HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-27, Page 8Let Us Measure your flsur for a Suit. and the figure we will ask will please you as well as the pe rfe t tit we will guarantee you. We are IF rupulously careful to fit all our patrons to perfection, ae every gar- ment that leaves our establishment be- comes an advettisane et for us. We will give you your choice of the finest and newest f..tei. s. We do the rest. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Ezeter, Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them 1f you want to le a ,yell -dressed young man, wear a "King Ilett." Stewart sells them. If you want Nairn's best Linoleunns, Stewart's is the spot. They import them direct by the ton. COOPERAGE \PORK. -I desire to in- form the people of Exeter and vtcinity that I do fall kinds of cooperage repalr- ing. All repairs gathered and returned Prices moderate. ED. HEIDEMAN, San dere street. Stewart has just reeeired another ship- ment of 300 pairs of 25c Stockings in black and tan. Come and get two pairs for 25c. CALVES FOR SALE. -Geo. Chapman of Atwood will be at the Central Hot- el. Exeter, with a load of calves for sale on Friday. June 4th APPRENTICE WANTED AT CNCE.- To learn tailoring. W. \V. TAMMAN. Go to Stewart's and see the new silk - finished mercerized Gingltanls—look just like silk -regular 25c, clearing at lbc the yard. Steele llrigys' Mange' and Turnip Seeds are the best an earth. Steuart sells none other. lilggcet values ever offered In wall paper at R. N. Rowes. Eggs 17e. cash, 18c. trade. -. . If you went a nice Bug for your Par- lor or Dining -flown, go to Stewart's and hare a look through their !stock, Their rugs hare a great reputation, Repair Shop • Gun repairing Umbrella repairing Lawn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissorsse Horse Clippers Saws gummed and tiled Wringer Rollers. I11711/1811111611^ele1'1itielerelliVisi• at your Linoleum, ret R. N. Rowe's. i 1 = Miss Lois 'Wiley visited here from CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY IL* .�_:i.�._.+ �.lt,..As; All kin is of keys tiled and It►�ks repaired. Nev Bicycles and Sundries Guns and Ammunition stock. in J. TRIEBNER Three d ,ors North of Post Office 4++44++444114 Off With the Old - A N t) --- On With the New it will not be long till your thoughts are turned to a new Outfit for Spring. This sea- son will be more than ever in ace with new styles and fabrics. New Suits for Spring Nev Topcoats for Spring New Raincoats for Spring New Suitings for Spring The new spring lines are corning in daily now. We are confident of being able to please you in the levied particular. W. JOHNS Msrcltsst Tailor- Eaeter rOft44+4+444+♦4+4++444+3 LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Mia. Auld vis ted n Esse on May 24 EXETER MARKETS. M.sves Merttl of Cniselhurst nee- d to Settee North last ,week. The county com,ell will meet at etee. on Tuesday June 1st. Don't miss stung R. N. Itowe's Lace Cu -tains, they are just lovely. Mr. Huh. lilatchford has moved to tt.e ase? vacated by it. Re eerdson oa At,- ircw street. Comaer:eleg eeete,day Revs. Crossley and Hpuler are holding special services In Alicia Craig. The Loran Sun made last week again, after b arse for about a year. Sergi.-Ma)ur Hector Is leek needy to receive the names of theme who will at- tend camp at Lo;.dun this surutner. The waiting room of the Post Office was renovated +and the wails kalsonilucd last week, improving it considerably. Last Thursday and Friday were tee Teachers Days in Exeter, and a largo ,umber were present attending the t o;- venllon. The Teeth Annual Excursion of the Huron Old boys' Association of Torun - re. will b_ tun to Goderich and \Vingham Saturday, July 3rd. It -v. Collins gave a talk to the Epwor- •!i League of Main street church Tues- •,ight at their social sheeting. A good program was rendered. Mr. R. W. Henley, proprietor of the %tansloe House. has rented lifr. Leaven's Park at Grand Rend and will conduct that famous summer resort this year. We ereaslonal'y receive unsigned ronn- nnu:,t •allo.ts for publlcat'on. Kindly r.- taember we cannot publish ewe commun- ications. They must be 'signed to show good faith. Cora, the little daughter of Mr. Itobt. Sanders of the 3rd cot. of Stephen, 1s 1:1 a critical condition, suffering from a:1 attack of pneumonia. from which Its ,recovery is very doubtful. Mr. Ar. Abraham Dearing, sr.. has eentieued very 111 during the past week, but is now thought to be improving onr_•what. A specialise from Landon •ti's- here Monday la consultation •:rine .). Malloy. The following result of a test ezamtn- etion 111 the Terhtoulan high School at flu:falo of an Exeter boy, Ernest Rivers, Is ati excellent showing• -English 92, G:rrnnarh 90, Geometry 9o. Physical (k- eg r.pi,y 9S, Itotany de, efechanicalDraw 1.tg 90. Machine shop 88. Miss V. en acre or Eze.er, who has had ;erg • of the Lumley school for some ten-. Is leaving at midsummer. entre Mel re is a good teacher and under her pupils have made satisfactory pro - cress. It is therefore, a matter of re - get teat set is leaving. Little Mise Florence Triebner, who u:,derwent an operation at Victoria Hos- pital, London. recently, has sufficiently recovered as to be able to return to her home In Stephen. Her case was a crit- ical one and for several days ver condi- tion hovered between life and death. The Telep!ione Gawtte is tho name of a new paper issued by the Dell Tele- phone Co. of Montreal, which is cal- culated to perform an Important func- tion in the development of its organ- ization and in the administration and extension of the company's setvlce. It is a bright little sheet of eight pages of well written articles. Mr. Luther Penhale met with an un- pleasant and painful accident on Satur- day evening. Ile was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mack and was in the act of taking a snap snot of the Misses Mack with a flash -light kodak when the flash burst forth before he expect- ed it and coming In contact with hes right hand burned it quite severely. so Diu --h 40 that the alsafe'ance of a physlc- G od- Its appearance leg out of buei- Detroit. Wheat Miss Ella Heywood spent the holiday Barley At London. Oats Art Wood was Ltiv from Toronto tor, Peas the holiday. Miss \Vilvetna 4uance spent 24th at :11Isa Craig. Mrs. Egan has retuned front a visit in London. F'rarrk Sperling was the guest of Percy Browning this week. Niles Etht4 Swett of St. Marys was home for the holiday. Mr. Plane), and M:. R. Taylor and fatn- Ily visited In Toronto. Mrs. W. .1. Verity of Dratitford here for the holiday. Mr. aid Mrs. C. Llndenfelt and sprat 24t1 in Goderich. Mrs. Harry Utliing is quite 311 at pres- ent et her home here. Mr. Amy of Luc -know fives here over Sunda_:. Miss \Sabel Taylor visited her sister, Miss Flossie at London. Mrs. S. Sanders. Mah'1-at., visited In London over the !.ollday. Mrs. W. T. England visited her par- ents here over Sunday. Mr. George Armstrong of Pails visited his brother Irwin this week. Miss May Armstrong of Lucknow spent 24th et her home here. Mr. Ell Elliott of Wingham spt'ht a t, w days with Mr. A. Walter. Mrs. Dr. McDowell returned to her home in Ltmtowel on Saturday. Mr. Hairy Ruston of Clinton was here over Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Hoskins of I ran' - ford spent the holiday in town. Frank Dennis and Ed. Vosper of Tor- onto were here for the holiday Miss Pearl Godwin of Parkhill was the guest of ,Mss bene Handford. Mr. Dyer Hurdon of Buffalo petit the holiday with his parents here. Geo. Lovell of London is visiting at the home o1 Mr. Thos. Flynn. Mrs. McCallum of London visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jae Sweet Miss Winnie Carling of Brantford vis- ited her parents here this week. Mrs. Shitty nobler and children have returned from u visit in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs Mara of Lucas were guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cole. Ceas. Sanders and Frank Cornish of Exr_tei Barth spent Sunday In London. Mise tiara of Lucran was the guest pf lase sister, Mrs. W. S. Cole, this week. Mr. N. W. Camel of Brantford spent Sunday and Monday with relatives ):ere. Miss Brown of Clandeboye was a vis- itor Itet•e wits friends for a few days Miss Mathews, and Mr. and Miss Drew of Toronto visited Mrs. S. Fitton over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. \1'm. Elliott of Detroit and airs. Lizzie Hill and daughter of F'1 nt ho'ldaycd !fere. Mrs. li. E. Huston spent a Saw Hay's In Ha,ttliton during the week, the guest of Mrs. J. T. O'Brien. Mr. Ge o. Mantle has gone to Victoria ilospital, London. for treatment., \Ve hope to hear soon of his speedy recov- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elilot of Norwich and Mr. and Mrs. W. D Mate of Toronto were guests at the home of Mr. I. It. and the Misses Carling during the week. W. M. Martin M. A., and Mrs. Martin returned to their home 10 Regina Mon- day. They were accompanied by Mrs. Martinis brother, Gordon Thompson. - Mltchell Advocate. Mr. Thomas ll. Oke of Bryanston was among the visitors here Monday. Mr. Oke has sold his farm at Bryanston Is sante probability of this was ctlltd visited WA - and there moving back to this neighborhood. Miss Edna McCallum, Mise Cameron and Mr. Kingsbury of Toronto, Mre. Gro. Willis and Miss Elsie McCallum ian had to bo sought. of Londot are spending a few days at Wls1 t. g her many wow.- returns we Mr. McCallum's cottage. Grand Mend. coegiatulate Mrs. Thos. Rowe Lei reaea- Ntr. Alfred Allen and his daughter Mrs Ing her 80th birthday on Saturday. The George Marton left Thursday for Lon - event was celebrated by a gathering of don to sp:nd a few days. prior to their her daughters and daughters -In-law at going to Mate:eau. Math., from where Mrs , t.., home of Mr. John teener. when a 1. .esant time was spe.tt.-A regrettable :dent occurred the following day at • . Pedlar's when Mrs. Thos. Kestle of •1.d:rton fell down the cellar atalrs,when she bruised iher forehead and sprained on: wrist. She is rccove:ing 111.(31. how. ever. TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF EXE- TER SALT WORKS CO. -Gentlemen, - The annual meeting of the shareholders of the company will be held on Friday, Jun' 1lth, at 2.30 in the Town Hall. - Ry order of the Board, T. 11. Carling, Secretary. SMITH -JACKSON -A c,ulct, tu' p.et y wedding was solemnt2ed In Detroit when Mr. \Villiatn John Smith, formerly of Etc -ter. was married to MIss Catharine i'aullr,e Jackson of that city. Atter w -host tr:p they will reside In Detroit. • -!r many friends erre join In wish - .g them a prosperous and happy mar- t Led har-tied life. ANOTI1Ell CRACKING CHEAP t;ALE AT THE EXETER DAItGAiN STO11E- •. ,.,thcr stock of Groceries. together •h the Boot and 8,1oe Sto_k. and the 1 ..lance of the Dry -Goods Stock. Must be cleared out. RATTLING 1110 VAR - GAINS al this week : also three pairs of Fealty. Cash itegister and one iron Safe very cheap. J. W. I4RODERICK. INTERESTING. -An interesting bit of fire Insurance history has just come to light in the official records of the dove District Company of Galt. A. H. Lofft & Co., dealers in Dry Goods. 51. Marys, had a loss by fire. for welch the adjust- ers allowed 40.270. At their nest stocktaking they found that they had not Lost more than $1,750. 'laving confirm- ed onfirmcd this by a second stock -taking they Immediately returned the fire Insurance tonnpar,les 42.:.01) overpaid by them,ttnc share of the Gore beh.g 4.189.43. Such honesty where fire Insurance cofttpanite are concerned Is not met with every day. HiCKS' FORECASTS OR JNi'E.-A reactionary storm period is central on the 3rd. 4t0 and 5th. High temperature low barometer and thunder storms will be the order At this time. Storm condi- tieee will develop and move In regular order from west to east, but local thun- der showers in June are more aporadir. btLhg liable to break out simulta^rously in widely scattered localities. Begin- ning at this period. we enter a marked sclstniI cycle that will last up to the 20th of June. The Full Moon on the and being at an eclipse node. and causing an etlipse of the Moon. will not leave that r.c.de until after the 1t7h. bang at New Moon a:td cawing an eclipse of the su-h r 1 that date. From Jute 1st to tee 6th. teal on the Red, will be the first de - e .d seismic per;od. the probable e!- •• t( fig hetvl,st sou'h of equttor. Marton caste a few weeks ago in order to take her father to the west :o reside. Mr. John Charlton, agent for Western Ontario for Allison & Fair's Alberta Lands, arrived home Saturday from a trip to the West with a numbee of buy- ers. Ile reports that seeding was prac- tically finished throughout the whole of the great West and the prospects are for a bumper trop. HOLIDAY VISITOIRS FROM LONDON --Mr. and Mrs. James Mellott and daugh ter. Miss Lovte : Fred I'enhale, George Jewell and son Fred. Thomas Dlaman, Mese Elliot and John McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. .Adolphus Evelio. Mr. Brick - wood, Alfred Ilowcy, Mrs. Lutton and child, Austin Hewett. \Salter Drink - water. Wilbur Vale, Mrs. Vining, Miss Mabel Walter, Miss Lnddicott, Mr. kind Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Kent, Alpe Jean Wal- ker. Miss Miinle Sanders. Miss .Anna Marten. Miss Pugsley. Waley Veal. and Mrs. Norman McK.e. Na-Dru-Co Violet Talcum Powder keeps the shiny lookfrom the skin, leaves it as soft as a baby's and gives it the delightful odor ofspring violets. W.S. Cole, Phm. Chemist it itrtggi•t EXETER, ONTARIO. Potatoes. per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Eggs Livehoga, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 1311 54 55 50 50 14) Silt 75 SU 7 50 8 59 3 '25 150 165 10 18 7 55 25 00 25 00 Mns. Jordan of Goderich vlalted her pet -tuts here 0 the 24th. Mr. Fred Sanders of Toronto n-tureed to hie home hire on Tuesday flight. Mr. Fred EM!lot is ho:m from New On- tario for a few days. M . \Ven, of n re has re elves wo:d that his soh, Clarence, wt:u has been but one and a half years studying telegraphy, and has bleu relieving fro:n Windsor to Buffalo, is regarded by t:, officials as on, of the moat reliable and trustworthy c,' the employes on the line. Here'sOood News The market prices for old junk are alive and so is the old reliable tittu-M. JACKSON & SON -ane door south of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices Ino trade and no truck) all CASH: Hags 75c per hundred Iron from (0c to 75c 01(1 Rubber Boots 1 .7c per lb • & Shoes Copper & T'.i'ass Horse Hail' Lead and Zinc .9c 30c 2�c Now, boy's, the 24th is costing i bring your genes here and get the worth c.f your stoney. IRON PIPE A great variety of iron pipe always on hand at a restart - able price, suitable for FENCE POaTS, I MAC1\O & ROULEVARUING M. Jackson & Sons MAIN S'1'., E\ETEI!. Ol'l'OiITE ELEcTitic I'o1vi:u slot i -i; ��0�� �� il/tftt0(UNii Patronize gg Hair Dressing 1 AT Hastings Old Stand Parlors First-class equipment tbrougi.,.ut and careful, conscientious work. We guarantee .atiefa-tion to all --uttowt re \oar patronage rung tinny solo Rol. • A. Penprase — W. D. Burke ,p 11tl111I Watch The Purity Win- dow Saturday ! °a THE PURITY 81�. I)('N'T FALL iNTO the error that all flour is alike. The ptonf of it lie- in .t trial of OI -If STA It FAMiLY FLOUR The better baking and more of it you can do with a sack or barrel of Star flour will be a revelation to you. We won't have to ask can to try it the second time. 1, +'ll do that of your own aeeord. 1w),tls, hush. of wheat. wanted. Patronize home industries. HARVEY BROS. SULK. MAyt-FA(TCltE11S EXETER - ONTARIO Enter Any Time 'CLiNTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Jnaa Ften tested in the envible rt ettsrien-e. with the 6•e of p•tt.le opinion• and ha• no; !ten found wanting. The ri^ress of our grad.ratee rias not been e 1. -elle.. Not the larve.t tut the righted grade modern Rosiness School is Wes tern Ontario i In1i'!dual laat►s'tion• No raration. Nail Courses. Ester any day. Write for particular. GEO. SPOrrON, PRINCIPAL SEEDS SEEDS We have a full stock of J. J. Bruce's Flowers, Vegetables, Lawn Grass, and Field Roots Seeds One trial will remove any misapprehension of the quality of these seeds. T. HAWKINS & SON House Gleaning Time for Furniture Always something required for the home at this season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor, Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits: Combination Side Boards. China Cabinets. Extending Tables. Dining Chairs in all grades, Felt Mattresses i:1 three grades. the best on the market for comfort : Wire Springs. pnaranteed not to sag, none better : Iron and Brass Beds. for quality- and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock before yon pur- chase. No trouble to show goods—but delighted. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 The June Bride will find us headquarters for her many wants je tiHNHIIIHNIKI • Everything in the INew White or Cream Dress Fabrics will be found here for her New Gown All the New Shades -- in - Plain & Fancy Suitings for the Travelling Dress t►v.. In fact, Everything that she may need will he found here in a good assort- ment ccccccccss1141:4441111sscccsssssesssssssssss Creatn and White Silks " Satins " Duchess " Albatross " Eot•leinne ('retie de ('here " Lut.tres sac o New Silk Gloves 6 " Kid Gloves 8 " \Vhite Near White Waists " Belts and ('share v " Silk Petticoats 'd " Fancy Pal a$ols H Hew Waist Nets, Friilings. Fancy Combs, Embroideries and Laces Fancy Sunshades for the Summer Girl 0 tx1 eel oc, Just arrived for the wat,ii weather. a swell b,t ,,f F. and (flack Parasols. They fur vety tit,. and .• su• in iter-dern iITe• t -. striped and embroidered, in all colors. Popular Tub Goods This is the time of the year you need your New Brash Goods. Wp have some very nice ones to show you in Plain end SO ipcd Linens, Gingheme and Chambrays. STRIPED LINENS One of the smartest things for a fancy suit. Brown, Blue. Green and Gray ere all very popular. 1 Se yd. FANCY GINGHAMS 01 Checks or Stripes. Very nice for Suits or Dresses. All the new shades to pick from. 12ic yd. PLAIN LINENS Always good for a Nifty Wash Slit. colors of White, Linen, Champagne, Blue or Tan. They are right at l5c to 25c yd. PLAIN CHAMBRAYS Are very serviceable goods and stake up real nice dresses. A good assortment of Blues, Greens, Grays, Pinks it Fawns. All at 12ic yd. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing