Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-10, Page 3FORTIFIED AT FIFTY. OBITES STI 1.1.CELEBRATE M Dr. William's Pink Pills Bing A OUT ul �I:INa CHARLES >.Ms Health and Strength to Women at a Ciitical Time, Few women reach the age of fifty without o::during touch suffering and anxiety. Between the years cf forty five and fifty health become fickle, and acute weaknesses arise with rheumatic attacks, pains in the back and sides, frequent head- aches, nervous ailments and depres- sion of spirits. Tho secret of good health be- t en forty-five and fifty depends ipon the blood supply. If it is kept rich, rod and pure, good health win be the result, and women will pass this critical stage in safety. I)r. Williams' Pink Pills help wo- men of !nature years as no other medicine can, for they make the rich, red blood that means good health, and brings relief from suf- fering. Mrs. C. Donavon, New- castle, N. Il., says: "About two years ago I was greatly run down and very miserable. I did not Aknow what was wrung with Eno. I r was hardly able to drag myself about, had severe headaches and no appetite. I felt so wretched that I hardly eared whether I lived or not. I had often read of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had done for others and I decided to try them, and I can now truthfully say I found them all they aro recommend- ed ei be. Under their use my health gradually sante back ; 1 could eat better, sleep better and felt strong- er in every way, and before long I was enjoying as good health asever 1 had done." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the trouble in the blood. They actually make new blood. That is why they cure such troubles as rheumatism, neu- ralgia, indigestion, kidney troubles, headaches, sidoaches and back- aches, and the ailments of growing girls and women of mature years. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS! A Few Articles of the Creed in Which You Believe. Are you superstitious—really, conscientiously superstitious? If so —if you act scrupulously up to the traditions of your creed—you must z.spend a most unhappy time. Doubtless you aro already aware clubs with which they are aeaoci- of the facts that it is unlucky to atoll, such as the Thames Valley 'r" ilk under a ladder, to break a Legitimists, the White Cockade Le- .rror, to spill salt, to sit on tho gltiniistrs, and the Legitimists Order (ming -room table and swing your of St. Gertnains. legs, to place shoes on the table, As indicated, the day on which and so forth. Ilut did you know they annually demonstrate their that you must not place a cracked peculiar political boliofs is Janu- dish, or plate, or glass before your ary 30th, and their favorite me - guests? You ha4 better purchase thod of expressing their loyalty to a new set at once. Did you know the "Sovereign over the Water" that you mustn't brush crumbs off eensist•s in placing beautiful floral tho table with a wisp of newspaper wreaths on the equestrian statute —it means bad news 1 Does your wife know that to change the sheets on the bed on Sunday presages a week of disaster? that to trim her willer-nails ay means 810 do something of which she will sentiments expressed on these be ashamed ? that dough sticking to a reaths. Latterly sonic becalms so the bread -board is an evil omen? seditious in tone that tho Govern - that a film of dust tender the bed nient very properly' intervened, and indicates loss of money? a soiled now no tnemorial can be laid on dish unwelcome guests? These are but a few articles of the creed in which you profess to world's coffee supply comes from Brazil. England was first so named by King Egbert in 829 A.D. There are 157,000 registered motor -cars in the United Kingdom. Conscription was introduced into France by Napoleon, in 1798. Twenty minutes is as long as a King Edward Has a Rival to the sperm whale can remain under 'Throne of Great Britaiu, water. One engine such as those on the in 'Their Opinion. big Cunarders is equal to thirty- two locomotives. Many anniversaries are celebrate The population of Russia is in - ed each year in London. The ob- creasing at the rate of two and a servaneee are sometimes quaint, half millions per annum. sometimes interesting, but in no It is calculated that 26,000,000 case are they more eetraordivary children attend Sunday -school than the proceedings ou Jaoua.ry throughout the world. Beth in memory of the execution of Asbestos furniture for battleships king Charles I. at Whitehall in is the latest experiment of the U. 1649. S. A. Navy Department. Fifty thousand tons of sugar are used in London every year in the manufacture of jam alone. On the Jungfrau, in Switzerland, is the highest restaurant in the world -10,000 feet about sea level. England is getting warmer; the average temperature has risen just over a degree in the past half cen- tury. Since the great earthquake in San Francisco, which destroyed 28,000 buildings, 9,800 have been erected. Twenty --five million pounds de- posited in the Bank of England con- stitutes the private fortune of the Sultan of Turkey. It is possible to decipher the in- scription on an old coin which has been worn smooth, by placing it 0n a red-hot iron. Nine thousand dollars is offered by the Automobile club of Franco for a new fuel, cheaper than, and as effective as, gasoline. Between eight and nine every morning, 104,000 persons enter tho City of London; every evening, be- tween six and seven, 175,000 leave. Sidney Kidman, the millionaire "`Cattle King" of Australia, and the largest landowner in the world, possesses more than 31,000,000 acres. Man cannot realize the difference of temperature beyond one-fifth of a degree, while the thermometer notes a difference of a millionth of a degree. Blair Castle, in Perthshire, Scot- land, the Duke of Athol' lives in most regal state, being the mile in - individual in Great llritain who is allowed to maintain an army, and keeping e,00 men, kilted, armed, and regularly drilled, who are ready for war at any moment. For on this date a number of Bri- tons annually demonstrate their loyalty not to King Edward, but to another, whom they are pleased to designate the "Sovereign over the Water" 1 CLAIMS DESCENT FROM CHARLES I. That King Edward has a rival will come as a surprise to many. Most of us are under the imprca- sion that the unfortunate house of Stuart, d endo with Bonnie Prince Charlie and his brother, Prince Henry, who both died without heirs in the reign of George III. How- ever, in Bavaria there is a princess, w Maria Teresa by name, e, stands to the old Stuart line than osen our good King Edward. This princess claims descent from Charles I., while King Edward to prove that he has Stuart blood in his veins has to go a generation further back to King James. It is this fact which, in the eyes of those Britons to whom allusion has been made, makes bis claim to our thione much weaker ..Ian that of the Bavarian princess, and which incites theta to hail the latter as the legitimate Sovereign of those realms. But, granting all that, these Bri- tons, who claim to bo the true des- cendants of the eighteenth -century Jacobites, shut their eyes to the fact that ours is a constitutional monarchy, and the branch of the Stuart family to which the Prin- cess Maria belongs was excluded from the throne by Act of Parlia. meat as long ago as the year 1700. HAVE MANY CLUBS. The Jacobites of the present day do not Make themselves very con- spicuous as individuals, but con- tent themselves with advertising their politica? opinions through the t9 nil Sun d I of Charles I. which stands at the south side of Trafalgar Square, looking towards Whitehall. Up till recently- little, attention was paid by the authorities to the King Charles' statue unless it has first been approval by au official censor. believe. Better far to change your The various wreaths usually con- alind, and become a rational hu- tain tho word "Remember." As elan being. students of history kuuw, this waa the last word uttered by King Charles and was addressed to HEALTHY LITTLE CHILDREN, A nleltier should not expect that ber children will escape all the ills to which babyhood and childhood are subject. but she can do much to lessen their severity and snake baby's battle for health easily won. Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in every home where there aro lit- tle ones. The • are mothers' ever - ready help and ever - ready Baby's best friend. The action of the Tablets is gentle tat thorough. They cure colic, in- ;gestion, constipation, diarrhoea, allay the irritation at teething time, destroy wurtns and promote:' healthy', natural sleep. And the' si ther has the 'guarantee of a gov- i ernment analyst that this medicine e..ntains no opiate or narcotic. Sold by medicine dealers or by I rail at 23 cents a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Cu., Brockville, Out. ABYSSINIA WIVES' t'TOPL1. In the matter .,f women's rights •Abyssinia is far ahead of Europe. According to an authority. the' Molise and its contents belong to ler, and if the husband offends her she not only can. but does, turn kim out of deers till he is duly re• pentant. and makes amends to the Rift of a cow or the, half of a camel - that is to sae, half the value of a camel. On the other hand. it is the privilege and duty of the wife e, abuse her husband. and she can divorce herself from him at plea- sure; whereas the husband must rshow reasons to justify such an act en his part. Violin, were invented in 1200. Of a;1 birth. the "frigate bird"It takes four }ears to train a lion can tears! the fastest it flies at thethoroughly. r"tt .,f sue •i!ees an hour. 1 More than three quarters of the Bishop Juxon, Who accompanies. him to the scaffold. 11'H:1T DiD THE KING MEAN? To -day this word is one of tho enigmas of history. What did the King mean by "Remember" ? Tho Roundheads who superintended the execution jumped to the conclusion that His Majesty had confided some State secret to Juxon- perhaps a plot to overthrow the newly-eatab- lished Commonwealth, which the ilishop was to convey to the Cava- liers; and instantly they pressed the poor clergyman to reveal the message he was commanded to re- member. With this request Juxon readily complied. His Majesty, he stated, had simply asked him to remind his son to pray for his father's ene- mies. But this simple reply was scout - eel by the founders of the Common- wealth. who continued on their guard against unknown snares be- queathed by the unhappy ('narles, it ith the result that their oppon- ents. the Cavaliers. seeing how scared they were by the word "Re- member," instantly adopted it as a motto. In due time "Remember" became a watchword for the Ja obites, who Peet in it a command to remember their allegiance to the "Sovereign over the Pater. Pearson's Week- ly. eek- ly .. - HERE .1\i) THERE. A Few items of Facts I heat 11111 Interest Ton. " LAKE OF BAYS" COUNTRY. A handsome brochure, artistical- ly illustrated, has been issued by the passenger department of the Grand Trunk Railway System, tell- ing of the beauties of the Lake of Bays district, in the "Highlands of Ontario." A new feature of this district is the new hotel—the Wawa —at Norway Point. The hotel it- self has a page illustration reflect- ing the summer glories of wood- land and water, with a brood of seven wild geese soaring skyward beyond the tower. The concise description embodies the story of a charming resort. A copy- can bo obtained free on application to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Tuberculosis germs can sustain the greatest cold, and succumb only at 2513 deg. below zero. Pills for Nervous Troubles.—The stomach is the centre of the nerv- ous system, and when the stomach suspends healthy action the result i• manifest in disturbances of the nerves. if allowed to persist, nervous debility, a dangerous ail- ment, niay ensue. The first consid- eration is to restore the stomach to groper action, and there is no read- ier remedy for this than I arme- lee's Vegetable Pills. Thousands can attest the virtue of these pills to curing nervous disorders. No (natter how well you treat the world, you will never get out of it alive. - IMITATIONS ABOUND, hut insl.t neon settu:4 the genuine, "The D A L Mrnthnl YIa«ter, aim ham'toed the te.t of years. It cure.. imitations dons. •The D. £ 1. ' Is mads• by Davis & Lawrence Co. TIER INDISPOSITION. "What reason did you give for not going to Brown's party the other nigght?" "1 told them I was indisposed." "But I saw you in the afternoon and you appeared perfectly well." "Oh, I was feeling all right, but i just didn't have the strength to drag my husband out." TN U ISSUE NO. 3S-40 ARE A FRIEND TO THE FISHERMEN Missionary Says Their Poison will Intoxicate You. r AFRICAN MOSQUITOES. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MR. C. WILLIAMS' RHEUMATISM. Ho Took the Terrible Disease In Time and a Single Box Made Him a Well Man. South Ingonish, Cape Breton, June 7. —(Special).—How easily and quickly i)odd's Kidney rills banish Rheumatism) and other symp- toms of Kidney Disease is well known in the case of Michael C. Williams, a fisherman living in this place. "My kidney disease started from a strain," Mr. Williams says, "and I suffered from it for about three months. I had backache, stiffness in the joints and Rheumatism. When I got up in the morning I had a bad taste in my mouth; 1 perspir- ed. freely with the least exertion, and I was always tired and nerv- ous. "One box of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me and I believe they wi cure others who aro suffering from Kidney Disease." If you have any two of the sy►np- toms mentioned by Mr. Wiluanis you may be sure of two things. One is that your kidneys are sick, and the other that Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure you. Dodd's Kidney Pills have proved in thousr;nds of cases all over Can- ada that they never fail to cure Kidney Disease of any kind or stage. UNCLE EZRA SAYS: "The big fish wouldn't eat up the little fish if the little fish would stay in the shaller water where the big fish can't gin.' Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. What, it has done once it will do again. WOULD GO WITH THEM. An old couple in Glasgow were in a very depressed state owing to dull trade. Thinking their son in America would help them, they wrote, stat- ing their trouble, and that if he did not help them they would have to go into the poorhouse. Three weeks passed, and then came a letter from their son, say- ing :— "Dear Mither and Father,—Just wait another fortnicht, an' I'll come hams an' gang wi ye.—Your affec- tionate son." THE "CUBLiNCTON ROUTE 'The African mosquitoes intoxi- cates you. They inject so much pon..,n into you that you are dazed, your eyes roll and you stagger and .peak thickly'. in a word, you're drunk," says a missionary. ''lb the Nyassa country I'd al- ways start getting ready for bed and ttio mosquitoes an hour be- fore sunset. I'd set up my mos- quito net with the utmost care. 1'd clamp down its edges with valises and boxes. I'd light inside it three green wood fires tilling it with a. bitter amok() that all insects aro supposed to loathe. "Finally 1'd get in myself. I'd smoke big pipes of the black native tobacco, and I'd long miserably in that hot, smoky atmosphere for the dawn. "Despite all my precautions quite 200 or 300 mosquitoes would get in - Ride toy net as soon as darkness fell. They were like a whirlwind in there. It couldn't have been worse. Their noise and their nip- ping made mo feverish—node me really delirious at tittles. "At last in exhaustion I'd got a few hours of troubled sleep, awak- ening for breakfast drunk irorn the poison injected by hundreds of tiny needles into my veins. "No, it isn't the elephants or the giraffes that trouble the African hunter, but the 'skeeters.' " The change of dietary -that comes with spring and summer has the effect in weak stomachs of setting up inflammation, resulting in dy- sentery and cholera morbus. The abnormal condition will continue if not attended to and will cause an exhaustive drain on the system. Tho best available )medicine is Dr. J. I). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It clears the stomach and bowels of irritants, counteracts the inflamina- tion and restores the organs to healthy action. HIS TROUBLE. "What's the doctor treating you for 1" "For a swollen fortune," answer- ed the stingy millionaire, as he ut- tered a painful check. A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's kill a heavy financial Wadi is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what Dn.:is mean to delicate women—I have been dtacoura ed, too; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relieve your bur- dens. %.hy not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this fur you and WMMM if you will assist me. All you need do Is to write for a fres fox of the remedy which has been el'ced In my hands to he given away. Perhaps this one boa will cure you—it has (lone so for ani ere. 1f Oto, I shall i•e soppy and you will be cured for 20 (the cost of a postage stamp). Tour letters held confi- dentially. onfl. dentiall Write to -tiny for lair free treat. meat. Hite F. m CUPAA.Jir Windsor. Oat. n WOMAN'S DODGE. will inaugurate, essay 23r11, two through tr.ainn When ('bieaao t•, re.attle. Wa.h., vis tet. Pani, ,Itoy tell her Tom rates to all North awl South Pacitlo t'.'4.1 point. A forty pigs 1rider de.erlptive of the homely, Als,ks Yukon Exposition free for the Elkin;. elating For information in retard to rates and train ser• vice writs ..r call on and so J. A. YO$ICK, 54 Kins Rt. Rasa, Toronto. Oat SAVING. "It's a long way for a half dol- lar," remarked the cabdriver, look- ing sulkily at his fare. "I know it is," replied the youth, quietly. "If it had not been, I should have walked." Med. Weak. Weary. Watery Eyes Relieved by Murine C:Te horn. dy. Com- pounded by Ev perlenced Physicians. Mu. Ise Doesn't 1 hart: iloolhes Eye Pain. Witte Morino Eye Itetnedy Chi( ago, for Illustrated Eye Hook. At CO.,Druggists. Spend less time in envying the success of your neighbor and n little more in trying to get there your- self. Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals is as a worm medicine; the name is Anther Graves' Worm Extermin- ator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. HINT TO HUSBANDS. "You know." said the loan, "how innocently your wife will look at you across the breakfast -table when 301i have Fenrched your pockets and discovered 85 tnissing. You may have your suspicions, but you must keep thein to yourself. i stood it fair two or three years before a bright thought came along. Then 1 got hold of a counterfeit $3, a hopelessly had one, placed it in my purse, and when I got up one tnorn- ing and missed it I felt happy. Two hours after breakfast my wife went out, and at noon I was sent for to identify her at the police -station. She had handed tnat had $5 out in payment for an umbrella and been nabbed, and she had been a pris- oner for two hours when I got there." "And what did you say 1" was asked. "Not a word." "And what did she sav "She laid it on the milkman. of course." "But there were results' "Oh yes. Since that tirie I have left my purse under my pillow un- der the bent. in my trousers, er on the table, and have never missed a penny. Once in awhile my wife looks at me reproachfully and clinches her fingers and Lrr•othe, hard. but no worth, f(•11.,v. She can't find any to fit her feeleige" a woman doesn't 3s ant to neighbor that her baby is she gets out of it by de - it is a "cute little thing, bright." Trial Proves its Excellence.—Tho best testimonial one can have of the virtue of I)r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the treatment of bee, pains, coughs, colds and affections of the respiratory organs, is a trial of it. If not foltnd tho sovereign remedy it is reputed to bo, then it may be rejected as useless, and all that has been said in its praise de- nounced as untruthful. KILLED BY OWN TRAP. Schuyler Il-il ley was instantly killed at Logansport, Ind., by a trap he had prepared to kill n thief that had been entering his chicken house. He had arranged an old muzzle -loading pistol so that if the floor of the chicken hoose should be opened the pistol would be dis- charged. In the morning he forgot to disconnect the trap before he opened the door of the house and heavy loud of the pistol was dis- charged into his breast. is the best, remedy known for sunburn,- heat unburn;heat rashes, eczema sore feet., stings and blisters. A skin food! 8tookwell, Henderson & Co. E.tabl A.J ss YON uo,tN 11 King It. Wsst, Terento. DYERS AND CLEANER $ 11081101 MAIINII,I.I NAND/OMI P!11LOlaaa UST NMI 1111 CANADA Express Pats One Rae en COON Fret, a elstaaes INSIGNIFICANT. Magistrate ---"Did 3you arrest the prisoner, McNutty?' Officer McNutty—"Oi did, yes houor. " Magistrate—''Did he offer any re- sistance 1" Officer McNutty—"Only $2, yes honor." A Medical Need Supplied.—When a medicine is found that not only acts upon the stomach, but is so composed that certain ingredients of it pass unaltered through the stomach to find action in the bowels, then there is available a purgative and a cleanser of great effectiveness. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are of this character and are the best of all pills. During the years that they have been in use they have established themselves as no other pill has done. Barber—"Try a bottle of this pre- paration, sir. Splendid thing for baldness." Customer — "Don't doubt it ; but I've got all the bald- ness I want, thank you." A SPRAINED ANKLE is not as unease. mon accident. Painkiller relieves and cures almost as if by magic. The greatest household remedy. Avoid substitutes. there is but ono Painkiller. Perry Davis's fao. and SOo. LONG TIME TO STAY. Mrs. D.—"I hear you have a new servant girl?" Mrs. J. --'She isn't new nowt we've had her three days." Peak's Hair Grower Ilan never failed to stop Falling Hair. It pole tive! kills the I)andrut Clem. Try it and ie convinced for yourself. YOUR MONEY REFUNDED IF IT FAIL. Write for Descriptive Pamphlet. The Perak Mfg Co, 120 Victoria at.. Toronto, an! WANTED. P.tNTRY WOMAN, liberal wage., and atria for dlnhig-room work, wage+ he;.ou p04 p!i th. Apply "1he Welland." at. Catharine,. `V. ANTED.- Ladies to do plain and light sewing at home, whole or °pare time, good pay; work sent any distance. charges prepaid; send stamp for full particulars. Na- tional Manufacturing Company, Montreal. FOR SALE: A number of rem. dark red shorthorn Rolls. II to It mouth 4, by imp. sire., nue out of imp. dams, at right pries*. Abe sea 1 Pea,. JOHN NicF.%BLANK, Dolton. Ont. !l ULD'S PERFECT CO'iN SALVE SUE CURE - MAILED LIV E.HBnuld �e 4't>It�t9to t,Nr: ALEXANDER WARDEN, (Lots tr.s',r.r i'ri'by(ertan ,,..k In cana.l.) BONDS AND STOCKS r'ebu't .1 .r1. 11.11031 sn4 .u1.1 on a IS TOR04T3 STREIT, TORONTO, CANAII Load b..tsnce Phones --Stain iSli), Mala 11$71. WARREN OZOWSKI & CO. Members Toronto Stook Rtekanga. Traders Rant Dandlag, 25 Bross street, TUBUNTO. N10+1 o Yuai( STOCKS AND BONDS We are ooeCOBALT Stocks. Write as specialising 1. lorrotormatlua Brass Bard This is rhe Time to Organise Instruments, Drums, Bond Music, Eft. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND 1,owe•tprtoen r.es quott4. ) Intl catatorp.tt, Ovrr bill 'llustretton•, 117iled free. M , l,e us for Anything In Music sr M, sicel Inetrumen .. WHALEY. ROYCE G CO.. Limited Toronto', W.I.. and M. Lauli.eg, Mau. Tr G11tTRtt3ANpti AGENTS "'a I. wOMN. c CAS[ lir.la it s Day 1.1 n.•,h- h.h r• r:nsn.el I,, , ...,,e our cep rat our Il,ia ,n.o ■ v1I to • Chi In every hon.*. are quietly u .1 up awl . spe . t !.den e- me fa t Eselwi,s ten .Uor, torn. Tn. II •115 Sem r Oa. WRITE No CATALOGUE m, pt '4. Tomato. Dat GL11S I1'CR.tRE AGEITS %1.11TF:@ stl•.ntl Novitiate] Nee0lass tnsnroi' ee•..ra- ppen' i.nsited. Neal Ohre. London Kngian.l ka.hiilhed :Sys toy tial, Fifty P. ends sterile( r••r soma's at Oarepre.ente.1 pudata. Prods.* of Ontario, Mdroos J. I1. RWART, t'tdef Agent. N. to W.Iltngton Mime! K.•l, Toronto. Rood for booklet "Glass insurance." Witairmi WHY DO So many institutions devoted to the higher Edu- cation select Bell pianos? The fact that they as >,ad prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct mens Ors follewr professional advise is ecoeiriej as edu eene. art fellow peaferioseI sees is buy* Ben Oases eat . "rids is I11...bla (11 Assns. PzANOS Scud for (free) Catalogue No. 76. m. esu. PIMIo own Co..-i.1ra16se1 GU LPH.ONTAR IOtt►