er, ['earl Keller. Agnes Turnbull. Fctgue Turnbull ; Sr. Pt. i.. \tantord Lu'her Edward Keliar : Jr. Pt. 1.. Florence Turnbull. SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the news. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. W. S. Cote desires to announce to the readers of tt.e Advocate teat 1.e has se• cured the agency for Parlstar, Sage. tee tnarlelous dandruff cure 'and dellgt:t hal hair dtesslt:g. W. S. Cole Is glad to 19'A:. Sage :s a ri;ed':y. i estorer. It cures de::druft l two weeks by kil,- ing tee dandruff microbes:it steps fall- ing t.air: It cures all s. -alp diseases. or money back. it is a most pleasant hair dressing. .e- . illy for ladies. as it makes the molt and lustrous. The price is u ,v 54 cents a large battle at W. S. Cole's. or by express. all charges pre. and ptid fron Gtr out Mfg. Co.. Fort Erie. 01.1. state that P.`r- guara::teed (:air KIRKTON. We are sorry to announce that Mrs. L:- ultart Is very 111, and owing to le: :advanced age. ehe beteg 95. her friends do not anticipate that see will ever re- cover her good health again. Address and Presentation.—On Tues- day evening, _gird loot.. tae Ladles Aid together with the condregutio:t of the Kilktutt Methodist church convened 10 the basement of the church and present- ed to Rev. John Veale and wife prior to their leaving for their private home In Dorchester two magnificent rocking - chairs of quartered oak. In recognition of hie services during the last four years. The. address was read by Miss Lizzie Sweltzer and the presentation made be Miss Olive Copeland and Mlsa, Etta Fletcher.— Dear Pastor and WIte.—We meet this evening to bid you fare -well u„ this the bre of your departure, and want: giving you the results of our meeting( for your benefit, your people wish me to say that you have a most loving nold on our hearts. We know that during your pas- torate here you have had very trying times through elli.cas, but we have al- ways admired the energy and patience you display in your sacred vocation, the gentle yet firm way you have with the weak. Inc admirable matinee in which you put the light of the gospel before t'te simplest mind, and above all the e teJeaty that shrinks front all public displays and Is well contented to do 'cls Master's work among the lowliest •1'a 1ples. We hope this little tribute will to /some extent bear out the spoken wishes of your congregation. Pastor's lteply,—My dear people, 1 cart assure you that this evening you have greatly taken hie by surprise. I did not expect anything of this kind, but when congregation and pastor agree what joy exists. The words of am pathy that you have just uttered make me feel that nn-; humble efforts are In- deed greatly blessed. That your pecun- iary gift is welcome I will not deny,and when I think It is given by the loving hands of friends its value is much en- hanced. May your church long exlat,and the tie that unites us be unsevered for many years. The thought that however far we may be apart we will often thank of each other with feelings of mutual re- gard and affe:tioti, beloved brothers aid sisters. give me leave to signify our de- stres for and to you. uur desires are that God will grant you according to the riches of Iits glory, to be strength- ened with might by his spirit In the in- ner rnan, that Christ may dwell In your hearts by fel'In, and that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful ih every good work, that your love 'nay abound more and more in knowledge and In all Judgment, that you may be eminent in holiness, that your hearts may be kept upright, your Judg- ment sound and your lives unblameable, so you may meet me wtttn joy in the day where;n Christ shall say to His Father .' Here ant 1 and the children that Thcu hast given rte.' Finally, remet:i- ber this. that your life is short, your dut'.ee many. your assistance great, and your reward sure. therefore. faint not, hold on and hold up in ways of well (Wrist. and Heavert shalt stake attends for all. We trust that you may be spar- ed many years to mark the flight of time, and that when for you time shall be no more you may enter happily into the port.els of eternity. I shall now take leave of you, when my heart hath by my hand subscribed that we shall ever re- main your loving friends. The Ladies Ald then served a tree lunch and hot tea to all ; and I can as- sure you that all did ample Justice. The Ladies Aid of Klrkto n are credited with many kind acts of benevolence to t heir (pastor. Timely Warning to Smokers.