HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-10, Page 8Let Us Measure
your flgur. for a Suit, and tee figure
we writ ask will please you as well as
ttlr• perfe 1 fit we will guarantee you.
We are a. rupulously careful to fit all
our peonies to perfection, as every gar-
ment that loaves our establishment be-
rernes an advertisement for us. We will
give .vou oar ct.oitc of the finest and
newest Lan lts. we do the rear.
Merchant Tailor,
hatless Locals -- Read Them
If you want to be a well-dressed young
elan, wear a "Bing list." Stewart sells
1f you want Nairn's beat Linoleums,
Stewart's is the spot. They import thein
direct by the ton.
Dr. ()vests Coming.
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Burgeon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, on Monday, June 14th.
Glasses properly fitted and diseases of
Eye, Ear and Nose treated. Hours
fi a.m. to 5 p.m.
Stewart has just re.eired anjther ship-
ment of 300 pairs of 23c Stockings in
black and tent. Come and get two pairs
for 25c.
To learn tallorl:;g_W. W. TAMA/I.
Go to Stewart's and see the new silk -
finished mercerized Gin•thauts—look just
like silk—regular 25c, clearing at 15c
the yard.
Steele Briggs' .fanpel and Turnip
Seeds are the best on earth. Stewart
sells none other.
TER SALT WORKS CO.—Gentlemen, —
The annual meeting of the shareholders
of the company will be held on Friday,
June llth, at 2.30 In the Town Hall.—
By order of the Board, T. 13. Carling.
if you want a nice Rug fur your Par-
lor or Dini►ly-R„.tn,, yo to Stewart's and
hare a look through their stock. Their
rugs hare a great reputation.
Repair Shop
Gun repairing
Umbrella repairing
Lawn flowers sharpened
Knives & Scissors
Horse Clippers
Saws gummed and tiled
Wringer Rollers,
.M1 kin Is of keys tiled and
locks repaired.
New Bicycles and Sundries.
Guns and Ammunition
Thr.•e •I „t + North of I'ost Office
Off With the Old
Oo With the New
it will not he long till your
thoughts are turned to a new
Outfit for Spring. This sea-
son will be more than ever
in advance with new styles
and fat,rics.
New Suits for Spring
New Topcoats for Spring
New Raincoats for Spring
New Suitings for Spring
The new spring lines' are
coming in daily new. «'e
are confident of being al,le
to pleaan yen in the least
Mercbast Tailor. Exeter
grAV514,1411"11.1111S1411111,a Arty p'rsI
on aIet.,g Buckwceat tort
e e t can get same at the grist null.
r���alk ltila�
Norman !lodger! has accepted a posi-
•:o-r as nzrdware clerk In London.
It. v. James Snell, an Exeter old boy,
o.t opted tate James Street pulpit on Sun-
day In the absence of Rev. Going. who
p:lashed the ordination sermon at Lon-
don in conncttton with the conference.
:.1 . and Mrs. Tuckey, late of Granton,
are in charge of the Manston }louse for
M . 1t. W. Linocy for VIE 17101.11i of June,
after which they will move into Mr. A.
Cottle's house. A:,n St., lately vacated
by Mr. Robert Mel-salts.It was a kindly act on tete part of the
Y. M. 1'. A. and Town football teams
to agree to a postponement of their
game on Friday night last so as not to
conflict with tic- Zunicb—Exeter Paeeball
game, although the wet weather was un-
suitable: fur either game to be played well
Mr. Cicero Aids worth tact with an un-
fortunate runaway. on 'Friday last while
drawing cream for /the Exeter Cream-
ery. Ile was putting a can on the wagon
at Mr. John Campbell's, Con 2. flay
when the horses became frightened of
the thunder and lightening. and started
o!!. in making the 'turn at Severna!'corner all the vans on the rig fell off,
a �d lighting upside 'sows spilled the
whole of the wagon load of cream to
the value of about $75, tete weight be-
ing about 1ono pounds. Continuing the
mad gallop south the :cant was finally
brought to a halt tby the wheel becom-
ing caught In a tete. One horse was
Injured somewhat by having one leg bad-
ly skinr:cd. The wagon was damaged but
LOCAL DOINGS. tv ::,at, oats and Barley wanted at the 1 CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY
of Atwood will be at the Central Hot-
el. Exeter, with a load of calves for sale
o:t Tuteday, June 1:1, at 12 O'clo_k.
CL I•MOJtE—MELLIS Tin•, rnarrl its
took plac•t on Saturday. June 5th, in
Stratford at the home of Mr. Thomas
Mills. formerly of Eloper, of his
daughter, Miss May, to Mr. Edwin 1-I.
Cutntore of Kippen, son of Mrs. William
Cuemore of Exeter. The young people
have the congratulations and best wises
of their friends there. They will reside
at Klppen on (the groom's fine farm.
GOOD REPORTS.—Northwest crop re-
ports tell us df the phenomenal growth
of wheat, and that, unless the unforeseen
appens, an unprecedented harvest may
131 looked tor. These encouraging re-
ports can be relied upon to cause wheat
to take a drop itt price, and• that change
will doubtless conte 'sooner than we ex-
p et. Those having wheat to sell, and
we learn that there is much being held,
should take the tip and dispose of it.
while the opportulnity is their•'s.
A GOOD SCHOOL.—The fall term of
Clinton Business Co'I rge. whl •h Is a Inc
In Canada's Greatest Chain of High
Grade Business Sehoo's, will commence
August 3011'. It will be well for young
people desiring advancement to invest-
ntlil.—HAIIi'EY BROS.
Mr Itob•.r.s, a veterinary surgeon, was
here looking over the ground last week
with a vit.., to commencing a practice,
but decided not to do so for the present
at least.
Mr. W. C. Senior, a business man of
Toronto. and a 101111f I” Exettritc•, tcltg
a brother of Mr. Jos. Senior, addressed
the Baptist Congregations 1n Denfield
and Alias Craig on Sunday on the Lae -
man's Sliselotoy Movement.
Mr. P. Fleming of the Bank of Com-
merce, London, and late of Exeter, was
here on Monday renewing acquaintances
and lhcideu'ally to take away with him
Muggins" a black spaniel, of consider-
able clue: tiesa but of great fondness for
noise, he being one of the two 1n the Im-
mediate neighborhood that loved to keep
up a continual yelp at all and sundry
The Parkl.iJ1 Gazette -Review has cele-
brated its 39th anniversary by issuing
a very creditable Trade Edition. 1t con-
sists of eight (pages, well Illustrated.
Portraits of the Town t_.ouncil. leading
business men, business houses, dwell
Inge and public buildings grace the
number, and Is so catenaivc et s to be
convincing proot that $'arkh111 busi-
oess then know the value of printer's
Ink. We congratulate Bro. Dawson o:;
the success of his enterprise.
Mr. Morley Jones of Ponoka. Alta.. for
'nerdy a resident of Stephen, was a
pleasant caller at The advocate Mon-
day. Ile Is thelde14gate fronn the Ponoka
Court of the Cauadla9 Order of Forest-
ers to the !High Court Meeting in Lon-
don this week. Mr. Jones has been In
the Nest over ten years, and while high-
ly pleased with it he still retains a
war 01 spot In this heart for h jts native
Province of Ontario. He.will visit with
his mother here for about a month.
Regarding a former Exeterite the
Clinton New Era says.— Mr. Russell E
Manning, who has been manager of the
Sterling Bank at Dungannon for the past
three years. and who was wittt‘ the J. P.
Tisdale private bank. Clinton for nine
years prior to' that, has been appointed
manager of the Otpyal Bank In town
and assumed the duties on Monday last.
The many old friends of Mr. Manning
are pleased to %welcome hint back IV
town and wish hint a very pleasant and
successful occupancy of office."
In conversation with many of the old-
time farmers durintg the past week we
find that without exception they are all
agr:ei that the prospects were never
brighter for a record crop than this year.
True the seeding was delayed almost a
month later than last year, but last year
there was no geowth for three weeks
after seeding had been finished. Nearly
all the wheat planted Is looking fine.
wh'1^ the green crop had every appear-
ance of being a good one. In fruits the
prospects point to a record. The blot;
mom was very heavy and stayed on the
trees well. A regular shower of warns
rale Is sell that Is now necessary to a
bountiful harvest.
agate closely the success of its graduates Messrs. H. E. !Weston a.ad F. W.
and learn the advantage o: being connect (Madman, at a recent School Board
ed with this Chain. As this college is n ettng were appointed a Committee by
affiliated with the Spotton Correspond the Exeter School Board to attend the
encs Schools, students »ray study at
home altogether or In part, and then
finish at the (Colttge. thereby saving
considerable board bl.l.
;cactlonary atom period Inas its cen-
ter on the 161h. 17th and 18th, with
New Moon and Suu'a eclipse on the 17.
But for the June solstice and New Moon
at solar eclipse node, storm producing
causes are at a minimum at this per-
iod. But marry scattering, highly r lec-
trlcal thunder storms will visit Most
parts on and touching the 1 7tn. The
culmination of a prolonged eilsmic
strain will come within three to four
days of noon on the 17th. During this
strain the moon ,works from full at
t :teems declination south, over the
• [(elicit equator and up to New Moon
extrenne declhratiori north. As intim-
ated above. these scheme pertubatlons,
will be heaviest first in the southern
hemisphere. Next. along the equatorial
b:lt, and lastly In volcanic and earth-
quake regions lying in the northern hent
rp'.•re. tot us see 1t ■elsmlc and vol -
reports do not come In from 1: -(:as of the Earth.
[Hinds will regret to hear of the unfor-
tunate accident which happened to Mr.
Thomas Prior on ,Wr'dneeday afternoon
of last week, oy which his right arm
was broken midway between ire elbow
and shoulder. [laving cleaned fila driv-
ing mare he was in t'te act of throwing
the !tarot's on leer when she wheeled
and kicked him on the arm, with the re-
sult as sats. She was a particularly
savage brute and had landed her heels
on more than one man prior to this,
consequently Mr. Prior usually kept
one trent foot tied up. Such was the
case on '(t ednceday, but even that did
not prevent her from doing the trick.
The blow did not knock Mr. Prior dower
and In order. to get out of the box stall
he was forced to climb over the front,
which he did with considerable dlfticul-
ty and walked to the house. A doctor
was immediately summontdynd the pat
lent is now doing nicely. Mr. Prior has
since disposed of the snare t ids son-
death tact urred on Saturday. Julie 51h
of a respected resident. Mrs. John Small
arombe, aged 7e years. 2 months and
1t+ days. She had been in declining
health for some 11me, due to the infirm-
ities of old age. and death came gradu-
ally, but su. t iy. Her maiden name was
Harriet [Jay's and she was born in Cro-
eombc, near Taunton, Somerset. Eng-
land. and was there married to John
Smallcombe : and coming to Canada
many years age they settled herc.where
she had re.lded ever since. iter husband
died about thirty years ago. and about
1n years later she married Mr. John
Smallacombe. who survives. There was
no family. but Mr. tgIt Cos!: of Ganan-
oque is an adopted son. De -eased was
a slater of the late Richard Davis, and
of Mrs. Hughes of St. Louis, formerly
of Exeter. One brother and one sister
survive In England. She was a consist-
ent member of the Trivitt Memorial
chure h and the funeral service was held
there on Monday afternoon, the rectos
otter lati..d, interment taking place In the
Exeter rentetery. rix nephews of the
deceased acted *a pall bearers. Messrs.
John Rendre. Dealer. 31ir.ey. Joseph and
111 '•ard Davy and Santo 1 Sweet.
June meeting of the Huron County Coun-
cil for the purpose of asking them to con
tinue the Continuation school grant
which they proposed to reduce. For
some time the County has been giving
to liigh schools. including Exeter. doub-
le the amount of that given by the pn-
tarlo Government, but for some reason
the County this year decided to have
the grant considerably Lowered In the
case of Exeter act.00l. The matter was
brought up for consideration on Thurs-
day. the delegation from Exeter being
present. Alter a lengthy appeal by the
d•icgatea for a continuation of the old
grant, and aft_r considerable discussion
on the part of the Cou:ncil, it was decid-
ed to test the fccting of the Council 'by
a vote on the matter, which was taken
and decided In favor of a continuation
of the old grant by Gide one majority,
the vote standing 16 to 15.
last few issues of the Advocate we have
referred to the Illness of Mr. Abra-
ham Dearing. Iluron street. It Is this
week our sad duty to announce his death
which took place on Monday, at the
rig, of 73 years and 10 months. About
three weeks ago the deceased was taken
down with an attack of poeumonht, fol-
lowed by a complication of diseases
and almost from th,, first his condition
was (onside/al dangerous. Occaslon-
al'yhe would rally anti give promise of
recovery, but it was willed otherwise
and during the past few drys Ills life
hung in the balance, until about six
o'clock Monday evening. when the vit-
al cord was snapped. horn at Sourton
Parish. Devonshire. England. he came
to Canada just twenty years later. first
settling In Exeter. For several years
54 was employed at odd jobs around
the then small village, but later took up
a fifty acre farm Ii t he 4th concession
of the township of Stephen. where he
remained four years. ile next moved to
the township of Hay and remaining
tnerc Live years returned to the towee
ship of Stephen. where he rented a farm
for many years, but afterwards bought
Lot 17, In the 3th concession of Stephen
where he continued to reside until about
two years ago. when he retired
from the farm and has since been a
valued and esteemed resident of town.
Deceased was twice married, his first
partner in lite being Sarah Duneford,
who died 1t1 the year teem, while his
emend wife was Mrs. Brock. who sur-
vives. together with fire sons and fiver
daughters. by his drat wife. namely.
John of 'fensatl, Abraham of Exeter.
waiter of Stephen. Fred of Grimsby and
Henry of Moosejaw, Mrs. Henry Smith
of Crediton East. Mrs. William Rhode
of Dashwood. Mrs. Bellmore of St. Bon-
iface. Man.. Mrs. A. S. ,Davis of Exeter,
and Mrs. Chr stet Stanlake of Sodom. Mr
James Bro^k. a step son. also sur-
vives. as well as one brother and two
sisters—Mr. Thos. Dearing. Mrs. Sam'l
Sanders and Mrs. John Mitchell. all of
town. Mr. Dearing was a consistent
msmber of the James street Sfethodlst
church, and 1:1 polities was a Conserv-
ative. Ile was a s'sun'h and true man
In every settee of the term: his higher
sense of integrity and moral rectitude
won him the confidence and respect of
its tel:owe, and thus he was respected
and Implleitly trusted. The funeral
takes place to -day (Thursday) to the
Exter cemetery. The bereaved widow
and sorrowing family mid Immediate re: -
elves hay: the sy'npat ty of all in their
.tffll tion.
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cw
Live hogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
1 50
3 '25
1 55
7 55
26 00
25 00
Mrs. Goldby returned to London on
Thr Busy Bee Circle of t:.e Trivia
Memorial c•hutch met last week and pre-
sented their &residc rat, Mies Laura
Dinncy. with a post -card album, on the
event of her itaignlnst he posltlur. prior
to to r leaving for her new home at Grand
Ii,ud. Miss Ilettie May Bowie was
elected prealdent In her place.
Annual Meeting
South Huron Farmers' Institute
will be held in McDonell's Hall,
at 1.30 p.m. Business of the
tneeting: Reading of the Annual
Report and Election of Officers
for the ensuing year.
Pion,. HARCOt'ltT
will be in attendance and deliver
an address on "Comparative
Value of Feeding Stuffs." A full
attendance is requested.
