HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-13, Page 5AT THIS
Everyone needs something
to create and maintain
strength for the daily
round of duties.
There is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter, the
polity and merit of which
has been attested by
chemists, physicians and
experts at the great exhib-
Mean.. Good Health, Cttccrtuluess, Am-
blton, Peristet,cy and 8ucccrs.
111 -o -no will cute your dyspepsia or
dry other stomach trouble by building
up the flabby walls and making the
stomach so strong tnat it will dlgeet
food without pepsin or other artificial
[n other words, 1111-o-na curer dyspeP-
ata be removing the cause.
W. S. Cole is the agent for Ml-o-na In
Exeter and he Saye to every reader of
rhe .%drocate +ttwec stomach 1s weak.
who has indigeetiwt ur dyspepsia, that
%t!o-na is guarai.te_d to cure ur Mout y
The price is cooly btl cents a large
box. and one box is all you need to
prove that you are on the right road
to health and happlt.ess.
Mr. Geo. Linder of corner Milt and
Park Streets: Elmira, Ont., say* ; ' For
about ten years 1 have been severelY
troubled with etomacht rouble and In-
digestion so bad that 1 could not raU
tain my food after eating. I could not
eat meat, or scarcely anything and had
headaches and constipation. I secured
a package of M1-o-na with the result
that now atter having taken two boxes
I ant entirely cured and can eat any. -
thing. digest perfectly and ant feeling
fine. Ml-o-na always overcame my con-
etlpatione. I am only too glad to pub-
licly endorse and recommend Mi-o-na."
get all the news.
get all the news.
get all the news.
Advocate and
Advocate and
Advocate and
Housekeeping Easier
In spring and summer "Crown Brand
Syrup" should be more largely used by
everyone. It simplifies the making of deli-
cious dishes to such an extent that horn --
keeping becomes easier in everyway.
Crown Brand Syrup eaten with bread.
toast, biscuits, pudding, porridge or
pastry, provides sustaining dishes t.'t
please the palate and don't overheat the body -dishes that
are plain, wholesome, easily prepared and easily digested
and at the same time very nourishing.
Won't you try CROWN BRANT) SYRUP? When you
think of its purity, its wholesomeut.ss, of all the dainty and
delightful dishes you can make with it, -When you think of
its fine "honey -cream" flavor and clear golden colour,
--and how it will save you trouble and bring variety to
every meal -don't you think it worth your while to order
some. Children thrive on it. Adults enjoy it.
Fa ram mnnaiesee Crowe Brad Setup is put up in 2. 5. 10 sot 20 .ie tight tin. with Lit -4 L!i
The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited
Works! CARDINAL„(rat. : MONTREAL. 1uRONTnam! lhkANTI,)t:;)
not trade that organ
of yours on a piano
At the preee•nt we rout handle n
number of second hand nrg4ns and are
therefore prepared to allot, you a gond
pricy for it.
We don't ask you one
dollar more for the piano
than your neighhhr pays
for it.
Searing Machine.,
Sleighs, Hymn Books,
1-iblc3. Stationery. &c
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
They are noted for the quality et their goods.
Leading Entire Horses
For the Improvement of Stock
The season for horse cards Is Mow
here. The Advocate is prepared with
a choice line of cuts and type for your
Job. ltememter we give you free from
all charge a two -weeks' notice of the
horse and route in The Advocate which
has the largest cir uletlon In the (Petrlct.
The notice Itself Is well worth the
price of the cards.
NON PAROLE. 34817. la a beautiful
standard bred trotting stallion, with a
mord at two -years of 2.2914. Ile nee
n very choice p.digree with some of the
exact! Abuorate
Si 00 11 paid in advance,
S,. Ali a) ear if not u. paid.
Te tatted State, i4oDKrine re$SAO
lN& s Year Strictly Is Advisee.
SANDERa CREEC11. Pu}1l.her..
With twenty•tao years' etper once to IU
credit this college is recognized ag the greatest
pra••ti'a1 training school InnWestern ontarlo.
Three departments
Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy
Our .dames are the largest. our courses most
pract fret and our instructors experienced. Our
graduates are veleta to positions and succeed
as none other•. Enter now. Net our free eats•
best cornet lions.
Monday he goes to ltlll's hotel. Vied-
iton, tor moon. to Commercial Hotel at
Exeter for night.
Tuesday to Geo. Moir's. Usborne. to
Norman Jarrott'a. London Road.
Weineaday to Dominion }louse, Zur:c1
to hls own stable.
Thursday to Robt. Qempbell's. Sauble
Line. to F'rltz's hotel, Grand Bend.
F'r:day to John Eagleson's. to Corbett
ll" turdty to Khlva, to his own stable.
te'iLL}Y t GU'ENTIIER, Dashwood. Pro
prletora FRANK CASE, Manager.
AL11ION tit., 18470, is a pure-bred
Imported shirr stallion. foaled In 1809.
Ile is a bright bay In color and has an
ex-cllcnt pedigree.
W11.L STAND for a llm:ted number
of mares at hl* own stable. Dashwood.
WILLIS & GUENTfHER. Proprietors.
C. GC'ENTIHER. Manager.
COLLEGE CHUM 13333, Is a beeut.
Iful brown, pure-bred Imported shire
stallion. of excellent parte and with as
unexcelled p,digree ; considered to be one
of the best shire horses In Canada.
Monday he goes to Ambrose Allen's.
to his own stable.
Tuesday to Credlton for tight.
The council of the Township of Ste-
phen convened in the Town (tall. C1'ed
(tort, on Monday, the 3rd day of May,
at 10 u. in. All ,nentbe s present. The
Minutes of the previous Filleting were
read and t.dopted. Year:ey-\Werth -
That the assessment roll of 1909 as
tiled tAlt, the clerk be accepted. as well
as the Truant Book. and that the ass-
essor be peld his salary. -Coo led. Atn-
dersoh-learlty-That by-law No. 135,
to appoint Whin latent, pound -keepers,
ani Fence Vltwtrs for the year 1909,
having been read the third time be pas.
and and signal by the reeve and clerk
and the seal of toe corporation attachtd
thereto.-Ceiried. Wuerth-Love - That
By-law No. 138, being a by-law to bor
row money to meet current expenditures
of the muntvtp.l;ty, taavl;)g been read
the third time, be passed and sigte'd by
the reeve and clerk and tee seal of the
Corporation attached thereto.- Carrlcd.
At 1.30 p. m the tenders were opened
for the ccnatruetio.t of the coacretc abut
menta, floor and steel structure for
the new bridge across the Aux Bauble
River at C.ell:oa East. .Vuerth-Love-
That Jos. Lawson be awarded the roe -
tract for tl,c concrete abutments and A.
Hilt & CO. of ltitenelt the contract for
the concrete ileo and steel bridge, --Car-
ried. Ycat1 y-.tnlcraou-That tele depo-
sits of the wtsu•Aeesful tenders br re-
turned and that the clerk draw up con-
tracts and have them signed by the re-
spective contractora and that the Reeve
is hereby auteariz•:d to sign the con-
tracts on b..nalf of the cOrporatlou of
the Toe ::shlp of Stephen. -Carried.
Anderson-\Vucrth-That the Court of
Revision to hear appeals against the
Assesei neat Roll be held in the Town
Ha11, Crediton, on Wednesday, May 28th
at 10 a.m. -Carried.
The following orders were passed. -
Ed. Sweltzer, repairs to culvert, Con. 4
75c ; Can. Eepresa Co. express on grad-
er supplies, 70 ; Connor Machine Co.,
Rod ends for Sauble bridge, 4.80 ; Carr'
adian Machinc Co. grader edge and boo-
ing, 12.50 M. Jackson, Iron bars for
Sauble bridge, 4.00; Exeter Tlntes Print-
ing Co, Ad. re tenders for bridge 2.40;
Thos. Appleton, removal of J. Thiel to
House of Refuge 4.15 ; Ed. G111, sr., rep.
bridge and material, 4.05; Jos. Guinan
assessor, $80, truant book $10 ; James
Dignan, iron rods for Bauble bridge,
4.76 ; Wm. Heitman, repairs to bridge
and grading 2,73; F. W, Farnc0Inle,
plans. etc., re Sauble bridge,' $27 ; Alb.
bridge con 4, $11 ; Wilson Anderson.
repelling the Sauble bridge $14 ;
Anderson & Nell, brickbats and teaming
88 ; Samuel Brown, clothes for Inmate
to house of Refuge, 8.10; Chas. Kelnzle
and others grading account, 107.50 ; A
Key's, tile 3.50 ; C. Prouty, rep. culvert
1.50; Hosiery & Cornish, rep. the Sauble
brlgde $8 ; culvert 2st side road, $3 : J.
Roesvler, rep. Sauble bridge $2 ; J. Ken
nY rep. Sutton's bridge $3 ; Wm ; Nichola
rep. wash-out $5; John Turner, repair.
ing bridge, $2 ; T. Mawhinney, putting
In tile $6; F. Schnider, brick bate and
teaming 10.90 ; et. F'inkbeincr, tile, 66c
M. Beaver. work on Credlton bridge, e8
W. &. E. Wein rep. bridge E. S. R. 2.00;
John Deitrich lumber 9..56; Silas Brok.
enahlre, tile, 16.00 ; F. W. Clark, relief
officer re -McMurray, $7 ; John Lawson,
relief officer re- Geo. Clark 15.75.
The council edjaurned to meet In the
Town Hall ,May 28th, at 10 a.m. when
gravel contracts will be let.
Henry Eliber. Tp. Clerk
Council met In the Town Hall May 3.
Present Reeve Robinson, Dtp-Reeve M-
eng. Councillors Murdy and Poore. The
minutes of the last m'cting were read
and approve]. A largo :lumber of gray.
el contracts wcr • 1st and co Issio:ter.
appointed. A ;tu•nber o! accounts were
ordered to b • paid. It was de:ldrd that
Court of Revision of the Assessment
Roll should be held o,t Monday. May 31
at 2 o'clock. The reeve was instructed
to have the n>r. . I./tan!' r •pours made to
the Town Hall. Tee council then ad-
journed to the ;; l st of May.
J. D. Urumr• • 1. Clerk.
Ar1l1'JO CPMt.
Boars the 1M Kis) Y01 Has Attu s BouQtd
Wednesday to Mt. Carmel for night.
Thursday to Arthur Mollaed's for noon
to Corbett for night.
Friday to Jos. itickey's, to Shlpka.
Saturday to Khtva, to his own stable.
at Dashw.•.oti.
WILLIS t GUENTH HER. 1't opr:ctors.
WM. \VILL18, Wu -lager.
CL.tN MACGIIEGolt, 5366, 10518,VoI
21. a pure-bred imported Clydeedale,bay
color. weli-bred. heavy set horse, with
splettdld feet and legs. a great stock an-
ent tl..tni possessing the strains of many
pure-bred animals In his blood.
Monday leaves his stable at Clande•
hoye, to Mike Cunningham's. to TeOmas
I lagan's.
Tues'day to J. Morgan's, to David Ash.
Wednesday to Tiros Morkl:,'s, t0 home
Thursday to Sid. ltodglns' to Quin.
ton (arms.
Friday to Albert Mit, !eel's to Jaynes
.Saturday to John Simpson's to home
itANDFORD & \VILLI..Ms. Proprietors
\V. WILLIAMS, Manager.
slit .t'tNOLD. 1236:1. a pure-bred,ttn
ported Clydesdale Stallion, foaled 1902;
bay color. with a fine well -formed body,
a sure foal getter and of ezrelletit ped.
i g ree.
Monday leaves hla owe stable. Exeter,
to Wes. Hey woods. Winchelsea, for
noon ; to Ktrkto:t for tight.
Tuesday 10 Alex Hoes'. Blanst.ard. to
Wm. (toss', Fullerton.
Wednesday to Rustolldale, to Verlw
Thursday to Wt s. Atinstrorg'edahome
Friday to Chas. Harvey's, to home.
ALEX. DOW. Prop. and Manager
THOMAS CARLYLE 13979, pure bred
imported Clydesdale stallion, bay color,
owned by Messrs. C. 11. Baskerville &
James Handford of Cantralla. a good
son of the noted Keg Thorns.
Will stand for mares this season at
:;it own stable, Centralia. all week. ex-
cept \wednesday, when he goes to Josh
Ilarding's. Con. 2. Usborne, for noon.
returning home the eame evening.
C. It, 1ASKERVILLE, Manager.
M.. Barry Jones of Wittghant la re-
newing acquaintances around K.rktun.-
Mr. John: O':1:ieu has purchased the
mored pacing marc, Lucy N.. from Nel-
son Fletcher at a good figure. -Tate
merchants of out vtllagt have decided
to close their ptac_s o' busttless at 7
p. in. on Mondays and Thursday's for
t to future. -Mrs. John Somerville. wit!)
was taken suddenly 111 with a para-
lyttc strokes, has now somewhat recov-
ered. and a complete cure 1s looked for.
tier slater and daughter from Goderlch
are waiting on her. -While helping to
unload a crate of dishes \\'m. Leigh,
postmaster, had the misfortune to have
the crate, which weighed about 700 lbs.
tall on his leg. Luckily the bone was
not broken. -Mrs. HarrlsOn of London
pre ached a very lilt, resting mtaslonary
sermon to a large eongr:gation On Sun-
Stt. or OIiIo, CITt or Toiatx,, I n
LUCAS Cocxrr S
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior
partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney a Co.,doinghusi•
nese in the City of Toledo, County and State afore•
said, and that .aid firm will pay the sum of 0$E
IIUNDkEt DNLI.Atts for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. eitaNK J. CHIENEY
Sworn to before me and antreribed in ety prem
ence, this 6th da of December, A.D. 1(206.
NoTaRT !Teti:
Iiall's Catarrh Clovis taken internally, and acts
directly on the blood and raucous .urfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. clll:HEY A CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's family Pills for constipation.
Allan Ester of the Goshen Line, Stan-
ley, left tor the Canadian west last week
-Andreae Schmidt of Elkton, Mich., ar-
rived here on Friday evening and expects
to remain for the summer, -Philip Hauch
who hag been quite 111 for the past fes
months is able to be out again.- Rev.
Valentine Gerber, wife and daughter 01
Minnesota, visited friends in this sec-
tion last week. returning home Tuesday.
-Miss Pearl McCormick and Master Jno
attended the funeral of their uncle,. Don
aid Stewart at Mount Carmel last week.
He died at Detroit, -Charles Welker has
moved his household effects to Milver-
ton where he Inas purchased a livery. bee
Deaths.-1Ienry Rupp received word
that his brother John died at Acheson,
Kansas, having reached the age of 53
years. lie was a jeweller by trade and
was born In New Hamburg in 1856. His
wife survives hint, -Mies Elmira StogJ
dill of the Goshen Line, Stanley, died On
Thursday morning after an Illness of 5
weeks. She was 22 years of ago and a
general favorite. The funeral took place
to Bayfield cemetery.
OAs. uTOrt. =AL.
Bean the Ihe Kind You Has Mays
Bi ff flan 144
If ^•.NSA LL
John Horton itas gone to IIrookdale,
Man. -T. Kelley has moved Into the
house formerly occupied by R. Jarrott.
-On May let Ift'hsall started Ili on her
third year of local option. -Miss C. ?fag
arthur left last week for Toronto to
spend aometlinc.-tIta. John Cameron of
Fort Erie 1e visiting Mr. T. Cameron
in town. -Rev. D. W. Coili;ts of Eeeter
preached in St. Paul's church Su'day
and also at Stafta.-While playing at
school Clarence Jo'tnaton fell and cut
a deep gash in his head by al piece of
glass or a natl. Mr. James of the Mai-
sons Bank spent Sunday In Exeter -One
day last week Fred Manns used gaso-
line to clean his boots, C,alef Whiteside
who was looking on thought It would be
a good ;oke to touch a live match to
teem. It worked better than he expected
and he and Fred had a. blg time beat -
Ing out the flames. The latter was not
seriously burned. -Robert Jarrott and
wife who went west about a month ago,
Intend returning to ]fensall. The pro-'
perty they had engaged to manage has
been soli, h rare their return.
Mt, Carne; ;-Toe body of Donald Stew•
arrived Monday from Detroit, where I,e
passed away after a lengthy lllnene.
The remains were met at Parkhill by
undertaker Mcisaac of Dashwood and
taken to the deceased's former tome on
the 14th con. of McGillivray. Interment
tak:ng place at Mt. Carmel cemetery.
Shlpka ;-On May 3rd the death occur.
red at Parkhill of John Turner. an old
resident, aged 93 years. Ile had been
:11 several months. Resides hie sorrow.
frig widow, he is survived by a family
Ily of seven -tout daughters. Mrs.
Durr. Mrs. 11. iIcdges and Mrs. Sharp
of Shlpka and Miss Edythe at home.
and three sons, RCS. James Turner of
Port Huron, Iter. Jonathan Turner of
Armad.t. Mlct:, and Frank L. of North
Port, Washington Ter. One son and
daughter by Ills first wife, Elizabeth
King. also survive. They are Mr. J.
Turner of Greenway and Mrs. Sellars.
Arcola, Sask.
A SURPRISED �1rNi3Tlt;lt.
For many years 1 have been a su'-
terer from bronchial catarrh. and 1,ad
despaired of everything like a cure.
Judge of my pleasant surprise who:: i
first used ((yams(, which brought com-
plete relief. liyomel has beena veritable
godsend." -Iter. Charles Hartley, Sar-
dinia, Ohio.
Teousands of Wart sufferers have
ghen up in despair. They have tried
stomach dosit;g, snuff. sprays and
douches witeoet s ctess. and now be-
lieve catarrh to be incurable.
}tut W. 8. Cole. tl.c druggist holds out
hope to all distrcesed. }lc sells a rem-
edy called Ifyotnel which is guaranteed
for catarrh, colds. coulees, bronenttis.
asthma and croup.
1lyomel (pronourmced Hlgh-o-me) 1s
medicated air, tall of the healthy vir-
tues of the moult:alrt pines. You breathe
in the delightful antiseptic air, and as
It passes over the Inflamed and germ
ridden Membrane. It allays the Inttant-
mation. kills tee germs. and drives out
the disease.
A complete Ilyontel outfit, including
a hard rubber Innate:. costs but $1.00
and an extra bottle of Ityomel, 1f after
wards needed. costs but 5(1 cents. See
W. 8. Cole about It to -day.
from woman's ailments are invited to write to the names aid
addresses here given, for positive proof that Lydia E. I'iukhasda
Vegetable Compound does cure female ills.
Tumor Removed.
Chicago, ill. -Yrs. Alvena Sperling, 11 L.aeo-
doa Street.
Lindley, ind.- Mn. May Fry.
Kinsle Rans...Mrs. Stella Gifford Beaman.
Scott, Y. -lin. 8. J. Barber.
Cornwallvllle, N.Y.-Mn. Wm. Boughton.
C1ncinnatt,0.-Mrs. W.K.Hmush,7EastviewAv
Milwaukee, Wis.-Mn. Emma Imre, 8d3 1st
St., Generis.
Change of Lite.
South Bend, Ind. -Mrs. Fred ('eerie, 1014 8.
Lafayette Street.
Noah, Sentucky.-Mrs. Lusts liolland.
Breokeeld Mo. -Mn. Sarah Lousignont, 207
8. Markt 8t.
Paterson N.J. - Mn. Wm. Somerville, 196
Hamburgh Avenue.
Philadelphia, Pa. - Mr.. K. E. Garrett, 2407
North Garnet Street.
Kewa.kum, Wie.-Mrs. Carl Dahtke.
Materalty Troubles.
Worcester, Mass. - Mn. Dosylea Cote, 117
Southgate Street.
Indianapolis, lad. -Mrs. A. P. Anderson, 12207
E. Pratt Street.
Big Ran, Pa. -Mn. W. E. Pooler.
Atwater Station, 0. -Mrs. Anton Muelhanpt.
Cincinnati, Ohio. -Mrs. E. H. Maddock', 2136
Gilbert Avenue.
Mogedore, Ohio, -Mn. Lee Menges, Boa 131.
Dewlttville, N.Y.-Mrs. A.A. Giles.
Johnstown, N.Y.-Mrs. Homer N. Seaman, los
E. Main Street.
Bhutonview, 111. -Mrs. Peter Langeubahn.
Avoid Operations.
Hampstead, Md. -Mrs. Jos. H. Dandy.
Adrian, Oa. -Lena V. Henry, Route Wo. 3.
Indianapolis, Ind. -Bessie V. Piper, 29 South
Addison Street.
Louisville. Ky.- Mrs. Sam Lee, 35'2 Fourth St.
South West Harbor, Maine.... Mrs. Lillian
Robbins, Mt. Desert Light Station.
Detroit, Mich...Mrs. Frieda Reeaau. 544
Meldrum Avenue, Oernsoa.
Organist Displacements.
Mosler, Ills. -Mrs. Mary Bali.
LI,,i1g�onier, Ind. -3[n. Elisa Wood, R.F.D. No.4.
Melbourne, Iowa. - Mn. Clara W,atermann,
R. F. D. No. 1.
Bardstown, K lire. Joseph Hall.
Lewiston, Maine. -Mrs. henry Cloutier. 36
Oxford Street.
Minneapolis, Minn. -Mrs. John G. Moldan.
2115 Second Street.
Shamrock, Mo. -Josie , N.
R. F. D. No. 1;
Bos 22.
Marlton, N.J.-Mrs. Geo. Jordy, Route No.3,
Bos t0,
Chester Ark. -Mrs. Ella Wood.
Ocilla, -Mrs. T. A. Cribb.
Pendleton, Ind. -Mr.. May Marshall,B.R.44.
Cambridge, Neb.-Mrs. Nellie Moslander.
Painful Periods.
(}when, Ala. -Mrs. W. T. Dalton, Itoute No.a.
Chicago, 11l.. -Mrs Wm. Tully, 445 0gdea&s.
Paw Paw, Mich -Mrs. Emma Draper.
Flushing, Mich. -Mrs. Burt Loyd, R. Y.i.
No. 3; nareof D. A. Sanborn.
Cofeeville, Mias.-M n. e. J. Jona.
Cincinnati, Ottto.-Mrs. Flora Ahr, i302. MIS
Cleveland Ohio ..Mia. Little Steiger, lir
Fleet Avenue, S.E.
Wesleyyille, Ps.'Mrs. MaggieE.ter,R.F.D.1.
Hayfield, a. -Mn. Mennrsburg,Tonn =Mrs. e WindlKms`
Herrin, 11I. -Mrs. C�
Winchester, Ind...Mrs. May DeaL
Dyer, Ind. -Mr.. Wm. Oberloh, R. F. D Ne.IL
Baltimore, Md. -Mrs. W. 8. Ford, 19.11 I.aas-
downe Street.
Roxbury, Mas.. -Mrs. Francis Merkle,13 FRU
Clarksdale, Mo. -Miss Anna Wallace..
Guy.ville, Ohl .,=lira. Ella MtkLa.•1, R.r.111
Dayton, Ohio... Mn. Ida Hale, Dos 25, laa-
tional Military Home.
Lebanon, Pa. -Mn. Harry L Rittle, 233 1.i -
man Street.
Sykes, Tenn. -Minnie Hall.
Detroit,Micb.-Mn. imides Jm,g.333Chesrai
St, Ovarian Trouble.
Vincennes, Ind. -Mrs. Syl. 11. Jorauld, 50SW.
Tenth Street.
Gardiner, Maine. -Mrs. B. A. Williams, It P'.
D. No. 14 ; Box 39.
Philadelphia, Pa. -lire. Chas. Buell, Nil W.
Garnet Street.
Plattaburg, Miss.-MiseVernaWilk es, It.F.D.l.
Female Weakness.
Willimantic, Coun.-Mrs. Etta Donovan, Item
Woodside, Idaho. -Mrs. Rachel Johnson.
Rockland, Maine. -Mn. Will Young, 0 Col-
umbia Avenue.
ScotIetlle. Mich.-Mes.J.O.Johnson, R.F.D.s
Dayton, Ohto.-Mn. F. R. Smith. 431 Eim at.
Ede, Pa. -Mn. J. 1'. Emile,. R. F. D. No.7.
Beaver Fall", Pa. - Mn. W. P. 11..yd, 2r
Seventh Avenue.
Faircbance, Pa. -Mrs. I. A. Dunham, liox > .
Fort Hunter, Pa.Mrs. Mary Jane Shat.).
East Earl Pa. -lin. Augustus Lyon, K.P.H.,.
Vienna, W. Va.-Mrs. Emma Wheaton.
Nervous Prostration.
Oronogo, Mo. -lin. Mae McKnight.
Camden, N.J.-Mn. Tillie Waters, 46I Liber-
ty Street.
Joseph, Oregon. -Mrs. Allem Huffman.
Philadelphia, Ps. - Mn. John Johnston,!
Siegel Street. '1
Christiana, Tenn. -Mn. Mary Waal, R. P.O.
No. 3,
Pecos, Texas. -Mn. Ada Young F.gglestns.
Graniteville, Vt.-Mr., Cha.. Barclay, nets.
These women are only a few of thousands of living witnesses et
the power of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female
diseases. Not one of these women ever received compensation in any
form for the use of their names in this advertisement -but are wit
ing that we should refer to them because of the good they me
do otber suffering women to prove that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is a reliable and honest medicine, and that the
statements made in our advertisements regarding its merit are tlln
truth and nothing but the truth.
Granton ;-Last week's storm did con-'
slderable damage In this vicinity. Trees
were uprooted and fences blown down.
One of the large chimneys on the manse
went down with a crash, but no one was
Injured. The flood on Friday caused
i much Inconvenience to the hous'ms.iae
1 of the village as grey could not go tls-
to the cellars for potato s "'h • ii II. wale
1 compelled to shut down 1.1 t w tier --
noon on account of the sate • 1 t tern
engine room.
are just as good
for the Bladder
as they aro for tho Kidneys. It therm is trouble in retaining urine -Lt
you have to get up three or four times or oftener during the night -if the
urine is hot and scalding -Gin Pills will quickly relieve the trouble.
They cure t1t-, (:illness and heal the irrit.tt.01 bladder. 50e. a box;
8 for 52.50. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price.
Perms( y
nerds by
$.J. bevy Ca.
Ir; ntYTM,,
will out it rittht
quickly and surely.
Morey back if they
do rot cure.
As all Drayime.
25c. a Box.
or direct from
To go with us and see our fine wheat farms in Sasille-
chewan and Alberta. Train leaves on Tuesday, May 416.
All parties will be shown over our lands at our exponent
All purchasers will have their railroad fare refunded out dr
first cash payment.
In the Egale Lake District on the direct route of the
C.S.R. from Saskatoon to Calgary.
In Sunny Southern Alberta on the direct route froom
Wayburn to Leathbridge.
John Charlton, Exeter, Agent for
& C� o.son,