HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-13, Page 4(Utter abuorate, Sanders d Creech. Props. THURSDAY, 3lay 13, 144119 THE EXETER COUNCIL The council met at the Town Hall on Friday. May Tth. at 7.30 p.m. Members all present. Minutes of the previous rneetine wer) readal.d apptoced. By-law No. 6, for the granting of a Iicense,fix- Ing the tee and regulating the sanme, for a bowl:ng Ilaey, was read. and with the age limit Inserted Ow sante was adopted on motions of Carling and Johns. and or- dered to be read a second and tttlyd time motion of and b^Ing finally passed on t t Luker and Carling. the Reeve and Clerk signing the sante, and the seal of the Corporation being fined thereto. Petitions for the following pavements were read and dealt with.—From the ow sero, of property along the west side of Andrew street between James and Vic- toria ; from the owners of property a- long the east e'de of Andrew street be- tween James and Wellington ; From the owners of property fronting on North side of Victoria street from Main to the G. T. 11. property; From the owners of property fronting on the South side of North street between Andrcdw and Main and front Main street on Sanders to the corner of William and along William to Victoria. Per Heitman and Johns— that a cement walk 5 -ft wide be con- structed on Victoria street from Main to G. T. R. property—Carried. Per Johns and Heaman—That a 4 -ft cement walk be constructed on the west side 01 Andrew atre_t from James to Victoria, and on the eaat bide of Andrew from Victoria to Wellington.—Carried. Per Carling and Luker —That a 4 -ft cement walk be constructed along Sanders St. from Main to William and on North St. from Main to Andrew, south side.—Car- ried. Mr. S. G. Bawdett waited on the coun- dl asking donation toward 24th of May celebration—No action. Messrs. A .J. Ford and Thos. ltazel- wood asked regarding an outlet for water laying on their property east of the municipality. The conunlssioner was ttsetru ted to repair culvert across North street and opposite the complainants' p: operty. Messrs. John Parsons, Geo. Thomas, James Jewell, Chas. Ilooper, and A. 8 Deavi t complained that they have been more or leas troubled with water back- ing up In their cellars. due they think to a defective drain along Carling at. The reeve appointed a committee of Councillors Neaman. Johns and Carling to it►ceatigate. Messrs. Satnd)re. Taylor Halls and 111,1s complained of water in their cellars, stating that the drain along Alexander street and the outlet for the same was not large enough to care)) the water. Council to Investigate by order of the reeve. air. Deavltt asked regarding an electric Tight —. cos. ner of Gidley and Marlborough streets. Mes .rs. S. Powell, Mak:its and Williams were allowed to rut down certain shade tree:+ in front of their properties, under oret.rs of the street commissioner. Rev. D. W. Co 1.ns asked the council to open a drain :clang Baldwin street. Council to lnvc.sti;ete. Mr. Dobler addressed the counc:l re- garding crushed stone, stating that he was prepare! to furnish the municipality with all the stone needed, offering to crush the sante and deliver It to any part of the town for Te. per cwt, if the town would provide the crusher. Laid over for future consideration. Street water- ing petitions were presented to the coun- cil from residents along Main and Wellington streets. The clerk was In. strutted to advertise for tenders fo: watering Main street front the South Boundary north to the Lake or Thames Road. Tenders to be handed to the the clerk on or before Saturday. 7 p.m.. May 15th. Councillors Hearne'', Car - :He and the clerk to be a conuulttee.— CANADIAT PAC I a.t HOMESEEKi EXCt ISIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Tru.rlea.s Toeoato 2 CO p ra on APRIL 1, 10 NAY 1, 11 JUNE 1, 11, 29 JULY 11, 17 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 Seco.d der ticket. hoes Qsta•e, mem' to pewits: Northwest rousts at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Wu., sr ed return $12 Olt, Edmonton bed return $4 NO sods. ocher pari, ,a prorogues 1 reirte p,o1 to wars mites t 0 days hent going date TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ea .'1 • now Co,,,Let,tli b.,tI, tt.l, seceelyeti, ted.ias. ca. be second at nnirrw raw tt000tb local serer Early application must De made► AEA TON HOMEutIgcge' PAMPHLET costume taw.sd 1,:➢ rforesebas. Apply esmum CPR Aera.,teR L T ewes.. Dia F'.. AN . Tor. nn ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS W. J. C.\RLING. Agent, EXETER. ilk saw,& We have purchased 4 An Up•to-Date Machine i for the manufacture 4 of Cement Blocks of 4 every description. b Any pe.r.un desiring blocks hemi 1•e •tire to call on us and i 11 ',•t our pried'. CEMENTf BLOCKSI 0 P.Bawden ace Son p Pa)IJc•. h C.ntractnr• , 4 MAIN Si'. • EXETE1t ir fir v. wir — 1 e'er 1.d. i'er Heilman and Luker that •1. • t o.ninissloner set and open the drain eland Sanders street. leading to Car - :Ing in front of Jas. Herne and James Peer's p op: rt y.—Carr! rd. 1' r it...•nan ani Johns that the peeve ant Tr.asure- b • e tnpow, red to borrow +10044 to the credit of the municipality for current expenditure.—Carried. Per lleantan and Johns that the first til t ngs of the Court .of Revision for Di • As_esstn nt Roll of 1909 Its held in the Tows, Hall Friday, May 28th at 7 344 p nt.—Carried. entitles Sanders asked for the use of the triangle as used by the band. Grant - e.1. provided JAI r -s lirhttnell become• re epo.►t 1 1 - f a DI) bane. P.r Heilman and Luker—The commission r repair dtaiu a tong Maio Ivrea from Mr. \Maker's pro- p:r.y south to the corner of Alexander street.—Curti d. Per Carling, no second er—that the (onnnils:1:n r b:• granted a new suit of clothes. The following accounts were read and o:d•rel p,id.—Elxtric Ur/hi Co., 4122.- 35; A. J. Ford meat for Mra. Bartuer BSc.; Telephone Co., 10c.; Wm .Davis. caretaker N. End rIrc Hall, to Apr. lst, 1909. 410; A. G. Dyer postage 42.25; J. A. Stewart. groceries for Mrs. Hart- ner 55-. ; Tinges Printing Co., ace. to 1st April, 12.25; Connor Machine Co, labor ant repair+ to bel', 3.30. W, D. Weekes, flower seed for cemetery 41 ; E. A. Fo1- ;I k. meths for tramps 41; W. H. Lovett oal for Mrs. Delve 14.45, for D. pints 41.75; Geo. Cudmore. labor 42; Thos. Bra k 4 1 1 ; 1•'. Mellott 2.70 ; H. Dining 2.T.); 1t. Quance 13.25; W, Welsh 15.50 A. Bedford 5.25; S ; Sanders 5.90; W. Westcott '10.33 ; S. Handford 14.00 ; W Anderson 4.20 ; T. Creech 11.90 ; Rd. Davis, 19.25; Thomas Holden 3.45; D. Itusaell 10.20 ; Roy Horn, 8.13 ; Thos. Carnlyh 7.50 ; 11. Curdy 49: T. Snell 1.13; G. Atkinson 7.20, W. Treble 6.30 ; W. J. B'ssett. pt. salary 33.00 ; C. W. Cto:+a part salary 29.00 ; C. W. Cross, bonus granted by cemetery committee 425; T. Hannon wood for Town Hall, 5,:)0: antoun 1 tg 11 el' t3 4451.61 and passel on :notion of Carling and Luker. Adj. by Carling at 11.15 p.m. .iia. Senior. Clerk. CREDITON. BUGGIES, B•. c;C:IES, 1stJGCIE3, Just arrived.—A large consignment of buggies from five of the leading firms of O;.tar:o. in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing: We will save you money by so doing. No Double to show goods. All vehicles are ful'y guaranteed. A call solicited.—TRE- VETHICK & HODGINS, Crediton, Ont. Harty Fowler, who has bean III for a few we:ks, has returned from his home ht Seaforth, and resumed his duties 1n the Bank of Commerce h_re.—The Ep. worth League of the Methodist ch arch had a social on Monday evening. A short program was also rendered by numbers of the League and all enjoyed themselves,—Itoy Falmer 1s at present I11 wf:t: s -aria fever but is rapidly re - cote ing.—Nits. J. Morioe'k of Exeter spear a few days in town list week the gust!. of Mrs. Louisa Ellb.r.—Mrs. Mc- isaac and Mrs. iiowald were is Zurich a fe.. days last week visiting relatives. tristop'tcr E!Ibcr Is at present on the of k :1 •t, Ills many friends trust he %Ll e DO:t ie-over.—Our automobile stet with a mtahap the other night and since 1t has been thoroughly overhauled by Al- bert Morlor'k, and is in fine running or- der again,—Mrs. Chas. Brown has re- • overed from a recent attack of the grippe.—Young Bros. have received a urge s:tipmcnt of wire and metallic shin- gles for the trad'.—Immense quantities of ti e have been sold this spring. Far - tura. who cannot t111 their land, have commenced ditching. The rain of the pas: week leas put everything at a stand stilt. On Thursday a severe thunder stain' passed over this district. Light= ning atru:k the house owned by William ,Redden and the bank barn of Richard Davey. Fortunately the damage was but slight. -11. Housen of tie Bank of Com merce apart last Sunday at home with his parents in W'Ingham,—Last Sunday morning a spxlal sermon In the inter- ,te of the Ladies Aid of the Evangel - ,.l c'iurc,t was preached by the itcv. E. H. Bean. After the sermon a report tf the work of the Ladies' Aid was real by the president, Mrs. G. K. Brown which proved very Interesting.—Albert W'olt arrived here on Friday from Mt. Pleasant, Mich., with a broken ann. Ile met with the accident when shoeing a horse. Ile willrentaln here for a few weeks.—Wesley W elf has commenced t, drive tnt stage from here to Centra- lia station. The former driver. Oscar. working at Fred. Heist's brick yard summer.—licr.ry Eliber. M. 1'. 1'.. was In Clinton on Wednesday attend- ing a joint meeting of th) lo:al Farm- ers' Insurance companies, which was called for the purpose of discussing the in. !eased rates of Insurance, which pol- icy hailers should pay, who Install gas- 3lttt ergo C5.—Th• b.s'-ball boys were at work at the diamond on Saturday. but the rain spoiled their work. The local club 1s trying to arrange a game here with a:t outside team for Victoria Day. More p:r 1 ulars wl l follow.—Jim Nich- ol of Toronto was In towtt last woe* visiting' Ira S. Brown.—N. AI. Cantfn, the wlzari, of St. Josep:t was in the v11- lag- on Friday night. We understand he 1s abaut to run his et>t'tric road through some part of this townshlp.— Ite.. and Mrs. Mit of Dashwood paid our burg a flying visit on Tuesday.— Jos. Waist Is constructng a large kiln t, burn his file In.—Last Friday was Arbor day ian our school Tine yards were sl:e.t a thorough cleaning at.d now eV - looks spick and span.—Chas. ,h:r. of Zurich visited Mr. and Mrs. wet Wenzel a few days last week.— Samuel Brown has purchased a new flrlter.—Jas. dockwell has a tine lot of implements In his show rooms nest to ,lark's Hotel. Ile represents a first- class firm and Is ready for any kind of ttue.ne as In the Implement lite. Boars the ire Riad r^'1 Hate ItanpONO Setforh ;—:A .;utet wedd,rig was rd- 'brated at the Lome of the brides moth - Mrs. Wm. McKay. of Cranbrook. when her dau;lt •:, Annie of Seaforth -+a, u:tlted In marriage to Mr. Alt. Doi this town. Mr. ar,d Mrs. Box will esIle I n Seaforth. where Mr. Box Inas e c le purct,ssrd t. a bus'n-ss of Mr. 1. W. S:rass:r. • VSBORNE The following Is the correct report of S. S. No. 3. Ushpnte, for the month of Ap:il. Some of tete pupils were not pre - n! at all tete ezanttnatlons.—Contlnu- atton Class. max. 300, Alberta Doupe 227, Bettie Doup_ 172. Entrance clan. max. 350, Isabella Turnbull 253, Shier Shier 187, Meta Shier 172. Sr. IV., max. 350. Arnow Copeland 200, Oliver NI -Curdy 98. Jr. IV.. max. 350, Leon- ard Martis 199, Eleanor Doupe 199. Sr Ill_ max. 850, Janie McCollogh 224, Iteggie Doupe 113. Ida Irvhte 84. Jr. III., max. 350. Donald Balfour 251, F. Francis 2544 Tena 5'cCurdy 247, May riudgert 243, Oscar Copeland 223. Jr. 11., star. 250, Heber Shute 213. Roy Fletcher 184, Gordon Copeland 147, George Harah 77. Pt. 11., MAX. 250, B McCurdy 18_ Howard r J Sr fer 80.. I t I. max. 200. Haggle McCurdy 112. E. at. Greason, Teacher. SIIIPKA The boys of this place at, otg..t:izir.g a foot ball team for the summer. The boys here know the game, too, and doubtless, will give a good account of themselves.—Dan McEachein, who is en gaged on the G. T. R. as carpenter,as a visitor. spent part of last week here.— Fred Williams of Grand Bend has moved Into this neighborhood.—MIes Eliza Baynham left for London last week.—Ed Selgo. who has teen working In the flax still the past winter. has gone to Exeter to work.—J. D. Mannan writing from the went last week says the weather is very cold and some of the rivers are frozen over.—Rev. Mr. Carrier of Grand Rend preached in the Methodist church, Shlpka last Sunday mornii.g.— Felton Baxter Is engaged with Fred Sharp for the summer on title farm. GREEN WAY. Mrs. Robert English and Master Fred tlrL'nchey have returned after a pleas- ant month's visit with relatives In Port itu.'on.—The funeral service of the late Mrs. James Young, who died at Cor- bett on Saturday. May 1st, was held In Boston Methodist church on Monday. ape 1.1 ituri: was feenlahcd b_: the choir GRAND BEND Dashwood carpenters have start.to bulli Mr. L. Ravelle's store.—Mrs. Lea- vitt, who has sick all whiter, left for London Hospital W'edi,eaday.—Mr. J. Wilson of Thames Road was in our burg on Monday.—Mrs. Nelson itavelle has arrived home front her visit in Ark - arta and Thetford,—Mr. Peter Ravelle left far Lonio.t o t W eineaday.—Mies P,arl Levitt arrived home from Toronto on _Monday.—Mr. L. Itavelle spent a few days in London last week.—Miss Verde Lest 1 arrived home front Londo., LVe,I- nesday. CLANDEHOYE M.'. John W-arJ, who had the contract tr carry the mall between Lucan and Clatndeboye, has transferred the work to M. A. Reith of Lucan. Mr. Ward has :Lased a farm in the vicinity of Niagara, and Is moving there to take up fa.-nting.—The two cases of smallpox here ara of mild forst and the patient. art d.Ing nicely. Vaccination Is the or- der around here :mat now,—Mrs. Mo. 1. y has returned from London where she visited her daugint.r.—Jfr. Jackson, the new railway section foreman, has moved In, and is performing his regular duties. —J. Dickle, sectionman, who has been 111. is at work again.—Mr. James McII- hargey, who is in St. Joseph Hospital. ie Improving nicely and expects to get home soon.—Fanners art cOmpiaining of a shortage of feed—even those who have five or six tons of hay in their barns —and some of them seem to fear that there will be no seed time this spring. Don't worry It will come. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of McGILLIVRAY Among the list of successtul candidates for the degree of doctor of dental surgery. conferred at Corteoca- tlon Hatl, Toronto. appears the !.ante of Jos. Elmer Antos, Brinsley.—f The auction sale of the Dtao;t estate in Mc- Gillivray was entirely successful. The north halt of lot 18 in the 11th con. 50 acres. sold for 42,375. while the south half, also 50 acres. brought 41, 930, in all 44,305 for the farm, or a little better tha', 443 per acre. Tnc pur- chase was made by Mr. Edward Dixons of McGillivray. Death.—John Mc Kenzie, son of Mr. Angus McKenzie died very suddenly at the home of his brother Alexander, towuline west on May 4th. On Sunday eeening jte retired in his usual health but during the high. was strickenW 1.l paralysis, being found In a paralyzed condition by the family on Monday morning. Ile remained in a septi-con- etlous condition until death carte. De- ceased, who was 43 years of age, was burn on the farm on which he died. He is survived by his widow, his father three brothers and three sisters, Mrs. Reynolds, Annie and Angus, London ; Mre. Jas. Roes. Francis, Sask.: W-Iilian) of Detroit and Alex. on the ti,tnestead. W 1 NCIIELSEA Mra. William Duncan, who has been ill, is Improving nicely. — Winchelsea boys commenced their practice of base- ball on Saturday night last. The boys turned out well attd prospects are good for first-class ball this year.—The far- mers are more or less discouraged by the continual wet weather, which is throwing seeding very late this year. Still they all believe la the old promise that seed time and harvest shall not tali.—\Vllllam Coward is erecting a new windmill on his grass farm. DOT, THE MINER'S DAUGHTER Thla Is the title of an interesting and in- structive temperance story to be given In the Winchelsea Hall on the evening of thursday May 20th, at 8.30 o'clock. "One Glass of Wine" is another title of the play. There is an excellent cast of characters and you will all thorough- ly enjoy 1t. DASH W OO D E11. BROKENSHIRE, DASIIWOOD CONVEY- . ENCER. Deeds, Wills, Slortgages and all Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepares' Cbarges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. J. Coniveau, fomit: Iy of Zurich, who has been living at Dashwood for some ;1813 past has been appointed postmaster at Drysdal? in place of Mr. Leo Gelinas. who teoignrd as he intends leaving for the west. The new poatmaster Intends to put In a stock of merchandise. On Friday afternoon the teachers and pupils of the Public School of this place cleaned up the school grounds and planted flowers, which improves the appearance of the lawn to a con- siderable degree.—Word has been re- ceived here of the death in London of Mr. Joseph Bastard, formerly of the Goshen Line. not for front this village, frond which place he removed a few years ago to spend his declining year - in the above named city. His retmains sere brotight to Exeter on Tuesday morning, the funeral taking place ftom the depot to the Exeter Ceme- tery. He had attained the age of 81 years.—Rev. L. K. Enit visited friends at Crediton on Tuesday.—Miss Hor- ton, one of our Public School tehchers, spent Sunday at ger hotne in Tucker - emith.—Mr. William Heilman was in and around the village this week, en- gaged dehorning cattle. He seems to he a master -hand at the business.— Mrs. Ezra Otterbein received the sad intelligence recently that her brother had died in Kansas. Ile will be re- membered by some in this communi- ty, having worked among the farmers in this locality doting their residence on the Goshen. Line.—The Band Boys are investing iu new suite, which will give then, a nobby appearance,—The disagreeable weather conditions have caused very little seeding to have been done thus far in this locality, some having merely made a start, and wish- ing that if only such grain ,vett' still in the granary.—The Huron Weather ins.:.o. held a session here one day last week. Buggies'. Buggies! Buggies! JUST ARRIVED--Alarge consignment of Buggies from five of the leading firths of Ontario, in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing. 177(.3 will save you money by so doing. No trouble to show goods. All vehicles are guaranteed. A call solicited, TREVETHICK & HODGINS, Crediton - • - Ontario Put a little "Sunshine". in your home An old-fashioned, ill -working furnace is a non- producer. It consumes the coal, but through leaks and cracks wastes the heat. It is not economy to have such a furnace in your own home, or in your tenant's home. If you are thinking of building \•oil should be inter- estedin Sunshine Furnace. It adds 11)0 per cent. to home comforts. As soon as you let the contract for your house decide on your furnace. The "Sunshine" man will be pleased to tell you just how the rooms ought to be laid out with an eve to securing greatest heat front the smallest consumption of c( al. If you want to ext erimcnt with the question don't specify "Sunshine." It you want to settle the Tic stion specify " Sunshine." McCIary's 2 For Sale by T. Hawkins & Son, Exeter THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SLD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTAOL1St3ID 146T 1•. s. WALLER, President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General )ranger Paid-up Capital, $10,000,009 Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000' TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. 1 The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every oa of the Bank. 111L Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton ri hten IJ Before you invest in paint or varnish, inves- tigate and find out which will Last the long- est, look the best and prove the most satisfac- tory all 'round. Ask the local S -W. agent for facts and figures about SiIrRWINWILLIAMS PAINTSAND VARNISME Madan Canada %7t/Iiw A Montreal. Taa111irlrtRi • , 1 The Grate Pulls Right Out CHAT is one of the many bright features found in the IMPERIAL OXFORD RANGE EASILY CHANGED for coal or wood in short ro- tice - sec our stock be- fore you buy-- you will be interested in our fine dis- play and moderate prices. For Sale by W. J. H E A M A N • 1 -r Kippers :—We very much regret to have t home In Londo, Deceased aas for to re:ord this week the death of a former I many years a resident of this neighbor- er well-known and ,highly esteemed res- hood, going to London about twelve !dent of this neighborhood, In the per- 1 years ago. He was 70 years of age. son of Mr. R. Kettle, who died at 11.1 1. 1 ta The Dashwood Furniture Store I wish to announce to the public that our stock is now one of the largest and • best that we have ever carried. Y Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines No agents. Commission goes to you. House Furniture This line is now ei dinlinete• at .i bought (cora the leagnt'fg'n of Canada, as we are barred Root none. We have a large assortment of Window Shades. Cm (sin Poles and Trimmings, Baby Cmtriages, Folding Carts. Gi•Catts, Express Wagons, Curtain Stretchers, Step-Laddets, Carpet Sweepers, Picture Moulding, Room Moulding, Pictures. Etc. Brass Extension Rods, White Cottage Curtain Rods, ltk each. Picture Framing done nn shortest notice. -�. UNDERTAKINC `� We carry a large and well assorted stock in this line. In tune of need do not fail to call. Any orders received by phone will he promptly attended to. Please call and examine our stork and get prices. PI1°`I•.T1tAi, P. McISAAC, Dashwood CEN 300,233-2000-2000*-313 The Molsons Bank incorporated 1865 Capital (paid up) - Rest Fund - - - $3,500,000 83.500,000 1105 Ri nranchcv in Canada, tn.l Agents and ('orreopondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. int. -test allowed at highest current tate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exe•tet fs.r the Domini' n (i..Vetnntent. Ter e4 .v ,t Ctrtu o, Solicitor.. N. P. iIURION, Manager,