HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-24, Page 3CANADA'S TRABE EXPilBINLI Imports for May Increased Over $5,000,000 e and Exports Nearly $2,000,000. A deepatch from Ottawa says: Trade figures for the month of May show most gratifying increases in both imports and exports, and in- dicate that the trade of the Domin- ion has practically recovered from the depression which bet iu during the fall of 1907, and is now almost al in volume to the high record ,4et two yoats ago. Imports for the mouth totalled $28,060.076, an increase of 85,183,- 547 over May of last year. For the fit=t two months of the fiscal year the importa totalled $50,592,519, an increase of $7,792,625 over the cor- responding period of last year. Tho customs revenue for the month Tbo execution of Walter Blythe shows an increase of $70,000. 1,as been postponed until October. Exports of domestic produce for The Y M. C. A. has raised $179, - the Month totalled 816,810,207, an, 63a in Montreal in its building fund deer ease of nearly two millions. For 1 campaign. April and May the exports totalled I The two paintings stolen from La - $97,673,0)4, an increase of $8,471. i t,al University, Quebec, were ro- 704. The total trade last month, turned by a priest,. including coin and bullion, amount- 1 '1'11e ulcus for the wagon road a) to $44,911,720, an iueroaso of i from Elk Lake to Gowganda have $7,029,650. For the first, two been completed. months of the fiscal year the in- Ra‘ mond Wilson was drowned in crease iu the total trade has been R• ice Lake, St. Mary's, on Thurs- $11,457,926. day, by the upsetting of his canoe. Faraday Hall, ono of the old buildings connected with Victoria University at Cobourg, is to bo torn down. Two Loudon seedsinen are being ,prosecuted under the pure seeds act for keeping unclean seeds for sale. A brewery wagon was prevented from entering London camp grounds, under the new prohibitive regulations. A customs oficinl is searching locomotives at St. 'Phomas, as there aro complaints of articles being smuggled in the engine cabs. • Tenders for 283 of the 870 acres of reining lands in the Gillies limit offered for sale were accepted for the aggregate sum of $71,613. Fourteen hundred boys took part in the annual review of school ca- dets at Winnipeg, on Thursday, and thirty thousand people witnessed the spectacle. The Railway C enunission has or- dered the railway- companies to %eight coal cars at the port of en- try and at destination also if in- sisted on by the consignee. A fee not exceeding two dollars may be charged for this second weighing unless there is a serious discrep- ancy in weight. CONDENSED NEWS ITEiUSrTIIE WORLD'S MARKETS TOO CLOSE TO THE CZAR DAI'PLNINGS L-ltOel ALL OYER 7111: G LUit1:. Teleircphle ilriefs From One Ou•u and Other Countries t4 accent Eveuts. CANA DA. STRAY MAN WITH SMALLPDX. Found Alongside G. T. 1'. Track and Burred From City Limits. A despatch from Fort William says: Tho G. T. P. local, ou its way from Lake Superior Junction to this city, on Wednesday, came across a man lying beside the track, fe miles east of the Junction. Dr. Scott, who was on tho train, ap- proaching the man, saw what was apparently a case of smallpox. The man was placed in a box -car and lronght to the city. News having been wired ahead, the nutgistrate made arrangements for an isola- tion camp about four miles out of the city limit, as the city refused to allow the man to -enter the lim- its. All passengers on the train were carefully inspected by the me- dical health officers before being al- lew•ed to enter the city, and strict watch will be kept on incoming trains for some time; as it is sur- mised the man may have contract- ed the disease in a camp and com- municated it to (others. -+,• - KI 1,1 NG O1' THE INDIANS. Confinement in the Reserves is to Blaine for Mortality. A despatch from Prince Albert, Sask., says: At the Synod of the Diocese of Saskatchewan on \\ ed- nesday afternoon, Venerable Arch- deacon McKay, in charge of Indian work in the diocese, maid he wished to correct the impression that In- dians were dying out. In reality II,dians were increasing, except among prairie bands, that had to change from the open air, in good leather tents and fresh buffalo meat, to cheap cotton tents on the reserve, where insufficient rations were doled out to them. In due time the Indians would disappear, as did the Saxons. Danes and Nor- mans in England. One-third of the Indianssin the west belonged to the Anglican Church, due to the church opening the first mission at Pas in 1840. MOIIE B1'1'FALO FOR (•.ANA DA. line Specimens Coating From Mon- taua Reservation. A despatch front Butte, Montana, says : A unique round -up took place on Wednesday on the Flathead In- dian Reservation, in western Mon- tana, when the Pablo herd of buf- falo were eoralled and driven to the big stockade in ltavalla. There the animals will bo loaded on speci- ally constructed care. A number f the finest specimens will go to the Canadian National Palk. Others of the animals will be ship- ped to eastern parks. MAY LOSE THEIR 1.01;S. Lumbermen Fear Mee In Saskat. c•hrwau River. 1. despatch from Edmonton, Al berta, nays: Lumbermen are alarm eel at the rapid rise of the Basket ehrw an River Millions of dollars .. 10,000 MEN \PILI, STRIKE. Protest Against Open Shop Order of Tie Plate 11'orks. A despatch from Pittsburg, Penn., says: More than 10,000 skilled workmen, members of the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, who are employed by the American Sheet and Tin Plate Company, a subsi- dary of the United States Steel Corporation. will quit work on the night of June 30, at which time the open shop order of the company becomes effective. In the Pitts- burg district a majority of the mills of the American Sheet and Tin Plate Company are non-union. The combined plants in which a strike order will be effective total 152 mills in the tin trade, and 51 mills in the sheet steel trade. PRINCE ALBERT EXCITED. Gold -.seekers Continue to .trrive-- Riehness of Gold Field. A despatch from Prince Albert, Sask., says: Parties for the gold camp up north continue to arrive from different parts of the west. Owing to the high state of the riv- ers leading to Lac La Rogue, not many have gone out during the past couple of weeks. Many busi- ness men are making arrangements tc: make the trip as soon as the waters go down. Word is expect- eeI daily from the development party which left here three weeks ago to cross -cut the lead and look into the lower levels. The outcrop is so phenomenally rich that if the lewcr strata is anything in propor- tion, then the biggest strike is. re- cent years has been made. BONDS SELLING RAPIDLY. Goternuteut Has liaised $00,000 of $3,500,014 Loan. A despatch from Toronto says: Rapid progre • is being made by the Ontario t:,•vernn►ent in dispos- ing of the nc w issue of provincial bonds, placed on the market a few weeks ago. Already $500.000 of the loan of $3,500,000 has been taken up and the money paid to the Provin- cial Treasury. Ion. Mr. Mathe- son, the Ontario Treasurer, reports that there have been many addi- tional subscriptions, but these have not yet been paid. A large per- centage of the purchasers of the debentures have been individuals who see in these a secure invest meat, carrying with it no liability, free from succession taxes, and pay- ing aying a satisfactory rate of interest _ -+ C1lOLE1t.1 1y IN('(REASING. • GREAT BR1TAiN. Mr. Winston Churchill proposes the establishment of an Imperial system of labor exchanges. The White Star -Dominion Liner Megalitic sailed on her maiden trip from Liverpool on Thursday. UNITED STATES. The longshoremen on the great lakes have voted nut to strike. President Taft sent a message to Congress on Tuesday, recommend- ing a two per cent. tax on the in- come of corporations, and the ad- option of an amt:ndtnent to the con- stitution providing for the imposi- tion of an income tax. GENERAL. President Pcuna of Brazil is dead. Twelve native soldiers died from thirst in Morocco. A large lake of oil has appeared in tho Gulf of Mexico. Tho northern coast provinces of Honduras are reported to he if. open revolt. The Cunard steamer, Slavonia, which grounded off the Azores, wi be a tient loss. An association has been organ- ized in Berlin 1•, promote better trade relations whit Canada. -----+--- 1.01 It Dltt:.tl)NOt'(:IiT9. heels of 11n.s.ian Battleships on the Neva. :\ despatch from St. Petersburg Laid filtration Bells at SI. I'eter•hiirg says: The keels of four battleships Belie) NI to be Infested. of the greater Dreadnought type A despate•h from St. Petersburg see St.laid PetershWednurg in esthe presencay e The cumber of cholera cases of the Vice -Minister of -Marine, the in the Russian capital is increasing Foreign Naval :assess, and daily. Twenty-four new s.a.e.s and g rep - seventeen suspects were admitted 1.eaguntives of the Russian Naval to the municipal hospitals during League. They will bo of 23,000 tons the twenty tour hour', ended at each, length 605 feet, and beam 82 feet. They will have a speed of Hann on Thursday. It is now be twenty knots, ar.d the n►aiu bat- iu vrd tl►ost in teeeme tn act. filt.ratiou b«ls have • tcries will consist of ten (salve inch $1.2°2 t,e, $1.28; No. 3 hard, $1.15 to the wortlast h f three ears. I. gm have hcF Five booms of the city f servel with se theatet. r tfrcm gine of a special nickel steel. 131 17 ; No. 1 Northern. $1.31 to �e._ _ ____ $1.33; No. 2 Northern, $1.28 to now in the river, it it feared, may these sources are furnishing a larger N I N I 1 1-1 ti Itt'1• Kit .1.f 11 IN )1 11- . 81.29; No. 3 Spring, $1.20 to $1.25. RFI'n11T4 1'11031 THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Crain. Cheese Other Dairy Produce at Home and .t+bruud. B1{EADSTUFFS. Toronto, June 22. -Flour - On- tario wheat, 90 per cent. patents, 453.50 to $3.60 to -day iu buyers' sacks outside for export; on track, Toronto, $3.75 to $5.80. Manitoba fle•ur, first patents, $6.20 to $6.40 o,t track, Toronto; second patents, $5.R1) to 86, and strong bakers', eL.65 to $5.75 on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 North- ern, 81.35, Georgian Bay ports; No. 2, 81.33, and No. 3 $1.31. Ontario Wheat -\o. 2, $1.35 to $1.40 outside. Burley --Feed, 60 to 62c outside. Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 00 to Ole on track, Toronto, and 56 to 37c outside. No. 2 Western Ca- nada oats, 01%c, and No. 3 60%c, Pay ports. Peas -Prices purely nominal. Rye -No. 2 74 to 15c outside. Buckwheat -No. 2, 70c outside. Cora -No. 2 American yellow, 82 to 83c on track, Toronto; No. 3 at 82c ou track, Toronto. Cana- dian yellow, 77e outside, and 80c .i. track, Toronto. Bran -Manitoba, $23.50 to $24 in sacks, Toronto freights ; shorts, $24.50 to $25, Toronto freights. COUNTRY PRODUCE. and Apples -$4 to $5 for choice qua- lities, and $3 to $3.50 for seconds. Beans -Prime, $2.20 to 82.25, and hand-picked, 82.40 to $2.45 per bushel. Maple Syrup -95c to $1 a gallon. Hay -No. 1 timothy, $12.50 to *13 a ton ou track here, and lower grades $9 to $10 n ton. Straw -$7.50 to $8 on track. Potatoes -Car Tots, 85 to 90e per bag on track. Poultry -- Chickens, yearlings, dressed, 16 to 17c per lb.; fowl, 12 to 14c; turkeys, 16 to ISc per lb. THE DAIRY MARKETS. British Vessel Was Fired on By a Russians Torpedo Boat. A despatch from Viborg, Finland, sasys: A British steamer has been fired upon by a Russian torpedo boat for approaching too close to the bay on the Finnish coast where Emperor Nicholas and Emperor William are to meet. Tho British steamer in question is the Northburg, Captain Robert- son. She was hailed and fired upon on Wednesday night off Wirelahti, lsland of Biorke. The projectile from the torpedo boat pierced a steampipe, and one member of the clew of the English vessel was wounded. The incident shows the extreme nervousness for the safe- ty of Emperor Nicholas even at sea. Russian torpedo boats have been patrolling Pitkipas Bay• the ren- dezvous of the two Emperors, and it was one of these guard vessels that fired on the British ship. 8-e per pound. Toronto, June 22. -Choice heavy, well finished exporters' were fire. at $6 to $s 20; ordinary loads a. 1.Z.75 to $6. ('rime butcher cat- tle -Firm at $5.25 to $5.05 for the best picked steers and heifers; or (finery loads firm at $1.75 to $5 Stockers and feeders -Fair demand. Milkers and springers -Steady de- mand for good milkers and neat springers. Calves -Steady and enchanged. Sheep and lambs -- Firm, and lambs slightly higher. Hogs -Select;, $7.60 to $7.70 f.o.b. and $7.90, fed and watered. pound; old sows at 6e per PROFIT SHARING. A Boston Store Said to Have Car- ried It Furthest. Profit sharing, which in America IP virtually an experiment, has been in practical application for a quarter of a century in England. The number of labor copartnership societies there rose from fifteen in 1883 to 112 last year, with an 111- creaso in business from $800,000 to above $20,000.000. The South Metropolitan Company last year divided $180,000 among its employees, the equivalent of a 7y., per cent. dividend on their wages, and in eighteen years it has distributed $2,100,000 to working - Butter -Pound prints, 18 to 19c; upon as their share of the profits. tubs and large rolls, 10 to 16%c; Six Engli"h gas companies adopted inferior, 14 to 15c. Creamery rolls, the profit sharing plan during the 21 to 22c, and solids, 18 to 19e. year. According to Moody's Magazine, Mr. Carnegie says that a Boston store has gone furthest of all in "the direction of making its em - 1434c. New, 12%c for large, and ployees shareholders." This es - 12% for twins_ HOG PRODUCTS. to the corporation at its value Eggs -Case lots, 18% to 19c per dc•zen. Cheese -Large cheese, old, 14 to 14%c per Ile, and twins, 14% to tablishment, he says, employs 700 to 900 men, the capital stock is held only by employees and is returned Bacon, long clear. 13% to 13-c I should the employees leave the ser - per !b. in case lots; mess pork, I=23; short cut, $25 to $25.50. Hales -Light to medium, 15'/., to lee; do., heavy, 14 to 14%c; rolls, 12% to 13c; shoulders, 11% tai 12c ; backs, 17% to 18c; breakfast bacon, 10% to 17c. Lard --Tierces, l le ; tubs, 1.1%c ; pails, 14,'.c. BUSINESS .\T MONTREAL. Montreal, June 22. -Oats- No. 2 Canadian Western, 61%e; ex- tra No. 1 Toed„ 01%c; No. 1 feed 61c; No. 3 Canadian Western, 601/2c. Barley -No. 2, 72% to 74e; Manitoba feed barley, 67i9 to 63c. Buckwheat --6t)„ to 70e. Flour - Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $0.30 to $8.50; do., seconds, $5.80 to 86; Manitoba strong bak- ers', 85.00 to 85.80; Winter wheat patents, 86.75; straight rollers, (216.50 to $0.60; do.. in bags, $3.15 to $3.20; extra, in bags, 82.63 to $2.50. Feed- Manitoba bran, $22 to $23; do., shorts, 824 to 825; pure grain mouillie, $33 to 835; mixed mouillie ; 82S 17830. Cheese -west- A sur.icah uper•ation that is being vice. Every share of stock belongs t( soles one working in the store. + RUSSIA'S YELLOW I'Eitif.. Siberian I)istriets Overrun by ('or• cans and Chinese. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: A hill has been introduced in the 1)ouma providing that meas- ures ho taken regainst the influx of Koreans and Chinese, and other aliens in the Amur district. The Siberian deputies emphasise the desirability of securing experts to assist in the clnboration of such measures. About 40,000 Koreans. who already aro on the frontier. are contemplating becoming ort•hn- dox, iu order to facilitate the ac- quiring •'f llussian citizenship. LA til Il'S BO` F: GRAFTED. Rare 11priest io t Performed in l hie ago. e despatch trent Chicago says: erns at 12% to 12•%c, and Pasterns watched by the inedlCA1 world was performed at the Prances Millard hospital on Thursday. when a sec- tion of bone from the leg of a lamb ens grafted into the right leg of I►ocearl Tewnseud to replace a sec- tion of shattered tibia. Hurgeons (1 1'hicago nssert that this was the first time this operation ever was attempted in America, and that i never had been attempted more than four or five times before, - Queen Eleea..f Italy 'ries declined to wear the great hate which french n lunars ale seeking to impose on Italic) yeomen .•f fashinn. at 12 to 1.2%e. Butter -finest cream- ery, 22'; to 23e. Eggs, 18% to 19c. per dozen. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Chicago, ,lune 22. -Cash wheat - No. 2 red. 81.50 to $1.60; No. 3 reel, 81.45 t, $1.50; No. 2 hard, give way. Last year all broke, and percentage of cases than the tee -- a million feet of loge Bent adrift. districts tent get their %rater l•., three-quarters of which were lost. direct pumpinit. F';,1,1•itir• in lnduaii:el I 1 r••uilr ift,•en I r:ulr 1)i•pnl• AERIAL NAVIGATIONT \ .i spatch from Ottawa says: :►using the month of May 93 fatali- ties orct.rrcd to workingmen in Canadian industrial pur.uits and 195 were scriou'•ly injured. Dur- ing tnn month there were fifteen hard, 81.34'; to 211.33%; Nn. 1 Corn-- No. 2 white, 75 to 75%c; No. 2 yell'w. 7.1 to 74'2c; No. 3, 74 t1, 74%e; No. 3 white, 75e; No. 3 yel- low 74.'4 to 744c ; No. 4, 7234 W 74c. Oats-- Ne. 3 white, 53 to 58c; No. 4 white, 32% to 5w. Minneapolis. June 22. --Wheat -- July. 1.3'); Sept. $109% to $1.09', . Dee. SI On% to 81 01',,;; cash No. 1 t trade disputes in existence, and in- Northern $1.:33% to $1.34!;; Nv. `2; o two as compare d (site 't a n �' -e Dr. Graham Bell s Machines to Be Brough to Petawawa Camp for Experiment 1 • crease N rte rn, *1 A SUBSIDIARY NAVY. tustralia Mould 1'ndertake to Police the Pacific. A despatch from Melbourne says • Colonel Foxton, Australia's dole .ate to the Defence Conference sail ed on Wednesday. He is authorised to discuss alternatives to the gift of a Dreadnought, including the prof ision of a great naval base for the Imperial navy at some Austra thin port, and the assumption by the Australian navy of full respon- sibility for policing the Pacific. Colonel Foxton witt assure the Ad- miralty of the desire of the Com- monwealth to accept British guid- ance in the construction and man- agement of the proposed subsidiary navy, and to undertake that the whole of Australia's warlike Ina- chinery will bo so organized as to be instantly a. ailable for any Im- perial emergency. He will not. however, be able to promise the enlistment of Australians in mill• tary forces fur other than home de- fence. TALKED 2,1)00 MILES APART. Invention Increases the Distinctness of Sound. A despatch from London says. An invention of the Swedish engin cern Ogner and Holmstrom) for in- creasing the distinctness of sound in long distance telephony has been attracting attention for some time. Experimental conversations be- tween Paris and Sundsval, 300 miles north of Stockholm, seems to have been heard with remarkable clear 00-58. The distance is 1,800 miles in a bee lino, hut as the conversa- tions wore carried on by way of Berlin, the length of the wire need was considerably more. It is claimed that tide is the distance record. "SCOUTING FOR BOYS." All Cadet Corps to Receive ('opy et Baden-1'otvcil's hook. A despatch from Ottawa says: Military orders state that all cadet corps in Canada will receive a copy of the book by Licut,-(len- oral Baden-Powell on "Scouting for Boys," to assist them in getting an Wee of practical scouting. The an- nouncement comes in the militia orders issued to clay. f-- 1'1:1.1. 011"1111: ENGINE. 31r. Paul Brennan. G. '1'. Yard. master al Iilt.twa, hilted. A despatch from Ottawa !says: Mr I'aul Brennan, yardmaster of the t • T. R. at the Central depot here, eats killed on Thursday fore- noon in a shunting accident, direct- ly beneath the Laurier avenue bridge. Mr. Brennan was riling on the foot beard of the engine, whet+ he fell off, the wheels passing over the upper part of the body. 1)cnth was lnetai1ta11e011f1. $ 400.000 FIRE .t1 \31NNIP Et: . Building of (:rent Meld Saddlery Vomiter)) le (;u1l' d. A deepatch from Winnipeg says: The building of the Great W. et Saddlery Company, Market St re• -t east, need for a warehouse and office, was gutted by fire on Thurs- day morning. The building wail valued at $75.000• while the et,)ek itt a %skiable one. The total loss will be about $400,(0)0. THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH . I,e t $I.82 . N,. r 1 rr May of leaf year. \pout 32 firms :; Northern. $1.10'; to $41.31' A • ll I Dose 1 �� ent'y Ye.i i s V ith Smit 1 and 4.759 employees were affer ted : Flour 1- (rat patent•, 8.1 43 to 80.63 ;days ss as epproetimately Ii - - . and the loss of time in %corking f.eennd patent,. $6.15 to 8'i.50.. fir -t Carpet �.;Orlll)an 11 CInf'jtlli�l C(t 111 W111.. - - „leas!. ;teem 1,, ee 23 ; perond rl.v► e .. a3 to to $3.1.3 Bran- fn hi;Ik. $23.50 t,, $24 A despatch from Ottawa says: The. first Canadian experiments with airships for military purposes will be made at Pctawawa camp shortly. Mr. Percy Baldwin, the University of Tcrc.nto g:aduato who hes been * 'o;iate'1 with fir I:rah:l ii Bell in the sucee••ful flights of the lave; 't aeredre•e,. at iia.i.let1. N.S - arrived in tit taws on \\'cd,e!.1:is rrrrninq ard will pr.'cced to 1'eta'es'..i t', make errntlgcntents for conducting trial flight!, at the '.amp with two new !erect • :t+r9. Two c•f these new air:':ipe have just been constructed on the model rf the famous Silver (tart. and they will be shipped to Petawawa under an understanding with the Mi:itei Department When 11r Bell wit in Ottawa last spring the Min:stcr .•t 110.111(1' and Oe Minister rf Mi- litia ir.•k a1 are, eitcre•t 1,i the n:rshi1; rel crimen'• et ttad,lek • The c•':•..ug eeperi' sects ai 1'••ta- . Mauve :love an r.ider,ce of the 1,.ar tial 1•.tect•st t he (lovernn;e:•r r+ tek1.1s in the ilnportant a-'ik .•1, ti: r• t andian pioneer= i t I 'l ft icuce of aviati.•ii compared witl 127,425 in Mn,' . i9os Ill": TERROR IN 111 '\I t. liandIls shot 1.iniloener. 11I 11t,ther and ilnr. sertanl••. ileoiatel; r• h . I:.,, •;.1 Irspel • . .1, u1• .1 n:• 1 .•t Thur'.lay . i•it,- l 1111 ,•-tate :•'cel la'IO•.w.,• r ;Iwo Iwit :t' • .1 IAI•Ice 514111 •41 ,''t••r.'' 1111. r•. • "• f•:,..• I.• ;,rt;, i., . v Ie.• ti,. .. (.lies . .'. 1.'• 11r-•1;•. I. S.,eep .nlrl at 1 1-• J. or 1.p•,: -.t: .e -. • •' . .err :sot. .:Ile ; lamb- at from e'i.'i 1 1.. 8; • • t .11 . - • .i' !Good let= of fat h••:. .n1.t tit r+'. • 'IL ,.I 1... •, 1 .•; e t.IVI•. `eT()(•K 11.\RKFees \lontie al. June t2. Prim/ i..•..,•• sold at 6! r per p.nlntl : r1,1 13 Fnr•.l animal, "•4•1(1 at 1'. to , ,. . 1 gra..-'is At 114 1e. .10.e ref 7,1 ..•.I. S 1peri•.1 ti,ilr11 c••c�. tt,at sol,' at SV,`. t.. a•lt) ••ace. ttu' .•tl.'•r= .,.!(1 at je-'.• t•• a. -o•-11-1 t all.- ••,'O tit >t:.• r. A .' ea'•h. 1.1 :{' t., 6.• t.• r rr. .:• ,1 1 •;••-prise tr•.n• V. ;.kor pleoy of the Carpet :company f'•r a se, = • 1'hi•-o llu .. , - ., . ,• ‘ • I•er.•41 e:1 two fits years should eat•h 1?.,tr•C= f the 1,2.;1:1 a .,r,•.• It• r... r,'rnir.. 141 iM►•1 f.'•t• from all tax. t, ft r •ins r•• ••i•.•' I rherk. f••i Since that ti,iu este hsse I►ce,' un- t•t.'s4i en.•', 'i . i•r,l t•• them 1'r til.• .ter pr. ;,ar'': 114 ill the dif!ere,et • 1t,. 1.s:, M.'1•• • I...., (hl '1':tr..tay .\lex* rider 1 . •.t •' 'en• ei•ot • , the est e•' ''';i!; 1 .•rtl►A'1 A111••tll'r.l thAt tl:e • r ,..., ti; 4 ...•1 rA 1. %Vb.•., ., • 1,111 ),•'r., ,hi,•,:1,..• I. i,•,t ,1 ui f,t, t..re:•. :',• Vie... ' l 'lr•!.i :4' • 'r• ; .,,.rw • • . , •s u, t1. ... Esse') -1.19 tele th.Na y :'•' '♦ .• : . •..4, ;I •• t 'f•,J.'.; Ii,.. to •I,('Ak, it is bare. .1. e 41 !-• -se, ••r. titer malls •.f 111r recipe • t' , • e f lee •11 t ar. :1',lt•r.. • :1- • e. • e.. .• • Ir.; 1 , i.. .r .lite .