HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-01, Page 4Oxeter \buocate,Local Items
Sunders t Creech. Props.
TUUI{$DAV, Jule 1, 1909
One half of l tout) 1,46 gone and we
are cittilt here, but are we any the better
for the past six mot:the
Cre tItoti Daunted licusall lu Baseball
at liensall on Wednesday of last week
11 to 0. Guess Exeter is not so bad
atter all. Wo..der what the Observer
will say• ft hats said that they always
train everything.
When a man In /search of a home or
business location goes to a town and
finds everybody full ot hope and en-
thusiasm over the prospects of the place
he. too, soon becomes Imbued with the
spirit. drives down his •taken and goes
to work with equal interest.
Its providttnd cheap readers for the
"Public F'choole, the Ontario Government
has furled down Separate School books
to one-half their former price, and in
this way it eae itendered an enormous
service t o Roman Catholics. not only
In Ulla Province, but all over the Do-
minion. ---
Several County Councils in Ontario are
forwarding petitions to the Ontario
Gave tuneht, asking that tarot buildings
in rural municipalities bo exempted
from taxation. The idea is to get peo-
ple in the country to improve and beau-
ity their property. We understand the
Government will submit the question
'to the Assessment Committee in the
Legislature. This committee will pro-
bably be called together early in the
autumn to have' its work ready tor the
opening of the Legtelature in January.
The stuond game of baseball in the
Junior aerleu was played on Friday
nigh! wain 11iesea's Bungled Blunders
turned the tables on Btrney's Burnt
Meters, defeating them 20 to [4. and
Justly earning tie new name they de-
ternlil.ed to secure—Bissett's Buoy Bat-
ters. Probably the reversal of score
Is a••counted fur by the change in the
Ihne-up end pia 1• g of tit: p1Ay•'ra, berm.
Elliot taking Jack Southcott's position
behind the hoot, plate. add Jack replac-
ing [Bobbie Taylor who was either re-
leased or retired from the game In dis-
gust. A full nine Innings were played
u ral the Buey Batters won their game
In the Ilio when eight then passed over
tale plate in sa[ety. The game was un-
der the guidance of Sandy Dawdei, who
kept the boys well in hand and made
them play according o rule. all t,•o
It couple o: inch got rune 0.: +.
afters" by the pitcher, and Breechy and
Sparrow. the merry twletcrn for the
Busy Batters tried "to double bark" on
the pitching order, but they were check-
ed in lila, noel li:g but the proper game
being allowed.
[tirse'.t'e Busy Batters batted and near
od as fellows.—Breec:ray Bissett 2. iter.
Milieu a, Sparrow Heywood 2. Coon
P ak,' :1 Javo iturdon 3, Ock Anderson
2, inky Johnna 1, Cncsty Harvey u.
Jack Nou:heott 2; wnlle Barney's Burnt
Blisters batted and scored to this or-
der,--Phllly Snell 2, Sweater Sweet 1.
Cap. Illriiey 1. Teddy Armstrong 1, Wld-
de: Sweet 2, Doc. Mellott 1. Kid Sate -
dere 2. Paddy Flynn 2. Nelly, H111 2.
Frank Calci ne:1, an Englishman, 30
years old, attempted suicide by shooting
with a 32 calibre revolver on Sunday
June 2nth, at 1(iI1sgreen. The heavy
clothing probably saved Lis life. Tile
bullett penetrated coat, vest and heavy
underclothing and lodged behind a tib
111 the right side. He was taken to
Gunn's Hospital, Clinton, and will re -
lover. There was no apparent reason
for the attempt.
Frank Itoughmuad paid tete extreme
penally of the law Monday moruing by
being 'hanged in tau yard of the Strat-
ford jail far the murder of Mrs. Mary
Ann Teske 011 Sep ..n last. There was
no apparent change in the negro's de-
meanor WI he walked to the scaffold.
and he maintained an attitude of iI:-
ditferencc to the last.
The crime for which Rougluuond was
executed was a particularly brutal one.
The negro. .t big burly fellow, entered
the Pcakc residence when the menfolk of
the household were In the fields. Just
what happened Is not known. but there
Is evict( t, . t at the helpless woman had
been most brutally beaten. When the
sten returned to tae house for dinner
Raughmond was found lying by the
side of his victim In the cellar in a
drunken stupor. Ile was from an oar
secure Quebec village. and apparently
hal 1)3 rtlat.vci.
it i1ayiig 111 Sarrn:a
ri.:i t was : , London Tuesday
Silas Auld Wawa to -day for her home
M ss
Addle Morloc•k 1s quite 111 at
pr c.vent.
else Vera Rowe of London le ho:iday-
Ing at t.er Lome here.
It la pretty hot t'u•ough the day. but
tee eve/tangs are worth white
Mrs. Herman Belly and children of
Stratford are v!sit(ig at Str. G. Sntall-
[fells and Ducks. highest market
resew. Stewarts.
Grand Bend. Centralia and Ellmvtlle
are offering the attractions for Exeter
•peaple to -dal.
Mrs Hastings and Miss Lulu are vis-
iting at Croas11111. The latter will re -
.main for some weeks.
Me T. If. Phillips, divinity student at
IBearvioile, has successfully passed his
est=nth:attars and returned tip me here
far a few days. He leaves this week
for Fosarquet to take charge of a etr-
nit as junior minister.
On Tuesday last while Mr. Al. Blasett
was working at a tank on Huron - et.,
he in some manner lost his balance
and went to the bottom. The experi-
ence wag not a very pleasant one ae
the water is of a very unwholesome
gueltty, but being a tall man he was In
no danger of drowning.
At a farewell social evening in Jaynes
street church Tuesday night to Rev.Go-
ing and family Mr. Samuel Martin read
u congregatlobal address to the pastor
and his family,, appreciative of their
work here ar.d of regret at losing them.
St. Come ably responded. A short pro-
gram of readings, singing. and music
was rendered. Rev. Kestle occupying :he
i,1vtir. The atterdancc was very large.
Welded—A very pretty wedding took
p:aca at the hone of thee bride's parents
Wednesday when the second young-
est daughter of Mr Win, Revington was
'turned to air. Bcaston. both of Bidd
ulph.—Mr. Emcrsol: Armitage of Emer-
son. Mali.. who was visiting friends on
the Sauble line has returned to his home
—Mr. \t'nt. Armitage atter,d::d his grand
daughter's marriage in Auburn on his
7911i birthday.
111r•1. Isaac Johns and sou, tWeeley, of
U tbo.-n: left yesterday for Seattle,where
t .ey will spend several weeks.—Rev. 1f.
Fair who has been the popular pastor
1' Eltmvl le Methodist church for some
time lett Monday for i113 new appoint-
ment at Warwick. Throughout histnht-
tatry here he has made many friends.
: ie very papular wits lite congrega-
ai well as with all whom he Inas
,,n • in contact, Irrespective of denom-
:...tt:onal lines. Ile- will have the beat
w .ghee of all for hie future welfare.
It we only had a nice shower of rain
before the let very thankful we would
be —The anniversary services on Sun-
day !ast were largely attended, many
corning from other parts of the circuit
1 hear a former pastor, Rev. G. Jew-
itt of Lambeth. who preached two very
impressive sermons, and also gave a
beautiful address to the Sunday School
at the afternoon.—Tho pichtc on July 1
mantises t o be equal if not better than
those of the past. so lel everybody come
and have a good day's outing.— 74r.S.
Johns spent Tuesday in London on bust
news.—Miss Linda Hurler of London Is
spending a few holidays visiting rela-
tive., and friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
E:::.i't of Centralia were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. S. Andrew on Sunday last.—
ast:Quite a Iarg_ number front the village
tad vicinity attended the Ilunkhn pic-
..ie on Saturday last and report a jolly
414.1 lime,—Mr. and Sirs. D. Hodgson
of Whalen were ttie guests of Mr. and
`Ira. Wm. Skinner on Sunday.—The El-
.m.lila Statute labor beat are to be con-
gratulated on their system of improv-
ing the road. which, In the opinion of
many Is much better than hauling so
much gravel.—Several or our teamsters
Ave• the contract tor hauling gravel on
as road out (tear Devote—We are In-
Cartned that Mr. Frank Ballantyne has
been awarded the contract again to carry
tae malt from Exeter to St. Marys.
Mrs. Joe. Marshall 13 visiting friends
the ‘Plage.—Miss Gladys Essery is
,pr:,c1111g her holidays under the par -
wt n
—\ Elliott, oft who has
ental root. .liss Lilly 1 I ,
been vlslting her uncle, Dr. Elliott of
Taranto, returned home on Tuesday.—
Mr. Andrew Hutt, who has finished his
preparatory course at Albert College,
t)r;:evill •. returned Dome on Saturday.
11: t A been appointed hy Conference
to the Elimvllle circuit ae junior nth -As-
ter. and will atter upon his duties on
Su:•day next.
Tle butter factory of Mr. Thos. \t'lllls
h heating completion and will be ready
fo: business in a teat drays. Mr.Willts
deserves ertdit fur the business tact
u 1 rnetgy displayed In recovering hjin-
•' f from his recent loss hy fire.
What Height have proved a fatal ac -
AI: t. Lillian \\orknnan of Loudon is '/teat occurred on Tuesday when Mr.
the gueat of Ler sister. Mrs. Grant
$lyt•hmit,.—Miss Lillian and air. Forel
Nlmtnone attended the Malloy -Drake
liupttale o:n June 23rd. Wednesday
eve:en; last.- Misses Nan mei Mile 1tor
for tate it u:hett from a three months'
visit to their brothers In Bowman. N.
Dakota.—Mrs. Win. Glenn. sr.. left on
'J'uetday for a visit with relatives In
Weliingtu , Ccul:ty,—The cube rlbrrs for
tae tea p ot.c In this totality had a tree
on: Thursday getting home the po,es. As
t'.ere le a loot 'lee of p`to,ne to be put
Ir:, it will likely be first of 'September
betare ,t i.i i', use.—\iia. hroa,lfo.t of
Wu -afield is here the guest of her son.
Janos .1a0 family.
Telltale o: big hats here's .1 pee •r.
1• Rapp. ..d at one of G.pey S;nit':'a
tag nlrett•'ge le Toronto. A certain 111011
1 as travelled a long distance to hear
t',a germ eva•.gctist, but he wail hedged
abaut t ea many b:g hats Piet he
coup r •• hear nor ear anything.
. • . came the coil,. tion plate
and n•. • c plate he dropped a tote
while read ae follows .—"Dear Sir. 1
cine out hu•,dred mile• to rear you
but could not pee nor heart you as 1 art
alltlntr tehind a big hat will vet
lyslesse sing. "Rescue the 11(.1141i..J.'
W:n. Case was thrown from his buggy
t• d srr:uua1y injured. Dr. Orme was
....lel in and thoug'.1 the Injuries are
very painful hie early recovery is ex-
T: a Centralia itaicbalt team played
t n' Luean team oe Monday evening o:
our ree'reation grounds. The Luran
boys won by a score of 12 to 8. 1t he-
tng the first garite of tee season. our
id weer :rot well practised up for the
rants•". T::ty will du better In the fu -
_u -e . Watch thein.
Ext• nerve preparatia:s are being made
f3' • 1 •t' • f July Festival. and *large
sed. a •1 tee sports promise to be the
th•..• yet Rive.:. Our naeehell team will
play two gams with the Denfield team
du•i .g tee a(tvreoon. Between 400 and
a 1 , heekt'0 o: strtwoettics have been
•r d• : r 1 .ted F:pwo:1': ['ark le be leg
Pat in fl •' shape for tee occasion. The
ee r: of cvt:.ir tt e.•ouid please the
most critical ear. Wien sue." celebrities
as tae Italian Harpers. C. J. Pink and
tier... (a*•, of Lo•,doe. wit'[ Prof. Brawn
e ' Ci . will (urniea t:c programme.
Yet • r pui;tls from ?lies Swan as
.1 • i ,_ . -,'r n t' c E:.tranre Eiannt-
✓ e .•e" A' k alias SW111111 leaves Dur
. • p • •.ke a Course in Normal at
^ ea/tiro away wIlt, '+rt t'.e
s -, of the entire village.
Lint t •t.t:: ere i:rg the Ladles' Aid
of the St.,, odist church field a Straw-
berry Festival 011 the church lawn. The
weather was all that could be desired.
A large number were In attendance and
the ladies made a considerable amount
of money. Atter the supper a program
was given to the church. Rev. Hicks
_a -ted as chairman and did his part In
tris usual happy style. Rev. Bean of the
Evangelical church of this village and
itev. 1lutt of Centralia were preaeut and
addrtssei the audience. headings were
delivered by the 4itases Banes, Clark.
and Holtimann. Mr. Pluk, the popular
tenor eh ger of London, was present anal
sang a number of his popular songs,
as he ot:ly can wing limn. He was re-
peatedly encored, and responded with
hit, usual good grace. The program was
further taken up by anthems hy the
choir. The evening was pleasantly spent
try all and the Ladies At is to be con-
gratulated In giving the citizens of this
burg and neighborhood such a pleasant
Next aundaY evening the Sunday school
of the Evangelical church will give their
annual Children's Day Program. All
should attend and enjoy the special
singing and music.
Picnics ate the order ot the day and
quite a number have passed through the
village of late enroute to the Bend. •
It Is expected that Jos. Lawson will
continence work on the Sauble bridge
its a few days.
Christian Rau and family have moved
into the dwelling lately occupied by Geo.
:iotz, who moved to Napinka. Man., a
few weeks ago.
Mr. Winer of Morriston is visittngt, his
brother Mathew for a few days.
Daniel Oestretcher was in Tavistock
with his brother Herman on Monday
and Tuesday.
Crops are looking fine. In spite of
the late seeding and the lamentations of
some of our farmers on the season's Out
look, this year promises to be a banner
one in the neighborhood.
Mr. and Mra. John Sweitzer and Mrs.
Cries. Finkbeh:er visited relatives in
Detroit for a few days this week.
Mr. Mistele, wife and fancily of De-
troit are expected here this week in
their Auto and will visit friends for a
few weeks.
G. Holtzman,' is hard at work finish-
ing John Gaiser'a new barn. He is put-
ting a inetalic roof on It.
Jacob Halst is at present
beat of health. ills (rieude
+t':11 sootrecover.
Dr. and Mrs. Orate of Cletttralla were
in the village on Tuesday.
alas. Telfer and daughter of London
Are •Esping the fornmer's parents. Mr.
till airs. August Ewald.
Thursday Is Dominion Day. Our vil-
lagers intend going to Centralia and
t ne Bend for the day's outing.
Last Friday the Mount Carmel Bowl-
ers visited our Bowlers and played a
at -loudly game. Following is the score
Mt. Carmel—M. Shea. F. Coughlin, FI.
Ryan, F'at'•er Forster. skip. 17.
.7:editor—H..Brown, G. Moriock, W. H.
James, Dr. McCue, skip. 15.
tit. Carmel -13.
Cre1iton—C. Kuhn, S. Brown, H. Ell
bar, M.P.P.. C. K. Bluett. skip, 19.
'row :In to :14 : Crediton up 4.
T+v3 bus loads of young people drove
to Dashwood on Tuesday and attend-
ed the strawberry supper in that village.
—Last Wednesday while two daughters
of John Finkbelaer were returning from
Shipka, where they had been attending
the strawbwrry festival, their horse be-
came frightened and threw theta In the
ditch. injuring both of them. At present
both are doing as well as can be ex-
ine•ted, and It is fortunate that they
were not seriously Injured
Mr Fred Kerr met with a painful ac-
cident oit Friday last by having his
finger taught 111 a tile maciilne, with the
result tha' It was badly smashed
not in the
trust he
(Too late fumelast week.)
Miss Dunlop. one of our lady teachers
is leaving this week for her home In
lOodcrk7t. We are all sorry to lose
\iiia Dunlop as este has proven herself
to be a painstaking and eftictent teach-
er and 1s untfo'inly popular with both
pupils and parcate.
ilea at Shipka-1t Is our sad duty to
record the death of Mrs. William Haw-
king. who died at the home of Mr.
Frank Adams. Shipka. on June 18th,
Deceased was well-known In Credito:„
having Berea here for a number of yearn
before moving to Shipka. Remembered
for her kind disposition and Christian
character her demise will be regretted
by a large circle of friends. She leaves
to mourn her lois a husband. one son
Samuel of St. Marys. and one daughter.
\ira. George Ktys. of Snowflake. Man.
together with four sisters. Iler remalus
were interred Iti Grand Bend cemetery
June 19th. Mra. Hawking was a siert
of the late Mr. i(lchard Adapts.
Miss Jones. daughter of the late Rev.
Peter Jores, spent a few days visiting
Lt our town. Miss Jones sang a beaut-
iful solo in the Methodist church Sunday
Mra. Eliza Godbolt of this village was
united in marriage oe June 22nd at Ses-
forttt to Mr. John Caldwell of Bengali.
The marriage was a quiet one only tae
contracting parties beteg present. Mrs.
Godbolt was one of our best cltii.ens
and we e:te:td congratulatiotts to t•er
and her husband.
The iced Bluff (Cal.) Daily News' con-
tains the following concerning the mart!
age of a former resident of Usborlte
"Dr. Warwick M. Thompson and Mrs•
.inn Jane Godbolt were nutted in mar-
riage last night at 9 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. Godbolt on Main street. The cer-
emony was perforated by Itev. M. O.
Brink. pastor of the Methodist Epis-
copal church, and was witnessed by a
few t' lativer of the contracting parties -
Mr. neat Mrs. Thompson lett at 10.30
o'clock on an extended trip Into Alaska.
Mrs Gc,nbolt is one of the best known
and most popular ladies In Red Bluff,
and Dr. Thompson is a gentleman of
high standing."
—t -411110---
At the barn raising of Mr. 011ver Har-
ris. er-Reeve of Fullerton. on Satur-
day. Mr. Jos. Rosa, a neighbor, met
with a painful accident that will neces-
sitate him laying off duty for sometime.
In conte manner one of the plates roll-
on his toot and aa a result the an-
kle joint was dislocated.—Mr. Archie
llodgert gave an assembly In the hall
here on Wednesday night of last week,
at which about 1 5) were present. Youth
and beauty was a predominating char-
acteristic of the event, and It may be
said that It was the most successful of
the kind ever held here. Unfortunately
two young men who had not been invited
marred the proceedtnga by their rowdy
and unbecoming actions. and it was
found necessary to apply rlgorru3
means for ejecting the intruders. They
were handled without gloves and lit a
way that should serve la a lesson to
eta!, imposters.
A number of our young people were
at the strawberry fesival at Wesley on
3londay evening. --Mr. and'Mrs. Harvey
Squtrea and Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Morley
attended the anniversary services at
Wesley on Sunday. --Mr. and Mrs. John
Hazelwood spent Sunday with friends
111 Klrkton.—Mr. Sam'[ Gurntng's barn
welch Is ul,dergolig extensive improve-
ments is now ready for the cement block
foundation. A large number gathered
there and assisted to splitting it and
and putting a new piece in the centre,
and on Saturday 1t wes jacked up ready
for the masons. When finished It will
he one of the (!neat to this vicinity.—
A number of the villagere went to Kirk -
tee Sunday evening and listened to Rev.
Sk•Cannus of St. Marys.—Mr. and Mrs.
Ogden spent Sunday with friends
:err Ststfa.—Miss Olive Gunning. Vera
ilelgaon. Vera Ogden. Willies Hodg-
son. Wilson Morley. J. Cltrthy all tried
tn.? Entrance exailtknatloris in Lucan last
week.—Mea. John Passmore and chit -
dee,' of Stratford spent Saturday here
the guest of airs. J. Wright.
L` • ENeKR. Deeds. Wilts, Mortgagee and ail
Legal Weenie. is carefully and promptly prepared
Charges moderate. lamer of Marriage Licensee.
The beautiful residence of Mr. and Mrs.
John Oallmati. 14th con., Hay, was the
.scene of a pretty wedding on June 23,
when their daughter, Miss Clara, was
married to Daniel lierford of Elkton,
Mich. The ceremony which was perform
ed by Rev. A. D. Meatier, took place on
the lawn, and the bride was handsomely
Bownei In white silk mescaline, trimmed
with Valenciennes lace and satin ribbon
Miss Diana RUckbetl and Mr. Alfred Gall
main assisted the young couple. After
supper and congratulations a pleasant
evening was spent socially. the Zurich
band furnishing music. They will re-
side in Elkton. and have our best wishes
JOUR*, coniteaceacconeas‘
Flour V
IC it is the best tour you want there I,
but one place In town to get it—that
Is tram us. The brands are:
JEWELL (Ontario Blended)
5 ROSES (Lake of Woods)
PURITY (western Ciliate flour 11111.)
1,0 lie your orders or eat! up
Phone ^-.
1_R. G. Seldon, Exeter
Crediton Flour Mills
We have to offer flood White Shorts, alon Bran & Feed
in ton lots.
Shorts, at $25 per ton
Bran /e 25 11
Family Flour at $3.25 per 100 lbs.
Ontario 11 3.00
Special reductions On Iargr' lots.
Henry Sweitzer --- Crediton East
a+fia=il^)71=21.1)51111✓Ir I7>iall 12 124.rs-a1alailBsa )0411,
The Edison Phonograph
The Amberol Records
\ntak.. the hest combinotinn of
,•nt.'rtainet0 on this turf to-
day. We have all the latest
record.. We sell on easy pay-
ments or for cash. Our stuck
to alw,tra up-to.d:tte. Call or
write. We are waiting to
serve you.
See our big range of Post Cards at 3 for 5c
Test our Toilet Articles and Flu:outings
The Purity
�. s. W LLIR, Praatdeat Paid-up Capital, $10,009,
ALSZAEDsR LAIRD, General Mawr Reserve Fund, - 8,000,
1 1 I
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most coeysaieot
t►aj in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominatioas'of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria. Belgium, Dena:Ark, F
Gerwapy, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, ElMi ,
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, wbile in other couetries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every o$Ce
at the Bank.
Exeter Branch—O. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
The general public will take notice that I ant doing business in Exeter in
the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for
Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper,
Etc. Etc. Etc.
All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE,
EXETER. where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of
scrap may be left at the saute store, where prompt attention will be given,
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
A RANGE should not only look good—it
should be all good --We have what could
be safely termed the perfect range, up-to-
date in the truest sense --known far and wide
as the—
Top lid of ash pan lifts up as one piece (ire
picture) locks automatically, allowing great freedom
in cleaning out ash pan — which is big and roomy.
For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN
$50 Reward for the arrest and con-
viction of the person or persons trad-
ing in mY name at Iron. metal/ rags,
etc. My wagons have the box painted
red and tne gear yellow, with my name
to )urge letters 011 the box.
Address, W. Q. CAINES.
Ale: McDonald has put a cement
feu:tdation under nils barn, Improving
It a great deal.—Mack McDonald of
London 1s vietting at his father's here'
—Mies Sarah Davis is visiting at Del-
eware.—John H. Shoeboltont and daugh-
ter of Granton visited at Rich. [lodging'
Sunday.—John McFall@ Is raising his
house and enlarging la—Gus Hennes -
ley is also enlarging his house by ad -
(Peg a kitchen.
%% Ingham Lodge, A. F. & A. M.. No.
280. will run a Masonic excursion to
Port Stanley, on Wednesday, July 7th,
via Grand Trunk and Pere Marquette
Railways. Port Stanley Is the "Coney
Island of Western Ontario," and 1s a
popular place to spend a holiday. The
committee has arranged for a good
0musement, Including excursions
on Lake Erle on the palatial Steel
Steamer, "Lakeside" of Cleveland, Ohio
Special train leaves Exeter at 9.15 a. nal
good for two days and the return fare
Is $1.10. Everybody come and enjoy a
splendid day's outing. See large bills
for full particulars.
The Dashwood FurnitureStore
I wish to announce to the public that
our stock is now one of the largest and
best that we have ever carried.
Pianos, Organs, Suing Machines
No agents. Commission goes to you.
House Furniture This line is now coniand
)ought from the leadingnt't'g's
of Canada, as we are barred from none.
We have a large assortment of Window Shades, Curtain
Poles and Trimmings, Baby Carriages, Folding Carts, Oo•('nrte,
Express Wagons, Curtain Stretchers, Step -[.adders, Carpet
Sweepers, Picture Moulding, Room Moulding, Pictures, Etc.
Braes Extension Rods, White Cottage Curtain Rods, Uk each.
Picture Framing done on shortest notice.
�...UNDERTAKINC 11"1110�
We carry a large and well assorted stock in this line. in
time of need do not fail to call. Any orders received by phone
will be promptly attended to. Please call and examine our stock
and get price'.
''1C FT1tAt. P. McISAAC, Dashwood0'30 0000/040,20*00000
The Molsons Bank
incorporated 1`t55
Capital (paid up) - $3,500,000
Rest }'illd - - - $3,500,000
Has G.i stanches in Canada, and Agents and Coi t espondents in all the
Principal Cities in the «'e -r1.1.
at 3,11 Int anent'. it.te•ir•-t alt it /•11 :.t flight -1 . nrtht
Agent.; at Exeter for the ih•rnini, 0 (iovernrnen1.
Dtcteos & CARLiN°, Solicitors,
N. D. H L RDON, Manager,