— Last week Wm. Marshall, son of Str. James et • %hall. was engaged in hauling man- e, from the barn -yard to the field and getting a load on took a smoke. �t'isfyltng himself he placed the pipe lis vest pocket attd proceeded to the field with the load. On returning to his great surprise he found the stack al- most completely enveloped in flames. Ile at once telephoned the neighbors along t:t • line who responded nobly and by he- re efforts they succeeded in saving the Berns and other buildings. The fire in the pipe had evidently communicated with the vest and thence to the stack. The Sales: appointment held their an- nual Garden Party on Mr. Richard Pay titer's lawn on Friday last. and the at- tair was attended with excellent suc- cess. The London Harpers furnished ntu.sic and Inc program consisted of speeches. singing. etc.. The proceeds amounted to about $65. ZURICII 11ertnut; Steinbach of Detroit le vis- iting relatives here.—Principal McLeod was examiner at Bayfield last week.— David !tender and wife of Illinois are vl,itirg at 1'. Bcader's.—St. W. Ehnen of New York. editorial secretary of the Young People's Missionary Movement of United States and Canada. occupied the pulpit lit the Evangelical C❑urcii Sunday night.—Tee band boya look quite nobby in their new sults, which are of a mili- tary style and well made.—Miss Florence Laporte left last week for Detroit.—The Township las won the case with refer cnce to the opening of the road to the Lake Shore. and all obstructions are to h:, removed. we u :dera'at:d teat Principal McLeod of the Public School has resigned and Mr. (Jordon. w;.o l,aa taught o:. Inc 14 concer%ton for several years. will sue - reed hitt! after the holiday's. Death.—Henry McCllechy of tee Gos- toe Lir.c, Stanley. one of tee oldest pto- ;:eere of the t3wnship died Tuesday of last week aged 99 years. A widow. 9 sena and 5 daughters survive. A tappy event took place at tee resi- dence gi John Geiger o:, June 22nd, whe;: 1 is daughter Vnole was uelted In marriage t o Mr. John E. Itopklnal of qt. Thomas. Tt.• 'bride was dressed white Salome silk. and carried a bouquet or bridal roses. The bridesmaid, Stlss Flossie Geiger. wore a beautiful dress of pink silk. and carried a bouquet of p'•;k gar::alio:;s. Miss Ade Fassold ant- e' ae flower gir; a::d ri:.g' bearer. w•;tile ' gt»r,'s ere er played t, -as M • - so:1's wedding march. Tee groom e es ably supported by Mi. Ham McNte: ,s of St. Tt.onras. The future hong! of the '-.appy coup:e we! be 1 -. 5'. Tcomas. -41111. Parke:le—Jacob E. Hatz, son of lion. aerator V. Ratz of this place, was mar- ried to Miss Maple G. Livingstone at Collingswood On the 16th. Trey will re- side In Berlin. AROUND ABOUT II IIS !A& alTkailiaaciaflkallaitalkabal Russe l:dale—.► vet y quiet wedding was solemnized at the manse, Motherwell, o June 16th, by the Rev. Mr. Stew- art, when \'Lia, daughter of the late I Thonnas Cornish, was united In nnarr loge to Cephas 11. Muzworthy, Granton. St. Marys—John Aitken, a ten year old boy narrowly escaped death in an ac- cident 011 Monday. He was thrown from his bicycle and fell In front of the wheel of a farmer's wagon. Tho driv- er 1 patently stopped the horses, but not before the lad's chest was badly bruis- ed by the wheel. Rt ucetteld—On Wednesday of this week Edgar Armstrong was married at Bruceficld to Miss Gcrtie McGee of the sante place. The young couple will live on the farm of the groones father. Stanley—The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowson of the Babylon Line, one of the most charming homes In that township, was the scene of a pretty; but very quiet wedding on Wednesday of last week, when their second young - vet daughter, Mise Mary, became the bride of Percy L. Couch, a progressive nett pant of Clinton. Clinton—A happy event took place on High atrret at six o'clock on June 23, ween Rev. W. 3. Jolliffe united In mar- riage :Miss Lena Mason and Mr. David G..eicLaughlin, contractor, of the city of Aberdeen, Soutit Dakota. TuckersmlUt—Thursday of last week John White, an old resident of Tucker- sntith, responded to an imperative call and passed away to his reward in hle 75th year. Mr. White cants front Simcoe County to Tuckersmlth about 35 years ago. Mrs White died a year and a half ago. Five sons survive; George, Robert and Joslah in Manitoba, William in Mor res and Ralph of Tuckersmith. ANOTHER WOMAN CURED By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Gardiner, Maine. —"I have been a great sufferer from organic troubles and asrvere female weakness. T h e doctor said I would have to go to the hospital for an operation, but I could not bear to think of it. 1 de- cided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound andSanative Wash —and was entirely cured after three months' Ude of them."— Mrs. S. A. WILLIAMS, R. F. D. No. 14, Box 39, Gardiner, Me. No woman should submit to a surgi- cal operation, which may mean death, - until she has given Lydia E. l'iukliam's Vegetable Compound, made exclusive. ly from roots and herbs, a fair trial. This famous medicine for women ha* for thirty years proved to be the moat valuable tonic and renewer of the female organism. Rumen resid- ing in almost every city and town in the United States bear willing testi- This Is the season of the year when mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia the small boy takes a dip into a toot E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. of water and two feet of mud and rd. It Cures female 11L, and creates radi- CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of ant, buoyant female health. 1f you are ill, for your own sake as well as those you love, give it a trial. Mrs. Pinkbasm, at Lynn, Mass., invites all sick women to write l r for advice. Her advice is free, and always helpful. tunas home with a blistered back and •+ 1 in his ears. WI) rIliaCIXs 1( 11 i\ ir\41 ' Bicycles are 1 rapidly coming back into popular favor. the demand this year being nee time; what it was five years tyn. We have planned for it in two ways —by getting the very best Eng- lish wheel we can for popular selling, and saving to our Customers all intermediate pro- fits by filling orders direct by scall instead of hrough agents. In this way we can offer $50 Wheels for $25 an I give better satisfaction all round The quality cit the wheels is a!I rigs' - :;r the best mat+ r ,.t:, used and only skilled mechanics employed in ..unstruction. The equipment is right up -to -dale and the machines throughout are such a; we can thoroughly recommend. We sell Automo- biles as well as bicycles and our plan is to make wheels serve as a good advertisement to the entire business. Send for ;stetted folder. HYSLOP BROS., Limit :d High -Class Automobiles and Bicycles TORONTO, ONT 8g�g � 9g Sunshine Furnace is the triumph of slaty• one years' experience—growth from a small tin+hop to i(,) acres of floor space, from a half dozen artisans to ',son, from an annual wage sheet of$4,000 to one of $67o.o,n, from a capital of energy to one of SJ.000,000, from obscurity to recognition as Largest Makers of Furnaces in the British Empire. UNSHINEo lama was placed on the market the first furnace to be wholiy and solely designed by a Canadian Company. Ve'e employ a consulting staff of furnace experts, who are continually experimenting with new ideas in order that Sunshtn.' Furnace shall not have t., travel on its past reputation fur g r,,dness. V,'r buy materials in such large quantities that its qua:0y is guaranteed to us. We hate our own testing rooms, se that ,ager - vision of construction is exert lied down to the finest detail. •, McCIary's For Sale by T. Hawkins & Son, Exeter IMO -11 Sour Stomach and Heartburn ? LITTLE DIGESTERS CURE OR YOUR MONEY BACK At all Drsuists or direct fro. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., 23c. a Boz. Toro a