HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-06-03, Page 1Wee 50c to JAN. 'ID NOW I8 THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and Ret a bargain LI above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates Jeter ilbot Wedding Invitations In \swarf '1'yl'►• On Beat Papers The Finest Work And Right Prices The' Advocate:Office, Exeter TwZNTY-FiiwT YEA& EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JUNE 3. 1909. SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable THE HOT WEATHER ^i1l Boon be here and we have just the goods you require. Summer Clothing, -- Hate and Furnishings for Men and Boys. The warm days are a gentle re. minder that Summer Toggery is a necessity. Beautiful Light Summer Wear for Ladies, Misses and the Children. I Muslims with spot and stripe, in Fren^b and Swiss qualities 12iic to 2. c per yard White Mulls and Colored, in cross Lar and stripe. also Ladies beautiful floral designs ....20c and 25e per yard 41 Our Laces & Insertion to m thee e Lest shown. Oriental Lace, German and French Val. .... Beautiful patterns at tempting prices i Light, Brightht Suit, a right fir of those "AsToRIA" Shoes, a Light Straw Hat, ( ent13 Light Underwear, Light Sox, a Low r Collar, a Bow Tie -and there you are! A whole outfit won't coot you much fund the comfort you will enjoy will be a great deal. Special Iodaccmeais for Friday and Satarday Only ALL 25e COTTONADES AT 22c Butter 16c, Eggs 18c, trade: 17 J2e Cash. These prices subject to change. CARLING BROS. LEARING SALE of Ladies' and Men's Coats Regular Prices from $..10 to $14 fel) Selling Prices from $3 to $9 Men's and Boys Suits all going at less than wholesale to clear out. Millinery Some going atHata from t25jc from to $1.00 m Also some nice FLOWERS for trimming, 10c Bunch, upwards Biggest Bargains ever offered ! Come in and get a bargain while they last. All good goods. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE - ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE ----- PHONE 22 rr.f erl.aal Cards. HERE TO STAY 1 Ds. O. P. BOU}BTON, i~ D. g.. D. D. L --- D t N T I S T Bus and Dray Calls Member of the R. O. D. S. of Ontario and Borer promptly attended to. graduate of Toronto University. OYTICL: Ore, Dickson a Carling's Law Office, i. DT. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. `DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. !.. Honor graduate of Toronto Cnlverlstr. DENTIST. bob extracted without any pain, or any had erects MCA over Oladman a Stanter) a office, Male }tsetse. Medical Horses kept in stock for sale. Telephone 41A Stables at Handfoid'aHorse Exchange \VM. ARNOLD, Prop. FOR SALE BRiCK HOUSE AND SiX ACRES LAND IN USBORNE The Norte: -East Corner of Lot 13. Con. cession 8, Colborne, the property of H R 1011011T M h Y C.1'.as 110\OB the 1 Israel Hartle Louse oust Is one dent h si. fan Rola' Alexandra etc. rest ' six room., kithen and woodshed. There Office and Residence, far. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER. Is a frame barn about 20 by 40. hard and soft water, and about one acre of 1 e Graduate of Toronto t'nhen(t Iter ,'two fears and one-half storeys high and contains oital Da. T. P. McLAL'OIiLIN Hu teemed practlee after spending a year (Col. lege) et British and Continental 1lneeitais. General pewee./ with spe.-ial attention to Eye, (with rcfrac• Ws) Tear Nae and Throat. Office: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DI8ICON a CARLING, BARRISTERS, ROLiCi ton, Notaries, ('onceyam ere, Commissioners Iollclton for poisons Bank, etc. Mossy to Loa. at lowest rates of Interest ofiteee. Vain street, Exeter, 1. S. Camerae B.A., L. 11. nista `fONET TO LOAN. Ira hare a large amount of ern ate funds to lean s farm and , illage prorerheo at low tetra of l.tet wt. OLA1311AN A STANBL'RT,' Barrister., S„i;_ itorclIalnit.. Exeter Os B.8. PHILLIPS, Exirrzu. Liceused A•ctloseer. Rales attended In all rarta. Satisfaction guaran- teed Oleo pay._ Terms reasonat.le All Olden lett at Advocate Ogee will be rromptl% •'tended (A. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON. Licensed Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Dates can be made at rte Advo'ate, Exeter. or Beery Ellber's Office, Cred- iton. iiOUSE FOR SALE An excellent bre k ' oarc med•ra an d up-to-date. Si*ur;^d ;, t 8a,. street. Apply at this Office. good trult trees. The soil 1. a good (lay. Tee lot Is mostly seeded out and Is well leered and drained. Apply to OLADMAN & STANHURY, ]follcitors for Executor. Exeter. HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned 1■ offer:ng for sale a good brick house and 10 acres of land. Part of South Half Lot 4. Con. 2. Ste- phen. Tee !:Ouse Is 1n good repair. also a good frame barn and woodshed. goat soft and hard water. never failing well. good orchard, 3-4 mile from school. 1 .end 1-4 eines from church. Possession given next fall. Apply on the premises. Mf1S, WINER, Centralia P 0 FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering els farm for sale. Lot 2, Con. 1, Btddulph, 1-4 mile from Centralia a Wage. containing 75 acres, slaty flee under cultivation. ten acres bush pasture. There Is a new two-storey hrlrk cottage. hard and sort water. three good wells. Barn 31 by 60 and oilier buildings. Possession given i t the fall. Terms easy. apply 10 THOS. W. NEIL. Centralia. Ont. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undereignrd 1s offer r., for sale South Half of Lot 21. Con. A, Stephen. 1% miles west of Exeter : also 30 acres it Lot 21. Con. 2. Stephen. and 25 aures In Hay Swamp. There is on the fifty a( rem a frame house, bank barn. hay barn, drive shed and other conven- iences , th(re is an excellent errt It creek running through the tnitty A res. mak- It good raeture land. Wel be sold to- ke fair rr srparately. For Nettle -untie at ply 'n MRS. 301114 COOKSON, Ettttr North, Hay P. O. WATERWORKS Apparently Waterworks about which there was so much said and done early after the last municipal election, has laconic a dead issue In Exeter. Whether it is because the estimated cost as made by the ehgl;,ecI frightea,ed the council and (111xets into fall security "gall.. et flit, of whe(hcr the fact that we have hot had a fire for years has made us b:lieve the town le immune, it is diff- icult to say ; but surely the council will not let the awn111lr pass without tak- ing at least one more step toward the de stied e•od of set wring an efficient fire protection. There ie probably not a r(nglc person 10 town that believes we have sufficient flit protection. \Ve oro all agrtel that something should be done then the council should go ahead and do something more than Just get the es- timated cost. If the council would put a by-law to buy the std mill site, re- build the dam and put In a waterwheel and pumping station, build a stand -pipe J Main and .:t -- and lay mains along P y g !taps one or two other leading streets. It Is almost certain the ratepayers would support ruin a movement. A UCTIONEERS. The following ate the Incensed Auta- :o.xers for the County of Iluron.-Geo. Beckett, Thomas Gundry, James Stanley F. S. Scott, Thos. Cameron, Jae. Jones C. Ie. Vandrlok, R. II. Gamins. W. IL Newton, G.W. Walker. henry Ifo aeen- n-rry, John 0111, B. S. Phillips, R. Mc- Caarles, W. A. Currie, W. Anderson, James Henderson, Jas. A. Smith, C. 1-1. Wilson, Joe. White, T..os, Brown, irk. McConnell, Alex. Kelly. Henry Torrance John Purvis, Ed. Bu'saenberry, B. S; :took. ESTRAY STEER. There strayed from the premises of the undersigned, Lake Road, Stephen. on or abou. May 17th, a two-year-old red steer with a few white spots and droop- ing horns. Any person returning same or giving informations that will lead to its recovery will be suitably rewarded. SAMUEL STANLAKE, IIAY I'. 0. TENDERS Tenders, are hereby asked for the eretaktng of tee Csvele Presbyterian Criurcn. also the Manse property ad- joining. Full particulars can be had from the sett -teary of the board, JOS. SENIOR. HOUSE FOR SALE Owing to Mr. Al]elI'$ leaving tqr the West, his house and land on Hurbn-st, is o!feted for salt. Apply to JAMES If. DENNIS, Exeter. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. Brick house on the corner of Main and . 1c Coria streets. Wet. HLATCHFOI(D. FOR SALE For sale, Matt or Woma:I.-My South African Veteran Bounty Land Certific- ate issued by the Department of the In- terior, Ottawa ; good for 320 acres of any Dominton Land open for entry In Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba, 1\ny person over the age of 18 years. man or w•oanan, can acquire this land with this certificate. For immediate sale 11790.00. Phone, write or wire, L. E. TELFORD, 131 Shuter Street, Toronto. Phone Main 3086. HOeSC TO RENT Brfek house, 1 arid 1-2 storey, on %'I liam Street, Etettr. Good number of rooms. House In good repair. Good hard and soft water. Number of fruit trees. Apply to S. M. SANDERS. Exeter PASTI'ItE FOR CATTLE ANi) GORSES The undersigned call take a limited number of cattle and horses for pasture by the month. For particulars apply to R. D Quinton. Satntsbury 1'. 0., Lot A. nth Con. Colborne SALE OP LANDS IN DILLIES LIMIT ender the authority of an Order-i!:- Councll date] ;:end April. 1909. tete northerly portion of that tract of land generally known r.s the Oilllcs Limit. situated In the District of Nipissing. and Pr Ince of Ontario. containing about alio acres, is offered for sale by :ender in p.ereels cuntalliteg 20 acres or thereabouts. such tend. re to be address ed to the undcrstgncd at the Depart- ment of Lands. Forests and Mines. Tor- onto. marked on the envelope "Tender 011Iie. Limit". and to be receivable at the said Department up to one o'clock p. m., on Tuesday, 15th day of June, 1909. Tenders arc to be for each parcel sep- arately. and to name a lump sunt or bonus therefor. An accepted cheque for ten per cent. of this amount to accom- pany the tender and the r.mnaleder to be paid III full with:it twenty days of acceptance of the same, A royalty of tea per cent. toe the gross pto:eeds Was freight and smelter char- ges) Of all Ores, min rats or concentrates taken from the land will be payable to the Crown. and purchasers will be re- quired to enter Into a satisfactory agrete mint with regard to the same. Working conditions will be attached to the sale, and ccrtaLt lands and rights win be reserved fu 1 ptrticulars of which together with a map or plan st.owing the said tract and the subdivisions thereof. may be obtained on appllcatton to thr' Department. The 1Igt,tst or any tender not nt(ts- •arlly accepted. F'. COCHRANE, etin'ster of Lands. Forests and MP re. Toronto April 23rd. 1909. D. D. 0. M'S. OFFICIAL VISIT The D. D. G. M. Int. %Vu:. tiro. R. E Coope" of ltritat.nfa Lodge. Seaforth, of - fie lally visited Lcba,.oa Forest Ludg. No. 133, A. F. & A. M.. last Monday evening. There was rt large attendance of t1h,• members prebe:hi, 'Including sev- eral visitors The dtatioguiahed repres- entative of Utah(' Lodge was introduced by Int Wo.• Btu L. if, Dickson and \Vor. Bro. C. H. Sa:,d 1., who being received in the ueuat manner thanked the lodge fo, Ids reception a:111 then directed the N'. Master to exemplify the work of the Third Degree. Tile work being tht•W. M., tiro D. W. Collitn& and his of- ficers were highly complimented by the visitors for the excellence of the wok e •rfo-mei. The business of the evening b ing over and the lodge closed the tnthtei sat down to a well-prepared luncheon, supplied by Messrs. %Vinton Bros., after which the Wee. Master cal- led the mecums to order and a feast of reason followed. The first toast. ' The King", was hearth hemmed by sin6in g Y g ' God Save T ,‘? King' and then followed The Grand Lodge of Canada" couple} with the names of Int. \V. Bro. Cooper and V. W. Hro Neaman. The D. D. G. M. made a short but interesting address. it. praise] the Wor. Master and of(1 crs !u.- their efficiency, and then spoke at some length on the general principles and t a. h nga o: masonry. HID address was an eloquent tribute to the brother- hood of man. Rt. Wor. Hro Dickson re- sponded to the toast of South Iluron District" In a very able manner, claim- ing that masonry in this district had no supertor h1 Ontario; It is the banner dist -1" of th';n al'. The toast of Bus:- neet and Professions" was responded to by V. Wor, tiro Stewart, Gros. Hurdon and Bluett, -'! ening justice to the toast and anti'. .o thrtnarlvcs, while Bro. Hut' - don also S ► ig a solo that was much opine( Wet The a lalling Brethren" 'vas well and ably responded to by \Vor. 131o. Mail o:h of Lteatford, Wor. Bro. le. 01ae1i of London and Bro. John Nieto- tyre. Woe. Brom. Taman, Sanders and Davis acquitted themselves in neat and b -coming toasts to ' The Ladles", while Wo•. 13ro. Collins, Bros. Sweet and W. D. Sand:Ts, did ample justi 7e to the toast of • Lebanon Forest Lodge", proposed by the D. D. G. M. Dr. Malloy, being the ' bvby" maeo:t, was asked to respond to the • Junior Members', which he did very lc oming]y. The Junior Warden's toast, followed by ' Auld Lang Syne" enteludcd the entertainment, just as the wee snta' hours were noted on the cork. HALF' PRICE SALE at the Exeter Ratgaln Store. In order to clear out the balanee of the stock this wefts CRACKING 1110 I)AIWAINS will be of- . (111d. NO REASONABLE OFFER W ILL 1IE REFUSED Alt must go. All Is for sale very cheap. Two pairs Counter Scales, one Iron Safe, o:.e Cash negligee and two Paper Cutters. The Stott is lot sale o' to re -:ht very' cheap. Euler, June :n -d, 191,9. J. W. 131tODEI(ICK. MARINE NOTICE 113 it k,.o•xn that the seep "Good Lu• k" bolo:guilt to the lsaak Walton Fishing Club, will sail from the Port of Exeter for the timber of Grand fiend on Thu;*. day. June 10, 1909, at the hour of 8 o'clock a. m. sharp. Tee Officers and Crew will kindly asschtble a id have the cargo stip-shape by that time. Singais for the Day.-Suhshine, Suc- cess ue-case and Bring -your -own -Bait. Boat- swain Sweet will gather the crew and Purser R. Creech will look after the cargo. While the anchor 1e being weigh- ed the crew will slug the songs of the club ltd by Mariner J. J, White. Any- one wishing to .all ort the ship will kindly write Quarter -Master A. 0. Dyer. Only oa:' o: two vacant:ca lett. By order of Captain N. Dyer Murton. TIIE ill\'F:it St 'E it would stent that every day, the town is letting a chance slip that ono day we shall be sorry for. According to the option of all the experts we have ever had this town must look to the river for Its water supply. Even provided we do not need the water now (which la not a recognized fact by any n.eans) now day we must need It. and now is the best time to buy a site along the elver. There is no spot so suitable as the old dam site, and we are Informed by the owner, Mr. James N. 1lowarti, that he will dispose of It at a very rca- so:ablo price, and It Is up to the town to grasp the opportunity, and secure 0 site that will be a valuable asset '•a the town in atter years. MOLSONS iBANK AT KIRKTON The Motions hank 1s opening a new heeeeh at Klrktoe, Ontario. which wl'1 ready for business at once. sere c► 1 spat^'t from Toronto. This seems to , one of the results of the coming of new railway line. Local Items Mr. a:td Mrs. It. hunter are visiting In Loindoe. Mrs. %'..11. Lovett Is tele week vielt- Ing her deter, M, s. Geo. Knight at 11- dcrton, • Mr. Reginald Case was In London this week trying his exam. as operator on the (1. T. it. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cozon of Granton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil/lam Taylor on Sunday. Norman Itodgert was in London this w ek with a vlrw to securing a position as hardware clerk. Mr. Thome Oke, who Is at present re -- meting L•i Lo,don. came up Tuesday ev- eing for a short visit. Niles L. Hunter left %'edea sday for [.o .doh. where she intends residing with ne.r uncle. Mr. Bowerman. Miss Mary E. Culbert has returned to her home !,ear Loran. after spending a week with E. 1'. Taylor. Mr. n. N. Rowe 1s attending the Con- ventloe of Chosen Friernds at Toronto this week, as is also Mr. Benson Will- iams o' Csbornr. Mrs. Richard Coates Inas been sum- moned to the bedside of her father. Mr. Janis \t estcott at Loughs. Man.. who is dangctously 111. The first meeting In the interest of Loral Option was 'held In the Janes •tree' church lain week and now the campaign niay toe maid to be on. CALVES FOR SALE. -Geo. Chapman of Atwood will be at ttie Central Hot - (1. Exeter, with a load of calves for sale op Friday. Junc 4th. Joseph Flnklcbtein and family moved (11. week to London where he will I n future reside, Mime E. Kingdon of Birmingham. Eng., arrived etre this week on an extended visit ae a guest of her cousin, Mr. Al- h'rt Ford, Huront et ccs. Mr, %'nt. %'catcott of Usborne left Tuesday for Douglas, Man., to visit his b o.h -r James, who is lying dangerously 111 of a complication of diseases. Rapt. Rance, late of No. 6, Company of Voluittcrs has been transferred to the Cltittott company, and the command of the Exeter company has been taken over by Capt. W. J. lleatnan. Those who have had the pleasure of driving In the country lately say that It Is remarkable how fast the crops are growing. At the present rate they bid talc -to rival those of the finest of ep:ing seasons. T.• , last report from the bedside of '.1'. One. Mantle, who underwent a tilt - teal operation In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, last week, Is that he Is thought to 0 • slowly improving. Drs. Moore and Hadley Williams perforated the oper- ttt.oa. Thr Volunteers leave next Tuesday for camp at London. A particularly large number of men have volunteered for duty. and, as the bete of tete company has been reduced somewhat this year, it ie doubtful whether all the applicants will be able to go. The following, which has been dis- covered by a farmer, is said to rot stumps out In a 'month. . Bore a two foot hole in the bottom of the stump with an auger, pour In a pint of nitric acid and sulphuric acid equal parts. Put a plug steeped he paraffin Into the hole. and 111 thntty days the stump will b; completely rotted." The Government has made an estimate of the population of Canada this year and puts the figure at 7,085,219. Thier la 1,671,849 more than was shown by tete census of 1901, or almost three times this growth of the ten years between 1891 and 1901. Let us hope that the census whic:a Is to be taken two year's h ere wilt bear oult this t Ighly favorat 1 estimate. A pleasant Box Social was held In the Janice etrtct church Tuesday evening un- dt r the au'tpicesof the League. Some of those who took part In the program) were. -Mica Brown and Mhos Floaskr wtet, a duet ; Niles Velma EaaterbrooW a reading : Miss Treble and Miss Taylor1 a vo:al duttt ; Tont Carling, A. l'enprase R. Wilcox and W. Stone, a quartette; Miss Venetia Frayne, a reading; Misses Lulu Martin, Ida Ituwe, Gladys Bissett, Lillian Rowe and Floosie Hunter, a chorus. MA RRIAGES King-Ccockcr-In St. Marys, on June 1. Walter King of Ottawa, to Mles Della Cro.ker of Ottawa, formerly of Exeter. ineewc l:-1 larvcy - lit Heater, 011 June 2 Mr. Ernest Buswell to Mise Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Har- vey, all of Exeter. Spackman - Knight - in Exeter. oa Julie 2, Mr. Prank k Cl;fford Spackman;an , .S c n an Mr.Hu to ski son of and Mee. e e p , to ells. Annie Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knight, London (toad South, Nobly -Mil -At Clinton, on May 26th, Margaret, youngest daughter of etre. Thos. 11111, to John Noble of the Huron (toad, liullett, Taylor -Reid -At Egmondvllie, on May 28, by Rev. N. Shaw, Mr. Samuel J. Tay'o• of Hay township to Mise Ethel M. 14.111 of Stanley township. %.since. -Leitch -At London, on May 20; ".1' !a -t A11:11!-: L. Leitch, Ailsa Craig, t0 .tr. 0. E. 'Levitz of Poplar Hill. DEATIIS Shank -le 1'.,: k:,i;1. on May 21, Henry Shank, ag: e1 :, years and :t months. Dishma❑-in McGillivray, on May 23, John Dlahnlan. aged 57 3eara. Hennewc:m-In Fullerton, on May 22nd Frederick 13enneweis, aged 79 year}. Flizgerald-In Mitchell, on May 24, Su- sanna Bible, beloved wife of Edward Fitzgerald. aged 78 years. Davidson -At Varnia, oa, May 21, Alex- ander D,avidmoe. In hes 90th year. FIRST DRAFT OF STATIONS According to the first draft of sta- tion. made by the Stationing Commit- tee of the London Conference, the fol- lowing are the changes to be made in Wioghatn. Oodet•ich and Exeter dis- tricts: Wingham, W. Z. Rutledge; Wroxeter, C. W. McKenzie; Ripley, B. Snell; Belgrave, W. M. Pomeroy; Ontario Street, Clinton, F. W. Cozens; Dungannon, L. Bartlett; Vart'a, W. H. Taylor; James St., Exeter. Rich.ird Hobbs; Elimville, 0. W. River. and A. T. F. B.; Hensell, Geo. Jackson; Woodham, W. R. Vance; Kirktou, T. T. George. NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, arc liable to be Second - Hand 'Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other• second-hand way. 1 am the only authorizeu Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. �WE11.01111."- lane% rosy trod,. We carer the tartest sad Groat complete •reek 1• Ms sectio•. en.,rlal•/ Hardware. Woodenware, Cutlery. Uardea Seeds. Iron. Steel. Carpenters' Tools. Paints. Varalabe• sad Brushes II y. weed • (Isiah ler FURNITURE. FLOORS. OR ANY INTERIOR WORM We sell •.d recos,ss's'. CAMPBELL'S VARNISII STAIN 20 pearls es the .tribal. 11 •Iw•r• /Ives eatief•cllo. 11 drie. gunk mid herd M•k•• • dyeable (fresh 10 COLORS ('AID IEEE 15. 25. 45e, ea e HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORB