HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 2- - J - - • much to each other! You will scion Afor:realize that you have a grown-up I)IkF-AMIN daughter instead of a little baby. iIAnd you will tell me why father ,c, sent me away• long Tho uwthr•r's tears let themselves, She was too much a women of the world for that. She trust argue clsee'.tere. She prepared her face carefully with different „ddrueuts before she started off on her mission. Martha Getting Ahead in Life Is Largely a triose. was snalin the lor• hMother deur, you are just a lit the maiittidg anuvunoneced her parsplcudidwen tle bit uverc•ume at being },resent- ladyship. .L.Lt.1.�..t.t..f Matter of Seeing Ahead cu with a grown-up daughter,'• The poor women soddenly he- Lesson X. Thr 1'�►+ of the 1'utt- the girl said tenderly. "Nu, no; ; gar. bolero Text. Prov. a ::g. :1:sth1 t cry—must alio fat•her1he ce uldcrutl1rise froiurherochair. ' ' ' BLOUt3 . Ocoure not," Johu repliBack to the blue'. It has a de(;ldiuo Uouk evurytltiug inIntro]�ction.--\\hat is t}i im- iighttul summer sound. We have "Through faith we undertand lite in the realiu .f character and sharply. with one sweeping glance. that the worlds were framed." — ideals. Faith in ry lit;iou means To his mind Martha was behx+ portance of the theme of our les- sad the comforting promise of the i ideals giving the life to the realiz inti lite a foul. ":1h, how do you dor she said son! Philosophers have striven to .ett►rn of the blouse and a renewed Hebrews xi., 3. has Mils. 'You are the girl's discover what faculty most clearly inclination toward it on the part of That. is as true to -day as it ever stun of religion's hopes. ' My rheumatics is so bad to- mother, 1 suppose 4" business women in particular, but day she moaned. separates man from the brute; as, with the removal of rail doubt and ,n:ak Faith moves the world, faith Dues a most b saytl►at he has faith When at last. the girl escaped to "The girl's mother Martha re that man is the only animal that • tuakea the world, and it is faith in the high, then it will meats laughs, or the only animal that the actual advent of the garment that is ever snaking the world into that lie has confidence thate infinite her own room, to battle the pros- pealed after her blankly.itself there is real and positive nr•sv forms and leading it into new wisdom and affection are so work Jam out for herself, Martha luukcai -Yee; this girl who is trying to cooks, or the only animal that excitement. lite. Nothing is duce without faith. ing in this world that nothing Let at her husband. inveigle my nephew into marrying stands upright. lltost thinkers, howUottou voile leads as a matcria1 % As one old writer reminded us lung ter can be for hint than to work in `John, it was hard before !" she her!" ago all works are just as dead with -harmony with theta and to bring cried. "It is going to be much Peer Martha quailed beneath the ever, agree that the power of among the lace trimmed blouses, cut with all that has grown out and sheer linen is a Parisian favor - cut faith as faith itself is dead that will which is right and truth harder now :" Fadden, unexpected onslaught• of it, is the clearest and tura im ite for the tailored model, which without works. +and goodness to be done unuutgst Whatever it meant, she felt she was portant distinction of mankind, with the French, is never stiffened. I1. not equal to facing it out. A silent and the surest indication tit the The more simple models in our All men work by faith who work ileo. i❑ any worthy way. The man who: Fault in the infinite dues not There was a feud about a fallen prayer went front her heart to superiority t God hail conferred sketch have been developed in probably prides himself as being mean a blind babylike confidence fence. It rant along the bottom of heaven for John t<) Colne quickly upon the human race: The passage stripes as well as plain material. nothing more than a cold business that almighty arms will pick us up the garden,boundinga coppice to her assistance. we are to study is one of the finest The pin stripe in linen lawn is automaton, utterly indifferent to and carry us to some fair land, which belonged to the i estate lad- "Where is the girl 1" asked Lady in the Bible, and is the crown of all positively fascinating for wear with such visionary matters as faith and unswept by storms and uncurled joining the house the big livid. Geraldine. writings upon the suujcet• the linen suit when it repeats the idealism, nevertheless works by by the necessity fur labor. It dues ] ..}light's right!" John told his "You mean my daughter!" gasp- gown color. Sten ed voile is a I. The Ideal of Speech. -Vs. 1, rs•c,rite, and sheer batistes in deli - faith; he pushes out his business mean so great confidence in the daughter. "There's nothingin cd Martha. tate shades vie with colored hand- �G4 1 ntenal your daughter,' 2a. Why did Jame's urge his read into venture fields in confidence that rightness of the whole uuwith that m ease about keeping that fence "Yes, y kerchief linens the venture; and investment will syr, put our lives into tune it my repair, and I'm notggoing to do said Lady Geraldine curtly. "I1 ers not to be man • masters (teach Always popular in Paris arc the "�i bring its returns; his foresight gots AND FOLLO\1' THE RIGHT. tt,,, you would please send her to me, ars, as in "sehoulmasters")d 1. Be - Angry letters had been passing 1 should like to have a few min- cause the young church met that models with plaited frills down one between the owner of the estate utes' privte consersatiun with her." danger continually (see Acts 15: 24; side of the front. Some of them and the irate John. Norah saw one Martha rose, stiffly. 1 Cor. ) : 12; 14: 26; Gal. 12). show an insertion of lace, other are of her father's -blunt, abusive - "My rheumatics are very bad to- In the Jewish church the function hemstitched, and the more <xpen- and it pained her deeply. Tact- day," she muttered, as ago totter of the rabbi was jealously guarded, sive venclare ehirtm d scat oped. ever Thee W- ittily she tried to suggest an alter cd from the r+wm• but the Liberty of prophesying ation in it; but there was no mow- Certainly, Lady Geraldine felt (teaching) in Christianity was liable humble,realizes the full value of ing John Birch. Ho had that good that anyone might be expected to to become license. And "the more the shoulder strap, whether it be old British phrase at the back of forgive the boy's infatuation when the idea prevailed that faith, with- plain or tucked or a band of lace she saw Norah. For half a secondor embroidery; its advanages are his stubborn mind - "Might'sout corresponding obedience, was evident to the hone sewer at a right."ve, at And "right" he meant to she almost Wished she had left the to glance. It tends to give a firmness "stuff" off her face. The soft, ra- all that is needful, the more men have, ll costs. firmly ATurah had client bloom of free nature on the twould each eagerly This prethossh forward our at this straining point and it joins most of the furniture in the house young girl's checks made her own g joinsthe back and front artistically by resent lesson with the last. concealing the fact that the tucks foun changed, and when it was done she feel crackly and stiff. This height -P 11. The Tongue as a Rudder.- do not accurately hit in the join - concealing oeersel i all So once,cwithout coed her youer. any ooeupalion. she took to "I hear you have been dangling Vs. 2b -5a. .0 illustrate perfect ing. The long sleeve on the newest walking in the fields, gathering about in the field with my foolish speech, to what does James compare blouses shows the tailored cuff with armfuls of poppies. One day she nephew 1" she said, corning to the the tongue? To a horse's bit or �� without slecve, although n tot phased slipped getting over a Mile, aid point im►nediately�, with almost btu- he bridle, welch, though small, turns Some of the ticcvc isarter sleeves burl her wrist. The pain brought sal i the girl ss. "You're a very bit- and governs the whole body of the So gathered into a lace trill lc vcs sudden tears to her deep, violet e lyy little girl, if a pretty one. Dont great animal; and, similarly, to a lower edge, while others show tie the eyes- Someone was coming - the you understand that he is only ship's help) or rudder, which, lace and tucks as part of a. fitted' swinging figure of a man, whistling amusing himself -that it is an idle though not so small in comparison sleeve his two dogs. With the tears stili in flirtation on his part 1" with the great ship, and so weak Valenciennes and Irish crochet them, she raised her pretty, Ovist Nurah was staring at her intense its comparison with the fierce winds, are the popular laces. Hand tucks fol eyes to his face. ly yet turns the ship, in the face of and hand embroidery are favored "By t littlethe thought. "What "I do not gather what you the winds, whithersoeeer the gover- beyond all other trimming methods. a sweet you tgrouble?" !" mean,"she said quietly. nor (r. v. "steerarnan") llateth On our latest model a band of "Are in trouble Z" he asked. "Well, yhwould not dream of ) marrying you." (r. v. "willeth" . Even so (like, the plain linen xhove the Irish aro "('he I help you?" "He has asked me to -day to be brrdlr and the rudder) the tongue shows some of.the new, heavy cot- She smiled through her tears. his wife, and I have accepted him." is a little member, and boasted) ton embroidery, an instance of the "Oh, it is nothin '"' she said "Iaforesaid "little blessings.' that nothing!" She spoke steadily.. great things, vaunts great words, descend periodically.littlet hurt my wrist getting over the P y' which bringabout great acts of stile. It was rather bad at first. "Asked you to be his wife! The„It Berms that the fashionabl© 'What lovely clogs: Oh, they are to} is craned!” mischief. -Alford• (ower of the moment for the button - holt r HENRY 1'. COPE. beauties! I'm ao fond of Great 1t was here that her woman's III. The Tongue as a Flame.- holt of tailored costumes is the matters o[ the moral and spiritual Danes:" she added, patting one of knowledge of t -ho world helped her. !firs, bb, 6. What is the next cum sweet pea, which is mode in small Shepointed out to the astonished i arisen used by James'! bunches and surrounded with +said -- - the massive heads. parison were many meetings in the girl how it would ruin him, era finiquity-"Tis-eaen-hair fern. For the+ summer it is +++++++•-•••••••••••++++ did surroundings, and make a lady g l tongue -that world of t ♦ of her 1 fields after that. Her conversation him down, such a marriage. He fire, sprung from the tires of said that roses swill I►e worn, sur - ♦Ho had Favell plenty of money. soon revealed to hint wt, she was. bad his positi ,n to think of -the Gehenna. It is a little fire, to the rounded with silver foliage. ♦ John Birch's - Ho had made plenty, and he knew For mime indefinite reason he de fact to remember that his anew -1 eye; but a little rare can kindle a The colors of the season are now how to keep, instead of spending aided to conceal his own identity tors had ever united with women great forest. So the tongue can chant{ing os alar t at.]1Cel'aymat is ♦ it. His slow, definite mind efit- from her for a while. of of ` ant unequal maron. No riage. everod ruin the whole body -nay, the whole' sl shade ost its thnp has been very 'rocas 2 Experiment, ♦ itself rigidly on one object -the fu- She spokes Bothe theg fence -said g rife, in its revoking course from worn during the. year, while a + lure; his pipe and titer. , sate bow it was bothering her fatl►rr• the girl were w Iso, fur the future the cradle to tic grave.' I'he P P ha ureas of theta both, she would c of green cal "dried peas" ♦ their grown-up daughter. %he thought the owner of the fcuce Pd , course of nature is literally the is remarkable tied bila fair to be N1��4�i1t♦♦♦��♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦ The move went on rapidly. Mar- must he a "horrid old man" not art bora free at. once. wheel of birth, the wheel of exist "our coca see revolving at birth. It is shade Poe'of c.•'. r for the summer, be - Slow, tha found sitting in the parlor in to have it repaired, and say no "You sive, child," she wound up, cause it contrasts au well with black silk a tedious performance. ntoro• people have been aell baro for less likely that James had in mind black. Peacock blur appears, Slaw, pompous, self -complacent It worried her to think how the Philip Mainmwurthy smiled grimly generations. Your parents tame a trotter's wheel, whose work is black khakieAnd bronze still are the only John Birch looked at his wife Mar_ maid might be westing the coals in to himself. from a grocer's shop, as you kuuw. s uile.l by an unter�pered heat; shades of brown that one aces. tha with a gleam almost amounting (he kitchen. Horrid old mate indeed! As she knew : Herr was the .ee- e That Afternoon whoa I:e lett her, rut of it a11, revealed so crudely and still less likely that he meant The pinafore shirt, which is tied t. humor in his eyes. When all was in a let aC- orbis terrarum, tne circle of the behind in a 1 ow like the sashes "It's over at Inst, wife," he an- cording to John's letter was he"went straight to his bailiff. that for the moment. it staggered' nuanced with an air of having done rent to the principal of the school Baines," he said, "these