HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-27, Page 5r
Fullness and Bloating After Eating?
Little Digesters
Cure or your money back.
At all Druggists or direct from
The Ideal Beverage
Parr ALR,
palatab:e, full of
the virtues ..t malt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, it the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one need look no further.
this sena ' •st
the bast -
t ' t moat
t i wholesottle ie'
PSL top it is poses
So perfect and genuinely
clout is "Crownd "
thst you'll enjoy its >38r t
test tmes more than tea 1s y
other make.
1 /.;pity you no tote is �t-
b1ry • t and yet it s nit,
lWr, more who a iA
e *I'yy y. It is the greetset
f fotwing children, and
be given in any quantity
"Chown >!�Q io lbP" is put
in s, s, o so 1b. air -tight
m u
,rim lid.
De fay "Crown Stand"
a eltd qr 8gnat�ru dem as
uteed parity
�d *beleloni. M.
Tbe Mdrrardsberg Starch Co.
High -Grade (Exeter gtbvorate
gi °° tf paid adrsnce,
at.e0 • year if not so paid.
Ts l itltse 9t•tee SaMcriAerset.g0
�•r Y.ar Strictly is Advstscs.
SANDERS s CREECH, Publishers.
are always a pleasure
to their owners
%Ve have sold end are 'ening a great
many high-class pianos -and xtways
at reasonable prices.
Our Numerous sati-ified
Customer ie the strongest
guarantee .,f the troth of the
above asset t ion.
Oar pianos t,1 stay are the heat that
the piano -makers prodnee ,and our
prices and terms are wh-et you will
Do not be to grtiek to believe per-
sons wh•, tell y.''t d tT-r.nr (semi the
Above for the purpose of ...Moir you
cheap and, in •urn • c toes, trashy goods
at Nig pricer.
('all and •• o 'as and he convinced
that what we •.ev we live lip to.
Exeter's i.e.-tiling Musical Kmporium,
Th,‘ arr noted for the quality of that goods.
Leading Entire Horses
For -the Improvement of Stock
THOMAS CARLYLE 13871/, pure bred
Imported Clydesdale stallion, bay color.
owned by Mcsere. C. 11. Baskerville &
James llandford of Centralia, a good
son of the noted King Thomas.
Will stand for mares this season at
Ida own stable. Centralia. all week. ex -
rept Wednesday, when he goes to Josh
Harding's. Con. 2. Usborne, tor noon.
returning home the same evening.
C. II. B,ASKER%'ILLE, Manager.
GOLDEN ('ASE is a beau'lful racist -
nut sorrel. of exeellcnt pedigree and of
vets floc build. Lias proven himself to
no a sure foal getter , and is one of .
beet trotting etalllons In the distr., t.
WILL STAND this season for a line,
Del number of mares at his own stable
Lo tI. Th,m a Reid. est erne
HALLIE 1lIlOWN. Prop. anI Man).
1.4)111) SHARP, 11,41:1. a pure-bred
imported CI>dcedale stallion. well putts
ot good p'-dtgree, and proven to be a
sure foal better.
Monday uoc.n leaves his own stable
Lot I8, Con. e, Osborne: to Commercial
(louse, Exeter.
Tiesday to Nelson Baker's. Stephen.
to ttnttal Dote!.
Wednesday to Freeman Dobbs, 1t1d•
dulp.,, to Clandeboj.'.
with :..nty•two years' eager ence to it•
crr+lrt thio'•n:lege is recognIz.d as the greatest
pra.'i •al rninin4 school in western Ontario.
Three departments --
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
Our • laws are the largest. our courses most
practical and our instructor experienced. Our
eradiates are waisted to positions and succeed
as none others. Enter now. Oet our free eats-
T.tut slay to McCornttck's Hotel, Lu-
tn. (0 John Mcl.aughlin's, Roman Line
1-rilay to Dennis ileena,l's. ltiddulph
•o Thos. Mol1.y's. Whalen.
Saturday to Si.l. Andrews'. to his home
elEORGE COWARD. I'rop..t Man's
JOHN SMOLLETT, 44459. a et.utd-
ard 1•r d 1o '. i,g Stallion, of flue pro-
p, I. golf pedigree and best of
hr • g : has an enviably record for
, ; ho -s . /.Will seine for stares at
s ,.'. n s'abl', Thames Road, except
Tu eddy. when he goes to Winchelsea
to Silas Balkwill's. Blanchard„ and
Wednesday to David Christie's, tart. and hoots.
IIALLIE BROWN, Prop. & Manager
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Trawls... Tetroses 2.00 p a es
SPOIL 1, II PAY 4, 11 JUNE 1, 11, to
JULY 11, tt RUO. 11, 24 SEPT, 7, 21
S.eoed clew askew has Cleans .raises r pri.apel
Neakw, posses'
'Cl'atupee sad return 112 00. Ednontoe awl reruns
111 50. sod to Hilar ro..e i trooa11Ca Taker
good a roam. with.. 60 dsr. fres some dna
a all evenness Ce.larrb4 berths. I.e, pupped
aid, bedtime. me be tenured
e� at d.
..os rapes soak
Ear!y application must be R1e4e
MOR 1011 MOeetettrtttle' P11111PM1.11T
cesailea nese ea M iafw.asas.
Awls r aeEprts C.. T r wwL Tla.saw.
F ArAiwa
•.!tt.:Nil. Agergt. EXETER.
Miss Evelyn Kerr of Creettott visited
Ler bro• r,er, W. W., one day last week.
-Miss Wiggins of Goderich visitel a6
Mr. ft. ltobtnson's last week.
Victor Sawyer of Leondoe spent a few
days this week with Arnold Clark. -Mr.
W. W. Kerr and wife spent the holid..y
et Crtditon.Mr. Wal. Coward disposed
of a vety fete bunch of cattle last •Rale
=Mise Welda Banes of Crediton was
the gueet of her sister. Mrs. W. W.'
Kerr. last week. -Mr. Elmer Coward of
London spent the holiday with his fath-
er, Mr. Thomas Coward. -The Winchel-
sea bops went over to Woodham and
Played a game of baseball on the 24th.
resulting in favor of the vielting team
by a score of 20 to 11.
Excellent Eutertal:unent.-The enter-
tainment give :h under the auspices of the
Baseball Club was a grand eucceae Un
every particular. Dot. The Miti'-r's
Daughter. or One Glass of Wine, was
the title of the play put on by local tal-
ent. Those taking part did excellent ex-
ecution which goes to show that often
there is remarkable force ot latent tal-
ent even amateurclretai and undeveloped
characters. To particularize would be
unfair without favorable Comment to all.
Following are the characters and those
teking them :-David Mason by W. W.
Ker; Herber: Mason by Chas. Godbolt ;
Royal Meadows by Newton Clark ; Ar-
thur Floyd by Milton Clark ; George Clif-
ton by Geo. Godbolt ; Parson Swift by
L. Robinson ; 1r111 Tony by Cecil Caton :
Brewster by Tont bell ; Ebony by David
Golding; Mrs. Mason by Mrs. Kerr ;
Dolores by Ella Caitlin; Mrs. Clifton by
Mrs. E. Heywood: Wlnnlfred Clifton by
Miss Hamilton : Hapztbah by Annetta
jleywood ; ; Bride's Maid Miss Vera
Coward and Mee Othela Heywood.
Rev, T. J. Hamilton of Bervle, a form-
er McGillivray boy, has been appoint-
ed Chaplain of the Bruce IReginient.
Canadian Dfilitta,-A pretty weeding Was
celebrated at Brentford on May 12, when
Dr. J. E. Antos. son ot Mr. J. H. Amos
Brinsley, was united in holy bonds of
wedlock with Miss Laura L. Itiddola,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rid -
dole, the ceremony being performed by
Rev. W. B. Caswell. Dr. Antos, who
has just completed his course In den-
tistry, has been a resident of Brantford
for the past few summers. The cere-
mony was performed at the residence of
the bride's parents, the bride being gtv-
ett away by her father. She was sup-
ported by her sister, Mise Pearl, lit-
tle Miss Laurabel ltlddols acting as
(lower girl. Mr. Ernest Antos. brother
of the groom, supported the groom.
The groom's gift to the bride was a gold
watch and fob, to the bride's maid an
emerald necklace, to the flower girl a
bracelet and to the groomsman .tn ame-
thyst tie pin. The young couple left
shortly afterward for their new home
at Raymond. Alta
There passed away at Clinton. on Mon-
day "agrcx. Agnes Thompson. beloved
wife of Mr. Marwood Prest, Con. 12.
McOilllviay. She had been in her usual
good health and on Saturday went to
Clinton i{ospital, where preparation was
made for her to undergo an operation
Monday for rupture. Examination .tow
ed her heart to be good, but all efforts
to revive her from the effects of the
chloroform were Ineffectual. Mrs, Yrest
was a daug'ut1•r of Mr. and Mrs. %Vat.
Thompson of Denfield, formerly of
Aliso Craig. Bceldes her grief strick-
en husband, she is survived by three
daughters and one son, Maggie, Mary
Ann and William at home aryl Mrs. J.
W, Tweddi t of McGllllvr ty. I't ad•titlon
to her paro:nts, two b:others. John of
London tp. and Will. of McGillivray, and
one sister, Miss Jane, who resides with
her brother John also survive. Funer-
al was held Thursdty to Merr's 11111
Lccas CoteiT t
Frank J. Cheney mike, oath the he is senior
partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney a Co., doing bust.
n••+• in the City of Toledo, County and State afore -
aid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
tlt'NiDRED DOLt.A1tt ter each and every cage of
Catarrh that cannot lie cured by the use of )talk's
Catarrh Cure. FRAME J. CHI:NEY
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my tires.
ewe, this 6th day of December, A.U. 1856.
(Sett) A. W.OLEASON,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts
dire. fly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
it ett•n1. Send for testimonials free. ..awe
F. J. C'HENEY SCO., Toledo, 0.
sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Mr. and Mrs. IL L. Case of Denfield
and Mr. Gamut base of Clandeboye vie -
Red their parent§ over Sunday.
:Mss Blanch Nesbit of New York 1s
hong for the summer. -Sirs. Geo. Moir
who has been seriously 1.1 Is recovering.
-Miss Margaret Bonthfon is visiting
iter brother Will and other Detroit rel.
atives.-Will Geiger it home from To-
ronto, having completed his third year
medical esa111,-Fred White has success-
fully passed his College of Pnarmacy
exams. with fe"st'class honors. -A team
of potties belonging to Thos, Murdock
and driven by Albett tt"hiteside, ran
away at Blake last week. They ran
all the way honie.-On Tuesday last
week Mr. John Patrick ot South Board-
man, Mich., arrived here on the 8.15
train with the corpse of his son, Han-
son, aged 21 years. who was drowned
while bathing near his home. Mrs. Pat-
rick has been visiting her father, Mr.
J. McTaggart, Cromarty, for some time.
Mr. Patrick lived lit BIengali 15 years
ago. -A patriotic service was held in
Carmel awe!' last Sunday. The choir
gave special music and was assisted by
Mr. Lethbrlige of Glencoe.-Cornrnuelon
service was held in Carmel church on
Sunday week when about 25 joined the
church.- Mrs. C. A. SfcDonell was taken
seriously III with a gathering in the In-
ner err. Her condition brrame so alarnt-
ins that Dr. itenderson of Leaden was
summoned and he successfully operated.
since which a great Improvetnent has
taken place. -)ire. Wm. Wilson of Tuck-
cr.mlth visited her sister. Mrs. Prang
at God(rich who Is leaving there shortly.
while Miss Cora visited friends in Ex-
Dam w _4TM Kiel You Ilse Oa Blink/.
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and
get all the news.
It's Statements Like Tint of II. Iley-
nttr:. Kingrtoe, Ott., 1urt is Mak-
Ing Ml -o -:,a World !Fatuous
For Oustinate Stomach
Mr. 1{. Heym tit. 1 c o;horne Street.
Kingston. Ont., says : "Mi -o -iia is
worth its weight In gold ar a remedy
to tiuickly cure long-standing cases of
dyepepsla. For years I had suffered
with ny stotaac.t ani coull *Ind no cure
nor even relief. I could not eat any-
thing, as It would sour and Corm gas on
my stomach that had a pressure on the
heart. heavy pains wou.d conte around
my sitter and pit of my stomach. I was
unable to sleep for this and there war
nothing to relieve my miserable cou'iI-
tion. I was weak and tan auid and
would feel as Brod iu the morning as on
going to bed and perspiration would
break out all over my body. I would be
so weak front vumltl;l; that 1 would
fall to my knees. My head would ache
.. d spellu, of dlzzincaa -+you'd leave me
u:table to ace. Doctors had termed the
trouble gastritis. bu' tailed to benefit
ate. I Bled Mi -o -ria whte:. I procured
atthe Dru; store on advice of a friend
which has cured me when all else tail-
ed. 1 ant sound and well and fel grate
tul to Mt-o-na for my present health.
It's the known reeu:ta obtained by
Mt-o-tta that places tt far anti away
above all other eemedles and confirms
'V. S. Cole In offering to refu id the
money if Mi -o -:a fails to cue stomach
trouble. 50 cents a box. Relief In
twenty-four hours.
The little sou of Andrew Hackney is
at the time of writing, very low. -The
baseball has been rather slow this sea-
son so far, the farmers being so busy
that it was ditftcult to get time to prac-
tice, but we look for better' results front
now on. -Our school has beautified the
grounds somewhat by the erection Of a
flag pole en Saturday evening, the flag
flying for the first time May 24ttt.-
Mlss Clara Stewart wort laurels as lady
driver at Exeter on the 24th. The day
was quiet in our burg; some going to
Exeter and some even going as far as
Lucas to see the baseball game there
The services in the new hall were large
ly attended on both occasions Sunday.
The collections amounted to $89. -Hor-
atio Simpson and Myrtle Simpson of the
village of Clendeboye visited at the Lorne
of Thos. Armitage on Sunday, also the
Misses Dyer and James E. Carter of
London. -Miss Doupe of Ktrkton le
visiting at the home of F, Davie for a
few days. -Thos. Penrice of Zion visit-
ed Frank Davis on Sunday. as did also
Geo. Godbolt of Sunshine at the Home
or It. llodgina.-W. J. Davis IS all milli
es over the arrival of a boy. -Mr. and
Mrs. Josiah Creery and family visited at
Mr. N. B. Davis' on Sunday -neve Chas.
,Wa:ehbunt of afilibank will preach In
St. aPtrick's church on Sunday next. -
Mlss Laura Godbolt is visiting around
here this week.
Boars the d The Kind You Nue Ators Bought
Mr. Newell, Canada Company agent,
was here Wednesday. -Std. Bossenberry-
called on friends here Tuesday. -Mrs.
Canning arrived here Sunday and will
visit Mrs. Fritz. -J. Salter of Thedford
was here Tuesday. -A number of gip-
seys were here Tuesday, having camp-
ed over night at Brewster. -H. Bossett-
berry of Thedford was in town Tuesday
-Mr. and Mrs. Nelson !layette were in
Par khlll Tuesday on business. -c.
Fritz of Zurich spent Sunday here. -Mr.
T. H. .IcCallunt and family of Exeter
spent a few days at their summer cot-
tage with friends during the week. -Mr.
and [r Beaman
n s am n of London were here
this week. -Mr. Sntitli was in Stratford
Friday on business,-)ir. Cook visited
els slater :14th, -Mies Emma Geake of
re -onto visited her sister Edith for a
few days. -Mr. E. GIN. sr., spent Fri-
day and Saturday at Thedford and Port
Franks. -Mr. R. Dlnney of the Mansion
House. Exeter. has leased the Grand
Bend Park from elr. Levett and will
move here shortly to take possession.
The Park has fallen into good handl
and the public can rest assured that the
best accommodation and attention will
tel rendered.
What might have been a serious ac-
cident happened to Mr, Ernest Moltard.
/.While coming down out of the barn the
ladder which he was on gave way and
let hint fall about eight feet, alighting
on his back on the ladder, hurting hire
severely. -Mr. Wm. Thomas of Detroit
Is the guest of his wife's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Page. -Mrs. 1. W. Ifolt
Is Improving rapidly.
J. II. Taylor, 54 Mond St., Toronto,
iltcathed ilyontet and Cured a Long
Standing Case of Ctuonic Catarrh that
Defied All Other Remedies, Also To-
ronto and New York Specialists.
Without taking a drop of medlrine In-
to the stomach. J. II. Taylor, 54 Bond
Street, Toronto, tells how the distress-
ing troubles of catarrh were overcome
by simply lnhatlng Ilyomel air. It's the
history ot tens of thousands sunllar
cases on record. preying that 1{yomei
can be depended upon to cure catarrh,
Bronchitis, Cou;hs, Colds and craup. it
has no equtl for any distress of the
breathing organs.
Mr. Taylor says: "Some years ago
while on a hunting trip In Northern Can-
ada. i contracted a severe cold the'
settled In my head and finally affected
my throat. it rapidly developed into cat-
arrh area caused a miserable throat
weakneae. My head would beconte clog-
grJ du:l:;g the rtight and there was a
catatthal dropping from the nose Into
the throat. Many days i had been un-
.eb:c to breathe other than threat/It tv
rttou:h. and the constant hawking and
spitting was almost u /.bearable. 1 had
been treated by the best throat eptc-
laltsts here and In New York. but note -
Ing benefitted my co-,ditlon. I obtain-
ed Hyomel at W S. Cole's and moor,
Could taller, the throat dropping ceased
and my heal began to clear. I cor.'inu-
ed with Hyomel for six weeks and atter
Mit time i was went in Every detail.
There has bete no returr. of the trouble
since, slid i tee; grateful 11 speaking
well of Ilyomel. as 1t cured me when
an cue tatted."
Death, -Tae sudden death occurred near
re oft Tuesday of last week/. of Arthu-
t'i:tc'nt at the age of 71 years. Deceas-
ed had b•.e.t 1n his usual health, and that
morning arose, dressed, sat down in a
('fair and almost inure diately expired.
d'-tth being due to heart failure. He
had been a resident of llibbart Tuwt.-
shtp for over 40 years, and had bee:.
twice married, the second wife surviv-
ing hint. The funeral took place to Dub -
1e1 cemetery on Friday. the 2!s'.
The fete weather of the past week r,a,
enabled the farmers to rush along t:.'
seeding which Is about now completed
and with fine warm weather and an oc-
t'aslonal shower perhaps we will for-
get all about it being a late spring. -
Miss Pearl Spicer of London visited re:-
atives over the ltolidays.-Mr. and We.
It. Skinner were in London a couple of
days attending tltc funeral of Mrs. Skl:.-
ner's sister. Mrs. Steele.-itobt, Wilcox
of Exeter spent a couple of days under
the parental roof. -The township coun-
cil held a special meeting oft Satutrday
evening to consider the report of the
Fiat: Creek drain. The report was final
ly adopted although many thought they
were assessed ioohigh for the benefits
th •y would de rive. -Rev Beer of Lon-
don spent the holidays visiting friends
around tee village. He also occupied the
pulpit oat Sunday evening, preaching
very reautlful and impressive sereno::.
It Is :;4 years since Rev. Beer labored
on the Elinnvtlle circuit.
The holiday was spent very quietly
around the burg. A few went to Exe-
ter, some went to Woodham and quite
a number of our young men took their
beet girls out in the evening and went
to Saintsbury where they all report a
good time. -Rev. Fair spent a couple
of days at Parkhill making some ar-
rangements for the Methodist Confer-
ence, to be held in London in June.
A very sudden death occurred In this
township during the night of the 19th.
Mrs. Richard Francis walked over to the
hone ot her daughter, Mrs. Jabez WoOd-
ley. and while there died almost instant
ly. She was nearing her 76th year, and
leaves a grown-up fancily to mourn her
For Infante and Children.
The Kind Yon Have Aiways Bought
Bears the
Signature of
During Change of Life,
says Mrs. Chas. Barclay
Graniteville, Vt. - " 1 was passing
through the Change of Life anti suffered
from nervousness
andother annoying
symptoms, and I
can truly say that
1,diaE. Pink ha m's
' egetable Com-
pound has proved
worth mountains
of gold to me, as it
restored my health
and strength. 1
never forget to tell
my friends what
Lydia E. ltinkha en's
Vegetable Compound has done for me
dunng this trying period. Complete
restoration to health means so much
to me that for the sake of other :inher-
ing women I am willing to make my
trouble public so you may publish
this letter." - bi RRy. CIIAs. 13ARcLAY,
it.F.I).,Graniteville, Vt.
No outer medicine for woman's ills
has received such wide -spread and un-
qualified endorsement. No other med-
icine we know of has such a record
of cures of female ills as has Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
For more than 30 years it has been
curing female complaints such as
inflammation, ulceration, local weak-
nesses. fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, indigestion
and nervous prostration, "arid it ie
unequalled for carrying women safely
through the period of change of life.
It costs but little to try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and.
as Mrs.Barclayaays,it is "worth moun-
tains of gold " to suffering women.
Tu_kersmtth.-Last week "Jimmie"
Miller, an old ntan who haat lived In this
section tor a quarter of a centu'-y. died
of i flamntation of the lungs. For a
number of years he has lived alone itt
a log house on the 2nd conresslon of
Tu •ker,mlth. Tate funeral took place to
MCTaggart'a cemetery.
Another 'Sunshine" Feature
This is an entirely new idea, and will espe-
cially interest people who reside in natural
gas districts. The gas ring takes the place
of the lower Sunshine fire-pql, thus making
it possible to burn gas in your'furnace without
inconvenience. Such is not possible in a
furnace where the ordinary gas log is inserted;
for, should the gas give out, a coal or wood
fire could not be started until the gas pipes
were disconnected.
To provide against sweating in the summer
time, Sunshine Furnace 1. equipped with a
nickelled steel radiator and dome. All
bolts and rivets are nickelled, all rods
copper -plated. This special treatment, be-
sides meaning quicker and greater radiation
from the radiator and dome than cold chill
Iron could possibly give, acts as protection
for the bolts, rivets and rods from inroads of
gas. When cast iron tomes in contact with
our nickelled steel it is coated with our special
Anti -Rust treatment, which prevents the
slightest possibility of rust commencing
anywhere in Sunshine Furnace.
The Gas Ring
SFor Sale by T. Hawkins &. Son, Exeter
25c. a boa.
To go with us and see our fine wheat farms in Saskat-
chewan and Alberta. Train leaves on Tuesday. May 4th.
All parties will be shown over our lands at our expense.
All purchasers will have their railroad fare refunded out of
first cash payment.
In the Egale Lake District on the direct route of the
C.ti,It. from Saskatoon to Calgary.
In Sunny Southern Alberta on the direct route from
Wayburn to Leathbridge.
John Charlton, Exeter, AgentFair & CoL.son,