Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-29, Page 5ASK FOR , (LONDON) India Pale Ale Brewed from se- lected hops, choice barley malt and pure spring water, with the utmost care. Bottled at the brewery depots to ensure proper handling. That is why Labatt's Ale is equal to the fin- est, surpassed by none, though it costs consumer, only about half as much as imported goods. RO 12:RAN'D CORN HEN you order Syrup emphasize the name "CROWN BRAND" for this name means that you want the best -the purest - the most wholesome and reliable table syrup it is possible to produce. So perfect and genuinely deli- cious is Crown Brand Syrup" that you'll enjoy its flavor about ten times more than that of any other make. It costs you no more than ordi- nary syrup and yet it is purer, better, and more wholesome in every way. It is the greatest food for grovring children, and can be given in any quantity "Crown Brand Syrup" is put up in a, 5, to and 90 lb. air -tight tins, with lift -oft lids. When you buy "Crown Brand" ypu obtain a Syrup as clear as crystal and of guaranteed purity and wholesomeness. The Edwardsburg Starch Co. I.IMiest) ESTABLISHED 1858. Nero: Olficst: e on CAl IM., Ost. IOlTIE11, To110ii0 sad a•UIITFORO. not trade that organ of yours on a piano At the present we can handle a number of second hand ergsns and are therefore prepared to allow you agood price for it. We don't ask you one dollar more for t he piilnn than your ntighhhr pays for it. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE iF THiS IS NOT RICHT !!! Sewing Machines, Sleighs, Hymn 13ooks, llible3,5tationery. &c 8. MARTIN dee SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. Ther are noted forthe gnslity of their goods. Tr Eastlake stool Shingles rather Ga:.anl ,d .r< 1'aintal Aro Always Th -y are. rnt+re r. ,nor -i altp itelio.bledurable and quicker to ar,•ly than a -y rearm fitting am.r- auh--an.l l:,.re 're rn..at eaa,:y tail Trove t, .n 1h.•r,nughly teste4 ;.t all k. Is et ,.-,.. invoriahty vva Etre. Leithtrelfg. