HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-05-06, Page 1GOc to JANI 'ID NOW IS THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO. CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or Otte take advantage of our Low Club Rates TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. bilot EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MAY 6. 1909. Wedding Invitations In Newest '1') nit On Best Pripet s The. Fittest 'Work And Right Prices The Advocate Office,' Exeter SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable We are showing a very fine line in Men's and Boys' Clothing in the cor- rect styles. Prices: Men'. from $5.00 to $14.00 Youths' from $3,00 to 117.50 Boys' from $1.00 to $0 5{) Our Men's and Boys' Hats were never betteras to style, price and quality. A very Dir•ity hat. tori )Dung teen in the NEW EMERALD SHADE, in the Best F:1Klish Felt.... WE HANDLE THE Star Brand Shirt, which is noted for its style and perfect fitting qualities. Also a very fine line Du).: Shirts, with Reversible Collar Suitable for Spring and Summer Wear. A Grand Carpet Bargain ! For one week only we will sell ALL WOOL CARPETS, one yard wide. ranging in price from 65c to $1.00 -to clear 49c and 69c Butter 18c, Eggs 17c. trade; 164c cash. These joie,. .ohject to cbanKe, CARLING BROS. New Wall Papers OUR STOCK OF WALL PAPERS is complete in every detail. If you have a room that does not suit you and has not the attractive appearance that you wish, go to R. N. Rowe and buy some of that lovely paper he is showing. Also look at his linoleumns and lace curtains. They are beautiful. And prices are the lowest! We can prove it to you ! COME I N We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries R. N• ROWE PHONE 22 ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST -OFFICE ---- - s reteentemal Cards. Ds. O. P. itOULBTON, i< D. 8.. D. D. a DENTIST Matter of the R C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Illsad.st• of Toronto University. 01110E: Over Dickson 1 ('arling's Law Office, In De. Asdsrson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.• Honor graduate of Toronto L'nlveristy. DENTIST, mow extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Osee over Oladmac & Stan* uror office, Main street tsee.e. Modica* [] R BRIGiiT, M. D., M. C. P. It 8. HONOR 1.1.• Graduate of Toronto University, Two years resident physician Ro%al Alexandra Hospital, ate. Office and Residence, for. Amo& Old Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER R. T. P. MrLAUGHLIN Hu resumed practice after spendinga year (Cob lege) at British and Continental hosptals. Genera) practice with special attention to Eye, (with refrac- tion) Far New and Throat. office: Drab wood, Ont. Lergml, DICEION t CARLING, BARRISTERS. BOLICI OM Notarise, Coro eyancere, Commiwloners loll -Rots ter Molsons Rank, etc. Mosey to Lose a: lowest rates of interest 41/11. es, Main street, Exeter, I, 0. ()mole, B A , le H. mums MONET To LOAN. Ws lave aline amount of private Lands to loan Ohms sad Tillage propentes at low rates of Inter tt11. OLADMAN t STANBURY,' Sudeten. Soliciton,Maln et., Exeter On B. S. PHILLIPS, Extrrxn. L!ceased Asctioseer. Bales att.ndrd to all pans. Satisfaction lraaran- teed curio pay. Terms reasonable. All orders left at Adro-ate ORI •. will) a irornptiy attended t0. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead - Ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER W)4. ANDEI*SJN, Ll -c• sed Auctioneer for Iiuron County, Terns neaso:,able. Dates can t' :nate at tt e AJvo•atr. Itzeter. or Henry Eilb-r's Office, Cred- Iton. HOUSE FOR SALE An excellent brick house, modern and up-to-date. Si'aated on Main street. Appy at this Office. ' CAIRNS, VETERiNARY SURGEON. • ` u'. (Mor IO DR. /CASUIST, Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter Bowden Main street, (opp. Trivitt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Office -Dr. Ramsay's old stand ,corner of Main an North streets, (opp. Pym's Ulm ksmith Shop). Tour patronage solicited AUCTION SALE Of House, Land & Furniture in Exeter The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to offer for sale by Public Auction on the premises, Sanders Street, Exeter, on SATURDAY, MAY 15th. 1100 at 1.30 o'clock p m., sharp, the following valuable property, vie. The Two-story-, New. (trick Cottage. containing eight rooms. with furnace, electric Ifgnt and all modern improvements. Irani and soft water. Also Two Lots of Land on which the house is situate. Ain the Furniture contained in the house. (Unless previously sold by private sale.) TERMS -Of furniture, Ca•h. 01 Real Estate - Made known on day or sale. For further particulars apply to the undenigne.I Proprietor. A. Bedford. Prop. John 0111. Auct. Court of Revision --OF-- Township of Stephen NOTICE is hereby given that a (hurt of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen, will hold its first meeting for the present year. in the TOWN HALL, Creditor!. on WEDNESDAY. MAY 2ttth, 1009, at 10 o'clock a.m. HENetY EILBER, Township Clerk Crediton, May 41b. 'OD. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS Having decided to go Into the Dun and Dray Business In Eneter i have placed a new and up -lo -date rag oft the road fo•• the cemvcyance of passengers to and •,:a the station. and respectfully so - .t a fair share of business of the travelling public. Calle at the office, pr.o ;e IIA, cheerfully attended to Whi. ARNOLD. Prop. HOUSE AND LAND 1'OR SALE. T':c undcretgned is offer:ng for sale a goof brkk house and 10 acre of land. Part of South Half Lot 4. Con. 2. Ste- phen. The house Is in good repair. also a good frame barn and woodshed. good soft and rard water. never falling well. good errhard, .^.•4 mile from school. 1 a:ti 1-1 miles from rhur. h. Possession ef•e n next felt. :Apply or* the premises. MRS. WiNER. Centralia P O. SOCTIr 111 itON STOCK SHOW Ftiday, Aprli 30th, proved to be a very unfavorable day for the S. Huron Sto-k Show at Isrucefield, owing to the snow fall and wintry weather. As a consequence the showing of entire stock was a limited one. However some fine beasts were in the ring and these were Judged very carefully. Announcement to the Public ! EXCURSION The South Huron Farmer's Institute has decided to conduct an Excursion to The Ontario ;Agricultural College at Guriph on Friday, June 11th. Kcep this date In rntnd and make arrangements to take it in. Particulars later. W. D. San- ders, Pree., D. S. Philips, Secy. ' FARM FOR SALE The undersigned is offering his farm for sale, Lot 2, Con. 1, Dlddulph, 1-4 mite from Centralia A !Nage, containing 75 acres, sixty five under cultivation, ten acres bush pasture. There Is a new two-storey brick cottage, hard and soft water, threw good wells. Barn 34 by 60 and oilier buildings. Possession given in the fall. Terms easy, apply 10 THOS. W. NEIL. Centralia, Ont. HOUSE TO BENT • Brick house, 1 and 1-2 storey, on Wi.l:am Street, Exeter. Good number of rooms. House In good repair. Good card and soft water. Number of fruit trees. -Apply to S. a1. SANDERS, Exeter FARM LAND FOR SALE Tae undersigned is offering for sale the South Half of Lot 21, Con. 3, Ste- phen, 11( miles west of Exeter ; also 80 a^res o1 Lot 23, Con. 2, Stephen ; alsO ' acres In Hay Swamp. Will be sold together or e:parately. For particulars appy to MRS. JOHN COOKSON, Exeter North, Hay P.O. FOR SALE IU(LLK HOUSE AND SIX ACRE; L.ANI) IN CSDORNE The North-East Corner of Lo: 13, Con. cession 6, Ueborne, the property of th' 1 rte Israel Harris. Th, house 1s one and one -halt storeys high and contains six rooms. kithen and woodshed. There 1s a frame barn about 20 by 40, hard and soft water, and abut one acre of good fruit trees. The soil Is a good c1.ty. The lot Is mostly seeded out and Is well fenced and drained. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for Executor. Exeter. PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND HORSES The undersigned can take a limited number of cattle and hordes for pasture by the month. For particulars apply to R. D t?ulnton, Sai:ttsbury P. O., Lot A. 5th Con. Usbornc Auction Sale Of Valuable ILMI Acre Fat 111 in Stephen Township. The undeni,tne•1 have been Inetnicted by rte Ad• mini•tratix of the Estate of the late James li. Ford to offer for sale at the ommerc ial Hotel, 59' ter, on Saturday. May 15th, 1900, at 2 o'clock p m . Lot 1R, Concession 2, Stephen Tp. On this property is a good brick house, bank barn with stone and brick foundation, frame drive shed and chicken house. There is a small piece of bush and a never•failing creek and a young 'rchard of about three ares. Some forty acres have been fall - plowed and about sit a, re. in fall wheat, all in good state of cultivation. This property I• situate only 21 miles from Exeter and within cne mile of school. TERMS --The farm will be sold either for Immedi- ate possession or for possession in the fall, as may suit the purchaser. If for immediate possession, 10 per cent of the purchase shall be paid on the day of the sale and the balance in thirty days. If for pos. session In th• fall, 10 per rend shall be secured and the balance upon purehurro'talnioc possession. t, of ea e price may bereft on Mortgage se -urity at 5 per rent. Further terms and conditions will be made known on day of sale or may be bad on applica'ion to 13.S.Phillip., (rladrn•tn & Stanbury Auctioneer Soli, kora for Adminietrallx SALE OF LANDS IN OILLIBS LIMIT Under the authority of an Order-In- C.`3unr11 date] 2211d -April, 1909, the anrthcrly portion of that tract of land generally known ns the Milt Limit, Putted In the District of Niplssing. and Province of Ontario. containing about 80u acres, Is offered for sale by 'ender In per:els contahnl'ng 20 acme or thereabouts, such tenders to be.' address ed to the undersigned at the Depart- nr:it of Leeds. Forests and tunes. Tor- onto. merged on the envelope "Tender Gillies Limit". anti to be recelvahle at the said Department up to one o'clock p. rn.. on Tuesday. 15th day of June. 1909. Tenders it to he for each parcel sept arately. and to name a lump sum or bonus therefor. An :erupted cheque for ten per cent. of this amount to accom- pany the tender and the remainder to he paid in full wtth:n twenty days of a-cepta;,re of the saint. .A royalty of teen per cunt. on the gross p'o-rels (less freight and smelter char - g -s) of all ore., min rale or concentrates taken from the land will b' payable tO the Grown, and purchasers will be re- quired to enter into a satisfactory agree- ment with regard to the same. Working conditions will be attached to the sale, and ecrtafn lads and rights wfl' b- res reed fu 1 pint ulars of which og trier with a map or plan ehowlag the said tract and the subdivisions thereof, may be obtained on appll^atton t0 the Department. The blghr,t or any tend»r not neves- sarily accepted. F. COT" HRANE. Minister of Land., Forests and MI••eP. Toto ;to .Ap*11 23rd. 1909. DEATH OF WILLIAM GIt IGG We have once more to chronicle the passing into the great beyond of one of ou • oldest residents, whose face for more than half a century hal. been familiar to our town. Mr. Grigg was born July 29th, 1620, In Launceston, a quaint old town in Cornwall, England. Here he spent seven years in apprenticeship,and three years of further- improvement to the trade of a tailor, and at the age of 21, as a finished tradesman occur - ti a position with a leading house in London. England. On Sunday morning Ju'y 281h, 1944, he was married to Katherine Ilooper of Plymouth, who for sixty-three yeara was the partner of his life, and who predeceased him March 8th, 1907. in the eprLng of 1855 they carte to Exeter. Canada, where the re- mainder of their lives were spent. He leavea to mourn his loss six sons and one daughter. Mr. Grigg was an earnest Crristlan. His words have been the means of cheering and strengthening many souls. and he gave to all who knew hint wo-de, thbughts and ideate of the beet. He never feared doubt in :c1.3 reveres:cc for truth and he always to eked from earth onward to the Immor- tal Life. His remains were laid to rest on afonday last in the Eteter cemetery, the Rer. D. W. Collins of the Trivitt Me- morial Church officiating. CHARGED WITH FIRING HENSALL I IOTEL Goderich, April 29. -Ira Bice, a form- er hotelkeepsr who halls from Clande- boye, is In jail here awaiting a prelim - 'nary trial on a charge of arson. Bice +e is arrested at Lucan on Wednesday of last week by High Constable Gunday'I who had a vetrt-an' charging Bire with setting fire t a a r1^nsall hotel on May 1907. A Letting was given Bic" bcforc ▪ justle•o of the vice of Coat village, .Ind he was remand d for eight days to 'now the crown to secure their wltness- � ..-. Subseau-htly he was brought here and lodged In jail. t'p to May 80, 1907, tt•e nig`,t the fire took place. Bire was proprietor of the hotel owned by John Co_worth, and which was leased by hint for a period of three years up to and including November 80, 1908. On Jan- uary 1, 1907, local option wiped out 31•03 license. Three months was given hint to dispose of his stork. Over a year after an advertisement appeared offering $5uo..u) to any person or per- sona that would give any evidence to secure the tonvictlon of tl.e party o: rar ties that caused the burning of the hotel. Sir months m.Fre passed and the crown officers kept at work, with the result that they claim to have evidence to con- vi"t Bite. - -- Local Items Mr. Jas. Dearing of Step .c , Is suffer- ing from :, sever.: atta_R .:.eumatlsm. The material for th^ floo.s of the new bowling alley has arrived and 1s being plate•1 this we:k. Many will regret to learn that little M1sa Florence Trlebner, who underwent an op:ratibn at Victoria Hospital. Lon- don, for appendicitis, gives no signs of Imp: ovement and It is feared she will not recover. Among those from a distance attend - lag Inc fanc•ral of tine late William Grigg wee: the following ; Wears. B. W. Grigg and 1►. W. N. Grigg of Montreal ; Mr. Wm. Grigg of Chatham; Mr. Alvin Urigg of Pcmbrook ; Jir. E. A. McFall, Sea - forth ; Mr. D. Prior of Clinton ; Messrs. 1'aynter of Blanshard; Mr. 11. Selden of Ingersoll ; )Ilse Porter of Clinton. Centralia Robt. Trothan has been confined to his bed for more than a week, snlfer• ing from heatt troubles. -The base- ment of the Methodist Church is in the hands of the painters and decorat- ora. When completed the Sunday School tootn will be "a thing of beauty and a joy," if not "forever," will be a delight to the children. -Our deepest sm pathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hodgins and family in the death of their little child, especial!) under such sad circumstances. For partici!. Lire see elsewhere. Last Sunday morning Quarterly Meeting wag held in the Methodist Church. when the pastor was assisted by the Rev. L. W. Wichett of London, who preached it most excellent son• anon. There was a fair attendance, especially when we consider the state of the weather. The sermon in the evening by the sante rev. gentleman was n toaster piece and many wondered why n ratan of his mental calibre should he superannuated, but his hear- ing is defective, which disqualifies hire for pastoral wet k. The business meet• ing at the parsonage on Tuesday even. ing was largely attended and finances were found in good shape. Mr. John Essery, the recording stett•ard, was appointed delegate to the district meeting. which is to be held at Wood- ham on the 20th inst. Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. ('ave', who re- cently moved into the village from their farm in Uaborne, were surprised on Tuesday evening, when a large number of their Eden friends came trooping in and took possession of their house and prepared to make themselves at horse for a few hours. Mr. John Essery was made Master of ('eremonies, and called upon his (laughter, Miss }tette. to read an ad- dre•s of appreciation and goodwill to the aged couple. Mr. Fred Litxton, Mr. Richard ('oaten and Mrs. F. Lox. ton then presented the couple with a pair of handsome. easy chairs and a beautiful mantle clock. Our Mrs. Caves replied in terve language, expressive of tho kindness shown and Ow long and tend.•r relations of past tyears. Re- fre-shrnents were served and games in• dulged in till or.e o'clock in the thorn• ing. when the gathering broke up by singing the National Anthem. The Citi1••ns of nor little berg will give a glad welcome to Mr. and Mrs. (',Ives and wish them many years of peace and tltiiet in their cozy little home. CENTRALIA afess►•s. C. H. Baskerville and James Handford have purchased a fine 'Clyd-'.dale Stallion, Thomas Carlyle, i from Mr. T. Berry of Ilensall. He Is a splendid type of a Clydesdale and the farmers in this section may congratulate themselves on huvi.tg such a fine horse to breed from. BURNED TO DEATII. A very sad accident happened about three o'clock Saturday afternoon last, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hodgins, Concession 8, Stephen, when their little son, Harvey Raymond, was burned to death. Tee parents had gone to the barn only a eholt time before, where they were engaged fanning grain, leaving the t vo little sons, aged 13 n mths and three years, in the house. On returning to tho house and opening the door the mother was horrified to find the house full of smoke- She immediately called the husband and together they entered the building, only to find that by some means the younger son had been burned to death, while the other little fellow was none the worse. How it occurred is a mystery, but it is supposed Ole clothes had caught fire In some way, as the parte of the body covered by the clothes were the most severely burned, the hands, face and hair being only lightly touched by the flames. The shock to the parents was very severe and they have the sympathy of the entire community. The remains were interred in the Fairfield cemetery on Monday. Nine. Egan went to London Monday owing to the Illness of her sister, Mrs. S. A. atreal' um. BIRTHS Delosh.-ia Hay, hear Lake lto.ul. t 11 May 1st, to Mr, and Mrs. A• gum Ue- lo9h, a daughter Pfaff -At Ileneall on April 2_. to Mr, and Mrs. W. Pfaff, a son. Decker --On Babylon Lite, Ilay, on the 28th April, to it. and Mrs. John Dech er, Jr., a eon. Kyle -On Parr Line, Hay, on Apr. 28, to Mr. and afro. T. Kyle, a son. MARRIAGES Case,-ltothaermel,-At Dashwood, pn April 28th, by Rev. L. K. Eidt, Frank E. Case. son of Mr. Time. Case of Ea- eter. to Apes Emma E., daughter of Mrs. Paulide ItoOtaerutel of Dashwood. Jeckt1I-Simple-At Montreal On Arra 28 James Jeckell, formerly of Exeter. to Miss Gertrude Maude Sample. Olson -McCreary -At Clinton, on April 28.It Mlsa Henrietta McCreary to Mr. Cats Olson of Clinton. DEATHS Gr:gg -1', Exeter, eta April 29tc Wil Ilam Grips, in his 89t'n year. M chaffy -In Clinton, April 28, Ella Mr Mahaffy, aged 20 years. Hodgins. -It Stephen, on May let, Harvey Raymond, the 13 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. A, a1. Hodgins. Mo -lo -•k. -At Creel:ton, on Sunday, May 2111, George Frederick WVllliam Mors tock. aged 85 years, 3 months and 11 days. SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the news. SCRAP! The general public will take notice that I ani doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap, for which 1 ant prep mai to pay the following prices : Scrap Iron.... 45c cash, 50c trade, per hundred Rags 55c to 60c to Rubbers 4c " 5c Horse Hair... 22c " 25c Copper 7c " 8c All purchases to he delivered to T. HAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE. EXETER. where the cash will he paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given. (t SC cc ee per pound ►► 41 M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. NOTICE Regina \Fetches, when sold without .:n Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second - Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. I am the only authorize(' Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issuean Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. Portland Cement Use Samson Brand Wa1b,Wa11s, Floors, Silos ()or price•, rue very low. Hollywood Ready -Mixed Paint 10o, 20c, 35c and 50c per tin. Elephant Ready -Mixed Paint 13c. 25c. 45c and 90c per tin. MartinSenour's 100 percent Pure Paint 45c and 50e. ALL C'OL(1R*; ANi) SHAMS Campbell's Varnish Stains 15c. 25c, 45c and 8Fc. Brushes, from 5c up HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & OVE STORE