HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-13, Page 8►• • ► ► • ► 1 ► • • 1 1 • i Let Us Measure you- f1;ur_ to a Suit, and the figure we will ask wal please you its well as the p• reel fit we will guarantee you. We arc s rupulously careful to tit all our patrons to perfection, as every gar- ment that leaves our establishment be- comes an advertisement for us. We will give you your choice of tt:e finest and newest fibre er. We do the rest. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Pieter, - Ontario listless Locals -- Read Them If you want to be n well-dressed young Ma, wear a "King Hat." Stewart sells tint. i •^4111r'.11.igvi. 1. rmy WWII, mill s I ,try. Birk spent a few- days in Lo::- EXETER MARKETS. I: LOCAL i)OI �'l . I don tele week vlaitlog friends. a 1 `s Air, Jos. H• Lambrook retunicd Mo..- CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY day from a visit with his node in Wheat 1 23 bulk ���+������� F'or. \WaYn�, Ind. Mr. James Bawden of the efolsoes Barley 51 53 Ge yuw' L:r.olcunis a_ !t. N. ItJ'A'l''r. fl43 4l Mr. Abraham Deader. Sr., 12 condo- bnk astaff. Fort William, 1s holidaying Pats Jaeas 43 41 ted to his home through Illness. with els parents here. 00 %1r. s. Dearing of Stephen Is still Miss Millie Oke, who has been a0. Potatoes, per bag 8l1 1311 Hay. per ton 760 8 50 Flour, per cwt., family 3 25 Flour, low grade per cw 1 50 165 Butter 18 Eg Rs 18 Livehogs, per cwt 7 18 Shorts per ton 25 00 30 Bran per ton 25 00 If you !rant Nairn's best Linoleurns, &wrart's is the spa. They import them last by the ton. HORSE FOR SALE -A good work Sartre 8 years old. Apply at tels Office. Stewart has jut received another ship - mint of 300 pairs of 25c Stockings in Hoek and tan. Curve and yet two pairs ter 25c. APPRENTICE WANTED AT ONCE. - To learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN. Go to Stewart's and see the new silk- pished mercerized (iinghams-look ilits silk -regular 25c, clearing at 15c tie yard. BOWLING ALLEY -T:.( Bowring Al- so will be op. nod on Saturday night 1?. Steele Briggs' 3fangil and Turnip iasis are the best on earth. Steuart Nil's none other. Biggest values ever offered in wall goaper at It. N. ltowc'e. Eggs 17c. cash, ✓ r. trade. If you want a nice Rug for your 1'ar- br or Pining -Room, go to Stewart's and hole a look through their stock. Their amp hate a great reputation. Repair Shop Gun repairing Umbrella repairing Lawn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissors " Horse Clippers " Saws gummed and filed Wringer Rollers. All kinds of keys filed and Iwks repaired. New Bicycles and Sundries, in Guns and Ammunition stock. MANTED 1000 Mtisk Hat Skin P. Highest market prices. J. TRIEBNER Three d .ora N irth of Post Office off With the Old -AND- On With the New it will not be long till your thoughts are turned to a new Outfit for Spring. This sea- son will be more than ever in advance with new styles and fabrics. In Suits for Spring New Topcoats for Spring con:lned to his Lorne through rheuma- Sour -Meg in Kingsville f.,r some time. :ism. returned to town last week. Mr. James Weekes having purchased Mrs. Geo. Harlon of lfantlota, Man.. tee dwelling owned by Mr. T. Staley on arrived here Tuesday evening to visit Main street, north of the power house, for a time among friends. is nnovlrig therein this wetK. Division Court was held in the Town Messrs. Pinprase & Burke will tills Hall Tuesday. ween two minor caner week install a new and up-to-date shoe were settled and a number adjourne1 to shine in tlalr barter shop. This ad the neat court. Judge Holt pre sided. d!'00:, w111 till a log fel' want le this We are pleased to report that the con- line, ci.lon of Florence TIlebner, wl.o Is still Torot:to Saturday- Night.-"Ttte con - 1:r the Hospital at London. has mush IM- cert 11; Massey Hall on Monday eight proved and gives promise of recovery. was a most enjoyable affair. Donald Mr. Win. Prout, who last year plant- Macgregor won a triumph In a double ed a quantity of Mushroom spawn. on number, being foxed to respond to an T,,utsday last showed us a fine specie encore demand that would take tree of No. 7 Brown. The Bohemia. This no denying." Hear him in the Opera Is the only one that has conte up. House, Exeter. on May 24th. Rev. John Berry, M. A.. B. D.. Sea- KIND WOIWDS FOR THE PASTOR - forth. occupied the pulpit of the Trlvitt The quarterly board meeting of James Memo.lal church on Sunday Iast,preacie: street Methodist church was held Tucs- ieg two excellent discourses filled with day evening At the meeting the finatr- divine truth and bearing with them deep clan statement for the year was read spit Pull significance. and showed an increase In every depart - Rev. H. M. Lang -Ford of Lletowell 'Hent. About two hundred members will occupy the pulpit In the Trivltt have bean added tlo the church and the Memorial church on Sunday next, Itt comtczlonal funds all ahowed a sub - the absence of the Rector, who will etantlal advance. The board in behalf p.each anniversary sermons at Brussel% of the congregation, apprcciatteg the day evening of last week. services of the pastor, who has worked A #40,0u0 fire occurred at Halley- diligently during the past four years, bury on Monday last, and among the offered the following resolution welch heaviest losers was Mr. Simon Stehle, a was carried unanimously. -"Moved by S. Now, hoys. the 'Lith is coming ! :ornter resident of Exeter, and who for Martin, seconded by T. I3. Carling that Bring your goods here and get the Sonne time was on the Advocate staff. we place on record our appreciation of worth of your money. Ilia loss was about •d000. Miss C,:ilia Ferguson. who Inas been al at Minden. Neb., for some time, ar- rived here Saturday from London, where ..e visited for a few days. While tieing mu: h Improved it will be some time be- fore she is restored to her former good health. Mr. Jos. Lambrook is holding an auc- tion sale of his 0 ousehold effects on Here'sOood News The market prices for old junk are alive snd so is the old reliable tiro! -M. JACKSON k SON -one door south of the Metiupolitao. Just look at the following prices (no trade and no truck) all CASH: Rags 75c per hundred Iron from 60c to 75c Old Rubber Boots K Shoes • 7c per lb l' 3 'opper & Brass 9c Horse Hair 30c " Lead and "Linc 21c " Monday next, atter which he will move to Fort Wayne. Ind., and make his fu- :u.e home. His many friends here will be sorry to see lam leave town but will w.sh hint eery success. When a man pointe a gun at you, knock him down. Don't stop to look if the gun he loaded. but knock him down aid don't be at all particular what you do It with. it there is. gping to 03 a ,'o.n:r's inquest, let it be over the other :'1 ow, he won't be missed. Our readers will confer a great fa - tor by notifying us of any events that and approved. Per Chair -Minutes of are taking place In the neighborhemd. the previous meting. Per H. liueeton All emelt !news as visitors from a die- and S. Martin -That the defects in the ante in town. births, marriages, deaths, root be referred to the Repalre Cont. transfers and sales o1 real estate, or with power to act. Reports of Commit church and lodge news, public meetings, tees -Repair -B. -That the gong ordered etc. ,will be cheerfully welcomed. had been received, duly placed, found satisfactory. Teacher's Supply -Th An llltnolia editor began his business at A. career 25 years ago with only 15 cents 11. Diusgro+e, M. P. of Wfngham, had and is now ratel at. $100,000. This vast kindly consented to take the place of accumulation of wealth was made pos- :1 at assistant in the IF. S. Department Bible by hie frugality, since attention to the close of the midsummer term. to business, hard and Inceasaat work, Per T. B. Carling and S. Martin -That and the fact that a rich uncle died, leas- the Hoard confirm the engag:nncnt of lag him =99,998.54. Mr. Musgra.e and that the remui ration Miss Verna Quance, who has .b:en on b' at the rale of �90o per annum. Per o t file staff of The White & MayGo. F. Woad and S. Martin that the Seo - here for the past four years, has te- rotary fo:•ward to the Dominion Govern- here her position with that firm and nrent, R. W. Mole. Esq•, of the Geo- logical Department, an expression of the Board's gratitude for the generous cabaret of minerals, kindly donated for the use of the Exeter School. Per H. Huston and S. Martin -That the thanks of the board be tendered the principal W. 13 Weldenhamrner, Esq., for the full the labors of our pastor, Rev. A. IF. Go- ing during 0ls four years' pastorate a- mong us. In all hie business transac- tions with the board 1,e has always showy, himself a trua Cttrlatlan gentle- man, and In religious and social work of our church he has ever been a true and r;yntpathetic pastor. We also wleh to speak o1 Mrs. Going as sympathetic and energetic in all the church's work, and as they leave us fur their new field of labor we trust that they may b3 as suc- cessful in all their work as here, and that the blessing of God may ever be wl.0 them and their lxrnily. EXETER SCHOOL BOARD Meering of the Board held in the Town .call, Monday, May 10th, at 8 p.m. Ab- sent, F. W. Oladniar.. The following is the order of busire se duly submitted left on Monday for Eveter, where she ttas taken a similar position. Miss Quante will be greatiy Inlayed In town. where she has been a general favorite. -Mina Craig Danner. Mr. W. S. Cole last week purchased the combined store and dwelling prop- erty on Main street owned by' Mr. F. J. report fur.tlshed of the work of the con- tinuation class section at the meeting owing to 111 health. The price paid was of the Educational Association at Tor- onto. Per T. B. Carling and 8. Martin - that the Continuation Class Inspet for :a,3oO.uo, Mr. Cole will prove to his r.ew quartets as soon as convenient. This is an excellent property and well adapted for a drug store. Don't arks seeing R. N. Rowe's Lace Curtains. they are Just lovely. HORSE AND CATTLE SALE -Mr. T. meta of the Commercial erctlon should Cameron will conduct a sale of horses ba added to the general equipment of and cattle at the Metropolitan Hotel, on su h SC tOOle. Per S, Dtar.ln and F.WoOd - That F. W. Gladnian, H. E. Huston and T. 1I. Carling be a deputation to waft on the County Council at its June session In support of the present or in- rreascd grants to continuation class schools In their jurisdiction. Per II. Iluston and 8. Martin -That the prin- cipal be authorized to srcure such sup- plies as may be required for the En - nese extending over several months Mrs. trance Examinations. Per S. Martin & n au- Peter Pinder bled May 'Ird at Ger home T. B. Carling -That the Secretary beau - at the age of 47 years. 6 mentis and thoilred to se•ure suitable certificates 14 days. She leaves to mourn her loss for the Conuncrial Department Exanr- hcr husband. one d.w3liter, Mrs. }lcrb. illations. Per F. Wood and S. Martin- tier • of Exeter and one son, Walter, tie- That t to Teachers' Supply Com. take eat. besides a number of step -children. Her lY s'epa to ec ur; desirable teachers tot :centiliter were laid to rest In the }Iron - the p lmary classes r.qulrlhg such tot sea Line cemetery on Wednesday. Scptemb_r trot. Per F. Wood alto T. B. Carling that the following pay - Death of J. E. bruderlek of Londo; .- t'r'ots be appro+ed,-W. J. Neaman tot The death occurred In St. Joseph's ltos- gong. et-- 1'2. 3: it N. Rowe. brooms, pltal or: Saturday evening. May 8th. )dr.! 1.8i1: I1. Flusto;i. delegation, $1 ; 5 Broderick had been lfvlrg retired in Martin, delegatloo, 410: J. Grigg. tele. London for eight years and was 77 phone. freight. and school supplies, :ears old. He was taken Ill about ten 422.06: Per. H. Huston and T. II. days ago and steadily !veers), worse,hls Grrl:ng -That an Interim right to the death occurtleg on Saturday. Mr. Brod use of til( school campus be Steen to tri -k came to Canada from Lincolnshire, the Y. M. C. A. for football prae�lre England. when a young man and sett- until the next regular meeting of the led in St. Thomas. Mr. Broderick Is Hoard• survived by four brothers. Messrs. J. Per F. Wood and T. }I. Carling that \W.. of Exeter • IL G. of St. Thomas, T. 111. Huston and S. Martin b' a committee L. of London and W. J. of St. Louis. U. -1. to outline a general educational po• report be accepted as received. Per S. Martin and F. Wood -That the judg- ment of this Board be forwarded to the Almister of Education that In basing the grants to Oontlnuition Schools the equip Friday. May 14th. at one o'clock for Mr. War. of M I erton. Fee bills for par - •1 -ulars. COOPERAGE WORK. -I desire to in- form the peupl. of Ever and vicinity that I do WI kinds of cooperage repair- ing. All repairs gathered and returned F'ti:(s moderate. ED. IIEiDEMAN. San [tete street. DEATH AT ZURICH. -After an 111- s. The funeral was held Monday after- noon and was of a private nature. The 'services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Vi•itag of Talbot street •Baptist church '111f1... took place at St. Thome'. HiCKS F011 MAY -A regular storm period will be in force from the 15th to the 20th. having Its rentre on the 181h. The moon's passage over the eeleatla% equator On the 15th. so near It• peri- gee on the 16th. and new on the 19th. win hasten storm condltlons at this time sudden changes to very warm will ap- pear westward on the iSth, attended M falling barometer and other derided 1a. c'i: anon, of renting storms. These con ditlons will widen hi extent and grow more Intense as they move eastward► Now Raincoats for Spring aus:ng a aeries of heavy rants. winds and thunder storms from about the 16 New SuItings for Spring •0 20. There are no abnormal reasons •o apprehend dangerous storms at tela Ants. snd yet tornadoes ar! entirely Pot r.:Dle. Heat .humidity and tow baromet- er always precede dangerous starms.and fomany hours 1•t adv.ui a All tt eec rOn. di'.ons are manifest. Another probabll aelernV period Iles about the 17th to tee 2113. central on the 1911.. Cha',ge el higher barometer and mu••h cooter w01 W. JOHNS tc natural front about the 20th to the Merobstat Tailor. Exeter 3rd the change. of course. passl'ts pro atreeirely from 'west to rant. .arrying 44,44+4,44.4444 +it't it fair and clear ng weather. The new spring lines are coming in Baily now. We are confident of being able to please you in the least particular. llcy for the Board for the future, r,o: only to meet the growing requirements of the village but also of tae district of which Exeter Is the natural centre. 2. to submit the details necessary for the conauntmation of such a policy. and further, 3. to Make arrangements to meet the increasing needs cf the present increasing school attendance, 4, to present a full report of such plans at the text regular or special meeting of the board. Per T. fl. Carling -Adjournment. J. Grigg, Secretary. Patronize Hair Dressing Parlors - AT - Hasting's Old Stand First-class equipment throughout and careful, con»•ientious work. We guarantee fat •+fa tingle all customers lbvr t'atrenace re.pr tfully toilette'. A. Penprase -- W. D. Burke = •NOONQfrNOZOOOOOOO IRON PIPE A great variety of iron pipe al>.ays on hand at a reason able price, suitable for FENCE Pt)•TS, BRACING .t 1101.7I.EVARUING M. Jackson & Sons MAIN 5'1'. , EXETER. OPPOSITE Er.E(TRIC Pott'ER HoteSE Pure Blood Makes Fine Health At this season of the year the sys- tem should be given a thorough cleaning out and the blood, tissues and constitution built up. fresh- ened and purified. Rich, red, hounding blood can he enjoyed by any one -you only have to take Our Famous Sarsaparilla and Blood Purifier This remedy is a natural, pure, ra- pid reconstructor, curing all blood, bowel, liter and kidney diseases, where the ailtnent is due to im- purities in the blood. Nothing so good for indigesrion, rheumatism or pimples. 50c and $1 a bottle at W. S. NEY, PHIIL.I. Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone 50 Ips' EVES TESTED FREE Gents ! We want you to come with the Ladies to this store to buy the hest and purest Perfumery, Talcum Powders. Shaving Soaps and Pre- parati"nP, Hair and Tooth Cleaning Preparal ions. Our Prices Are Right Quality Best Newest Past Cards -Stationery, too Edison Phonographs sold on easy Payments. Come in - - we will cheer you up. You will always find us cheery. Come and see. Can. Rap. Bldg THE PURITY J. Willis Powell DCN'T FALL INTO the error that all flour is alike. proof of it lies in a trial of (WE STAR FAMILY FLOUR The better hiking and more of it you can do e, it h a sack or barrel of Star flour will be a revelation to you. We won't have to ask yon to try it the second time. You'll do that of your own accord. The 1(1,01el hush. of wheat wanted. Patronize home industries. HARVEY BROS. POL.K MANUFACTURERS EXETER - ONTARIO Enter Any Time CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 1,..l.een tested in the oru.ible of etf.rien.•e, with the fi•e of Pn1.li.• opinion, and has not leen found wanting. The t,mress of rnir graduate* has nM hten e''-etled Not the tartest tori %es highest grade modern Blaine*, If, hoof in tver- tern . intAto, (n4i.idnal iastrn•tion, NO rvation. !tail Courses. F.ntet any day. Write for particulars (1EO..SPOT1'ON, PRINCIPAL SEEDS SEEDS We have a full stock of J. J. Bruce's Flowers, TVegetables, Lawn Grass, and Field Roots Seeds' One trial will remove any misapprehension of the quality of these seeds. T. HAWKINS & SON House Gleaning Time for Furniture Always something required for the home at this season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor, Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits; Combination Side Boards. China Cabinets, Extending Tables, Dining Chairs in all grades. Felt Mattresses in three grades, the best on the market for comfort; Wire Springs, guaranteed not to sag, none better ; Iron and Brass Beds, for quality and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock before you pur- chase. No trouble to show goods -but delighted. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 82 House Furnishing Specials for This deet Rugs Our ehowit.g of !tugs this season sur r.4.sts anything we have ever had. lit 1V.'..7, Tapestry, Brtrsse s and Velvets we hate :4 flue sel••el ion t., Choose fi • mkt, a ver7 swell lot of small MAT RLO'l at low prices. Carpets We have all the poptiLir kinds that art• selling this Spring. Our Union, Wool, Tapestry and Brussels are the best money can buy. A big range to pick from. Let us carpet your room. Door Panels in Nottingh•rn', Swiss and Battet,b•irg. They are very nice for year (class Door and come very cheap for the beauties they are. 81 to $1.25 Window Draperies Fit a F..ncy Screen in white, et 1-41111 0.1 ecru shades. Pl..in or Floun,•ed, l'2 c to :t' )d. F,.ncy Crib red Madras, all calor • , 17.• t o 51)e yd. White, Plain o. 1'. filled Mus- lin, 15c and 20c yd. Door Hangings (iotas, He ivy ('retonne in all color s f •'r I:rc let 25c yd. Nice Homan -Striped Tapes- tlle•, trOc ,tr,d IPk p••t yd. Real Good Figured T'apest- t ler, all C0100 P. for 5e per yd. Marseilles Quilts With that nice, soft, satin finish that looks so nice. All good large sine and an erns• ment to any bed. A good frorn $2 to $4 Staunton's WALL PAPER Staunton's We are the only sellers here. It is the hest paper. MillineryOur Miliinee are busy, yes Millinery more than busy ! Good Milliners with the Stylish Hata are always buoy! if you want your New Hat for the 24th of May he sore and leave your order early. They will try and have you ready. Come in ! JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing