HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-06, Page 7A GRATEFUL MOTHER r GOING AROI••f IN CHINA.-- r�YERY WOMAN ]RICH ART. Useful Sedan ('hair In the (.rewde/l ''.ire you blind, prisoner 1'' in Streets of the Cities. W 110 SUFFERS.q"ire`s `'y uragi ,ship. des your worship." dee of tit Remarkable Car) Drr, !'hero are but two ways to go 1 "You are charged Kitli vagrancy. William!' Pink Pills aroiQht about the Chinese city- on foot ur -- t How did' you luso your sight F' to a hrdan chair, writes a Canton CAN FIND SURE RELIEF IN I "By a fit of appleplexy, air." in Her Oae3-Had Under- correspondent. The streets aro I "But there is a picture on sow from our to eight feet. wide the DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. goil l Font Operations gI breast representing an eaploeion le Without Help, average being probably about six -- , a thine, through which, it is stated, (cwt, sod wheeled vehicles are out ?Ira. J. Oliver Tells How She Lost you becatne blind. Hoy.' is thist" When women approach that cri of the question. Niven the purikisha ''Please, your worship,I couldn't tirsl period in titter lives known i- cannot be used here. If you try Icer 1 aius and Weakness 11•heu afford to pay, a artist as could the.turn of life, the • do so with a t" visite your way uu Pout the deo She Used the Old Reliable 6iduey paint apploplexy." 3sit of the moving masses renders' fbceing of :pprehcn,iun and once, y gt . Remedy.--_-- tatnty for in the ,harmer in which puwdiessand ilpi�kpuekute aero num- -- daii pries that Crisis determines Elgin, Ont., May 3 (Special).- A Woman's $ Sympathy crows, so that the best plan is to3 p or the health of their after life. Dur Women who suffer, and there are Are youyour doctor's take a realwus.'elo native guide discouraged? L. ing this most important time M the wr• thousands of them in eanada, will bill a heavy financial ``neer is your pais rd CtlAtttl. a heavy yl,ysical Dl,tdeur 1 kn hat These chairs are ertrrird by two, hear with interest tbo experience of thus. weanto deticate we,nei Tave three and sometimes four wren ac- Mrs. J. Oliver of this peace. rise been discouraged, . Itoo; tto r relieve _warned howto life of a woman, her whole aim should be to build up and strength- en her system to meet the unusual r end a dao )ouop '` eording to the weight of the pas- ha' suffercxl and fuuud a cure and dens. tyo not end the pate and ecu n dem Inds upon it. Devction to fano &hogs,. Tho two bamboo polos by site has no hesltativar in saying that doctor's DUI? I can do this for you ,� will if you will assist me n ily should not lead to neglect of which the chair is t;uppurted are ours is 1)udd's Kidney I'i11.1. • iter ah on w'hi`p h�.at be n y!a hese self. The hard Kuri and worries about. eighteen fort long and are "1 sutlered for over a year from my bonne to be ictvccn array Pcrhape of huusc!i rid carps should bo avoid r Backache and Painting Spells, this one Linz von cure you -e has clone so ed as far a.s possible. But joins eiatsapteoethe o1After you t and rear ends Mrs. Oliver states. "1 was tired fou wilt be cured for to (thhebcos[yofua she is able to do this or not, whether taken you: seat the coolies raise and nervous all tho time and the [testae° stamp). Tour letters held conA. wornan should fall to take the tonic the ends of the pules to their slroul- !cast exertion would make toe per- aent� It.wg1;°�t-da t;,,g.�rrro rpnt treatm� nt offered by 1)r. Williams' dors and are off at a dog trot, only spire freely. My feet and ankles Pink Nile, which will build up her interrupted by a "congestion of blood and fortify her whole sys- tem, enabling her to pass this cri-fre- quently. tical pori•:d with safety. We give It is surprising to ace how rapid the follura ing strong proof of what ly they can go through tho crowded rapid - Dr. Williams' l'ink !'ills are con- atantly doing for suffering women. Mrs. Marag'sret Wood, South- field, N.13., says :--"Solon years ago I became a victitu to the trou- bles that afflict so many of my sex, ae the very worst form. The doctor in charge neither through medicine nor local treatmeut gave me any help, and he decided that I must undergo an operation if I was to ultaue us shouting y have any relief. During the next two years I underwent four sur sight, butte in front and iv tho rear, eessive operations. During this for the stream is flowing an both time I had the attention of some directions, is enough to make one of tho best physicians. From each operation I re.cived some benefit, but only of short duration, and then I drifted back into the sank wretched condition as before. Dur- ing all this tine I was taking medi- cine to build up my system, but with no avail. I was reduced to a mere skeleton ; my nerves were ut- terly broken down. My blocxl was of a light yellowish color, and 1 was so far gone that 1 took spells in whish my lips, fingers and tongue would seem raralyzed. I cannot begin to express what I suffered and went through in those two years. I was completely discourag- for plovers' eggs, says the London ed and thought I could not live Daily Mail. long. Then on the t:rgent advice Tho bird destro,s snails, wire - would swell and I had a dragging sensation aer(es the loins. 1 saw SUCH IS FAME. Dodd's Kidney Ville advertised atoll Ile was a foreign nobleman on ,- bought some. Twelve boxes cured me•„ visit to England, and he took the keonest interest in all that pertain - streets; the whole line of chair car All women who auffer should use. ed to the history of the neighbor riers are yelling all the time, as Dodds Kidney Pills, They make healthy Kid; eys and healthy Kid- Pills id- hoed in which hefoundhimself. are the other people whothe are car- ire s are the first rule of health ! Strollingone day,he ,net a burly eying burdens, for as those aro no for woman. The female organs de_:laboror returning from his daily carts in use the entire mere}landise g toil. of the city is transported in the Pend almost entirely on tho Kid - same manner, not in chairs of ueys for their health. No woman! �, "I say, my gout frient," he swirl, course, but slung on pl;les carried can hope to be healthy and happy! was thorn nut a big battle fought across the shoulders. unless her Kidney's are right. The i somewhere bore I" The noise resulting from tho sin, Ihedneya need occasional help or "Well-er-yes, the lord!" scam n of ever one in they must become tired or sick.' mored the laborer recognizing !lir And almost any woman can tell you i interrogator. "I did have a few out of her own experience that' rounds with Joe, of Milligan's I)odd's Kidney Pills are the help farm, a little while back ; but I'd ne they need. idea your lordship had heard of it." wonder if the long expected riot has nut begun. _-- 4.- ---- PLOVER -__ PLOVER AS FARMER'S ALLY. Birds Destroys Various insects That Damage crops. Of all our birds the plover is absolutely the most useful on the laud, and 're have the authority of the Board of Agriculture fur say- ing that. "the multiplication of in- sects injurious to crops" is the direct consequence of the fashion STATION TO COST $31,000,000. A union station representing an expo;tditure of $31,000,000 is near- ing completion at Leipsic, Ger- many. It will be one of the largest ZA31-BL's CURED HER BAB! Mothers will find the following statement of more than passing in• Wrest, showing, as it does, how stations iu the world, and it will Zain-Buk ends the skin -disease of Therechildren, even when ordinary re - bo used by 13 railway lines. Taro now fico railroad stations in Leipsic, and these are to be aban- doned with the opening of the new station. Patient: "Aro you sure, doctor, that this health food that you have recommended is eourishing 1" Doctor: "Sure i Why, I know it. of friends I began to take Dr. Wil- worms, beetle' and all sorts of noxi- The man who introduced that health hams' l'ink ('ills, and after some ous insects that damage crops. As food not only lives, but supports a weeks perceived a change for the it feeds largely at night it destioys large fam.,y on it." better. I continued to take the many insects that other birds do Pills for several nu,ntls gradually not touch, and it has also n pccul- To every man is given his oppor- growing stronger and suffering iar virtue in killing a water snail tuuity to do something worth while. less, and in the end found myself which indirectly is the cause of once more a well woman and en- liver rot, a deadly disease in sheep. A Pill for Brain Workers. - The f Dying the blessing of such good !'lover have been more than usu- health as I had not kn.,wn for ally numerous this yea r. and no years. I now always keep these doubt if their eggs were proteeted, Pills in the house and after a hard as in Scotland, they would multiply day's work take them for a few yet more and save many thousands days ft ed they always semi to put of pounds that are riow spent on the fattening of the s.ireworrn. It is becoming also a more r'op ulnr prac- tice to keep plovers as rt garden pet. They de incalculable food and are very interesting to watch, especi- ally at this season. Sonic people tell the truth merely for the sake of etirriug up trouble. Repeat 11.- "AhIIoh'a Cure will alma,, cure tuyooughs and colds." The snow mer, quiekly melte, but it's differ enc with the heart of the ice marl. new life and energy in my; body. 1 sincerely hope my experience -rr'ey be of profit to some other suffering Isonr.'rl " I)r. Williams' !'ink Pills are Rel .+ by all dealers in medicines or will be sent by mail at 80 rents a hex or six boxes for 8!3.50 by address ing The Dr. Williams' Medicine (' , . Brockville, Ont. -+ TOO LI13EII.11.. Mrs Smith suddenly imbued with a spirit of neighborly interest in a lady who was just recovering floor influence, said to her little son: " 11 ithie, dear, just run across the street, and ask hoe old airs. Brown is thio morning " Willie returned in Eve minutes, wearing the look that spoke of de feat sustained. '•Well, Isate yea seen Mrs. Wotan I•' the mother asked. 'Yes: and she said i was to tel! y,o, it's none of pin r business how old she is." man wh,, works with his brains is Buk fur skin trouble. She broke more liable to derangement of the out in blotches on her hands and digestive system than the man who arms, and in her ease also 7.am- works with his hands, because the one calls open his nervous energy while the other applies only his nrnscidar strength. Brain fag be- gets irregularities of the stomach • and liver, and the lest remedy that: ilea, festeringsores, anrf all skin can he II" is I armelee s Vege Injuries and diseases. Druggists table fills. They aro specially' and stores everywhere sell at 50c. e ompnunded fors such casts and all a box, or post Pre for price from them those who use roe can certify to Zan Rik Co Toronto; 3 boxes (heir superior pies,. $1.45 You are warned against Fi h, as a rule, increase in weight times represehead nfimitations c ted tobe 'just and length every year up to their gu,.d.e death medies have completely failod. Mrs. C. W. Bowerbank, of Denison Avenue, Toronto, says: -- -Not long ago my baby's face broke out in an eruption. The spots would crack and be very irritating and sore. At other times they itched fearfully, and caused the child to scratch and rub, thus mak- ing the sores very inflamed and uaiuful. I tried all sorts of oint- nionte and salves, but they some- how did nut seem able to remere the trouble. Zam-Buk proved very different, and a few applications gave the child relief. The sores are now healed completely. "Since that time my little (laugh- ter has had occasion to use Zane Buk elfeeted a cure. It. is a sure cure for pimples and eruptions, eczema ringworm, ul- cera, cuts, burns, bruises, poise led sores, chronic wounds, bad leg, A pen's tom Aat•aal,ln Which there le nn ,.piste, flare. e.,re threat ani sore lungs, a. it *flay the Inllsmn.AUon and .his you „( the sum) tUa that et •ps up the air passaged. ir, bOc, Vo, bottles. - - In Quito, I.ucader, it is the cus- "Pe. rfectly Trustworthy" is the tom to uncover whop there is a chs:a :ter of !tickle's Anti Con- flash of lightning. sumptive Syrup It can be used -- --- with the utmost r,rnfiden•e that it E.pestle:--"4htlol.'.ourewill always will d,, what is el/timed ter it. It Bare my coughs and c oat" la sure 111 itseffects. as the use of it will clearly demonstrate, and; 'rico French (overnment makes tan bo relied upon to drive a cold tnhacce in which the nicotine is re - ''tit of the system noire effeetitely duces! from =', j to only 1 per rent. than anv other medicine. Try it. The tobacco is dearer, but good for and be convinced that t• I d k hearted k is claimed to be Sheep in parks sleep on the road- ways un clear, cold nights, because then the grasa is colder than earth or stouts. 1 VRML IS LIQUID LIFE. BOVRIL, is pure corc:ntrated Beef and to ensure supplies of prime Beef tor our needs we have just recently acquired 438,o8a acres of the finest grating land in the world, in the Argentine Republic, and 9,000,ouo acres in North West Australia. Over zoo,000 head of horned cattle are on these estates at present, and this number will be much increased. %Ve are therefore in a better Position than ever toguarantee the pulite and high character of BOVRIL BOVRIL LTD., 27 St. Peter et., Montreal. POPULAR SHEET MUSIC AT LESS THAN OOST OF PRODUOTICN. IOl•,900 (;otgios of popular, stand sod and al;alstual sheet w,slo mast be sacrtaced at Goes with .u► c.adderatlun as t• tele* or oast. TWA st,.ek ..ells s1 the retail price of 11 to M. s copy. Our adios, ae lone a• Ike dost lasts are p:sced uu a basis . Lf1 h will mire thine quickly. A1t anode are is pLiect a..dlt w. "ceche.- or stetter aster bad an opportunity of this kind offered before. See tee prtu•s-thou act quick, Yi Myhre A.rorted Sheet \mete `z tri♦► ta,nlu A,.ert•d Skeet Norio fjy Will sends bunch of sample, for Id cents p,utpatd. Hpeetal rlo•s loote,l to eta 1,000 ee more. bo not decay -order today. Stomps ace•pt•l for small amounts. CANADA MUSIC CO,, 1413 Ou;efl Street Vest TORONTO, ONT. USED IN Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, 'Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of di inctive merit is appreciated. The Bell is the only piano with the Illimitable Repeating Action. yarfiZ Send for (free Catalogue /so. 75. ?Ili BELL. NANO' OrLan Co.. Limited GU eLPH.ONTARIO. Thoroughly Cooked Food A LI, cereals should be thoroughly cooked to get the beat results for food purposes. In our Canadian Agricultural Colleges they have tested the effect of cooking on the solubility of foods : Read this table: ROLLED OATS rime Cooked. Uncooked 30 minutes 9 hours 5 hours 8 hours P. 0. Solids WHBAT FLOUR Soluble in Water. Time Cooked. 8.43 Uncooked 14.95 90 minutes 18.79 4 hours 29.98 5 hours 34.30 8 hours P. C. Solids BoluWo in Water. 0.97 37.40 37.10 38.3? 39.119 You will notice the gradual rise in percentage due to Long cooking. Very few homes are equipped to trend the time or fuel necoesary to ;?roperly prepare cereals. By a system of steam pressure and heavy machinery the ORANGE MEAT r eople thoroughly clean and steam . uk tho wheat, then ma'' -t and flake each grain, after which it is dried and toasted. This produces the largest percentage of solubil- ! ty; a process totally impossible in ordinary kitchen. This company are giving away a cash prize of Seven hundred Dollars. Bee post -card In every package. WARREN OZOWSKI & CO. ! CALVES R5te•Tae.wutt•et'"' a•'.t•terree fen)' cis T,•routo 5t••ck Rteh.sn,• ete•1• 5i5 3.S•etCo..ltt„ T•e.M, Trader Back I(•Ildtnj, 11 nn.a•I Street. _ _ ToBOri0. \KW'iO1LK WANTED mat. rem+(iii VII 51.. }I0(1S cr-Sire T. 1. sebum, 124 'Spells* Boal, T•roata STOCKS AND BONDS weare 'onw Minute. write as syectsllriu� 1., COBALT fur infv,soattun. AG NTS ifth•shoefmawhomyrs odder your eipylle, are ------ - - - 'loud •Atl,fartl,n, stick t.+ them. Tf n o1 t•y out When a mother says her bo 11 °`ods. w• apply ppare t•sw o*.Re••. •gleet p•r } y' ,m.. cullet tegwsltes, eta., at itis k ns+t priria full of mischief the neighhere real Itio lime Nam:snie• Cu.. pert A,Turunt-,,0:rt izc that it means trouble to thein. farm For Sale pr„n,� a�in' ours my oone ha and colda" Repeat it;-' 6htlob's Card well always "By Medicine Life May be Pro tat>•sltlrtn „.,...........„,:,..11141,71,1 ale lodged.'' ---So wrote fitiake.spear0 teat nsig es prahu•)y lllu.tc t ma d free. ,nearly three hundred ears ago. It eI+' yye�rtt.R, tree a A, 's °RWr tors Iron ships soon go to the bottom y 3" g n NurN. it�ia�te ra u•.l•re. tti.t.•n►q when abandoned. Wooden skips is slif80 tob(lay sMedici eire of tlwille givalitius I nela., tllyeasese„ kr, - --- float for weeks, lnuntns, and steno - the for years. el the medicine. Life is prolonged . n p lints Wanted _ _ by keeping the body free [ruin die. fire Insurance � e(1tS Ila11t The Beauty of a (Tear Skid.-- case. Ir. '1'h(,:n:te' I:cicctrtc Oil The senile ,+ !Visci inter+rally will cure coughs 1 1 n of the bio( regulates' nirnm•n 1 .R nr,.tmnn'l tir• Ins'IW:s. e•um• and cold•t, eradicate asthma, over- n Head ot8a leten ,•.► lfn• r,.t•bu.hsl 1e what it nervous an weak ,harts stun ere. the cunditien of the blood. Adie- come croup and give strength to �i�'r�' t:.pll.l e:aU.7.^" '"1. as+',e1•, *1 °er•,..e ---._ + - - - - ordered liver Clauses impurities In eentelpdfnle, rrurlo•eof Ontario, a+tdrea ilio respiratory organs. (Jive it a J. H, 1;1VlRT (1tlrf Agrnt. TWO C)F TIII'�f. Mettler Graves' 11'erm hatr'rmin• the bleed and these show them- , In order to succeed yo.t must have ntor is pleasant to take; sure and selves in blr mill+es un the skin. trial. ' les, indeed." said Miss Uppisch,push. You cnn't even run a lawn effectual in destroying worms.Parmelee's Vegetable fills in act [asked the y.rung wornan to "my gr, at grandmother oil my mower without it. Many have tried it with best re- lug ap•,n elle liver act upon rho front (.,t me to remove her big hat, ALEXANDER WARDEN, moth(, a de was noted for her ONO Veer task Aehet fear, ei ethos•,1 wets sults blood and a clear, healthy skin $O that I could 6^e the stage." (L*tetr. r rr•.e))tenaa greed and itnperiees tenting " letitatlem bort get the genuine, Ib• • UA 1." _"� Kill fellow 11,tClllg•:It IItiA of this g CLrreA In lsnala> • How st.rsnKe rxclalnthe Miss Co,m•d r1.Aer. It ea».. Usrf. a i.w»nc•, SPRIG SpG. standard medicine. 1.adsea riwhome "1)id she do it 1" "No; she said if BONDS AND STOCKS co, IOD will fully appreciate this prime she held her hat in her lap, she Kook ; "our servant girl a the an(no , •i,y dose is clogged, by eyes are red, quality of these pi1!s, eau use theta he err the stage ber'c!t." L,.h.ort.,r•k•haesetmad •otteevesdeel-a. gra` HoDGE.s LIT.I.E . „DUE. B throat is sore end raw, + with the certainty that the effect 13 TO!10.^.T� BTIttT, T/11011T1. CANAD/ "Vuu say it is quite impos:•it.le ! Ivy j •bre all ache, se does my head. will be moat grettfying. Repflwc tr. - 'Rhl!oh a r'urewvl atwaye NAAAAAAAAAAAANNAAAAAAA for you to agree with Farmer ;'errs ,ley breath is hard to draw. _ __ cure ase coughs to coeds." I'M'. It •1t111'.i OWN on these points' ' said I1•,dt{c e ! But spring is here, with all its Kerwin iv the most densely -pupa• No lan5:,agc c::n - drsrribo the solicitor to hien. cheer, fated country in the eniknn States. "•1y ! " answered Hedge. Pio lit us reser to fret. _-- feeling of ,t dent mute when he steps "Their, I'm afraid then•'s no I Ad sig ad 'bile ad ciig a w bile Repeat It; •11hftoh'e Curl Will aiwars un a tack in the dark. To !l'i'ter flad(ilea yet. cure my cousheand Golds." help for it ; the matter will have to go befor•! rho judge. -- I Tho cast. of keeping up the public "Very well," said Hodge, And \�t ``k I drinking fountains and cattle - then, aft: r a pause, he added: "Du-� "►.rt * ( ` troughs in London is clearly $10,A'0 you think it would du any good to ;3r. ��� �'. �� per honor. send the judge a couple of find fat ducks!' "Not unless you we'll to lose your ease.- se id the la .• Ser decisively. And H••dee left, apparently con- vinced. in due course the (Ale was tried, and lfudue gainer( a vet diet. ' i believe I win) be, nese I sent those ducks, after ail, • he said to his lawyer afters Medi. ' What '.. said the astenilsherf lawyer. "Do yeti naso to say you I sent them?" tie. ;a Wel:fua.oa 9t . Naas, Tot .ne. 1 Alit i;t 5 ONLY Mrs m !Ie.!. i'a!it lead. Ii C. says -• 1 have five lit - Cot coos rang ng from one to elevet► years of see. and when any of them are at'ir.$ I al - nays give them Baby s Own Tablets, «loch always hr ngs prompt rel:ef I do n( t think there is anathieg Sou can keep in the 11,:me as good as "Baby's Own Tablets " Thou- sands of other mothers speak just is warl1110 of this turd:rine, which t;evnr fails to cure all stomach, bowel and teething troubles (ivaran teed by a government ana- lyst to to perfectly safe Se Id by teed:rine dealeIes or by mail At 95 cents a box from The Dr 11 illiama' Melfi e;ne t'o Brockville, (int -Ah •" was the reply; hut, thinking on what see said. i =cot I INNOWNAANWAAAWAAeso 'ec) in ferry's ,tame 1" I I N err /er ObitlMsn•. Prost Mtn. nrui,es Mp•alss, n .thing •qua:, 1:14 fain .u, old remedy, ferry l,aHi 1`at;, +ser he•p .o l,,•lt• elwys nn bawl. t • . bet► t'biils and Vest •p (' Id.. At at; I,uig The robbery of graves iv the one Perry lade' ►a„klr.r. rt•r •secte are s!.0„0 crime in China for w!ii.'II the thief In N.ntan..0., C.r.i rot, hnrws and br•o.ea 'may be killed On the ;pot by ant Taken Irt..nall eup crama p:. dtarrka sed dyx•ure:y Arnldrosub Minted there 1. 8.,1 no• one finding him in the art /'Doled.," r•ra U.r,s eye sed re Il•tck is the sa.e�t and rat;,• t Why go limp's( and whin:ng material to cut a t;urnet through. about our currs when a 43 rent bottle of Holloway a Corn 1 •u re lisp„atItt-••IAlloh'aCur*willalways will ,eNote them'. (;eve it a triol euro my eu'igha and eo:de. ' and pet will net regret it. 5.111) UNCLE SILAS "A %roman that docs all her nen v.ork f ,r a family r f ,•l,,ht, inrludin' t!,•• wa••hin', when she kin just na ---• uell afford help, ain't no martyr. "Iffy .1, tet_-1tj. She'll n chump." "eiAh,l'�ru,u tit?Kr.tgt , t):\ 1 , r •r.s . , 2-24: • se at %eV ea ea • Ttt 4 as a M► T H..• ye.. ewe t;,,0•leo f Is r, .g .05* 11.., w, to ,e A1'U.I R 0.1.1 r weir •• .•'- •-y or •.1•.08.)•.0 It 0•-.••11 .c•. U, v• t •1 tae W V.1 ..o , ..,r ..w (• • a.`11 81 •t, It 5...'5.141110..'.'e'( ,er .. 0.11 (e.•► a•st, Cans t'loteuc• Mines Nal• 1170, M•tn 0071. • Band U,i o yrs Samples eel Casinos Free Rex ToRor4o$ Co. IJat•'Ita T0000.Te. Brass Band TAI. Is Me Tim. to Orionis* Instren,.nte, Drumm, Bans( Mere. Eft. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND hodrossi se 2O► SIIc o tratio w gimlet nral.ed tree. aWrite 11 for soprig of in Weals er Meeks&fastrtmwe's. WHALEY. ROYCE s CO., LIwtiN1 Totvsto.4.I, sad Vi lar vine, Man. * RUGS ) cleave:. Ra.h•a ant aep.l,el ny Orient 41 1•rrr•,, we a•• tPe poly epee:allsts .r reels la VTAr. {tuft CO., v!.••za stem) M Voir r Te• M . in 500, Sae sew et , wee', formes.