Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-10, Page 41
O xetet' A,%UOCtlte,
Sanders .t Creech. Props,
THURSDAY, June 10,1909
Isaac Brock Lucas, K. C.. 34. P. 1'.,
has been made a member of the Ontario
Cabi•.t•t without poitfoilo, lei aueeeselo,i
to tee late Hoe. Dr. Willoughby.
The Provincial Government is to be
commended ott its policy of Issuing an-
other public loan, so that the people of
Canada may be able to taus secure sate
lr,vestntent fox their surplus cast:, The
amount of lice Issue is $3,500,000 in
tour pe. ce,,t. thirty year bonds, dated
June 1909. Tee subscribed price will be
102 during Jute.
?tight it not be wise on tae part of
the Town Council to adopt a new plan
of laying cement sldewelks. .1 very
large amount Is to be leld this year
and it would stent that tt 'would 4•.e
advisable to employ one or more good
tlnlshcrs and leave the rest of the work
In the ,[ands of the Street Commission-
er, who Is perfectly capable of having
the work well done by day labor.
The young people, particularly In a
farming community like this, should by
all means take advantage of the cheap
trip to Guelph on the llth, and learn
alt the Improved methods about farming
as exemplified there. The grain plots.
the stables, the poultry yards, the but-
ter -making proeeas. and the flower and
vege:able gardens afford unlimited scope
for the acquiring of information. Don't
ba afraid to ask question3. The profess-
ors take particular delight In giving all
the lnfcrin,tion they can to enquirers.
The council mat on June 5th in the
office of the clerk, per call of the Reeve.
The members were all present. W. 13.
Sanders askei that the directors of the
Canning Co. ba granted the privilege of
grading the west side of the road bed
running north past their factory. Grant-
ed, the work to be done to the satisfac
Bon of the council. \ir. Uladman ad-
dressed the council in regard to the
ftood:hg rights and title deeds of the
Howard property. as per letter submit-
ted to the council. The reeve and coun-
cillor Johns were to sea Mr. Howard
and Mr. Dow on motion of Heaman and
The following accounts were read and
passed. -W. Brimacombe labor at the
cemetery 1.1 ; • Rosa Taylor Co., !umbel
*15.22; Telephone Co., 25c ; half year
rent of phone for cemetery 12.50 ; Jones
& Clerk, seeds for cemetery 43c.: Fred
White, labor at cemetery 8.75: C. W.
C: os., bal. of salary 1908 and 1909.
1:: Electric Light Co. 107.53: :_ . •
t^• .1u•1'.e-3tdncy Sanders 4.511; Thos.
Brox* 4.75; Rd. Downey 50c ; J dill-
jr., 50.7; Thos. Brock, Jr., 2.25;
W. Heideman 25e; Rd. Quance 1.50:
W. Westcott .'i.ey ; Silas Handford 0.25
Them t. Cr.e'1: 5.25 ; Roy Horne 3.75;
Thos. Cornish 6.80; Thos. Snell 4.03
Win. Anderson 5.70; Geo. Sanders 4.25
Joe. Puttuh 9.40 ; \Vm. Arnold 5,tc ; W
Welch. 7.50; Win. Ann.trong 45" ; E:l
Snel! 4.50; Isaia;t Hall 3.75; David
Russell 2.55; ltd. Davis 3.65: W. J.
Blss:tt part salary $33; C. W. Crone.
pt. salary $29; amounting to $299.64;
passed on motto.: of Johns and Luker. -
The council ,net Ir, the Tuwn Hall per
call of the re:ve on 'June 7th. Councillor
Johns and the clerk absent. Petitions
for cement side walk were read from
residents flouting on the south side of
Simcoe and also east side of Albert -et
from James street to the south corner
of Wm Taylor's lot, and on the e i s'
of Carling street from Sanders to (ltd -
ley. Petitions granted provided the
council has the power, on motion of
Luker and lieantan-Carried. Per Car-
ling and Luker that the reeve and the
treasurer be empowered to borrow one
thousand dollars for current exper.dl-
turt•.-Carr icd. Per Heitman and Luk-
er that the account of W. Jacobi for 75
cent., labor ..t cemetery be paid -Car. ted
Per Hearne!' and Carriing that the reeve
and councillor Luker b3 a committee re-
garding J. A. St . wart's seism. -Carried.
Adj. by W. J. Ilean,an who acted as
clerk for the rae:eing.
For the Month of May, 1909.
IL S. Department
Form 1-13. Ifoggarth 72, C. Copeland
71. 11. Sweet 70. It. Dearing 69, C.Wood
67. W. Welemiller 67, M. Elston 05, G.
Passmore 65, A. Bissett 63. 0. Hoop-
er 61. Commerce 11 --sr. Class.. Honors
0. Hlseett 91, 11. l'ope 119. F,Ilunter 76
0. Wood 75; i'ass, F. Beaver 69. L.
Handford 69. E. Wood 62. Jr. Class, le,
Boyle 70, Y. 018I1es 61. No. on roll 42;
average 40.
.\ al. ,johnstott, le., 1.1r
Form il.-W. Monteith 73, 0. Kest:e
65. J. Oras.hk 65. 11. Jones 01, 11.
Tri beer 61, L. Hein ba,
A. 11. Musgrove. teacher.
1'. S. Dcl.artmellt
1foem 1\. -Sr. iV., honors. 1t. Hie -
sett 90. 1t. Word 79: l'ass. C. Heywood
73. 1.. Treble 69. M. Carlh;g 69. Ethel
Brl•kwood 07. Presto:1 Dearing 00. 1.
Tliscrs 61, D. Hall 60, 1'. CYeech 61',
Jr 1 V.. hot,crs, G, Bassett 76: Pass
J. Walker 7o. N. Jones 17, R. Balk -
will 66. F. McPeerson 66. A Beverley
66. 11. (ilt'It i 04. No. on roll 31; av,•r-
lgr 29
C. Vosper, teacher.
Itocm V. -Sr. 111.. honors. L. flat, y
09. M Juhrs 78. if. Walker 11. !tete
Rowe :4, 0. Hodgert 73. Lola Tactor
72. E. ilalkwlll 70. Pass. F. 1111! 68.
1. Sweet 67, 0. Delve 63, E. Harvey 00
b1 Scnlot 60. Jr. 111.. honors. 'reside
11 1 kwo e1 74. Alb:tt,e K:1 h' '2. Piss
13 ifedgert 67. .1. Follicle 67. A. It?11
66. u. Macdonald 62. No. oo ro•: r5 ,
average 44.8.
Miss Murray. teaeeer.
Itaont V1. -form 3, Jr.. notore It.
Davi• ell \t Huestoe 87 \ Mark 96,
1'. Jarkeon 94. F'. W,iod 4Mdon
11. Tarso*, 79. F. flowey 76, J.
Crate 75 ; l'a.s. L. ltasti•igs 74. Snag
Reel 12, Ina Deer' 71. Earl Coekeon
?tr. J, t.,ue !turmoil 67. Jon Fergasson
ai. l'0 1!. Sr.. donors. L. Zuefle
91, A 1'. ' r fit. at. Ford 83, }t. Vln-
c:n[ 83, 11. Homey 82. M. Gladman 81
0. Veldt. 80, K. Weidcnhannner 79, D.
Kuntz 78, A. Jahns 73. 13. Houlden 73
G. Fitton 69, G. Wells 64. No. on roll
34 ; average 31.
Ii. 14. Kinsman, Teacher.
Rooun V1i.-Sr 11., J. Itwdon 89, M.
Pickard and SI. Day 81, E. Jellies 80,
M. Kydd 78, G. Carling 67.C. Dearing
63, 11. Marsh'+t! 54. Jr. 11., V. Marshall
92, It. Hoyle 42. W. Rendle 73. P. Col-
ltngwoad 62. No. on roll 55; average
attendance 40.
• F. W. Ifowerd, Teacher.
Rooth VIII. -Jr. Second., Class A,
Rhoda Cornish 89. Drew Knight 80,
Alice Taylor 79, M. hardy. 76, V. Welsh
75, M. Welk -_r 72. W. Jacobi 70. Class
H.. I. Eastcrbrook 70, W. Davis 08, Cl.
C.. A. Cornish 80. C. Mellott 80, Wei.
Brown 78, C. Morley 77. V. Sweet 75,
L.. Palmer 74, 34. Bedford 70, C. liar -
name 69. Sr. l't. 11., W. Knight 79, W
Gillespie 76, P. Cornish 75. No. on roll
47, average 40.
Mildred Martin. teacher
DEAR Mit. EtoToit.
I atn pleased with the advocacy on
the part of your valuable paper in con-
nection with the proposed utilization
of the water power of the Sauble.
A practical mind cannot fail to be
impressed with the possibilities at our
very door. Possibilities which, if tak-
en adyantage of years ago, might have
contributed largely to the expansion
and wealth of Exeter.
But possibly a mole advantageous
time to take practical steps never pre-
beuted itself thus before. Exeter has
now reached that stage in her devel-
opment where ahe must no longer view
things with the eye of a country vill-
age. Her growth and expansion to the
status of a town leads to larger re-
sponsibilities and expenditures, and
her citizens must be prepared to meet
these conditions, especially as these
conditions are forced upon them, and
due to circumstances over which they
have no control. Circumstances deal-
ing with the general health, security
of life and property, and modern con-
veniences of her citizens.
The general health of the common i•
ty is largely a sanitary one; the great-
est agency in its efticency is proper
sewerage,aud this problem we are only
playing with. Money is spent year by
year without any definite plan or gen-
eral scheme. Sowe day our require-
ments will force us to face the difficul-
ty and why not now?
But if this is serious what can be
said of the security and life and pro-
perty. With a limited supply of wa-
ter, no matter how efficient our fire
fighting facilities may he, or how
LI dined end alert our brigade may he,
in the face of it general cor,ft+gratiuu
they would be powerless. Therefore
we moat have water and abundance of
it, at least for fire protection, street
and fawn watering and manufactur-
ing purposes, and the time may not he
far distant when even we may require
it for domestic purposes.
While we are preparing for the sup-
ply of water facilities let us not forget
there is another requirement. which
we speak of under the head of modern
conveniences, namely the proper light-
ing of our streets, homes and business
places. At the present time we are
paving the maximum price for the
minimum service. With the advent
of Niagara power throughout Ontario
let us prepare for it. Should this
Northern group of towns someday de-
mand it, let us be equipped to use it
when it comes, by installing a proper
distribution plant which, in the mean-
time we could utilize by taking over
the present plant, erect a small power
hon -e at theda►n,and for three months
in the year, possibly the whole year,
use the rivet' power for the dinotnoee
at .e great saving of cost and higher
degree of efficiency.
To meet these larger demands of
our modern civilization I would re-
commend the formation of a citizens'
c0lflh,alttee to work in conjunction
with the Council and strengthen their
h..nd>. Let us not lay the responsibil-
ity at the door of the Council, they
can only act in so far as they have the
support and sympathy of the majority
of the citizens.
We all have a duty to ;nit farm and
Exeter "expects every man to do his
ONE W110 Is IN'rEREsTI-:n.
North Bay, June 2. -Charles Chapman.
aged 22 years.accountant In the Tred'rs
Hark here, was drowned this evening
abut dusk by the upsetting of his canoe.
In company with two other bank clerks
to -day he had t'ontmenced camping out
on the lake shore near the easterly- lim-
it, of the town. The three went canoe -
Ing this evening. and in some manner,
the canoe upset. The others were res-
Tice de..-etsed was 24 years of age and
hie parents live at AtI.a Craig, to which
pile, the body was taken foe burial. Too
brothers and two sisters also survive.
11, was a young man of much' promise
end high character.
Mr. San4U l Gratton las been appoint-
ed County Constable for the County of
ttu^ort. Mr. (Batton holds a slrniller
potation for the County of Lambton.
M-. Shepherd and family visited at A.
Gjavr'le's Su:;day,-Mr. Joe Foill^k wag
here Aunday.-H. 0111 of Port Franks
was here Wednesday. -Mr. Young and
family of Crediton visited Mrs. Fritz
Mondry. -M:. :.n 1 Mrs. Stubbs or Tiled -
fool vl.tted at Joe n Ilaird's Sut;day.-
'11sa Laura Omelette 1'ft Sunday to vis:t
for a week at 11. tlamilt,>in'a o❑ the
4th of Stephen. --Mr. and Mrs. ftossen-
h--ry o! Ti,e'ford visited here on Sun-
day. -Those that have arrived for the
w,ee ralnpieer ate Mrs Foiioc•k, e•;d
Mr.. itowey of Exeter. We. Eiger!:
ant daughter of Creliton. The fishermen
had a psrthes:arly good lift of flea on
ltoniay.-The ,'ark;1111 11lgh School ph --
n rkd titre Saturday. -Mrs. 11. 0111 and
nllclreh of Pert Franks visited here for
.e f^w days late we'k -Miss Belle Gould
of Es•tcr Is visiting at Mr. Leavitt's.-
74 e John 0111 of Exeter was le our burg
\V•:d. eeday.
Mr, Thoe. Willis. who recently lost his
creamery by fire, is now making prep-
arations to rebuild and keep business
going in dale v►cinet3.-Woad was re-
ceived that Mr. W. It. Hutt of Toronto
University Faculty of Medicine has com-
peted his second year. being succeaseful
in all sub;acts.-Mr. E. Colon, who was
appointed delegate to the Conference, teas
spent the past welt In London. accom-
partied by his wife. -Born to Mr. and
Mrs. Wee. Spencer of Stratford on
Thursday at the tome of her mother.
Mrs. Anderson. a daughter. -Mr.. Ar-
thur Brooke has returned from a vis-
it to Belgrave.
Felix Hanlon, an old reetdeet of Clin-
ton, who for the past six or seven years
had made his home In Goderich with
his son-in-law, Jas. Dean, passed away
'Monday of last week, aged 85 years.
Mr. Hanlon was u native of Ireland,
but carte to Canada when a young man,
settling at first at Goderich, and moving
shortly thereafter to Clinton, where the
greater part of his life was spent. Ile is
survived by a brother and two married
sisters in the Old Country, and he leaves
a family of five boys and three girls,
:.s follows; Martin Hanlon of \Viltiants
ton, Mich.; Patrick Hanlon of Centralia
Felix Hanlon of Dunkirk, N. Y.: Rich.
and James Darien of Stratford; Mrs.
Jas. Dean of Godertcli ; 41rs. D. Reynolds
of New Liskeard, and Mrs. John Flan-
nigan of Stratford. Mrs. 'Hanlon died
,hour 111 years ago at (Linton. In re-
liglo.. Mr. Hateon was a Roman Catholic
Ile followed the occupation of a shoe-
maker In Clinton.
Mr. W. Nell and Miss \Vltlle of Lucas
spent Friday with tee fornaer's sister,
Miss Florence Nell, teacher in Ne. 18. -
Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Wilson attended an
institute meeting In Ailsa Craig on Thur
,day. -Miss Mary Hutchinson was the
gust of her aunt Mrs. John Brown for
a few days. -Miss Myrtle Wickert spent
a few days with friends at Brewster. -
Mrs. Eatery and Mrs. Pickering of Park
h'll called to ou- burg on Saturday. -
Mr. Vitra Young visited at Mr. James
Young's at Corbett oil Friday.- Miss
Gladys Patterson of Grand Bend visited
over Sunday with her friend Miss Mae
Wilson. -Addison Baird and Eric Gra-
ham of Parkhill called In our burg on
Saturday. -Mrs. Itobert English and
Master Frei spent a few days the past
week with her stater, Mrs. A. Melntosh
of Noray.
Wintergreen: Compound Stopped itch at
Once -Disease Soots Dlsappeard.
After taking 1,eetment from two dor-
t,,rs, and trying many different rei ne-
die. from drug stores. that only seem-
ed to [Hake the disease more Intolerable,
M •.•+. H. E. Johnston of Hespeler, Ont..
found a cure. It le simply a prepera-
tlrt of on. of wintergreen. compounded
+'I:h suet well-known healing and anti-
s ptic substances as thymol and glYerlite
but It certainly cures the disease.
H,'re'a what Mrs. Johnston says of It;
"Your preparation has cured me of
Eczema after doctoring wit,. two doctors
and trying different o:nttnents from
drug stores, that only *made It worse.
i feel as though everybody should hear
of it so they might be helped."
Wy go on suffering from torturing
skin diseases, when there is a cure
that Is simple, sate and sure.
For free sample bottle write to The
D.D.D. Laboratory, Department, E. A.
23, Jordan street Toronto.
For sale by all druggists.
1311)DULI 11
We are glad to hear that Mr. Thomas
Armitage 1s again able to work after
three months Illness. -M''. Percy Arnm-
Itaga has returned home from London,
after spending a few days visiting
friends. -Mr. Ben Dobbs Is preparing to
put a foundation under his barn. -Mer
srs. Lebanah and Harvey Hodgins spent
Saturday with their brother In Parkhill.
-Ti'e C. 0. F. will hold their annual
*.furca parad= o.t Sut.day next at holy
Trlicity church. Lucau.-Mr. \Vin. Wilk-
inson is all smiles the.e days -!t• a
daughter. -Miss M. Simpson la visltltie
friends at Saihtabury.
arrived. -A large consignment of bug. 1t s
from five of the leading firms of O:ntarise
in all the latest styles and designs. Any
person intending buying will do well to
look over our stock befure purchasing:
We will save you money by so doing. No
trouble to et=ow goods. All vee lcles are
fully guaranteed. .1 call solicited.-TltE-
VETIfICK,dc HODGINS. Crediton, Ont.
John A. Gaiser has returned from
Cobalt where he has been on business.
We understand Jonh has struck it
rich and we otter our hearty congrat-
ulations. -Mr. Edwards, who is visit-
ing here from Indiana, went to Gode•
rich Sunday in his auto. -Mise Clara
Haist entertained a number of friends
to ice cream Monday evening. -Mrs.
Bert Clark and child spent alfew days
in Exeter during the week. -Next
week the Sunday Schools of our two
churches will hold their picnics at the
Bend. The Evangelical will hold theirs
Wednesday and the Methodist theirs
on Friday. Everybody should vo to
these special outings and make it an
object to have a good time. -H. Either
M,P,P., was in New Ontario the past
week. -Mr. Steinacker is having a ve-
randa- erected in front of his resi-
dence. -Mrs. Rosins Finkbeiner left
for Pittsburg, Pa., Monday to visit her
son Wesley. She was accompanied by
her daughter Mrs. Huxtable of Hamil-
ton. -Fred Young has purchased a
driyer from Garnet Cockwell and Con-
rad Kuhn one from Geo. Finkbeiner.
-Our Bowlers have bought a heavy
lawn mower, which was badly needed,
to get the ground in shape for bowl-
ing. -Garnet Baker of London was in
town Sunday. -Mr. Decker of Zurich
visited Chas. Wolf Sunday. -Rev.
Whiting of Thedford occupied the pul-
pit in the Evangelical church Sunday
evening. Rev. Whiting is attending
Victoria University, Toronto, and
preached an eloquent sermon. -Harry
Fowler of the bank staff is holidaying
in London and Barrie. -The family of
Fred Howald are quarantined on ac-
count of scarlet fever. Fortunately
the little girl is not very ill. -Wm.
Lewis attended the Conference of the
Methodist church in London last week
for a few days. -The Stars have ar-
ranged to play a game of baseball in
Zurich Friday night. This is a return
match and an interesting game is ex-
pected. -Sunday the Evangelical Sun-
day School appointed Chris. Fabner,
Dan Oestreicher, Herb Eilher, Garnet
Sweitzer and Miss Clara Kienzle as
delegates to the Sunday School con-
vention in Zurich on Thursday and
Friday of this week. -Ira Brown visit-
ed relatives in 'Zurich Sunday.-Robt.
Sweet bought a valuable dog in Sarnia
one day last week. -The Ladies Aid of
the Methodist church have rented the
old store from Jos. Banes and will use
it as an ice-cream parlor during the
summer months. Their first night
was held Saturday with good results.
A junior baseball team has been or-
ganized in this village with the name
of "The Cubs." They are composed
of the best players in the school and
Last Monday night they played the
boys of the school to the south of the
village, resulting in a score of 17-6 in
their favor. They have arranged to
play a game with an'ather team, called
"The North -Enders," on Friday even-
ing at 6 p.m., for which an admission
fee of 5c will he charged. All sports
should attend and give the little fel-
lows a lift. They are full of life and
will help to keep up Crediton'e reputa-
tion as a base -ball town some time in
the future. -Owing to Rev. Hick's ab-
sence at the Conference ih London, a
Bong service was held in the Methodist
Church last Sunday evening. The
program wes it lengthy one and very
interesting. We are pleased to know
that Rev. Hicks has been returned to
this circuit again for another term.
Ile has done good work here and the
church is stronger than it ever was be•
Buggies! Buggies! Buggies!
JUST ARRIVED -A large consignment of Buggies
from five of the leading films of Ontario, in nI1 the latest styles
and designs.
Any person intending buying will do well
to look over our stock before purchasing.
We will save you money by so doing.
No trouble to show goods. .411 vehicles are guaranteed. A call
solicited, ....
Crediton - - • Ontario
rediton Flour Mills
We have to offer Good White Shorts, also Bran & Feed
in tots lots.
Shorts, at $25 per ton
Bran " 25 "
Family Flour at $3.25 per 100 lbs.
Ontario " 3.00
Special reductions on large Ints.
Henry Sweitzer
--- Crediton East
)03G#)as2200DITODb{) )• 3222alsawoo S Oaielso
See our big range of Port Cards at 3
yis always up-to-date. Call or
1/ write.
«'e are waiting to
serve y10.
The Edison Phonograph
The Amberol Records
risk•' the best ronabinntion of
entertainers on this tuff [n•
day. We have all the latest
records. We sell on easy pay -
meats or for cash. Our stork
for 5•
Test our Toilet .Articles and Flavolir7 z4
e. s. WALLER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,
♦LWY&NDSR LAIRD, General *usages Reserve Fund, - 6,000,
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations rI
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Frars:e,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy. Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countrie j
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every oflloe
o! the Bank. 1311
Exeter Branch -0. W. Harrison, Manager.. Branch also at Crediton
The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in
the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap.
Highest Market Prices Paid for 4
Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper,
Etc. Etc. Etc. .
All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE.
EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of
scrap way be left at the same store, where prompt attention will he given.
M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
The Range You Ought to Buy
13 THE
IT'S the best made -for appearance
and good service. It is properly con-
structed by a reputable firm who have
had years of experience in the making of
stoves. Don't fail to see this range on
our floor. The many good points it has
will appeal to you.
For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN
SoYereig n Bank Hews.
ported that the com:ltattD' 1■ charge of
the ltquldatlon of the defunct Sovereign
Bank are negotiating with a syndicate
of English capitalists for the sale Of
the Alavka Central Railway, le which
the Bsok is Interested to the extent of
$2,000,1100, A condition of the sale is
reported to be, however. that the Sover-
eign people entered the fifty -stile line,
fifteen mites farther, which would strike
the fringe of a valuable Iron and cop-
per belt. This extension could be made
at very little expense by the bank, as.
practically all the material, Including
rails. Is already on the grounds. Tl;e
.Syndicate, Il it acquired the property,
would titer, extend the line another thir-
ty-five utiles into the heart of the mining
region. The bank authorities expected to
lose a million o:1 this enterprise, but. 1f
the two million dollars Is realized. it 1s
expe•tel that the shareholders will nor'
only escape the threatened liability." but
will recover at least seventy-five per
cent. of the amount they have paid Int
the bank. It to also learhed that t
bank I, not doing anything Just now
towards l:qutdating its Chicago -Milwau-
kee asset, but, by waiting development,
expects to realize sufficient to add an-
other fifteen per cent. for the snare -
holders, which would altogether mean a
•recovery of ninety per cent. of their
Sovereign ,Bank money.
The Dashwood Furniture Store
I wish to announce to the public that
our stock is now one of the largest and
best that we have ever carried.
Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines
No agents. Commission goes to Fell.
House Furnitur
This line is now complete stud
e bought flout the leading !Wig's
of Canada, as we are barred from none.
We have a large assortment of Window Shades, Cut teiu
Poles and Trimmings, Baby Cal doges, Folding ('arts, (lo.('a;ts,
Express Wagons, Curtain Stretchers, Step-Laddets, Carpet
Sweepers. Picture Moulding, Room Moulding, Pictures, Etc.
Brass Extension Rods. White Cottage Curtain Rods, Plc each.
Picture Framing done on shortest notice.
We carry a large and well assorted stock in this line. in
tone of need do not fail to call. Any orders received by phone
will be promptly attended to. Please call and examine our stock
and get prices.
i'IIONITKAi. P. P McISAAC, Dashwood
The Molsons Bank
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund - -
Ha,: 115 I3tanche. in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
et all Branches. interest al:, wed at highest c•nrrent tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion (government,
Dtce oN & CABLING, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON, Manager,