HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 8E ► ► ► ► •1 • 1 11 ► ► C 1 1 • ► • 1 1 1 ► 1 1 1 1 1 Let Us Measure your figure for a Suit. and the figure we will ark will please you as well as the perfe-t fit we will guarantee you. We arc • rupulously careful to fit all our patrons to perftctlon, as every gar- ment that l-aves our establishment be- t cores an advertlee:irnt' for us. We will give you your choice of the finest and newest [alnico. \Ve do the rest. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Nosiness Locals -- Read Them 1/ you want to be a will -dressed young turn, wear a "King Ilat." Stewart sella them. If you want Nairn's best Linoleum, Stewart's is the spat. They import than direct by the ton. COOPERAGE WORK. -1 desire to In - torn the people of Exeter and vicinity that 1 do ell kinds of cooperage repair- ing. A11 repairs gathered and returned Prices moderate. ED. IHEIDEMAN, San dere street. Stewart has just reeeired another ship- ment of 300 pairs of 25e Stockings in black and tan. Coyne and get two pairs far 25c. APPRENTICE WANTED AT ONCE.— To learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN. Go to Stewart's and see the new silk - finished ,nerceri.ed Ginghams—took just like silk—regular 25e, clearing at 15c the yard. Steele Briggs' lfangel and Turnip Seeds are the best on earth. Stewart se is none other. \\_OMAN'S INSTITUTE. The annual meeting and election of officers of the Woman's Institute will be held In Senior's Hall, on Friday', June 4th, at 3 o'clock. A full attend- ance 1s requested. Mts. Cola lcdlck, Mia Hastings. I'rteiSct,t Secretary If you want a nice i:ug for your Par- lor or Dining -Room, go to Stewart's and hart a look thruwgh their stock. Their rugs hare a great reputation. Repair Shop Gun repairing Umbrella repairing Lawn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissors " Horse Clippers Saws gummed and riled Wringer Rollers. An kinds of keys tiled and locks repaired. New Bicycles and Sundries Guns and Ammunitit.n in stock. J. TRIEBNER Three d ,ors N.': th c•t 1', ;t OR. e• +++++++++++++++++4++ Off With the Old ----AND On With the New it will not he long till your thoughts are turned to a new Outfit for Spring. This sea- son will be more than ever in advance with new styles and fabrics. New Suits for Spring New Topcoats for Spring New Raincoats for Spring New Suitings for Spring The new spring linea are corning in daily now. We are contident of being able to please you in the least particular. W. JOHNS N.rch*at Tailor. Exeter •'111:'S' WA, AVM' slS• LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Alk illhAlkallk Alai& ALAI Aka& alb di Vele, Exeter North. 1■ quite 11 M ►V. J. Carl it la a;Ove ,g, improving and enlarging hie barn on Mill street. Mr. ltehard Welsh has commenced the to tint; o' hie new t.ouae on Andrew -et. St. Marys Masons Instituted a second Masonic lodge l i that town last week. Little Charley Ford has been very 111 wl'h 1•tflanunato-y rheumatism, but is improving. Thr seed is now all in the ground, and Just watch 1t grow. You won't know the difference in a month. O.: Wednesday of this week Mr. R. W. Dlnney moved to Grand 13e::d to conduct the Park for the coating season. Word was received here on Tuesday of the serious !lines• In Douglas, Man., of a former Exeter resident. Mr. James W eetcott. Moir, the slayer of Sergi. Lloyd In the London Military School made two un- successful attempts to escape from the Asylum at Hamilton. The Y. M. C. A. and the town foot- ball teams suet on the school grounds Friday evening and played a close and interesting game, resulting In favor of of the former by a score of 2 to 1. Mr. John Mortimore, of London, a for- mer resident. has been confined to Vic- toria Hospital for the past two weeks, suffering from an attack of pleuro -pneu- monia. Bros. S. A. Popplestonc and R. N. Tay- lor will represent Exeter Lodge of Odd- feFowe at the Grand Lodge meeting at Ottawa in August. Bros. S. Rowe and Wm. Frayne will be the delegates to the District meeting at Seaforth. TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF EXE- TER SALT WORKS CO.—Gentlemen, — The annual meeting of the shareholders of the eompany will be held on Friday, June llth, at 2.30 In the Town Hall.— By order of the Board, T. 13. Carling'. Secretary. • "Advertising Is no good," saki the rn.n, in old clothes. , It never helped me mete." The millto:.r.irc mere•hant smil- ed. That is because you tried it John, as the Indian nook a feather, placed 1t o n a plank and slept on it all night. In the morning he growled ' paleface 'rap fool, ugh." . K1NG—CROCKER.—June, the month of brides, was ushered in at St. Marys on Tuesday by the marriage of a former Eider girl. ?tts9 Della Crocker, to Mr. wan •r h .ng of the civil service depart - melt In Ottawa. The nappy event took place at the home of the bride's mother, Qu:e.: street west, and the nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Walter Nichol. of Knox chureh. The bride presented a charm- ing app'•arance 1n a dress of Swiss mus - 1:e. and carried a beautiful bouquet of roses. The -bridesmaid, alias Tottie Crocker, wore a lovely dress of green foulard silk and had a lovely bouquet of pink roses. Miss Lille Johns played Mendeissohn's wedding march, and Mies Amy Johns sang ' O Perfect Love". Mr Atthur King acted as groomsn►an. The wedding breakfast ovcc the happy couple left on the 3.30 train on a visit to Buf- falo and a tour down the St. Lawrence. The bride will be at home to her friends in Ottawa after Sept. 1st. Her many 'old friends in Exeter will join in wishing them every happiness and prosperity. SPACKMAN—KNIGHT—A quiet but a pleasing event took place on Wednesday June 21:d,, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon at the Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, wizen t',c rector, Rev. D. W. Connie united In holy bonds of matrimony two of Exeter's popular young people. Mr. Frank Clifford Spackman, son of Mr. and Mts. Hugh Spackman. and Miss Annie E3eatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Coxwurttt of Merit:: is visiting at Mr. J. C. Snell's, Crbo.nc. Mr. James Merrett of Mitchell called friends here Thursday last. \1t. F'. J. Knight was in London on Saturday consulting a specialist. Mrs. Goldby. son and daughters of Lo:.don are visiting In Exeter North. Mise Amelia Oke left Thursday for Lo:.do : where site intends retnatnh,g. firs. F. W. Madman left Saturday for l'cterboro owing the serious illness of a!: uncle. Mrs. Wm. Elliott, who has been vis- it;:;g frit: ds titre, returned to Detroit Thursday. "Ire. Andrew !lick's left Wednesday for Ottawa to visit. previous to returning to California. Miss Pearl Rollins lett yesterday for Bidduiph to visit relatives, prior to re- turning to Orillia. Miss Nellie Crewel, who has been liv- ing In Kincardine, has returned to her home here to reside. H. E. Huston attended a meeting of the Senate of the Western University. London, on Thursday. \tr. James Rawden, who has bent holi- daying with his relatives here, return- ed Saturday to t.is duties in the bank at Fort William. Mrs. Stephen Eilcke lett Monday for near Calgary, where she will reside for some months at least with her.' son. She may make that her future ttonme. In our personal list last week we omit ted to mention that Mies Mary Mack of Toronto and Miss Bertha Mack of Chatham were home for the holidays. Messrs. D. A. Ruse, W. W., Taman, J. G. Statbury and Dr. Kinsman attend- ed the annual' meeting of ttte Sovereign Cuban Fruit Company in London Thurs- day night. Mrs. W. D. Clark, with her young eon arrived home from London or; Wednes day cvenin g of last week. Her mother Mrs. Wilson accompanied them here.and Mr. Wilson was here over Sunday. Mrs. D. Johns aid Aliases Lille a::d Arany Johns left on Saturdxty for St. ltarys where they attended the marri- age of Miss Delia Crocker of Ottawa. formerly of Exeter, to Mr. Walter King of Ottawa, the ceremony taking place at the home of the bride's mother, on Tues- day. June 1st. The best business barometer for a town is the advertising columns of Its local newspapers. Tnoae seeking bar- gains will go many miles further to trade where they see bargains advertis- ed than where none are offered; hence buainrss is always better in a town where merchants advertise their wares than were they do not. One good adver- tider Is of more benefit to a town that: half a dozen nervous business met. as he not only helps himself, but helps his comp:lltors who are too sleepy and slow to grasp their opportunities. 13US\VELL —1 Lt ItVEY — A pleasa:t event took place on Wednesday, June 2. at high noon. at the bonne' of the bride's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey, Andrew Street, Exeter, wen their daugh- ter. Miss Gertrude, was united in the holy bonds of matrlmnny to M. Ernest Buswell of Exeter, son of Mr. George Buswell of Ueborne Township. The cere mo::y was perforated In the presence of about forty invited guests by the uncle of the bride, Rev. D. M. Buchanan, B., A.. of Jarvis, Ont. The bride, who was giv- en away by her father, was handsomely gowned In cream satin), with pearl trin:- mings and fringe, wore. tLie customary veil with Illy -of -the -valley and orange blossoms. and carried a bouquet o1 wl.lte roses. The bridesmaid, Mies Edi" t J. Euswcll, sister of the groom, was dressed in cream silk, trimmed with val- enclennes lace, and carried a bouquet of pink ani white carnations. Mss J1 ldteJ Harvey, sister of the bride. made, a very pretty flower girl and was dressed 1: Edward Knight, London Road South. cream silk. The groom was assisted by They were unattended. After the cere Mr. E. G. Tucker of Hamilton, cousin o1 molly the young couple drove to the th- bride. The bridal chorus tLoheng:It:) home of the bride's parents. where a dainty wedding supper was served. They left on the five train for a short trip, and will return to Exeter for a few days prior to their leaving for Guelph to reside, where Mr. Spackman has ac- • eted a position wit:n Macdonald Bros. ee rchanta. Mr. and Mrs. Spackman have the congratulations and best wishes of their many friends, in which The Ad- vo.atc heartily joins. - 11 iCKS' FORECAST,—A reactionary 'arm period Is central on the 3rd, 4th d 5th. The moon Is full, at a total :.pse node, on the 3rd. and at great. • wt derlinatie : south on the 5th. High ttn:ptratuie, low barometer and thund- er •torn a will be the ordetl at this time. Storni co::dltioes will develop and trove In regular order front west to east. but 10 -al thunder showers int June are more sporadic. being liable to break out elm- ul'aneo !sly in widely scattered localit- lea. ticgtnni;tg at this period, we enter a marked seismic cycle that will last ue to the loth of June. The full moon on the 3rd, be.ttg an ellipe:• bode. a:.d caus- ing an eclipse of the moon. will not de- part from that rode until after the 17, being at New Moon and causing an eclipse of the sun at that date. From June let to 6th, central on the 3rd. will be the first derided seismic period. the probable effects bring heaviest south of the eluator. BOWLING MATCH—A closely contere- ed challenge bowling mate`: took place on the new bowling alleys on Thursday evening last and 1t proved to be a very 'tresting game, success going to the • allenging parties. who were L. Palmer S. Sanders. G. Acheson. 1•'. Knight and Geo. Palmer, and who won by a total 'core In three games of 194.4 to 193o over their opponents. J. Rawden. W. .J. Hcaman. S. Rawden. G. Anderson and J. J. White. Tee leaders of each side made the best aggregate scores. L. Pal- mer getting 428 and J. 13awden 426. The hightst one -game score was made by O. Anderson. who got 177. went the high tel One -game team score was made by Painter's side. 704. Fo:lowing is tie score in detail.— J. Itawden 153 139 W. J. Neaman 116 128 9. Broaden 115 95 G. Anderson 95 177 J. J. White 105 132 L. Palette R. Seed(re G. Acheson 1'. Keigt:t G. Palmer 584 671 134- 126- 181- 132- 15:'- 675- 15n 141 137- 85 Ili' 14"- 146 99 118- 141 112 147.- 104 152 lee- -- 626 614 7, 4- 426 370 1141 404 399 1910 428 31:t 363 399 412 itt44 was played by Mise Ethel Harvey, who was dressed In flowered elik batiste. The ceremony and congratulations over all repaired to the dining -room where they partook of a dainty wedding break- fast, after which the young couple took the evening train for a trip to North Manchester, Indlan:na. The bride's go- ing -away dress was of brown worsted, with hat to snatch. The groom's gift to the bride was a substantial cheque, to the bridesmaid a signet ring, to the groomsman a pearl stick pin, to tee Clower girl an engraved locket and to the pianist a pearl broach. Among the many other costly and useful presents was a Ileinlzman piaeo from the par- ents of the bride. On their return to tows: the young couple will take up noir residence In the Louse recently vacated by Mr. Jos. Harvey a: Andrew stre:•t, The Advocate Joins with t'.e many friends 1e wishing Mr. and Mrs. Bus- we11 every happi'ess and prosperity. Na-Dru-Co 1 kf Violet Talcum Powder keeps the shiny 0o rom the skin, leaves it as soft as a baby's and gives it the delightful odor of spring violets. W.S. Cole, Phm. Chemist ,l- Druggist EXETER. (ONTARIO. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat 135 Barley 54 55 Oats 53 51 Peas &) 90 Potatoes, per bag 75 Hay, per ton 7 50 850 Flour, per cwt., family 3 25 Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 1 55 Butter 17 Eggs 18 Live hogs, per cwt 7 55 Shorts per ton 25 00 Bran per ton 25 00 A burning cigar In a box of sawdust early caused the burning of the new bowling alley premises last week. Ow- ing to the room being closed tight 11 ,smouldered only until • next morning, when Gordon Maims found the place full of amok" and 0:: investigation he touted the box and sawdust gone and a hole burned in the floor. The applica- tion of a little water put out the fire. Here'sGood News The mar ket prices for old junk are alive and vo is the old t•eltable firm—M. JACKSON k SON—one door south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices no trade and no trucks all ('ASH: Rags 75c per hundred Iron from 60c to 75c " Old Rubber Boots' 7c per lb & Shoes Copper & Brass . 9C Horse Hair 30c Lead antii11c 2Ac " Now, boys, the 24th is coming ! Bring your goods here and get the worth ut your money. IRON PIPE A great variety of iron pipe always on band at a :turn- able price, suitable for BRACING .f ltOl'LEVARI.ING M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST.. EXETER. OPPOSITE ELECTRIC POWER Hol'SE WRVS iteM141** CI CHM ye cY Patronize tt Hair Dressing Parlors 1 i AT Hasting's Old Stand First-class equipment thtougbout and careful, conscientious work. we guarantee satiefa • n to all customers Tour patronage respe tf:!ly solicited. A. Penprase — W. D. Burke EnJoo PoolEaso has 'ern all beat when it cntnes to easing sote, tired, restless, sweaty feet. Don't suffer any more. Try a 25 box ar:d be happy. We have a large stock of Tooth and Skin ('reams and Lotions. Hair and Dandruff Tonic, which we guarantee as represented. Conte and see for yourself. Can. Exp. Bldg. THE PURITY J. v1 filb Powell DEAR MADAM, we write you these few lines to let you know that you can end all your baking trouble if you will Bt's- YOUR FLOUR HERE. We know this became so many good housekeepers say our flour bakes bet- ter and goes farther than any other brand they have tried. We shall be glad to have you order a sack and feel sure yon will thank ns fer the sug- gestion after you have tried our flour. 10,000 bush. of wheat wanted. Patronize home industries. HARVEY BROS. gotE N{7l'p11TC1ER' EXETER - ONTARIO Enter Any Time CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE baa sten tested in the rrr11,1e of eaperien-e. with the flee of public opinion. and has sot leen twine wanting. The sweetie of oar graduates has not teen et-elled. Not the largest hut the T:!gltest grade modern Business S' bool le We* tern O indiridntario.val lastest-Oen. Vo •araticn. Nail Courses. Enter any day. Write for particular,. GEO. $POTION, PRINCIPAL SEEDS SEEDS We have a full stock of J. J. Bruce's Flowers, Vegetables, Lawn Grass, and Field Roots Seeds One trial will remove any misapprehension of the quality of these seeds. T. HAWKINS & SON House Gleaning Time for Furniture Always something required for the home at this season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor. Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits: Combination Side Boards, China Cabinets. Extending 'fables. Dining Chairs in all grades, Felt Mattresses in three grades, the best on the market for comfort : Wire Springs. guaranteed not to sag, none better : Iron and Brass Beds, for quality and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock before you pur- chase. No trouble to show goods --but delighted. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES p.& CLARK The June will find us headquarters for her many wants 111004)06110 cn 1111101 Everytb;rg in the i All the New Shades — in — New White or Plain & Fancy Cream Fabriiccs ss Suitings will he found here for the for her New Gown Travelling Dress In fact, N Everything that she may need will be found here in a good assort- ment Creffe`•erelft 041144I!!414!l141etdil lQ4aN!lllf11 ('ream and white Silks " Satins 41 " Duchess " Albatross " Eoeleinne " Crepe de ('hene " Lustres411 Dresden Trimmings New 46 SI Silk Gloves Kid Gloves White Wear White Waists Belts and Collars Silk Petticoats Fancy Parasols Ne% Waist Nets, Friilings. Fancy Combs, Embroideries and Laces Fancy Sunshades for the Summer Girl 0 Qs�a ask Oa.. Just arrived for the warm weather. a =well lot of Fancy and Black Parasols. They are very fine and 'e'en. in Dresden effects, striped and embroidered, in MI colors. Popular Tub Goods This is the time of the year you need your New «'a..11 (:orudQ. t,Ve have some very nice ones to show you in Plain rind `tr ipe•el Linens, (4inghams and ('hamhraye. STRIPED LINENS One of the smartest things for a fancy suit. Brown, Blue, Green and (;ray are all very popular. 18c yd. FANCY GINGHAMS Of Checks et Stripes. ♦'ery nice for Suite or Dresses. All the new shades to pick from. 12ic yd. PLAIN LINENS Always good for a Nifty Wash Mit. Colors of White, Linen, Champagne, Blue or Tan. They are right at l t)c to 25c yd. PLAIN CHAMBRAYS Are very serviceable goods and snake tip real nice dresses. A good assortment of Blues, Greens. (:rays. Pinks k Fawns. All at 12ic yd, JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated N. E. Sanford Clothing