HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-27, Page 11 50c to JAN. '10 NOW Is THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain &a above stated; or else tyke advantage of our Low Club Rates ittet itOot TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1909. Wedding Invitations In Newest T) Inc On Best Papers The Finest 'Wm k And Right Prices The Advocate:Of6ce; Exeter SANDERS & CREECS The Old Reliable THE HOT WEATHER dlevill soon be here and we have just the goods you require. Summer Clothing, Hats and Furnishings for Men and Boys. These waren days are a gentle re- minder that Summer Toggery is a necessity. Beautiful Light Summer Wear for Ladies, Misses and the Children. Are i M Ladies Mulls usingwith spot and t4tripP, in Fren h and Swiss qualities 12ic to 25c per yard White and Colored, in cross bar and stripe, also beautiful floral designs ....20e and 25. per yard 1 Our Laces & Insertion goo �'s a, ehthe best shown. Oriental Lace, Ger man and French Val..... Beautiful patterns at tempting prices 1 Light, Bright Suit, a right pair of those "AsToItIA" Shoes, a Light Straw Hat. Gents _ - Light Underwear. Light Sox, a Low Collar, a Bow Tie -and there you are! A whole outfit won't cost you much and the comfort you will enjoy will be a great deal. Special Icducements for r;iy sad Saturday Only ALL 25c COTTONADES AT 22c Butter 16c, Eggs 18c. trade: 171c cash. These prices subject to change. CARLING BROS. iNDOCCV -0006.2-20-20- 000i)** LEARING SALE of Ladies' and Men's Coats Regular Prices from $5.00 to 811 tot) Selling Prices from $3 to $9 Men's and Ik)yg Snits all going at less than wholesale to clear out. Millinery Some nice Hats worth from $2 00 to $4 00 - all going at from 25c to $1.00 ,.....sair Also some nice FLOWERS for trimming, 10c Bunch, upwards Biggest Bargains ever offered! Come in and get a bargain while they last. All good goods. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE - ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE PHONE 22 Professional Carlo. Di. 0.8. ROtYLSTON, L. D. le, D. D. 8. DEIST'S! lrsraber of the a 0. D. 8. of Ooterto and Honor graduate of Toronto Unit mite. oyr10g: Over Dickson a (c►rltog's Law Office, la Dr. &edema's former Dental Parton. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.' �Boner graduate of Toronto Unlverlste. DENTIST, testa extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Ogee over Madman a Stantury's omre, Main t tsetse. Medical FOB SALE BRICK U(iUNE AND SIX ACRES LAND IN USIJOI(NE The North-East Corner of Lot 13. Con. cession 6, Ueborne, the property of the late Israel Harris. The house Is one and one -halt storeys high and contains six rooms, kithen and woodshed. There Is a frame barn about 20 by 40, hard and soft water, and about one acre of good fruit trees. The soli is a good clay. The lot is mostly seeded out and Is well fenced and drained. Apply to GLADMAN & STANDUItY, Solicitors for Executor. Exeter. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS HR BRIGHT. M. D., M. C. P. & 8 HONOR e Graduate of Toronto l'nit-mite. Two years }laving decided to go Into the 1)us and resident [,heel isn Iho*I Alexandra hospital, etc. Dray Huslness In E'e(er i bare placed Omce and tiesidem e, Ir A11100.Old Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER. a new and up-to-date rig on the toad DR. T. P. McI.At'GRLIN Has tewmed ensiles after spending a year (Col. lege) st British and Continental lloepttds. General pre ti •e eith special attention to Eye, (with refrac• non) Eat Noes and Throat. Office: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. D101805 Ai ('ARCING, RARRISTP.R9, AO1.1C1 ton. Notsriee, l'Onceram'ere, t'on.n toners Solicitors for Molsone Bank. err. Messy 10 Loa■ at lowest rates of Interest Offices. Main street, F.uter. 8. g. 0a111,u0, B.A., L. H. muses ONRT TO LOAN. We bass a large amount of private funds to loan • farm and sillmRs properties at low rates of lots, est. O1.ADMAN & STANR1 RT,' Barristers. 9olkitere.Main et . Fester On B. S. PHILLIPS, ExRRTRR. Llcsssel Asctl Pelts sttendat in all parts eatisfa•tlon 'mares - Ned or ao pay. Terms reasonable. All orders left et Advocate Odle* will be promptly attended to. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and Ilritish Conpantea. Main -SL. Exeter. LICF.N$F.D AUCTIONEER Wei. AN1)PfSON. t.tcrneed Auctioneer for !furor: County. Terns reasonable. Dates ran be made at tie Advocate. Exeter. or Henry Ftlber's Office. Cred- iton. HOUSE FOR SALE 4n elcellent brlek '.nue•-• mod -rt and up-to-date. 'tl'u.,:•'d t :.Lela street. Apply at this Office. for the conveyance of passengers to and from the station. and respectfully so- llrit a fair where of business of the travelling public. Calla at the office, phone 11A, cheerfully attended to Wil. ARNOLD. Prop. HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned is offeteng for sale ,e good brick house and 10 acres of land. Part of South Halt Lot 4, Con. 2. Ste- phen. The house 1s in good repair. also a good frame barn and woodshed. good soft and hard water, never failing well. good orchard, 3-4 mite from school. 1 and 1.4 miles front church. Possession give., next fall. Apply on the' premises. MRS. WINER. Cie'ntralle P 0 FARM FOR SALE The undersigned 1s offering his farm for pale. Lot 2, Con. 1, Biddulph. 1-4 mile from Centralia s !Mage. contalning 75 acres. sixty five under cultivation. ten arra bust. pasture. There 1s a new two-storey brick cottage. hard and sett water, three good wells. ilarn 81 by 00 and other buildings. Poseeselon given 1, the fall. Terms easy• apply to THOS. W. NEIL. Centralia. Ont. Local Items Miss Beatrice Wilcox visited relatives In London over the holiday. Mrs. Fred 1lewkshaw, accompanied bY her two children, Is visiting her mother in Toronto. Mrs. Cnarters of Eg,not,dvtlle is vis- iting her slater, Mrs. Geo. 'McLeod. Mies C. Ferguson of Parkhill was the guest of Moos J. Brown over the holiday Mrs. Chas. Livingston spent the holi- day with relatives at Lucan. Chis' Ihurst,-Mr. \Vt,iteman, mer. h.cn:. and postmaster at Chtselhuret, has dis- posed of his business to Mr. Acklin of Delewart. The taeµ proprietor to a shrewd, business, -like gentleman aril ought to stake a success of it. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned Is offering for sale Youth halt of Lot 21. Con. 3. Stepern. 1% entice west of Exeter ; also 30 acres if Lot 21. Con. 2. Stephen. and 25 acres In }iay Swamp. There le on the fifty acres a frame house, bank barn. hay barn. drive peed and other convert- 'cores). onvert- Irtres: there is an tzceFent er: t ., a reek rurtn;reg through the tr:trty a res. mak- It good pasture land. W1'1 be sold to- 5r•her cr Pr paratrly. For particulars arp;p •' MRS. JOHN COOKSON. Exeter North, Clay P.O. ITA1 TOWNSHIP Mr. Robe. Carlyle, lot 24, con. 3, Hay, will have a clearing auction sale of farm stock, implements and house- hold furniture on Saturday next, May 211th. Mr. Carlyle bas sold his farm. VANATTER LEAVES (.ODERICH SIGNAL. Goderich, May 25.-A change in the proprietorship of the Goderich Signal went into effect this week, whereby J. eV. Vanatter, the seuiut member of the first of Vanatter A Robertson, steps out of the business. Mr. Vanat- ter had been connected with The Sig- nal for the past 27 years, as mechani- cal superintendent, under Dan McGill- icuddy. and for the past six years in partnership with W. 11. Robertson. who hots' assumes the management of the business, which will he conducted under the nrurte of The Signal Print- ing Company, Limited. tlr. Vanatter will take a trip west before settling down in business again. HOUSE FOR SALE teeeng to Mr. Altetl'e leaving for the '.% , s. his house and land on Huron-st, is o.f:reJ for sale. Apply to JAMES H. DENNIS, Exeter. ROUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. Brick house on the corner of Main and Victoria streets. Wel. BLATCHFORD. FOR SALE For sale, Man or Woman. -My South African Veteran Bounty Land Certific- ate issued by the Department of the In- terior, Ottawa ; good for 320 acres of any Dominion Land open for entry In Alberta. Saskatchewan, or Manitoba. lent' person over the age of 18 years. man en woman, can acquire this land with this certificate. For Immediate sale 0790.00. Phone, write or wire, L. E. TELFORD, 131 Shuler Street, Toronto. Phone Main 3066. MEETING OF TIIE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Tee Council of tee totporatloe of the County of Huron will meet in the Cover , It chamber, In the Town of Goderich, on the 1st day of June nett, at 3 o'clock p. m. All ac -counts against the County, te- c,uirlig settlement, must be placed with the Clerk on or before Saturday. May 20th. W. LANE, Clerk. listed May 18. 1%) )A. HOUSE TO RENT Brick house, 1 and 1-2 storey, on \VI.l'.am Street, Exeter. Good numb. r of rooms. House In good repair. Good hard and soft water. Number of fruit trees. Apply to S. M. SANDERS, Exeter PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND HORSES The undersigned can take a limited number of cattle and horses for pasture by the month. For particulars apply to R. D Quinton. Saintehury P. O.. Lot A. :nth Con. Usborne 5.- W244; BALE OP LANDS IN GILLIF.S LIMIT EXETER CELEBRATES VICTORIA DAY Following tete old time custom of cele- bretiitg the 24th of May Exeter again di i hoin.tg o Monday last. The weath- er was ideal. teeing temps red with a:, u:iduiatiug breeze that made it pleasant to b • out. The citizens displayed con- siderable patriotism In their dccoret10 . and again the u1d town put on its gala day attire. Owing to the busy time for farmers, due to the wet season, the country was not so largely represcnt- cd as it otherwise would have been, but tuff!. it to say ortho whole the crowd was larger titan expected. The vatted program was well contested and was watched with momentary In- terest. The Dashwood Band enlivened the pro:e:d:ngs by some catchy airs and dil credit to themselves for a band that has b en so lately organized. There be- ing no outside competition for the base- ball match a 1 oily contested game was played between two chosen teams of tint town boys, captained by Geo. Pal- mer and Seedy Uawden, .1^ former's side winning by a score of 3 to 2. The p lee of a large bottle of perfume- given by W. 8. Cole, for the most popular lady on the grounds went In favor of Miss J. esle Creech. The concert in the evening was nor accorded the patronage the program mer- ited. Tee singing of Mr. Donald Mac - G: rgor was so much above tete average • singer that his visit to Exeter µ•:1f be long remembered by those who v:. r, fortunate enough to hear him. Mrs. \V.Ideuhanlmer'e readings were bright and particularly pleasing, while the playing of Miss Gladys Bissett and of F':o:. Brown was of a hlg:n order. Th.• following were the winners i1 tete seve'al horse :11.1 athletic events. -Horse tenoning; I-_ . 1-2 mile heats. Samuel Elliott, led A: demon ; Carling Bros' Far mars' Nove1.y. H. Hanlon, G. Moir; WI J. }Ieameh's Lad1-y' Novelty, Dias Stew- art. Miss I. Simpson; Marathon Race, 2 1-2 miles, 0. Cant. C. Prouty, C. Hey- wood, time, 15 1-2 Writ. , Martini and Tel ebner's Bicycle Race, II. WIllert, 11. J. Kestile ; T. Hawkins & Son's Farmers 100 yards, R. Coughlin, 11. Southcott 0. Cann ; Pcnprase & Burke's 100 yards op :n, Melville Southcott, R. Coughlin, H Hanlon ; Monson Bank's 60 year 100 yard race. John Ford. Ell Elliott, A. Ford ; •Ed. Willis' 50 yards open, best 2 in 3, M. Southcott, 11. Coughlin. II. Hanlon; W. S. llowry's Backward Mace R. Coughll:. ; Reay Race. L. Bern's team H. Dayman's team; W. \V. Tarnan's 200 yard Race Far:ner's, M. Southcott, 11 Coughlin ; W. 0. Blseett's Farmer's Mgt jump. R. Coughlin ; R. N. Rowe's op_n high _lump, G. Butt, 4 ft. 2 1n., W. Eallot', E. Taylor; Bin'c o' Comm rc� Business Men's trace, E. Treble. Dr. Roulaton, G. If. yw'oo:f ; Jones & Clark's best Lady's Outfit, Miss S'e'wart, Miss Esq. ry : W. J. Beer's best Gent's outfit lows Jo'.nston. Under the ..utt:otity of a e Orde r -In- Cowell d+tel 22nd April. 1909. the northerly portion of that tract of land generally known as the Optics Limit. situated in the District of Niptesing, and Pr ince of Ontario. containing about 00 acres, 1s offered for sale by tender In parcels contahit•tg 20 acres or thereabouts. such tenders to be address ed to the undersigned at the Depart- ment of Lands, Forests and Mines. Tore onto, marked on the envelope "Tender 01111es Limit", and to be receivable at the said Department up to one o'clock p. m., nn Tuesday, 1:,th day of June, 1909. Tenders arc to be for each parcel gene arately. and to tante a lump sum or bonus therefor. An accepted rheque for ten per cent. of this antouvt to accom- pany the tender and the remainder to be peld in full within twenty days of acceptance of the sante. A royalty of test per cent. on the gross proceeds (less freight and smelter char - g's) of all ores, min -rale or concentrates taken from the land will be payable to the Crown, and purchasers will be re- quired to enter Into a satisfactory agree- ment with regard to the sante. Working conditions will be attached to the sale, and certain lands a:.d rights w11'. b! reserved, fu 1 pet -titulars of which together with a map or plan showing the said tract and the subdivisions thereof, m'y be obtained on application 10 the Department. The 1lghcet or any tender not neces- sat;ly accepted. P. COCIIRANE. s1L':?strr of lands, Fore.ts and Mires, Toronto April 23rd, 190t+, 301;11 Veale asked to be recommended to Conference for superannuation for one year owing to 111 !.calth. Frank Burgess was continued on probation and recont- !mended to be sent to college Fred Johns, 11. A. of Elttnettle was recont- mended to be received on probation for the initiistry and be permitted to attend college On Thursday with the laymen pres- ent the spttitual and tlt;amcial condition of the circuits In the district were care- fully reviewed. The finances were shown to be in an excellent condition and much in advance of last year. The missionary givings nearly five hundred dollars, while the membership showed all increase of over two hundred. A very large Increase in both rnissienary giving and church membership was reported from the two churches in Exeter. The Rev. Wm. Godwin of Parkhill was elec ted chairman of the district to fi11 the place of Mr. Going, who retired owing to his transfer to Hamilton. Rnd the Rev. 11. J. Fair of Ellmville was elect - .d to represent the district on the stat- ioning conunittee. The following laymen were elected members of the coming annual confer- ence. -H. E. Huston, J. 0 Jones and S. Martin, E•-eter, J. Harrison of Parkhill Geo \Vil'larns of Thames Road, E. Col - will of Cmtralla, Charles Redmond of Hensall, F. O'Brien of Chieelhurst, J. Sh,rrltt of Harpley, John Whiting of McGinnis, .7, H. McKay of Ailsa Craig, Dr. T X. Orme of Lucan, .T. 11. Andrews of Granton, R. W. Sweltzer of Bannock, J. J. Bellamy of Kirkton, \Vm. Lewis of Crediton. SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the news. THE EXETER tX)UNCIL Council ma la the Town Hall, FrldaY. may 21. Absent Councillor Carling. Minutes of meeting held May 7 and 15 were read and approved. Petitions for cement /Odewalk were read as follows : Messrs. S. M. Seeders, \Vm. Arnold and Johr. Gill for a walk along Jantes et. from Elizabeth to Albert on the South side; from Jas. User, Enoch Rowcliffe, J. W. ]tern, W. Parsons and others for a walk along the. North side of Sanders street from William to Carling ; ,from (ser. A. E. Puke, W. S. Cole and ler. Sweet for a walk along North side of John street from Main to Andrew. Mcsere. Thos. Hawkins, J. A. Stewart Dr. Malloy, Frank Wood Interviewed the Council, urglig that the cement walk as p,tltiored for of the Fast side. of Andrew street be constructed this sea- son. Mr. Hawkins and J. A. Stewart urged the Council to again e1ppolnt a nigh wet hlnln. Per Hee/nen-Laker- That the Council construct pavements Belt have. been petitioned for.-Cerrled. l'er Johns -Luker -That in addition to those the Council pndertake to '•onstrurt Pavements along Huron street tram Carlene East to Elizateeth, on Oldlcy (tom (Sating to Main n'ul along Lang - ball to .sr,drew ; also on William street from the corner of Sanders to John.- Ceriled, Councillor }Iceman voting nay. 1. J. White asked for the usual grant towards securing grounds for games. Prr Johns -Neaman -That a grant of +_o b. gine , fo: the purpose of securing r't- re•reation ground, payable to J. J. \t tt!tr.-Carried. Per Ilcantan-Luker- T,tat the }reeve, Councillor Johns, with re- Cleric be a committee to prepare the fo me ne essary regard'n3 the construc- tion of the new pavements and have the sem" duly •tdvertised.-Carried. Per 11:amara and John -That the clerk cor- rtspond with the G. T. R. officials re- garding the placing of a new switch for th • use of the manufactuteng firms. -Car rlcd. The reeve appointed councillors Hcatnan and CQtrling as a committee, to s -cure a person to look after the street wat ring. Messrs. Sanders and Fanaon had refused to take over the street wat- ering contract. The following aceou eta were read and ordered paid. -The Queen City 011 Co. gasoline 4828 ; J. W. Iters. repairs to nook i to ld:r,g w:n.ows 75c.; J.We-kes horse hire for Inspector $1.00 ; Jones & Clark. butter for Mrs. Ilartner net cis. Passed on motion of John■ and Luker and carried. Adj. by hteaman. .los. Senior. Clerk. BIRTHS Uavi .-At Sal:ttsbury on May 21st, t0 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis, a son. Hyatt -In Stephen. un May 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan, a son. Rt own -At Harpley. o:t May 19, to Mt. and Mrs. \Vnt. Brown, a daught.1. 11.1Rill AGIIS Tweddte-Lightfoot-At Ailsa Craig, ca May 12, Miss Itosilla Lightfoot, Baugh ter of ell. Geo. Lightfoot, to Mr. John Twcddle, hoth of McGltllvray. Ashton -Fisher -In Clltitot, on May 19, John Thomas Ashton of Goderich Tp., to Miss Lillian Alberta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fisher of Clinton. llb.de-Fiudte--At Goderich, on May 15, Itev. Win. ilinde to Mrs. Helen !ludic, of Woodholme. Bayfield. DEATHS -- me-Andrew-At Aliaa Craig, on May 19, Jessie McAndrew, aged 66 years. 10 months and 19 days. 1'.-e st-At Clinton, on May 17, Mre. Mar- wood Prest of McGillivray, aged 46 years and 11 months. Vincent. -At Cromarty, on May 18th, Attbur Vincent, aged 71 years. Tenders are caretaking of Crturc',. oleo joining. Full from the sect SENIOR. TENDERS hereby asked for the tl:e Cavell Presbyterian the Manse property ad - particulars can be had marc of the board, .TOS. METHODIST DISTRICT MEET iNG annual District Meeting of the Exeter District of the Methodist Church was held at Woodham on Wednesday and Thursday of last wrek, Rev. A. H. Going In the chair. Thr Rev. Thomas Steadnun was elected secretary and R Hicks assistant -secretary. The first day was occupied by the m:nieters only and all were present, ex- cept Rev W. li. Butt, who was in Lon don attending the graduating exercises of Victoria hospital. T.- • Rev. Jas. D. Krwtle asked for his sup.rannuation to be continued. and Rev. JEZ. AcS,.. ! The general public will take notice that I an doing businc•-- in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap, for which I am prepared to pay the following prices : Highest Market Prices Paid for Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Horse Hair, Copper, Etc. Etc. Etc. All purchases to be delivered to T. IIAWKINS & SON'S 11Al AWARE, EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given. M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second - Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. am the only authorized Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. Portland Cement Samson Brand is the highest grade. Use it for your Walls, Walks, Cis- terns, Floors and Silos. Any quantity supplied at very low prices. Order at once. Screen Doors & Screen Windows From $1 up to $1.75 - complete -- Foom 20 cts to 40 cts Poultry Netting Step -Ladders From 4c up to 10c yard From $1 up to $1,75 Floor Paints SENOtJR'S FLOOR PAINT dries over night, wears like iron, and will outwear any other Floor faint made. All colors in stock. 45c qt. ELEPHANT HARD -DRYING FLOOR PAINTS. 40c (1t HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORB