Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-20, Page 5LITTLE DIGESTERS Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fail to cure. At all Druggists sr direct fro. L 23c. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO, Toronto_ L�f0+� Porter ASK_ FOR (LONDON) Undoubtedly the best o.tewed on the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially CHICAGO :893, where it received ninety -sin points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. t BRAN CORN SYRUP Give It To Your Children "CROWN BRAND SYRUP" is a food not only for children but for everyone—and it is used by everyone. It is a table delicacy which should be in every home. It is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets which all healthy children and most adults have. Used in the home, it saves trouble in the making up of delicious desserts and other good things to eat. "CRO\\'N BRAND SYRUP" stands for the highest possible purity in table syrup. It is prepared in a clean wholesome manner from the very finest ingredients, which develop a delicious flavor as of fine honey and rich cream. These are strong reasons why you should insist on having "CROWN BRAND SYRUP'. Year dada h.. it ler yon is 2. 5, 10 cad 20 lb air-tisbt ties with lift -e4 bis. The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited ESTABLISHED 1858. Works: CARDINAL„ Oat. OAtces : MONTREAL, TORONTO & BRANTPORD High -Grade PIANOS are always a pleasure t) their owners 1Ve have sold and are ,ell in.; .t greet many high -04,s pianos --and .lacy: at re t+o•atble prices. Our Numerous Satisfied Customersie tat. a longest Inn trustee of the truth of the above NV+rt•tinn. Our pianos to -day ,,1'e the best that the pien•.-tn tker+ laru.lncr and our prices .tool terms are what yin' will appr eci.tte. Un not hN tr. t quirk hi believe per- son!" who tell von difY.!rrnt from the above for the purp,t.e of selling you ehrip an.l, in ovine cases, trashy goods et big prices. ('il1 and see 'ie and be convinced that what we say we live up to. 8. MARTIN ice SON Exeter'' Fmenrient. T!,er are n ,Led for the 1 illity of their ;until. leading jEntire Horses , Fer.tal Improvement of Stoc The season for horse cards 1s clow herr. The Advocate Is prepared with a choice line of cuts and type for your job. Rememtcr we give you free front all charge a two -weeks' notice of the horse and route In The Advocate which has the largest clr.ulatlon In the d'..'rlct, The notice Itself Is well worth the price of the cards. THOMAS CARLYLE 11979. pure bred Imported Clydesdale stallion. bay color. owned by Nicest*. C. II. Baskerville & James llandford of Centralia. a good son of the noted King Thomas. Will stand for mares this season at t,1s own stable. Centralia. all week. ex- cept Wednesday. when he goes to Josh }larding's. Con. 2. Usborne, for noon. returning home the same evening. C. 1i. BASKERViLLE, Manager. GOLDF.N CASE is a beautiful chest- r.u' 'erre'. of excellent pedigree and of ve y flee build. 11as proven himself to of a sure foal getter . and is one of the best trotting stallions In the dlsttlrt. WILL ATANt) this season for a lim- ited nur neer of mare, at his own stable t.o A ?TIM . ttoad Usto ns IALLiE i1ROWN, Prop. an! Ma: r Q eter• bUOCttte EXETER — — ONTARIO S1 00 if paid In ad, nce. 91.80 a tear if not on paid To tilted States Subscribers$I.60 SS. s Year Strictly is Advance. SANI•I:RS a CREECH. Publishers. With twentytwo years' exper etwe to its relit this college is recoitnlzed a. the greatest ',mulles! training school In Weettrn Ontario. Three department. - Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy Our cl►.ae1 are the Iargest.m,r ,onnes most p.a.-Host and our instructors experienced. Our grad sates are autate.l t, positions ani .ue,eed VI none others. E•,ter now. Oet our free ata !Dive. ELLIOTT .k \fcLACHLAN i'rincipxle. LORD SHARI'. 11.413. a pure-bred imported Clydesdale stallion, well punt of good p tdigrec, and proven to be a sure foal getter. Monday noon leaves his own stable. '.•i• 16. C.... 8. Usborne; to Commercial ease, Eyctcr. ^u •aiay to Nelson Maker's, Stephen, C ; tral Hotel. Wednesday to Freeman Dobbs, B1d- Julph, to Cland:boye. T.etaeday to McCormick's Hotel, Lu - can, to John McLaughlin's, Roman Line Friday to Dennis Heenan's, Blddulph to Thos. Morley's, Whalen. Saturday to Sid. Andrews', to his home GEORGE COWARD, Prop.& Mane CANADIAN PACIFIC: HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS TO Naaltoba, baskatebewaa, Alberta Special Traaisl«w Tomas 2.00 p s► es Milt 1t11 SAY e,11 JYIII1,11,11 JULY 11, 11 AUI. H, 11 UPI. 1, T1 Socesd da- daft hem Ostseis swiss se prim:Sol Nesbw.s pates r LOW ROUND-TRIP HATES Wisaiess sed rows. 112 00: EailatNem.wsaid we *42 SO, to stir peas a.. ,..rsies. Tide.seed to niers webs. 60 days (ren seas its. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS se J erewsisss. Ces isreslie bores. }J, trig Mai.. as b.edrwet ream tkrws\ local eost s tarty •p Reciter Pripet In math SIM 1011 MOUIS1l0100' PAOINIIT esrisissMa mon ieteis Ass}y a mem r D. r...• AAs.. T ~isEi.. T1aist.ssai� N&Y MIST IUtli N ONAte! K MMS v W. J. C\RLING, Agent, EXETtB. 11 FNS:ALL. Alvin McLean has gone to Edmonton. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eacrett. 0.t May Uttt, a daughter. --Ii. Arnold has moved Into the rouse vacated by Dr. Sellery.—warren Dignan has had an- o.lter attack of paralysis and 1s se"Y :Ow —Tice death xcurrt•d at her home on the Blind Line of Stat,ley on the WI of Mrs. 'Malcolm Smith, In her 7Uth year. She was one of the oldest and best known residents of the section In which she resided.—A numbs of men are putting in a saw mill for U. Urquhart.—)ire. Knectel of Albany. N.Y., was the guest week,—Mise Alit') of Boston, Mass., af- ter a visit with her wale, R. Drysdale, leaves this week for North Dakota.— Alex, Smith has purchased the residence formerly owned by J. C. Clausen, and will move there shortly.—Ned Shaffer re- turned from Michigan where he visited art Marlette and Mine—Last week W. Moir purchased from the estate of the late James Murray, the residence on Street, occupl d by Hurry Arnold.—Joan biacarthur was called to Toronto last week owing to tete serious Illness of his Arnold. who Is i11 of typhoid fever.— News was re:civtd hcrc recently of the death In Denver, Col., of an old-time re- sident, William Charters. who was en- gaged in the grain business here. He at one time was a ucemtb,r of flay Council. tie left here 20 years ago. Sudden Death—On .Tuesday, May 11th our citizens were much shocked to hear that David rollick had died rather sud- denly at his home. The deceased had been ailing for some days, but on Mon- day stated that he was feeling alright. Ile was in the act of starting a fire on Tuesday morning when he fell to the floor and expired. He was found thus by other members of the fancily upon en- tering the room. The deceased was born In \Vaterloo County, moving from there to the Parr Line, Hay Tp., about 50 years ago. Three yeara later he was married to Margaret Shuart. He mov- ed to Hensall with his family 23 years ago. Deceased was In his T8tli year His wife predeceased him a few years. He leaves three children, one son, George of Hensall, and two daughters, Mrs. Vale of Exeter and Mrs. Dew of Hensall. Mr. E. Follick of Exeter Is a brother. The funeral took place on Thursday to Fanavtlle cemetery. OA.MIPORIA. Bears the The Kind You Haire Always Bought p of EDEN. Mr. and Mrs. Nat. Ogden of Biddulph spent Sunday ar R. Coate.,'.—Mise Lela Buswell of Lucan spent Sunday at her home here.—May and Cecil Skinner vie ited friends in Exeter on Sunday.— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates spent Sunday In Itiddulph. LUCAN. Our aged poet office has suddenly dis- apetared, and a new one will be In -ourse of erection next week. Ail honor to the one of the past, but we will sure- ly extend a hearty welcome to the new one.—Among the new residences being erected In town are those of Mr. D. Lang ford, south Main Street ; Mr. John Ab- bott, Alice street, Mr. Frank Quigley and two up-to-date houses which Mr. W.S. Stanley is having built opposite the Stanley home.—Two games of ball are to be played here on May 24th between the Irish Nine and St. Thomas. Walter Gibson will pitch for tate Irish Nine.— Twenty-five dollars is offered by the townspeople of Granton to the winner o; a race front Lucan to Granton, which will take plare of M;r.tday. May 24. The competition Is open only to Riddulph. Lut•an and Gran'o:t.—The Deanery meet - jug held lar 11oiy Trinity rhureh here on Thursday was well attended and very !;attesting. Arnoug the delegates were nrntbers of the W. A. from different branches, also clergymen and laymen. Two most interesting addressee were given by Messrs. Short and Hamilton, missionaries, who have been working ht Japan.—On Friday evening Mr. Hamil- ton delivered a splendid lecture with mag to lantern views to the Boys' Club, tinter which the Woman's Auxiliary tendered th'm a lunch In the hall. About 73 boys attended.—Messrs. George and T. Kent Toronto spent a fcw day. at their old home here.—Harry Atkinson of Fort :tiekatchexan is renewing old acquain- t air s here. We are pleased to see him. —Dr. Heber llodgln■ of Seatorth, wino has purchased the dentistry business of Dr. Thontpsoe her.: took possess!on this •week. We welcome him to hts home here though it Is with regret we note the de- parture of hie predecessor. The reduction in the average price of f•ommodlties which is being monthly re- ported, 410e1 not apply, as the housekeep- er know*. to daily necessities. The re- ductions In prices which have affected the averages have been most pialt:ly marked In metals and raw material, which have not come within the scope of an average family's eependlture. The food prices, as a matter of fact, con- tinue to exhibit a trend towards nigher levels. The Y. M. C. A. have been allowed the use of the school grounds for foot - hall until the next regular meeting of the Board. The boys have been show- ing great interest in football so far this Spring, and there is evidence of a good team being picked out. At the Monday meetingof the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Bruce Anerson was appointed Field Manager. On Friday evening a special meeting is being called for on the school grounds at eight o'clock to choose sides for conducting of games and spoits for the summer. In all probability the Bible study course will be discontinued during the Bummer months in the Y. M. C. A. rooms and moreattentlon given to the outdoor exercises. MUIISCRIBE for tl-.' Advcrate and get all the news. Coolys Crtfoo Rod Coaipotmd. The great Uterine Toole, sed Wily safe effectual )tenthly Regulat..r en w hlch women oar, depend. Sold is three darress ren ot strength—No. I, 1 ; rte it 10 degrees stranger ; Pio. 14 [�.� 1 eases. per nos. void all d,F t or ease e�e.t et pr CINI _ 11111.li MMAMf• (bets„ I" - LADIES, twill' NOT I'RESEIIVE YOUR rIF*."•"1.11,g1Urier it ! YOLT1( AND BEAUTY Parisian Sage, the quick actit hair gesturer is I:ow for sale l:. Eite.er at the drug store of W. S. Cole, and is sold wi"t a rigid guarantee at 50 cents a bottle. Parisian Sage has as (rumens.: sale. a ,1 here ar., the reasons,— it is safe and harmless. 1t cures dandruff In two weeks, killing the dandruff germ. It stops falling hair. It promptly stop., itching of the scalp. It makes the hair soft and luxuriant. It gives life and baatuy to the hair. Ir is not sticky or greasy. It is the daintiest perfumed hair tonic made. It Is the best, the most pleasant and invigorating hair dressing trade. Fight shy of the druggist who offers you a substitute; he le unworthy of :our confidence. by 11IlETt)Il. Miss Etta Fletcher is spending a week with friends in London.—Ed. Kay, who has been learnit.g the harness making at r. Taylor's, bas returned to his home in Farquhar,—The Usborne Township toad grader has been busy 1n this section of late. Usborne likes to keep her roads in good condition. --Frank Robinson, photo- grapher of Aylmer, spent a week with tile parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson, on his way to Goderlcl. where he has se- cured a eltuatlon,—The first game ot ball for the season last week between the jun lora of Kirklon and Salem resulted In favor of Salem.—John Moore experienced a runaway last week when coming up the 4th, i11s horse became unmanagee able, a tug broke and the wagon landed In the ditch. The horse got clear but was caught a little further on. No ser - louts damage was done. STATS or 011lo, CITT OT TOLRro, t LUCAS COUNTY f gs• Frank J. Cheney stakes oath that he Is senior partner of the amt of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing buss• neve in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE (HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall'. Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CIIENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pre.- enre, this 0th day of December, A.D. 1886. (Sem.) A. W.OLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC Hails Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts dire, fly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the 9N ern:. Send for testimonials free. IAMB F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all DrugHiste, i5c. - •r Take Hall'. family Pills for constipation. ZURICH Mr. Dunbar of Clinton has been put on the local staff of the Molsons Bank ►—Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Mosscau of the Bronson Line, mourn the death of their 8 -months -ofd baby, which sad event oc- curred on Monday of last week,—A lady' light fawn short coat was stolen from Mr. J. J. Merner's store last week and the guilty party is known.—Coroner C•tmpbell was called to Hensall in con- nection with the sudden death of Mr. David rollick, who formerly lived on the Pair Line In this township.—Mr. F. W. Hess brought his ileo automobile to town. He trade the trip from London in teas than three hours.—J. P. Rau has disposed of his driver to N. M. Cantln of St. Joseph, and has pur_hased an- other from his brother Ilenry.—F. Ilene. Sr.. I:as the bowling green all leveled up and seeded and If the weather la favorable the green will be in good shape in a month.—W. S. Ruby of the BrOt,- son Line returned from Pigeon, Mie n. where he attended the funeral of hie mother, •who died last week. OA.BTOR=A. Bean the ATte K:'i YU Hata Always Bcu'rtt 8igaatnre of GREEN WAY. Mr. Jerry Brophy of Shipka has put - ceased a Lindsay Feeder and a Massry Barris Blower from the Sawyer and Ma ,say Co. and wyl be prepared to do good work for the coming season. — Niles Mita Baird of Parkhill spent the past week with Mrs. W. J. \Nilson.—Miss Ma- b^I MrUladery of Parkhill spent a few days the past week with her frietnd Niles Mae WIlson. —Mr. D. Baird of Park- hill visited Mt s. W. J. Wilmot] on Thurs day last.—Mr. W. T. Diens has erected a new kitcheu to his Louse. — Mr. Dealt ilrowtt lett for Winnipeg on Tuesday wit a car 01 horses and will be away about sir weeks.—Sorry to report Mrs. A. M. Wilson very 111—Mr. Ed English has engaged with Mr. W. T. Clefts for the surnrncr.—Master Addiso:, Italyd of Parkhill visited at W. J. Wilson's over Saturday and Sunday. MAKE A CHANGE. A New Back for an 011 One. flew it is Do:,e in Bengali. The back ac'ies at times with a dull feeling making you worry and restless, sharp pains shoot arross the region of the kidneys, It is agony to bend, stoop sr Illt. The rubbing o' linitnents or ap- pfteation of plasters does no good In these cases• they do not reach the rause To get rid of these syinptoms and ex- change the bad back for a ilex and etrorger one follow the example of this lle:•.sall citizen. Mrs. itobt. Higgins. of Queen street. llc:.salt. Oct.. says ' Mr. H1ggInq had surfsredfrom a most annoying barka t.' for a :,umber of years. Ile would take nkd easily .. l grvert pai..s would s!.00t t.^.roug•. '.Is back It, ¶ c region of the kidneys. very often he would be bu.... er d with them when lifting or stooping al '.e rovid s; ar-ely straighten himself up. His sleep would be broken very of- te:. a: :tight w;tr, these pains and ten. drr:;ens in his back at,d in the many dif- ferent remedies he hal tried he found little or no relief. Bcoth's Kidney pills were recommended and procurieg a bees at Mr. Hemptll's Pharmacy he cowmen, - ed treatment. The pain soon had gone from his ba, k and it etrengtne: ed. 11' speaks very highly of Booth's Kidney Pills acid would .tot be without a boa In the house. Sold by dealers. Price 50c. The R. T. Boot!: Co.. Limited.. Fort Erie. Ont.. Solo Canadian Agents. AROUND ABOUT US k ���+lk��tics>lk�a Blanseard—De:iston was handed down ilattleford, Sask., last week In the case of Wm. Mitchell of Dlanshard vs. 1)r. W. it Sparllttb of North Ilattleford. The plaintiff was ..warded $6,00() and :800 coats. The litigation arose over a deal in Western lands. Lucan.—While running a scraper weighing 800 pounds, down two planks out of a car this morning, the machine got too much headway and ran oft the edge of the platform. Atter the wheels left the platform the back part of the scraper caught the then, by forcing the tongue down with such force as to com- pletely crush two of Brakeman Thomas Murney's toes, and brushing 0. T. It. Agent H. J. Craig's leg, just above the knee, the two men having held on tO the ,ougue. LUMLEY. Miss Ellen Morton is having tete Inter- ior of her house remodelled.—Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Kerslake of Sunshine spent Sunday' with Mrs. Simmons and family. —Mrs. Possum Is able to be around af- r her illness. -311s. Anna Ellerington returned to Guelph on Thursday atter tp :.d1 :g a week at the old home here. —Mas Jean Horton has returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell in Tuckcremlth.—Mies Lillian Williams Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. V. Miller.—The wet weather is malting the farmers very Impatient and they find it hard to keep busy. ELIMVILLE Miss Mabel Johns Is able to be around again after her recent illness. — The brick work of Mr. William Johnsnew house is completed and ready for the acatpenter. When finished it will be quite up-to-date.—Revs. Fair and Bur- gess are attending the District Meeting at Woodham this week.—It is gently rumored that there to a wedding on the tapirs in the near future. WHALEN Clerk Frank Morley and Reeve Moir were in Toronto Tuesday In the interest of the drainage question for Usborne Township.—Miss Irene Denham visited with her aunt Mra. T. Morley over Sun- day.—Rev. II. Fair will preach a special sermon to the young people at this ap- pointment next Sunday.— Mr. Thomas Ltngard has accepted a position with Mr Samuel Gunning—Mrs. F. Steele, sister of Mr. Daniel Hodgson. is seriously 111 at her home in. London. DOCTOR S FAILED Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegeta- ble Compound Cured Her. Toronto, Canada. -"I shall endeavor to describe to you how 1 felt before I began taking Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's Veg- etable Cuulimuud. I sca�rely kuety what it teas to be well, 1 Jnut feet itI bearing -down pa lis and usually before ncy!flout illyict•riods I suffered terribly and had to go to bed. I was not able to .calk across the floor the pain was so bad. I doctored for a long time, but the doctor's treat- ment did not do me any good. I gave up all holes of ever being well again until one day my husband saw the Cum - pound advertised in the paper. Ile decided to get nae a bottle, and I ani thankful he did. I had not taken one bottle before I began to feel better, and I kept on taking it until now I ata a different woman. It also helped me during maternity and childbirth. I can thoroughly recommend your Veg- etable Compound to any woman who is afflicted with female troubles."— Mrs. J. M.TWEEDAL1 , 13•q Nassau St., Toronto, Canada. The success of Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, inflam- mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir- regularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing -down feeling, flatulency, indi- gestiou, dizziness, or nervous prostra- tion. The season for catching musirata (lose ed on April 30th. Anyone having hides In his possession atter that date must take out a permit within telt days, or the skins are liable to seizure. The holder of a permit Is within the require- ments of the law, and may dispose of his hides at leisure. Sunshine Furnace has four triangular grate bars, each having three distinct sides. in the single -piece and two•piece grate no such -like provision is made for expansion or contraction, and a waste of coal always follows a shaking. On the left- and right-hand sides are cotter pins, achica schen loosened permit the grates to slide out. These four grate bare are made of heavy cast iron, and are finished up with bulldog teeth. The teeth will grind up the toughest clinker ; and UNSHINE urnite because the grates are made in sections, not only can nothing but dust and ashes pass through, but after each shaking a different side can be pre.; nte,1 to the fire. Also, with the Sunshine grate there is no back -breaking movements attached to the shaking. By gently rocking the lever, first on the left and then on the right, the ashes are released on both sides,and fall through into the pan. McClary's For Sale by T. Hawkins der Son, Exeter FARMERS WANTED FARMERS WANTED To go with us and.Nee onr tine wheat farms in Saskat- chewan and Alberta. Train leaves on Tuesday, May 4th. All parties will be shown over our lands at our expense. All purchasers will have their railroad fare refunded out of first cash payment. SPRINC WHEAT In the Egale Lake District on the direct route of the C.N.R. from Saskatoon to Calgary. FALL WHEAT In Sunny Southern Alberta on the direct route from Wayburn to Leathbridge. John Charlton, Exeter, Agent for n, 1 • d 4 4 4 /