HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-06, Page 4ezeter
Sanders it
dl orate
11 I; U:i1$S, U•:GGIES, 1sUCICIEs, Jure
Creecn. Props. Atrlved,-A large consignment of buggies
f%om five of the IP.rdl.lg firms of O4,lar.o
in all the latest atytes and designs. Any
THURSDAY, 3Ia\- 6, 1900 person intending buying will do well to
look over our sto k before purchasing:
We will save you money by so doing. No
ttoable to show goods. Ail vehicles are
fully guaranteed. A call soil.Ited.-TRE-
VETIIICK & hul,G1NS, Cre(liton. Ont.
11. S. Department
Metrleulatlon,-Honore, L. Heywool
71 ; ['ass J. E. Jones 73, C. McAvoY 71,
J. Walker 07, 1). Stewart 00.
Mat. L ulatlon and Normal Eutrance-
Hono. e, K. Collins 90, A. McMahon. 87,
L. S.ell 80, A. Dow 79, L. Martin 78,
T. Sunders 77 ; Pass, K. Stewart 72,
J. Oejtrcicher 71, 1. Marchand 70, 0,
Pickard 07, It. Hooper 00, L. Hodgert
864, I. Rowe 04, A. Plcitard 03, A. Me -
Peer -non 62, J. elauson 62.
Normal Entrance -honors, I. Hand-
ford 70, E. Copeland 75; Pase, E. Wil-
ls 72, L. Sanders 66. No. on Roll 28;
average attendance 27,
W. i1- Weldenhnmmer, U. A.. Prin.
Form 11. -Pass, Ii. Juaea 71, W. Hon
telth 71, G. Kastle 70, J. Grassick 08,
T. Penhale 65, H. Trtebner 03, S. Petty
62, H. Carling 01, R. Dougall 00. No.
on Roll 23; average for month 24.
A. Ii. Musgrove, teacher,
F'o:nr 1-1lowrs, 11. Puke 75, C. Wood
75 ; Pasa, I3. lloggarth 73, W. Welsmtl-
ler 72, C. Copeland 71, R. Dearing 71,
L. Grieve 69, G. Ilooper 69, It. Knight
68, L. Frayne 68, L. Steary 03, M. Els-
ton 63, A. Willis 03, G. Passmore 60,
R. Brandt 60.
Commercial Sr. -Honore, H. MacKay
80, G. Bissett 60, 11. Pope 78, 0. Wood
77; Pase F. Hunter 70, F. Beaver 69,
E. Wood 60, L. Handford 00. Junior.-,
Pass, W. Bradt 70, B. Royle 64, S. ali-
Iles 62. No, on Loll 47; daily average
• 42.
.\ el. Johnston, la..:tur
P. S. Department
Room 1V. -Sr. IV. -Honors, R. Wood
84. R. Bissett 82, C. Heywood 79, M.
Carling 76; Paso, M. Acheson 70, L.
Treble 70, E. Brickwood 09. P. Dear-
ing 69, G. Taylor 06, 1. Hardy 64, I.
Rivers 68, W. Heideman 63, M. Davis
02, 1). Hail 62, L. Snell 60, No, on (toll
34; average attendance 31.
C. Vosper, Teacher.
Room V. -Sen. 11L -Honors, L. Har-
vey 6.1. M. Jones e32, S. Hector 78, 13:
Walker 70, L. Taylor 74 ; Pasa, 1. Sweet
69, E. Burden, 00, 11. Smell 613, F. Rowe
07, O. Itodgcrt 6i, l3 Quance 06, T.
Fes. 66, M. Blatchford 63, M. (arse 03,
It. Rivera 63, L. IIedden 63, W. Manson
62, L. liandford 61, E. Day 60. Jr. III
1010"A A.
Knight 74, 11. lodgert 72 ;.
Pass. J. itrickwuod 69, L. Marchand 09
A. Bell 68, G. Downs 68, E. Bowie 66,
G. Richardson 62, O. Macdonald 00, J.
k'olllck 00. No. on Roll 50; aaerage at-
tendan'e 40,1
ethos Murray, teacher.
ROOM VI. -Forst Ili. Jr. -honors, M.
Huestolt 87, F. Wood 84, A. Mack 83,
ft. D tvis 82, 11 l'araons 79. J. • • -e''
78. .1. Craig 77, E. Cooks on 76; fess,
P. alariceon 74, J F'erguao.i 67, L. !Ise -
tinge 64. Form 11 Sr. -Honors, A.
Carter 91, M. (JI:.diatan 89, L Zuerie 89,
V111t•ent 8 i, A. Johns 86, G. Ford
75, :'. Honey 75; Pass, G. Pltten 74
D. lin ,.. 72, D. Itoulde:, 08, K. Weiden-
ham'w'r 67, L. White 07. No. en [loll
38 avetago an it lance 33.
H. N. Kinsman, Teacher.
Ap • 1 Pronwa et Eziminatlons-no'nn
VII.- Front Jr. IL to Sr. 11.-M. Kydd,
M. Pient.eid. .1. llurdt.n, E. Johns, C.
Dearing. G. Carling, M. Day. it, Mir -
shall. Prom Sr. Pt. 11. to Jr. IL -W.
Belittle, I1. Boyle, V. Marshall. P. Col-
lingwood, Front Jr. Pt. 11. to Sr. Pt.
[[ -'1. !livers, D. Charlton, W. Iledden,
M. rlsterbrooke. From CI. IV. to Jr.
t't. 11-0. Ilarvey, V. Jones, M. Hart-
Ielb, C. Ford, M. Lloyd, 1. Zuflc, N.
Norry, 13. Jackson, M. 1[ackneY, A. D:1
ve. E. Taylor, G. Jones, J. Smith. J.
Ferguson. From CI, 111. to Cl. 1.V -M.
Marchand, J. Gowcy, M. Wood, II.Kuntz
K. hidden. V. Mallett, E. Wells. No.
on roll 54 ; average 38.
F. W. 1loward,,Teacle r.
Room VIII. -Jr. i1.. Clore A. R,"• r
Ish 94, M. Hardy 85. D. Knight 85. A.
Taylor 76, V. !Welsh 73, M. Walker 69.
Class B. L. Fink 72, W. Davis 70, M.
Molock 68, 1. Easterbrook 05. Otani
C. A. Cornish, C. Morley, C. Mellott 70
L. Palmer 70, W. Brown 70, C. nemesis
69. V. Sweet, 04, M. Bedford 61. Jr.
Pt, 11., W. Knight 80, W. Gllleep:c 72,
P. Cornish 70. Sr. Pt 1., Gerlte Fink,
72, J. Davis 70. No. on roll 40; aver..
age 40. •
Mildred Martin. teacher
- --
GRAND 111rti )
kir. Sheppard of ThcdforJ vlelt•d here
on Ftlday,-Ner. 11. Bosscnhrrry and E.
Brenner of Shlpka visited at Port Frank
Sunday. -atlas Mct'auly visited at Mt.
Carmel Sunday, -Sirs. A. Oravelle, who
spent a week to Thcdford. returned
home F',Way.-Mrs. Nelson itavette Is
visiting near .erkona.-Mr. C. Fritz and
►(r. 1'. Lamont visited herr era Su•alay.
-Mr. Frank Allister Is on the sick list.
-Tire fishermen are busy putting their
nets le the lake.-rr.c s'ornt last Thurs-
day unroofed Mr. Thos. Webbs barn
on the 19th co,cesalon.
SUBSCIIIBE tor the Advocate and
get all the newt
right ,r>l Au& dIsafte ilksesIsA
We have purchased
An Up•to•Date Machine •
for the manufacture
of Cement Blocks of i
every description.
Any person desiring blocks
should he sure to call on 119 and
get our prices,
P.Bawden & Son
Randers • r>;ontesetar e
(AY pita fur some tune and the tilling
Tne weather of last was a record
breaker and May was ushered in with
ou people wearete their furs. The sud-
den thaw caused the river to raise to
a great height. Our brick and the mak-
ers will now be unable to enter their
): the soll to the nelgeboihood le at
s '1 iniad!'. --Last F'ridsy evening Mrs.
F'ranrls Clark, Mc genial and popular
choir leader of tete Methodist church,
surprised the members at the close of
the evening's prat the by an invitation to
partake of a &supper. Rev. and Mrs.
Hicks were also present and all enjoy-
ed themselves very much. Mrs. Clark.
by her interest and musical ability, 11aa
been tete means of bringing the war% of
cite choir W a high standard. -Mr. Wat-
son of the Bank of Commerce, Seaforth,
is relieving In (he to^al branc:l
Ree. Milder Glahler of Zurich was In Ole village
on Monday. -Our city fathers have had
99/119 draln:ng done on the streets the
plat week. -Stilton Harris is kept busy
painting and paper hangIng.-John Tor -
ranee of Clinton, License Inspector, was
in the village Tuesday. -Chas. Zwlcker
has purchased the lot most of its store
from the the trustees of the school sec-
tion. -Wm. Weitzel is at present not 10
the beat of health. -Last Monday fete
Township Cowie!, had their regular
.eaular monthly business meeting, and
it was a busy aeration. Br:dge and ce-
ment contractors were present. tender-
ing for the new bridge at the river. The
rement abutments were awarded to Jos.
Lawson and the steel work to A. Hill
Y Co. of Mitchell. It is expected that
as soon as the water lowers work will
be commenced. -While sorra parties
from Granton were drawing tile from
Jos. liatat's tile yard on Tuesday the
end board of one of the wagons fell out
throwing the Ole out and scaring the
horses. The driver was thrown onto the
tongue and for a few minutes things
were very lively and exciting. The driv-
er had to receive medical attendance be-
fore he was able to continue ills trip
home. It was a close call.
DE.LTIt.-The death occurerd S1111.
day at the r•esidencu of 11. Orstreichet'
of George Frederick %Williaum Mut luck,
at the great
age of
85 )ear.
I1 days. Deceased was born in Win.-
tenburg, Geruiany,on Jan.' 21, 18.4, and
came to Canada when six year•)( of age,
residing for several year's at Mur'r'istun,
Wellingt m Count y. in ISIS he mar-
ried Anna Miti ie Grenzebach and later
moved to Tavistock, Oxford County.
His wife predeceased hint nineteen
rare. They were Lir-.,.d teI!h the
suns and liv.• danothr.•e., \\ in.. 1V ..n-
enver, B.C.; Juho, titre ph; r..n1 , 1).u-
6am; Ezra, FowlerWtll., ll.rh ; Levi
Guelph; sirs, Wilker, Mrs. F...K ...d
Mrs. Meyer of Fowlerville, Mien.: Mrs.
Zoellner, Napanee; and Mrs. H. U•--
[reicher, of town, all of whorl etre
ing. ll•• is also ,mrvived by three
brother acid two sisters. Deceased
had tesid. d with, his daughter for
about seven y ears. The funeral took
place to the Crediton cemetery Wed-
nesday after noun and was largely at-
in the spring the town man's fancy
turns to thoughts of garden sass, and
he tolls with hoe and shovel. spoiling
111 h19 nice green grass ; and he planta
tate seadv of pumpkin, and of cabbage
and of beans, and he has some saota-
ing visions of a mess of early greens.
In the spring the cow grows restive,
longing for sonic verdant grub; she Is
•11e4 front eating sawdust and old tur-
.1'pi from a tut; and she sizes tart the
3 trden that the townsman loves so well
tel she climbs the fence at midnight-
. 1 It would not do to• tell what the
:l1m10 says wheat viewing all the
'1 :1 .-' e has wrought ; type will eomr-
i n . -reit when printing language only
half so hot.
BARS CUT OFF -Through the opera -
tent of many antagonistic Influences.
null as license reduction. local option,
and the action of Commissioners, on
Saturday. May lst 2u0 bars were closed
in Ontsr:o and !oral optloa went into
force in 22 ntunirlpalities. With the
ez ep Ira of the yearn 1887 and 1888,
when the Scott .tct was In force, the
tow water mark le rearhed In Ontario
this year so far as the number of bars
is con-erned. Song idea of (62 decrease
ruty be galltcJ whnt one considers that
In 1875 there were 4,793 bars and 1307
liquor shops, while atter May 1st there
*111 b only about 1,800 bars and about
.4n shop,. to rater to a vastly In-reas-
.d population. There win be 384 muni-
Iprlliles where the sale of liquor Is il-
legal, and 473 In which licenses an
Boars the _ The Kind You Hale Nos Bop
Z,1 RI( H
at s. J.(eo i Ots n attend -d th^ funeral
•' '•-r fatter. Joseph Mchwartzentruber
it Haden recently. -Mrs. John Baltzell
of North Dakota. sister of Mrs. A. S.
Fault. died on April 19. at the age of
17 years. De-eats'd was a daughter of
%ire. I.evegood, who recently left here
are the west, and leaves four chlbdren.-
Nir. and Mrs. Herbert Azt of Exeter vis -
'3 the Tatter's ntotner. Mrs. 1'. [lender.
who is very low. -J. Veltch of the local
branch of the btolsons Bank has berm
transferrel to Vancouver. -Rev. Alfred
lelger Is visiting his Wants, Mr. and
s. 14, Geiger. -Emanuel Boltzmann of
(Ian was here lest wick to attend the to
ie' -a1 of Lis gr.tndfateer, the late Mr.
D. Surerus.
[kith, -.\ flet an Illness of about ten
1 ty a. Daniel Surstrus. sr.. died on April
• aged 89 years. He had b+en a rest
• of stay township for 55 yeare,and
s..)1 !IIC)1y respected. itis aged patt-
er -I- died about t ao y.. -ars ago. Thr child-
ren living are Benjamin. Joseph ar,d Dan
ot Hay. Sterno ot Cavalier. N. D. Wm
i, th' we s'. Nirs Giro; •I Boltzmann of
J,u 1 :, and Mr.. \yrs,. Iloltznitnn of
of limey. Desi 1. s the rnlldr'n mention
d t ,er • ar.' 44 grand-ealldren and 19
giett-grand children. The fun"rah vies
, 1 1 the foliar' ig 14 ,n lay to th• llro•
4o.1 Line cemetery.
SPRING N1E010188
Everyone 1s batter tor taki.,g a spring
tonic. The following la a splendid and
Inexpensive rectlpt-a sarsaparilla and
blood put filer that will make your spring
work a pica sure. Sassarraa Bark ',s oz.
Burdock !toot 1 oz., Mandrake !toot yj
•'z. , Ibuchu Leaven 4 oz., Ctlamonttle
Flowtra oz., Gement (toot 1 oz.,Dan-
dellon !toot 1 oz., C:tac•ara Bark 1 oz„
.Sarsaparilla !tout 1 oz., Steep the roots
n 1,4 pints of boiling water for 12 ►:Ours
Strain and add water to make 1!i plats
of finished tonic. Dose -One teaspoon-
ful three times a day before steals. Su-
gar may be added to suit taste. This
receipt can b9 bought at Cole's Drug
Store, Exeter, for _C. cents. It is wortlt
your while to get and take it.
CAVES AND FAMILY. -About fifty of
the Eden people gathered at the new
home of Me. and Mrs. W. Caves, Cen-
tralia, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Caves have always lived in and around
our neighborhood and as an appreeia•
tion of their worth, as neighbors and
friends, were presented with two
chairs -a rocker and an arm•chair-
and a clock. We had all been invited
to visit them in their new home, bot
they were much surprised when so
many same together. After spending
several hours in conversation andsong.
led by our teacher, Mr. Swan, the us•
oat program was given -Mr. J. Essery
acting as chairman. Songs by Mrs.
Skinner and Mr. F. Coates, speeches
by moat of the men (or their wives),
and the following address, read by
Miss Retta Essery. The clock was
presented by Mrs. F. Luxton, Messrs.
Rich. Coates and F. Luxton present-
ing the chairs. Mrs. Caves feelingly
responded and thanked the people in
behalf of their family. Rev. Butt, our
pastor, was sorry to lose them from
Eden, but glad to welcome them from
Centralia. Luncheon was served by
the ladies (enough for a tea -meeting]
and the remainder of the evening was
spent in games and music. The new
clock was striking one when "God
Save the King" was sung, and we said
good-bye, atter spending a very pleas-
ant evening.
We, the people of Eden, have
gathered here this evening for the
purpose of expressing, in a alight de-
gree., our regret at yl C departure
from our midst and at the save time
our esteem of and respect for you.
During the years that have gone you
have won our confidence and trust.
You have always been willing to take
your part in any plain of work intend-
ed to benefit those with whom you
have been surrounded. We would nut
forget the valuable services you have
rendered as neighbors in lending the
helping hand, and our remembrance
of hours silent with you in our church
eatherin,:•' will Rhea!, 4 OIC of the most
pleasant. Your kindly trimmer and
good example will ulta•sy's lire in our
menta y. We ark you to accept these
gifts jest to remit d you of your
ft hoods in this locality ani as a token
,,1 our affection and appncciati"II o•
your worth. Our heat tfelt eri.hes for
your future w.•Ifat0 told h 1tipine:, are
extended to yon. May Lite richest
blessings of the Master rest spun you
in your new home and may the twi-
light of this life prove to be but the
dawn of the better life to come, where
there will be no more partings,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Mr. Andrew (.` iiipbell left S1o11daY
1.1g!,t foxthe \\'cat. where he will re -
n11.1:1 for a time. -Mr. henry Ilunkl:1 o1
(.ob, w.ts herr visiting this week. -Sir.
Wm. Ward 1a nwking preparations for
the emetic:n of a hew house. The cellar
to being dug this wek.-The Cationic
and Hibbert Fire Insurance Co. held a
meeting tare Monday. -The base ball
(eon commenced practice this week. hav-
ing rented grounds from Mr. Fred Stew-
art. -Sir. John Vance who left here a
few months ago, and who has been very
111 fur some time, we are pleased 14
note. is NOW on a fair way to recovery.
Drain Case Settled, -Tire Anderson
dr .1 (Repute between the. township of Us -
borne and Jacob Redd which has been
holding fire for some time has at last
been settled by mutual consent among
the parties concerned. Mr. Jacob held
will receive 1185 in consideration of lis
claim against the township.
Mrs. W. G. Medd and children re-
turned home Wednesday of last week,
after a pleasant visit with her per'•:as
at Nlaaourl.-Mt. 1'. Doig of Molesworth
commenced duties as buttermaker with
W. G. Medd on May lat.-Niles Laura
(303bolt returned 'torte Saturday fro;:!
S.tlntsbury, where she visited friends. -
Nit•. T. Coward and wife apart Friday
and Saturday in London on business. -
Mr. T. Durdlo commenced cream draw-
ing on Monday for W. G. Medd.-Mr,
David Clark sold his valuable driver to
Thornton Baker of Exeter, where It will
go in the livery, -?fine Ida Hent of Zlon
Is the guest of alias Vera Coward this
week. -.taster Reggie Dclbridge is on the
ef:'k list.-)1rs. W. Duncan and sister,
Miss Edit!, Turnbull, left for London on
SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and
get all the news.
Mrs. Stevens of Woodham is the guest
,.f her daughter, Mrs. Shipley. -Mr, and
Sirs. J. S. GI1f111an intend leaving town.
They have disposed of their houaehoid
effects and r xp^ct to reside In Hamil-
ton. -The reovit,g season has begun de-
ap:te tete cold weather, and wagons load-
ed with furniture arc very much in evi-
denre,-Miss Bridget Hennessy, who has
been sp2hding a few days with her aunt
%Ire, Harzigata has returned to her Rosie
int Biddulph.-We regret to say that
Lloyd Abbott, who I:as been ill for eons)'
time past. Is at present very low. -Mr.
Win. Kent, our dairyman, met with an
accident fast week. White close to the
barn his foot became fast between the
barn and the wagon, bruising it &sadly,
nut he exp:cts to ba able to continue
his work soon. -Many people are ill
with la grippe owing to the continued
rold and wet •weather,-afr. (iso, Craw-
, •y, who has been tali up with lumbago
s able to be around again. -We were
pleased to soe Miss Maggie Armitage
in town (his week. -Mt'. McKay and son
., eve moved Into the house next to Dr.
1 , ,Nag's office.
L' '.1. 1tt0KENiBIttE, nesiI\w• OD cos\ Ey.
VA. ENC'ER. Deeds. wills, Mortgagee and all
Legal lea'ume is carefully Slid promptly prepared
Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Wedded. -A quiet wedding was cele-
brated at the home of Mrs. Pauline
Itothaermal, at e1z o'clock on the morn-
ing of April 28. when her , daughter,
Mi1.es Einina E.. was married to Mr.
Frank E. Case, of this place, sots of Mr.
Moneta Qtae of Exeter. The ceremony
was performed by Itev. L. K. Eidt. The
young couple left the sante morning on
.t short trip to Stratford and other
points, and have since returned here to
reside. They have the congratulations
and best wishes of their many friends
tor a life of happiness and prosperity.
New Spring Goods
arriving every day. We have the NEWEST and
MOST STYLISH GOODS this store has ever shown
Come and see our new goods before purchasing
New Dress Goods Our stock is complete
with the inset stylish
fabrics, consisting of striped Suitings, Sergei', I'atiantas,
Wool Venetians, Fancy Lustre?, Sistine Clouts, Voiles,
('rispine Clothe, &c., itc.
Ladies' New White Wear
- Shirt Waists, Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covers, kc., &c, -
New Wash Goods Nrw Prints, Ging-
hams, Linen., Fancy
Vestings, Muelins, Linen Suitings-TUE VEItY LA'rEST-
Shirtinge, itc., etc.
Men's Spring Suitings Just
he Fin At
and Largest Assortment of Fancy Suitings ever shown in
Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors. Call and ape
them before you purchase your Spring Suit. Prices RiGHT
Ideal Woven Wire Fencing
All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do
well to give ire a call. Sole agents for the above fencing,
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce
Buggies! Buggies! Buggies!
JUST ARRIVED—A large consignment of Buggies
from five of the leading firms of Ontario, in all the latest style@
and designs.
Any person intending buying will do well
to look over our stock before purchasing.
We will save you money by so doing.
No trouble to show goods. All vehicles are guaranteed. A call
solicited. . .. .
Orediton • • • Ontario
I. i. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Nitnamsr I Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of
410, $20, $50, $100 and $200
and the exact amount payable in Atistrla, Belgium, Denmark, Fralscc,
Germany, Great Britain, holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
and Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The cheques and all information regarding them may be obtained at every office
of the' flank. (31L
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Tia trade mark, the "cover the earth," stands for 40 years of paint and
varnish making, during which quality has been the first comaera
Its your protection when asking your dealer for paints, varni
stains, colors, enamels, data
Made In Canada. TME SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. Montreal, Toronto, Wianipa�
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 14, Stephen, based In the nigherclas
sea on Easter Examinations. -V., Mary
Hanlon, Iva Essery. Maxwell Baynhanf,
Sr. IV., Fred Essery, Elva Brooks. Lu-
ther Butt, Bessie Anderson. Jr. IV. Es.
tells Nell, Marguerite Hanlon. Sr. M.,
Mabel Beaman, Rose Hanlon, Charlie El-
lah. Jr. 11I., Leonard Abbott, Della
Brooks. Harry Elston, Lloyd Daynham,
Gerald !Banton, Ethel Culbert. Eddie
Alexander. Jr. 11., Itazrl Esscry, Veva
Dtvls,Lorne !licks. Flora !Instable. Ree
%i11's. Sr. Pt. !!., Gordon Culbert, Ir-
ene Al xtndcr, Madeline Brown, Albert
Hackney. Jr. Pt., 11., Archie kirks;
\Vitali Huxtab:e, Ida Taylor. Jr. Pt.I.,
lily Ellah, Myrta Drown, Dora Ilack-
n'y, Neil • Taxman, Pi. I., Mariam Nell
\'e'da Boyce, Fred Elston, Cyril Colwell
No. on roll 40.
Annabel Swann, Teacher.
Following is the report of the standing
of the pupils okS. S. No. 4, Stephen. for
the month of Ap ll. Names are in order
of merit. Sr. IV.. 11. Schwartz. A. Corn-
ish, L. Moriock. A. Brokenehire, Herbert
Kraft. Jr. IV., Otto Drown. C. Enter,
W. Schwartz, C. Brown, G. Cornistl. Sr.
iII., E. Itoeezler, L. Smith, J. Eilber, E.
Amy, Jr. I11., J. Isrokenshire, Joseph
Schwartz. Eddie Cornish, Clinton Mors
lork. Jr. 11„ E. Wein, C. Schroeder. O.
Cornish. Adeline \yetn, Clara Storlock,li.
Presecator, M. Wild. Sr. I't. I., S. Corn -
fah, E. Eilber, M. \Vein.
1. H. Armstrong. Teacher.
STATE 011 01110, CITY or TOLEDO, t �.
Frank J. Cheney makes oat.) that he is senior
partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney at Co.. doingbuel'
nese in the City of Toledo, County and Stats afore-
said, And that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
HUNDRED INr1.1.AKSfor each and e\try case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured tv the nee of hall's
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CIIENKY
Sworn to before me and subscribed in n,v lase
ence, this Gth day of December, A.U. 1556.
(138A1.) A. W. GLEASON,
hall's Catarrh Curei. taken iuternalh, and arts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
sl7tem. Send for testi wallah' free.
F. J. CHENEY SCO., Toledo, 0.
gold by all lrua:int+. 75e.
Take hall's Family !'ills for constipation.
C -00C -OCC -0000000000
The Dashwood Furniture Store
I wish to announce to the public that
our stock is now one of the largest and
best that we have ever carried.
Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines Its
No agents. Comtnission goes to you.
House Furniture This line is now complete and
bought front the leadingtoTic's
of Canada, as we are tarred from Hone.
We have A large assortment of Window Shades, Cur lain
Poles and Trimmings, Baby Carriages, Folding ('arts, Gn•(':ttts,
Express Wagons, Curtain Stretchers, Step -Ladders, (''diet
Sweepers, Picture Moulding, Roost Moulding, Pictures, Etc.
Brass Extension Rods, White Cottage Curtain Rods, 11)c each.
Picture Framing done on shortest notice.
We carry a large and well assorted stock in this line. In
time of need do not fail to call. Any orders received by phone
will be promptly attended to. Please call and examine our stock
and get prices.
CENTRAL }'iP. McISAAC, Dashwood
The Molsons Bank
incorporated 1831
Capital (paid up)
Rest Fund - -
- $3,500,000
- $3,500,000
Has 0i Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. •
Dtctaor & CaRLIteG, Solicitor..
N. D. HURAON, Mana6sr,