Exeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 4ezeter \buocate, I Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, June 3, 1909 NGTE AND COMMENT. With the St. Marys and \Veste- 1 Rail- way by-laws passed in Hlanshard and Vaborne the quesitou is what are they going to do in Exeter. $1O,000,00u in death duties Ir what was gathered in by the British Gov- ernment from the death ot Charles Morrison, a co:nparativtly unknown udl l:unaire. Icon. Adapt heck and Tito Free Press are at daggers -drawn on the Water Question to London, while he and The Advertiser are scrapping on the Power Question. Premier Whitney's poi ularity does not peens to wane as Bonn: would fondly Lope. The straight Conservative candy' -- ate won In East \ Ictoria last week by over 900 majority. The whining of the great Derby ru:.- ning race by Minoru, owned by King Ed- ward, was very popular 1:, England. This ie the first time a reigning monarch has wo.t the historic evtitt, although the king when he was Prince of Wales, won It toilet-. The prize was 0,500 sovereigns. The attempt at suicide, followed by a five year sentence, of the President of the wrecked Batik St. Jean of Quebec was a sensational close to a lengthy !trial. It to remarkable how one than can hoodwink a number of directors, auditors and other officials, as has beets the case it, several banks to Canada of late. Thouga it has been in office only a little more than four years. the \V It- ney Government had already fulfilled everyo.ne of the pledges which Its lead- er nnsde In opposition. In appealing to the Province in 11)04-5 Mr. Whitney un- dertook. 1f given the opportunity, to deal with a number of questions essential to the public weltare. Ile indicated a ser- ies of specific reforms which he would Institute o.hce ne became Prettier. lie has carried out every one of those pledges. On Saturday Tom Longboat quit in the 14th mile In a big race in Chic- ago. crying ne felt the effects of an old sunstroke, but the following day he struck a pace for twelve miles in Terre Hance, that lowered the: twelve mile rec- ord and beat a four -man relay team. ft would be great fust betting on Tout if you could only feel suretthat he would finish. Ilut the Marathon buelneee 'seems to be a game like everything else and 1t would not do to let the 1)-, tt '111'1 win every time. GREbN\V:\Y. A twitter resident of this place pas- sed away at Parkhill on May 21111, ht the person of Mr. Henry Shank, who had been Ill for nearly a year, suffer- ing fon cateerou i growth. He -Mae one of the early pioneers of Stephen. He was her n in York County and at the age of 30 rani' to this part of the country, rlearing a home for himself and his wife to whom he had been married four years p'e,iously. ills farm included the corner where Greenway now stands. and On this he resided for forty years un- til tour years ago, when the family moved to Parkhill. Besides his morrow- ing wife, five eons and three daughters survive their father. These are Abra- ham of the Canadian West, Mre. Rich. ,Webb of Harpley, Miss Sarah of De- troit, George of Mooresville. Levi 8., Bacrennento, Cal., Miss Mary of Los Angeles. David J. of Detroit and John at home.. Mr. Shank was a member of the Methodist church for many years. Tete funeral took place on Sunday to Delancey'■ cemetery, McGillivray. The following is the report of S. S. No. 2, Stephen. for the month of May :- Sr. IV., L. Statile. J. Coughlin, L. Eng- land. Jr. IV.. M. England, I. Stahls, G. King, V. Cornish. Sr. tri.. M. Sims. C. Coughlin. L. Sims. eer 11.. S. Jones. Jr. 1I., H. Coughlin. C. Stable, Nt. Law- son. E. Cooper. Pt. Ii„ T. Cornish. 1. Brandall. Pt. I.. G. Sime, H. Coughlin. G. NltKeever. Hattie Chapman, teacher. BIDDL'Ltll r It will be sad news to many to learn of tee death of Niles Maggie }frown. who Vast away latter part of the week .af- iter a long Illness. She went out West a year ,Igo and a'ter there a stiArt time coi.tracted fever front wi',1:•n she t•.ever recovered. corning home to die just a few days previous to her demise. The funeral took pure on Monday last. She leaves to mourn her death her fath- er and two brothers. who have the sym- pathy of all in their sad bereavement. .-Miss at. Simpson is visitii,g friends On the Saul'Ie Line. -Miss Alma Carter Is visiting her mother hn McGillivray. - Mrs. Walter Cunningham 111 vlsitin3 her mother on tt.e Sauble Line.Tlie farmers around here are through seeding at last 1 Talking to the Point Ovr Otas&MN- wart, Ada get right down to the point at imam. If you ,ws t•.mwl•thirrg:esy •e In • few ,�Ij-eM!•n wards. TrioIst•nl�.tf e•sear Iltna that easel at •trsigAt:fhsat•.Uts•shwlN► t.lfa .std that 11.•••• res ersrey etemederteesal Want Ads. Y• se pr•- dtotiv .9��1t�t� � befit kind et results mrlleethee tivyfrtg or s II - Mg the' fain hey Ms: onus.. - • .. WNW TILE EXETER COLNC!I. IiuLDS OULItT UF' REVISlUN The Court of Itevislo:t (or the asses - In !tit roll of IU09 held its first sesriuu un ter day. May 28th, in the Town Hall. The members of the council took and subscribed to tate necessary oath of of- fice as per statute. The reeve, T. H. Mc- Callum was voted to the chair on motion of W. Johns and W. J. Heaman.. The following is the list of appeals. -John tialkwlll. building on Mali, rtrcet 400 high at #3511. Asresenteet sustained un motion of }Leaman and Joh: .Carne. it.- W. Dinney assessment of $2825.w) was reduced to $2300 on building and from $108 on business to #3:.:t, on mo- tion of Heantan and Johns. -Carried. Stella L. Gregory's aseCssntt•nt of #2011 was struck off on motion of Carling and Luker. -Carried. Gordon Ntarkay Co's. u,stssennent of $3900 was reduced to #:1704) on motion of Johns and Luker. - Carried. Janet M. Matheson assessment sustained on motion of 1tearnan and Car Iing,-Carrled. Jos. Davis' assedsme.tt on buildings on Lot 20. east side of Mahn street was increased #125 on mo- tion of Carling and Luker. -Carried. The tellowhng persona as assessed for dogs, the same being dead. were struck off. -John Gillespie, John ltendle. Or- ville Southcott, C. 'Hackney, N. Patter - don. on motion of Carling and Luker.- Carried. The court adjourned to meet on Juste 18th on motion of Johns and Luk - 'r. -Carred. At a meeting of the council at the e lose of the Court of Revision Reeve Mc- Callum reported that he with Councillor Johns had Interviewed Mr. J. N. Howard regards getting an option on the prop- erty known as the river bed: and that the papers were being looked into by 1113 solicitor to saes 11 satisfactory. Coun ciilor Heaman reported on behalf of the committee appointed to look after Car- ling street drain. advising that a six inch tile drain be put down on Gidley street : and a tett inch tile drain along west nide of Carling street to the creek. A petition signed by F'. W. Gladinan, 'tarry Parsons, It. Gould, Win. Taylor and Jos. Davis asked for a cement walk Per W. J. Carling, sec'd by C. Luker that a cement walk be constructed from the corner of Methodist church property on the north side of James street to the corner of Albert. An Amendment by W. J. Hearten, seed by W. Johns that the walk extend along James street and on the east side of Albert to John. The Reeve declared the motion carried, Per W. J. Heaman. seed by \V. J. Carling. that the Reeve and Treasurer borrow $1,000 to the credit of the municipality for current ezpendlture.-Carried. Mr. A. 0. Dyer was paid #65 as assessor and e5 for preparing truant officers book. oft motion of W. Johns, see'd:by C. Luk- er. Jos. Senior. Clerk. CENTII.tLIA .1,s. Webster and tennis. who live :rear Toronto, Is visiting her father. Mr. Tho.. Nfitchcll.-Mr. Joh:, W. Butt I eft for Toronto on Saturday last. whe e hi has secured a temporary position. - Our pastor, W. H. Butt lett \t mince - day morning for London, where he will 1 tke in the Conference sessions. -The pulpit of the Methodist church will, D. V.. be taken In the morning by ,fr. Jona 'M1wit1, and in the evening by Rev. Rus- sell Colwtll. The following Is the report of S. S. No 14. Stephen, for the month of May. It Is based on the general proficiency of the pupils. V., Maxwell Bay,hann. Mary llareoa. Sr. IV.. Fred Eseery, E.itrooks Luther Butt, Bessie Anderson. Jr. IV.. Margu tete Han'o:t, Estella Nell. Sr. III Mabel Ileantan, Rose Hanlon. C^.iarlie EIlah. Jr. iII., Della Brooks. Lloyd Baynham, Leonard Abbott. Harry Els- ton Gerald Hanlon, Eddie Alexander. Stanley McFalls. Sr. ll., hazel Essery, Veva Davis. Lorne flicks, Flora flux - stable, Rex Nf111s. Sr. Pt. 11.. Gordon Culbert, Irene Alexander, Nfadelitte Brown, Albtrt Hackney. Jr. Pt. IL, A Hicks, Wilfred Huxstable. ida Taylor. Jr. Pt. I„ Myrna Brown, Dora Hackney, L 1 y Ellah. A Class. Verda Boyce. Mar - lam Nell, Fred Elston. Cyril Colwell, Clarence Cu'bert. Margaret Ellah. Annabel Swann, Teacher. FIRE AT CENTRALIA Our citizens were startled from their ■lurnblrs on Sunday morning a little af- ter two o'clo:k by the cry of fire. when the the Butter factory of Mr. Thomas Willy was discovered to be in flames. It burned tlerteely. and but little was laved, except the books and contents of the office. How the conflagration orig- inated Is unknown as no fire was used in the factory on the preceding day. when repairs were In progress. The loss is partly covered by insurance to the extent of $2,411)0. Mr. Willis has hten doing a gooi business and will reeivc the warn[ sympathy of the entire community. We understand Mr. Wlllls will at once rebuild, and in the mean- time he has secured the use of the Lu - ran factory three days of the week. EDEN_ Farmere are through seedling and are Maly preparing for their root crop. -Mr. Fred Luxton left this week for Sarnia to see his brother, George. who 1s ser- ;ously ill at his horn: there. -Mr. H.tr.4 old Swaim. t ,at :lei. s fh:nt Saturday at inls hon,' in F'ullarton.-Miss Vi:n: y F'i.hrr and F'rankle Coates spent last week In Toronto. -Mr.. R. Coates was railed to her home In Douglas. Man.. o•t TueAday owing lo the serious 111- iteel or her father and lett immediately 37 that plan.-pir. Will Coates is gp:ndhtg a few days in Toronto. Th^ following Is the report of S, 9. No. 4. Osborne, for the month of May. Sr. iV.. H. Davis. V. Kerslake. 11. May C. May. T. Coates, A. Skinner. W. Walk 'r. Jr. iV.. Lena Coates. A. Hunter, V Colt's, L. Yarding. Sr. Ili.. NI. May. T Skinner. trent Ford. F. Webber. Jr, iii.. R. Thomson. V. I'tt. ombe. G.11un- •'r, C. Thomson. 11. Hunter, It. Webber. V. }Leics. F. Coates, Jr. IL. 11. Coates W. Thom ion C. Davis. Pt. 11.. V. Hicks Ni. Stet n^r. A. Iiarding. Pt. 1.. 11. Car - toll. V. Coat 's. 11. Webber, E. Ti.o:n- a) 11o:.0- Roll, If. May. C. May. F. If. Swa:.. tei^'.'.er. Your gtatlonery Is your silent repre- Y't,tative, if yo'; sell fine goods that t•: up•'o-dtte in style and of superior futl.ty it ought to be re(le^ted In your p i :'I:'g. We proluce this kind that you nit( not b' ashamed to have represent •,a Treat to t'ie only kind it pays to a 1 out. Send your orders to this ogre, Y. NI. C. A. NOTES. The quarterly 'meeting of the Coun- ty Committee of the Huron Young Men's Christian Associations was held in Wingbaw, Monday evening, May 31st, im the Y. M. C. A. rooms, Messrs. Cameron, Fox, Scott, Maxwell, Mc- Kay and Fleming being present. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice -Chairman, the County Secretary, Mr. Fleming, was elected to act as chairman, and Mr. Cameron acted as Rec.-Sec'y.1 Atter devotional exercises the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Owing to the resignation of Mr. Fred Hill of Clinton and the decease of Mr. Stoneman of Henault, and in cbservation of the re- commendation of the Resolution Com- mittee of the last convention, that the number serving on the County Com- mittee be increased to 15, it was neces- sary to add five new men to the Com- mittee. On the recommendation of the County Secretary, the following five names were added to the list: -J. McNay, Egmondville; T. E. Handford, Exeter; R. N. Young, Carlow; James Fox, Brussels, and Dr. C. W. Thomp- son, Clinton; Mr. Fox to serve three years, Mr. McNay two years, Messrs. Handford, Young and Thompson one year. The Treasurer reported a bal- ance of $151,10 in the Treasury to June 1. Reports were received from the Religious and Physicial aub•com- witteea. Plans were submitted by the special Camp Committee for the July Camp for boys, and it was decided to get out a prospectus of the camp, and application forms for distribution among those interested. The County Secretary gave a detail- ed report of the splendid work done by the various associations in the County from January 1st to June 1st. Hie report showed a total membership of 208 young then and boys in the six Associations; 79 week night Bible class- es with an average attendance of 19; 14 social evenings with an average of 31; 42 educational meetings with an average attebdance of 2-1; 17 physical events witlran average of 21 taking part; and 9 public entertainments of mainly Y.M.C.A. talent with an aver- age attendance of over 200. There are now 22 corresponding members in the County and up to date 52 young men leaving their horse for other parts, have been followed by our systein of correspondence, and helped in a prim - tical way in the places to which they have gone as strangers. 17 young sten have made a start since January 1st, 1909, in leading Bible classes, and many young men have been helped end uplifted by the influence of the Y. M.C.A. Lt'MLEY. Mrs. James Horton and Mies Jennie visited In Harpurhey over Sunday. -Miss Cttnpb 11 spent Tuesday tt'ght with Miss Maggie Ilobkirk.-Ntr. and Mrs. John Glenn spent Sunday at Peter Case's on London Road. -Miss McGregor and Ar ntour Toil were visitors at John Mc- Qu'en's at Sabbath last. -Mrs. George Ho`tkirk and daughter Maggie spent the ee e:< end at l'o..tance.-Mrs. W. J. \\'II 'son. of getter, agent for Marshall Bros 4 Co . London. made a delivery of teas and spices !n this nelghbo:hood Mon- day. . (Too late for Last week.) Mr. John Mcqueen has tdded to the 'appearance of his fine farm by erecting a neat fenee-Niles Lillian \Viii:anis and Ntargaret NfcQuecn spent the 24th InLon- doe-Geo. Glenn vtsttei Lamella in Core: stance on Sunday. --Mrs. laugh Chestney and daughter were visitors at Noah 'Morton's over 24th. -Mr. T. J. Berry and fancily anent Sunday with Gordon Bolton. -Mr. Fred ?luttkln and wife were the guests of the Tatters sister, Mrs. Grorge Itobkfrit on Sunday.- Miss Margaret Ellerington of Toronto is vis Ithig under the parental roof.- Mr. W, Simmons has also Improved his farm by the erertion of a handsome fence. CLANDEBOYE The marriage of Dues Agnes Patton and Mr. Wni. D. Ross took! place at her home. Ciandeboye on May 20. at r^ p. nt. The bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her brother. Mr. Andrew Patton, also of Clandeboye. to rho strains of Lohingrin's wedding march, played by the bride's coustn. Miss Belle Erskine of Licury. The nupital knot was tied by the itov. R. 11. Stephenson of Lucan. Tice bride was 'becomingly at- tir:d 1n pearl gray silk with silk chif- ton overlaee and applique trimmings. She was attended by Miss Lena Masoa of Moray. The groom was supported by a nephew of the bride, Mr. Jas. Patton or Clai,deboye. GRAND BEND Meeera. Joseph and Edward 0111 suc- ^ e led In capturing 19 pike In the old rlv r last Friday. -Mr. Heaman. who has ban here, returned to London last week. -Mrs. Gundry. mother and child ren have arrived tore to camp. -Miss P. Leavitt, who has been away vlsiti,ig, has arrived dome and will keep house for her father for the surnmer.-Quite a ,,umber come. here every day perch II Shing. -Mrs. Fowell of Exeter and Mlss Ilonthron were here for a day or two last week. the former getting ready to •p acd the hot arason here. -Mr. John 1111rd It 0.1 th' .'ck list.. -Mr. Jones of Lo .do„ his ti v• i here to tamp. CAIL. a/TOR=A. Bears the Krd'i u Hart A,'Niit Batt &gastrin 144 _& of — s► — senSCt1IDE for the Advocate art get all the news. CREDITON. BUGGIES, B':GGIES, IjUGC1E3. Just arrived. -A large consignment of buggies from five of the leading tirtns of Ont.ar:o. in all the latest styles and designs. Any person iutendlrhg buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing: \\'e will save you money by so doing. No ouble to ri.ow goods. All vehicles are fully guaranteed. A call soltclted.-TRE- CETIIICK & IIUDGINS, Crediton, Ont. Nlr. and Nits. Edwards of Windfall!, Ind.. are here visiting the latter's fats:- ; er, Mr. John Lawson. and other rel- ' atives. They made the trip in art auto - 'mobile. the distance being 450 utiles, and they report a most pleasant out- ing. Rev. Robert Hicks is attending the Conference of the Methodist church in Loudon this week. -Alonzo Hod- gins and Charles Kienzle have each hpurchased handsome pianos for their omes. -Young Bros. are kept busy roofing this sprint. They finished a job in Exeter this week. -Miss Ade- line Ratz of Parkhill visited her sister Mrs. Charles Zwicker on Tbursday.- Thos. Lawson is having a wire fence erected in front of his residence. -Sun- day evening the Y.Y.A. of the Evan- gelical church gave their annual rally day program. A large number of peo- ple were in attendance. Addresses were given by B. Brown, Miss Clara Kienzle and Miss Melinda Trick, a solo sung by Miss Ella Link, a duet by the little Misses Irene and Gladys Wolfe and a Ladies' Quartette. The Male Chorus and Choir also rendered sev- eral selections. The prograw through- out was interesting. -Wm. Anderson and Herb Eilber were in Mt. Carmel Saturday attending a union council meeting of the Townships of Stephen and McGillivray.-Trevethick & Hod- gins sold,Ww. H. Geiser a handsome robber -tired buggy last week. They have sold in the neighborhood of twen- ty buggies this spring. -Wm. Sam- brook has been having some needed repairs done to his dwelling this week. -Sunday morning Rev. Dania of Medicine Hat, Alta., occupied the pul- pit in the Evangelical church. His sermon was very interesting, especial- ly his remarks touching the mission fleld in the west. --Mrs. John Hauch is on the sick list. Her many friends hope it not of a serious nature. -Dr. and Mrs. McCue were called to Mount Forest Tuesday to attend the funeral of the former's sister. -A piano tuner from London was in the village Tues- day tuning pianos. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Clark visited friends in Granton Sun- day. -Fred Yonng was in Wyoming Saturday attending the funeral of a friend, who was killed by lightning during an electrical storm which pass- ed over that neighborhood Thursday. -Our tennis players have started to play. The membership has increased and it is expected that as soon as the boys are in shape they will visit neigh- boring burgs for a friendly game. - Richard Hoween of the bank staff was obliged to return to his home in Winith:aw Saturday on account of ill- ness. His many friends hope to see bine back again in a few days. -Harry Trick has been engeged by Nicholson & Lawson to help them in the hutch• ering business this summer. -Henry Eilber, M.P.P. bas had his Lawn fence painted and other irnprovernents made to his pretrtises.-Russell Redden has purchased a pressed brick machine from Baird and Son of Parkhill. Mr. Redden is bound to keep in touch with all modern ideas in brick making and finds a ready sale for his brick. -The Township Council at their last meet- ing on Wednesday let the contract to construct a new bridge on the Exeter side road this summer. The cement work will be done by Jos. Lawson and the steel work to the A. Hill Co. of Mitchell. W I. i A LE N Seeding has at last been finished and the root crop Is being hurried in. The fine weather of late around here 1a caus- ing rapid growth. --Mr. Newton Millson visited his parents here prior to tile leaving for Campbellville, near Guelph. -Noss Lottie Squires lett on Tuesday to vielt her sister, Mrs. Baker, at Lion's Head. -Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ilodgson visited friends at Centralia or: Sur,day.- Mies Venda Squires and Mise Charlotte Harness visited friends in Granton on Swtday.-Mr. and Mrs. Haynes of Wood- ham were guests at Mr. John Morley's 0.1 Sunday. -Mir. and Mrs. Cookson of Exeter vi.ltcd at Mr. Frank Gunning's o t Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley visited friends at Wesley on Sunday. - Mrs. John Parkinson is stele at her home In Illanshard.-Engineers are at work mapping out the new route for the rail- road through filanshard and U'sborne.- Mr. Jo,hua Johns ot Ellnivitic preaches entre ne!t Sunday, June lith, In the ab - !fence of the pastor who Is attending Co.tferettre at Londor:. aAf1111sORSAL. 'tsars the Tite k"d You Have Ale{ i BOQIM System ,146‘Off� D.tS11W00D es et itlt„k1:NSIfIRE, n.tel(teGon clieveY [Jr F.Se'F:R t'eeds, Will,, Mortgages and all Lea It,..mmeftl are?ully and promptly prepared Charts• moderate i•tuer of Marriage 1.1. ense•. Rev. J. S. Damm of Medicine Hat preached in the Evangelical ('bttrch Ion Sunday afternoon in the interest of the missions in the great North. West. - Mr. Ezra Tienrin has :snored into Mr. Zintmer's house. -Mr,'. McGill inee Mies Jennie Bettschen) of Detroit left for her borne on Monday, after spend- ( ing a couple of weeks with friends in Buggies'. Buggies! Buggies! JUST ARRIVED —A large consignment of Buggies from fire of the leading firms of Ontario, in all the latest styles and design.. Any person intending buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing. We will save you money by so doing. No trouble to show goods. All vehicles are gntranteed. A call solicited. . . . TREVETHICK & HODGINS, Crediton - • - Ontario THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE READ OFFICE. Tommie ESTABLISUED leaf B. i. W&LUR, President ( Paid-up Capital, $10,000, ALlRYANDRR LAIRD, General MAW Reserve Fund, - 6,000, TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominatioes of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 Austria. Belgium, Denmark, F and the effect amount payable in tist r s, 6 um, sumer ,, Germany. Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sws to and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other couatri.s they are payable at current rate.. The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the Bank. 1314 Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton The general public will take notice that I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap. Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Etc. Etc. Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE, EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. 1 THE NICKEL LiFTS RIGHT OFF ISN'T that a fine idea—for Instance lift the nickel off on washdays and you'll save a lot �f work. IMPERIAL -OXFORD RANGE Is the bat by test—and it's the most up-to-date Range at popular prices, For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN 1 thislace. She is not feeling well and her fiends will be pleased if she re- gains her former health. -Mr. Jacob Kellerman had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse on Saturday night. - The Sunday School Convention for the County of Huron in connection with the Evangelical Aesoci'ttinn will be held at Zurich on the 9th, 10th and 11th. A good program bag been pre- pared and a good time for Sunday School workers is expected. The dele- gates for this School were appointed on Sunday, as follows: Mise Ida Goetz Mre. Geo. Edighoffer, Mrs. L. K. Eidt, Mr. Jacob Kellerman andMisaeMartba, Oestreicher. The London Advertiser of last week contained the following ;-' Louie Wilds whose home is In Dashwood, Ont.. was 00211' tinny ago charged with being in- sane and dangerous to be at large. Be- fore he could be arreated, however, he escaped across the border, where the American officers apprehended hint and had hint depotted. Ile was to have been sent to Sarnia, but the Anmerican otfi- ettis 11 to:1, • way arrives at the conclus- lo.n that Mashie was Uc Middlesex coun- ty, and so thr mitt was brougjit here. A ,pe lel warrant had to be sworn out Tu .day before Squire Chlttlek to per - m11 or Wilds bring held till the author- , I se taunt be notified and have time to i erectly the mistake., On Saturday he appeared before Squire Cl lttirk to ans- wer to the charge of insanity. He has been in the asylum before and after tearing the evidence, it is thought that he is dangerous to be at Targe, and 1e •Mae " ronsequently rommttted to the asy- I ant. The Dashwood Furniture Store I wish to announce to the public that our stock is now one of the largest and best that we have ever carried. Pianos, Organs, Sowing Machines No agents. Commission goes to you. House Furniture This line is now contplt'te en bought from the leadingnt'i'd g'+ of Canada, as we are barred from none. We have a large assortment of Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Trimmings, Baby Carriages, Folding Carts, (io•('at t,'<, Express Wagons, Curtain Stretchers, Step -Ladders, Carpet Sweepers, Picture Moulding, Room Moulding, Pictures, Etc. Brass Extension Rods, White Cottage Curtain Rods, 10c each. Picture Framing done on shortest notice. .0.......UNDERTAKINC%""10- We carry a large and well assorted stock in this line. In time of need do not fail to call. Any orders received by phone will be promptly attended to, Please call and exantine our stock and get prices. ia}CF P.McISAAC, Dashwood CE�TRAi. 0003-300:4000012,2000- e Molsons Bank int'tbrpttrated IVA Capital (paid up) Rest Fund - - $3.500,000 ▪ $3.500,000 Has 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principe{ Cities in the World. A GENERAL RANKING bE11N8S9 TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current tate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. !Home & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, 1