Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-29, Page 7I BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUP1IONS i NOW HE KNOWS. Mystery That Bothered the Middle Aged Ilan in ilia Youth. "When I was a boy," said the middle aged man, "we used to "rersone Needs a Youth In 1119 come across a pear tree oc.'asi.>nal- Spiting to Euild Up the Blood. ly that hal pears so hard you couldn't bite 'ern. Maybe you've If youwant new health and seen 'em. strength in the spring you mint "They were a chunky built pear build up your blood with a tunic almost spherical in shape, a very medicine. After the long indoor. dark green, and almost black in winter months are past most people color and about the same specific fret depressed and easily tired.gravity as cast iron. You threw 1 I 'els means that the blood is im- one of those pears against a rock pure and watery. That is what 1 and it nli ;ht chip the rock but it would have no effect on the pair, These pears never got ripe; they always remained of just that same hardness. There were no apples that we could not Sae into, but causes pimples and unsightly erup- tions. To this same condition is due stacks of rneunlatisin, the sharp stabbing pains of neuralgia, poor appetite, frequent headaches those hard pears were proof even and a desire to avoid exertion. These troubles can all be banished against the teeth of our youth - 8'I used to wonder somet'mcs why by the use of 1)r. Williams'Pink those pears grew, what they were 1 ills. Every does of this medicine for and what became of them. makes new. rich blood which drives Now I know. I came across sonic out impurities, stimulates every or yesterday preserved. San, strengthens every nerve and "!hero they were in the 'ash, bring! n feeling of new health and two pieces of ono pear, two hemi - siren and women. Mrs. Frank Mut"- spheres energy to weak, tired out, ailinsphees of pear, looking strangely familar when in my mind I had phy, Clark's Harbor, N. S., says : reconstructed them to make one A year ago I was completely run pear; and when a,cer barelyes- down and my work became a bur - caping ping shooting the piece Itried den to Inc. I felt tired all the time, out of the dish onto the table in my and ecoid hardly drag myself repeated endeavors to penetrate it; about. I was advised to try Dr. when, I say, I had finally manag d Williams'Pink Pills and after tak- to shave a sliver eff this piece I ing three or four ,foxes was again felt morally certain, and when I in the best of health. I think 1)r. had tasted it any lingering doubt Williams Pink Pills will prove a I might have had was removed, it friend in need to all who are weak and ailing." was tasteless. They were beyond queoSold by all medicine dealers or by all,, and t stsa Sing same old hadrs. soft - mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. III,4E AT WEDDINGS. Custom of Throwing Rice Over Nealy Weds Comes From India. Tho custom of throve ing a shower of rice over newly wedued couples comes to us from ludia and crtgi- nated in the idea suet rice was an emblem of fecundity, says house- keeper. '!he Hindu bridegroom, at the close of the marriage ceremony, throws three handtuls of rice over stove. She sustained a serious the bride, and she replies by throw- turn, and her cries and screams ing the same over him. With us, the rice is thrown by outsiders. The "old shoe" custom is general- ly supposed to come from the He- brews, and is supposed to have or- iginally implied to it. the parents of the bride gave up all authority over her. Tho Germans had a long custom, which perhaps they would not wholly gise up even now, of putting the bridegroom's shoe on the pillow the bridal bed ; and in Anglo-Saxon marriage the father gave a shot of the bride to the bridegroom, who touched her on the head with it to remind her who was now her master. The wedding ring was used among the ancient Hebrews primarily with the idea that the delivery' of a ring confer- red power on the recipient, and thus the wife wearing her hus- band's ring shared his authority. The ring in the Roman espousals was a pledge of loyalty, and the idea that it should be worn on the third finger of her left hand be- cause "a nerve connects this finger with the heart," originated with Romans. Orange blossoms were worn by the brides among the Saracens, because they were held to symbolize fruitfulness; the very several use of these flowers in Europe and America for bridal adornment ie comparatively a mod- ern custom. ened t -.em a little .,n the surface, but not much, and despite all treat- ment they still remained as they had ever been, without taste. They were the pears, all right—the pet- rified pears of our youth, and while we couldn't eat thorn we smiled as s"•e thought we had solved at last that long standi,-g mystery of what they did with them --they can 'cin." J BABY FELL ONi TO THE STOVE. Mrs. T. S. Dougall, of 583 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg, says:—"My contact with the side of the hot 1. 1 YOTHBB'S CHIBF CABS I3 flj*8 BAST'S WILFIBB Every mother is anxious that her little ones shall bo healthy, good natured and bright. Every mother can keep her children in this condi- tion if she will give them an occa- sional dose of Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets cure all stomach and bowel troubles, destroy worms, and make teething easy. Mrs. T. Cov- ert Massie, Toronto. Gni, says:— "I ays:r'I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little boy since he was three months old, and find that they agree with hirn splendidly." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine ('o., Brockville, Ont. FURNISHED IN :11)VAN('E. After facing a jury for a couple of hours the judge was congratu- lating himself that the care wa- about over, when he accidentally discovered there were only eleven jurors present. "Iluw's t lis 1" he queried, in surprise. "Where is the twelfth elan t" "Ile went to n funeral, sour Honor," answered the f. ,, t.l.•in. innocently, "but he left hi, :diet with me." ALAS, HOW TRUE! "i often won(ier." remarked Mr. Btubb, in solemn reflection. "if the lart man on earth will hate the la -t word." "Of course he a ill. Je‘.n,•' I,tug;1- ((1 Mrs. Stub!). "But way are "Pecluse the g,".c it so !nil. , sen to 'lire last w,in l: t., : were terrible. the child laughed through her tears. "1 sent out to the druggist for the best remedy he had to use on Ii burn. He said there was nothing to equal Zam-But., and sent back a supply. I applied this, and it soothed the pain so quickly that bound up the hand in Zan►-Buk, and each day applied Zam-tisk frequently and liberally, until the burn was quite cured. The little one was soon able to go on with her play, and wo had no trouble with her during the time the burn was being healed. I feel very grateful for this cure, and would ;ecouunend all mothers to keep Zain-Buk handy for emergencies like this." Fifty cents spent on a box of Zeal -Bok has saved scores of pe .plc as nfany dollars, to say nothing of saving hours of pain! A REASONABLE ASSURANCE Mrs. Noowedd—The only bar to my happiness, deario, is the thought that some day I may bo a widow ! Noowedd—Don't worry, pet; that shall never happen while I live. Repeat It:- "Shiloh's Ours w/11 always oar. nay soughs and colds." PRESERVING THE SIGHT. Avoid Sudden Chwiges From Dark to Brilliant light. i he following rules aro recom- mended fur the preservation of the sight : Avoid a sudden change from dark to brilliant lignt; avoid the use of stimulants and drugs which affect the nervous system ; avoid reading while lying down, or when mentally or physically exhausted ; when the eyes feel tired rest. them by looking at objects at a long dis- tance; pay special attention to the hygiene of the body ; for that which tends to promote the general health sets beneficially on the eye ; up to forty years of age bathe the eyes twice daily in c)1(d water ; after fifty years bathe the eyes, morning and evening, with water ,is hot as you can bear it : follow this with cold water, that will make them glow with warmth; old persons should asoid reading much by arti- ficial light : he geared as to dict, (r„f tr,sid sitting up late at night. -1 - -- - ISSUE NO. t7-011 THEY FIXED UP THE POSTMASTER DODD'S KIDNEY PHIS CURED BIS Lt'Mltt(O AND SCIATIC -1. That was Three Years Ago and Ho is Still Cured—Why You Ste, '1 Try 1)odd'n Kidney Pills First. Elliston, Trinity Bay, Niki., Apr. 20. (Special).—That Dodd s Kidney Pills not, only relieve Sciatica and Lumbago, but cure it once and for ail, is the experience of Mr. Alfred Crew, postmaster here. "Yes,” the postmaster says in telling his story, "it is three years since 1 was cured of Lumbago and Sciatica. Dodd's Kidney ?'ills did it, and I am happy to say the cure was permanent. "I had Pains in my Back, Cramps in my muscles, Shooting Pains across my Loins, and I often found it hard to get any rest at night, and when 1 did my sleep was unre- freshing. I was medically attend- ed, but without getting any bene- fit, and at last I was persuaded to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I used AN EYE TO BUSINESS. "No one should drink water that hasn't been boiled fur at least au hour." "You are a physiciau, I pre- sume t" "Nope. Coal dealer." A Woman's Sympathy. Are you discouraged? I your doctor's bill a heavy nntaclal load? is your Lala a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women—I have been dierourared. too; but teamed how to cure mystic. avast to relied° your bur- dens. Why not cad the pain and stop the do-ter's till? I can do this for you and will It you will assist tne. All you need do Is to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed In my hands to Le given away. Perhaps this ono Lox will curo y0U—it has done so for others. If so, 1 shall bo bappy and you arta be cured for 2c (the cost of a postage stamp). Your letters held confi- dentially. Wrlte to -.lav for my free tre•tt- insnt A1R$. P. IC CURRA1ii. Windsor. Ont. PUTTING HIM WISE. Dudo—Ooes this train carry ani- Inals'" Pat—"No, but if ye git into a scat and kape your fano covered and your mouth shut, Oi don't think anyone will sispect yure identity." Away with Depression and Melan- choly.—These two evils are the ac- companiment of a disordered sto- mach and torpid liver and mean wretchedness to all whom they visit. The surest and speediest way to six boxes altogether and theytook combat them is with Parmelee's ch will restore the pains away and quite ured Vegetable © healthfullactiontof the stomach NearlymeverycaroDodd's Kid- and bring relief. They have proved bytheir usefulness in thousands of ney Pills tells of trying somet`Iing cases and will continue to give re- lief to the suffering who are wise enough to use them. "So your boy Josh is an inven for?" "Yes," answered Farmer Corntossel. "He has invented a lot o' labor caving devices. "What are they ?" "Excuses for not working." else first. If you use Dodd's Kid- ney Pills first you will never need to try "something else." They al- ways cure all diseases of the Kid- neys, and all dirreases that are caused by sick Kidneys. PERFECTLY SAFE. When a woman is first married, she fears her husband is so brave Repeatlt:-••tshtlo1'ncnre,wU1always and generous that he will get hurt' cure my coughs and colds.' some day rushing into a dangerous "Has that girl next door to you still got her piano'?" "No, she ex- changed it for a cornet, I'm glad to say." "But, gracious, if she plays the cornet, that's worse, isn't it?" "Not at all. It's only half as bad. She can't sing while she's playing the cornet." place to do a noble act, but she is not long in finding out that on that score lie is perfectly safe. Repeat It;—"1Sb11oh's Cure willalways cure my cum; 11.3 and colds." WELI, INFORMED. The Stranger—Do the people who live across the road from you, Itastus, keep chickens? Itastus—Ley keeps some of 'cm, Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. What 1s the lest Thing to dronethen weak back? "The D 4 1.' Meath d Plaster it will cure lumbag, and rbeunt.ttism. Si rolls make seven 2.0. piaat.rs. Davis L Lawrence Co., lduutreal. Lots of men know how they could get rich if other men wouldn't but in. A Simple and Cheap Medicine.- - A simple, cheap and effective medi- cine is something to bo desired. There is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They aro simple, they are cheap, they can bo got anywhere, and their beneficial action will prove their recommendation. They are the No female lawyer objects to be- medicine of the poor man and those ing the woman in the ease. -e. who wish to escape doctors bills Folk who are anxious to live on velvet commonly wind up on the carpet. As fire epreade 1n dry grsie, On domes an tneam. tndtt,n in toe throat gr..w dawn into the lung,. De.J pron,pt;y with a o.1.1 a4 with a ti.e, and when you be„u lu cough use Alien's Lung ItaL.as- Repeat 11.—"Bh(loh's Care will always care my coughs a:,d t olds." You can tell a inan's not by the measure of his by the fight ho puts up. Where can I get some of Hollo- way's Corn Cure I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy and I wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. The best way to honor the dead prophets is to make straight paths for the living people. Bicklo's Anti -Consumptive Syrup needs no recommendation. To all insult you by settling your account who aro familiar with it, it speaks in cash. I have put you down for for itself. Years of use in the treat- a handsome legacy in my will." ment of colds and coughs and all Tho doctor looked thoughtful. "Al - affections of the throat has unquee- low me," he said, " to look at that tionably estahlielled its place prescription Main, I think I'll make a slight alteration in it." courage, fear, but will do well in giving them a trial. Two-thirds of all tho lettere which pass through the post -offices of the world are written in English. Repeat it.- " Shiloh's Caro will always sure my coughs and oolds." Girls who bleach their hair only want a fair show. Palwalnsr In winter cheek* chills, breaks ay cold4 and thus preve.t. llron.Wtls, Catnipp• and RI:•. itistn. Unequalled sea liniment f,, Intel haat, ch!tblaius. braises, opiates. gold by all sr.gst-tea Only ow painkiller -Porn Dara*, An old miser (to the physician who had cured him of a long illness) —"Ah, doctor, as wo have known each other quite a long time I won't among the very best medicines for ouch diseases. If you give it a trial you will not regret it. You will find it 25 cents well invested. The apparent power of death to separate is the strongest bond that binds the living together. Repeat it:—' Shiloh's Care will atwa/s sure my coughs and colds." Too many think they have fed the hungry when they have told them how to make an omelette. Attire's Lung Salaam tt eipertally Intended to bretk rep neyle,ted e u,.h, end teeny h pe,e•a CA.et have been &.rod by its use. Contain,' no opium In any Fanta. HiS MISTAKE. In a certain village. in Yorkshire the inhabitants greatly affected the use of the word ''puttee," for put.' Even the children persist- ed in putting it in their composi- tion at school. The master, one day, was much -exasperated by a boy again using the offending word. "What mistake has he made, boys 1" he asked, after reading tho composition aloud. ()ne boy put up his hand. "Nell 1" "?'lease. sir. he's gene an' put - ten 'putten.. when he ought to tart - ten 'put.' Death Comes to A11.—But it need not come prematurely if proper precautions are taken. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and to have prevention at hand and allow a disease to work its will is wickedness. Dr. Thomas' Erle; tris Oil not only allays pains when applied externally, but will prevent lung troubles resulting from colds and coughs. Try it and be convinced. Even a good cook somrtimcs snakes a mess of it. WASIt A Ill► MME RIUAtLlllaMIN h hsa.1!e , r,r kit14114.111, Are1a Perfateet. '1'.,i et nw"i.. , to... 4.01444 Rise "pine. Ste (►n. hundred par rend pr.,(t. Money rdu.de4 If Reed* e• ( as tofu, '6Mel. 11s 14..r.. ype.•taltie. Our , Dept. A. Tur..nr..Can.a.li. FARMS FOR SALE. Trait. Poultry. n*lrt. (Irain s t 1 /,r*atsf YrnI jn iter, r In w e,lern (lutwrtn 5.ni f .r ala! Ths western Ra Al C.ttt, Kt:ha.tte, i.,rndon, Wife --"What on earth possessed you to Rive such a princely tip to the waiter when w.• are so badly off I" Husband -"My clear, just observe the overcoat he has handed me." Tice Tea. aroma* atonaoR► Have ter a bate kanw:etgte of Parte nit ,et When yeti find a man generous Tbst writs e' A r OY;'B. 1: 4' s.) weekly, .►'• any or e,om .sl n Yo 7:111'1 npesexe. b„ part ret with Meek paint for others you may ,lr• ward on yJ.r own farm nr set a, a*e tt be sate he has tthitcwash for hint s•n''ill(a'.•utelynew O:e. le5etyrr'aa7 I malls` pportunit ll'lf. 11A Jo.arvl iTACIRINAtlt'l'J, Toraeta IL IS A HIGHLY NOURISHING FOOD. COVRIL can only be sold at its present low price because we carry out the first pro:esses of manufacture on the ranches where the cattle are r.(ised. The beef is prepared and concentrated where prune meat is rhea) and the freight is much less than it would be if the oxen were imforted. A cup of BOVRIL taken regularly will sustain your strength and thus enable you to avoid insidious attacks of illness. t CLASS IXSl:BA%CE AGENTS IVATED National Provincial Plate (Ilan Insurance Com. pparry, Limited. (lead (HSS.. Laudon Kuala:el Ttatahnsbed ,834. Capital. Filly Th •nsaud Pounds steraug. For Ag uoiw at unrepresented pointe, Province of Ontario, address J. 1I. IMAM', Chief Agent, No. IS Wellington Street Kash Toronto. Bend for booklet "Ulaaa Insurance.' ALEXANDER WARDEN, (Late tressnrer i'retb7 terian Church in Cana IA) BONDS AND STOCKS Cobalt stocktwilight and Sold on rnrnndevion. IS TORO'TO STREET, TORONTO. CANAOP Lour Liitance Phones --Malo (37I• 5laiu 2471. IR U G (lamina, Wa+bed and 'trip Orel by Oriental Process. We aro the only specialists in ('a.ada. ORIENTAL RU41 CO.. Simon Alajajian, Pr ‘p. Telephone Mali 880 t88 Xing Et, trent arm For Sale 17,,:l:° °t° Farms to 14 Skate.. Strait's Now Mnuthty Bulletin of Real nargains, profusely Must rate m.ttle.I1rite. w'• pay your R.H. free. E. A. RTROYT 00., Cask C t, World's Largest Farm Deilora, university titch., Syncs», N.Y. CALVES Rats: Tarn W•*hoist MRk. gree. Stale srta;s need Co., Lot. Tweets WARREN OZOWSKI & 00. Met.bere't'urouto Stook E-bu, .e Traders Bank Buildiu;, 15 Broad Street TORONTO. NSW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS We are noir .peci,tliLing 1n COBALT ,,tack.. Write •/ fur h,tortn.tioa, USK trate fav our urea 1111114FAMES AT FREE SHIP TO E. T. CARTER dt CO., S$ front et tast, TORO:410. ON l'. Tor a• IIS !lower as Vol °table. sw•diii e•W.ut...l 511..8 )�nt.1 ass. w,rr1,, r . ..;11n, , 'nIt E M ,,tb 4 e,•,nr .t+ •r.et4w.41-e1. The g. like (et cakes• a.,•d u. ye•Jr nasi ...i..Aar.0 a -d we rn1,1 r.0 ti. ,..d. to ..11 at ,.a -esti W j:. r l.rg* PwJn... w•e: , .t on'.. A.-.1. con w+lt do. Mete pppre—tarn Cle.. 1.41 ;� i:t.raw,UuL WHY DO So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu- cation select Bel pianos? The fact that they use lad prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct merit 1 One follows prolessional advice in acquiring an cducatr,n, \` why not follow peofes.ional custom in buyin t 13. !I pianos? The only pianos with the Illimitable (stick Repeating Action. Send for (free) Catalogue Nu. 75. !fie BEI? PIANO VIorgan Co.. Limrled GUr.LPH.ONTARiO.i The New DAIMLER1 THE PRINCIPAL CLAIMS } For this Marvellous New Motor tro t3llence in Operation Flexibility Economy in Construction and Operation Absence of Small Parts Write for full particulars and illustrated lits from C. 1-1. STAT N'i'ON, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Canada, The Daimler Motor Co., (1904) Ltd, COVENTRY, ENGLAND. 1 i e 1 1 e s 1 4 4 1 4 4 1 e 4 e 1 <