Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-10, Page 6THE 1rlYSTE9I0US KEY
"Ellen!" exclaimed Lady Brom-
ley, somewhat sternly, although
she was herself not a little startled
by the girls wild manner, her
strange and incoherent language,
"get up from the floor at once, and
sit upon this chair. There!" an
her young servant obeyed her;
shocked into a semblance of compo-
sure by her mistress' unusual tune,
"now collect your thoughts and
tell me what all this excited mumb-
ling means. 1Vhat ►s that you
know 1 Why were you so startled
when 1 spoke of Mr. Hubba:al
W fiat is it that you aro going to
tell, even at the supposed risk of
your life 1"
"Oh, it is a queer story, warm,
and 1 didn't understand what it a!!
meant at the time; but now I see!
now 1 see!"
"Hush: be quiet! don't excite
yourself again !" interposed Laey
Bromley. "Do you know Mr. Jo':n
Hubbard 1"
"Don't 1 know him! I should
think so; ho kicked me once," said
the girl vindictively.
"Ricked you'!"
"Yes; 1 was letting him in one
day, and not meaning to, I knocked
his hat, and it got jammed. Then
he sworn, and gave me a kick."
"You were letting him in—
.whero T"
"Into our house."
"What was ho doing at your
house 1 Was ho in the habit, of cat
ling thero'1 1 thought your aunt
was very poor."
`Yes, so she was; but we lived
in a tenement that belonged to Me
Hubbard, and ho used to come
every month for his rent. After
a while he and aunt Lu got very
thick over something they were
planning between them. I couldn't.
make head nor tail out of it, though
1 used to listen when I could,
said halen, as innocently as if lists -
ening were the most proper thing
in the world to do. "But one day
1 heard hum tell her that if she'd
help hint out, he'd stake her a rich
woman, and she'd never have to
sew another stitch for her living;
he said he'd come the next night
and explain the whole thing to her.
The thought of being rich almost
took my breath away. I got alt
stirred up over it. 1 thought of no-
thing else all that day and next,
and finally made up my mind that
1 would know shat was going on
If 1 could manage it. There was an
cld-fashioned sofa in our sitting -
room ; it had a valance around it,
to hide the legs, and it popped into
any head that if 1 could slip ui.der-
tmicath it, 1 count easily hear all
that was said. So 1 pretended to
hale a toothache, so I could make
an excuse to go to bed right after
•'Oh, Ellen:" said Lady Brom-
ley regretfully, at this point.
"Oh, of course, I know that a
lady like you, or—her," glancing
at .\Ilison'e picture, "wouldn't do
anything like that; but you just
try being as poor and abused as
Ise been, and sot if you wouldn't
get to lying after a while; it's a
good school for lists. ' said the girl
half -defiantly. "Well." she re-
sumed, "l just watched my chance,
chile Aunt Lu was in the bedroom
changing her dress. Anna had gone
'Stop a moment, Ellen.' her
ladyship here interrupted ; "who is
"She's my C 'URin ; aunt 1.U'9
"Yes, yes, 1 see ; now go on,
said her mistress eagerly, and ting-
ling in every nerve as she began
to grasp certain anportant points
iI. this remarkable story.
".\r 1 was saying.' Ellen resum-
ed, "1 watched my chance, crawled
under the sofa, and lay Hat on the
"tloor It wasn't very eumfortahle,
especially after that man came and
plumped himself down right over
me. ter 1 didn't stare to move ,o
much as a linger --hardly to breathe
full and strong. -
"Now, watt just a minute, L•1 -
len, Lady Bromley here interpos- time, and shut my teeth togctncr
ed. "W hon was this—how long hard.
ago was it when Mr. Hubbard pa:d "'bei.' that man paid, as if he
thio visit to your aunt 1" thought he was the Great Mogul,
"Oh --let me see. said the girl 'don't you think it would he a rare
haveb h for her?'
"Yes, that was Aunt Lu's name
—she' married my uncle, Alaa
•':1tt :,,
"'Well,' he said, '1 guess I've
got everything fixed just as I want
it at last, and you can chauge your
mune and position just as soon as
you choose—fiat is, if you think
you've got grit enough to carry out
this plan of mine.'
" 'I've got grit enough for any-
thing on earth that will get me covet
of this terrible grind,' said Aunt
1.u. 'Have you been to New H+r-
ven yet, to look at those records'!' "
" 'Yes,' he said, 'and, as luck
would have it, 1 found thein exactly
as you said. Brewster was mar-
ried on the same day you were ; how
did you happen to know about it'h
' 'Thy, Alan was one of tho jani-
tors at the college, and knew young
Brewster well; and when he went
for our license, he met ti►o swell just
coming out of the city clerk's ca-
lico. He thought 'twas queer, but
the book was lying raper on the
desk, and he saw uis name and his "Yes, and he answered, sharp
girl's—Miriam Harris—and under- and quick, ' We must get rid of her up to. At any rate, it was plain
stood what was up,' Aunt. Lu ex- now ; she'd make it very hot tor enough that they meant to get rid
planned. 'But as he was a rich chap us if we kept her on the string; see of me by sending me off to some
and not through college, Alan knew would bo sure to blurt out, some horrid place, so when f fainted that
he had done it on the sly, and that day, that your name was once Mrs. next day in Doctor Ash►pore's of-
t• would bo for his int:rest to keep Brown, and then our fat would alt Lice, and he said 1 might go to live
mum; he never said a word about ;he in the fire.' with hien, I made up my mind right
it; he didn't tell even me until •• 'Blit what can 1 do with her l' ott what 1 would do. 1 made up my
years afterward. How queer things Aunt Lu asked.
do Dome about,' she said; `I knew " '1 think t know of a—a school,
Miriam Harris, and she wasn't any in a certain town out West, where
better off than 1, even if her father
was a musician, and mine a journey-
man tailor; they were as prou as
Lucifer, and as poor as church
mice, and now here you propose
that 1 step right into the shoes that
were intended for her I'
" 'You think you can keep a stiff
upper hp' 1' stud Mr. Hubbard.
" 'You bet,' said Aunt Lu.
repeated Lady
!her to ; she's dead discouraged with! " 'Oh, yes, 1'1t marry him,' she t Tho men who are counting the4ed attempts were made 1.y tit a Span-
tho grind she's had ever since her said sharply. '1'd marry almost any costs are endeavoring to increase ish Government to teco>re1 the
the profits as well as to cut out the treasure. They were unsuccessful,
losses. There is no iuceutivo to and later the Government began
increased activity all along the to grant special charters to private
line equal to an array of figures companies. A succession of at -
shoving the cost of farm opera- tempts was made, the Government
tions. at first demanding as much as 93
1 au► aware that the argument per cent, of all treasure that might
will bo brought up by utauy that be raised from the bay. In 1722
all this keeping of acro nits and a wealthy Frenchman, Alexandre
Goubert, almost succeeded in bring
ing one of the sunken vessels on
shore, but it proved to be a French
warship that had been sunk dur-
ing the battle a Vigo. An English
expedition, under William Evans,
worked for a year from the enc! of
1525, and succeeded with a primitive
diving bell in rescuing sinal!
amounts of silver, cannons, balls
and other objects. The American
Vigo Company followed, after an
father died. 1'11 do my beet to per- I other dried-up, old bachelor for the
suede her. Oh, 1'd almost give my 1 sake of getting out of such a hole
eyes to see her wearing velvets and as this, and having all the money
diamonds,' Aunt l,u said, almost l want to spend. Good gracious!
ready to cry again. tf seems almost too good to be true,
l ' 'It would be the most confer- though :'
' table way to settle matters, for all "they went to bed soon after
parties,' he rod; 'but what will that," Ellen resumer!, "and 1 was
you do with that little fool of a nighty glad of it, for 1 ached in
niece of yours t' every bone from lying still so lung f goring, iiwaus a kit of labor and
"1 tell you, warm, I was nearly fheyn selttled themselves to sleep, e floor. Then, as soon a1 afford rd it.at e Nowthefacials that the
choked again with the jump my
crept out front under the sofa and: man who does not know where he
heart gave at this," Ellen here ear -
away to my room. is, is not practical at all.. He can
served, her face growing very pale "But 1 didn't get touch sleep that better afford to do this than any -
with the remembrance of the ex- night -1 kelt thinking over and i thing else he does. Many men un-
perience; "it told me right off tnat over of what 1 had '!card, and, be -1 wittingly lose enough each year to
1 wasn't expected to have any share sides, 1 was mad through and, gc a long way toward paying a
in the good time that was coming. through, to Know that when 1 u' bookkeeper. But a bookkeeper is
" 'She isn't any niece of mine, been doing all the drudgery in coo! not needed. A little careful tigur-
and I'd hav' been mighty glad to house for years, Aunt Lu had no ing will demonstrate the facts of
get rid of her long ago, if I hadn't notion of letting me share the easy' farm operations in such a way as j interval of years, and succeeded in
needed her in the kitchen,' she told tune and good things that were, to be a revelation to the ordinary•lifting one of the ships, which, how -
him, in a sliteful way that made me coming to her. 1'd have been glad( farmer. To fail to figure on these' ever, went to pieces before it reach -
just ache to strangle her." rt 1 could have stopped their game operations is penny else an
"Oh, hush! Ellen," reprovingly then and there, just out of sp►te,1 pound foolish." Take tirue enough
breathed her companion. but 1 didn't, understand it very to count the cost.
"1 know it's wicked," said the well, so didn't know just how to go
girl stoically, "but poverty is the to work.
devil's training -school, and it fun- "The most 1 could get th-ci•gh
ishes off more devils than anything my brain was that by some kthd of
else," - trick they were going to get a lot
"My child you must not talk soa ' - money, but Mr. ,,_.,_,..._", .....-.., darn at foaling tune, the youngster
may, by judicious management, bo
successfully raised by hand. The
best substitute for mare's milk is
cow's milk, but it must be remem-
bered that the milk of the average
cow is much richer in fat than that.
•of the mare, and is deficient in
sugar. To correct these conditions,
the milk of a freshly -calved cow
should be used; always the milk of
the seine cow, and, if practicable,
of a cow whose milk is not rich in
,fat, and to this add one-fifth of
warm water, adding to each pint
of that a heaping tablespoon of
white granulated sugar, and be al-
ways sure to feed it at blood heat.
Tho colt should be fed little and
often. If we study the colt when
with its mother, we will find that it
sucks from ten to a dozen times a
day. Therefore, give him half a
In the event of the death of the
said her mistress authoritatively. great lawyer, and 1 thought nobody
"But it stirs up alt the bad there would believe me if 1 tried to give
is in me, whenever 1 look back and them away, and 1 might only get
think of how that woman treated myself put in jail for tneddling. 1
ire," was the sullen reply.
h elf, go on and get through
with your story as soon as you can,
then wo will try to find something
better to think about," responded
Lady Bromley, in a gentle tone.
"You were saying that Mrs. Brown
wanted to get rid of you.''
suppose 1 could have told that
Aunt Lu's name had always been
Brown, and she was only playing at
being Mrs. Brewster, if 1 had wait-
ed until they sprang their trap ; but
I was afraid of them all, and t knew
they'd he just about ready to kill
toe if they should find out all that
1 had learned of what they were
she could be sent, and would never
be likely to trouble us again,' Mr.
Hubbard told her, in a voice that
made inc creep all over. But 1 said
to myself that neither of thein
would have a chance to work me on
in that way—that 1 should light out
all of a sudden, and then, if 1 ever
saw my way clear to give thein the
grand bounce for their golden slats,
" 'Well, get me your certificate,' I'd do it. At first 1 thought 1'd go
he told her, 'and I'll fix it up for that very night, after the house got
you.' quiet ; but a few minutes afterward
"Aunt Lu took a paper from her 'he told her that it might take a
pocket, and handed it to him. 1 few days to fix things up before he
couldn't see what it was, but it rat- could bring them to a—a-- "
tied like letter -paper. "t;risisl" suggested her ladyship,
'Iia ! 1 heard him laugh, 'it's as Ellen appeared unable to think
a piece of real luck to have every- of the word she wanted.
thing turn out so cleverly; ..les, that was it. So I told my -
1 found out .that your husband's eel( that 1 needn't be in any great
name was Alan .,rows, it struck hurry. l could look about a bit .or
the that it might very easily be made a place. 1 had that ten dollars that
over into Adam Brewster.' she," with another fond look at the
" '1 don't see how you are going photograph across the room, "gave
to do it,' said Aunt Lu nervously. rite, and 1 knew 1 needn't suffer;
'1 don't want to get caught in any 1 could take care of myself for a
law scrape.' while, even if 1 ran away before 1
'Sec hero,' he said, and then found anything to do. Before Mr.
he showed her how he Could make Hubbard left ho told :tont Le that
an `1' into a 'd,' and --oh, t can't in a week or so, he should want
remember all the rest; but when her and Anna to move into a bet -
he got through explaining, she for place, and they must have some
seemed satisfied and well pleased.
' 'Yes, yes,' she said, '1 believe
you can du it ; and if I do my part,
you swear that you will hand over
a lot of money to me 1'
" 'Mrs. Brown,' he said, speak-
ing very slow and positive, "y•,u tl
Bever need to do another day's
work as lung as you live.'
" •Ole : what a blessed relieF that
bundle that night and skipped out teacupful every hour at first, and
the next morning, as I've told yore' gradually increase the quantity,
"And you have never seen either
while feeding less frequently, until
your aunt or cousin since 7 'n' he is fed six times a day, and then
quired Lady Bromley.
"No, and 1 don't want to," said four times. The best way to teach
the foal to drink is by means of a
rubber nipple on the spout of a
teapot. If scours occur. a little
lime -water, warmed, should be ad-
ded to the milk. To prepare lime -
water, slake a lump of line by pour-
ing a little water on it; then add
water and stir. Let this settle for
• several hours. and the clear water
• ca top is the link -water to be used.
• The foal should be kept in a loose
box, well bedded, and may be
taught to drink from a pail when
a month old, and to eat ground oats
and bran.. When let out to pas-
ture. it should be stabled at night,
or protected from rains.
Ellen sharply ; "1 want to give
them a wide berth, and hope they'll
do the same ay me."
('lo be continued.)
Aout the Farm
In Hoard's Dairyman, Burton W. ,
Potter gives his idea on the method GREAT TREASURE BUNT
cf reckoning the cost of keeping a •
cow per year. Mr. Potter produces
some very good arguments in sup-
port of his views, but I believe that
his method of calculation is not the
best one to follow.
By his splan the profit or loss of
the entire farm is carried down
and placed to the account of the
dairy herd. It is a fact that on no
good clothes to wear—they mustn't farm ere profits the same on tho
get anything swell or showy at first, various lines of work. Perhaps
but a few nice things t� make them there aro not meat' farms so oper- Tales of hidden hoards of pir-
look ladylike and respectable. He ated as not to have a loss on some aces aid et treasure cargoes stored
was going to New Haven the next things. By the Dian outlined by far beneath the waves in sunken
dap, 'to file the records,' and when Mr. !'otter, it is impossible to know g;iticons have in all ages had a pe -
ho came back he'd be ready to push exactly which things are producing culiar fascination for Hien, and
matters, and would give her some profit and which loss, many a life has been kat and many been located. By way of c,.peri-
lessons on law points, and what A roan may bo a .-s._� c (•tti11 a dollar expended in the search trent several cannons were raised
she'd have to say and stick to in grower of grain and forage crops for wealth that never existed. It to the surface, and a quantity of
will be,' she told hint, and just court; ter lie expected there might and yet a poor dairyman. His farm has remained, however, fur then of wood was recovered, so well pre -
ready to cry. 'I don't think I ceu'.d be some tough fighting, as thero operations as a whole may be the twentieth century to place tree- served as to resemble stone. The
have stood it much longer without was somebody else who would try yielding a profit, bat the dairy herd sure -hunting on a sound business wood of which the sunken gelle-
going mad. I've been nture'n half tc get the Brewster fortune." may not be contributing to that basis, and to equip it with the ma- one were built is alone a treasure
tempted to jump off the }ironkly'n „Dal he say who—did he men- }�rofit, On the other hand, the chinery necessary to its success. that would repay years of work
Bridge into the East River many a tion any tinniest" inquire° Lady herd nay he the source of profit. i \\'!thin a few weeks the greatest spent un its recovery.
time—guess l should if it batt❑ Brumley. and the other operations of the , treasure hunt ever 4stgauiied will The general cargo brought home
been for Anna ; 1 thought it would "No ; and he didn't talk as if he farm, of loss. Hence it is essential : l+egin in the Bay of Vigo, where it by the transports included pearls,
be cruel to leave 'ler to struggle had any fear . f thein. Aunt Lu tc• know, at least approximately. t is estimated that within a compare- emeralds and amethysts, amber and
on alone."'
said she'd do whatever ho told her the cost of producing the various 1 tively small area. minted gold and precious wools from the South
"Olt:" here breathed Lady Brom- —she was ready to swear to any- products that make up the output 1 silver to the value of between American forests. It is known that
ley, with n shiver, "what misery tlutig, for the sake of having an of a dairy farm. No line of animal !twenty and thirty million pounds there were numerous works of art
there is in the world! To what des- easy time for the rest of her late. husbandry that will not pay sterling lie. in .'ld, silver and bronze, to say
perste deeds poverty drives roan He went away then, and a title market value for the food consum THE BATTLE OF VIGO. nothing of 1,541 cannon, and in
kind :" while after Anna came in. Aunt ed should be followed. Essential as numerable articles of value belong.
'Yes' said ill r. Hubbard." Lu told her all about Mr. ii r- is manure to maintenance of soil In the golden age of Spain's his-ing to officers and seamen.
len went on, without heeding the bard's call, and when she carie to fertility, we should nut be obliged tory she drew (rem her mines in When, n a few weeks' time,
interruption of her mistress, "'An- a hat he had said about marrying tc take it into account in order to the \Vest ladies gold and silver work is bestirs in Vigo Bay, attempts
na is ton tine a girl to he left to her—Anna--she laughed until I get market price for our grain and worth mote than £A,000,0a0 a year. will first be made on the Santa
hoe her own row alone. \Vhat have thought she'd burst a blood-ves- Drage. Ira 1702 a fleet of galleon. brought Cruz, one of the largest of the gal -
you to sac to that other plan which sol•" The suece: i2 i dairy farmer na at horse the accumulated treasure of leen`. which carried 31 guns. It is
I hinted at a few clays ago 1' " 'Oh, he's a clever ono, mother,' be a broad guaged roan. He must three years. amounting to sorne • hoped that she a ill comp a{, whole,
" •�\ teat f About your marrying she said, when the could got her be as skillful at maintaining the £28,0+0),000, together with piesious for, from appearances, she has been
Anna 1 said Aunt Lu, when mY breath. fertility of his soil and producing merchandise almost equally vatu-1 wonderfully preset ved.
heart gave such a jump that 1 came " ' \I hat do you mean l' Aunt Lu bounteous craps of feed •~tuffs as able. Arrived safely at Vigo. the - — _ 4.—
near crying out. I was so stirred asked. ht; is at breeding, feeding or caring seventeenth Spanish wakens were
up. But 1 caught myself just in He means to nail everything, for tho dairy herd. This makes attacked by the combined British THE OPTIMIST.
s„ there will he no fear of ever los- .t ne: essary fir him to be a student and Dutch fleets, under Admiral ' When in the dentist's chair,
ing his grip on that money, said et all the various branches of Sir George Rooke. The galleons. i cd,, not raise a fuss;
farming ; and the hest incentive to l which overt men-of-war, carrying ' 1 thank my lucky stars I'm not
"'t don't understand you,' her study is a calculation of profit and from twenty to forty guns apieee,1 A hippopotamus.
mother told tier.
loss. hence the best method is .to were assit. d in the engagement by! reflectively ; "it must been chance o 'tt hy, l should think you'd have charge the cow for what she' 21 French ships of the line. The' when baggagemen destroy my
souiewhere about the last of July. "'1 know it would, of course,seen through his game from the consumes at market price. This others were much stronger. and trunk,
It was on 'Tuesday night - the next she answered, 'hut I can't tell how brat,' :►nn snapped. '01 course, is easy enough on hay and grain gained an overwhelming victory. It 1 do not rave and rant ;
day 1 went to Doctor Ashmore to she may feel about it. I haven't John Hubbard sd meant to have the but • more difficult with ensilage, way t.• sasc the treasure falling in But mentally say I'm glad
have the splints taken otT my arm. said anything to her yet; but I'm lion's share of this feast, under any however, by making an estimate 4.. their hands that the galleons d'm not an elephant.
'1 hat wa= the time t f(sinted, aril of the opinion 'hat she 11 be ready circumstances; but he was keen of the yield of corn per acre. one , acre sunk. It is preyed beyond
he told me t might go t olive with for almost anything that will nn- enough to see that it wouldn't do can come reasonably close to the doubt that only a sere serail part: When my shoes are hard and tight.
bin. It was the second this after, prove her coalition.' to leave any loophole for us to go value of the crop. ! of the treasure belonging to then And pain ii i+npede
that 1 went. and 1 have never -ecu "'!\ell, it strikes me that wo back nn him; so if he married me, ('est of production should be.King was landed before the battle, My walk. 1 smile and think 'til
either Aunt t.0 or Anna since. i had better alt cast our lots into our interests would be so mixed up determined for all farm products. contemporary official documents w.r 11
'But if there was a prospect of one box together. and have a Rood 1 with his that we couldn't blow on ft is not enough to know that we 'hew it to have bsen L2,071.461. and Cm not a centipede.
your aunt becoming rich. why did time for the rest .,f our lives.' he him or be grinding more money out hate a margin of profit on our tl, allies •tcut- d as boot} no more _ —^
you wish to run away? Von might went on. '1 will settle a hards.•me o! bile allit he time. farm work a• a whole. To he most than £ta4,7S.. Acme of this gold . Most music fans dispense music by
have fared better if you had re ♦income on you the day she marries •' vies, see,' said her mother: aucecssful we should know what is and alter was dopa ted to the na-
marred with her. her ladyship oto me, then l will take her all over then she went on anxiously, 'Tial 1 i paring and what is not Jt is toe tionsl currency in '.ngland. a±.d a the measure. but the bass drummer
served. the world, and she shall hate ec- hope yen will marryhim, Anna—Ionly ground upon which we can number of ee.'nmemurable n.ecfa's Q,1s rid r•f his by the pound.
"You'll see why. when I've told crythung she wants. She'll make he cant be such a great deal order:blase calculations. A knowledge also were streck from the captured0,1in e great while we meet a
you hat l hear.! that nista.' 1:1- a handsome woman dressed in her than you; girls often marry men
that we are )(gang on a Pertain gold by order of Quern :\n.:Fe nen who is alae enough t', know
ten r+pf:ect, with a sheer. t1s!;, ashes and diam. mels.' alder than he. then j: �' think nt�nperatinn will lead to bettering the Ft)BMFat Ilia-.1SF )IE 111 '%1'� „'fie;.',r' has enough before he got/
! I don't believe then:'' a bit cf ',good times you'll ►t • -- the , methods employed or dropping
Mrs Itr,.a n, \I r. Hubbard said, Si the
Le sat dvwn—" doubt about her demi as you want travel, nice clothes, and jewels-- that particular breach out entirely. Almost as soon as the battle end -+t
OVER £20,000.000
Galleons Lost in Bay of 1 igo In
lath Have Been Located
by the Ilydroscope.
ed the surface, as it bad not been
properly strengthened.
No other coneessOion wIerLe. grant-
ed until the present concessionaires
appeared on the scene, and secured
from the Spanish Government the
sole right of working in Vigo Bay
until 1915. The Spanish Govern-
ment is to receive 20 per cent. of
the value of the objects recovered.
Dr. C. L. lberti is at the head of
the enterprise, while the engineer
is Guiseppe Pino, an Italian. Pino
has invented and patented a num-
ber of ship -salving instruments,
specially adapted for finding and
lifting the lost galleons. Chief of
his inventions is the hydroscopo,
which may be described as a tele-
scope for use under water. Through
the hydroscopc objects can be seen
under water almost as clearly as
objects in the air can be seen
through field glasses. The top of the
apparatus is a floating platform, on
which twenty men can stand. Front
its centre descends a powerful tele-
scopic steel tube, at the end of
which is an optical chamber, a kind
of camera, provided with mechani-
cal arms, and containing powerful
lenses. The system of lenses and
reflectors is so arranged that ob-
jects surrounding the baso may be
seen from above to a distance of
about 2,000 square -yards. The
hydroscope is provided also witb
electric lamps of great. power.
Another of the clever Italian's in-
ventions is a submarine boat, which
was used by the Japanese to raise
the sunken Russian warships at
1'urt Arth:u•. It is shaped like a
torpedo, and is screw -driven; it is
also fitted with wheels, and can
move along the sea-bed ; it can rest
immovable in the water at any
depth, and has mechanical arms
which may be worked with a precis-
ion almost equal to that of human
hands. Among the other inventions
are the elevators, consisting of cy-
linders made of rubbered canvas,
into which compressed air is pump-
ed. Each cylinder is capable of
raising 40 tons out of the water,
ea that it is only a question of mul-
tiplying the number of cylinders,
whatever the weight inay be. The
elevator has mechanical arms to
embrace the holt which is to be
salved, or cables may he passed be-
neath a keel when the wreck is
The hcd of Vigo Bay has already
been examined with the hydruscopo
and the ships. which for more than
two centuries had rested peaceful-
ly in the depth of the ocean, have