Here'sOood News
The market prices for old junk
are alive and so is the old reliable
firer—M. JACKSON & SON—one
door south of the Metropolitan.
Just look at the following prices
(no trade and no truck I all CASH:
Rags 75c per hundred
Iron from 60e to 75c
Old Rubber Boots I
.7c per 1b
& Shoes _1'
Copper & Brass 9c
Horse Hair 30c "
Lead and Zinc 2;c -
Now, boys, the 24th is coming !
Bring your goods here and get the
worth of your money.
A great 'aria). of iron pipe
always on hand at a reason•
We price, suitable for
M. Jackson & Sons
Hair Dressing
Hasting'sOld Stand
First-class equipment
and careful, conscientious work.
We goaranter satisfa,-tion to all customers
Iota patronage rens tfullr solhited.
A. Penprase — W. D. Burke
111•1111111111114,11111111gt s•1
we write you these few lines to let
you know that you can end all your
baking trouble if you will
We know tbis because so many good
housekeepers +ay our 11nur hakes bet-
ter and goes farther than any other
brand they have tried. We shall be
glad to have von order a sack and feel
sure you will thank us for the sag.
gestion after you have tried our flour.
10,000 bush. of wheat wanted.
Patronize borne industrie?.
Fall Term Opens
Aug. 30th`
Our graduates are assisted
to the Crest positions, Write
for the reason. Prepare
now to enter at beginning
of term. Mail (',,Etter! for
those who wish to study at
home. . .
Clinton Business College
1asttr WV, IVWWt!
We have a full stock of
J. J. Bruce's
Lawn Grass,
and Field ,Roots
One trial will remove any misapprehension
of the quality of these 1gbeds.
House Gleaning Time for Furniture
Always something required for the home at this
season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor,
Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits; Combination
Side Boards, China Cabinets, Extending 'rabies.
Dining Chairs in all grades. Felt Mattresses in
three grades, the best on the market for comfort ;
Wire Springs, guaranteed not to sag, none better;
Iron and I3rass Beds, for quality and design none
equal. Call and inspect our stock before you pur-
chase, No trouble to show goods --but delighted.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
brings the warm weather and you know what that
means. We want to keep kool, We have the Nice,
Light Summer Goods to keep you comfortable—
For Ladies, Gents or Children
Summer Goods for the Ladies
Ladies' Suitings
Just the thing for this
weather. Plain and Striped
Linens, Fancy Gingbams—
all the New Goods for Suit-
ings found on our countere.
Ladies' Whitewear
We have a beautiful
lot of Dainty White Waists,
Skirts, Night Gowns. Corset
('overs and Drawer:. No bet.
ter place than tight here to
tiny your whitewear.
Ladies' Fancy Hose
Plain and Fancy Lisle
or Cotton Ilose, in colors of
Pink, Blue, White, Tan or
Black. Lace and Embroider-
ed Hose are very much used.
4 Ladies' Gloves
Oa Nice, Long, Lace, Lisle
ro, or Kid Gloves for the warm
A weather. All shades to choose
eel f►om. Also every kind of
°`' Short Glove?, from 25c to yak
NC I —all colors.
Summer Goods for the Men
Gents' Straw Hats
The teal swagger stuff
is found here in Straw?. The
Sailor is very smart and the
Dip Fronts are good.
G.3nts' Fancy Sox
A Per y swell lot of Fan-
cy `ox in 'Cotton or Lisle.
Fancy Plaids, Fancy Stripes
and Fancy Dote. Boys, they
Iare the real thing.
Boys' and Men's Fancy Belts
A Good Range to Pick From 1
A new lot of Neck Ties just opened up
in the Newest Patterns—
New Shirts and Collars
House Furnishings
June will Onish up the house-cleaning and we have some real
bargains to give you for this month.
Our Room Rugs are all to be cleared out at a big
reduction. Lace Curtains all to be sold at reduced
Now is a good time to save some tnoney on your Furnish-
ings as we are making a stir with aur prices!!!
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing