HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-24, Page 150c to JAN. '10 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain at above stated; or else take advantage of our P Low Club Rates TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. tibst EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 24. 1909. Wedding Invitations In Newest 't'y'po (in Hest Papers The Finest Volk And Right !'rices The;Advocate;Office,' Exeter SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable E ARE STILL DOING BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND. DROP IN AND SEE US AND WE WILL DO YOU GOOD. A Fine Line 1/1-.""*" Ladies' & Child's Summer Underwear in long and short sleeves and no sleeves, in all sizes from 00 up to OS and at prices to suit every person from 5c up to 50c each Men's & Boys' Underwear in Full Suit >i. The well known MERINO brand at 50c, and the BALBRIGGAN at 25c & 50c Ladies' Parasols Special i 1 in Black Twill Ingrain Cover with Fan. cy Handle --Prices $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Also a very fine line of Cream and Silk Parasols with Fancy Handles—Prices 11+2.25, 82.75 and $3.00 3 doz. Men's Fine Print Shirts in fancy stripe Alt sizes horn 14 to 17 Regular 75e, elflc & $1.00 Sole price for this week 49C Butter 17e, Eggs 17c. trade: 1 Gc cash. These prices subject to change. CARLING BROS. facipesteeeetreciaiwaipaw000eas argains for ladies! We are bowing this week some Special Values in Fancy Voiles in Blue, Brown, Linen and Black Colors. Also Some very fine Eoliennes in different shades, very swell for SUMMER DRESSES. Our stock of Fancy Combs and Barretts is complete. Very large ::tock of these goods. Do not utiEs seeing them. Iso Bargains for Men! In WHITE VESTS. latest style, WHITE STRAW HATS. COLLARS, CUFF LiNKS. FANCY HOSE. All up-to•dnte goods and prices right. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROVE PHONE 't ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE — re„resalaaal Cards. DL. O. /. BOCIBTON, L D. a., D. D. t DIIMTIST ■amber of the R. O. D. K. of Dorado sad Moor •Ndsate of ?wool* University. 0//1011: Over Dickson L Carling's Law Once, la De. Asdereon's former Dental Parlors. `DL A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. s., D. D. B.• Honor graduaw of Toronto Colveriety. DENTIST, tem extracted without any pain, or any bad elect, Office oyer Madman to 8tanbury'e office, Maio t heesr. Medical R BRIGHT. M. D., M. C. P. 8 8HUNUR e Graduate of Toronto University, two Jean resident phyeh•iao Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and Residence, (r Amos old Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER. 1)R. T. P. McLALVIILIN HM resumed practb a atter spending a year (Col• lege) at British and Continental iloerits!. General practice with special attention to Eye. (with terse - lino, Ear Nose and Throat. (Ht. e: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DiCi SON 8 CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI ton, Notaries, Cons, an -ere, Commisaiceen Roltcitoro for Moleone Bank, etc. ■ssey to Less at lowest ratesof littered Ott -es, Main street, Exeter, 1. L Malmo. R.A., L. B, reason ,MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private Node to leas s farts ant .lunge properties at low rates of lots/ Nt. (tLADMAN a STANBURY,t BarH,tere, aoticitors,Mafo et., Exeter Oa 13. S. PHILLIPS, ExrrsR. LIceu.ed Auctloseer. Pales aaende.1 In ail parte. Satisfaction Raaran• teed er no pay Terms reasonable. All orders left at Advo. ace Office will be promptly attended to. J. SENIOR Agent ('onfederat ion Life Assurance Company. also Fire In.nrance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON. Ltrcnsed Aurtioiteer for Huror. County. Terms t easor,able. Dates can be made at tee Advo:att, Exrtcr. or Henry htlber's Office. Cred- iton. HOUSE FOR SALE A•: c1.•: (•.' t k ' o: nndcr� and up••c-'•, • • . •1 ,:.t toffee!. Apply at this Office. HERE TO STAY Bus and Dray Calls promptly attended to. Horses kept in stock for sale. Telephone 41A Stables at Handford's Horse Exchange W111. AitNOLU. Prop. HOUSE TO RENT Brick house, William Street, rooms. !louse hard and soft trees. Apply to 1 and 1-2 storey, on Exeter. Good number of in good repair. Good water. Number of fruit S. M. SANDERS, Exctcr PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND HORSES The undersigned can take a limited number of cattle and horses for pasture by the month. For particulars apply to R. D 1aulnton, Saintsbury P. 0., Lot A. nth Con. Colborne HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned is offer:ng tor sale a good brick house and 10 acres of land, Part of South Halt Lot 4. Con. 2, Ste- phen. The house is in good repair. also a good frame barn and woodshed. good soft and hard water, never tailing well. geed orchard, 3-4 mile from school. 1 and 1-4 m:les from church. Posseselon given next fall. Apply on the premises. MRS. WiNER, Centralia r' 0 FARM rOR SALE The undersigned is offering 1.1s farm for sale. Lot 2, Con. 1, Dlddulph, 14 mite tram Centra;ta \ !Mage, containing 75 acres, et.ty five under cultivation. ten acres bush pasture. There Is a new two-storey brick cottage, hard and soft water. three good wells. Ilam 31 by 60 and Weer butidi-es. Possession given in the fall. Terms easy. apply to THOS. W. NEiL. Centraiia. Ont. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned Is offerl,.g for sale Mouth Half of Lot 21. Con. 8, Stephen. 11j ;nee, west of Exeter; also 30 acres 31 Lot 23. Con. 2. Stephen, and 25 a res in }ray Swar:p. There Is on the fifty acres a tram• Louse. bank barn. hay barn. drive steed and other conven- kn es ; there 1s an tic—Went pert tg . r,c It running ti -tough tht trirty a.:es. mak- It good pasture land. Wlil be so:d to - gr ser or separately. For vette tears +aeply to MRs. JOHN COOKSON. Exeter North, Hay P. O. litStEPT'S 1tUNGLEI) ELtrit,ERS IIEATF_N IIY ii11tNEY'S 111.11NT ttLISTEItS. The few but tickled baseball fans who happened to wander onto the tall grounds on Friday evening last were treated to an exhibition which rivalled the "slaughter of the innocents," when Cap. Hlrney's Burnt Blisters administer ed a crushing defeat to Breechy 818- sett's Bungled Blunders, the chalk marks of Tuck Stewart sh )wing at the wind up a score of 18 to 11. Sparrow Heywood, the noted spit -ball artist of the Blunders for three innings tossed his curves over the plate in such a style that the Burnt Blisters connected with them at will and the howling on -lookers chased him off to short and insisted on substituting Breechy Bissett, brother of the old-time Exeter youngster of the same name. Breechy for two innings floated his toy balloons over the plate in a truly amazing manner and had the Blisters atupifted, but on the third time up they located hint at every turn, and landing right and left passed six Wren over the plate before they were retir- ed. Wldder Sweet did the tossing for Blisters and was pounded all over the lot for two innings, but warming up in spite of the (roaty evening he held ttieindown to three ruts for the next (our tines up. Teddte Armstrong, the nviskless wonder, dlstaining to wear a helmet at so simple an occupation as le •eIving b hind the bat, and incidentally slaughtering innocents, passed through Vie ordeal with all his teeth, his nose still straight, and no black eyes or dint - ed skull. Jack Southcott played a grace ful backstop for the Blunders, with all the rute and minute Instructions to his unappreciative twltl'rs. but he fared to pinch the ball at the right t Inge. in re- mote spots some brilliant work was done by the infields, and four or five quick -work doubles made the fans get noisy w•Ith applause, while the frequent muffs ect,t chilly s:livers down their backs. luckily the outfielders had few chances, those they had proving harder on the stomach thea the hands. The wonderful work of Sweater Sweet on second was a rock of strength to the Bllste-s. After the game Bissett and his Blunders were heard to make dire threats of vengeance on the Blisters, and promise that the mat slaughter will be that oT the tipsters and that Bissett's Bungled Blunders will be changed t o Ills sett's Busy Batters. Under the direction (tf Bruiser Bissett as umpire the Blisters and Blunders learned more than a few good points of the game. Go at It again boys, you did well. The Blisters bungled, burned and blist- ered as follows,—Dilly Snell, s R. :1 ; Sweater Sweet, 213, 4 ; Cap. Blrnty,3rd 4 ; Teddle Armstrong, c, 1 ; Doc. Mal - lot, 1st, 2; Wldder Sweet p, 2; Kid Sanders r f. 1 ; Paddy Flynn, c 1, 1. Nellie 11111, 1 f, 0 ; while the Blunders bitted, bungled and blundered in this order,—Javo llurdon, 1st, 3 ; Sparrow Heywood, p, 2; Breechy Monett, s.s., 2; Jack Southcott, c. 2 ; Bobbie Tay- lor, 3rd, 1 ; Ock Anderson, c. L. 1 ; Chesty Harvey, 1 t, 1 ; Coon Puke, 2nd, 0 ; Inky Johns, r 1, 1 1.0.0.F. DECORATION DAY On Sunday afternoon Oddfellows to the number of fifty or over inet at their, hall and marched to the cemetery where they decorated the graves of their de - (eased brethren, William Howard, Lu- ther Hooper, Abraham Bagshaw, Walter Carley, Janes Willis. itobert Knight, Harvey Digitate George (took. Robert itisaett, James Hodgson. Charles Snell, Simon Hunter and George brooks. The ceremony being over the brethren were dismissed and allowed to return to their homes as they desired. A very large number of other people were present to witness the ceremony and to plant a flower upon the graves of departed relatives and friends. FARM FORSALE. A hundred atm farm, all seeded down but one acre ; situated north of Centralia 1-1 mile from Ct,urch, school and Pest Office, being Lot. 6. Con. 1, Stephen. There is on the premises a good frame house. three good frame barns. 4 wells, 1 windmill, 1 acre of good orchard,and 111 acres of hardwood bush : fences in gold repair. and Is well under -drained. Terms easy. For particulars apply to MRS. 9. McCOY, Centralia. NOTICE TO MAGISTRATES AND JUST- iCES OF THE i'EACE. The Ontario Statutes for 1989 have been received by me for distribution and Magistrates. Justices of the Peace and others entitled to copies may ob- ade them by applying at my office. Uolerirh 16th June, 19011. C. MEAGER, of c Peace. 1iuron Clearing Auction Sale Of Va1'l.tlle Fenn Stock and House- hold Furniture, and Hees. R. 5. Phillip. 1.frentm Auctioneer. hu received Inetruejione front Mr. Fred Corbett to tell ey Public Auction at LOT 13, BLIND LiNE, HAY, n,, TUESDAY, JUNE 29tb, 1909, at t o'clock pas 'heel. the fellow -ins property, lir HORSES -Ura ,gut hare. a esus old. with foal at foot; ARrlrultural Mur• 4 jean old. with colt at foot; 2.ytarold (aiding. Carriage Horse, 7 yrs old. CA1TLI—Cow, due to calve In July, 6 years old; Cow. doe to calve in No%emter; 3 two-year-old hell. ell. HOt'SE1101.14 FURNITURE—Parlor Suite. Sofa, Parlor Table, Parlor Rocker, Parlor Stove, Kiuhen Stove, 3 Bede and Bedding, t Kit' hen ('hainy ! Kit• cben Rocker". Kitchen Table, h Large rictuses, Clock, and tithes. Pot". Pan". Etc. BEE! -11 Hives of Rees TERMB—Household Effects and Pees. ,'ash. 6 Months' Credit on Stork on fornith'ne a; proved Joint notes. M per cent per ancum oft f••r a.h on credit amounts. Local Ite Pure Paris Green 25 cents a pound at Cole's Drug Store. Costs no more to get the beat. The evening north bound train was de- layed about two hours Tuesday night owing to a break in the engine at 11- dertonn, E:ere:' Eneannpntent of Oddfellows has elected A. E. Puke as representative to the Grand Encampment at Ottawa this August. Don't forget the Garden Party at the Ti ivitt Memorial church to -night (Thurs day.)There will be many special attrac- t:ons and a good time Is in store for all. Mr. Wilbur P. Cudinore of Crystal City Man., formerly of Exeter, has entered Into a partnership in a general , store buainese with Mr. I'. A. Young in that town. The Entrance pupils are busy writing on thefi exannlnatlous. Yesterday they had Composition, Spelling and Geogra- phy ; to -day Arithmetic and Written Reading and tomorrow Grammar, Writ- ing at:d Oral Reading. In our item last issue of the sports to be held on July 9th by the Y. M. C. A. we neglected to mention that the events are open to everyone, whether Y. M. C. A. members or not. The only restric- tion la in rho 100 yd, races, where a /sprinter 1■ eligible to compete in only one. Mr. John C. Snell of Usborne met with a painful accident on Tuesday last. Ile was assisting with a number of others in filling the approach leading into Mr. Ed. Kestle's barn on the 2nd concession of l'aborne attd when dumping a load of dirt at the front end of the wagon one of the horses moved forward and Mr. Shell's leg coining between the double - tree and t'• o tad of the wagon it was badly crushed. As a consequence Mr. Snell will be laid off duty for wometinte. Mr. A. Bedford left Wednesday for London. !'rot. Brown of Clinton was In town Tuesday. Miss Ahn%e Lang of St. Marys is vis- iting here. Mrs. I. Bowerman Is visiting with her Mends in town. Reg. Case, operator, 1s this week re- lieving at Dunnville. Mr. Harold Bissett left Wednesday evening for Toronto. Mrs.W. J.Statham spent Saturday and Sunday in Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Mara of Lucan visited her daugh- ter, Mrs. Cole, this week. Miss F'. Preeter of 'Zurich visited Mrs. R. 0. Seldon over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond and child have returned to Marlette, Mich. Miss Cora Fowcll left Wednesday for Cleveland to visit fox a few weeks. Mrs. Keough of Londo.t Is visiting at Mrs. Clark's, Andrew strut, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jory are visiting rel- ative.. la London and St. Thomas. Mrs. Golden of Hamilton Is visiting Miss Melinda Walper, Exeter North. Mr. William Hill of Toronto spent Sun- day and Monday with his father here. Mr. Jame, Sanders of Woodstock vis- ited his parents here this week. Miss Lilly eiclnnee is visiting friends i:, town, after several years abeceee In the States. Mr. Thos. Case returned Moe,day front a visit with his son, Nelson Case', at Dorchester. Little Misses Jean and Marjorie Sci- don left Wednesday evening to visit at 1ngeraol. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Maguire returned on Tuesday front a visit with friet,d. !a Niagara Falls. Mrs. It. M. Itichardso.t left last week for the West to join her husband. and reside in future. Mr. Wm. Clarke of Wint.ipeg former- ly of Exeter, spent part of last week with friends here. Miss Kate McFaul returned Monday ray Ing from Seaforth, where she has be -:n vielting her fat'tcr. Mrs. 1'. Northgrav, s of London, who has been visiting In Kincardine, spent Saturday with Mts. eicAvoy here. Mr. and Mrs. (tarry Piper of Mitchell were he re this weak to visit the torm- erb mother, who is still very 111. Mes,rs. W. 11. Lovett, It. G. Seldon and W. J. Ilcaman are attendhtg the Coal Dealer's Convention at Buffalo, N. Y., ttni. week. Messrs. T. B. Carling, 1. R. Carling and A. McDonald attended the funeral of their cough). Raymond Wilson, In St. Marys on faturday. Mrs. G. W. Ilatri.ott Is visiting with friends and relatives in Loudon. Mr. Harrlsot was also he London Saturday ettendlr,g the wedding of a friend. Mr. Donald McKay. who was here at- tending the funeral of his father, left Monday to visit at Brantford, lfamiltat and Chatham prior to returning to his home in Alberta, Nebraska. Sirs. \t'nt. Brown and little daughter, Hope. of Scarboro', Eng., arrived here Last work. and have taken up houeekeep- g 1:t Clinton, where Prof. Drown Is galtlst in the Methodist church and teaches music. Mrs. Richard Coates and Mr.; William Nveatc(ea returned Friday morning from Douglas. Man.. whither they had gone owing to the serious illness of their fa- ther and brother, respectively. Mr. Jae. \Vestcott. formerly of Exeter. They report Mr. Westcott as still living but very )ow. 1. 0. F. ATTEND CHURCH On Sunday morning over 50 of the members o! ter Exeter Court of In- depende,,t Order of Foresters attended divine s.tvl(e In the James Street (turch when the pastor. Rev. A. 11. Going. de - ;leered A very appropriate and inatruet- fve ,creno,, from the text, St. Matthew 23.ee. "Rut be ye not railed Rabbi, for o :e is your Master. even Christ ; and all ye are brethren." A solo by Mr. H. southcott and a duet by Misses Lewis No reserve as property 14 to et div hied 1 Treble was mush appreciated by B.S.PHiLLiPS. FRED rt i11uF:TT " e Foreete,-a a:,d roogregatlon. \ : t •<r Pc, • 1 , v • )u -.e of ' is sermon Rev. Golrg 1 said.—The teaching of the Saviour ma be placed In two main divisions—Our re Ilationahlp to God and our Relationshl to Man—and the whole force of Scrip ure goes to expound these two relation shlps. The Saviour advised the lawyer to love God and love his neighbor. Many old nations, old customs, and old habits have passed away, but these two cont stands remain the sante to -day. At pres- ent the existence of God Is believed by ;4 most everyone, but the divinity of God is sometimes questioned. but 1800 rare have tailed to find a flaw in his teach- ing or an error in his character. Christ 1, the ideal man, \Ve are proud of the example that is worthy of man's best efforts. Every race has had an Ideal type—Greece had the warrior and the athlete, Itontc her titan of wealth and luxury, the Indian the hunter and the warrior. There 1s a tendency to hold up the wealthy man to -day, but a great- er tendency to look to 'Christ as the true type of perfect man. Our lives are a failure or success according to how we follow this Ideal. Individually or as A nation. "All ye are brethren" Prev- ious to Christ exclusion was the tend enc•y. The Jews said, "We are the peo- ple." But Christ taught a broader bro- therhood than nations. The people did not understand his brotherhood Ideas at first and he told them the story of the Good Samaritan. There is need of t'ie sante spirit ht our lives, sed we are getting rid of the exclusiveness ,and drawing together by the bond of Christ, Fellowship and Brotherhood. Even the churches of different denominations are drawing together and beginning to real- ize that all the good Is not in • ours. 1 ant glad to find this spirit In your lives and in your order. God calla us to help each other and if we are faith- ful when we have finished we will hear Him say, "Wel) done." Y I et Buchanan, Mr. Garfield Buchanan, 1' BIRTHS MrUregor.—in McGillivray, on June 12, to Mr. and Mrs. John McGregor, a son. Mittleholtz—In Zurich, on June 12, to Mr. and Dire. A. Mittleholtz, a daugh- ter. MAIRIRIAGES King—Neclands—In Henna)! ori June 17 Arthur Icing to Mise Edna Neelands, both of IIenaall. Buchatitat—Keen—At Balmoral, or, June 23rd, by the groonn's father, Rev. D. formerly of Exeter, to Miss Keen, the daughter of Mr. Daniel Keen. Chappel—Reynold.—In Hay Township; on June 16, Mise Florence D„ daugh ter of Mr, and Mre. If. Reynolds, to W4 J. Chappel. Flynn—SllnIth.—On 16th inst., at trio Methodist parsonage, Parkhill, by tho Rev. %Vitt. Godwin, Thomas Flynn t0 Eva May Smith, both of McGillivray: Lee—Mcadd—In Crediton, on Jute 10. at her home, Mies Mabel Mcadd daughter of tee late Thomas Meadd, of McGillivray, to Mr. George Lee, of Brinaley. Rouen—Coleman-1n Tuckeramith, on June 16, Mr. James Rouatt, of Moose - jaw, Seek., to Miss Margaret A. Cole- man. Sheardown—Mullan—At Goderlch, ou too 16th, Mr. Wren Sheardown, formerly of Crediton, to alias Edith Fawcette daughter of Mr. J. C. :Milian, all of Goderlch: Moil, y—Doupe—At Kirkton, on Juue 10, Oscar Morley of Whalen, to Mils Flossie. daughter of Mr. A. E. Donee. Watts—Pennebaker—At Clinton, on Juno 16. Florence Mary, daughter of \jr, and Mrs. 1i. Pennebaker, to Thomas Watts, all of Clinton. Freeman—Johnston—In Goderlch Tp., on June 16, Lydia Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Johnston of Sum - merle!), to Juscptt Henry Freeman OE Stapleton. • Reid—hessian—At Clinton on June 11, Norma Hessian, daughter of Mr. and Mee. Thonuts Hessian, to Arthur G. Inc td of Pittsburg, i'a. DEATHS Doyle—In '.L (iIllivray on June 12, Maly Patric., Infant son of Mr. and Mr., Jas. W. Doyle, aged 1 year. 0 months Winegarden—it, McGillivray on June 12 Sarah Clark, relict 0f the lute Daniel Wlnvgarden, aged 87 years, Luxton—In Sarnia, on June 6th, Gcorgd Luxton, formerly of Exeter, aged 7a years. Luxton—In ilay City, Mich., on Juno 8th, Thomas Luxton, formerly of E2-+ eter, aged 78 years. Gowan—At Kirkton, on June 17, Wilbur Gowans, aged 16 years. Simpson.—At Midland, on June 20, D. Simpson, formerly of McGillivray, aged 35 years. Fitzgerald—On June 19, George Fitz- gerald. of Gnt;,to:n. s1 NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and hyother than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second - Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. 1 am the only authorized Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. ake June Necessities Paris Green. per package 15c and 25e Oilers 5c, lOc, 15e and 50e Floor Paints, per quart 35c, 40c and 45c (til Stores 75c to $7.50 (Gasolene Stoves $4 to $7.511 Gasolene, per gallon 25c Hammocks $:i to $5 Lawn Monera $4. 0 to $5.50 Scythes $1 to 81.2:i Screen Doors.... R1 to $1.75 Screen Windows .. 20c to 45(' Sporting Goods---A!Full Line Rase-13alls..5c. 10c, inc. 25c,'50e. $1. and $1.50 Base -Ball Bats 10c. 25c. 45e, 7 tic and $ 1.50 Rase -Ball Gloves, Masks, Plates. Etc .. . Fishing Tackle of Every Description Tinsmithing and Plumbing Estimates cheerfully furnished. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE