HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-24, Page 7INDIGESTION CURED
!cur Neighbors Can 'fell You of
I Cures by Dr. R!"ianis'
Pink Pills.
Every case of indigestion, no
(natter how bad, can bo cured by
1)r. Williams' fink fills. Not onlj
cured, but cured for good. That's
w sweeping statement and you are
quite right in demanding evidence
to back it. And it is backed by evi-
dence in plenty ---living t'vldence
among your own neighbors, no mat-
/ ter in what part of Canada you live.
!Ask your noighbois and they will
till you of people in your own dis-
'tric•t ."leu have been cured by Dr.
11 ;IL +r is' Pink Pills of dizziness,
'palpitation, sour stomach, sicx
headaches, and the internal pains
f indigestion. Dr. Williams' Pink
Tills curd because they strike
straight at the root of all stomach
'troubles. They snake new, rich,
red blood and new blood is just
what the stomach needs to set it
right and give it strength for its
work. Mrs. Geo. E. \Vbitenect,
Ilatfic'.d Point, N. B., says: "1
ani glad to have an opportunity to
speak in favor of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, for they deserve all the
praise that can be given them. I
was a great sufferer from indiges-
tion, which was often accompanied
by nausea, sick headache and back-
ache. As a result my complexion
was very bud and I had black rings
under the eyes. I took a great deal
of doctor's medicine, but it never
cid more than give mo the most
temporary relief. About a year
ago I was advised to give Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills a trial. Before I
had taken a couple of boxes I found
relief, and by the time I had used
a half dozen boxes 1 found myself
feeling like a new woman, with a
good appetite, good digestion, and
a clear complexion. 1 can strongly
recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for this trouble and advise similar
sufferers to lose no time in taking
j Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all
the troubles which have their ori-
gin in bad blood. That is why they
cure ar.aemia, indigestion, rheuma-
tism, eczema, St. Vitus dance, par-
tial paralysis, and the many ail-
ments of girlhood and womanhood.
Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
by mail at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50, by writing The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Felt of His Oen Designing - heavy
Headgear of the 'Gas.
The King, besides setting the
faulhi,•rl in the wearing of hats, is an
.e L ,I .ne r in an eIl-
Former .tttenpls to Recover Lost
Treasure Defeated by
the Elements.
In the most boisterous part of
Mount's Bay, and almost unap-
proachable except by sea, lies Dol-
lar Cove, on the Cornish coast,
where for the past three months a
treasure -seeking expedition, sent
down by a London syndicate, un-
der the direction of Mr. Mallet,
has been working quietly, almost
secretly. But for the presence of
the powerful tug Nora, of Cardiff,
with huge suction pumps on board,
nobody would suspect treasure
trove as the object of tho steamer's
Although the supposed treasure
has been lying near the foot of (;un-
waloe cliffs for more than 120 years,
no serious effort has been made to
recover it.
of seekers, however, aro optimis-
tic. and some three or four weeks
ago suspended operations in order
to get more powerful pumps and
gear. These aro in working order,
and although the salvors have little
to say about the [natter, they ap-
pear to be hopeful of success.
L) the year 1788 a Spanish ship
came ashore here with about twenty
tons of specie aboard. Everybody
who lives on the coast is familiar
with the appearance of the dollars,
as large numbers havo been washed
ur on the beach from time to timo.
The first attempt at recovery was
made in 1815.
The lost vessel appears to have
gone ashore between two rocks at
the base of the cliff. A company
which was formed nearly seventy
years ago built a coffer -darn. It was
intended to pump tho water out.
and pick up the dollars; but during
a gale the dam was washed down.
and all the machinery was lost.
Later a shaft was sunk through
the solid rock and an adit d, iveu
towards the spot. But the sea
broke through and nearly drowned
the miners.
Cold pieces are said to have 1 evil
discovered within a recent data :.y
people walking on the bear'.
Summer Is the hardest time for the human
skin. Its delicate tiny pores. if worked
tinder the best conditions. would have a
rough time because of the heat. How
when they have to work when ilnpaired or
damaged by sunburn and heat spots? No
wonder one has rough patches. freckles, etc.
Zam-Duk heals sick skins. When a
pitch of skin on face. neck. or arms is
blistered by the sun. apply Zam•Iiuk at
The Whole German _Army is to be
Re -Clothed.
New uniforms have been wade for
the entire Gcrniau army, and aro
now waiting to be handed out to
the soldiers.
This work of rcelothing the legi-
ons of troops has been an enorm-
ous task, but it has been carried
cut with characteristic persever-
ance and exactitude. The new uni-
forms aro of a silver grey color,
this having been selected as the
suitable for campaigning on
I:mopean territory.
Khaki color, which doubtless is
most suitable for campaigns on
African soil, would be more conspi-
cuous on the majority of European
landscapes than the silver grey
which has been chosen. Officers'
uniforms will be identical with
those (4 coronion soldiers, with the
exception of a few distinctive bad-
ges on tho collar and shoulders,
which will be unnoticeable except
in the vicinity.
A lady who would havo a vote
Would be a lady voter,
But if a castle has a stoat
It cannot be a motor.
If in a hand I play the drums,
I must be called a drummer ;
But if 1 chance to sell you ?turns,
Would I be called a plumber 1
The world owes us a living all
right, but don't expect that the
world is going to do any worrying
if you fail to collect it.
I LL-III:.t,1,7' ll.
Charles Dayan Suffered from Early
Youth, but the Old Reliable.
kidney Remedy Banished His Ills
aud Made Ilius Strong.
St. George, Man., June 14.—
(Special).—Yet another case in
which ill -health inherited from
parents has been vanquished by
Dodd's Kidney Pills is that. of Mr.
Charles Dayon, a farmer well
known in this neighborhood.
"I suffered from a number of ills
from an early age," says Mr. Day -
en, who is now thirty-two years old.
"1 inherited my trouble from my
parents. I was weak, nervou , and
run down. I sufierrd from Back-
ache and my muscles would cramp.
I had a heavy dragging sensation
across the loins. I was always
thirsty; I had great difficulty in
collecting my thoughts, and my
memory was failing lie.
"I was altogether in a bad way
when I started to use Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills, but they helped me al-
most from the first box. They gave
me strength and helped Inc so
much in every way that I am satis-
fied a little longer treatment will
make me a well man."
Mr. Dayon's symptoms were tho
symptoms of Kidney Disease, and
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure every
form of Kidney Disease no matter
A Woman- 's Sympathy what stage it is in or how it is con-
A traded.
Are you discouraged? I" your doctor's
Im a t.wty financial load? 13 your pale
a heavy physical burden? I know what i TRIPLETS LIVE TO SIXTY.
the so mean to def:. ate women --I have
beer disc ourat,•ed, too; but learned how t0 i
!•r ,�>:rif. 1 want to relieve Jour t,ur-
dens. I>; 1.yy not end the pain and stop the 1 England, of triplets born in that
doctor's l can do this fur you and g p
c . e m !
News has reached Trowbridge,
d s )
win If you will anslst me. town who have hied to celebrate
box of a ren ado wdo ehth his Dion nib d their stxtir th birthday. They are
In my minds to be given away. Perhaps M r. Aaron White, Mr. Moses Henry
this one boa will cure visit—it done so White, and Mrs. Miriam Lenorah
for other.. 1( en, 1 sl�,ail t.e h.tppy and
you will be cured for 2c (the cost of • Lewis. The three emigrated to
ppoc, Cage "t:.mp). Four lettere hod crena•
drnit:tn \': rite to -,fav roe my free ire lt- Australia many years ago, and all
Imam. Uas. 1►. CUR1tA11„ Nlad,or. ant. in excellent health.
Others may sla- ke you happy, but
you make the most of your unhap-
piness yourself.
A Safe Pill for Suffering Women.
—The secluded life of women which
permits of little healthful exercise,
to a fruitful cause for the pains and
lassitude that so many of them
experience. Parrnelee's Vegetable
Pills will correct irregularities of
the digestive organs and restore
health and vigor. The most delicate
woman can use them with safety,
because their action, while effec-
tive, is mild and soothing.
A man doesn't always go in the
right direction when he follows his
ills Sala, a telt oat 15 beet I Iut.0 u..0 t-aura.u. ,,,., o,.,
illustrated which .,,...•,.- .._
p•, a_..
was designed by smarting. Keep 7.am-R-•.1110 eitluva s..••••
uk hardy, use it days withwater." Freddy — 1 presume teecrtate, ...._ _
"So can I if ma would let me. "
Through indiscretion in eating 11;,, &L." Menthol Plaster's. r'n•
green fruit in summer many chil- trine ;.r.d manufacturers are trying to
FINDING A iloitSESHOE. dren become subject to cholera, take a, :anlage or the great sale of "'the
morbus caused by irritatin acids D. L r..'• by putting up a •uhstitut•.
K The genuine only made by Davie a
Super.lilion That It Will liriig that act violently on the lining of t.swtouve Co.
1011 Luck. the intestines. Pains and danger-
eus purgings ensue and the delicate
Or all the embelins for good for- system of the child suffers under the
tune the horse shoe stands among drain. In such cases the safest and
the first. Everybody knows it is surest medicine is Dr. J. D. Kel-
unlucky to pass a horseshoe on logg's Dysentery Cordial. It will
the road without picking it up. It check the inflammation and save
Is a luck emblem of the greatest the child's life.
power. We are indebted for this — --
Muffled voices must be
fortable in warm weather.
One trial of Mother
\Stora) Exterminator will
you that it has no equal as a worm
medicine. Buy a bottle and see if
it does not please you.
One day on a general's estate in
Hampshire, England, a than calve
t.' hits for work.
"Yes," replied the general, "go
to niy bailiff and he will give yeti
a spade, and I will pay you sixteen
shillings a week."
"Thank Heaven," ohservrd the
man, devoutly, "I can't tell you
how much I am obliged to you.
The elan disappeared and in a
kw days' time the general observed
written on his gate the following
voids: "Do not apply for work
here, because you will get it.
Nimrod was a mighty hunter,
but had he hunted in the "Tc`um:-
ganii" region he would havo been
a Mightier one. Nimrod hunted
for glory, but 'l'ernaganlians hunt
for guise. Those Indians who made
the first canoe of birch bark long
ago, were our greatest benefactors.
The children of these Indians know
the canoe, and they know how to
use it, and if you go to Teii agani
this summer they will paddle your
canoe in their own superb way.
They will be the best guides you
Ieanun camp
usltrrlogtleTeuagan ilke CLAS IISCR!St E ACEYTS WANTED
aro able to do two years' work In National T'ro,luclal PlrteOlass ins•ratice ('e
one. Finest of fishing and huntn:g. pny. Lnnit.d. klrad (05:.. l.ouaiea. Esalantt,
Good hotel aCC011ln*odation. Easy b.tah'I•hs,l .1 it r'apital. rift. Tb.,a.rud POLSI
ateritur. P•�r AR+aclu• at unrepresented pots tek
o' access by the (;rand Trunk Rail- iruvluce of (Intallu, add.. a
way System. Information and beau-
tiful descriptive publication sent
free on application to J. D. Mc-
Donald, Union Station, Toronto,
"I never saw such a storm in all
my life." "Pardon me, my friend;
since you 'saw' the storm no doubt
you can tell us what color it was."
"Certainly. The wind blew and the
storm rose, you ninny!"
A Pill That Lightens Life. — To
the man who is a victim of indiges-
tion the transaction of business
becomes an added misery. He can-
not concentrate his mind upon his
tasks and loss and vexation attend
hits. To such a man Parrnelee's
Vegetable Pills offer relief. A
course of treatment, according to
directions, will convince him of
their great excellence. They are
confidently recommended because
Craves' they will do all that is claimed for
convince them.
"A woman, I notice, always low-
ers her voice to ask her favor."
"Yes, and raises her voice if she
doesn't get it."
His Wife—"Oh, I suppose a man's If allowed to roam over your
udgment is fairly good at times, house those few innocent -looking
but—'' house flies may cause a real tragedy
Her Husband—"But what 1" any day, as they aro known to be
the principal agents for the spread
of those deadly diseases, typhoid
fever, diphtheria and smallpox.
h wt+•eetes C►NW►"()CAR". ealtmibe Mr•od a
Mere oe�
- e
ewe aaria ea roe Nara • u. ail roe r.W,• ea.
..a... •e.�a
s+raU W
".ins w -..t►
seeds few.. team
Son sea •ar ie
e ar is , .arae t�
p.. e..14 key Lae
e arth k• e.ewa
e•r1•e Y►►eat e)
to .1011 .0 woo"
oars tr-.. Vr1y
ea w..I..rlsre .0 me a lt.
1AAbOX 1101.. 274 Lunda• St., 10101110. Ot1T.
RC(1rilRa. equal to anything +alibis from
a7, t•. iY deh.e.•l mature rue al arty
station in Ontario for aa1 t • $7,1 Fully
lse.l. N.' such value e..” bah,rs oil. a in Cane.
d(). rat ,I Kite free. Other special lines -Maros*
and ft....nide.
Tee Clement Stows Trading Oe., Tsrente, 0.1'
PANTRY mom 47.4. liberal waves, and glee
fur dt iint r,.•m w ,rk ware, 11.•51 Ase
mouth. Apply "lite ‘' tot. tatkarinsa.
Peak's Hair Grower
Has newer failed to sY•p F0'Ing nalr. It pest•
lively kills the L•adrutt U...n. 'fry it and be
cor..inr.d for y..ur,e.f.
woo, for Dewr,ptiv• Paraphlet
The Peak Mfg Co. 129 Victoria it.. Termite. std
His Wife—"A woman's instinct is
always better."
After making a most careful study
of the matter U S vrncolt
. 1 . oem
scientists state definitely that the
common house fly is the principal
means of distributing typhoid fev
er, diphtheria and smallpox. Wil-
son's Fly Pads kill the flies and the
the King, then Prince of Wales, as freely. and this will be the happiest summer
an improvement, on the round
crowned hats then in vogue, says
the London Daily News.
In shape it very much resembles
the soft felt of the present day, but
was covered with plaid of the same
color as the shooting suit it was to
At this time the majority of the
hats were reavy and strong. Tho
Earl of Harrington, for instance,.
whose life had once been saved
through his wearing a particularly
hard hat in the hunting field, used
to test the quality of his hats by
standing on them and rejected any
that could not bear his weight with-
out a dent.
He was peculiarly sensitive about
their color, and his eccentricity led
him to adapt his taste in that par-
ticular to the object he had in view.
When walking in his garden, rays
Mr. Melton, he would wear a rage
green hat, so as not to frighten the
Every mother should be 4
able to recognize and euro
you have ever spent, viewed from the skin
health standpoint. All druggists and stores.
door kept chickens."
WE DIVE YOU A TIP! Buy the genuine.
statement to old tales, centuries
in age, that have descended from
father to son, front mother to
daughter, through the years.
It is necessary to notice how the
horseshoe lies before picking it up.
If the ends are away from one the
sign is that fortune will be within
grasp; but by extravagance, care-
lessenss, or the operation of rogues,
it may depart almost as soon as
it comes. A sign to take care is
given, therefore.
The right thing to do is to turn
the horse shoe around, so that the
ends are toward the finder, before
picking it up. And in carrying, it
home it. is correct to hold it with
ONE TEASPOONFUL of Painkiller In hot
water sweeten.•.1 will env. 8111 • t any t if f
of flatulency and ind,geotion A7,•'d rub.
stitiitee. there is hit one "Painkiller ---
Perry Darts —2ti•. and we.
A woman isn't necessarily smart
because she says things that make
others smart.
Hard and soft co^ns cannot with•
star;d Holloway's Corn Cure; it is
effectual every time. Get a bottle
at once and bo happy.
the ends upward, or the earth will "You must learn to trust your
the minor ills that attack her ♦ attract itself the promised fortune. fellowmen," said the professional
little ones. Prompt action 4. When .ne shoe is nailed up on optimist.
may prevent serious illness-- �, door or window in its destined place "There's no use in talking that
perhaps save a little life. A 4,1 the ends must he upward, or the way to mc," answered the worried-'
simple. safe remedy in the •' . whole luck emblem will he nulli- looking citizen. "I'm in the gro-
horne is therefore a mece'"it'-, * feed. Instead of keeping evil eery- business."
and for this purpose there Is a.`pirits away, the shoe, in the wrong
nothing elm" so vetoed a. l;aby's + position, will attract them ! In -
Own Tablets. They promptly ♦ stead of bringing good fortune, the
cure all stomach and bowel f luck of the house will be diverted.
troubles, destroy worn*+, 4 ; It is supposed that the element
break up colds, make teeth ♦ jof electricity enter. into the matter,
ing catty and keep children I From the shoe proceeds a current
healthy and cheerful. Mfrs. +of benefieetit rats that, with the
Jos. Leye'que, t'afeelir,an, l ends tll'ttard, will spread over the
(int . taps -"1 have used ♦ 'hoose a` a protecting influence'
♦ i with the ends downward the good
Biwa s Own Tablet; eat hate ♦ rsy' are drawn into the all reccei
alaa.•s (Hood them eatiafac-
tor} My child has grown
♦ i .A, as giving earth. and with them
splendidly and is always R.rtxl e1 1 many of the gond influences that
natured since 1 begsn using 4 are about the place.
.♦ th:. medicine." Sold by me- • :• cent'try ago it was very cons-
* di, ins dealers or be mail at ♦ mon to see upon a cowshed door
2 tt.'► cents a box from The Dr. i { the hoeseshoe tht seared ho would mak the cows or %i dry
♦ Williams' Medicine co ,
4 es 4 Proclt elle, Ont. • ! then) up Nowadays they are not
N • en common, vet here and there they
its♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•4•♦•••♦••• ale stalseen.
I•St 1: NO. Ve o'r.
"Will you be my wife?" ho asked.
"No," she replied. Vo he remained
a bachelor, and lived happily ever
As the Oil Rubs in, the Pain Rube
Out.—Applied to the seat of a
pain in any part of the body the
skin absorbs the soothing liniment
under brisk friction and the pati•
cnt obtains almost instant relief.
The results of the use of Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil havo sur-
prised many who were unacquaint-
eo with its qualities, and once
known it will not bo rejected. try
"Why docs your cook wear her
ha, while she's at work i" "Oh,
she only came to -day, and isn't
sure how long she'll stay
Try Murine Eye Remedy.
For Rel. weak. Wesry. W story Rye' Or.,nulatl„ty
flit rye .11 Rye `*Leah. \tarts• •t nue t s,nartl
A.. dhes T,s 1 alis: is I . mp•osa'led by It=per•
knee l Ph,•ir,an.; Cont .lis• 00 Itjurloe• or
rroh.blted Drug,. Try 7.1 trine for.nr [ •
Troubles 's nu will like Nturin•. Try 1t In
Itab,'. Ryes 1-1 Ses'y Ry11114 Maggio. sell
Murine at :,Ac• Muria" Sy• Remedy Co., ('bIcago,
will send you interesting Sy• lt•oks Tree.
The Basuto chiefs who re' ently
visite(1 England seemed fairly well
civilized, but some quaint customs
are still in vogue in Basutoland.
When the South Africnn %Var broke
out, ti10 Bastltos wanted to help Cho
British, because the Boers aro their
hereditary foes. According to time-
honored traditions, their medicine -
men flayed alive two oxen --a red -
skinned beast to represent the Bri-
tish, a white one for the Boers. It
s,, happened that the white ox sur-
vived its fellow -martyr for a few
moments, and. therefore, it was
held that the' Boers must win the
war. This obvious decree of }'ate
helped to induce the tribe to "sit
tight." Naturally, they did not
want to fight on the toting side,
and nothing oould have persuaded
them to help the hated But rs.
The speed mania never (lits a
boy very hard on his way to school
J. U. SwAml, thief Age•t.
No. i$ W.11in-►.n Street Raft. Tureatw
a•nd for booklet "(Hasa Insurance.'
crh-rolumPu ACENTS MIS05
5f -.t• a1 a Day and estab.
luh L.nr:an•,.t bu.ios: a oa
our cap Cal. 0,i, fish
cl ... too a sell as 1 ohs
Ill r ,err hone. are Quic,lr
u wl up •nd see •t o dere
Came fa t k'iciu,i,e 1.4111•
titer) 'pato.
Tui 11 •Mi FVrrty Co.,
Into. 50, Ton ova, Oat,
(Late tr.a.o,-+r Pre;hyrteriaa
Cha::h I. Canada)
Cobalt storks bought aid sold o■ commission.
Lune IHaaac• Phones ---Main LIN. Mala (37*.
Member. rorontu'stock Y.chan►s.
Traders Bank Banditti... 1Li Broa1 Street,
We are non COBALT et,.cks. W its as
•peciaaiin2 In foriafurraativa,
fire Insurance dgents N)an`ed
Rlehmno 1 & Drummond Fire Insurance t'nm.
Pin?. (lead Uau e. lticbm .nd' Que. Estauli.het
187 Capital a510.11d0. For atenois' at unr.prie
H inted p.tints, Provinve of Ontario. addre.,
J. fill. }:WART, Chief Agent,
No. 15 wellington 51.. Bast, Turoata
to United Empire,
2So Western Oil and
Coal, so\Vailaccburg
- ------ -- Sugar, ,. Brisk, Tttita nt!
Wmtsd. write me forprlcal t;uarantce,.,, istrro Birn,bgeck Loan10 (fullny raida8
aud market c,udiu.inn per cent. ), so Collingwood shipbuilding,
WM. ORANA A, 1 ,no Badger, sotto Cobalt Geri, goof
Deafer 10 wool only, Diamond Vale Coal.
120Os"riSSL, Tweets. FOR SALE moo North Cobalt,
Soon Cobalt De'
velopnlent, too0
tl,tple Mountain. 20 COI.
-' -'• \talr-'tic,
SIIRL (vert•._.
r E.HPtiUld iauly° o ��i: I NEKun ca
So tinny Institutions devoted to the hi(3h!ut Edthu-
cation select Bell pianos) Te f ac t at they use
wad prefer the Bell is evidence of di -tinct merit!
One follows professional advice in acquiring •n education.
why not lutlow pro(.sconal darn! is buying hell pa:nw i'
• 1},e only pianos with the Illimitable (�1w'.k
Repeating Argos.
Af 14)
Send for (free) O'atalo,guc \o. 75.
The DELL PIANO V Organ Co.. Lim awe GU ELPH.OP(TAR IOa
Announces a New Prize Contest
The First Prize w:11 again bo a LIFE ANA WIT of
Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week oaring I.i`etim•
A Second Prize Of One Hundred Dollars Cash
Two Prizes of Fifty Dollars Eaoh
Ten Prizes of Twenty Collars Each
Ten Prizes of Ten Dollars Eaoh
Twenty Pr1zes of Flee Dollars Eaoh
One N:/ndred Prizes of One Dollar Eaoh
CONDITIONS art .imilar to the last C'o•tt,,t, Ptee'pt
that all Orange Meat Carton Bottoms m'i,t be sent In oa
or before Nutenitcr 3.3th, 1109.
/all parti.atars ea priest* pial esrd 1s divvy psaksge of
Orange Most It Toe eater Mia statist, *imp ate
the Wash spats tele. with year same and
Ndrese, cat is eat sad Nail is Ie
amass Meet, Vomit's. amt.
It wilt ,mons ysal to Ns
settee leotbN.
e ...0'.•••••••• ▪ ''' 0 •je:
0 , ✓j