Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-29, Page 8Let Us Measure your f1.ur 'or a `;u1tand the figure we will as c w:11 please you as well as tar perre t fit we will guarantee you. We are e-rupulously careful to fit all our patrons to perfection. as every gar- ment that leaves our establishment be- come. an adve•tlaemcnt for tie. We will give you your choice of the finest and newest fabrics. We do the rest. W. W. TA MAN Merchant Tailor, Szeter, Ontario tinniness locals -- Read Them Trill dressed young then wear "liing lints." Steuart sells than. Yes, you can save honey on a seamless Room Rug at Stewart's. $22.60 f» a Wilton, a great bargain. 1000 Bushcle of WHEAT WANTED at the mill. - HARVEY !BIROS. Stewart has the finest range of Men's Nobby, 1 uilor-+.,.,de, Ready-to-wear Suits that we haresecn. APPRENTICE WANTED AT ONCE.- To NCE:To :cern tailoring. W. eV. TAMAN. Buy your farm seeds at Stewart's; lie sells Steele Briggs' -they are best by test -not one disappointed eus:omer, Stop In at THE PURITY and see the latest ideas in the Poet Card craze. It Its new Its there. _N Stewart's are doine! ter 3Iieiinery !rade -there's a re 0301i f' r il--+'ern ri0U guess -if not, ask the (+:+lie t tr?:•, hare been looking around. DENTAL ut F'ICEe CLOSED ,\p -i' _e to May 1et. ineluslve.-Ur. Kinsman a:.d Dr. Itoulston desire to am:ounee that their dental offices will be closed On t.c above dat e. the occasion tieing tee Annual Dental Convention. Do year knew a bargain when you ere it 1 If s+•, see the 25e !lose that Stewart is selling at '' pair for a quarter. They are great. Repair Shop • 9 `o' V ST i/ V it n"'VF W V t.OcAI DOINGS. 41 Ir la__ A A _f.,A X.. h A A.11.11a estidi ,u I1t.i Nuvv:ty fust ' .1 . at T.•e Purity. Tee a•at.r aprinkl r and lawn mower eteeday commenced Inc season's work 'e keeptng down The dust and grass. reaps=civets., M's a Ce'elta Ftrguaon, who has been very 111 in MUnden. Neb., has improved co.ial.lerebly and has arrived at London on leer, way home to $zeter. We congratulate Mr. Wm. Knight on his success in passing his second year in medicine at London, and ebtatnhng honors in most of etc subjects. Friends here regret vary much the con- tinued illness of Mr. tleorge Willie of London, who at prese;tt Is visiting here and under the care of the doctor. Saturday May I. -Household Effeas of Mrs. Richard Snell, corner of Laug- hall and Andrew Streets, Exeter, at 1.30 o'clock. John Gllt. auctioneer. A practl •al coot( says. -When food has been a'oreled renlovt the pan fro:n the fire and set into a pan of cola water. Lay a dish towel over the pan. The tow- el will absorb all the scorch taste sent up by the steam and the family meed :;eie: know It was burned. Nall and Empire; -The engagement is announced of Miss Mabel G. Livingstone second daughter of Mrs. Jae. Pentland, Collingwood, do Mr. J. E. Ratz, 13erlin, eldest son of Hoe. Senator Itatz, Park- hill. The wedding will take place In June. The many friends of Miss Laura Mc- F'alla will be pleased to hear drat she was able to be removed from 'the General Hospital, where she underwent an oper- ation for appendicitis, to the home of her sister, where site is getting along nicely'. Workmen are employed this week al- tering and renovating the south half of the Jantes Pickard block, preparatory to the Installing of two bowling alleys by Mr. Al. McDone:I. Bowling is a clean, healthful sport, and no doubt the alleys will be well patronized. Dr. H. K. Hynd:nsu last week" return- ed from Battle Creek, Mich., where he had been for several weeks. undergoing treatment fol nervous trouble, brought on by too close attention to business. He has improved considerably and we hops the Improvement will continue. Ac:ordtne to the new poetal law news- p'tp pub1Ijhers can hold for fraud any- one who takes a paper from the post office and refuses payment, and' the man who *Wows his subecrlpti(on to be unpall and then orders a poatnlaster to mirk a paper refused and sends not- if'catlon to the publisher, lays himself liable to arrest and fine. Bre: Davis, publisher of the Mitchell Advocate is now on the last lap of a hall -century continuous and strenuous work as editor and publisher of the Mitchell Advocate. ile is to our mind doing as good and better work In some respects as at any time in the past and the Journal trusts he will bzi spared to set the pace well Into the second halt century. -St. Marys Journal. 'Me too" -Editor Advocate. Gun repairing [.J in b1'e : l; t repairing Lawn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissors " Horse Clippers " Saws gummed and tiled Wringer Rollers, All kinds of keys filed and lurks repaired. New 1f'rvcles and Sundries Guns :tii(1 ARlnluilition in stock. WANTED 1000 Vnt•k Rat Skin s. Highest mar ket price!. J. TRIEBNER Three doors North of Post Office 1'++++ 1+ Off With the Old --AND- On With the New It will not be long till your thoughts are turned to a new Outfit for Spring. This sea- son will he more than ever in advance with new styles and fabrics. New Suits for Sprig New Topcoats for Spring New Raincoats for Spring New Suitings for Spring The new spring linea ,err coming in daily now. We are confident of being able to please you in the least particular. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor. Exeter j 4-tFfi4+44ii#4.if4-1144.444 Mrs. J. G. Jones 1s aisitlug Mrs. J. W. Iltnlson of Detroit this wreek. Drs. Kt:tsmen and Roulston are attend :ng the Dental Conve:ttlun at Toronto. \f W. L. Mottcur of Guelph spent Sat- udsy and Sunday with Lis parents here. Mrs. 11. T. Bower of Ingersoll is the guest of her sist:r, Mrs. It. 0. Seldon. Miss Edith Elliot of Toronto is the guest of her mother, airs. B. V. Elllpt tell week. Miss J. Brown attended the graduat- 1 :g a:ere:s: s at liarper's llospa tl, De- troit this week. Mr. G. Ernes• Gregory, Chief Insp_ct- or of t'ubitc Works. Regina, returned to his duties last week. Mr. C. W. Drinkwater of London was the guest of his d.tugitter, Mrs. Snit -l- ey Dobler. over Sunday, and a pleas- a:lt caller at the :\dvocate. Rey. A. H. Going was in St. Thomas last week In coinectlol with the annual exant'naticn of candidates for tee Nit t.- odlat .ministry in the London Confer- ence. !tees Mot tlo: k of Toronto is the guest of her fr:end. Mies Alcott, for a few d.tya. Miss Mortlock Mill be remember- ed as havtreg resided with etre. Kemp in Exeter for several years. Mrs. (Dr.) L. T. Gill of Gibeonburg, Ohio: Stirs. W. O. sutler of Woodstock and Mrs. G. F. Oakes of Chicago, hav- ing been called home owing to the death their father. Mr. Tltos. Gregory, have returned to their reap2etivc• homes. Mrs. H. C. Cotter (nee Loretta Greg- ory), who has been visiting her parents here for several weeks, returned to her home 111 Frankfort. Indiana, last Sat- urday morning, prior to moving to Tole- do. Ohio, where Mr. Ootter has been ap- po:rated to the position of Clerk of the City Courts. Mies Bertha Mack left for Caatham Satutday, where she has accepted a poeitlon. Mr. McLashlan, principal of the C. b. C., says it affords hint very rnu h pleasure to recommend Mies Mack a9 she put up one of the batt fine' ex- aminations that ;las been put up for ye ere 1:, tee husipess department. We wish t.er every success In her future undertakings. Ile natural. Do not try to impress people with your importance. 1f you are really Important they will find It out. If you are of 110 account you will not deceive anyone by acting as though great erterests tested In your keeping, The day of pomposity Is passed, we hope Never to return. More people than ever before are Intelligent and able to judge those with whom they come In contact. This means that they are able to judge you and place a true rather than a false- estimate on your abilities. The Exeter Lawn howling Astoria - Con held a meeting on Friday night. when the grounds committee was given authority to complete the preparing of the gre:n, by seeding 1t, plenttng trees around it. repairing the rear and side .'cn•es. and erecting a new picket fence in front. A fee of r#5.o0 was fixed for the season. The o'd grouni will be ugcd until the n'w ground is ready. ilr- sides the regular members of the asc0 1a tion a !erg' addltonal membership le expo t:d. e ore. A real newrrpap.r must be something like the Apostle had in mind when he said. "Be all things to all nun.' The h.'porter may not be personally a cham- pion of card parties. baseball, dances, e other amusements. yet they null be •c-orded: neither 1s lir necessarily r. • hurch member because hr mentions the good work et revivais. favor all reforms advocates morality and the prohibition of the liquor traffic., but prints ail things of all kinds of news. Personal quarrels. scandals. or ordinary drunks are not news, and ought t,at. as a rule. be scattered broadcast as news. A good country rued 19 always to to I.sired and is always a source of com- fort and convenience to every traveller. Good roads attract population as well as good schools and churches. (1001 roads Improve the value of the property so that It is said a farm lying five miles front market. connected by a bad road Is of lees value than an equally good farm lying ten miles away from market con- nected by a good road. A larger load can bedrawn by one horse over a good road than by two over a bad One. 000d roads encourage the greater exchange of products ani commodities between one section and another. Thanks to the care that has been overfed in this locality we have tree very best of roads, and they are being well kept up. TRCE.-A min reamed Stone sekd one :tamed \Vood mist on the street recently. and they stopped for a moment to ex- change a few cheerful views. when a won in In a ptrtt' ular.y nota eth:e sheath gown passed. SItnultaneously. Wood •urhed to Stone, Stone turned to Wood. 1'hcn both 'turned to rubber. LOST LICENSE, -.'.t tae meeting of the L1•enee Commissionrre of Routh Mures at 13ru•-e:geld on Fr:da) last. in arcord- ance with the by -taw r.cently passed by the Exeter Chun^:1 one of the four lie - ewers of the town was not granted. the io' falling to the Manston 'louse, ownrd by Mr. Robert Leathorn and eondueted by Sir. it. W. Deine'y. Mr. DInncy. who wa• present Pet the nteetleg. was offered three month, to dlepoe• of his st0-k. but he desired only two nio.t.:e, and oneeque illy two mo.lt's were granted. CHANGE. -Last week changes were made in the conductors who have charge of the passenger trains 011 the L. H. and B, branch of the 0. T. 11. Conductor Connell is now on the morn - Ing train from London, recently held by Conductor McCallum and Conductor !revers takes the place recently held by ein Connell. iIATTER-PIERCE.-:t quiet wedding was solemnized Tuesday, April 20, at Christ Church rectory, London, when Miss Elizer J. Pierre of Alvinston became the bride of Mr. Walter le. Hatter of Ex- eter. The ceremony was performed at 2 o'clock by the rector of Cerlet church) Ilei. R. S. W. Howard. The happy couple will reside in Exeter North. F'lo.c•n^e, deuelarr of Mr. Frank Tii b ner of Stephen, weo has b'en attcndit.g a -hoot here, to c•onfim_d to her bed suf- fering lrom an attack of appendicitis'. and R Is feared an operation will be nec- essary to remove the trouble. A speedy re •overt' is., wiolted for by all i.rr friends The deat.t occ u:r:d in Columbus, 01110, on April 20th of James Fowe21, uncle of Miss Cora rowel! of Exeter. He was about 70 years of .age and his childhood drys were sp'nt at i e.achville, near the City of Woodstock. Ile was a rallway engineer, even back as tar as the Avner lean War, and had drawn many a traits of soldt'.ts ani cqulp_ner• EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Eggs Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton WEDNESDAY 1 15 54 55 43 44 .1) 90 75 75 7 50 8)0 300 1 40 145 18 17 7 15 25 00 24 00 Pure Blood Makes Fine Health At this season of the yea!' the sys- tem should he gil'en a thorough Opening out and the blood, tissues and coni-titution built up, fresh- ened and purified. Rich, red, hounding blood can he enjoyed by any one -you only have to take Our Famous Sarsaparilla and Blood Purifier Mese EJALt.II MARRIED -Tut. follow- ing has refer .1:.• to t e 111arrra • Jr a fo•tm'r E:e:er lady, to whom her matt? t. tends here will extend congratulations and goon wishes: -'A quiet but Inter• esting event took place at Myth on Ap- ril 21st. when Miss Jennie Halls was married. The ceremony was performed at noon by the Rev. 3. L. Small, 1n the preseece of only Imtncdiet' friends. The event took place at the restdence of the bride's sister, Mrs. P. Gardiner. [The happy man in the case Is James Mathe- son of Rensselaer, Indiana, who for some tinge has been residing at London. Enroute to their future testae at Renssel- aer Mr. ant Mrs. btuthteen spend a short t'nn•• at London. Ancor g the guests were Mrs. P. T. !falls. sister-in-law of the 1, lie. ani hires Edit)' Wiggins of Go1- erlch. I. 0. 0. F'. tat Churrh.-Despite the un- favorable weather of Sunday ;coming: Oditcllows to the numb:r of ninety-five eo::gregated at the lodge room and mar- shalled by tiro. Thos. Boyle attended di- vine servlv at lire Presbyterian church, where they listened 10 an eloquent and instructive sermon by Rev. David Ur- quhart of Kippen. who took for his text the latter part of the 48th Psalm. "Walk about Zion and go round about her, tell 'ile tower9 theroof ; Mark well her bul- warke ,consider her palaces, that yt, may tell it to the grn'ratlons followine The ancient city of Zion, he said. was not beautiful. except to the cyo of the w,errtor, bee Luse of its very strong site uetion. the tee Metre o: its defences,the Strength of the walls and height of the towers, and its commanding situation. The stronghold was ei'uated ufo 1 a pla- •etv of reit. will • h in the Spiritual 7.10:1 Is raltel Truth. Ouesl.fe t h• fortific•atlon wore lawlesemese, sensuality, tndiffet- err'e, avert -e, et'. From these thoughts h' drew a strong and forceful compar- ison betweat the physical and spiritual 'Tone. and drew many !triple solve and Ltstru'tive tessola therefrom, etrOnigly impressing his hearers to forsake not the ro:k of truth. relying upon the prom Iles of God, because outside lay danger and destruetione On the return of the brethren to the lodge room a hearty vote of thanks was tendered th3 pteacher,the choir ani church trusters. fiiCK5 F'OR reactionary per- iod of storm Is hi progress as May com- es tn. Low barometer, cloud:nese and rain wilt pass eastwaraly over tate coun- try from 1st to 3rd, breaking into elec. irlcal storms In many localities on the 21d. The reaction to higher barometer, westerly winds. and fair cooler weather wilt follow in regular order imm:dlat-- ly M•hlnd their storm areas. A regular storm period is central on the nth, cov- ering the 141 to the 8th. By the nth, western scrttone will ehoyt.declded rise temperature, with corresponding fall the btromett r, Cloudin -se and rain will attend and more promptly eastward Ovrr the country during the $th. eth and 8th. The Mars perloi will pra-ti-ally fade out after this perlol. altrOugh its pres- ^nee may be noticeable up to the 20th. A decided change to cooler with probable front et night. veil' set In behind the atorme to the westward anout the 1th, and during the Ste. Nth and 101h, this -'hange to fair. cooler weather will fol- low nose '01 the western sides of storm areas rcaNhing in its castwa.d pr.grrs. meet parte of tee Atlantic coasts. If •etornl• shakes ar- to o^cur Burl ig tilt first half of May, In eeery probability they will fell wlt'ein three days of the :,•io- du' -h; tee Moo 'e sweep frntn the rel -gtlai equator on 1!.- end 'O gr -at est di ter:Bea l south o 1 Cie alt:. This remedy is a natural, pus e, ra- pid reconet1 uctor, curing all blood, bowel, liver and kidneydis=eases, where the ailment is lle to itn- pnritie•s in the I tood. Nothing so good for indigestion, 1 heninatiem "r pimples. .1111' and $1 a bottle tit W. S. uowFr, PtintJ. Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone 50 loir EYES TESTED FREE MAYBE ynu want a re'ttl good lotion to re- move Tan, Sunburn. heal chapped face and hands. You cannot do better (11011 Um. Enjoyme Almond Cream It is a rime white preparation that dries in quickly. l:uartenteed. 4 oz. bottles 25c. Sold only at ('an. F..eF.. THE PURITY J. Willi. Powell AN UCTLINE of the work to be ace ompllshe el system- atizes your efforts for tho day. First In importance conies the Flour to tx• used. ONLY THE BEST Is good enough to put Into the Bread. Cake attd Pastry for your family to cat. %Ve furnish the most HEALTHFUL AND MUSCLE- MAKiNG !Jour that is milled. Try it. HARVEY BROS. soL1! elANUFA(TUItiClts EXETEit • ONTARiO Notice to Farmers and Public ! if you have any OLD IRON, RUBBERS, RAGS, CO1'i'Elt. BRASS, LEA!), ZiN('. 110104:11A IR, Bring it to M. Jackson & Sons, the Old Reliable ---- Firm - w here you •'an get highest market price in CASH All sizes Iron Pipe i on hand also Iron Posts M. Jackson & Sons MAIN ST.. EXETER. OI'rnot'rF. ELSrrnit' flaw ftlt Hol'tiit OFI Call and examine our 28 gauge Preston Safe Lock Shingle which we are selling for $4.50 per square and you will be conv'nced that it is the most satisfactory shingle on the market. Guaranteed Wind and Storm Proof needing no clip to hold bottom of shingle to place. We are offering splendid values in Halt- ers, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns, etc. - - - T. HAWKINS & SON House Gleaning Time for Furniture Enter Any Time LiNTON BUSINESS COLLEGE ul(sen tested In the crucible r,1 eaperiener Ith the ti's of public opinion, and has not beet Duni Ranting. The nuv'esa of our gradaate Is not been excelled. Net the laetrest but 1b. ighe.t (trade modern Brineaa Seheeb in we. ern 1/MAW, individual Iattrsetien. Yo rS'aeion. 11.11 Connors. Rater any day. write for two -wars GEO. SPOTTON, PR:si IrAt. Always something required for the home at this season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor, Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits; Combination Side Boards, China Cabinets, Extending Tables, Dining Chairs in all grades. Felt Mattresses in three grade:. the best on the market for comfort ; Wire Springs, guaranteed not to sag, none better ; Iron and Brass Beds, for quality and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock before you pur- chase. No trouble to show goods -but delighted. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Direotore. JONES p.& 32CLARK SPECIALS in Dress Goods a --ter s -- This week we are offering a few specials in our dress goods de aartment. They are something extra and are worth looking after. 110."' 54 inch Panama Cloth for 50c per yard This is a splendid cloth for suits and dresses and is good and heavy in the perfect colors of Black, Blue, Brown, Green or Cream. Only 50c 42 inch Satin Cloth for 50c per yard In all the good shades of Black, Blue, Brown or Green. A beautiful satin finish in a good heavy cloth. This a a line stare to pietist.. Only 50c Black Voiles, Plain or Striped We are (anions this year for aur Black i)reet+ Goods! Among our many difT.'t.•nt cloth. our Bleck Ve.ile•s are very prom- inent. The 51:-, 75e and $1 Voiles are 1•ei y good Values. They are gond st•Ilett( and ore' guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Necessary House Furnishings Now is the time you need them ! You are very bin). with your Spring house-cleaning and will be wanting something new. Do not forget we are headquarters for Hug:, Carpets, Curtains, Oilcloths, Linoleurnns and \':ill Papers. RUGS Union (tugs $ 5 to $ 8 Wool de 10 " 14 Tapestry do 8 " 15 Brussels do: 18 " 25 Velvet do 20 " 40 (.ace ('nrtairs 25c to $11 Tapestry do $2.50 " 11 Carpets .. 25c to $1 :l5 Nall Paper 2;c to 25c Linoleume h .... Oilcloths Gents' Furnishings for Spring Hoye, we are right up•to-date with our New Spring Goods? We keep all the NER F.T STUFF from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Natty Now Vests A big assortment of the smart- est things in Gents' Fancy Vests -*11 the new colors: Tan, Grey. Green and White -in Figured, Striped or Checks. Nifty Straw Sats A11 the New Swell Rats are here. Nice NV hate Straws with Green, Brown and Black Trim• rnings. Sailor or Swagger styles in stock. Don't tail to see them. • Xow ht:, 11a,i, G10483, Soy, Supthr: w JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing