HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-06, Page 8Let Us Measure your .t,ur for a Suit, and the figure we will ask will please you as well as the peree t fit we will guarantee you. We ar.• a ruputouely careful to fit all our ptlrons to perfection, as every gar- ment that leaven our establishment be- comes an advertisement for us. We will give you your choice of the finest and newest fabll e, We do the reat. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them Well dressed young sten Mata." Stewart sells them. wear /`King Friday next Is Arbor Day. Clean up. Yesyou can sore money on a seamless Room Ilug at Stewart's. $22.50 lir) a Wilton, a grrit bargain. ItORSE FOn SALE—A good work horse 6 yearn old. Apply at this office. Steuart has the ,finest range of Men's Nubby, Tailor-nntde, Ready -to -,rear Suits that we htlreseen. AI'PIRENTICE WANTED AT ONCE.— To learn tailoring. W. W. TAMAN. IJuy your farm seeds at Stewart's; he sells Steele Briggs'—they are best by test —not one disappointed customer. Stop In at THE Pt'ItITY and see the latest ideas in the Post Card craze. I1 its new Its there. Stewart's are doing the Millinery !rade ---there's a reason. for it—can you guess —if not, ask the ladies who hare been looking around. .vellevvTedretss1111s"+ 1.00AI. 11OINt.iSe atke6a Ik J► darts Alla See the unique Brass Novelty Post Cards for ee. at Tee Purity. Do you know a bargain when you see it i If s", ace the 25c hose that Stewart is selling at 2 pair for a quarter. They are Brent. Repair Shop Gun repairing Umbrella repairing LaNn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissors - Horse Clippers Saws gummed and tiled Wringer Rollers. )1:. Tables Staley a..d family -novel to Windsor to reetde. W. W. Tata. r has re-over.d from his leiess and resumed his dirties. Mr. Norman Lloyd intends moving to Fort William shortly, where he has se- cured a situation. )Ir. Arr:old and family moved here from K:n'•ardine this weak. 111a daugh- ter, Miss Arnold. bpc•tct Suriday here. Fred Parsons is suffering from a sore eye, the result of a splinter of wood pen- etrating the boli while splitting wood. On the First or May Drs. liyndman & .kUIIlicuddy formed a partnership for the practice Of medicine. We wish the new firm every success. Coueelilor Chris Luker has so far re- covered from his illness as to be able to resume work on Monday. )Ars. Lu- ker is also recovering nicely fr'o1n her illness. Last week Mrs. Ronariva Smith, whose are, was 78 yearn, died at the House of Re:uge. The cause of death was anaem- ia. Mrs. Smith carne to the House 3 years ago from Wingham, although tier culler home was at Gorrie. At the Canning Company meeting on Thureday tee old directors were re-elect ed, the reports of the ditierent officers were re:t.lved and adopted. Considering the low ee:ling price of goods the past year the Cr:an-tel r.sult wt.,, very satis- factory. Nelson Case, son of Thomas Case of Exeter, has been transferred front the position of station agent at Clandeboye to that at Dorchester. This may be coa- vtctered a fine promotions for trim, as Dorchester is of considerable Import- ance and on the train 1'ne. Meg. R1='h. Snell and nuttily left Thurs- day Morning for the West, where they will Join Mr. Snell and will make their future home. The best wishes of a :tort o1 trleeds will accompany them t0 their new home and that their future prospects will be or the brightest. An exchange Bays; "Sonne of our friends suggest that we run a "Twenty Year Ago" column In the paper. All tight. How's this for a starter. Twet- have All kinds of keys filed and locks repaired. New Bicycles and Sundries Guns and Ammunition in stock. WARTED 1000 Tisk flat Skins. Highest market prices, J. TRIEBNER Thi e. doors North of fast Office :�"tt•hi•N' Off With the Old ---ANI)---- On With the New it will not be long till your thoughts are turned to a new Outlit for Spring. This sea- son will be more than ever in advance with new styles lard fabrics. New Suits for Spring New Topcoats for Spring New Raincoats for Spring New Suitings for Spring The n"tl spring lane; ire Couleur in daily new. We are .•nntidcnt of being able to p;.tse you in the least pat ti. tiler. W. JOHNS Merchant Tellor. Exeter ir11'++444♦♦44 ++4444 Mese Amy Johns is vislta:g In London.l Mr. Percy Gillies spent part of last 11 week 1:: Hamilton. Miss Susie Case le visiting her bro- ther at Dorchester. Mr. Itichard Seidon of Ingersoll vis- ited relatives here over Sunday. Mrs. S. T. Bubter and children are visiting Mrs. A. Q. Dobler in Duffalo. 1tr. A. Shcere left Monday for Brant ford to work fo: the Verity Plow Co. Rev. and Mrs. Steadman of Corbett vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Dlrney on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Witt. Waddell of Forest visited at Mr. Jus. Sutton's this week. Mr. Will Knight left last Wednesday to visit relatives In Ontario, Californla, Mr. A. Bowie left Monday morning for Londa: where ire will work at his trade )Ars. Wlsler has returned to Mancelona after it visit with her fatter, Mr. Tiros. Dearing. Mrs Dr. McDowell of Listowel is the guest of her mother, Mr's \Vat. Welsh, William Street Miss Amelia Oke carne home front K eigsvllle on Tuesday. where she has been for some time. Meow-. Rich. Welsh. itictr. Atkinson and Dr. Tennant returned from a trip to the \Vest Monday. Mics \Vllverna Quatice has returned fto1)1 Ailsa Craig and hes engage) with J. A. Stewart as clerk. Miss M. E. Drown, graduate of Ilar- per's ttospltaL Detroit, is visiting at her home for a few weeks. Messrs. Geo. Etherington of Usbo:•ti, W. Connor of Exeter. Isaac. 11111 of Ste- phen./were among the number serving as Jurors at Goderich last week. Mist. Evelyn Gill. nurse, of Toledo, Ohio. who has been here for some mon- ths. convalescing from a severe i:lt,':ss left Wednesday on her return to Tole- do. Mr. John May of London (toad South lost a valuable mare while foaling on Tuesday night. She was worth eeete Mr. James of the Molsons bank staff here has been transferred to Ileneall Memel.. his place here beteg taken by Mr. Pinner of Clinton. Rev. John Berry of Seaforth will preach in the Trivitt Sfentorlal church on Sunday, while the rector, Rev. D. W. Collins pica: hen in Hensel!. tThe wool season has again opened and y years ago P. Dobbins promised to t pay its subscription when he sold his it yield seems to b^_ a good ono, judg- v!teat. Now the question is. did Peter I utg from the fact that Mr. Wm. Harding lie, o: Is Petr still holding his wheat."l flee Mr. E. 3haptar $17.0:5 for nine f lee.es. A per:e't town Is that In which You Tee Canthi Electric road has been sur- --e tee reenters patronizing the honte'veyed through Exeter. the stakes being •::c• .pants, tee laborers spending the I (testi along the new station street, can- e; .ey they earn with their tradesmen, l ed \'Ictorla. Mr. Cardin desires to go al all a:nt:natei ey a spirit that they:through Exeter and it would certahily . !(I no: purchase articles abroad if they oe a great convenience. c.en be bought at home. The spirit of Confirmation services were conducted 1prority. between nen and mechanics, bit the Trlvltt Memorial church on Tues- ..ed'sme.i and manufacturare. results day last, by the Right Rev. David Wil- eee: y time in making the town a per- Rants. Bishop of Huron. The church fest one to do business In. ledifice was comfortably filled and a Tne magistrate's court has been In most Impreeelve discourse was delivered seaelo+ frequently of late, dealing with by the Bishop from the text, "And the alleged fast drivers, etc. Oa Monday a Deselples were called Christians first at case of obtaining a horse underfalseAntloch." Eleven candidates presented pretences was preferred by Wm. Cornish.,thetnselves and took upon themselves the of Stephen against Joe Finklestein of solemn vows of Co:ifirrnation. Exeter North, arising out of a deal: HORSE AND CATTLE SALE—Mt. T. made some months ago. ,The magls- Cim,ton will conduct a eel, o.' horses trates. Metiers. T. M. Kay and W. D.Iani cattle at t -he Mettopolita,. Hotel. o:, Sanders, ordered that the horsy be re-' Friday. May 14th, at one o'clock for turned to Mr. Cornish, the defendant iv Mr. War.' o: t\ 1 Mon. Fee hills for par- elso pay costs. titulars. WILL. CONTINUE TIIE AYPOINT- )IENT.—.tt a !nettlttg held In the Beth- eada Methodist church on Monday night last for the purpose of discussing the advlaablllty of discontinuing the ap- po.nlment. Rev. E. A. Fear. the pastor acted as chairman and after consider- able dlecusslon for and against the the change it was deckled to have the appointment continued for at leas' another year. Y. M. C. A. DEPATE.—On Friday ev- ening a fair attendance greeted the Y. M. C. A. debaters in the Town Ball( E-- erter, when the subject, ' Resolved that he: elltary is stroag.:r than envirae.- meat" was debetad, the affirmative Ite- EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt„ family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Biggs Lrvehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton Teachers 'Institute—The West Huron Teachers' Association hold their an- nual Institute in Exeter, May 20th and 21st. They have a good program and expect a successful m=eting. Mr. F. F. \\'tight of Toronto is to be prceent and give three addresses. Two copies of the announcement are being sent to aft principals. one of them for the trustee board, who are especially invited to be p:esent. In fact all Interested in educe io•r war be heartily welcome. 1..tt13 drops of water poured tato the milk. gives (Inc milkman's daughters lovely gowns of silk. Little grains of -tiger. mingled with the sand, snake the ,.Deer's assets swell to brat the band. lug taken by Messrs. Southcott, Duswc ll Little bowls o: custard humble :hough and Oestretcher of Exeter and the neg- ative by Messrs. Robinson. Crittenden ant Wambold of illytb. The sides were well taken by the different speakers and was Interesting throughout. the home boys winning by it small nmargitn of point!. The Judges were itev. doing and Mr. F'. W. Diadem.' of Exeter Viand Ire/. Cooper of Myth. WEAT11E11.—Comment on the weeder to hardly neeessery, as everybody seems to have dotte it Justice, judging by t!.' remarks we have heard during the past week. Oa the night of tee 'Bit. a snow eto:nn of cons'dereble intensity started and tas:el all day of too 2Uth. but dIs- appearel oil the earth. May 1st and 2nd wire also very wintry dais, 031.1 weather ilga weel and snow being the rharect- et.11ties. Owing to the fact that the e•al7.e has been bat'kward all trough :o dint ige has resulted as the buds had tot op •red out, but the farmers are be- y4s{ wi' t'tt s('t11ng and are getting e •y an -sous t', get on the land. Tills, howevezialllhoul4 not worry them. as al- mont lnvariebly backward spring wea- ther has reaulhd in bumper erops in the tall. JAMEX JECKELL MARRIED. — On Wedeeselay. April 28th at the home of ",S hr:dc's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gco, Semple. Montreal. the niarrtage took place of a former well-known and pop- ular Eseter boy. James Jeckell, son of Mr. Jame Jeckell of town, to Miss Oe`tru:1t M .ude Sample. The ceremony -.vas performed by Rev. Archdeacon Ker of Orate Spilt -opal church. in the pres- erve of a fcww of the Intimate friends. Miss Esther Pard assisted tee bride an:I Mr. Wm. Pear y esslste1 the groom. %fr. and Mrs. Al)tell ( ante to Eseter on their welding trip. art lying here Thurs- day evening. the bride wearleg a travel. ;!ng 'ult. with hat to marc... They left Tuesday on their return to Montreal. where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Jeckell have the congratulations and best wishes of Exeter frir,•cis. icy se -nn, help enrich the fellow sel- ling pure ice cream. Little rocks and boulders, little chunks of slate, make the real man's (otter •c something fierce and g:i• at. Little ade. well written, printed e and neat. give the joyful merchants • •rn:s on Easy Street. One of the roost welcome among the many exchanges which corm to our desk is The News of Toronto. The News has re'cntlY mad• wonderful advances. so much so that old friends of the paper would hardly r_:ognlce in this great Ca- nadieu newspaper the old News of a few genre ago. The News now eentalns from fourteen to sweaty pag:s cavi day.wlth twenty _out to thirty-two o:1 Saturday. :\ specialty Is made of poiltlral and Par- t twittery news awl questions affecting h. welter.. of the publi receive fair ed- .torlal tr.atrnent by clever writers. We are sate la staying that there Is no paper more wilely quoted ht Canada and its cartoons are reproduced by many of the Ireeding journals. Thrcugh an arrange. meat made with the News. we are able to offer The Advorate and T,,e News in a club for one year at the remark- ably cheep price of *22.30. KICKS FOIt MAY.—A reactionary per. .od of storm falls on the llth, 12th and 11th. and but for the tact that all cen- tral parts of our continent are In the torus of solar energy. storm producing .uses are about at the minimum at :1.1s period. .es a rule there la an ab. • ornmal tendency to daily eyries of thun- der storms for eeteral days In success .o.1 In mu:h of this mon'h, but the tinned eons are that disturbances will be light et this reactionary p'rlod. The bar0m't• r will react to higher. and change to dc•Idedly cooler will appear from about '!.e 12th to the 15th. 1t 1s very common for frosts to o.cur in most parts to they c: thward hrtwe ti the lUth and Bee 15th of May. but there are no decided pm -- 'abilities of heavy frost et tits time. e Montreal etovc dealer recently .re- tttved the following from a diseatlefl- r 1 customer :— Dear Sbre.—i received de stove wild l by from you alrite. Itut for why you do:t't send pre 1:0 feet. wet le de use of de stove when he don't tve no fe t. I ant loos, to me customer .ere thing by not having de feet. and date not very pleasure for me. What 1. de matter wit you. Is not ere tradre rant..). as go,d like anoter man's. You note^ me my trade and 1 a'ti vest sisters for dal And now i tell dat you ate it blem tool and no good. 1 send you back at ounce your stove tomorre for sure because you are su-h a teem foe:- fsh peoples. Yours Respecfule'o. Jean La Fleur "P. S.—Since f rite dis letter I t • .1 de fejt In de hoses, ex^use to rive" 125 54 55 43 5U I5 7 50 150 44 110 .1) 85) 300 1 55 18 17 7 15 25 00 25 00 Here's Good News The minket pe ec•s for old junk ate alive and su bbb the old reliable tiim—M. JACKSON te SON—one door smith of the Metropolitan. Just look at the following prices (no trade and no tett' k t all CASH: Rags 75c per hundred Iron from G0c to 75c " Old Rubber Boots 1 7c per lb & Shoes J Copper & Brass 90 Horse Hair 30c " Lead and Zinc 21c " Now, boys, the 24th is coating! Bring your Roods here and get the worth of your money. NOOJ•air4 Patronize R Hair Dressing Parlors __AT -__ _. Hlt4ting''s Old Stand First-class equipment throughout and careful, contelentious work. We guarantee satisfsettos to ill customers Your patr'nsge reept'•ttulty solicited. A. Pennrase -- W. D. Berke mss) time 4444 ,34-2 MOOIP IRON PIPE A great sarietn of iron pipe always on baud at • reason• able price, suitable for FENCE POTS, 11::.1CixG ,i 110t'LEVARUING M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST., EXETER. OPPOSITE ELECTRIC POWER HOUSE Pure Blood Makes Fine Health At this season of the year the sys- tem should be given •t thorough cieoniitg out, and the blood, tissues and enestitution I:nilt up, fresh• eat d and pus died. Rich, red, hounding blood can he enjoyed ey any one—yon only have to take Our Famous Sarsaparilla and Blood Purifier This remedy is a natural, pure, ra- pid recnnt.tt actor, curing all blood, bowel, liver and kidney diseases, where the ailment is due to im- purities in the blood. Nothing so good for indigesrion, rheumatism or pimples. crl)c and $1 it I:ottle at W. S. !U'YE!, Phll'L.B. Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone 511 1nir- EYES TESTED FREE MAYBE you want ;. r..1 stood lotion to re- tinae. Tan. tinuhnrrt. heal chapped face anti hd :d-. You cannot do better than Ilse Eujoyrne Almond Cream it is a ptlt» white preparation that dries in quickly. tinarenteed. 4 oz. bottles 2:)c, Sold only at FTHE PURITY .cp. 1:1'111 J. willts Powell D('N•T 1'ALi. iN'fO the error that all flout is alike. The proof of it lie: in a trial of OUR STAR FANUL1' FLOUT{ The better baking and frame of it you stn do t-itit sack or barrel of Star flour will he e level:Hint) to you. We won't have to ark yon to try it the second lint.. \•mt'II do that of your own Aetna el. 10,000 bosh. of wheat wanted. Patronise hem*. inthietries. HARVEY BROS. ?t\r'tI.t(TUltr:RN EXETER - ONTARIO Enter Any Time CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE hat Been t..tn'1 in the eru•'t',!e of etper,en'r. with the f1 . of ruble: opinion. and Sas not leen Muni wanting. The success of nut gradasle• Sas not been et. -tiled. Not the tweet but the highest erect, medern Business Rehool in We. tern Ontario. In41 final iattrtrti"n, Ne ese•teee flail Coarses Enter any day Writ. for part!^ulan (ORO. MPOTTON, Pnrveii•.tr. SEEDS SEEDS We have a full stock of J. J. Bruce's Flowers, Vegetables, Lawn Grass, and Field Roots Seeds One trial will remove any misapprehension of the quality of these seeds. T. HAWKINS & SON House Gleaning Time for Furniture Always something required for the home at this season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor, Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits: Combination Side Boards, China Cabinets, Extending Tables. Dining Chairs in all grades. Felt Mattresses in three grades, the best on the market for comfort : Wire Springs, guaranteed not to sag, none better : Iron and Brass Beds, for quality and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock before you put' - chase. No trouble to show goods—but delighted. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. a2 SPECIALS in Dress Goods This week we few specials in department. They and are worth 54 inch Panama Cloth for 50c per yard This is a splendid cloth Inc suits and dresses and is good and heavy in the perfect colors of [slack, Blue, [crown, Green or Cream. Only 51c are offering a • our dress goods are something extra looking after. 42 inch Satin Cloth for 50c per yard In all the good shades of Black, Blue, Brown or (ireen. A beautiful satin finish in a gond heavy cloth. This a a line sure to pietist'. Only 50c Black Voiles, Plain or Striped We are famous tl►ia year for our 111 tek Dress Goods! Among our many different cloths our Rio k Voiles nre very prom. inent. The ! )c, 7t.( and $1 ♦•odes ate yet y good values. They are good sellers end nre guaranteed to give pert., t satisfaction. Necessary House Furnishings Now i4 the time you need them ! You are very hn'.y with your Spring housecleaning and will he wanting comet thug new. Do not lieges we are beadit.ttrteee for 1{ugs, Carpets, ('urtainn, Oilcloths. Linoleuntns and V..l1 Papers. RUGS Union Rugs Wool do $1,5to * 8 Lace Curt.nins 25c to $r1 10 11 Tapestry do $2.500Tapestry do 8 ]:i Carpets 25C t0$i so Brussels do_ 18 " 2:, Wall Paper 2jc to l'►c Velvet do 20 " 10 Linoleums At Oilcloths Gents' Furnishings for Spring Boyo, we are right up•to•dete with our New Spring Goods We keep all the NEWEST STUFF from the top of your head to the wiles of your feet. Natty Now Vesta Nifty Straw Hata A big assortment of the srn.trt• eat things in Gents.' Fancy Vests —all the new (-dots: Tan. Grey. Meer' and %'hit( --in Figured. Striped or Checks. All the New Swell Hats are here. Nice \S bite Straws with Green. Brown and Black Trim- ming,. Sailor or Swagger styles in stock. Don't fail to nee them. low Shirt:, Co11a,ii, Glom, Soy, Supthr: JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing