Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-20, Page 150c to JANI '10 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO• CATS and get a hargaiu b above stated; or else take advantage of our r Low Club Rates TWENTY—FIRST YEAR. Wedding invitations In Newest Ty p On Best 1',t nerd The F meet �\'ork And Hight !'rices The Advocate'Oftice,` Exeter EXETER. ONTARIO. TIIURSDAY. MAY 20. 1409. SANDERS & CREECS The Old Reliable Of course, every store in claims to be the best store. All stores have a right to this claim. We will not make it, however. All we ask, is that you inspect our stock. town Have you worn a pair of the "Astoria " shoes yet ? If you haven't, you should! We have there in all the latest styles, both in black and tan. They are having a great run. Our stock of Linoleums were never better! A dozen or tuore patterns to choose from, ranging in price front $200, $2.2 and $2.40. Specie :aglacimonts for Friday and Sataday Only ALL 121ic PRINTS AT tic Watch Our Crockery Window ! This is the season of the year for Painting. We have them ! Benjamin Moore & Co.'s Pure Linseed Butter 1(c, Eggs 18c, trade; 171c cosh. These [tri.'." subject to change. CARLING BROS. Cof Ladies' and Men's Coats LEARING SALE Regular Prices from $5.00 to $14 00 selling Prices from $3 to $9 Men's and I)oys' Suits all going at less than wholesale to clear out. Millinery Some nice Hate worth from $2 011 to all going at from 25c eo X1,00 Also some nice FLOWERS for tritnming, IOc Bunch, upwards Biggest Bargains ever offered! Come in itnd get a bargain while they last. All good goads. We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE ____ ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST•OFF10E — Ndig. war vim •adc PHONE 22 r*.f..st.sal Carla. Da. 0. f.BOti TON,LD.8.,D.D.a. Dentist ✓ erabsr of then. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor N sdsats of Toronto tnlvenit . Off1Cg; Ovat Dickson a ('arling's Law Odire, to Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. pt;, A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Cnlvertsty. DENTIST, Tema extracted without Ones Geer lsdmao L StuburT s offiain, or ce, had e8ectM1 ifss.er. Modicsl Court of Revision OF Township of Stephen NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen. will bold its first meeting for the present year. in the TOWN HALL, Crediton, on WEDNESDAY, MAY :'lith, 111111), at 10 o'clock a.m. HEN.tY EMBER, Township Clerk Crediton, May 4th, '00. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS (�].] R nRhitIT, Y.D., M. C. r. a S. 110NOR LA. Graduate of Toronto l'nitenity Iwo years resident physr.Jan Koval AleaanIn Hospital, enc. Having decided to go into the flus and Ori a and Residence, fir. Athos' Old Stand, Andrew D. -ay Business In E-eter 1 have placed Street.6IETVR• a new and up-to-date rig on the road Da, T. IcLAVOHLIN Ely ?seemed rosette* after spending s year tt'o:• Inge) st British and Continental llosoltafe. General prvtlee with ape. ial attention to Eye, (with retra,. tion) Ear Nne and Throat. Olace: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DiCgION a t'ARLING. BARRISTERS. SOLiCi ton. Notaries, Come} ne ere, Commtwionerl Bellctton for Holdout Bank, et.•. Mewey to Loss at lowest rates of Interest ail 'ea, Hain street, F.uter, 1. B. CASGOte, aA., I. H. torsos ONZY TO LOAN. Webs,/ starve amount of reit ate fusels to loss ■ him and rinses properties at low rates of inter set. OLADMAN 4 STANBURY,' eatritten, Solicltors,Maln st.. Exeter Os B. 8. PHILLIPS, Emma. Lteetsssd Awctlov..r. Bales attended is all parte. !attsfartlea Roaraa• toed cos° pay._ term. reasonst.le. All mien tett at Advocate Ofice will be promptly attended to J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead - Ing Canadian and British Companies. Main•St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDiclt5ON, Licensed Auctioneer for !furor. Cou.tty. Terris reasouabl•�. Dates ran be made et tie Advo'atc. II Exeter. or Henry Kllber's Office. Cred- Iton. HOUSE FOR SALE Art excellent brick house, modern and up -to -dale. Situated on Main street. Appy at this Office. W. M. S. CONVENTION l'I,e t:.lrteentn annual conventlo,t o1 the Women's Missionary Society of uta Exeter District, was held in the Allaa Craig Methodist Church on Tuesday of lust week, and was attended by a largo number of delegates from the dlftco:it parts of the district Mrs. Marshall, or- ganizer for the district, prcatdcd At the morning sesslon 'lie address of wit - come to the visitors was given by Mrs J H. McKay, President of the local Aux- iliary and was responded to by Mrs wt' - son of Greenway. Another Interesting feature was the reading of reports from the various auxiliaries, bands and circles which on the whole were most encourag- ing and showed a slight Increase over last year. At the afternoon session :Sire. Klibourn of Parkhill gave an account of the Missionary Congress in Toronto; Mts. Steadman of Grand Bend sang a Solo; Mrs, kleCarnus of St. Marys gave an address on Systematic Giving ; Mies Armstrong, a returned missionary front Japau, gave an interesting address: Mrs Kerr of Duran and Mrs. Going of Jsxeter conducted a question drawer. At the evening session Miss Armstrong and Her. Langford of r:mbro gave enthusiast ie addresses. The ladies of Aliso Craig entertained the visitors delightfully. An invitation from the Whalen aux',lary to hold the ..onvention at that place next year was accepted. for the conveyance of paseengcrs to and from the station. and respectfully so - it a fair shire of business of the travelling public. Calls at the office, phone 41A, cheerfully attended to WM ARNOLD. Prop. HOUSE AND LAND FOR YALE. The undersigned 1s otter:ng for sale a good brick house and 10 acres of land, Part of South Half Lot 4. Con. 2, Ste- phen. The house 1s 1:1 good repair. also a good frame barn and woodshed. good soft and hard water, never failing well, good orchard, 3-4 mile from school, 1 and 1-4 miles from chutrh. Possession give t nett WI. Apply on the premises. Mils. WINER, Centralia I' O. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned Is offering hls tarn. for sale, Lot 2, Con. 1. Blddulph, 1.4 mile from Centralia 1 silage, containing 7:. acres. sixty five under cultivation. •r•1 acres bush pasture. There 1s a new two-storey brick cottage. hard and sett water. three good wells. Itarn 8t by 60 and other buildings. Possession given In the fall. Terms easy. apply to THOS. W. NEiL. Centralia. Ont. FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned Is offering for sale Routh Half of Lot 21. Con. 3, Stephen. lee miles wes' of Exeter; also ^n acres If Lot 23. Con. 2. Stephen. and 25 acres in 11ay Swamp. Thele is on the fifty acres a frame house, bank barn, hay barn. drive et:ei and other conven- len es ; there 1s an excellent spring creek running through the thirty acres, mak- lt good pasture land. Will be sold to- geeher or separately. For particulars *spay to MiRS. JOHN fOOKSON. Exeter North, Hay P. O. FOR SALE For sate, Man or Wonsan.—My South African Veieral Bounty Land Certiflc- at : issued by the Department of the In- tcrlor, Ottawa; good to- 320 acres of any Dontin(on Land open for entry in Alb. rta. Saskatchewan, or Manitoba. (\ny parson over the age of 1.8 years, man or woman, can acquire this land will this certificate. For Immediate sale 1$700.00. Phone, write or wire, L. E. TELFORD, 131 Shuter Street, Toronto. Phone Main 3006. TENDERS Tenders are hereby asked for the caretaking of time (liven Presbyterian Church. also the Manse property ad- joining. Furl particulars can be had front the secretary of the board, JOS. SENIOR. MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. l,e Council of the colporatio.i of the County of Huron will meet In the Coun- i' c•'.antbcr, In the Town of Goderi ^t. 0:1 the 1st day of June :next, at 3 o'clock P. m. .,I1 accounts agalust the County, tc- c,uiring settlement, must be placed with the Clerk on or before Saturday. May 29th. W. LANE• Clerk. bated May 19. 19 .111. HOUSE TO RENT Brick house, 1 and 1-2 storey, on William Street, Exeter. Good number of rooms. House in good repair. Good hard and soft water. Number of fruit trees. Apply to S. \f. SANDERS, Exeter FOR SALE itIRICK HOUSE AND SIX ACRES LAND IN t'SIIOIINE The North-East Corner of Lot 13, Con. cession 6, L'sborne. the property of th- Int, feriae: Harris. Th? house 1s one and one-half storeys high and contains six rooms, kithen and woodshed. There le a frame barn about 20 by 44t, hard and soft water, and about one acre of good fruit trees. The soil is a good clay. The lot Is mostly seeded out and Ie will fenc:d and drained. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBUIIY, Solicitors for Executor. Exeter, PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND (HORSES The undersigned can take a limited number of cattle and horses for pasture by the month. For particulars apply to R. D Quinton, Salntsbury P. 0., Lot A. 5th Con. Usborne EVERYBODY COMES TO EXETER TO ENJOY THE BiG CELEBRATION ON MAY 24 of May Is always a great day for a holiday. 11 is the first Public Holi- day atter the long and dismal winter. A celebration seems to be fust the pro- per caper at this time. . Exeter has been most successful with her celebra- tions for several 'care. This year the committee has made every preparation and the weatt:.t btirg favorable a big day will tie the result. in the speeding contests there are,— Ge:,tlem n's Ito :c1 ita-c. a Running Race a Farmer's Novelty and a Ladies Nov- e1tY Race. In Athletic Sports there are,—Mara- tho:t hare, Farmer's Races, Bicycle Race I<eley Ra -e, Hl:h Jumping, 100 yds open 50 yards dash. 60 year old Men's race. Backward Race, Business Men's Race. Also prizes for the Fancy Horse and Muggy Outfits for ladles and for gents. 1618 and $0 are the prizes offered for Baseball Matches and this promises to be a big event. Pepul cr Lady's Contest.—Coupoue are attached to the admission tickets giv- ing the holder a chance to vote for the most popular lady on the grounds. The p lz=_ 1, a beauty. many of the prizes are beautiful and costly pieces of merchandise. donated by several of the merchants of town who ars ev.r anxious to boost along a gooi thing and up',old the honor of the town. Se: bilis for ptrticulars. The Dastiwool Braes Band, .,:t a ::•client organization, vele fu•nls!t tete mu,1 Tae day will wind up with an excel- lent concert 1.1 the Op r.t House, among the artists at which will be Donald C. MacGregor, Ilarltoste, o: Toronto, Mrs, \Weidenhamnt.r, Read r. of Exeter, and Win. Brown. Pianist. Everybody should come to Exeter and enjoy the day. --- KINGSTON WHIG.—No mistake was nude in engaging Donald C. MacGregor His voice is powerful, ric`t and expres- atve, and he sang with an ease and free- dom that 1n seldom seen. Before Mr. MacGregor had sang one atanea' he caught the sometimes cold Kingston au - di n^e, and It began hand -hanging right in Opera House. May 24th SALE OP LANDS IN OILLIES LIMIT Under the .,.,' .ority of an Order-in- Coun-II dated vend April. 1909, the :no:thcrly portio . of that tract of land generally known es the Gillies Limit. situated 10 the Dtstri't of Niplssing, and Province of Ontario, containing about 800 acres, 1s offered for sale by tender In parcels euntalttt•ng 20 acres or rhrr-about., such tenders to be address ed to the undersigned at the Depart - mint of Lands. Forests aria Mines. Tor- onto. marked on the envelope "Tender Gillies L!nsit", and to be receivable at the said Dep.trtmernt up to one o'clock p. m, nn Tuesday. ISth day of June. 1909. Tenders arc to be for each parcel sep- arately. and to ttante a lump sunt or bonus therefor. An atcepted cheque for tett per cent. of this amount to accom- pany the tender and the remainder to be paid In full with:n twenty days of aeceptance of the same. .\ royalty of tee per cent. on the gross proceeIs (less freight and smelter char- ges) of all oris, min rale or concentrates take, from the land will h^ payable to the Crown. and purchasers will be re- quired to enter Into a satisfactory agree- ment with regard to the same. Working conditions will be attached to the sale, and certain lands and rights will be rest:reed feel psrtt'ulars of which tog,•ther with a map or plan shovel tg the said tract and the subdivisions thereof, may be obtained on application to the Department. The highest or any tender not stereo - eerily accepted. F. CenC11R.ANE, '.lints/ter of Lands. Forests and MI 'es. To:unto April 23rd, 1909. Local Items Mrs. Jane Atkihratt Is Int at present. Mr. W. 11. Levert was in London on Thursday. Miss Pearl Rollins of Orillia Is vlslt• lug r.latives hire. \ir. Arthur Hollins of London is visit- ing 1-c lative's in town. \ir. Jos. H. Lambrook leaves this week for Fort Wayne to reside. Mrs. Geo. Brownlee and son Edgar of Egmoudville are visiting In Exeter. Mies Whyte of liantlota, Man., is vis- iting her brother. Mr. James Whyte. Miss Lily Robinson haves to -day for Seattle on a trip for do benefit of het' health. Mrs. McDonald and 16011 of Guelph art visiting at the !tome of Mr. W. D. Wt ekes. \ir. and :sirs Eli Lawson and famil4 were guaats of Mr. and Mrs. James Par- sons on Sunday. Mrs. Percy Luxton returned to South Bend, Ind., on Saturday after a visit with relatives In town. Mrs. Arthur Ramsay of Hamilton is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mos. S. Campbell, William street. Mr• and Mrs. W. T. Sinitic of Hamilton spent a few days with the forner's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sntale, of Cs - borne last week. Mr. J. A. McTaggart, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pet- er McTaggart, Loudon ltoad North, for the past fee, weeks, left Saturday for Little Current. where he will have charge n: :t dental practice for a time. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. Brick lrcuse on the corner of Main and \'ktorla streets. \VM. 11L:\TCHFORD. Mr. Janes Dearing, Stephen. Is on the mend. Miss Rose Dearing has returned from a wick's visit at Grand Bend. Mrs. T. E. Handford attended the graduation a xeroses at the Victoria Hospital, London. on Wednesday. Mr. and Mr -s. It. el. Scldon left Tues- day for Ingersoll to attend the funeral of t1.clr aunt, MI.i. T. u;nas Seldon. BIItTHHS Ducharme.—:\t Drysdale, on May 11. to Dir, and etre. Joseph Duel:artue, a daughter. MA ItIt1AGES 11llantyce—McDonald —At the Manse, Thames Road, on Wednesday. May 12, by Rev. Colin Fletcher, Mr. Wm. Ball- antyne, son of the late James Ballan- tyne, to Miss Justiria, daughter of the late Robert McDonald, both of Ushorne. DEATI IS Wilhelm. --in Crediton, on May • 15th, Elizabeth Wilhelm, wife of Eckttard Wilhelm, aged 68 years. 10 months, and (; days. Sloman.—fa Clinton, May 11111, Sarah Livermore, beloved wife of Mr. Jacob Slonsan, 1.1 her 47th year. Smith.—le Stanley. on May 7, Margar- et McGill, relict of the late Malcolm Smith. in her 80th year. Folliek—I n Hensail, on May 11, David F'otlick, aged 78 years. \lelk!c—In eleGtllfvray, on May 8, Mr. Wm. Meikle, aged 75 years. 6 months and 5 days. Mr. Abrahem rearing. sr., to slowly re( or( ring from his Illness.. Mr. Richard Welsh has moved into the house vacated by Mr. ltic:lard Snell. \L•. David Cobbledlck of E:•c'cr North :a confined to tyle room througl, 111nres A pleasant dance was indulged in by the young people on Friday night In M4 - Dont ll's t- Doncll's Hall. Mr. William Atkinaon and Mr. Thole Sweet are veneering their houses a:r1 otherwise Improving theist. Dir, J. G. Jcnes entertained Dr. Bright's bible class of 10 young meat on Moe - day evening at his home. Tee sale of the effects of .tr. Jos. 11. Lambrook on Monday was very success- ful. B. S. Phillips weilded the hammer. Garvey Acheson was taken 111 Satur- day night with appendicitis. Tine trouble has been reduced and he 1s now re-overing nicely. The Workmen of the World shipped a rho :um n' h•re o) Monday, ani the same was cte:ted over the grave of a deceas- ed brother, the late Arthur Snell, on Tuesday. Grand Temperance Rally in James Street Church on Thursday evening. the 27th, to ter addressed by Rev. liavey D. Moir of St. Thornas and Rev. S. L. Toll of Hensel!. Meeting at 8 sharp. Neither the James Ford farm on the 2nd of 8tepecn or the residence of Mr. A Redford on Sanders street were sold on Saturday. Both were offered by auct- ion. but the olds did not reach Inc rc•- serve.t prices. THE CONING ECLIPSES.—This year there will be four eclipses, two 01 1!,r sun and two of the moon. A total r• 1epsc of the moon will occur on June partially visible here. A total eclipse .' the suit takes place on June 17, vis - 1 herr as a partial eclipse at sunset. T. rs will b a total ectips_ of the ntoo.. Nov. 27. visible here. and a partial epee o: tine sun in December. not vis - e.1, in this latitude. OVER 400 CATTLE.—The past week may properly be described as cattle wee.< In Exeter. Over 4n0 cattle were .v, 'ghee in Exeter and changed owner- s!nlp. going from the farmers to the big ;•at•1' dealers. who will pasture thein for sir or eight weeks and then ship there corer the water to the old land. Among the buyer/ of large numbers were Dyroe HOks John Wood, Wm. Snell and Jolt. Halt of London. NARROW ESC.\I'E.—Monday's Lon- don Frio Press said regarding Mlse Walter, daughter of Mr. Alfred Waiter of town ;—"Ml.. Walter of 145 Slrtlroe street. tad a narrow escape from ser- ious, if not fatal. Injuries on Richn:o::d eitrect. opposite the Gley hall. Matur- ity nicht at about ten o'clock. Mlsa \Walter was attempting to cross tee eirrct in front of a south bound car, a'td did not Iodic another car approtrt:- Ing from the south. Just as she reac::- ed the "devil -strip" between the two cars mct. She was holding her umbrella ov, r her right shoulder. witch kept het from bct:,g drawn between the rare. and flout saved from scrioue injury. al- thoug:. she was thrown against the cor- ner of the 'Italia boated car. The nort,. bound ear stopped within three or four feet. but the other wbl-h was run - Ing rap:diy. had passed the North board ear before It was finally stopped. 11 she had been thrown front her fret deuht- less s' a would have b^cr, killed. Miss Waiter's atm was injured and her skirt o -n. but tar i t!u-Its were not suffic- iently severe to require the attendat:ce a physician. SCRAP! The general public will take notice that i tun doinu business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap, for whish 1 am prepered to pay the following prices : Scrap Iron.... 45c cash, 50c trade, per hundred " GOc " di it 5c tt per pound 25c 8c Rags 55c Rubbers 4c Horse Hair... 22c Copper 7c All purchases to be delivered to T. HAWK INS & SON'S IIA ItDN'ARE, EXETER. where the cash will he paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the sante store, where prompt attention will be given. u u it ft M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. NOTICE Regina W'i~tcItes, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and I v otti;-:ii an authorized age::t, are li.7.hle to be Second - Hand Watches. taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. I am the only authorized Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. Portland Cement Samson Brand is the highest gra(ie. Ul;e it for your Walls. Walks, Cis- terns. Floors 1111(1 Silos. Any (luantity 4uppiled at very low prices. Order at once. Screen Doors & Screen Windows From SI up to 51.75 — complete --- H'oom 20 its to 40 its Poultry Netting Step • Ladders From 4c up to lOc yard From SI up to $1,75 Floor Paints SENOUR'S F"LJx)R PAINT (!ries over night. wears like iron. and will outwear any other Floor Paint made, :111 colors in stock, .45c (it, ELEPHANT IIARD-DRYiNG'r FLOOR PAINTS, 40c qt llEA1A'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE