HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 54-
- FOR. -
Ale and Porter
Only medal for Als in Canada.
Will Not Re.ist the 1'u;lieg Dower 1n-
f1u:rice of a Kidney Aching Back.
The strongest man or woman with a
back constantle aching fled. dally exist-
ence a struggle. Its the same way with
urinary troubles, Booth's Kidney Pills
use these ailment's. Exeter people can
prove this statement.
Mr. J. T. Dignan, of Gidley and Wil-
liam Sts.. Exeter, Oat., say.. -When I
would stoop over at my work for any
length of time I would suffer a weak -
eating dull pate coming art t he .mall of
my back and region of the kidneys.
I would scarcely be able to straighten
nty.elt ue. The urine plainly' told of the
disordered and inactive state of the ktd-
::eys as it was filled with particle. of
sedinieet of sand like nature and highly
colored. I had tried several plasters and
different rentedtee and did not ford re-
lief until on advice of Mr. Cole, the drug-
gist. I used Booth's Kidney Pills. The
one box of Booth's Kidney Pills cured
me entirely in a very short time. the
urine cleared to its natural color. My
back strengthened and the pain does n ot
conte in It front stooping or lifting. I
will gladly recommend Booth's Kidney
Pills as I know them to be a fine kid-
ney remedy."
Soli by Dealers Price 50 cents. The
R. T. Booth Co., L't'd, Fort Erie, Ont.,
Sole Canadian Agents.
Russeldale-Arthur, son of John Cole
had a narrow escape last week. He and
Archie Hodgert were engaged in remov-
ing a heavy trimmer plate, when the ce-
dar poet fell on him and rolled over;
his body. He was badly crushed but
will recover.
ex der Abvorate
$I.00 It paid to advance.
x1.10 a year if not so paid.
Ts Ualttsl States Saltscrisrsl.g0
Ia• s Ysar Strictly is Adrafcs.
SANDERS a CREECH, Publlahtrs.
With twenty•two years' experience t• its
credit this college is recoanIzed as the greatest
practical training school to Western Ontario.
Three departments --
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
Our glasses are the largest, our courses most
practical and our Instructors experienced. Our
graduates are assisted to positions and succeed
as none others. Enter now. Get our free cats -
High -Grade
are always a pleasure
to their owners
We have sold and are selling a great
many high•class pianos -and always
at reasonable prices.
1 Our Numerous Satisfied
Customers is the strongest
Iguarantee of the truth of the
above assertion.
Our pianos today are the hest that
the piano -makers produce and our
prices and terms are what you will
Do not be to. quick to believe per-
sons who tell you different from the
above for the Purpose of selling You
cheap and, in srnn•cases, trashy goods
at big prices.
('all and see 'is and be convinced
that what we say we live up to.
Exeter''. Le Musical Entpori:iut.
They are note.! f.r *he., t%lity of their gent.
Leading Entire Horses
For the Improvement of Stock
THOMAS CAIRLYLE 13879. pure h -ed
imported Clydesdale stallion. bay color.
owned by Messrs. C. 1i. Raskervtl:e .f
Janice Handford of C7entralia. a goo 1
son of the ,.n cd King Thomas.
Will stand for marcs this ecagJ . .t•
1111 own stable. Centralia. all week. ex-
cept'Vedncsday. when he goes to Jos'
Harding's. Con. 2. Lsborne, for non:..
returning home the same evening.
C. 1f. BASKERVILLE. Ma..agt r.
JOHN SMOLLETT. 44459. a ettr.d-
ard :•ted Tro:;;:,g Stallion. of flee pro-
portions, good pedigree and best o:
breeding : teas an enviable record f.,:
a young horse. Will stand for stares a•
Ma own stable. Thames Road. except
Tu' eday. when he goes to WI rhelsea
to Sliest IlalkwIlt's. Blanshard.. ar,d
Wednesday to David Christie's. 111tr
twrt. and home.
itALLIE BROWN, Prop. I Manag'-
C. 3. S. }l:.5 %Nit STEPHEN
Report for sly of U. S. S. N., 1
Hay and Stcp. en -Sr IV..Frtedt S ne-
er 84. Jr. iV.. Willie Schroeder 51.
8r. 111.. Rosetta Rader 61 . Cttr:s Sett-
ling 25. Jr. IIi.,Oiadys Turnbull 59:
Della Fischer 44. Sr. 11..13eatrice Turn-
bull 09. Fred sruart 56: Edith Heck-
man 49: Wille Fischer 49: Ethel Oliv-
er 37. Jr. 11.. Rosabella P:iaft 18. Jno.
5. Junior classes. marks ob-
during month -Sr. Pt. 11. Albert
251 : Adolph Keller 214. Jr.
11.. Willie Fischer 208; Loard
o der 116. Sr. L. Norman Fiscer
Jr. 1. (a) Fergus Turnbull 167. Turnbull 157: Pearl Keller 71.
.�b) Jr. I. IManta rd Lnth:•r 92. Edward
Keller 4e.
fit. Maxwell. teacrer
N&aitobs, Sutatckswaa, AIrtrta
3,eoal Trsi.slMw Tweaks 2.00 pas. w
IPttlt1,N BATA 11 JUNI1,1e,88
JULY I$. ft AUL II, M MM. 7, f1
S.es.J Alm guise f eta Asci. dolma b ssiseisal
Neniwew psi.. a
W sae rears p02.00• Elos era .d tom
0230,orlowise. Maims
l.�e.sun is its' 60 ire h+ isias its.
wish bakes. gas bosomed as sweat rein rusty.
lad wissii.
Early apllatlea must be ►nest.
softiies ties wars sail NI isf.nawlas.
Assts b swimiD . Pee AAs.. T 7 be.Rr ~
tNtY MUT oat N C11ANt K YM
South Huron
Farers' EICufS100
Experimental Farm, Guelph
The Farmers' institute of South Horn
will run an Excursion along the line of
the Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph
Friday, June 11th, 1909
Centralia 6 .50 $1.35
Exeter 7.03 1.35
Hensall 7.17 1.25
l; i ppen 7.25 1.25
Brucetield ..7:3.5 1.20
Clinton 7 50 120
Seaforth 3'07 1.15
1)111)11(1 .S: 20 1.10
Children over 5 and
under 12. Half Fare.
Train will Arrive et GUELPH at 11
o'clock; returning leaves GUELPH at
11:11). Tickets gout going only on one
train; valid to return following day.
A few words about the farm
The advantages of a visit by Fern -
ere and others to the MODEL FARM
are too well koovn to need comment;
suRL•e it t.: ray, the no farniet should
miss this, the only opportunity they
will have this season, of visiting THE
MODEL FARM, at such cheap rates.
From an educational standpoint to
the Farmer there is nothing better !
Interesting Lectures on the different
subjects entrusted to each department
of THE MODEL FARM will he deliv-
ered by eminently qualified persons,
which cannot help but prove highly
interesting and instructive, and on the
whole the visit will be one of great
profit and pleasure to All.
will be served in the Lecture Room.
W. D. Sanders B. S. Phillips
1'ItF-•411t1iN7 +Kt iterAitV
Report of 9. S. No. 1. Stephen. for the
month Of May. -Sr. IV.. Flossie Davey.
Ella Baker. Anthony White. Hubert
White. :lata Jacob. Jr. IV.. Ella And-
erson, Rhea M. Purdy. Madeline Heist.
iII. Carrie Davey. Mabel Elliott. Wil-
lie Raker. Ethel Bowden. Hubert Nell,
Irene McCurdy. I1.. Stilton Jacob. Ar-
thur Itobiason, Eimer Wllsoe. Willa
Smith. Muriel Hogarth, Viola Nei'
Neli Pt. If.. Leonard !false James
White. &Ilia Bowden. Erwin Jacob.
Sr. Pr. 1.. Cooper McCurdy. Jr. Pt.,
Loretta Brown. Guy Jacob. Edit: !fo-
gtrth. Mabel Brown. Freddie Bowden.
Doroty Cooper, teacher.
A happy (vent was celebrated On May
;loth, when Miss rtdelaidel'realey of Kin-
tore and Mr. Ernest A. Lyons of Kirk -
ton were united In marriage by Rev. J.
H. Osterhout, B. le The bride is very
well and favorably known aitd will be
ntu,l: tutesed 1n church and social cir-
cles at Kintore. The gtoom 1s a prom-
ising young min of Kirk on. The happy
couple left for a honey moon trip af-
ter which they will take up their resi-
dence at Kirkto.:. Tt.e Advocate Joins
with their 'natty friends in wishing teem
bon voyage on the matrimonial sea.
J. F. Stinson has purchased a num-
b.r of lots on front street front John
Hazelwood and has Improved their ap-
pearance with a new fence. -The many
friends of Mrs. F. D. Sweitzer will be
glad to know that she 1s home again
after a severe attack of erysipelas at
her daughter's to St. Marys. -Mr. Al-
bert Switzer roved on Tuesday to his
farm on the Base Lite. Mr. Switzer has
been In the butcher business to: a num-
ber of years and was a good citizen.
Miss Ante Scheel! of Pigeon, Ntich.,has
returned home for the aunner.-etra.E
Alt returned Wednesday evening from
a visit to her daughter l:: London. -Mise
Gentle Hartletb returned o:t Tuesday even
Ing from a visit with friends In Ridge -
town. -J. 11. Hayter has moved his fam-
ily and household effects to town. -Lou
Prang has engaged Mr. Brooks of Park-
hill, to aselat in els blacksmith shop. -
D. S. Faust has Improved the appearance
of his dwelling by the addition of a new
porch. -Henry Rupp is busy tearing
down a part of his old house, which will
be replaced with an enlarged brick ad-
alition -Rev. J. S. Damns of Medicine
Hat., Sask.. occupied the pulpit in the
Evangelical church last Sunday, and ad-
dressed the congregation in the interest
of tete Misalonary cause of the Canad-
ian Northwest. -While a number of
young men were engaged in firing some
sky rockets last week one of them took
a shot through a second store window
of Mr. Mferner's store and landed among
the milliners and the millinery. A brok-
en window was the o::ly damage. -
The council of the Township of Step-
hen met is the Town Hall. Crediton. on
Wednesday, 26t1: day of May, 1909 at
1 p.nt. The minutes of the previous meet
ing were read and approved. Gravel con-
tracts to the amount of $377.50 were
let. Anderson-Weurth -That Joseph
Lawson be awarded the contract to con
eruct the cement work for the bridge
on the Exeter Side Road and the A. Hill
and Co.. the steel superstructure, -Car.
Following ordcra wt.re paid; -Henri
Beaver. repairs to Town Hall, $1.50 ; T.
Trevethick, rock elm plank. 9.35 ; Robt.
Sanders, repairs to Stanlake'e bridge,15-
-.0 : Rich. Davey. drawing brick` bats,
1.50 ; Fred Gainer drainage award. $4;
Mr. Luther, tilling in wash out,N.D. 1.50
Davey Bros.. rep. Mud Creek Bridge 1.50
John Keys, rep. Mud Creek Bridge. $1;
Win. Hill, rep. Crediton road. el ; R.
O'Rourke, rep. Culvert on S. B. 13 ; John
Fahner, rep. culvert $1.50 ; John Kenny
rep. bridge 15.00 ; P. Flanagan. tile and
rep. culvert 2.50: Sam. Kuhn. relief -of -
firer re -Gro. Fahner, 17.
T: a council adjourned to meet again
at tt.e bridge on the Exeter Side [toad
on Monday. the 5th day of July. at 10
a. :n. after which the council will meet
to tranecact business at the Town hall
Credtto::. at 1 p.nt.
henry Either, Tp. Clerk
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
as niercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and
••empletely derange the whole system when entering
it through the mucous surfaces. Such artielesshoubl
never be used except on prescriptions from repute -
bit physicians, es the damage they willdo is ten•fol l
to the good you can possibly derive front then.
Ifail's Catarrh Cure, ,nan'etactured by F. .1. Cheney
a Co., Toledo, 0., contains ne mercury, at.d is taken
internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces ot the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine. it letzten inter-
nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. CHENEY
a CO. Testimonials free.
Sold b. all Druggists. Price 75c. per bottle•
Take 11.11'. Family Pills for constipation,
Thr body of the late Andrew Collins
was brought to his old home here on
Sunday week front Chicago. where he
pained away. The funeral was held On
Monday to Mount Cannel cemetery. ser-
v:ct being conducted by Rev. Fr. Dunn
of Parkhill Its the absence of Fr. Forster
Boars the The Kind Yin Haie Acta 81ot}lt
SUBSCRIBE for the .>,dvara'e and
get all the news.
at> dbatlt>at at11411 t1
Grand Bend Park
New Management
Having leased and taken pos-
session of this
Famous Summer Resort
from Mr. I.evett,
the premises throughout will be
put in first-class shape, so that
the very hest of accommodation
may be afforded those who
Come to Grand Bend
for an Outing
Every attention given to
Roomers, Boarders,
Picnic Parties,
Cur prices will he very reason•
able. for particulars call or I
Ar Wt Prop.
Chief N niteside had four of our (10-
' 2.'114 fined for bicycling oar the sidewalk
lest week. It cost theta a dollar each.
-lly. Rey::olds, who health has not been
very good for the past few weeks. ex-
pects to leave shortly to visit members
of his family In the \Wet. -H. J. Bill-
ings. Manager of the Molaons Bank,
his been transferred to Forest, leaving
las: wtek. Mr. Arnold of Zurich sakes
Mr. Billings place here.-Itev. E. McL
Smith left last week to attend tl:e Gen-
eral Assembly which .meets at Han.tl-
ton. IIe will be absent two Sundays, his
pulpit being supplied by Prof. I'attereon
of London.-Akicl'Itersoa received a tel-
egram informing hint that his cousin,
Jturdock McPherson of Brantford had
,just departed this life. Tire deceased
was an elderly man who moved from
Nova Scotia several years ago. -As Nor-
man Jarott was riding to Hernial! on
his wheel he ran against a atone and
was thrown with great force to the
grouted. Hls head was ueverely bruised
and two bones in his left stand broken.
It will be sotne time b^fore he will be
abl3 to use his sand. -Oa Satu:dey night
11. J. Billings, who has been manager
of the Moleons Bank here was given a
banquet at the ComMmrlal hotel on the
eve of his leaving. Alter an excellent
program of music an appreciative ad-
dress was read and Ile was made the re
.•iplent of a handsome silver service.
Death. -The death of John Alexander,
o,: of the old pioneers of Tuckersmlth
took place on May 22nd. Deceased, who
was nearly 80 ycare of age, had lived
0n lot 7, cot:. 13, for many years. Zile
wife died a few months ago. He had
been very successful, owning two farms
in Tuckeramith arid some valuable pro
perty in the town of Essex. Interment
took place in McTaggart's cemetery.
Parisian Sage is a discovery of a cel-
ebrated scientist, who epent the best
years of his life In perfecting) this great
hair tonic.
In giving this receipt to the Anterlcan
people he said, •Parteian Sage is the
most delightful hair dressing In the
world, but it is more than a hair dress
Ing. It cures dandruff by killing the
germs that Infest the roots of the hair;
0 stops falling hair ; it gives vigor and
strength to the hair roots. W. S. Cole
sells Parietan Sage at 50 cents a large
bottle and guarantees to do all that is
claimed for it, or your money to refund-
ed. If you do not reslde near a drug-
gist who eel's Parisian Sage, send 50
cents to Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Ertel
Ont.. and a bottle will be sent you all
charges prepaid.
Malian gaperstleteas, �x
The Indian believes there are boa
eonstrletors in the streams of North
America and also that the South Amer-
ican tapir lives In North America. He
calls the boa constrictor the tete-ach-
war-nayer and calls the tapir nocas-oh-
The Indian believes he has a cure and
Drevently_ for rabies, ar hydrophobia.
He also believes he can cure any snake
bite on earth, from a ground rattler to
a velvet tall or diamond rattler. All
Indian never was known to go mad
from dog bite or die from a rattler's
bite, while other races succumb to the
venom of a snake or go mad from the
bite of a rabid dog.
The Indian when In battle and fatal-
ly wounded believes that if his medi-
cine man can reach him with his bitter
medicine before he dies It will give him
Instant relief and he will be able to es-
cape from the battlefield. Ho think'
every man Is hone..t until he finds hica
out, in which event he loses all contl-
dence in hint and never gets over It.
The Indian never makes up after
falling out with any one. Ile may speak
to an enemy as be pasY.•s, but dir.'s with
the hatred In ills beam.
gaadny yard flaying Larne.
There war+ a time when people In
i::tgl:tnd werO forbidden by law to play
Garde, even In their own houses, 011
Sunday. In the royal proclamation
stzalnst vice, profaneness and Immor•
a1:ty, read every session and assize, Is
the following payeage: ".Ind we do
hereby strictly enjoin and prohibi' all
our loving subjects, of what degree or
quality aoever, from playing on the
Lord's day at dice. cards or any other
game whatsoever. either in public or
private houses or other places whatso-
Enlarged Finger Jolets.
Enlarged ringer joints are the source
of annoyance and mortification. Some-
times they are caused by pulling the
fingers to make the joints 'erect(
Sometimes they nre the result of hand
work, rheumatism or gout. They trt:ay-
be relieved b; light rotary massage
(rubbing arounta and around and
around on the joints with the thionb
and finger; and stroking upward,. ac-
companied by the application of ill of
Niot Too Meeh of a Foal,
"Father says that Algernon hasn't
any Iden of the value of money." she
exclaimed plaintively.
"Tour father wrongs trim," nnewere.l
Miss Cayenne. "1 have observed that
Algernon never proposes to anybody
except heiresses."
Perfeetly 8at.ral.
Ohl Gentleman -How old ere you, my
dear? Little Girl --I was eight years
old yesterday. Old Gentleman -In.
deed: You don't look to be that old.
Little Glrl-Ah, how you naughty men
do Ratter ui poor. weak women:
A Mentor, Destroyer.
Brown -I have pelt disroyer'sl what
it 1s that destroys a man's memory
completely. Green What is It? Alco.
bol or tobacco? Brown -`either; tt'I
doing hlm a favor
Woman'. Work, That'. Rover I0Doae.
First Shopper -Sometimes It Is bard
to And what you want. Send 111Mop-
per - Yell. especially when jrolt dal
kaow wast It is.-Jadga • t
Af • r a Ilogering and painful Ill::esa,
:enlea; over many months, Jolet Dish -
passed away on May 23rd at the
ag • of 57 years. Death was caused by
a c.t,:ter-ours growth, which had been re -
Imoved once but which grew again. Mr.
Dist:man was a native of England. lie
moved to this vicinity ten years ago
[tom Lucien. first living en a fares on
the Ce,etre !toad but for tiro past six or
seven }care he has resided on the Kit -
bourn farm. lila wife has been dead for
the past eighteen or nlnteen years. He
Is survived by a large family of sons
a.td daughters, harry of Winnipeg. Wm.
of Brandon, Fred. of Souris, Mat., Mrs.
Watson, Detroit : Mrs. Jos. Volk, Jr..
and Mrs. Wm. Eldridge. Parkhill, Miss
Rebecca In the Nest, John of McGilli-
vray, Charlie and liarvey at home and
Miss Cora May of Allan Craig. The fun-
eral was held on Tuesday morning to
Parkhill cemetery.
On Sunday last the last service was
held in St. Marys church. Brinsley. be-
fore work is commenced tearing the old
church down preparatory to putting up
a more conunodlous and comfortable
edifice. While building operations are it:
progress service will be held in the Meth
odiat chalet..
r�g�'ir�ir moll, gWA" WI
ten atiksibszelbsA
Tuckcrantith-W' to. C. Landabot ougu
has disposed of his farm here to John
Murray of the Klppen Road. and has
moved to the 29 acre farm he took in
part payment near Egmondville.
Clinton. -e. quiet but very pretty wed-
ding took place at the hoard of the anot-
her of the bride, when, MIs. Margaget
Hill was united In marriage to John
Noble, a prospeeou a farmer Of Holten
Varna. -Mi. Davidson, sr., father of
Rev. Davidson. passed away at the advn
red age of 90 years. Ile was a native
of Scotland and came to this country a
great many years ago. His aged wife
survives. The fu neral took place to the
Bayfield cemetery.
Ailsa Craig. -On Thursday the wedding
took place at London of Miss Annie L.
Leitch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
1, -,itch of trek place to Mr. G. E.'Zavitz
of Poplar Hill. The cremony was per-
formed by Rev. A. J. Vining.
Seaforth-The death of Samuel Hinch-
tey occurred In Didebury, Alta., on May
23. The remains were brought to Sea.
forth fon burial. The funeral took place
Saturday. from the home of Ed. lllnchley
klltcttell-Ori Victorea Day, after a
lingering illness of several weeks. Mrs.
Edward Fitzgerald passed to her reward
In her 77:11 year;for tt:e past few weeks
deceased had been a great sufferer.
eteeltett-The death occurred i:. Hui -
lett. ort May 26, of Geo. Watt. aged
83 years and ., mOutni. The funeral
took place front the residence of Lie
hro'"••r-In-law, Mr. A. Reid, Lot 9. cos.
io. }fullett, on May 28.
St. Marys --Henry weir of Toronto
died !n that city on May 23. Deceased
was a son -In-law of Mrs. Jas. Oliver,
at. r tr Mr.W t River
s set. nt. Johnson.
Road. is a brother -In-law. Mr. Weir
was a former resident of St Mary. and
carried on the business of Baker and
confectioner while here.
St. Marys -An out building at the rear
of F. W. Hutton's grocery caught fire
Saturday atterno tn. Timely discovery
and prompt action In fighting the fire
no doubt saved a big conflagration.
Tho o-Igln of the fire la thought to have
b.eit some careless person with fire
cracks... as no other fire was near the
Mr; Colin McRae of St. Marys owes
'tis lite to his two dogs which saved
him front being burned to death early
Saturday morning. Fire broke out in
the house at 2 o'clock. while Mr. McRae
wan fast :,sleep. The dogs. however.
aroused tint and he woke to find the
house In !lames. In getting out of the
house Mr. McRae was slightly burned
from his pyjamas catching fire
The whole contents of the house were
lost and 375 prize chickens. The total
loss is estimated at about $1.50''rhe
rause of the fire is unknown.
Cured by Lydia E. PInk
ham's Vegetable Compound
MARLTON, NJ. -I feel that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
given ale new life.
1 suffered for ten
years with eerloua
female troubles, in-
flammation, ulcer-
ation, indigestion,
nervousness, a u d
could not sleep.
Doctors gave me
up, as they said my
troubles were
chronic. I was its
despair, and did not
care whether lived
or died, when I read about Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; so I
began to take it, and am well again and
relieved of all my suffering.' - Mrs.
Gitoao* JORDY, Box 40, Marlton, NJ.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm-
ful drugs, and to-dayholds the record
for the largest numr of actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
thousandsof voluntarytestimonialsare
on file in the Pinkham laboratory at
Lynn, Masa., from women who have
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul-
ceration. displacements, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every suffering woman owes it to her-
self to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound a trial.
If you would like special advice
about your case write aconfitlen-
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbanl, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
and always helpful.
Fullerton -in Fullarton Fr.derick Ben -
newels, aged 79 years. He had retired
as usual and an hour afterward ws
found dead by his wife. heart failure
bring the cause.
Mitchell -David Durham, aged 82, died
last week. He worked at manual labor
until 1908. He came to Mitche:l in 1857
A wife, aged 92, survives hint.
Mitchell -Atter a lengthy Ills -ea Sir♦
Edward Fitzgerald passed away last
week. She and her husband earn' hese
in 1865. The hUsifand three daughters
and two sons eurvive.
Bayfiel1-.\ party of gypsies. nu::,b=r-
Ittg about sixty were in our villeee on
Thursday last on their way to Owen
Sound to take boat for Port Arthur en
routs for Winnipeg and the West. The
wom'n were small of stature sill were
dressed in the most gaudy colors. Most
of them smoked and the children chew-
ed tobacco. The women told fortunes
when they got a cha:.ce. which was sel-
dom. and swore worse than trooper.
without any provocation,
Tuckersmith-Mr. Win. Eright receiv-
e letter on Thursday from Arc'tle Close
of Elk Lake and tortnarly of Ethel. con-
veying the sad news of the drowning of
his so :, Walter Wright. The un:or.unate
man was thrown Into the water when
canoeing and carried under by the cur-
rent and drowned. So tar as has teen
learned the body has not yet been re-
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
me/j� ��
Istguature of I'I. ��/Fg/r/114
Sunshine Furnace is the triumph of sixty-
one year.' experience --growth from a small
tinshop to r6)/, acres of floor space, from a half dozen
artisans to 1.500, from an annual wage sheet ofl4.000
to one of $67o.•xx., from a capital of energy to one of
S3.o o,ax►, from obscurity to recognition as Largest
Makers of Furnaces in the Brinell Empire.
was placed on the market the first furnace to be wholly and
solely designed by a Canadian Company. and., ai
We employ a consulting staff of furnace experts, who are •
continually experimenting with new ideas in order that Sunshine a,
Furnace shall not have to travel on its past reputation for
We buy materials in such large quantities that its quality is
guaranteed to us. We have our own testing rooms, so that .,per.
vision of construction is exercised dean to the finest detail.
1 For Sale by T. Hawkins der Son, Exeter
Sour Stomach and Heartburn ?
At e11 Dr.00ists or direct free
23e. a Boz.
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