Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-20, Page 4Q xetet• dhOrtZte,'
wedu herrn, ands
least v[ all Utose w:he have been jailed
cnt:tlY for no' khowleg that tonest work
Sanders CreecD. Props. is good for the soul as well as the body•
A good road. well built. ■ubetantlal and
THURSDAY, May 20, 1909 tasttag, is a thing of beauty, and an
actual asset to the entire community.
Put the Jailbirds at wore and give the
honest than an opportunity of enjoy-
S1'CCESS MEAN:i EFFORT.iag the fruits of Ise taboce.
The lent Napoleon lost Sedan and died
in exile, because he went to tlgitt be-
fore he was reedy. Iiow niaey young
urea end women, when the battle of ilfe
is on, will fall be' auae: they are not
prepared for the • oldest. It Is educa-
tion alone which enaoles us to fight
from vantage ground. They who do not
have It will not be able to stand when
the heavy chargee are made on then(.
Succcsa must be won, and how van it
be done without a drilled mind, like a
shlllful general, to lead the assault. Do
not at cept Ignorance or partial prepara-
tion as your lot, 1f by any means you
can eacape it. it is not by Jerks that
the load is moved. It is the steady pull
that counts. Spasmodic getting ready
-usual y ends he tat preparation at all and
coreetlucnt failure. The student who
comes to school regularly, and adds to
each day's acquisition a little more of
knowledge 1s growing, la laying by a
sinking fund upon which he can draw
the future, and above all, he is gaining
mental muscle to enable him to combat
the difficulties of his later lite. Educa-
tion 1s a growth. If It be sudden like
that of a mushroom, it will amount to
as little; if it be like that of the oak.
It will be permanent and useful.
' Rural mall delivery would be a boon
to the Banters of Canada, but the pres-
ent so-called mala delivery le practically
a farce. A rural delivery along mail
routea is unfair and partial. Possibly
the ckptnse is too great to fully intro-
-duce the boon, at the rate our public
debt is now increasing. About forty-
six tniltien dollars were added to the
debt laet year tend more must be added
teas year and next. Millions of this go
to help corporations, railways. to pay
bounties. etc., and enrich capitalists.
But the common people, the ordinary tax
payer. Is not considered; except as the
eource of supply, the fellow who pays
ter bels for the more fortunate chaps.
Tn Advocate is democratic enough. or
-sepia;istle enough. if you like. to think
that the masses ought to get some con-
e!deratic,n. if the peculation's of ,;raft
wire- Peelle d, and sont2 of the many mil-
lions given to favored railway corpora-
tions. others for bounties, and for in-
dementcd to the sleepy and useless old
fo,' t!a snugly tucked In for lite in the
Senate—if these trillions were inverted
an'tutl;y towaide rural mail delivery,
Canadeen fartacra would soon have the
benefits of a mall delivery system wor-
thy of the name. 11 Is not that the coun-
try ,•meet afford it. but that our mil -
Botts ere diverted into wrote
That rhe bill recently introduced In the
House of Commons by Mr. E. N. Lewis,
M. P. for West Huron to lessen the
tramp evil end nulsanre Is a conunend-
abl' tele, and worthy of tee hearty en-
dore.'.'lon and support of every mem-
ba: I.t the House. The Saturday Night,
swum meg on the BI11, says, Mr. Lewis
wants 2(1,iOO acres set aside for pris-
on farms where tramps who now roam
at large, a menace to the community,
may be put to work. Mr. Levels has mov
ed n resolution in the Ottawa House,
whereby 10,000 acres may be set aside
in the Province of Ontario and another
10,00(1 acres in the Province of Quebec
for this special purpose. Tht btll fur-
ther asks that these tramps be kept
buoy farming, making roads or materiai
for roads until such time as the I nepec-
to- -hall certify that the prisoner Is
able and willing to earn his own liv-
Ing. The suggestion is one which
should meet with a great deal of favor.
but why stop at tramps. Why not make
the provision a sweeping one and include
all pHs otters who are physically cap-
able of earning a dollar by the sweat of
their brows. Our forefathers did some
things better than we do, and among
them was employing pileaners as road
ptakcre. Ontario's roads are poor. not
so bad as t.ose of the neighboring
Province of Quebec, 1 will admit. but
bad enough. Matey honest dollars are
spent on fruit yearly, but the mileage
is large in competition with the dollars
spent. and the results are what tray be
expected In spreading tau aforesaid dol-
lies over too much territory. Our pres-
ent method 1s to make roads this Year
and when next spring comes we are ob-
liged to stake them over again ; all the
result of poor road making in the first
instance. Our jails arc filled with . big
hulks of ihumanity, whose strength could
be well utilized throughout the Province.
Such erotic is a public benefit a•hd would
not come Into competition with honest
labor, for no one wants to work on a
road 11 there is anything better in sight.
It would reileve the farmer and the tax-
paycre genteelly, and Incidentally bring
the tIty man more closely In touch with
country life. Healthy outdoor exercise
would do prisoners a world of good.
It would not only Improve them phyr
irally, but morally as well. Hard work
Ii ttlr,a,tla ttLAaAa,i ter
Guelph's tax rate will be 14' :Willa.
T -tis low rate has been rendared pus -
settle. ht part at least, by the praflts
ohtahted from puoilc utilities owned by
tae cetporatlone. The city owns the Zink
of railway cosine( ling Guelph with the
Toronto-\Vthdsor Zine of the C. PAL,
aid this made a profit of $25,000 dur-
ing the year. Water works yielded a
profit of #16,000; gas and electric
ltget of 13,140. and tee municipality
owned street railway $:t,240, It Is un-
dre.stood, however, that a part of the
sinking fund, Fitt aside for debt reduc-
tion, has Mao been applied to !Met Or-
dinary running expenses.
The adjourned Police Court prelimin-
ary examination of Ira Bice, charged
with arson, In burning the Queen's 1(ot-
el, Ilcttsall, was 'resumed at Goderich.
After the Crown had examined a num-
bar of wl neases. Police Magistrate but-
ler decided that a sufficient case had
been mad_ out to send Bice up for trial.
We unederstand that the Crown has not
attown Its hand in this investigation,
out has evidence In reserve. Bail was
accepted for the re -appearance of the
,prisoner when called upon.
Another outrageous act has been per-
petuated by the American immigration
authorities in Niagara. A lady from
New York State itad bec;t living ire (Jlln-
toit tnreug.tout the wLtter, and a few
wrens ago purcrascd a tieke• to hot
Kona, where her husband and family are
tiring. When she reached the barite the
officers under the employment of the
Government of the much flaunted "Land
of the Free" refused her entrance. She
had to purchase her ticket back to CiIn-
'ott and has been put to considerable ex-
pense. The matter Is being taken up at
Washirngton, and will probably be fixed
by the American authorities backing
down. A number of almlllar cases have
cropped up In the last few months and
oasiderable III feeling has been created
for which the eau se should be remove d.
The following is the list of candidates
who have written on the May test Exam-
inations held in Inc 11. S. Department,
Forst i11., of Exeter school, and who
ave ni tde tete n cessery percentage In
Goth subjects and total. Tile standard
required for Normal Entrance is 40 per
:+nt. in each subject, .and 00 p..r went.
of the total, while for Junior Matricul-
tr!o;: -In p:r cent. In each subject only
:s r.(tuttcd. Though making the neces-
sary p ?r cent. no candidate will be rec-
onumnded to write on the mrd -summer
_' emit .tier. i' he shows weeklies') in
one or more subjects and has not a good
margin on the total:—
Katie Collins 86
Edward Willie 81
Alva A1cafa tots 79
Toni Sanders j I
Lulu Martin 73
Anna Dow 70
Ida Marchand 09
While nicety 08
Joint Oestrelcher 65
ituth Hooper 04
Lillian Snell 63
L12710 Sanders 02
Irene 11,andlo:d 01
Lillian liodgert 00
Katt:Ices Stewart do
Katie Collins 82
Alva Nit:Mahan 10
Torn Sanders 72
Ida Marchand 7o
Anna Dow 69
Lulu Martin 68
Loney Heywood 67
Clifford McAvoy 06
Lillian ilodgert 04
Lillian Snell 04
ida Rowe 63
John Oestrotcher 82
John E. Jones 81
Kathleen Stewart 59
arrived,—A large consignment of bugglcs
from five of the Icadieg firths of Or,tar;o,
in all the latest styles and designs. Any
person httendlttg buying will do well to
lo,k over our stork before puichasing:
We will save you money by so doing. No
trouble to show goods. All vehicles are
fully guaranteed. A call solicited.—TitE-
VETI11('K & Hll(INY. Crediton. Ont.
DKATII.—lt becomes our sail duty to
chronicle the death of one of our high-
ly respected citizens, in the person of
Mrs. KIizaht'th Wilhelm, wife of Eck -
bard Wilhelm, who died on Saturday,
lath inst, at the age of 118 years, 0
months, M d,hys. Deceased bad been
ill ttr a vomiter of year. and of hate
has been quite helpless. Her family
was very attentive in their minister-
nngs to her and made it as comfortable
Ra possible op to tit' time, when death
relieved her of her sufferings. Her re-
mains were interred in the Evangeli•
c»I church. Eloquent sermons were
rendered in both German and English
by Revd.. Bean and Italia of Colborne.
Dteeeatti'd was born in Germany and
emigrated to this country At the ape
of 17 years, locating et New Hamburg.
Several years afterwards she moved
h.trt', when she was married to her
sorrowing husband and lined 011 a
farm, 21 miles we.t of the village, un•
til 13 years ago when they moved to
p +thi.i tillage and have resided here ever
.0 nee. She leaves to mourn her loss e
1 h ish,and, four daughters. Mrs. John
I Roomier, Mrs. Chia.. Roomier, Mrs.
Ezra Maist and Mies Lens and one son
John all of ('tediton, two brothers,
1+eels Keufeld of liansaa and John
K•,urfeld of /teed City, Mich.; three
t tt'r., fir•. Albert Hader of Osna•
If btt,ok :Ind Mrs. Dan Roby of Cavalier.
IP , N. D., and Mrs. Oral of Jackson,Mieh,
lbThere are Int grandchildren. The be.
reeved family have the sincere syrup,-
.+ +Ly of the entire community.
1 We have purchased
An Up -to -Date Machine
for the manufacture
of Cement Blocks of
every description.
Any person desiring IIttt'ks
shonht be %tire to eel{ on ns and
got t+nr prices.
Sander* & Costrsct•r•
•1.1111,r•••AVIV sir
jr:w1..,‘IN ST,
1311's are out announcing baseball here
for Vt:toria Day. The Zurich team has
been engaged to play two games, the
first at 1 p. in. and the second at 0 p.
in. Our boys are getting into shape and
it Is expected that some brilliant plays
will be made.—The month of May will
be remembered for many years to route
as the wet month. Our farmers have
b_ee unable to do their spring seeding
and In acveral instances fields have
been ready when the rain would' rule all
the work. So far very little seeding has
b:ea done slid fine weather is anxiously
awaited.—George Ellbcr and Elmer Law -
,,on left for New Ontario on Monday.
where they have secured situations as
Fire Ranger on the '1'. ac N. O. Railway
for the sunnier.—A baseball game was
advertised for Itlonday evening between
the Exeter team and our boys, but the
genre was cancelled to be played at some
future date. -11. Eliber, M. P. P., was
In Toronto Tuesday on business.—Rev.
Heist of Colborne tp. is visiting rela-
tives in our midst this week.—A wire
fence has been erected arouttd the Meth-
odirt parsonage lot and that Of Mrs. Mc-
Murray, thereby improving the appoar-
unc.of the respective properties.—Citris
tepher Eiltcr, who has been 10, Is iru-
proving.—The bowling green is getting
in fine shape and It int expected that the
bowlers will be at work in a few days.
—Sam. Brown las been obliged to stay
at his residence for acveral days on ac-
count of an attack of rheumatism. -1
1'lsth peddlers ate yuitc plentiful these
days and our people find the fish of
extra good quality.—Fred. Howald was
in Zurich on Sunday visiting relatives.
His wife and fancily returned home with
him,—The local tennis club has re -organ -
teed for the year. The following are the
officers appointed;—lion. Pres., II. Ell -
bee, M. P. P.; President, Ira S. Brown:
let Vice -President, W. H. James ; 2nd -
Vice, Moses Faint ; Sec'y, Claude Bluett ;
Treas., Herbert Eliber ; Manager, Rich
Howson. The club is having the tennis
court levelled and the guard wires put
in shape and will now get down to hard
Miss Eunice and Lena Doupe of Kirk -
to visited at the home of F. Davis on
Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Armitage of
131ddulph visited at 1eJ. Davis' Sunday.
—Mr. Thomas Armitage 1s recovering
from his sickness and is able to be out
agaln.—The new I'arieh Hall In connec-
tion with Inc enures le about completed
Much credit Is due the committee as it
Is a fine structure. Don't forget the
rone•ert the 24th. There will be two
eervfces in the new hall or: Suhday,23rd
at 11 a.nt. and 7 p.m.—Miss Mabel Isaac
has a new piano.—Sidney Hodgins and
George Whiting of Parkhill visited at
the home of the former's mother.— Mr.
John Needham of London Township vis
ited on the Town Line last Sunday. —
Mr. and Mr.. Frank Coates of Eden and
)tr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman of Lucan
vlhl•ed at the home of T. Dickens last
'iunday.—Mr. and Sirs. W. Scott of Mc -
11I kray vielted at \V. Turner's Sunday.
Annual Concert. The animal concert
lit connection with St. Patrick's Church,
'e.e, will be. held cm Monday evening.
May 24th. No pains are being spared to
make this the best concert ever given
here. Will McLeod. tit' (noted entertainer
and comic s!nger of 1l.tm!Ito:n : 'Hiss
Lillian Lang. to:olst o' Gr.ut:o:t ; Joseph
Babb, soloist of Lucan; Miss Harrigan.
accompanist of Loran : Rev. D. W. Col -
Tenders for Coal, 1909
Sealed tenders addressed to the Pro-
vincial Secretary, Parliament Ifuild-
inga, Tot onto, marked "Tenders for
Coni," will he received tip to noon on
Saturday, May 29th, for the delivery
of coal as required in the sheds of the
following provincial institutions, on or
before the :ilst day of August, next,
viz: Brockville, ('nhourg, Hamilton.
Kingston. London, Mirnico, I'enetang-
uishene, Toronto, hospitals for the In-
sane, ()rills ilt,spitetl for idiot::, Wood•
stock Hospital for Epileptics, also the
Central Prison and Mercer Reforma-
Specifications of the qualities and
quantities of coal required and forms
of application may be obtained on ap-
plication to the Department or from
the Bursars of the respective institu•
Tenderers are to specify the mine of
origin and the quality of respective
kinds of coal, and to furnish evidence
on delivery that the coal is of origin
eprcifled, fresh mined and up to the
standard of trade grades.
Delivery subject to satisfaction of
Officers of Department of the Provin•
cial Secretary, who may require eddit•
lomat deliveries, not exceeding 20 per
cent,. up to the 16tb July, 1910.
Tenders will he received for the
whole 9ttantity specified, or for the
quantities required in each institution.
An accepted cheque for $:ion, payable
to the order of the Honourable the
Provincial Secretary, must he furnish-
ed by each tenderer, and t sufficient
sureties will he regnired for the due
fulfilment of each contract. The low•
est or any tender not necessarily ac-
Newspapers inserting this advertis-
went without written authority from
the Department will not Ire paid for it.
Provincial Secretary.
Parliament Buildings,
Toronto, May 11tb, 1909.
of Exeter and otters make up a THE CANADIAN BANK
fine program. and no one can af-
ford to miss this treat. Admisa!on
eei.t9. COM everybody.
Uesth.—At the age of 75 years and 0
months the deat't occurred on May (nth
of William Meikle, at the h once Of his
daughter. Mrs. '.Vm. Sanderson, 7(t:
con. He was a very highly respected
resident and he leaves to his children
an honored 'lame. He was born tit Scot-
land, near Edinburgh, In 1833. and in
1861 married Miss Katie Mcltityre.
They came to Canada Un 1903 and wile
the exception of three years spent in To-
ronto, he resided in McGillivray Ute
remainder of his life. His illness was
due to jaundice and heart failure, fol-
lowed on April 80th by a paralytic-
aralyticstroke. 'The wife, two daughle re anit we
sons survive.
Thos. Ryan lost a valuable horse last
week through death.—The new precep-
tory 111 going ahead rapidly.—Mack Mc
Donald has purchasecd Voltaire, the
black Percheron, and has started his
rounds.—Sandy Stews! c has started a
shoe shop.—Joe Zeller had his house
shingled last week.—Eddie Glavin, wine
clerk at the Ontario House. Is laid up
with a sprained ankle.—Carrie Vier is
visiting her uncle Malcolm for a few
Married.—A quiet wedding took place
on Wednesday of last week at the Manse
Thames Road, when one of our popular
and prosperous young men, Mr, William
Ballantyne, son of the late James Ball-
antyne. took unto himself a bride In
the person of Miss Justine McDonald,
daughter of the late Hobert McDonald.
The ceremony was a quiet one and was
performed by the Rev. Colin Fletcher.
Both of the young people are highly
esteemed and have the congratulations
and best wishes of a large circle of
friends. Ott their return from a short
trip they will res!d!' on the groom's fine
pjdn°e s,ie*IV $ H IIA Pu>>I Wl '1 an%
+ —
On Wednesday and Thursday of title
ween the annual district meeting of the
Exeter District of the Methodist church
is being held In the church at Woodham.
Th.' ministerial seaelon at which about
l:. minlsers are to be present, opened
on Wednesday at 2 p. nt• On \Vednes-
lay evening a public meeting wiIl be
I. '11 nt wt lc it tlttr' will be a discussion
o: :h. r,uby_cL "Church Union." Rev. A.
I. Gong, President of the Conference
en.1 Cnalrttten of the District, will pre-
side. The subject will be introduced by
iter. J. Kennedy of AIlsa Craig. who is
to deal especially with the econond.• as-
peAs, and liev, W. Goodwin of I'arkltiil
wit! follow with an address o:t the re-
1;ous aspe_ts. The general session of
t to dletrict meeting Is to commence at
irl a. nt. on Thursday.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Butt attended the
graduation exercises of Victoria Hos-
pital, Londc.n, on Wednesday, their
daughter, Miss Mabel, being one of the
graduates.—Our baseball team 1s prac-
ticing for the 24th of May, when they
expert to compete with the Exeter team
—The sermon on "Success In life" de-
livered by Rev. W. H. Butt last Sunday
corning, was an able one, and is highly
spoken of.—Byron tucks is shipping
targe quantities of cattle these days and
prices are good,—Parsons & Davis Co.
are dolttg a lively business In the pro-
duce line, shipping a car load nearly ev-
ery week.—Mr. Merman Mitchell ad-
dressed the League on Tuesday evening
Good liorses,—Mr. Samuel IBcks of
Con. 2, Usborne, has sold another pair
of geldings. This Is tour geldings and
hne brood mare he has sold Inside of
a couple of months, all of which he rais-
ed himself. They were all of the heavy
draught type and the buyers were Mr.
Ilalst, Crediton ; A. Willard, of Exeter
North ; Fred Stinson, Mooresville ; and
Wm. Bean, Brinsley. The price realiz-
ed for the five was $1015. This! is an-
other proof that there to money to rais-
ing good horses.
Por Infants and children.
The Kind You Nass Always Bought
Hears the
gaature of
1'i • ENt'ER. meeds, wills. Mortgagee sed all
Less/ Documents srefully sndpromptly prepared
Chargee moderate. Issuer of Marriage 1.1,ente..
The Junior and Senior Alliances o: the
F:vatrtcll:al Church have prepared a splen
Sid program for their rally on Sunday
venting. The meeting will begin at 7
p. rn. The collection will be in the inter-
n's' of Northwest Missions. The Sunday
s-hool has der Wed to hold Its annual
Ceildren's Day on Sunday, June 2t0h.
A good p'oerant in anticipated.
Buggies! Buggies! Buggies!
JUST ARRIVED —A large consignment of Buggies
from five of the leading firms of Ontario, in all the latest styles
and designs.
Any person intending buying will do well
to look over our stock before purchasing.
We will save you ironey by so doing.
No trouble to show goods. All vehicles are guaranteed. A call
Crediton - - - Ontario
B. s. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,0001999
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General lianager I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most conveniegt
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rate,.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of tho I3ank. 131a
Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Brighten Up
Not only does it take longer to put poor paint on your building tliie
good paint, but you have to do it oftener. Divide the cost of paint
your building into three parts and two of than go to the painter.
third part pays for the paint. If you get paint that will last 6 yew
you can afford to pay more for it than for paint that lasts btst 2.
Sherwin-Williams Paint is the highest quality and most satillfac-
tory paint made. We control the most important raw materials •,• ••
which it is manufactured, make and refine our own linseed oil, • • in
many other ways safeguard the quality of all S -W. Products. They may
cost more per gallon than many cheap and inferior paints but dczriO .
strate their economy on the job by covering more, looking better and
lasting longer. Aslt your deafer for
Mads in Canada lhr.lh'iFA i iriavv1rCa tlonirealTaradaW •
WHEN you call— it is as much to our
credit to sell you a gond article as it is
to receive your money—Buying a range to
most people is a worrying proposition,—
doubts will creep in, fears will be as facts.
Why not share our knowledge, our exper-
ience has given us abundant confidence in the
Call and well tell you just why.
1 For Sale by W. J. HEAMAN
Seatorth—The trews reached here last taking a course !n the Church of Erg -
week of the death at North I3attleford.11and training ec!.00l she went West to
Sask., Industrial School, of )ties Anntelteach the same work.
Edge, a native of this place. After I
The Dashwood Furniture Store"
I wish to announce to the public that
our stock is now one of the largest and
best that we have ever carried.
Pianos, Organs, Seeing Machines
No agents. Commission goes to you.
House Furniture ete
ftoe isn)the leadiow ngm't'g'`
of Canada, as we are barred from 1101,e.
We have a large assortment of Window Shades, Cintsin
Poles and Trimmings. Baby Carriage?, Folding Carte, Go -('arts,
Express Wagons. Curtain Stretchers, Step -Ladders, Carpet
Sweepers, Picture Moulding, Room Moulding, Pictures, Etc.
Brass Extension Rods, White Cottage Curtain Rods, 10c each.
Picture Framing done on shortest notice.
..aa.....UNDERTAKINC '""01-
We carry a large and well assorted stock in this line. In
time of need do not fail to call. Any orders received by phone
will be promptly attended to. Please call and examine our stock
and get prices.
P IC E P.McISAAC, Dashwood
The Molsons Bank
incorporated iqs
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund -
• $3,500,000
Has ski Branches in Canada. and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Eseter for the Dominion Government.
DiclteON & CARLiSO, $elicitors. N. D. HHURDON, Manager,