HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 30 QUESTION OF HEALTH Without Moll. Rod Blood Ica Can- not be Heathy—flow to 0 stain This Bleaing. If every woman and young girl !would realize the danger of allow - ling blood to become ilea and poor, Iwuuld understand that the majority of common diseusee aro caused by fn anaemic (or bloodless) condition, !that persistent pallor means that :the blood is .rot furnishing the or- gans with the required amount of :nourishment, there would be awak- ened interest in the tonic t•reatinent •'with Dr. 1%illiains' Pink Pills. Thin jbloud means starved nerves, weak- ened dige:.tion, functional disor- ders; headaches, frequently nee- iralgia, sciatica and even partial pparalysis. 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills II.ttild up the bl x.d, repair waste and prevent and check disease. They fill the system with rich, red blood which means good health and (life. Miss Marie Dionne, St. Angela, (Que., says: -"I am deeply grateful !for what Ur. Williams' Pink Pilla have done for inc. My blood had almost turned to water. I was pale, had no appetite, suffered from pains i'rt the back and aide, and had & feeling of constant depres- sion. The smallest exertion would {{leave me breathless, and I was re- :dduced in flesh until I weighed only »8 pounds. I got nothing to help me until I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They began helping ino after the first couple of weeks, and in a few weeks more I was again perfectly well. The color returned to my cheeks, the pains eft me, and I gained in weight un- ttl now I weigh 130 pounds. I fuel 130 happy for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me that I hope some other ailing, miserable girl will profit by my experiesnbe ,and obtain new health. These Pills are sold by all medi- ino dealers or you can get them y mail at 50 conte a box ort six • ores for $2.50 from the Dr. Wil- ' isms' Medicine Co., Brockville, nt. A IR'R.11. JOKE. 'The Caretakers' Pet Hobby the Stile. In inspecting an old English church, Mr. J. J. Hissey was con- ducted by a caretaker who evidently had small interest in architecture' for as soon as the visitor had looked about all he wished, as he records iu ''.1n English Holiday," sho an- nounced, "Now I will show you something of real interest." She led the way through the churchyard to it spot %%hero an open space in the boundary wall was apparently fenced across by some wooden rails and three upright posts; beyond this sails a foot -path across the fields. "Thcro," she said, "that's what we call a tumble-down stile. I don't expect you have ever seen one before. Strange folk, who don't know how to use it.. put their feet on the bars to climb over natural - like, then the bars give way and the folk tumble down. Lots of strangers have tumbled down trying to climb over it.'' itefore us were four rails stretched across the open space at the usual height of a gate or a fence, and our guide, placing her hand on the top- zno t rail at one end, pushed it easily down with the others below, and stepped over them. Upon a close examination we dis- covered that the four bars moved en pivots pinecd in the middle up- right post, the bars being weighted at one end to keep them in n hurl-, tontal position when not purposely pushed down. 'Truly- a quaint. un comuton, and sonlewhnt complicated sort of stile. although simple enough to use, to any one acquainted with the working gtf it. A notice. how- ever. who essays to climb over it, which appears the natural thing to do, is nearly- nleays thrown down, as already mentioned, owing to the bars unexpectedly giving way under his feet ; and that, as the old body exclaimed. "is the joke of it." 1 tcrily believe that she would hate greatly rejoiced had a strnngerf chanced to come along that day and!! tumble at the stile; but. as she explained. half -apologetically, •'$trangers he scarce in this part of Inc world; It i641 no good wailing for one " Was -- --,1.— - COMFORT FOR MOTHERS; HI-AI.TN FOR CHILDREN F ROM BONNIE SCOTLAND 1 ma rt'• alsman htoe ref rm hint :e er re- form him first and then duu't mar- ry him." Undoubtedly love works miracles;history teems with instances of its trausforwing pee er, cases where cowards have been changed into heroes weakness made etrength by its magical influence. But it is love, uot marriage, which works the miracle, and the reformation, if *encore, will begin with love, not wait until after marriage to set forth its effectual call'ng. The roan who will not forsake his evil ways and lead a reputable life for the sake of his own belt - respect and for tho love of the mo- ther who bore hits is scarcely like- ly to do so for the sake of any other woman, however much he may pro- fess to love her. All of which does not mean that when a woman has the misfortune really to fall in los with a sinner, who plainly is repentant and who clearly is disposed to regard her as an angel, she must draw her skirts aside and pass the other way. In most cases, almost all, alas! it would be better for her were she so to do ; a wise old man used to say that where hearts have to bo bro- ken, a clean quick fracture is loss painful than slow' crushing to bits. But once in a. while such men aro worth saving, and are truly in earnest about it. But one should begin the work of reformation be- fore marriage, and in the same spirit of prudence which causes ono to wait for planks and for ropes, instead of helping forthwith into a quicksand to rescue him who is it. danger therein. It is not an easy matter to re- form o-form any one, whether Ivan or wo- man. Few people do not object to being found fault with, and most of us prefer our own failings ito those of our neighbors. Besides, one may mean well yet be too weak to do well. No man who cannot stand alone is a safe husband for any woman, and she who endeavors to hold up such a one is almost sure to be bent, if not broken, in the effort. NOTES Ots INTEREST FROM 11E3 HANKS AN» URAI:J. 11 hat Is Gettig en la the highlands and l.onlands of Auld Scotia. The Ituthesay master bakers have raised the price of bread to 14 coots per 4 lb. loaf. The grand stand in Ayr old raco course is being converted into a golf clubhouse at a cost of $1,495. Tho Ancient Shepherds in the Glasgow District now numbers 29,616 adult, and 10,322 juvenile members. The price of bread was raised in Edinburgh recently to 14 cents for the 4 -pound loaf, with flour at $9.50. All the live stock forming the Scottish. Zoo in New City Road, Glasgow, was sold by auction re- cently. Edinburgh Town Council again declined to grant a site for the Black Watch Memorial in Castle street. A ten -year -old -girl was killed in Glasgow while sliding down the banister railing of a house. She fell 30 feet. The Caledonian Railway Com- pany, Glasgow, had a thousand towels stolen from the lavatory carriages last year. It is estimated that 141,900 tons of potatoes were produced in For- farshirc in 1908, and 120,800 tons in Perthshire. The 2nd Battalion of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, sta- tioned at Bloemfontein, has been ordered home. Outbreaks of anthrax have been reported to the authorities at Stran- raer as having occurred at farms in- the neighborhood of Lochans village. - - • The managers of the Scottish railways are receiving deputations protesting against the institution of Sunday trans. Naval . anoeuvres on a large scale are to be carried through between June 17 and July 17 off the coast of Scotland. George Robertson, dair•keeper, Bruntsfreld place, was fined $25 for his boy delivering skins milk for sweet "by mistake." A man at Wishaw was fined $7 for carrying out a bottle of beer from a public -house to a friend who was already intoxicated. The number of deaths registered in Edinburgh during the week end- ing April 17 was 110, equal to an annual mortality of 10.08 per 1,000. The construction of the four miles extension of 1lusselburgh Electric Tramway system from Levenhall to ]'ort Seton was begun recently. Saltcoats Town Council have de- cided that the burgh band shall give 34 performances during the summer I1 Melbourne Park, at a cost (if $550. John Davy Maxwell. an old Crimean and Indian Mutiny veter- an. wits buried recently in Dunblane Cathedral churchyard with military and masonic honors. Deceased was born in Glasgow in 1835. The annual show of the Kilmar- nock Farmers' Society was held re• Gently. Entries were up to the average of recent years, and there was n line display of stock. parti- cularly of Clydebank horses. A Hawick ilaptist missionary re- cently had sent him by post anonym- ously a lemonade bottle containing one hundred threepenny pieces. 'these store sent by no admirer of liver and kidney troubles as a pro - the clergyman's work while Inc was test. The run-down system de- mands a corrective and there is ne ne better than l'arrnelee's Vege- table Pills. They are simple in their composition and can he taken by the most delicately constituted. i — ROBiN PECKS CURIOUS MAN. Looked into Nest, Bird Gave Him Smallpox Face. Curiosity led Zebulon Hammers- tein, of Montclair Heights, New Jersey, to peep into the nest that a white robin is building in a tree on the Hand estate, in Hawthorne avenue, Montclair. "I raised my head carefully and looked into the nest," says Ham- merstein. "There were no eggs in it. It started to descend. My foot broke a twig and the bird heard it. She flew at me and jabbed me three tinges with her bill under the right eye. I lost my hold on a branch and fell to the ground. That knocked my right shoulder out of joint. Well, it's a fact that while 1 was lying there that bird attacked me again and drove her hill a dozen times into no. face and neck." Hammerstein hurried to a pht•si- clan, who attended to his injuries. Hi., face now looks as if he had smallpox. An Always steady fill. -To those of regular habit medicine is of little concern, but tho great majority of tnen are not of regular habit. The worry and cares of business pre- vent it, and out of the irregularity of life comes dyspepsia, indigestion, in his former ministry at Dundee, and have been saved from week to week off the sender's wages. There are 53 workshops in Salt- coats. and of there bakers hiead the list with 12, joiners and cabinet- makers have 10, while dressmakers KNITTED KING'S FIRST SOCKS have tailors and shoemaker 0 each, milliners n. blacksmiths 2, saddler 1, -laundry 1 and 5 others. The idea of concerting the (rinan Moss into peat s is sgain being moot- ed .1 few years ago excellent peats n ere produced by machinery. The representative of a Glasgow chemical firm has visited the dis- trict with the view of getting a lease. .1 large female hear escaped re- cently from her cage nt the 1'anop- ticon, Trongate. Edinburgh. The Morloy for Queen Vittoria who animal (treed her wet through the gave her a framed autograph photo. roof, and for some time prowled ' graph- and also for Queen Alexan- dra, the King of licnlnark, the Czar of Itessia, and other royal personages. The funernl took place at ltud- dington, Nottinghamshire, recently of Miss Antes !firkins, an interest- ing old lady of ninertsy-four, who had the honor of knitting the first pair of socks worn by King Edward ellen it baby. For over sixty years she was in the employ of the fam- ous hosiery firm of Messrs. 1. and N. Morley, of Nottingham, as chev- ron worker. She decorated socks and stoe•kings made by Messrs. about the premises. doing consider- able damage to fittings and strangl- ing a valuable baboon. DON'T M 111111 11) REFORM. Balsas Uvewn Tabicte will promptly euro indigestion, colic, eonstipe- Reform Him First and Then ton, diarrhoea and teething trou• )lair} Him.les, destroy worms, break up golds and tats prevent deadly Much uiatrinunlial misery is due group. This medicine contains no t•' the fact that so many women poisonous opiate's or narcotics, and fondly and foolishly believe in their bray be given with absolute safety power for gond over the men whom I<o a new born child Mrs. C. L. they love. Believing so. they. mar- ry not only men who, as the say- ing goes. are "a little will," but notoriously evil livers, in the hope that after marriage the vicious man will renounce his pleasant vices. Unfortunately such hopes rarely are realized. The cases where a woman, however deeply and truly in love, has married under these conditions against the entreaties of her friends and has not lived to repent her weakness are se, few as t. bo worthy •.f citation as the ox ceptiens which prove the rule. in a clover br•,cbure of pungent sayings concerning "Men, Women, Don't da.nery. Leamington, Ont , nays: My belly suffered from colic and frnstipation so badly that we did mot know what it vies to get a good ;ight's rest Bat since giving him aby's Own Tablets the trouble has dieappeare.l, and he now sleeps well. The action of the Tablets is west's yet very effe, ttte " Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at Y cents it box from The Dr Willi Medicine ('o., Brock' isle. Ont. Men, like tools, are useless when tbey lose their temper. i'atient-"Doctor, i can't sleep at night What shall 1 (10 fur it 1" 1)ta for --"(;et. a j.h as night watch. man." \ \ \ • tl. I)Oi)i)S KIDNEY; t'!i PILLS _ wt q ‘�\\\N;;1I�S E KIDNEY� 0 THTNf'1 �., 23 THE P'' \OH T N l; ISSUE NO. Zi ---118 GOT TO THE ROOT IENGLISHWOMAN'S CHARITY. OF HIS TROUBLE lit"/ of Lady .lberdeen's Adoption :iND DODD'$ KIDNEY 1'I1.1.S CURED W. WRIGHT'S BACK -t(111.. He had Suffered for Several ]'cars but the Old Reliable Kidney Re- medy Gave Him Quick Relief. Kelvingtou, Sask., May 24th (Spocial).-''Yes, Dudd's Kidney Pills cured inc of Backache, and I have reconunended theta to others who have also been cured." These are the words of William Wright, a farmer well known here. "1 be- lieve I inherited my trouble," Mr. Wright continues. "At times for several years it was very severe. I also suffered from Lumbago, and in the morning I had a bitter taste in my mouth and was troubled with dizziness and my skin was dry and harsh and thero was a sediment in my urine. "No treatment I could find gave me any pertnauent relief till finally believing that my kidneys were the root of my trouble, I determined to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Four boxes cured me." Mr. Wright went at his trouble sensibly. He examined his symp- toms, and they showed him that Kidney Disease was his trouble. Do as much for yourself, and if your symptoma point to disordered or diseased kidneys the cure is easy. Dodd's Kidney Pills will do it. They never fail. HAD HIM HIM THAT TIME. An open-air orator once received this poser : "I tell you, gentlemen," he ex- claimed --"and the experience of a liftime confirms my statement -that if you want a thing well done you must do it yourself "How about getting your hair cut?" asked a man in the crowd. Cheapest of All Medicines -Con- sidering the curative qualities of 1)r. Thomas' Ecloctric On it is the cheapest medicine now offered to the public. The dose required in any ailment is small and a bottle contains many doses. If it were valued at the benefit it confers it could not be purchased for many tinges the price asked for it, but in- creased consumption has simplified and cheapened its manufacture. Nine -tenths of Germany's popula- tion can be fed by products of her own soil. We want reliable agents all over Canada to sell our high grade Perfumes, Toilet Requisites, Tete, Comes, Spices. Etc. yirollent opportunity for energetic men THE DOME sPECIALTiE4 CO. Toronto, Toronto. Canada Her Husband -"If a man eteals, no matter what it is, he will live to regret it." His Wife -"During our courtship you used to steal kisses from ole. ' Her husband - "Well, you heard what I said." NO HOME should be without it. Palni killer the best all-round medicine rvotl Made. Used as a liniment for bruises and. swelling.i Internally for cramps and: diarrhoea. Avoid substitutes. there is but. pne ' Painkiller Perry Davis' M. and We. Pedlar-- "I've got some signs that l'nr selling to shopkeepers like wildfire. Here's one, 'If you don't see what you want, ask for it.' " Country Shopkeeper -- "Give me one 1'eadin', 'If you don't see what you wail. ask for something else.' " A Woman's Sympathy Aro ynu dlerour•ged? Is your doctor's b111 a henry ft:rancl..load? 1s your h sin a heavy physlcal burden? I know what Vitae reran to delicate women —1 have peen dis,•ouraged- too; but learned hew l0 euro n.)'selt. I want to relictsyour bar. dens. Whynot end the porn and stop the do-tor's bill? I can do the for you and W111 if you will assist toe. All you need do is to write for a freee� Illott of the remedy which hits be;, pissed a my hands to be elven away. Perhaps his one boa will cureou—ane $t A• domino Of others. If so. I mall be happy and Fe will be cured for le (the cost of a pstage stamp). Tour letters held roan. ntiallf Write to-dnv for and free tre.t• sawn. IAA& 1P. M CUIULAii, Wladsor. Ont. of Five Slave Boys. Stockwell, Henderson & Co: gataLWhed t0 Year% tow iM la King St, Mist, Termite. Lady Aberdeen, who has added DYERS AND OLEANER81 another to her many cud works MopsaN MABNIMaar MAND5OY5 avitainosi K Saar NeY•a IN CANADA and deeds by founding a new O pale One war ea woes Mem a al.e.seel !timidity journal to help in the cam- paign against consumption in Ire- land, figured in a dramatic incident thirty-two years ago. She and her husband went to EgJpt for their wedding tour, at a time when Gur- don was trying to suppress the slave traffic. Four elavo boys who were offered for bale excited Lady Ab- erdeen's compassion, and tho slave - dealer was invited to bring them on board Lord Aberdeen's dahabc'e- yah, where ho hoped to find a pur- chaser. When the man eteppod on deck with his human chattels, Lord Abc:deen pointed to the British flag and said : "These boys aro free! I claim them in the name of the Queen!" Afterwards, however, he compensated the slave -dealer, and Lady Aberdeen returned to Eng- land with these four boys and an- other whom sho had rescued. Three of her adopted children died, but two were educated and set to use- ful work. + Even a married man can always manage to have the last word ---if he is willing to make it his uutne at the bottom of a check. There are a number of varieties Of corns. , Holloway's Corn Cure will remove any of them. Call on your druggist and get a bottle at once. ONE THAT WAS SUBMITTED. "Last summer I went to sleep in a cottage and woke up in a atone house." "How could you do that." "Well, you seo a storm came up during the night and tho wind made it rock." Red, Weak, Weary, Water? EY** Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Com' pounded by Experienced Physicians. Mu- rine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain. Write Murine Nye Remedy 'hicago. tor Illustrated Eye Book. At Co..Druggists. "How nicely you have ironed these things, Jane," said tate mis- tress admiringly to her maid. Then, glancing at the glossy linen, she continued in a tone of surprise, "Oh, but I sec they are all your own." "Yes'm," replied Jane, "and I'd do all yours just like that if I had time." The fewer confidential friends a woman has the happier she is bound `to be. RULES AT FUNNIMAIN's HOTELl Guests are requested not to speak to the dumb waiter. If the room gets too warm, open the window and see the fire escape. Don't worry about paying your hill; the house is supported by the foundation. Guests wishing to do a little driving will find hammer and nails in the cupboard. Guests wishing to get up without being called can have self-raising flour for supper. if you're fond of athletics and like good jumping. lift the mattress and see the bed spring. if your lamp goes out, take a feather out of the pillow; that's light enough for any room. SINGLE. YET .t1.1RRtED. Cnnta'ser---":. re you single'" Man at. the door --"Yep." "Why the people next door told I me you were married." ' a i am." ' % • : yon told lee just now set! yr • ntgle ' • 1 ro i (lid... V. 11, what is the matter with pelt" "Nothing. sir 11% name :s Single and Fla married. (;,,•d day. it." A Boon for the Bilious. - The liter is a very sensitive organ and easily deranged. When tuis occurs there is undue secretion of bile and the acrid liquid flows into the sto- mach and sours it. It is a most distressing ailment, and many are prune to it. In this condition a Iran finds tho best remedy in Par - melee's Vegetable Pills, which are warranted to speedily correct the disorder. There is no better medi- cine in the entire list of pill pre lea rat ions. W H Y. Perhaps, without starting any- thing we shall be able to find out from somebody who knows; Why is a woman's hat? In the treatment of summer com- plaints, the most effective remedy that can bo used is Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a standard preparation, and many people employ it in preference to other preparations. It is a highly concentrated medicine and its Se- dative and curative qualities are beyond question. It has been a popular medicine for many years and thousands can attest its superi- or qualities in overcoming dysen- tery and kindred complaints. RECIPE. Hunting in the dark is the quick- est. way to find a thing you are uot looking for. _ _ DON'T OE DECEIVED.- Inscrupufoui, makers are attempting to steal your moue and our reputation by putting out an imitation of "The D. & L.' Menthol Plaster. Ile sure to get the genuine mad y Dads & Lawrence Co. UNCLE EZHA SAYS: "Tho ruster wakes up fust, but it is Merely to let liens know it is time to git out an' scratch. Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Gravea' Worm Exterminator is a pleasant and sure cure. If you love your child why do you let it suffer when o remedy is so near at hand? Grandma -"Ah, my dear, the oven now are not what they were fifty years ago." Ethel -"Well, granny, you knsw fifty yearn will change any mall.' WANTED. GIRi.5 for dining -room work. wages 'MOO — Apply "The Welland." St. Catharines. W ANTED. -Ladies to do plain and light sewing at home, whole or spare time, good pay ; work sent any distance. charges prepaid; send stamp for full particulars. Na- tional Manufacturing Company, Montreal. Brass Band This is MA. Time to Organise instruments, Drama, Band Masse, Ete. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowest prloes,ver quoted. iiuecatalogue. Oyer SY) illustration., mailed free. Write we for anything in Mask Of N..ekd lnatruasea's. WHALEY. ROYCE G CO.. Limited Turunto, Uric.. and Wlnn1yog. Man. Fire Insurance Agents Waned Rlobocn 1 8 nrummnnd Fire insuranre con. pony, Head (Mice Itirhmnn4' Qu. Kdshili .d 1879. cast to et eats. For agencies at wimp's. Noted pointy, Province of Ontario, address Harry -"Yes, I got my looks J. H. EW:1RT, l'hief Agent, No. 18 Wellingto• at., East, Teronte. from my mother and my brains _ -- from m;: father." Dern -"I'm sor- ry to hear that•" Harry --"Why . WARREN OZOWSKI & 00. Dora --"Becatese it appca rs to isle i.t tnle It :rout, :.t r7k £zU.a' . your parents were painfully lack- I,..1.,. 11"k )tullding, is Itr,.1 ,.tre.a ing in goncro ity to their only 'fo'K('x.ro. NRwYURK son :" THE "BURLINGTON ROUTE STOCKS AND BONDS rt sp• are new COBALT iu: Wsor>a:iluo.e' geelallslag In will inwuaurzt., hlsy inn', two through trains. -- -- Chicago 1" Seattle. Wash.. VLA Mt. 1'..O. dally Low rates 10 all North and youth l'..rttie I.w+t points A dirty p.ge f'.lIor de.eriptive of the Ala.ka•VuL,n Eti...salon free tar the w.king. For inform 11100 In regard W rats and train Nh ire writ. •n roll on J. A. ]•(RICK, 51 King 9t. Riot, T.,ronto, Ont. Vary • •.1 tt..ulttn't marry the hest 111611 in the world.- .lgatha "Nor 1. 1 would marry the l,i it,•- groont. and let the best man lure one of the bridesmaids:. if 1 e•. r got a chance." AGENTS MEN OR WOMiN WE GIVE FREE SAMPLE Make three dollars CASE a day and establish permanent husineaa on our capital. Our high class goods sell on sight in every home, are quickly used WRITE repeat order. up ome fa? CATALOGUE ri("r. t' gf:ieultUvcnfre ter. N THE HOME SUPPLY CO., O.,t. tO.. TORONTO. ONO. "� 1 USED IN Leading Co-lservatorlcs, Ct&ges, Schools, 1 heatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of distinctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the only piano with the Wemilabk Repeating Action. kN OS Send for (free Catalogue No. 'o. 76. "No BELL PiANO Organ Co.. Limited GUELPH.ONTARIO. A PERFECT FOOD 0 RANGE MEAT 1s made from the whol.• wheat thoroughly cooked Wheat i nntains all the necessary elements to su.t.,n life In better proportions than any o•her cereal. ORAN(if: 315.LT AND MILK 18 .l PERFECT FOOD To persistent users of ORANOF MEAT • reward is offered They will pay Seven Hundred Dollars in gold or Y,ft9-two Dollar• .,or/ rear during lifetime. A private powers in every package of Orange Meet gives foh details of how to earn this and other prises. 1f you enter this e.,ntevi. ,.end pest cud to (trsrr.• teat, Kings ton. giving full name and address. and mention the payee to w(1W you saw this adver1LaetelM