HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-07-01, Page 140c to JAN. '10
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
The Old Reliable
10 Keep!
The real hot weather is here!
Are you prepared for it?
Here are a few 'How to Keep
Cool " suggestions.
Cool White Goods Minding, Drawers, Organdies,
White Waists, White Under-
skirts. Summer Corsets, Corset
Corers, &c ' Men's and Boys' Straw Hats; White Vests, very choice line;
New Ties, all of the latest in style and colorings. .t.
worth 25c, now
Crockery, a new line just in!
Now is the time to replace your broken lots at about half the price
you paid for your old. 'We would remind you that we still have the
Astoria Shoe
in Men's only, in all the latest styles, both in the low and high cut.
Highest Prices Paid for Produce !
Butter 17c, Eggs 17c. trade; 16c cash.
These price; subject to
il( \-\•'i►•'F \00 X30" - *-3 0i1a Obi
argains for ladies!
♦�'e are showing this week some
Special Values in Fancy Voiles in Blue, Brown,
Linen and Black Colors. Also some very fine Eoliennes
in different shades, very swell for SUMMER DRESSES. Our
stock ti Fancy Combs and Barretts is complete.
Very large stook of these geode. Do not (fibs seeing there.
Iso Bargains for Men!
in \VHiTE VESTS, latest style,
LINKS. FANCY HOSE. All np•to•date goods and prices right.
We Keep Nice,. Clean. Fresh Groceries
EC S-"0 00 00 7`•7'7' 2000 %0 0)
rr•retsalonal care.
DR. O. F. ROL'LBTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Ilember of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Moor
inedaate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: Over Dickson A railing's Law C"f e, in
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
`DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8.a
Honor,lraduate of Toronto Col%mit".
Teeth extra ted without any pain, or any bad effects
Odes over Gladhoan & 8tanbury'so8i:e, Maio street
�] R BRIGHT, M. P., M. C. P. t 8 . HONOR
ills Graduate of Toronto University, Two years
resident phesl ian Royal Alexandra hospital, etc.
()Mee and Residence, Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew
Street, EXETER.
Has resumed pro'tv a after spending a year (Col-
lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. Omni
practice with spe al attention to Eye, (with refrac-
tion) Ear Noee and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Ont.
tors, Notaries. Conveyancers, Commissioners
Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc.
Money t0 Lost at lowest rater 0l interest
obit es. Hain street, Exeter,
1. li. Cash's, It A., L ti. &coos
Ws bare a I►r,te amount of private funds to 10an
It norm and village properties at low rates of inter
Barristers, Solicitors,Main,t.. Exeter 0s
Lteetsed Atctloteer,
Ales attended 1n all parts. 8atisivtion remit.
teed or no My. Terms reasonable. All orders left
at Advocate Oil :4 will be promptly attended to
Agent Confederation Life A..nranee
Cont tIv, also Fire insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St.. Exeter.
Bus and Dray Calls
promptly attended to.
Horses kept in stock i•'r sale.
Telephone IIA
Stables at Ilandford's Horse Exchange
Wil. ARNOLD, Prop.
1101 -SC TO RENT
Brick house, 1 and 1-2 storey, on
WI!lian] Street, Exeter. Good number of
rooms. !louse In good repair. Good
hard and soft water. Number of fruit
trees. Apply to S. M. SANDERS, Ez'•tcr
The undersigned can take a tinllt'd
number of cattle and horses for pasture
by the n10:,th. For particulars apply to
11. D Quinton. Salntshury P. 0.. Lot A.
5th Con. Uaborne
The undersigned 1s offer:ng for sale
a good brick house and 10 acres of land.
Part of South Half Lot 4. Con. 2, Ste-
phen. The house is 1:1 good repair. also
a good frame barn and woodshed. good
soft and hard water, never failing well,
good orchard, 3-4 mile from school. 1
and 1-4 mics from church. Posees,lo-1
give•t next fall. Apply on the premises.
MRS. WiNER, Centralia P 0
T!1e underslgncd is offering 1.Is farm
for sale. Lot 2. Con. 1, Blddulph. 1-1
nil:e from (eentraita \ illagt', containing
75 acres. elzty five under cultivation.
ten arrca hush pasture. Terre Is a new
two-stotey btick cottage. hard and .oft
water, three good wells. Hann :10 by 60
and o•:1er buttdi,.ger. Posse.elon given
In the fall. Terme easy. appy to
Ce::•ralla, O:.t.
: AUCTIONEER T!.e u;:d-reigned is offers: g for sale
WM. ANDE1:>.;:t. Li.c• red Au.tioileer youth half of Lot 21. Con. 8. Stephen.
for Huron County, Terms reasot:ablr. 114 miles west of Exeter: also 80 arres
Dates ran he made at tee AJvo•ate. • if Lot 21. Con. 2. Stephen. a-.4 25
Kzt'c:. or De. ra Elib'r'. Office, Crtd- a rte 1.1 Hay Swamp. T''.tre Is o::: t!:e
Iton. fifty a rrs a frame :,ouse, bank barn.
hay barn. drive shed and other ronvetl-
kn-ee : th'r•' is an ezcer.ert ,Crt g c r• en;
HOUSE FOR SALE ru:,ning !:rough the teit'y is :es. mak-
R;.orl pasture land. Wi:1 be so:d t"
An (srtlient t::l et oar-, d r 1 a1 c1 cc !,c . r srparatt1y. For particulars
tp.to-date. Situated it.) '.tai., street. arply to \tttt. JOHN COOKSON. Exeter
Apply et this Office. North, (lay P. O.
In Newest Type
On Best Papers
The Finest Work
Aud Richt Prices
The:Advocate:Office,' Exeter
s:\NDI' lin\\'DEN'S It:\CliELO1tS ARE Room \'11 to Itoonn \'1.—Milton Kyddl
--- THRIVED Ii\' DOODLE HAWK- b1, Jack Hwdon 80, Marguerite Pick -
sixty reasons, member8 of and 77, Edna Johns I, Mary Day 65,
Letrar,on Forest Lodge, Exeter, and vis- SHA\\'S L(ENEDICYrS, 6-4. lard
Dealing 60, Grace Carling 50, Bus -
:Ong brethren from Lucan and Hensa)1 sell Varsl:all 55, — ltcport for June,—
Lodges, attended divine service In the On Thursday n;gt.t Doodle Hav'ket:aw I1.. Harold Boyle 8:,, Vera MarshallJun,
Trinitt Memorial church on Sunday last and 11 gang of married chaps put it Jr.ir.83Priscilla..IterCollin e 85,od er70Wilh
all over Sandy liawdtr,'A bunch of bin- 6
at 11 a.ne., when the worsLodge,
Master Rendle 69. No. ,on [oil 55, average 42.
of Lebanon Forest Lodge, Rev. D. W.
gle fellows in a six round game of base F'. W. Howard. Teact:rr.
Conies, re:tor of the church, conducted ball. Micky Acheson kept the tally and
the spectators vouch for its correctness, Room 8 to Room 6.—It. oda Cor:ash
the :service and preached a very able Dt 93, Mildred Hardy 83, Drew Knlgta 8:3,
sermon, taking for hie text the first 3 while Teidy Wade called the balls and
verses of the first chapter of Genesis— strike■ from behind the pitcher's bozoIfcrbert Hector 80, Millie
Walker 79,
"In the beginning God created the ilea. Teidy's weather cyc (0r Ugh a::d low i Jacobi 66, Lilac Walker 65. Class 13
Alice Taylor 79, Violet Welsh 75, Will
von ---light". After extending a cos- ba 119 was a little Milked, but he handed •
dial welcome to the members of the or- 000ut 1, ''19 favors equally to both sides to Class A.—Irene Easte[brook 84, Ai -
Doodle passed his sawdust curves over v, Can -Melt 82, Willie Davie 73. Clif-
der to the church cervi.•:• he gave voice ford Mellott T9, tlotlo k 76, Will
to a number of thoughts upon his test'tne plate for the bheedicts during the Brown llo Waiter Mary I Moyle 78, Czar
s:z li,nir ga, wh1:e the ba: h lora Lad flaw Pal -
Harness Milton Bedford 72, Vera
of which the foltowlag are a Lcw.-72
"T:'e words of this text fall .Doth• dell, Carling and Boyle In the box for 1(artl 7n, Clur'u'e Motley 70, Leon Pal-
i: gly ut•o., the ear. They farm a simple l t:vo innings each, but It tuadc•, rice differ- 111,-.. Illi• Lcou . 11'e 1 60. No. en roll 45
et:element of remarkable brevity, with- l'"`e 'Twas all one to tee married fel-
out explanation o, proof. The fleet chap' 1ows and they put all three out of bust- average 37.
ter and the first three verses of the Jess, lioskens did the receiving for
second a hapter give al; we know of ere- the bachelors. tut he doesn't play the
ation. Intellect and science have learned game like he "usher." sic does't hold
nothing further. I trcllave t:10 book of Fern, does!: t throw 'tn1, docet,'t hit 'en' BOUGHT BARBERSHOP—Frank Corn
g Ilike he did Last year.Ish has purchased the barbering bust -
Ge :cels is factory, ad n:u:•!, SO SO .1:;y Think he must be
banging that old football too much, and nese of Mack Vincent, near the Met ro-
suitcment of events in eh.^ world, yet polltan Hotel, and solicits the patron.
it is clear that the [statement of my text i'ia hands have lost thele rlaverneee.
is cot history. There was no man Ilv-' Elmore Senior says he doesn't love that age of the public. "A clean and easy
:ng et that time to write :. down as his -
grassy plot for stopping grounders—he shave and a neat hair cut,"Is the motto.
tory. Yet it is undoubtedly nuc, but It says they would:,'t cone right—and they _
a the trutl, of an urc•weri::g or revels WI re costly misers; while Dick Cr.'rct,
Con, probably revealed Lr a (lsfon. It I on third played the game he sheeted BIRTHS
:s remarkable that th Dile opens and have pi .y. d at 'Zurich where his errors ---
lceea with two rcvelat,Duu of wonderful We're re•spunalble for several of the Penhale—in Parkhill, on June 17th. to
c m:Larity. In its scop/ this text Is 'Durrh Cumpaltce"e" runs, of which Mr. and Mrs. S. Penhale, formerly of
dateless and measureless. There 18 110game the Zurich Herald says some of Exeter, a daughter.
intention of limitation. T c day duce tee grounders would be going yet if Fear—Ir: Amherstburg, on June 25, to
r:o'. mean 24 ''Dura. we t:buy measure they were Left for Dick to stop them. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fear, a son.
time by bows and daps, but God does !'lone[ on third for the singles needs Gahert.—In McGillivray—on June 22, to
not. We are doubtless living In Cod's toads of practice but some of itis r:Lon Mr. and Mrs. huger Gilbert, a son. •
seventh day, and to the early morning of ora were poor outs. It was one, t Ivo
::tat day. The brigiet noon day Is to
-ome. In substance this text refers to
Cod, Nature and Man. which coostltun:a
the whole basis of life In Masonry. To
,c.:ow God, Ills work as revealed in
Natu 'e and Fcicnce, and to know Tr.yself
is the whole subject and work of life:
Man is more than animal. He is made
in the image of God to worship and coll-
ect..., with God. Our object then should
b:: to obtain a knowledge. of God, of
Nature and of Man ; and this' tornre the
complete foundation of nlasoury. It to
built oil a betels broad and complete,
but although the foundation may be
complete the building may be wanting.
It should be the great work int our lives
to a:e_t a building of etreIl, th and of
beauty op this foundation."
The singing by the choir was o1 a
hag!. order and contributed in a:1 to-
wards brightening the service. el,. Mirk -
lam presided at the organ and the n'e..- EXETER SCHOOL ItEPc,HT
terly way in which lie handled It re- —
flected much credit on his abilities and I'ItOM'JIi'JN EXA\l1NATIONS
brought forthmuch praise from Ms---
many „listeners.Form It. to Form 111.—Vonore, W.
do the return of the brethren to the Monteith 7E. foss. J. Grassick 73. G.
'cease room votes of thanks were tender- Kestie 71. L. Watson 70, V. Sweet 68.
ed the preacher, the wardens of the chur H, Jones 66. L. Vern 64. T. Penhale 64
ch, the choir and the visiting brethren. G. Ford 6:1, H. Trieb:,er e;:t. H. Car-
1:ng f12, R. Dougall 62, N. A:ray 00,
George Roberts, the young than who C. Dunsford 6o.
conducted the bowling alley here for a Exam for Commercial Dlpioma: Ho'1-
few week, after it was first installed ors. H. Pope 85, F. Hutlter 75; Pass,
died In Landon on Sunday, aged 23 G. I3lssett 70, O. \Wood 07. F'. Beaver
years. The young man was a victim of Ott• Form 11. Entrance,—Honors,
lung trouble and was quite 111 when he Copeland '77, B. Hoggarth 77, C. Wood
left here a month ago. 76, \t', \Wetsmlllcr 7b. !'ase, 31, Elston
73, It. Dearing 73, 11. F'uke 70, L.
FARM FOR SALE. Sta-ey 7n, G. Hooper 69, Fi, Sweet 09,
W. Stewart 68, O. Ateineon 67, G.
A hu ;dred acre farm, all seeded down t•,,aemore 67, L. Grieve 65, A. Blesett
but one acre; situated north of Centralia 63, E. Southcott 6', H. Knight 02, L,
1-1 mile from Church, school and Pol Frayne 61, R. Brandt 00, L. Boyle 00.
Office, being Lot. 0. Con. 1, Stephen. Conner tel Jr., S. Gllltes 61. B. Boyle
Tare Is on the premises a good frame
ouee, three good frank barns. 4 wells,
1 wlndmlll, I acre of good orchard,and
10 acres of hardwood bush: fences in
go)d repair. and is well under -drained.
Terms easy. For particulars apply to
51118. S. \1cCOY, Centralia,
tierce and out for Doodle with 3)310.
Dyer, Elliot and Knight at bat. Ten
Creecli and Wes. Cole were back '0 tt:e
game with the benedlets, playing in turn
ore first and behind the home plate. A
pal! of dandles they ate and the reg.
ulcer team needs them bad—wish some-
one would get a string on them ani Full
then into the game to stay. The s:ogle
fellows atilt dream of beating '.he mar-
ried men, hut we guess its a nightn.m-u'
and won't come true with that gang of
four-flushers. Tt:e batting order and
Iscore follows.—
Singlea—lloskt:ia 1, F. Boyle 0, Sen-
I:or 1, Cariing 0, Bowden 1, Pinner 1,
Dyer G, Elliott 0, Knight 0.
Married,—Stewart 1, Anderson 11.
Hawkahaw 2, Cote 1. T. Boyle 1, Mc-
Farlane 1, McCultoug!t 'e, T. Creech 1.
D. Creech 1.
Tile Ontario Statutes for 1909 have
been received by nit for distribution and
Magistrates. Justices of the i'eate and
others entitled to ,Gples may ob-
tai;' them by applying at my office.
Ciolerlrh 16th June. 1909.
Clerk of II r lienee, Huron
In the ur..tterof the estate of Abrahams
War Mg. late of t tie Village of Exeter
in the ('„'rr,tV of Huron, Gentle-
1111tH, deceased.
t'u,.want to 11.8.tO., Chap. 1214, Section 34, Notice
is hereby given that all creditors and others hosing
claims against the estate of Abraham Dearing, late
of the Wi (age of Exeter. In the County of Huron,
Gentleman, who die.' on or about the Seventh day of
June, A. D. bat), are. on or adore the
Twenty -Fourth D4y of July. A.D. 1900
to send by post, prepaid, or defiler to Messrs. O1.4'
man & Stenbury, of the Village of Exeter, Soli-
citors for the Executrix and Executor of the said de•
erased, their Christian names and Surnames, ad-
dresses and des• riptinns, the tvtl part of their
clatnes, a statement of their a'•rounts and the nature
and the nature of the securities. (if ary), held by
them, and shat after the day last aforesaid the pfd
Executrix and Executor will proceed to distribute
the assets of the saki decea,.ed among the parties ere
titled thereto. haling regard only to such claims of
which notice shall have been given as shove reyuir.
ed, and the said Executrix and Executor will not he
liable for the said assetsnr any part thereof, to any
person or persons of whose claim or claims notice
shall not have been 'reit rd by them at the time
of sir•h distril.ution.
Dated at Exeter, this 2.1th dal of Jane. A. P. 1910.
Solicitors for the Exr•utrix and Executor
.% M. Johnston, Ia:har
Jr. IV. to Sr. 1V.—Honors. Greta Bis -
lett 81, ifert Gillies 78, Nellie Jones
78. Russell ItaIkw111 76: Pass. \'elnta
Eaaterbrook 72, James Walker 71. F.
:.1. Pherson 66. Viola Rowe 60, Ariel
Beverley 60, F•lory' Denney. Gordon Pea
hale. No. *or roll 3:1. average 29.
C. \'osper, teacher.
Prom Ju:,tor to Middle Third.— Mar-
jorie Flu.ton 83. Alnt:e. Mack 81. Pearl
Jackson 91, Harry Parsons 8'). F'lo:•
erre Wood 79, Fannie Bowey 78, Mar-
jorie Relduu : e, Edith Davis 77 ; Pass.
Joseph Craig 72, Earl Cookson 71, 81-
•.1 Reed 70, lira De:va 09, Jos. Fcr•
,t nio.1 66, Lulu Hastings 04, Jenate
Russell 61.
From senior 11. to Jr. ill.,—Honore.
\l ervin Vincent 80. Lila Zuefle 85,
\clville Madman 84, Allen Carter 80,
;ordon Ford i 7 ; Pass, Bertha Horney
-•'. Dorothy White 09. Dorothy Kunz
tar. Dora Houlden 69. Gerald Fitton 67
K tel .t e:denhanmrcr 6n. Amy John, 60
li. N. Kinsman. Teacher.
From Sr. 111. to Jr. 1\'.—Eric Ilur-
do•1 '7. Lh,de•1 Harvey 93. Franc!, H1L'
91, Muriel Jones 81, (rno Sweet 80, Ol-
iver liodgert 90. Ethel Halkwill 78. Lo-
la Taylor 76, Bruce }Walker 76. Roo
Rowe 75, 'Marion Blatchford 73. eat e:
rte•tor 78, Maggie Case 72. Flore:-•
itowe 71. Blanche ()trance 69. Gladys
Delve 6e. La delle Handford 69. Ernes'
Harvey 65. Ethel Day 64, Thornton
Fear 64. Slaur;ce Senior 63. Harp-.
Rivers 62, Edgar Homey 61. Oscar A:.-
derson 60. Fnom Jr. 111. to Sr. 111.—
heatrlte ilodgert 7e. Alberta Keight 77
Olive McDonald 74. Gladys Downe 72,
Anna (fell 71, Jessie Brlckwood 69.
Lilian Marchand 68, Ettte Bowie 64
May Smallecombe 64. Pee Follick 63,
Ile -tor Itowrl,ffe r.:t, Wilfred Mack 0:1.
Annie Day 62. Russel Flynn 6'2. \fa -
h^1 K:tott 61. Oliver Davis 00.
J. Murray. Teacher.
Oodbat:—Hodgins—On the Souts, Boun-
dary, Uaborne, on June 301(4, Mr. Gco
Godboit of \Ti:alielsea to Sllss Annie
Lucretta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard tlodging.
.iillit•s—!Iasket'—At Pariah!, on June
23, to Rev. F. 0. Newton, NE se Ann.
Hackett to Mr. Jas. Gillies of East
Caldwell—Uodbolt--At Seafortn, Juo• 22
John Caldwell of }ieneall to Mre. El-
iza Godbolt of Winchelsea.
'Malloy—Drake—At Ilibbert. on the 23
Dr. alalloy of Dundcrn, Sask., to Ada
daughter of Mr. Mark Drake, Staffa.
Brooks—\locre—At Mitchell 021 the 23,
Edward it. brooks of Chapleau to Min-
cole C., daughter of Josue Moore, Mit-
Couch—Dowsorl—I:i Stanley on June 23
Mary, daughter of Henry Dowson, t0
Percy Couch of Clinton.
Reattte—Irwin—At hayfield, on June 23
Lerma Isabel, daughter of Geo. Irwin,
to James hose Beattie, Trout Creek,
Howald.—In Exeter, on June 23, Will-
iam Earl, son of 31r. and Mrs. E. A.
Howald, aged 11 months, 18 days.
Connor—in McGillivray, on June 18th,
airs. Sarah Connor, aged 79 years,
2 rno:'thee, 11 days.
Fitzgerald—At Granton. on Saturday,
June 19, George Fitzgerald, aged 76
Regina Watches, when sold
without an Official Guarantee,
and by other than an authorized
agent, are liable to be Second -
Hand Watches, taken in trade
or procured in some other
second-hand way.
I am the only authorizes
Official Agent here, and am the
only one who can issue an Offic-
ial Guarantee which will be re-
spected by other Official Agents
throughout Canada.
A. MARCHAND, the Jeweller,
Binder Twines and Ropes
Car of Plymouth Twine Just Arrived
Use nothing; hut the best this year. as pt's( -es
are very IOW. 84e to Ile per lb.
Gold Medal Pure Manilla Rope
for Hay Forks, etc. Special 14c Ib.
Sling 'topes. Pulley Hoist Ri)pes. ete., 1 le to 1.1c per lh.
Owen Sound USE Now Brunswick
Portland Cement
Piaster Paris
Scythes. Snaths. Paris Green. Gasolene Stoves, Oil Stovei,
Screen Doors and Windows. All your hard-
ware Wants supplied.
Fishing Tackle of Every Description
rWr iI "War lir WW1” i/' 'V lIFiF v Wim WISP g'WI' 190iF 4 ii• ii* iiR ir'il"iPitF'siFir ii iF ITT ii IW V iFil R7 -: 'ir 'fir 'Er it Y l
s Ms
�8 • Co A. 4 s
Special Feature---Si1er Medal for 100 Amateur Champiollsh!p Pyd. 4 ,
it Starts at 6:30 sharp ,', On Agricultural Grounds, Exeter ,', 15c and 101 ,', See Bills 1
JAI! aaaaaa.sAli A&U&J , ALA&!k L ,sasaaisasaAlk Ink /al aaAla alk >1IaALA! ,daw, Ai ilk all Al .& Al ili Lkea: 2 4