Exeter Advocate, 1909-05-13, Page 7GROWING BOYS
Need br. Williams' Pink Pills
10 Give Them Health
and Strength.
Crowing boys as well as girls
need such a tunic as Or. Williams'
Pink )'ills to keep tht blood rich,
led and pure and give them health
and strength Mrs. Edward Koch,
postmistress at Prince's Lodge,
N. S., tells the great benefit her
little son has derived from the use
of this world fatuous medicine. Mrs.
iso. h sass; --"My little son, Regin-
ald, kaki been troubled with anae-
tnia almost since birth. He was al -
say s a sickly looking child, with
pc energy anal little or no appetite. from which an inflammable cons-
uls veins showed very plainly pound was projected, with the ob-
through his :kin and he had rev- ject of setting tire to ships or build -
mil serious attacks of stomach and ings, and the material so employed
bowel trouble, and on one occasion was probably Creek fire, of which
}tis iife was (Repaired of by two titers were many varieties, some of
doctors who were attending him. there
would seem to have been
His little !Jody was slowly wasting slightly detonating in character, but
) away until he was nothing more
than a skeleton. He was peevish ordnance and band guns require
and fretful and a misery to himself. a mixture strong enough to propel
Having read and heard so much of a projectile from a tube with con -
Ur. Williams' fink l'ills I deter- siderable momentum.
trained to try them in his case, and1 It will probably never be known
after giving them to him for a con- _when or where this epoch making
plo of months they certainly work- compound was invented. It. is also
ra wonders with him. T-<iay he is stated that there is a. reference in
e fat and healthy looking; he has a Chinese annals of 1232 to a fiery
r hearty appetite, is able to play like mixture having been employed in
ct.her children, and is bright and that country and year in what would
energetic, instead of dull and list- seem to have been bombs, but the
less as he used to be. Dr. Willi- statement, resting as it does on the
stns' Pink Pills have changed my reputed copy of an older record,
puny, sickly child, into a rugged, should be received with caution .
hearty boy." Prior to the invention of the match
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured both ordnance ani guns were fired
this sickly boy because they went by a red hot iron bar or a live There can be a difference of
1 down to the root of the trouble in coal. Figures of guns shown in it F opinion on most subjects, but there
his blood. That is why they never laminated manuscripts or on the is only one opinion as to the retie -
rather later engravings are often bility of Mother Graves' Worm Ex
diseases like anaemia, fanciful, and at the best. give mere terminator. It is safe, sure and
h,cadalessness) eczema, paleness, ft' the outline of the pieces, but fur h
n indigestion, kidney fortunately a few very early actual
trouble, neuralgia, rheumatism and specimens have been preserved, s a y' >>
the special ailments that only grow- some of which have chambers, while Go to 1 1 Darling, 1 would die for you!'
I) Ing girls and womenfolk know. Dr."What I want is a man who will
Williams' Pink Pills don't bother others are without them. The Int' s1 div e for me and pay the bills."
with mere symptoms. they cure dis- touch hole is on the uppermost side
owes through the blood. They of the barrel, and the muzzle
moment's "A utile oats, YOU aMew," w►n 14,0111e a Rr•at
strengthened with an danger 11 ft be allowed h, reach rl..wn the throe,.
dont cure for a day they cure to $ I'd I 11 4. the kiwi. Nip the peril in the bud with
stay cured. Do not take any pills OUTER THICKENING OR RING. vote to { q urea. ling Balsa., a sure remedy wutdIwing
' without the full name, "Dr. Wile didn't 't t I M opiates.
limns' Pink Pills for Pale People," 1 This metal part is socketed into a
en the wrapper around each box. staff, to which it is firmly attached
Sold by all medicine dealers or by by iron rings, though sometimes the
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes stock itself is of wrought iron.
(tot $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Among these weapons, the wooden
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. stocks of which have mostly rotted
— away, there is but a single example
furnishing any reliable data as to Used according to directions, Dr.
FiRST MENTION OF GUNS the time it was used in warfare, and t 'I J D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
this piece was foundi
when exeavat will afford relief in the moat acute
ing among the debris of the fortress JUST A WAY THEY HAVE. form of summer complaint. When -
Vesta Tannenberg, a castle in A little nonsense now and then ever the attack manifests itself no
SCHEDULED IN AN ENGLISH Hesse, taken by assault ani die- Is relished by all married men; time should bo lost in seeking the
mantled anno 1399. The weapon is But oft a man expects his wife aid of the Cordial. It will act im
I\ 1 ENTUItI" OF 1:33+. now deposited in the l.ermanische To stand his nonsense all her life. mediately on the stomach and in-
testines and allay the irritation
- whore there is a large and compre-and pain. Atrial of it will eon
gettee a Mid Dries don't kit to tab* • twosome- tines pain.
r ue of the truth of these
Earliest Ordnance Small Nos el hensivo collection of arms and fel of I'•Inkiller mts.,d with a glair of Ant water
Ment ••gars 11 voted? present• tittle. Avow ueb asliert int.
Method, ot Firing Ryzaillin'. armor. acne•,, there is but ono "Palnklller"—Wrq _-_—
ltecord. This example is a brass casting, ! )Datta• -1;c. sad s .. — "My dear, you grow prettier
octagonal in outward form and withevery day :'' "And shal,bier, John.
n chamber. The staff fell to pieces THREE NEW HATS.
Very early ordnance was small, on exposure to the air. Though ('ompliments are all very well, but
seine of it so small that inan of lUilliners have other troubles be- I'd like to see a little ready cash
y found in a deposit of the end of the sides the frequent difficulty of col -
the guns could be either tnouuted fourteenth century. the piece may lecting bills. One milliner tells Of occasionally."
i un woolen blocks as cannon or at have been some years in active eer-
tached to staves for use as hand a letter she received from the wife IVINY Notieuulga_,nn.e r,n.n art a. •
one; but it is impossible sat ihle to say
vice before that time. Most of of a man who, in a brief time, had family 1•hyn.•l,n. l' r,ktn•r f.•ranthe luu, +II..
how early the dant Ilafned form of these ancient weapons preaeiyed arc advanced from overt tr,great 1.l'and'prein. as well a. for M•w.l rh. ,' l.. lost
, I
to be seen in the museum* andpoverty is la Painkiller'
Asold.uhb. 11. th. n 1 bat
Ebel? aj)IICBtIr)n was put in practice, s wealth. Hisbu fa was wag still g ob-
sae Isiah killer' /oh' 10r4ii stile end ti le
and this partly owing to the fact arsenals eofo the c. Austria and acurity, but was preparing to
the low counlrics, and the great emerge ('artier pigeons a re supplied to
that the same nomenclature is free- majority are made of wrought I wont you should snake a boast( all cavalry regiments in the ltali-
I, It'' employed into the
both classes and two hats right off," wrote the an Army, and are used for the
�� of he peri in the Trritten records iron.
of the period. �' iwifc, for me and the girls, and ex- transmission of information (luring
The fir,t clear mention of hand pense is no account. all military manoeuvres.
guns that has deieertrled to us tie_ DELICATE LITTLE CHILDREN . "My ineasnre is nearly twelve
ears in Italian records and "un' MADE WELL AND STRONG inches from ear to ear (14 el' the \('ort• for Rlicumatiam.—A pain -
hand -gone" is scheduled in an 1 head, and eight under chin, and fns and persistent form of rheumy. -
English inventory of 1334. Tho! The little ones are frail. Their six from top of forard to back hair, Elvin is caused by impurities in the
metal portions of verb early }land I hold on life is slight. A slight die and that's near enuff for both the blood. the result of defective ac -
guns aro cylindrical in form ant i order
r a tlyay attendedet serl\tls thif net very girls' tion ot the liver and kidney's. The
usual!). about 15 Span long --i. c., 9 p p "1'm sandy. Jane is dark and blood becomes tainted by the in-
1inches—but they begin to lengthen 1 first Tablets should of trouble e {. Thisis Lucy's got red hair. We %%ant live- troduction of uric acid. which caus-
al/out Oen Tablet. should be dives. ty colors, and 1 want blue flowers ee much pain in the tic'ues and in
about the end of the fourteenth medicine promptly cures indigos- ; '
century; they are cast in bronze ! (sun and alt stomach troubles, con- and strings on ?nine, besides some the joints. I arrnelee'.' Vegetable
or brass or made of wrought iron. ► trti ation, diarrhoea, and bringsthe {dooms, Pills are known to have effected
Though the use of iron, leaden and litho teeth through paid You ' "'Inns wants hers green and Lucy many remarkable cures. and their
even brass bullets at this very early can Rive the Tablets with equally wants Pink ; we don't care what use is strongly recommended. A
period in the history of firearms is i gaud results to the new born baby shapes. but they must be heroin. trial of them will convince anyone
recorded, says Il. Coltman ('le an o their value.
PI' or well grown child. Mrs. R. G. ing and so as they won't blow to
in the Antiquary• 1 Flew ell, Uxbridge, Ont.. says:- ''1 pieces in the wind; nor we don't
have used Baby's Own Tablets and ' want them loud. for my husband HONESTY REWARDED.
as shown by illuminations in ?nano- find them a perfect medicines for won't hear to such.
scripts, would seem to have been a stomach and bowel troubles." Sold i "Please send within file clays. and
garrI by medicine dealers or by mail at. if satisfactory bill will to pairs at
e., a bolt or arrow `r5 cents a box from the Dr. Wil- ones.''
feathered with brass iKtirros a feu): Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
sometimes called aivar••el, missile Ont I'F:1tHACA.
for the crossbow. I!unrrel guns 1 .{. ._.
((nnrriaulx gonnes) are mentioned ! As the occasional wedding invite.
in the Treasury accounts of Henry' t 11' t I M I s 1.1t' J.\ . E. tion arrives it may occur to you
IV of England (1399-1413), and such , that there is also the high cost of
l'rosh, bang, wallop' Down the giving.
52es ci * Daus et =osrss7►7
Missiles were still being employed ! 11 a.• .0 ♦little An••wslga n.1 Yarm •t -at
kitchen stairs fell the entire tray-
! ?hen wr t• us AT le kno Si1 a ,1 weekly sal -
fill of crockery from the dining. err .se-.mmfs.l••n. No erperi.ncs. n part ••f
g Russian! pay mere attention to the word on your eon (trot or act a' ,tge•.t.
room. Not even the salt cellar re -dancing than do the people of any' K•-nothiega',t,tut•lynew theatert tirm.ney
stained unbroken, staking eppnrtunity
Within the dining -room sat bus. ( Ther net in the world. ► YAltIl •TOCK vaTRR1++4Y co.. ToroeIo.
with firearms up the end of the GRAND NEWS
sixteenth century, as shown in a
Tower inventory of 15P9.
The early history of firearms, in
the sense of tuber from which
missiles are thrown by the action
of a detonating compound of the
nature of gunpowder, is wrapped
in obscurity; though it may be safely
inferred from the few early records
that have come down to us that
such weapons were first employed
in warfare soon after the commence-
ment of the fourteenth century,
if not some time before. The coun-
try of their origin remains uncer-
tain, but we may gather that it. was
most probably Italy, though the
Flemings were early in the field.
A Byzantine record of the
elc- enth century and one of China
of the thirteenth (1239) refer to
tubes, respectively of
D1U FOR 11I11.1M 1tItON N.
Cured His Aches and Paine and
Gave )lieu Restful SIunthl ,• -
hnoun as the Old Folks' Frietti .
East Maplt-ien, Cumberland Co.,
The nearest duty is the highest.
Echoes are always more popular
than voices.
No church wilts men when it seeks That's right, my boy," rejoined
to work them.
Pickled piety always makes a Sharp .extending his hand, "but 1
vinegar disposition. an[ delghted to tee you here, just
Neff -love keeps the life tramping the
around in a circle.
He who consults only expediency A Woman's Sympathy
soon silences conscience. Ars you discouraged? Is your
the conceited man seeks his
shadow he thinks it is night for the
You cannot measure a life by the
distance between its early poverty
N. S., May 10 (Special). --Though ani ite later income.
well punt tits, alloted span of lite i No man wastes more time than
Mr. 'Ilium Brown of this place is!the the one who bus uo time to spare
still one crf the grandest sights in fur his friends.
life, a halo and hearty old gentle-1'o".
The drudgery we call a drag may
?sans And like many uuut•,ocr be the counterpoise that helps us
Canadian veteran he gives 1)od<i's rise.
Kidney Pills the credit for his ! It takes more than sharp angles
abundant health. to prove that a man lives a square
"I am seventy-two years of age, ; life.
Mr. Brown said in un interview,
"and I want to say that Dedd's Aman is quite likely to disclose
Kidney Pills cured we of Gravel Ins conseienco by his snspicione.
and Kidney Troubles I was frau-1 To use a great truth for wholly
bled with Backache, Headache and selfish ends may be to make a great
Dizziness, ('ramps in the Muscles he out if it.
and Stiffness of the Joints. sty Because some blessings are pro-
was broken and at tinges my mired to the poor many try to earn
limbs would swell. them by being poor kind of people.
"Blit bluer taking Doeld's Kid- The danger of the one talent Man
nay fills, all these troubles have to -day is not that he will bury' debut.
gone. I consider Dk.dd's Kidney that he will do nothing but brag of
Pills a wonderful medicine." it.
The aged man er woman who has Many who are proud of t'teir
healthy Kidneys can afford to laugh flow of ideas forget that a half
at. the ills of life. For healthy empty bottle flows more readily than
a full one.
"Fools rush in where angels fear
to tread," remarked Lightwit,
meeting Sharp at a reception the
other evening.
Kidneys keep the blood pure and
ensure got;d restful sleep. Dodd's
Kidney Pills always make healthy
Kidneys. That is why they are
known as the Old Folks' Best
From the dark kitchen there em-
anated a series of thumps and angry
exclamations. Jones was looking
the cat.
"Pa!" called the sonfrom the
"Go bed andet me alone,"
blurted Jones. "I've just barked
"Pal" insisted Tommy, after a
"Well, what is itt Didn't u t tc
keep quiet'!"
"I— I cum hear your suns
And the next moment Tommy
was being pursued by an angry sire
with a hard hair brush.
Are you a sufferer with corns?
If you are. get a bottle of Hollo-
way's Porn Cure. It has never
been knee to fail.
The man who hopes to wake up
and find himself fatuous shouldn't
depend entirely upon an alarm
A'osan, in Southern Japan, has
the largest volcanic crater in the
world. It measures fourteen miles
across one way. and more than ten
miles the other.
•u� wpain
heavy physical burden?a7 I Iknow ? owwhat
een to
dle ouraed too; tbut rlearned iahowto
cure myself. I want to relieveour bur-
R'h not end the pain and stop the
doctor's bill? I can do this for you and
11 you will assist me.
AU you need do is to write for a free
x of the remedy which has been placed
to my hands to be given away. Perhaps
this one box win cure you—It has done so
for others. If so,I shall be harpy and
refou will be curefor tc (the cost of a
stage stamp). Tour tetters held eond-
entlallrWrite to -day for my free treat-
tlssaL kLAB r. x CURIUM, 'indoor. Ont
Mrs. Yeungwed—"I want three
pound- of steak, please.'
Butcher—"les, ma'am. Round
steak 1"
Mrs. Toungwed---"Oh, I don't
cart' whether it, is round or square,
just so it's nice and tender."
A Pill That Proves its Value. —
Those of weak stomit&h will find
strength in Paruielee's Vegetable
Pills, because they servo to main-
tain the healthful action of the
stomach and the liver, irregulari-
ties in which are most distressing.
Dyspeptics are well acquainted
with them and value ihem at their
proper worth. They have afforded
relief when other preparations
have failed. and have effected cures
in ailments of long standing where
other medicines were found unavail-
After dining. the restaurant pat•
run proceeded to tip the waiter.
")leg pardon. sir,'' said the ,snit-
er. examining the coin. "but this
quarter is counterfeit."
"is that so 1" exclaimed the
other. "Oh. well. keep it for your
Ever notice what a great cloud
of dust is kicked up by the auto-
mobile you are not riding in 1
Felt RKIYMATI$M - it le not n•ces.ary to go to
11,a soinot.. Just u;e "The n. et 1. " \dentin
j'lastere and re+nits will be 'tali/dm-tory.
�..•' a�
druggists. Oasis A Law line* Ci•mpany, WIMP
"Haven't you any ambition to
work as your father did at your
age r "Certainly not," answer-
ed the gilded youth. "1f I were
to work, what would have been the
use of father's working t"
T N 1'
band and wife, staring blankly at
each other. What could it all
But this was a time for action.
and the niistiess rushed to the door.
- Jane, Jane:- she cried, "what -
e' er hay a you done r'
The servant smiled.
"Olt, mum.- she replied, "it's
cn:y the dinner things. mum. What
r. good thing i hadn't washed them
tip •'
Turki.n farmers never use ferti-
Users. lior (l•.• they practise rota-
' tion 1.1 erop'. Thr same crops are
----! planted year after year untit the
1881 1: NO. 19 -01 evil is exhausted.
It Needs No Testimonial.—It is a
guarantee in itself. If testimonials
were required they could be fur-
nished in thousands from all sorts
and conditions of Hien in widely
different places. Many medicines
are put forth every year which
have but an ephemeral existence
and then are heard of no more. Dr.
Thomas' Eetectre Oil has grown in
reputation every day since it first
made its appearance.
'Floe first English steel pens were
sold at r.5O each.
Brass Band
This is the
Time to
Iii.buwtewb, Desoto. toad Music, EN.
Lowest ppr,ioee •tett quoted. ) lee catalora%
ever e00 Dluetratfone. leaned tree. %yr111 W
for anything In Mask w U4IMeal testrseww'a.
Tomato, Ont.. and winniy.g, Man.
For Sale 7•000 '
profit -pay! ,
Pares In la States Strout II
New Moatbiy Bulletin •f '
Real Bargain.profu•e!r illustrated, mei. I !res.
le. par your R.R. tree L A, STRWT CC., t.*
• 1. world. Lnrse.t frivol no.doro Valr•ral.j
Nidg., syraeete, N.Y.
E.ti.Bauld 4�t VrITCtiN(:
National Provincial Plate Olsen Insnrano. cos.
Deny,Limited. Head Office. London oglandi
1 ,tat'K
llsb•.tlase. capital, Fifty Tb.onsaad
stesltug. For Agendas at esrepr•e•Ated vaults.
Province of Ontario, address
J. 11, SWART, Chief Agent,
NO. le Wellington street East, Toronto.
Bead tor booklet "Utas. Insuraao•.' _---^
(Lite%t.a]nr.t PrssbytSriaa
Church 1a Canada)
Cobalt stocks bought and sold on oommiseloa.
Long Distance Phones—?talo 5170, Main WML
Clean.d, Washed and Repaired
by Oriental l'r.•eesa. Wso ars
the ouly specialists to Cased&
Simon Al*Jittiae, ['sop.
Tel. Mile Na, 1e1 king It, West, Toronte.
Members -Toronto L'jvek Yichang..
traders Bank Building, 1S Broad three%
q;,;;,, COBALT
Kooks. Write M
for Eaters t►ua
Gasoline En gines
Do all the other 044 JAI around the farm at a
0..11 of :t cent* per hour. almpiest, Cbenpest,
easier( to operate on the rnarke►.- No va res,
a• pumps. et arta ata smite turn of the sheet
t .1,ildcan operate It. Write for fr•e Calal.g.
xn 1 name of netrrst age:11.
empire Cream Separator Company, et Canada•
r(din iN'ro. l.im.ted
Here it is,
Crab it !s
\Ve want to give away (abso-
lutely free) to every woman in
Canada, one Pah' of 8 Inch
In order to do 'o, we require
your help for which we will
pay you. Write us for full
Atlantic Soap Co.,
Tor tv� I tv, Os r.
So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu-
cation select Bea pianos? 'i -he fact that they we
ad prefer the Ben is evidence of distinct ment I
Oss follow; proteeeiond .daice in *equines .n educatq
why dot tallow tsofeasioeat :erne iM buying 11.l1 p epos 1
The edy piano* with Ila. Illimitable Quick
Repomioe Athos.
bend for (flee) Catesluguc No.
Canadian Whcat Best
Among cereals that commonly used for human fond. such as
rice. torn, oats, barley, etc., there aro one to compare with the
whole wheat. Canadian wheat tho.vughly cooked and taken with
[Wilk is a perfect food for the human system. Bread and milk make
a good food, but usually bread is not cooked enough to get the bei,(
results By chemical analysis there is found a great difference be-
tween the bread crumb and bread crust. Owing to the action of heat
the bread crust contains about one third less moisture than the crumb;
six tittles more fat ; 40 per cent. more proteid ; twice the quantity of
soluble ?natter; 60 per cent. more maltose and three times more dex-
trine, all clue to heat action.
Orange Meat (which contains the whole wheat) is
that every ounce will be affected like the bread crust.
,with ordinary apparatus ean produce this effect.
To persistent users of Orange Meat a large tee ard is offered Sao
their private postcard enclosed in every- package of ()range Meat de-
tailing particulars of how to win a cash prize of set en hundred dol-
lar! or a life annuity of fifty-two dollars.
11 you enter this contest. send post card to
Ston. giving full natnc and address, and location
you saw this advertisement.
so prepared
No kitchen
()range Meat. King -
the paper in which
A purely hcrbal balm ; bost
thing for the tander Skins of
Children, yet po,-ierfuI enough
to heal an aet;lt'3 o'ironic, coro;
highly antiscptlb; oases pain
and smarting soon *3cppfl,cl
that Is Zam•Suk. Remornimr
It Is purely horbal - no mineral
poisons, no animal fits. Power
anJ purity oornb!°;xl t
All dry( *I'ls gel stores .t." at SO, ,r Mer