HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-13, Page 1say to JAN. '1 NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else i J take advantage of our Low Club Rates TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. clef of EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MAY 13. 1909. • Wedding Invitations In Nt t.t Typc On Best Pae' s Thr' Finestk �%'ur And Right Prices The Advocate Office,' Exeter SANDERS & CREECH i‘ The Old Reliable Of course, every store in town claims to be the best store. All stores have a right to this claim. We will not make it, however. All we ask, is that you inspect our stock. Have you worn a pair of the tr Astoria " shoes yet ? If you haven't, you should! We have them in all the latest styles, both in black and ten. They are having a great run. stock of Linoleums were never better ! A dozen or more patterns to choose from, ranging in price final $2.00, $2.25 and $2.40. Spatial Imilicomets for Friday ad itrIiy Only ALL 12;c PRINTS AT llc ALL 12ic AT llc Watch Our Crockery Window ! This is the season of the year for Painting. We have them ! ,1 Benjamin Moore & Co.'s Pure Linseed Butter 18e, Eggs 18c, trade; 170 cash. These prices ,nhject to change, CARLING BROS. facenaeoeoGewtoipowil CL' ofNC SALE Ladies' and Men's Coats Regular Prices from $5.(0 to $14.00 Selling Ptices from $3 to $9 Men's and Boys' Suits all goi5g at less than wholesale to clear' out. Milliner Sotne nice Hats worth from $2 00 to $4.00- y R.lt going at from 25c to $1,00 .0.1 Also some nice FLOWERS for trimming, 1Oc Bunch, upwards Biggest Bargains ever offered ! Come in and get a bargain while they last. All good goods. We Keep Nice, Clean, Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWE — ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE PHONE 2.2 rrrereestetaal Care. DLO. T. ROULBTON, L. D. 8., D. D. S. DENTIST Ember of the R. 0. D. 8. of Ontario and Moser Illeselsate of Toronto University. °M0 : Over Dickaon a ratting s Law Office, Is Oe. Asd.non s former Dental Parlors. WR. A. R. KINSMAN, le D. 8., D. D. 8.. eaor graduate of Totooeo Univertstr. DENTIST, saw satescted without any pain, or any bad effects' Ogee seer Oladma. 8 8tsoburyis office, Main street Euler. Madlcal R BRIGHT, M. D , M. C. P. 8 S., HONOR Lie Graduate of Toronto University, Two years resident phj,t•ian Royal Alexandra hospital, etc. Office and Residence, Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER. DR, T. P. IIcLAUOIILIN Mae resumed practice atterpenddigt a year (Col. lege) at British and Continental n settee with special attention to Eye, (with refrac• Ear Nose and Throat. Office: Dssbwood.Ont. Legal. DICKSON 8 CARLiNG, BARRISTERS, 8OLIC1 tors, Notaries, Conveyam'ers, Commirioners tlelIctIors for Molsoni Bank, etc. Messy is Less at lowest rates of Interest OM ere, Main.treet, Exeter, 1. >l. CARLtge, B A., L M. lessee MONET TO LOAN. Wi bee* a largo amnnnt of private fonds to loan • farm and village properties at low rate. of lots fall. OLADMAN a STANBURY,' Barristers. ttote Iton.Main et.. Exeter On B. S. PHILLIPS, Exwrgn. Llcessel Auctlese.r. Hakes attended In all partsflatlet& tion guar.n• sd or no pay Terms reasunat•le. All orders left Advocate OM et will be promptly attended to J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Oompany, also Fire insurance in lead - Ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANI)EiRSON. Licensed Auctioneer for therm.. County. Terns reasonable. DAtca can be made al ire Advo7att. Exeter. or henry hltber's Office, Cred- iton. HOUSE FOR SALE An exrellrnt brick house. modern and up-to-date. situated on Mahn street. Apply at this Office. FCAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. s Succeror to Da. R Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calla left at the home of Mr. Peter Bowden Main street, (opp. Trlvitt Memorial Church), will to promptly attended to. EXETKR, • ONTARIO. Office --Dr. Ramsay's old stand, corner of Main and North streete, (opp. Pym's Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited AUCTION SALE Of house, Land & Furniture in Exeter The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to offer for sale by Public Auction on the prenitees, Benders Street, Exeter, on SATURDAY, MAY 15th, 1909 at 1:10 o'clock p. m., sharp, the following valuable propert., .it. The Two•Story, New, Brick Cottage. containing eight rooms. with furnace, electric Iignt and all modern Impro..mente. Hard and soft water. Ala++ Two Lots of i,and on which the house is situate. Aloe the Furniture contained in the toile*. (Creel's previously sold by private sale.) TERMS- Of Irurn'ture, Cash. of Real Estate - Made known on div of Bale. For further particulara apply to the undersi;tne.l Proprietor. A. Bedford. Prop. John Gill. Auct. Court of Revision --OF Township of Stephen NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen, will hold its first sleeting for the present year. in the TO%VN HALL, Crediton, on WEDNESDAY, MAY-'.t)th, 1909, at til o'clock a.m. 11ENRY EILBER. Township Clerk Crediton, May 4th, '(Ill. BUS ANI) DRAY BUSINESS Having derided to go into the Itus and Dray Business In E -iter 1 have plucrd a new and up-to-date rig o,t the road for the conveyance of passing: re to and f:o:n tt.e gtatlee. and re.peetfully so. lcit a fair shire of business of the :ravelling public. Calls at the office, pi one 41A, cheerfully attended to WM. ARNOLD. Prop. 1iOU8B AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale a good brick house and 10 acres of land. Part of South half Lot 4. Con. 2, Ste- phen. The house is In good repair. also a Rood frame h,.rn and woodshed. good soft end hard 'water. never failing well. good orchard. 3-4 mile from school. 1 an 1 1-1 titles from church. foiseealo•. glteu nett tail. Apply on the premises. MRs. \V INER, Centralia 1' 0. SALE REGISTERMonday, May 17th. -Household Furn- iture, the property o1 Mr. Jos Lambrook William street, Exeter. Sale at 1 o'clock B. S. I'h!111ps, Auctioneer. 11O13SC TO RENT Brick house, 1 and 1-2 storey. on William Street, Exeter. Good number of rooms. House in good repair. Good hard and soft water. Number of fruit tr(es. Apply to S. M. SANDERS, Exeter FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned 1s offering for sale Sleuth Half of Lot 21, Con. 3, Stephen, lei miles went of Exeter; also 30 acres )l Lot 23, Con. 2, Stephen, and 25 acres in Hay Swamp. There is on the fifty acres a frame house, bank barn, hay barn, drive shed and other conven- iences ; there is an excellent spring creek running through the thirty acres, mak- It good pasture land. Will be sold to- gether or separately. For particulars :apply to MRS. JOHN COOKSON, Exeter North, Slay P. 0. FOR SALE I1RI, Ii HOUSE AND SIX ACRES LAND IN L'SHORNE The No: Corner of Lot 13, Con. cession 6. Usborue, the property of the 1.tt Israel Harris. Th. t:ouse 1s one anl one-half storeys high and contains six roosts, kithen and woodshed. 'There is a frame barn about 2.) by 40, hard and soft water, and about one acre of good fruit trees. The soil Is a good clay. The lot is mostly seeded out and is well fenced and drained. Apply io GLADDIAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for Executor. Exeter. PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND HORSES The uridcretgned can take a limited number of cattle and horses for pasture by the month. For particulars apply to R. D Quinton, Saintebury P. 0., Lot A. :.th Con. Usborne Clearing Auction Bale Of Valuable Household Furniture, Etc 11. S. Phillips, licensed Auctioneer. has received instructions rom kir. J. H. Lambrook to sell by Public Auction at %Villiam Street, Exeter, on MONDAY, MAY 17th. 1909 at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp, tho following property, viz: 1 Doherty Organ, nearly new. 3 Bed -Room Suites, complete; 2 Sideboards, 1 nearly new; Dining•lloom Extension Table, Centre Table, 4 Fancy Tables, 2 Kitchen Tables, 2 Wa.A-Ytaade. 6 Rocking Chain, 6 DInin Room Chain, Ann -Chair, Couch. Singer Sewing Machine, Clock, 2 dozen Picture Frames and Pictures, Commode, Bureau; Garland Range, nearly new; Art Sultana Base•Burner, with Oven; Oil Stove, 2 Burners; 9 pair of Lace Curtains, 10 pair of Win• dow Curtains, 8 Curtain Poles with Rings, 4,0 yds. of Rag Carpet, 25 yds. of Union Carpet, 15 yds. of Bed•Room Carpet. Set of Quilting Frames, Set of Curtain Stretchers, washing Machine, !Hanging Lamp, 3 Hand Lamps, Ironing Board, Wringer. Lawn Mower, a lot of other household effects, in- cluding Dishes and Kitchen Utensils, a quantity of Hard Wood, Spates, Rakes, Shovels. Hoes and other articles too numerous to mention. All will positively be sold as the Proprietor is go - Ing west. Everything in Goat Shape. TERMS CASII. B.S.PHILLIPS J.H. LAM BROOK Auctioneer Proprietor Auction Sale Of Valuable 1110 -Acts' Fat to in Stephen Township. The undersigned hate hcen instructed by the Ad. ministratix of the F.,tate of the late James K. Ford to offer for rale at the ommer. Sal Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, May 15th. 1909, at 2 o'clock p m.. Lot 1C• Concession 2. Stephen Tp. On this property is a good brick house, bank tarn with atone and brick foundation, frame drive shed and chicken house. There is • small piece of bush and a neer-failing ,reek and a young orchard of about three sorra. Some forty acres have been fall• plowed and about six acres in tall wheat, all in good state of rulttyation. This Property is situate onk 21 miles from Exeter and within the mile of s' hoof. TERMS The farm will be sold either for ii. n.,di• ate posseglon or for possession In the tall. a. may suit the purchaser. If for immediate possession. 10 per cent of the purchase shall be paid on the da, of the pale and the balance In thirty days. If for 5104. session in 0.. fail, DP per cent shall be se, cared and the balar a ti or pin -chaser obtaining possesei ,, 1, of ea'e price may be Left on Mortgage security at 5 per cent. Further terms and conditions nill be made known on day of sale or may be had on application to B.S.Phillip., Madman & Stanhury Auctioneer Soli, Bor. for Administratix .. r.,��r !TALE OF LANDS IN OILLIES LIMIT Under the authority of an Order-in- Counrll dttei 22nd April. 1909. the northerly portion of that tract of land generally known r -s the 01111e s Limit, situated in the DIstrlrt of Niplssing. and Province of Ontario, containing about 800 acres, Is offered for sale by tender in parcels cuntalel•ig 20 acres or theresbouts, such tenders to be address ed to the undersigned at the Depart- ment of Lands. Forests and Mines, Tor- onto. marked on the envelope "Tender Miles Limit". and to be receivable at the saki Department up to one o'clock p. n1 , nn Tuesday, 15th day of June, 1909. Tenders are to be for each parcel sep- aratoly. and to name a lump sum or bonus therefor. An accepted cheque for ten per cent. of this amount to accom- pany the tender and the remainder to be paid In full within twenty days of acceptance of the sante. A royalty of fen per cent. on the gross ;nor -eels (less freight and smelter char- ges) of all one, min -rale or concentrates taken from the land will b• payable to the Crown. and purchasers will he re- qulred to enter Into a satisfactory agree- ment with regard to the same. Working conditions will be attached to the sale, and rertain lands and rights will be rest reed fu l ptrtirulars of which together with a map or plan showing the said tract and the subdivisions thereof. may be obtained on application to the Department. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. F. C DCIIRANE. %tmister of Land.. Forests and Mines. To: a ;to April 23rd, 1909, MAY 24th IN EXETER. Mlle are out announcing the big 24th1 of May celebration in Exeter on the Ag- ri••ultur.ti Grounds. The list of sports Is an ex -sliest one and the prizes to be awarded aro quite In keeping with' the ex:ellence of the events. 1 In the speeding contests there are,— ,e.,tlem We Ito id ita-e, a Bum .ing Irate a Farmer's Novelty and a Ladles Nov- elty Race. In Athletic Sports there are, -Mara- thon Race, Farmer's Races, Bicycle Race Feeley Ra -c, High Jumping. 100 yds °pill 3u yards dash, Go year old Man's race. Backward Race. Business Men's Race. Also prizes for the Fancy horse and Muggy Outfits for ladies and for gents. e18 and 40 are the prizes offered for Baseball Matches and this promises •to be a big event. Popular Lady's Contest, -Coupons are attached to the admission tickets giv- ing the holder a chance to vote for the most popular lady on the grounds. The p 1z. is a baSuty. 51 env of the pr;ze.i are beautiful and costly pieces of merchandise. donated by several of the merchants of town who are ev. r anxious to boost along a good thing and uphold the honer of the town. Se3 butts for particulars. The Dashwood Brass Band, an excellent organization, will furnish tee music. The day will wind up with an excel- lent concert In the Opzra House, among the artists at which will be Donald C. Niue -Gregor, Baritone, of Toronto, etre. W.11enhanuner, header, of Exeter, and Wnt. Brown, Pianist. Everybody should come to Exeter and enjoy the day. CENTRALIA Sl;. W. R. EIC tt, w,to underwent an ,,peratioan In a To:onto hospital, re- turned home Thursday very -h Im- p. ovei In healt.l.-The Sunday School roosts of the Method:et church have been beautifully d corated and the com- mittee have accepted the job from the eantractor, Mr. Volk, and paid the con- tract price. They have also expressed great sattetactton with the work done. -Rev. W. H. Butt announced to preach A sermon to young men next Sunday evening on "Success in Life". -Mrs. Wm. H1'ks and Mre. Newton Baker were ap- leeinted delegates to the W. M. S. dis- t:l:t convention at :Visa Craig on Tucs- day.-Mr. Harold Duplatl and Miss Sara Neil sang a very pretty and touc•i1- :ng duet at the church service on Su:;day eve n.i g. -Mrs. Duplan, wife of our gen- ial and popu'ar station agent, Is quite ;l!, being cettftned to her ted most of the time, r WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis of Saints - bury visited friends here on Sunday. - Mr. tired Mrs. Oscar Gilbert of Lucan vinted tt,e former's sister on Su ,day. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uelbrldge spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. P.Brooks -A number of the members of the W. M 5. attend_d tea Mlsalonety Con.ent:oa at Ailsa Crc•(g utt Tuesday. -The board of management of our church are to be congratulated on being successful 10 se -ming the a rvicce of Rev. W. E. M111 - eon of Kingsville to preach the Anni- versary serelces on June 201h.- Mr. Os- car Morley visited the parents over Sun- day. -Mr George Milisot, is improving nl cJy and will Boon be out again. •- A number of our young people enjoyed a days w0ting to Exeter, last week, and Nem the took of things paid a visit to Senior's Photo Stuito. STEPHEN. Death of Josey'; Ilastard.-Another of Stephen's oldest and most esteemed re- yldents has beet laid to rest in (Le Exeter cemetery. We refer to the death of Mr. Joseph Bastard, who died in London on Saturday last at the age of 8I years. The deceased had been le rather enfeebled health for some time from the infirmities of old age, hence his demise was not unexpected. Mr. Bastard was a native of England, having been born in Cornwall In the year 1828. He came to Canada many years ago, and for the greater part of his life lived here. A few 'years ago he re'Ired from the farm and moved to ,London, Where he has since resided. The deceased was a matt of good prin- ciple ani was much esteemed by a large circle of Friends. Ills wife predeceased him about 18 years. Ile leaves a family of one son and tour daughters. Russell, operator at 4ildlattd, Elizabeth Ann and Dora, both married, and Misses Bertha and Maud. The funeral took place from the G. T. 11. station on Tues- day to the Exeter cemetery. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering his farm for sale, Lot 2, Con. 1, Biddulph, 1-4 mite from Centralia 1 Illage, containing 75 acres, sixty five under cultivation, ten acres bush pasture. There Is a new two-storey br1:k cottage, hard and sett water, three good wells. Barn 84 by 80 and other bultdiugs. Possession given le the full. Terms easy. apply to THOS. W. NEIL. Centralia, Ont. GREEN 1VAY. Mr. and Mrs. Walter England spent a couple of days the pest week visiting Messrs. D. and it. Wilson of Arkona.- Mr. fleury Fggctt has added greatly to the appearance of his property by the .ret tion of a new wire fence across the from. -Mr. Chas. llaytcr of Moorsville visited his mother, Mrs. M. Hayter. - Min ayter-Mls+ Z+Itah English vitiated her uncle, Mr. S. Pollee k at Grand Bend last week. -Misr. Maggie. Corbet of Brinsley le vleting relatives in this vlctnty.-Mies i\tary Amos of Brinsley called on her friend Miss Mac Wilson on Friday. - Th: S1'c•nr•n's institute held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. A. M. \1"11 son. "Shady Nook" and the following offhers were elected. -Pres., Mrs. C.II. Wilson ; 1 st vice., Mrs. !Jolson ; .'ed vl;e., Ott s. Cliffe ; Sec. Treas., Myrtle Wickert ; Auditors, lire. Lou Brinker and Mrs. English ; Directors. Misses Af W.lscn, Jehole liayter, Maud !lodging, and Edith MacGregor. SPICING MEDICINE Everyone is better for Liking a spring tonic. The following le a splendid and inexpensive receipt -a sarsaparilla and blood purifier that will make your spring work a pleasure. Sassafras Bark % oz. Ilurdo-k Root 1 oz., Mandrake hoot % 07... Iluchu Leaves !y oz., Chamomile Floweret oz., Gentian hoot 1 oz.,Dan- dNlon Root 1 oz., Cascara Bark 1 oz., .lar. .pantie (toot 1 oz.. Steep the roots n 1% pints of boiling water for 12 hours Strain and add water to make 1% pints of finished tonic, Dose -One teaspoon- ful three times a day b'fore meals. Su- gar may be added to suit taste. This re clpt ran be bought at Cole's Drug Store, Exeter. for 25 cents. it Is worth your while to get and take it. STAPLE GROVE. et . Dan it:eke of L'sborne spent Thur. day will tis daughter, Mrs. Darius Ed- wards. -Wilt Vrest of Ailsa Craig paid a fly,ng vial' to our burg on Monday. - Geo. Williams and wife of Parkhill on Saturday visite] with trends on the 2nd e'n.-?t r. Rt:hard Nett of West McGil- livray paid a flying visit to the 2nd on Monday. -Owing to the wet weather the seeding 1. late la this vicinity -Mr. John Hughes spent Saturday evening at Addy Maguire's -Miss Tillie Wilson .p Iv Sunday with her parents.- Frank Cunningham Is wearing a smile over the arrival of a boy. -Mr. and Mrs. Jno W !Lams spent Sunday with friends In JtJoresvllle. BIRTHS Itobinson.--Lt McGillivray, on April _0 to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Robinson, a daughter. Jetommlette.-At the Sauble Linc, Hey, on April 300i, to Dir. and Sfra. F. Jeronunette. a eon. Calfass,-At Zurich, on the 4th May, to Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Califas. a son. Schllbe.-At the 141h con. Hay, on May 5, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Sehllbe, a daugh- ter. Npearht-In Blanchard, on May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Spearin, a daughter. Williams. -In Crediton, on Mag 7th, to Mr. and Dirs. Lloyd Williams, a daugh- ter. DEATHS Bastard. -In London, on May 8, Joseph Bastard, formerly of Stephen, aged 91 years. Young -Near Corbett, on May let, Mre. James Young . Stewart -At Detroit, on April 29, Donald Stewart, formerly of McGillivray. Turner. -11, Parkiell, May 3rd, John Turner, In his 83rd year. Butters -In Fullerton, on April 29th, John Flutters, aged 08 years, 2 mon- th. and 23 days. Currlc.-In St. Marys, on May 2, Eliza- beth Currie, relict of the late Alex- ander Currie. Bender. -At Zurich, on May 3rd, Mrs. Peter Bender, aged 47 yearn, 8 mon- ths, 14 days. Elliott -In St. Marys, on May 3. Mar- garet E. Smith, relict of the late John Elliott. aged 7.2 years. SCRAP! The general public will take notice that. I am doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap, for which I tun prc.p.cred to pay the following prices : Scrap Iron.... 46c cash, 50c trade, per hundred it Rags 55c 80c tt Rubbers 4c " 5c tt per pound Horse Hair... 22c " 25c Copper 7c All purchases to be delivered to T. HANVKINS It SON'S HARDWARE. EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the sante store, where prompt attention will be given. tt 8c it it it 41 M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. NOTICE Retina W. tches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other t ran an authorized agent, are liable to be Second - Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. 1 am the only authorized Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. -el Portland Cement Samson Brand is the highest grade. Use it for your Walls, Walks, Cis- terns, Floors and Silos. Any quantity supplied at Very low prices. Order at once. Screen Doors & Screen Windows From $1 up to $1.75 — complete -- Foom 20 its to 40 cts Poultry Netting Step -Ladders From 'lc up to 10c yard From $1 up to $1.75 Floor Paints SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT dries over night, wears like iron. and will outwear any other Floor Paint made. All colors in stock. 45c qt, ELEPHANT IHAitI)-IDRYING FLOOR PAINTS. 40c qt HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOV STORE