HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-24, Page 8.\ GOOD APPEARANCE doesn't (cute by chance, neither does it grow on trees. To be presentatie you must BE WELL DRESSED Look oee: our fine line of euitinge, pick out what you like, and we'll do the rest. ( o".es made here dress you well at 'nnall charges. Get measured. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, aceter, Ontario Orslaess Locals-- Read Them Men, keep kool ' Wear Stewart's 50c .spring .\'ttdlt ('nderu•rar. They're dandy' Any person wishing Buckwheat for seed can got same at the grist mill. Wheat. Oats and Barley wanted at the mill. -HARVEY BROS. Ladies—$1.95 buys a swell trimmed flat at Stewart's. Regular value 3 to 5 dollars—more quick .' SECOND HAND BICYCLES Five good second hand Bicycles for eale cheap. John Trlebner, Ezeter. IOc the yardfi,r your choice of any colored Dress Mullins at Stewart's—reg- ular ralues 15c to 25e—more quick' COOPERAGE WORK. -I desire to in- form the people of Ezeter and vicinity that I do all kinds of cooperage repair- ing. All repairs gathered and returned Prlcee moderate. ED. HEIDEMAN, San eters street. 2 for 25c—Ladies' black and tan Mose —plain or ribbed—regular value 20c and 25c. 7 pair for a quarter. Stew- art's. APPRENTICE WANTED AT CNCE.- To learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN. 30 Seamless Room Rugs, in li'iltons, Velvets, Balmoral, Brussels and lirooh, all at bargain priers at Stewart's. Do fou want one I SUBSCRIBE for the Adsocatc and get all the news. $11.00 bnys a swell Semi-Poreelain hind Dinner Set at Stewart's. Pure hitt body with neat pink floral decora- tes and gold tracing. repair Shop r ;run repairing Umbrella repairing Lawn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissors " Horse Clippers " Saws gummed and filed Wringer Rollers. All kinds of keys filed and locks repaired. New Bicycles and Sundries Guns and Ammunition in stock., J. TRIEBNER Three doors North of Post Office THE BEAUTY behind a suit is not confin- ed to other clothing estab- lishments. There's a love- liness about our garments that will simply delight all who corne to us- that's so. The 1st of July will soon be here Got Your New Summer Suit Yet ? ? ? W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor- Exeter } LOCAI. DOING`. 4 ailk ss,itssssasas4 Nc 1.:: u: Scaf�rt:r visited friends town Sunday. '•!-s. War. Snell returned ;nc week :r a visit with friends In St. T..onrae. Rev. A. H. Going preacher 'air far.- aa11 sermon on the evening, of tree 37t11. S1!ga,t frost occurred here Thursday and Friday nights, but did no damage. Mr. Samuel I'at•sons, London Road south. lost a valuable mare on Monday last through death. • Mrs. and Miss Graham of Hatnllto:; were guests of Mr. Graham of the Bank u' Commerce staff. Mr. Toni Carling holds the highest bowling record, he having made a Scor, of 244 on Monday. The ratan with the acre of lawn to cut •.'r.lcssly bears testimony that this :e great growing weather.. A good tante will be given at the Gar- den Party at the Tr:vitt Menro.lal church to -:.fight (Thursday.) Everybody Invited. Mr. Thos. Dearing suffered a slight stroke of paralysis on Monday after- 'oon last, and as a result 1s confined to his bed. Frank C. James, claiming to come from Toronto, was sent up to Goderic!r on Monday by Magistrate Kay for ten days for vagrancy. A load of the members of the Ezeter Masonic Lodge drove to Lucau Sunday and attended a church service with the members of Irving Lodge. Those heavy express charges that you are paying seen( to suit the share- holders of the company, who receive from 92 to 150 per cent. profit. The business mean who does not ad- f.ertise because he tried it once and f:e thought it failed should throw away `cis cigar because the match went out. On Sunday next the members of Leb- anon Forest Lodge, A. F. & A. M., will attend Divine service In the Trlvltt Mem- orial church, when the rector, Rev. D. W. Collins, will preach. Service at 11 a. nn. Many people were eagerly on the look- out for the eclipse of the sun on Thurs- day evening. it was plainly visible to even the naked eye for an hour before sun down. A curved portion of the north pari was darkened by the new moon. The home of Mr. Sidney West on Main street narrowly escaped being !osirned on Sunday morning. The fire caught In the roof of the kitchen from an over- heated stove -pipe, but was noticed In time to save the building. About #10.00 wall cover the damage. Mr. Garfield Buchanan of Jarvis, a former typo at The Advocate office, was married at Balmoral yesterday to Miss Keen of that place. Mr. Buchanan is a son of Rev. D. )1. Buchanan, for- merly of Hensall. Garfield's friends here will extend congratulations. Strangers in an auto met strangers in a buggy about 5 p.nt. Sunday near the Metropolitan with the result that the horse became frightened and bolted, throwing itself and breaking a shaft. The occupants were not hurt, and with the assistance of others soon had things fixed up so that they could proceed on their journey. A horse dropping dower In front of Carling Bros.' store, with every appear- ance of being dead, was the Means of attracting a large crowd on Saturday night. The poor animal's downfall was evidently the direct result of a much neglected rat bin. After quite a strug- gle the beast eventually got on its ping. and walked away. Mr. 8. M. Sanders, wife and Tittle child of town and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher of Osborne Lad a narrow escape from probable serious injury on Sun- day last. They were driving out to the cemetery In a phaeton, when the horse which became frightened at an auto, barked into the ditch, upsetting the rig arid occupants. Strange to say all es- caped injury, and the horse being check - cd before going further the rig also es- caped damage. "There Is no sand In sandpaper" said the manufacturer. it is powdered glass that does the business. That's were the woken hordes go." He nodded toward a mare of broken bottles In the yard. "We powder the glass Into half a doz- en grades" he said. "We coat our pa- per with an even luyer of hot glue. Tien without loss of time we spread on the glass powder. Finally we run a wooden roller light ovccr the sheets to give them a good surface. When In the part they made sandpaper of sand It wouldn't do a quarter of the work that glace paper docs." MINISTER CHOSEN -At the congre- gational meeting held In the Presbyter - Ian church on Tuesday night last to make a choke of pastor it was decided to extend a canto the Rev. S. F. Sharp of Alliston. -- WOMAN'S INSTITUTE,- - special meeting of the Woman's Institute 113 trilled for Friday. June 25, at 3 o'clock Senior's Hall. All members are re- I;uesttd to be preseht and those wish- ing to join the institute. Mrs. Cobblcdick. Mee. Basting,, President Secretary PASEItALL,-A few of the regular team and a few last-minute subetl tutees for the absentees drove to Zurich Tuesday afternoon and played a seven :nni:gs game with the team of that vil- :age. resulting In favor of the home team 14 to 6. The skin diamond proved a ,e too fast for the substitutes In the s' two Innings with the result that Zurich made 12 runts, due to no good work .of theirs. but to errors on the part of the visitors -a couple of over. t'nrows, two or three failures to stop grounders.. and the game was cinched before the boys were warmed up or had become used to the bare patch. The last tour innings were (much In favor of the v:sttors. A return game :nay be ex- pected here shortly. (iOT 'EM A(;AiN : Another !:tock net arrived last Monday at the Exeter largain Store. The male will begin to -day, Thursday. 24th June. at 2 o'clock p.m., and continue all the week. HALF PRi('E SALE: Just think -you ran buy a suit of clothes and boots and shoes at half price. Whack : Bang' They (io : We want to go away for our holidays. THE ST(rRF: will to closed next week.—.1. 11'. Hrodt i i. k. T. E. Handford snipped two load Drees to the Winnipeg Fair this wee .;ARDEN P.tItTY -Tt:e Ladles Gu •`.r Trlvltt Memorial Church : r.eir Annual Garden Party c• P:.urr.day, June 24th. The biggest magnet In the world 1s rhe Business Magnet, called "Advertis- ing." Advertise it, the Advx'ate and see how t!.is magnet draws. The married and single men of the Y. M. C. A. played football against each other on Monday night, resulting in fa- vor of the married men, R to 1. Dr. Kinsman and Dr. Roul4otn, Den- tists of Exeter, desire to announce that their offices will be closed every Wed- nesday afternoon during the months of July and August. RUG LOST-itetweta Dr. Sweet's of- fice and Exeter Cemetery, a light suit- circ( rug. Finder will confer a favor h leaving same at the Advocate Office of k. !id BOUGHT BARBERSHOP -Frank Corn ish has purchased the barbering busi- ness of Mack Vincent, near the Metro- politan Motel, and sollcita the patron- age of the public. "A clean and easy shave and a neat hair cell,"!s the motto. HICKS' FOR THE LAST OF JUNE. - reactionary storm period is central on the 26th, 27th and 28th. Low baro- meter on the 26th, attended by sudden and severe thunder gusts, are to be looked for. These storms will pass east over the country during those days. be - Ing characterized by the pee_ullar local phenomena common to June solotier Worms. --- AMENDMENTS TO POSTOFFICE ACT From now on, -"Everyone who enclos- es a letter or letters, or any writing in- tended to serve tate purrose of a letter or post card, In a parcel posted for parcel post, or in a packet of samples shall incur a penalty not exceeding $4u and not less than #10 in each case.' A single copy of a newspaper or period- ical weighing less than one ounce can- not be posted for less than one cent. Our readers are asked to govern them - %elves accordingly. � \'OLUNTEI..RS RE1'CRN. - Bronze.t and tanned by the sun and wind, and strong and healthful front their lite in tett and on the parade grounds, the volunteers returned from London 0:1 Saturday morning, all having enjoyed tits two weeks of drill thoroughly, and if teport be trua having earned a re- putation for gooii conduct and skillful manoeuvring. Their showing as they mirched from the station to the armory on their arrival here was evidence in plenty that their work on the Heights had made a great Improvement in them. SCHOLARSHIP FOR HURON COUNTY The board of governors of the Western University, London, has decided to of fer twelve scholarships of the value of #100 each for students entering the Un- Iveraity. One of these scholarships will go to each county, ur city represented on the senate of the Univerpltn', and accordingly one will t ome to Huron County. Of the amount of scholarship $7,0 will be In cast( and the balance will cover the tution of the first year. Statement of the conditions under which the scholarships are to be Issued will be forwarded to all schools In the dis- trict concerned. TWO BROTHERS DIED. -Mr. Fred. Luxton of Eden was recently called to Sarnia owing to the serious illness of his brother George, who died on the lith. At the age of 72 years, fnom Bright's disease. The wife and two sons survive. While there he received word of the death In Bay City of another, brother, Thomas. who died on the 8th, of pneumonia, at tie age of 76 peare, leaving a wife. three sons and two daughters. Mr. Lux- to:n immediately went to Bay City to at- tend the funeral. Both brothers were previously residents of this neighbor- hood. coining here from Devonshire, England, about 85 years ago. George went to Sarnia to reside about 30 years ago. while Thomas lett the vio- i:Jty several years before. Tne sym- pathy of the cornrnunity is extended 10 Mr. Luzon In his double loss. a M M IL w if at G a m a \1 of J: be it fo yo an dee us us yo ch yo to hu 511 In k:: so to an yo w all Ulf ha tie in hlo ap an lItt wa wh 0 of :1114 tar t':e r•, .4 I si PitESENTAT1ON.-The Young \\"om- n'e Bible Class of the James Street ett:odist church :net at the parsonage crtday evening and gave Mrs. Going an grecablo surprise by presenting her ith the following address and a bcaut- ut cu' -glass fern pot and fern. The ed- ress was read by Miss Alice Iiandford id tire prestn'ation was trade by Mies rare Cudniorc. Mrs. Going mad' a su:t bie reply, after which a program of us! a etc.. was rendered and an enjoy - tile evening spent. The address - re. (Iter.) A. 11. Uo:ng June 21.'09 Dear Mrs Going, -•\\'e. the members the Young Woman's Bible Class of ernes Street .tcl!todiet church, Ezeter. g to avail ourselves Of this opportu:t- y of manifesting, not only our note ✓ you and our high appre:lation of ur valuable services rendered whale iongat us, but also of expressing our .p regret that you are so soon to leave During the time you have been with you have exemplified to us all by ur dally walk and conversation, the aractenstics of a devoted Christian, ur pre -pondering sin, seeming to be serve your Master with zeal and (unity, and to render all the assist - cc possible in elevating and regenerat- g your fellow man ; and, we rejoice to ow your untiring e'forts have been amply rewarded. You have (al't;- lly admonished us In our duty to one other and to God, and you have by ur uniform kindness and sympathy, on our admiration and esteem. We feel we arc losing by your leaving . a true and loving friend. We are ppy to know your work has been exec, by the Divine Splr it In lead - g many to take u't Interest in the od of the itedeenrer, whose smile and probation now rests upon tl:eni. VIII you please accept this gift as evidence of our des:re to render some le encouragement to you to press for - rd in that high and noble course ich you persue. ur earncit desire is that Heaven's Rest blessiirgs may be bestowed up - you and your family. and that even iter success than you have realized Ezeter may attc.r0 your efforts vagi subsequent life. And though we y bB called apo:t shortly to bld you ecus!!, y:t. may we all finally enjo/ happi:.ess of met;•tg and greeting o.',.- t'" :t p:tr were par,i..g be in r••ed. 10.-4 Wr:rr.::,'m rel.- Class.' EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY 1Vheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per too Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Eggs Live hogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 3-5 t+l n 7 50 8 50 3 2.5 1 50 155 17 17 755 25 00 25 00 The Y. M. C. A. football team scored another victory Friday :right by defeat- ing the Country Boys 3 to 1. rah ::said Alt sudissails HAY FORKS 00„ Having secured the agency for Beatty Bros.' Round Track Hay Forks 4 4 1 1 1 4 9 4 4 i am now ready to equip Farm- ers' Barns and Hay -Mows with same. These forks, without doubt, are the Best on the Market and to use them is to be convinced. We guaran• tee satisfaction and the price is right. Wm. Gillespie, Exeter PHONE 51 1 t Here'sGood News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is the old reliable firm -M. JACKSON & SON -one door south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices Ino trade and no truck) all CASH: — .11111.- -- Rags 75c per hundred Iron from GOc to 75c - Old Rubber Baotsj 7c perlb R Shoes Copper & Brass 9c Horse Hair 30c - Lead and Zinc 2ic " IRON PIPE A great , ariety of iron pipe alnare on hand at a renson- •t .• (rice, euitable for FENCE POSTE, IrRACi:." .t irot'LECARUINo M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST.. EXETER. OPPetiiTE ELECTRIC POWEtt HOUSE Patronize Hair Dressing Parlors T Basting sAOld Stand First-class equipment throughout and careful, conscientious work. We guarantee Wish, tion to all c uetornent - -Your pat ror &ge respectfully Boli, 'teal A. Penprase — W. D. Burke MMS WE CARRY FLOUR of such high grade that there Is rb use looking for better. it isn't made The first sack you use will prove that to you. ORDER UR TO SEND YOU ONE to -day so that you give it a tris.. when your folks commence to say nicer things about your baking, you'll have proof that our flour is superior to other brands. Good taker as you have been, you'll ter later with better flour like HARVEY BROS. PULE. MANIT tt ! EXF:TER - ONTARIO Fall Term Opens Aug. 30th Our graduates Are assisted to the Crest positic.ne. Write for the reason. Prepare now to enter at beginning of term. Mail ('o'.rrses for those who wish to 'holy at home. . , .. . . Clinton Business College GEO. BPOTrON, PRINCIPAL SEEDS SEEDS We have a full stock of J. J. Bruce's Flowers, Vegetables, Lawn Grass, and Field Roots Seeds One trial will remove any misapprehension of the quality of these seeds. T. HAWKINS & SON June is the Month for Brides Always something required for the home at this season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor. Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits; Combination Side Boards, China Cabinets, Extending Tables. Dining Chairs in all grades. Felt Mattresses in three grades, the best on the market for comfort : Wire Springs, guaranteed not to sag, none better : Iron and Brass Beds. for quality and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock before you pur- chase. No trouble to show goods—but delighted. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 got Weather Snggeslions This is the kind of weather we have been looking for. Good, warm, summer days. it makes us think of the summer. Just What You Want Found Here in Abundance White Muslins and Lawns A nice white dress of one of our swell white mtteling will be nice for the warm days. very Good Plain Muslins or Lawns from 1Oc to 35c per yard Dainty Checks or Crossbar Muslins 15c to 35c per yard Nice Fancy Striped Muslins from 10c to 25c per yard Also a nice line of Colored Muslins from 8c up Stylish White Waists We are showing a beautiful range of the very smartest waists we have ever ebown- just the thing for this weather. Prices $1 to $4 DaintyWhite ear This is a necessity you cannot overlook. if you want a good large selection, this is the place to r•orne for your Skirts. Gowns, Corset ('overs or Drawers. IftsrssAka&ssssAIL atasAla alkalis sAt a ult A Big Silk Special 4 pieces only of the regular 2.S inch 50c ,lap I Taffeta Silk. 40c a yard Colors -Cream. White, Champagne and Blue. 'IF 'IF WI. Fancy and Black Parasols You must hare a nice sunshade for the warm days to come. if it io A Real Fancy one or A (food Black. we hare a good large assortment to choose from. From 75c to $3 We Don't Forget the Gents Here is a list of good warm weather comfortably' : Fancy Shirts Soft do Fancy Vests Linen Hats Balbriggan Underwear Open Mesh do Athletic do Straw Hate Fancy Soz Ties " Beaus Crash Hats JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing