Exeter Advocate, 1909-07-01, Page 31 1 LACK OF BLOOD is What 0aus9a Headichea, Lissa• era and Heart Palpitation. JAPS AND THE CZAR'S STAMPS Spoils of War Upon Which It is Difficult to Realize. Amung our good neighbors, the Japanese, nothing is wasted; out ,•f all and everything trtey endea- vor to extract benefit, say the �On the blood depeuds the welfare Kharbiu Vyestuik. Thus, for ex - lit the •hole body. Where good ample, during the Russo-Japanese good exists disealte is unknown, ' War the Japanese secured more eatery disease quickly seizes hold If the body—It is then headaches, backaches, dizziness, heart palpi- eslion and other serious ailments Make themselves felt.. Good blood Ian always be obtained thieugli tho Bae of Dr. Williims' Pink fills for Pale People. They actually make oo4----rich blood and thus restore 10st/strength and banish dibeaee. Mr. Herbert Hanson, Brewers Mills, N. li., says :---"I cannot praise Dr. \intima' Pink Pills too highly. I was troubled with head - than 1,500,000 roubles' worth of Russian postage and revenue stamps abandoned by us in various post-otlices, branches thereof, and sundry other establishments. Now the enterprising Japanese aro try- ing to dispose of these stamps to agents, who offer them to Russian arrivals for half their value. A certain Caucasian, also of an en- terprisiug turn of mind, proceed- ed to Japan on business, encoun- tered one of these agents at Yoko- hama, and, tempted by easy gain, SHE COULD NOT Ladies, Do You Know HOLD A TEACUP Bu IDog aches, dizziness and lose of strength bought various stamps valued at and had a hacking cough which l e.,200 roubles for 1,000 roubles only. feared would lead to consumption. ui The stamps wero successfully coa- 1 tried a number of medicines with- ; } out benetlt, but was finally persued• veyed to Vladivostock, but unhap- ed to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pi1ls, pily the agents of the detective 1 did so and used these Pills for force got wind of the affair. One of these agents visited the several months with romerkable re-' Caucasian in the guise of a stamp sults. 'Batey helped me so much purchaser, and in order not to Mist. I new strongly recommend them to all other eufferere." rouse suspicion l and for greater on Tho expeelence of Mr. Hanson is theisimilituder When some money t" 'hat of thousands of others who table. R hen the merchant ave found health and strength left the room for the stamps the through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills signal was given to the ambuscade [ter other medicines had failed. and no sooner had the owner re- - turned that the agent met hie) re - Ing good blood that these Pills 1 volver in hand and arrested him on cure such troubles as anaemia, in- the spot with his wife and confis- digestion, rheumatism, heart pal- pitation, neuralgia, nervous troub- les and the distressing ills of girl- ter three days' detention. Mnod and womanhood. Dr. WTI -is reported that the money amasPink Pills for Pale People It µi11 bo returned to him, but that the stamps will remain for the bene- fit of the exechequer. It is said that in the case of a big buyer of these stamps the Japanese offer to land him safely on Russian terri- tory with his booty, in a torpedo Loat or special steamer, but whe- ther or not this offer has yet been accepted is unknown.—Kharbin Vyest nik. cated tho stamps. \\'hen it appear- ed that the stamps were really Rus- sian the prisoner was released af- are sold by all dealers in medicine r direct by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at f0 cents a box or six boxes Or $2.50. SALE OF PARDONS. An Agency at the :Ministry of Jus- tice in Paris. An extraordinary scandal has come to light in Paris. According to French law it is permissible, af- ter a criminal case has gone through the courts, to make an appeal for pardon through the Minister of Justice, and information recently reached the authorities that certain individuals had been getting into oomrnunieation with persons who had trade, such appeals, promising them to bring influence to bear in their favor in high quarters, in re- turn for pecuniary consideration. On the facts of the case being jibplaced before hien the Minister of Justice ordered a further investi- gation to be made, with the result that an artillery captain connected with the permanent court-martial in Paris was brought before an ex- amining Magistrate and placed un- der arrest. He is accused, with an- other man, of obtaining money from different persons by represent- ing that he would be able to obtain pardon for thein. According to the Paris Gaulois, a veritable agency has been or- ganized at the Ministry of Justice kr obtaining remissions of sentence and high officials are involved. ----.I, THAI ARANO AMMONIA POWDER "Cleans Up Everything's RUT DODD'S KIDNEY PiLLS CURED MRS. J t1I1.S 11. WHITE. They Took Away Her Backache, Cured Her Urinary Trouble and Made Iler a Well 11•onlau• I'revelle, Gaspe Co., Que., Juno 21 (Special) -After suffering for four years from ills, which many a woman knows, and being treated Ly a doctor who failed to give her relief, Mrs. James H. White, a farmer's wife living near here, is again a well woman. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. "My trouble started from a strain," Mrs. White states. "1 had a pain always across my back and a steady pain in the back of my neck, and I had urinary trouble that caused me a great deal of an- noyance. ''For four years I suffered in this way and the doctor I consulted did not do nie any lasting good. In the morning I was dizzy and I fin- ally got so nervous I could not hold a cup. "Then 1 started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I got relief right from the start. Three boxes cured me completely. To -day I am a well woman." Mrs. White's troubles were Kid- ney troubles. So are the troubles of nine out of ten of the suffering women of Canada to -day. That is why Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure them. BRAVERY. Our idea of a hero is a young man who attempts to prove that two can live as cheaply as one, because his best girl told him they could. " LAKE OF BAYS " COUNTRY. A handsome brochure, artistical- ly illustrated, has been issued by the passenger department of the Grand Trunk Railway System, tell- ing of the beauties of the Lake of Bays district, in the "Highlands of Ontario." A new feature of this district is the new hotel—the Wawa —at Norway Point. The hotel it- self has a page illustration reflect- ing the summer glories of wood- land and water, with a brood of seven wild geese soaring skyward beyond the tower. The concise description embodies the story of a charming resort. A copy can be obtained free on application to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. WHAT YOU NEED FOR TH1 COUNTRY. You need some handy balm ready fa blistered hands, sunburned skin. cuts, burns, bruises, stings, and the man) little accidents incidental to open-air life. Zane -Bok is the ideal balm. It is antiseptic. Soothing, and healing. Insect stings of barbed wire scratches cannot become oisoned wounds If Zam-Buk is applied. t soothes sore, aching feet, heals baby't hated places, cools patches of sunburn, telieves the pain of blisters. Mothers should see that the country cottage is never! without Zam-Buk. Purely herbal, it may he regarded as Nature's own healer. Apply it to 'Oilskin injuries. rashes, eruptions, and diseases. All druggists and stores. HOW TO MAKE DIAMONDS. le Lemoine, the 14'izard, Makes the Formula Public. Lomoine, "the diamond maker," who was sentenced by default sorno time ago to pay a fine of £120, for fraudulently obtaining large suns a f money from Sir Julius Wernher and others by representing that he had discovered a method of mak- ing diamonds, has been granted a new trial. At the hearing on the first day of this retrial in Paris, MA1:It' POWER Franco, Lemoine admitted that the famous formula deposited with the Soothe Insane Uongners Mania Union of London and Smiths Bank and Melancholia. ill London was worthless from the scientific point of view, and he had purposely put it in the terms lie had so that his secret might not be revealed. "Where are your diamonds?" asked the Judge, and the accused replied that he would tell every- thing if the court would grant him a five minutes' adjournment. Tho request was granted, and on the re- sumption Lemoine remarked that his explanations would be of a "eery scientific character." Ho continued : "I am not joking, but am going to sound the death -knell of the dia- mond." Holding up a pin to ex- plain the construction of his fur- nace, he went on : "This apparatus docs not include a crucible. The composition of the product is sitn- plo. Into my furnace you put some iron filings, sugar carbons, and mercury, and in this way the con- stituent. elements of the diamond are combined," 01' M l sit'. It is something new to learn that music has power to soothe a titan with toothache. Dr. G. Norman Meachen, in a recent lecture, said that there was a record Baso where the sufferer from toothache be:ame so interested in a pianoforte solo that he forgot his ailment and be- came almost lively. The lecturer claimed that music was an import- ant fatter in several other ail- ments; for instance, insomnia. There wero several cases on record where sleeplessness had been cured by mends of music. In iS9e a little child suffering from insomnia was cured by means of music when all other means had failed. According to Dr. Meachen it was chiefly in nervous disorders—mania, melan- cholia, and idiocy—that music was most efficacious, but it had been known to reduce the temperature e' a patient suffering from fever. Music had also the power of dis- tracting the attention of the insane. NOT WEATHER MONTHS KILL LITTLE CHILDREN If you want to k.^np your chll• been rosy, healthy and full of life MOSLEM GARDEN PARTY. Lady Minto and Lady Eileen El- liot.. wife and daughter of the gov- ern,lr-general of India, recently at- tended a most interesting garden party of Moslem women in ('alcut- during the hot we.athcr ntt,t:la tai ;\11 the haters were decorated, F.avethem an c' sional d•)se :•1 and on one a gold embroidered paby•s Oen Tablce•. This we,li- cane's, supported on silver pillars, clue presents aireey summer' ^010- sheltered a dais, upon which was plaints by clean.ir,g the stomach set a throne for Lady Minto with tend hoe els ; es it cures the trouble chairs for ieidy Eileen and LTds f r enotly if it comes on inexpert- Baker, who accompanied her Ex r eellency. One hundred Moslem a-"- 1 lie mother who kerns this trosstii- men were present. besides 'nary ane ou hand may feel As Safe as European women, hut there we,e If she had a doctor i.i the home, no teen. The affair was strictly hii . C. ('. Iiuo, Geogetottn, Out., '•purdah," and there were n .ice ata :--" i can hearti. ly recommetlti hilt female attendants. Thr e aby's Oen Tablets as a great help princesses of the Onah family. wec ti, baby during the het surnrner all ware magnificent jen els. pre t:.,,nths. 1 have used 0 -,em for sura- 'opted heuquets shyly". but with • vi 1.:11 1ronbles, and am much pleased , dee; pleasure, to the viceregal v'ti- with the result." gold by meditisfe ' ter:. di ager or by mail at ee cents a ' box from the 1►r 1 ian:s' Medi- { in Franc e. about COO duels are tine Cu, Bruckt alis, .t 1t. ( fo:.gllt s cat Iv. li 4wu'aanr el t•y J. ft PAINE CO, Ltd, Tor,.uto. ASK YOUR anomie FOR IT. tare yuurcoupuns. and ane nt nor particulars regarding prize 111113010P11108 'ranal M ETALIZL O R01111 NAT PIN ASKED AND ANSWERED. Little Willie—"Say pa, what is a keiptonianlae 1" l'a—"A kleptomaniac, my son, is a thief seldom worth less than $100,000. A Sure Corrective of Flatulency. —When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belohing or eructation of these gases is offen- sive and the only way to prevent thong is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills will do this. Simple di- rections go with each packet, and a course of them taken systemati- cally is certain to effect a cure. Visitor : "How do you do, Tom- my? I've come to stay at your house for a week, and I'm sure you can't even guess who I am." Tom- my : "1'11 bet you ono thing." Visi- tor : "What? " Tommy : "I'll bet you're no relation of father's." COULDN'T STOP HiM. Blox—"Newdrop is a great boast- er," Knox—"That's what. Why, only yesterday lie was boasting about how loud his baby can cry." Don t experiment with unsatls. factory substitutes. Wilson's Fly Pads kill many times more house flies than any other known article. PAPA ANi) HIS SAFETY RAZOR. "Won't you take a chair, Mr. Simpson?" said the little girl to the caller. "Papa will be down just as soon as he has finished hoe- ing his face." CRIEVOUS ERRORS made nowadays. For Instance when n person buys an imi- tation of " The 1). A , " Menthol Meter said to be the e. Ise that they are madebycareful by DavisDavisdl Lawrence Co. Even if a man's good deeds live after him he isn't in a position to caro. Pains Disappear Before It.—go one need suffer pain when they have available Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric Oil: If not in the house when required it can be procured at the nearest Store, as all merchants keep it for sale. Rheumatism and a1. bodily pains disappear when it is applied. and should they at any Limo return, experience teaches the user of the Oil how to deal with them. WANTED CREAM ON IT. There had been a railroad accid- ent, and the absent-minded tourist awoke to find himself with a mouth- ful of splinters. Turning uneasily in his shattered berth, he remark- ed: "Marin, this breakfast food wouldn't be so bnd if it bad a little more cream on it." T'U Wilson's FIy Pads, the best oI all fly killers, kill both the Ries and the disease germs. MOTHER WAS PRESENT. It was the first time in three dives that Mrs. 1'ery Rich had seen her children, so numerous wero her suctal engagements. "Mama," asked little Ruth, as her mother took her up in her arms for a kiss, "on what day was 1 born 1" "On Thursday, dear," said the mother. "Wasn't that forunate 1" replied the little girl, "because that's your day hotue." The Foe of Indigestion.—Indiges- ton is a common ailment and few aro free front it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. Tho very best remedy is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills taken according to directions. They rec- tify the irregular action of the sto- mach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and aro highly esteem- ed for their qualities. Husband : "After all, civiliza- tion has its drawbacks. People in the savage state seldom get ill." Wife (sweetly): "I wonder if that's the reason you're so healthy 1". Jones (to Brown, who has been relating his wonderful adventures in Russia): "And I suppose you visited the great steppes of Rus- sia?" Brown : "I should rather think so, and walked up every one of thein on my hands and knees." A lady writes: "I was enabled to remove the corns, root and branch, by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried it have the same experience. Meeker : "Just one year ago to- day I had my wife to the altar." Bleeker : "You did, eh 1" Meeker : "Yes, and then and there my lead- ership ended." Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Even Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com- pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu. rine Doesn't Smart: Soothes Eye Pain. Write Murine Eye Re,nedy hicago, for illustrated Eye Book. At Co.,Druggists. You may be able to forget your troubles for a time, but they usual- ly come back stronger than ever after their vacatitd.. When going away from home, or at any change of habitat, ho is a wise man who numbers among his belongings a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. Change of food and water in some strange place where there are no doctors may bring on an attack of dysentery. He then has a stand- ard remedy at hand with which to cope with the disorder, and fore- armed he can successfully fight the ailment and subdue it. PAINKILLER IS JUST THE REMEDY needed in every household. For cute. burns and bruises, strains and sprains dampen a cloth with It, apply to the wound and the pain leaves. Avoid substituted. Utero is but ono "Painkiller "—Perry 1)aviti — ESc, and Soo. Jenny : "Jack, you ought to make some sacrifice to prove that you love me. Come, now, what will you give up when we aro married?" Jack : "Jenny, I'll—I'll give up being a bachelor." The microscope in the hands of experts employed by the United States Government has revealed the fact that a house fly sometimes carries thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy body. The continuous use of Wilson's Fly! Pads will prevent all danger of infection from that source by killing both the germs and the flies. The following is the reply which a man sent to a bill from his book- seller :—"I never ordered the book ; if I did, you didn't send it; if you sent it, I never got it; if I got it, I paid for it; if I didn't, I won't." Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. Love without esteem is almost as capricious as esteem without love. WOMEN'S HANDS U 111100 0 01 ONO S sae ,0, 1101111 • C•0 va e ye.. I'we as ail •niers et 6.1s4..1a 25c.;;ie;, 11.04 •n.4 Altai 54 0010.';.4. &Weft TARBOX 55011.. 274 iundas Et , Toronto, Ost. "Ignorance," remarked young Borem "they say is bliss." "Oh, that probably accounts for it," re- joined Miss Cutting. "Accounts for what!" queried the youth. ''The contented and happy look you usually wear," she replied. ST. MARGARET'S COLLEGE, TORONTO. A very interesting illustrated booklet has just been issued by St. Margaret's College, for girls. Con- currently with, or independent of, an Academie ceerse St. Mar- garet's runs courses in Music, Art, and domestic Science. Thd classes are mads to average ten each, so isa to bring the personal influence of the teacher more fully to hear upon the pupil. "Good English, like gc;od manners. comes bent through association with those who have it," said an Oxford pre- tenses. The personal influence of the teacher cannot he effective when the classed are large. D11. ANIMAL. M. 1). With animals the simple remedies of Nature generally suffice for their ailments, and they are guided to them by instinct. The mongoose cures himself, when bitten by a co- bra, by eating a certain plant., and when it dog has lost its appetite it eats that species of glass known as dog's grass. Sheep and sows when ill also seek out certain herb•. An animal suffering from chronic rheu- matism always keeps, as far as pos- sible. in the sun. The warrior ants have regularly organized ambu- lances. If a chimpanzee be wound- ed, it steps the bleeding by plac- ing its hand on the wound, or dress- ing it with leaves or grass; whilst aniruals with wounded legs or arils almost set `red complete the ampu- tation by means of their teeth. A DI1'1.t)M.\T. Mother—"Aren't you ewer going to get ower fghtirlg, \Willie 1" Willies-"Yes'in when t we. lick - ISSUE NO. 28-01, -.I wait IIIIi.*Xaa. TOPom hs to $V i. deantl to ered enemas' rain Atmilling any etatt,nt to Ontario for 8•>t l.• (u. ridgy s,uran• teed. Nu such value ever before offered in carts, da. Catalogue free. Other eprc'.l 111106 harness and ti r..celisa.. Th. Olontont Brawn Trading 0s., Toronto. Mitt WANTED „co UnVe'sitedtern Eoilmpire. and Coai, 4o\V allaceburg Sugar, so Sterling Flank, so Trusts and Guarantee, so Birbeck i.oan (fully paid G per cent. ), so Collingwond Shipbuilding, moo Badger, a000 Cobalt Gem, a000 Diamond Vale Coal. WANTED. pANTRY WOMAN, liberal wage%, and girls for dining -room w.,rk, wages (15.00 psi month. Apply ' 'h• vir•11.aud." tit. Catharines. FOR SALE gooer, glloon Coailey.burytall. vbalt De- velopment, t oo0 Shamrock, soots Maple Mountain, soo0 Agauni:o, 3000 Cobalt Majestic, 13115 Rothschilds, a000 Bailey, 2000 Luck). boys. HERON & CO., 1e KToing ront West, Fire insurance Agents Wanted Richmond & Drummond Fire insurnnre cora. pany. Head Office. Richmond' Qu.. t:.tablisb.a 1879. Capital 1150,000. For agencies .01 unrepr'o- tmat.d points, Province of Ontario, address J. H. EWART, Chief Agent, No. 11 Wellington at., Last. Toreate. 1145-1-v 1 AGENTS WOMB . • cAst WRITE -ite9 CATALOGUE WAN Mate p allay and ..tae. 11sh p nnaneot 1 uaisW OS OUT rap.tal. Out MO clw gun :S Sell On sight 1u home. are quickly wed up and repeat orders 00100 1..4 Exclusive ter. ritnry Wen. TOL H .ws burets Oi.. Dept. 50, Tort to. Oil TED If yon want to sell property which you own la tN Vatted states nrWs property 01 a Canada such as • FARM 11.11 n 44, carie w at 14111 for our new sun. Amoral plan of sellingdirect. without comml..ion. Gleeful] deacriptils oMeier' ty and stats 'merit price ifon emit to Loy pre. peri*of any kind In any locality, write us. stating what and where you wish to buy, and we will send du TRIMour mapaine of ehoier lantana t sale irect front the caner with no commhalon ad BUYIAnl.Hoan Inseams/It Aosoolatlan,O' (" 67820th Av. N, Mivasapolf, Minn. 11Wonderful, Maizlousl Miiaculous" Is the exclamation of ono who has used COON'S INVENTION 41 DeMARVEL4 for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, CoCaveatppatios, linage+tion and many other paln-produed 111g diseases. If you are a sufferer write at ono( fur p ITticuiars t1 Coon's t►eMarvel Cu., Limttatig 810 Crown L.fe Building, Toronto, Ontario. Please mention this paper when writing. ALEXANDER WARDEN, (I at C•bgrch jjin Canada) elan. BONDS AND STOOKS Cobalt stocks bought and sold on commission_ 15 TOR0kTO STREET, TORONTO. CAMAO! Lune 01.tance Phones "Slain 9370. ldalo r77 . WARREN t3ZOWSKI & CO. MM.mbery ioroutu stuck Exchange. Trader. (tank Building, YS Hr..a1 Street, TORO\"I0. NSW "Onlc STOCKS AND BONDS We are now ap•ciatisiug In COBALT stock.. write as fur iafurmatioa. USED IN Leming Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, 1 heatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of ckttinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the only piano with the 11l.rnitabie Repeating Action. Send for (frees Catalogue No. Te. iayliL PIANO41O,LpnCo.. Limited C3VELPH•ONTARlCfa ANOTHER CASH PRIZE CONTEST ORANGE MEAT Announces a New Prize Contest MORE PRIZES THAN THE LAST - Tho Fleet Prize will again be a LIFE ANNUITY of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS CASH Equal to One Dollar pal «•'ck Rv'rv'Veek during 1.i'elirne A Second Prize of One Hundred Dollars Cazh Two Prizes of Fifty Dollars Eao11 Ton Prizes of Twenty Collars Each Ten Prizes of Ton Dollars Each Twenty Prizes of Five Dollars Each Ono Winched Prizes of Ono Dollar Eaoh CoNuitioeie, ,re •i'n .r to the last Contest. except that al. !)range Meat f'a,t., i Ihsltorns in1,t be sent in ea or bete,e November doth, seoq. Tull particulars on private pat earl In eters 70.:(55 of 'rang. Moat 1f 7.,n eater tti, onelt, 5 .a,, .t t ON blank araeo b.1...IA roar um* *Al ad,t•... cat It dist as 1 mall 1t to 'fangs Moat, Bln..ten Ant . 1t will o,,snt • tial t, 141 Barton bottoms 0'4% .,., e on. 9.4° � et, "a ..• 1,0 lA'�• Jt00 ;--;i....---- 11