are her. She thought of her mother, i earth. How great a matter is lit- that little girls used to wear, is a very light mornings. Get some who so peraistcntly kept distant orally how much woad, or how 8t3 le t�lsc�have►tsar ni h► It f arae it is the right thing from the a+,atient nndredueated.h1 1t startled thetgirl mrn on to that fence nt <l:►ybreak, front her; Iter father, who, with all great a forest. gThe tongue is cnllyd bolc.,y predicted that all the models ginninpl "You've beenpatient, and See that it is finished by nine his self -complacence, was alien also. ! a world c,f iii city because "n{1 P uncomplaining little soul, and now ti, be suddenly told that she had a "Yes. c., course 1 know ' shenext season will have this same p go'clock.'• f know," kinds of esil that are in the world effect. try experiment is over." (tither and mother alive, and that True .to his accustomed habit, said slowly. "And I am proud of are exhibited there in miniature. Patient : Uncomplaining! With at last. they desired her presenceI The sunshades +r bleb are being a in++ther's heart bursting all those at home. John Ilirrh was in his garden next the fact. My mother and father IV. The Tongue as A Wild sold in the shops are very tall and lung, weary years for her only John insisted on going to the eta - Nora'', on the stroke of that hour, are the best parents any girl could Beast. -Vs. 7,8. What is James's wild be carried like the canes of child : John Birch, whore has your tion Mune to meet her. Martha Auras, all unsuspecting, went with have on earth. Perhaps, in letting next eompariaun of the tongue . .To the empire period. They Agree very understanding 1 must keep herself quiet at horns, blur. Presently the two strolled to- myself grow to care for your ne-(an untamed beast; all other living will, too with the idea of the gwards the bottom of the garden. phew. Lady GerAldier, I 1►ad fur1things have been mastered by ,an:►ler of Louis \VI., su that they He explained svit4► the vninglury not get :rain 1, !" or excitc<d. she John's teeth clicked over the stein the time being not realized what it of his itchic+entcnt as be looked mint remain behind and nurse her mankind- the four distere a of will to -c none of the eflectivrt.:ss round the shc,p• rheumatica. of his pipe at what confronted then might mean to him. It can easily according to JamrY s whin fashion dealers definit•'y to ' No more selling sugar and tea," John was hardly prepared for the -a new fence! bo rectified. I will write to bit to I animals •ci namely• quAdruprda, turn to timelier era. "The dickens!" he uuittc•re<I, eight." Le went on, sticking his thumbs in• dainty +isien their daughter preA curious sensxtiuu thrilled ''Giving him his freedom?" slits, reptiles, a'ul fishes But the naeock andatt thers are ocksywith l►tell to the pockets of Itis waistcoat. "No sentcd. He had expected her to , tongue is an exception. No man feathers appear upon many of the in more cooking the breakfastte5p our be a tine, ladylike girl; but here through Norah as realisation aurae "Oh, certainly h P can tame it : only God, who made little room behind the shop -eh, was something startling and tin- to her. the The voting idlolldtmanan t'the fields easy hei►ndiftrareine, 1.a r triumph k ii h it can keep it under control. It is walking hail. The bird is not a Martha who , ,articularly pretty oar, so that per - it going to retire!" mistakable -An exquisite little lady been cxusiug all the bother. scut away. y an unruly (restles roil, full of haps the fad will not last very Jung. His florid lips closest over the to her finger•tipa. It tusk his breath „ + + Bradly poison, arae , • to be eltussed last, words ,,ith the pleased unctu away for a minute, as he realized Theetirkens'" her father repeat- + with the animals m t hated and eusuess of a ratan who had accom• sr hat he had done. Then he mate- ed• "I wonder what made biro do "]Jo you realty bees my little it in such n mighty hurry 1 Weil, girl +" feared, the serpent. WHERE I'ItE('I;PT FAILS. pliehed things. John Birch realiz- tared the situation with his usual itri111'8 right, and ('se had my The words were John Birch's. V. inconsistencies ,+f Speech. - .d that he had never been ++ eri- ,elf-cotnplRcent• manner.:1111 wxy. ,•, •• "Yes,- the )dung man answered Vs. is -I2. Why does James drop "Jack, i'rn grieved to bear that• in anything. liven in his aspen- She aas looking at him a little `c,talr was wondering, (<„+. She ainrply. Then a pasaionatr utter-comparisonF when hr comes t„ his ►ou have fairly told your mother tent, which had robbed a child,�t John bewilderedly. +oint . Because there are nu rc%erAl falsehoods. This cuts n' life of the 'oy of her John "Father:" she murmured. wondered why her heart gate such arca rime to his lit,,, "She ac leaf ] ' keels be had been right. She had so much to ask him about, delighted little thrills as she re- cepted sir when 1 proposed to her. comparisons in nature to man's to the heart, my hos," said a fa 1'0o shall hA+e a parlor and a yet she waited until he had put membered the fine, manly face, audNow she tells me that she c•anno6 inconsistency in speech --only con- tler, with stern pathos. ".1lways seri ant, old IAds," he pre+rccclecl. her in the rah. Then the volley of r, certain hook in the honest brown marry- tae. ' risers. Fountains do not send out tell the troth, c+en though it may eyes. A gleam shut into Johne eyes• of the same orifice now fresh water bring suffering toy yourself. Will With full peas:ct nese. "1 shAlt questions came forth. '• bale sty pipe, still grow roses:.Juhn pc,mpuualy svavcd them aside In the field that afternoon she "Seo here, my boy tt aIIs the and now salt enter. j•ig rices do you promise me?" taiectl • her oan deep-si++let orbs to first time he had ventured on this not bear figs at one time And at 'Tea, father. ' And my little girl i" she sen- witIs a mot ement of his hand. his dark once. familiarity, suet he likrel it so Wroth Very wr, New go And see w}' toted. "Just don't worry your pretty Another time „dices. \ ines do not "It was good .+f c, i she said that he repeated it- -"arc here, tray vial 1 grapes in one season and figs i, knocking at the dour. It it's "Don't make any miatAkc, wife. head. my dear," he said. "It was about the dug license, say I'm not Your little girl will he a grown up an experiment of trine. 1 wanted gratehllly• Loy, if you're fond of tray little girl. ] at hums. That's n geed troy!" you just marry her. I've gut plenty in another. The cot►stancy of nature ,•, 3•oung lady-. 'That's what her father to make a lady of you, and I've sue 11I. way a8 will known in James's do}' has dont for her'" cr<•dcd,,. of n+Dory, even if l don't chuck it But the tongue is as in vats. g The cheated heart of the woman "Ina, father, homeould 1 not baud PTilip'six (eldertytimaiden aurtt. She plehy was �ithroughlany� difcy to see ul�t s. Old% salty different! Outh01 tIs e sand NOT SUITABLE. ' and mother came bursting ?tell): been n Indy at with you and Philip's menti► p g Site-- "Try this dctightf::i , f,ngh Site wars my little girl when mother 1" she halfpanted out in kept his house for him, and was ss Sou mast keep that fine aunt out pCurain rand you sent her away, John; as my her perplexity. 'dined t•, consider him more or less of the. wry. she's beta bort trate g' ) + d1inR'• "•E Ile (coughing) --It w,,u,dn t du little girl 1 want her hack," "No question,. ,bile," he told • +.f a fool. Her one desire was to Philip went straight home Fur A prActical illu,trnti.•n r+f rale any g,u,d, 1 ha+cn't A 41,1 t delight 7'o Johns blunt mind this was her, with finales "You just take arc hire married to a niece, quiet ,\ant lieraldinr wa.� in the draw- fol rough. here foolish► sentin►cnt. What he it as it comes. and l,• happy with girl of a fan►ily as presentable as tcunomc. watch A mall 1+(+� when called his ''experiment" had start }our old father and mother!" their own. and a long purse. It ing r''"). he has (((881on to u+e soap :runt, he 'aid etern1%. "I've "There's just rant thing i wanted cid simply enough. It aAa whin When fire got was taken t++ Mar• was mostly in this that she consid- Come to A andd'r ccnclu,iou. I'm to say to you," began Mrs. Acid to Martha ++as +ery ill upstairs. and tha's l!,arlor, the eager mother 1.:,nd creel him a feel -he w,+uld not- fallLady- : "Yoe lock robust. Are her husband. "Orale ++nr, 11I''ria''' the little mite just two years old hrrsel1 glued to the chair from a willing victor to the charms of going to sell the• elcl place 85 once tion equal to the task of sawing rhos an, ao"Onlu8i n "Aren't cut her tiny finger with a nail in sudden despair and surprise, not any such desirable maiden. -at once. 1 shall ilei abroad in • wood 1•• Tramp: ''Equal isn't the queried future, and nc.t return to h:nglandyou feeling well(' tele of the packing cases in the the rheumatics. John's exprrimrnt' Quite by Accident she discovered word. intim. I'm superior to it. -.— with ahep She must be sent into the 1 -ad rendered her childless ter the meetings in the field. She taxed at all Good murrain'. hint with it, begged hits to be sen- II'' 8tonrl there au+ting fur her "Sir,- 881(1 the fierce lawyFr, ' •de ,lite. and cease amusing himself an,wer None came, however. Sell you, on your oath►. swear that this is with a girl he could not dream of the "Id place --live abroad in 1u- tinge Be abet smiled grimly waen not your bandit riling t' "1 think marrying torr' She to return t.. loan' For lar saw her return. not,' was the cool reply • Does it Hut he was not �ntu8iug himself. r+roc 11)18 clever woman wa bra 'flat girl wants you. Philip, resemble your writing'' ' 1 can t the aieteratic Lade Gereldine's he declared. This bomb. thrust at let). and she knew it nistently• rhe said shortly. "You'd better say it does. ''Do you tsk•• „ur Her hurry was N, great that she ge to her at once'" oath that thin wntiaA docs net dict not even wait to Arrange her He laug!ie<l happily with Norah resemble youre l'' "Y -e a• ' ' New, face. P111113 smiled grimly as he ,•ser the whole business. -Conlon how do you know'" "'host' li watched her drive away in the car- simmers. eau t write.'' THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 1NTERN.ATION-i1. LESSON, JUNE 6. 0' t Fash ion Hints. beyond knowledge. •There is nothing roe» need more ► No natter how material in its na- t]tan this faith, faith to believe that titre your work may be this quality this world, whatever eddies of sin niust enter into it, the power to see and wrong may swirl here and beyond the thing you handle, be- there, is part of a universe essen- 3ond the immediate task being done tiully right, where justice is eter- and far beyond the pressing circum- nally unchanging, where law reigns, *fences which largely dictate pre- where the will that is truth and sett methods, into that which to right is being done. and, therefore, morrow will demand; into the prom + where one dare not do other than iso uE the. future. follow that confidence, where one E LIVING FROM HAND TO MOUTH mist follow the right though the is usually simply a matter of inabil- heavens may fall. ity to see any fartheer than the end Wo need faith in the possibilities of the nose. Faith is the confidence of our fellows, to see the possible in things that are not yet, the fore- goodness in even the beast. to wak- pussessing of the things that are to en finer chords as we strike the be ; it is the pioneer spirit that note of love and confidence in thein. snakes men push into new tends, Men are what we believe thein to be attempt new tasks, and bring the and this is just as true of great world into new days. groups of men as it is of individu- The most practicable tools to our ahs, a democracy- is only possible so hands are the fruitage of faith. long as we believe that all the peo- Here is the indispensable telephone pie, taken together, will do the at the elb+.w of every man because t right. one ratan had the faith to follow his No great work ever had immedi- vision, persevered when others ate results. Those who sow for the seoffcsd, and believed in the values rich.harvests must Walt• long for where others saw only a toy. Faith the ripening grain ; weeds grow in is not dreaming; it is so doing as a night, worthwhile things try our to realize our best dreams. faith. Character is the finest fruit - So religious faith means not some- age of all. Its harvest comes not thing other than we know in every- by observation, but it never fails clay living. It means applying this to come to those who live for its spirit of confident endeavor to make high purposes in others and its ! the hope for the future to the heights of calm in themselves. reentry till neither %Aa better. he years; it would render her child - 4i• eke!. less till she died. For how could the chid went. Then, bit by she live up to this pretty. dainty 1 . ,lea developed itself in his creature, with the gleeful. elegant 1 rade \1 by have her back, to run manners 1 wild in the shop Why net lease Norah went and took her mother's her right out of their tiles, until two hand• in her own. *hi, war grown up. and they round "M- dear mother'" she breathed free. rendered her speechless for afford to retire' lu short, why not "\\e must he tier so happy to the first time, in her life. She did 'eines(' tier :utirely from their tor- settee. von and 1 • 1•;ser est -sr so ant attempt to argue with him. 1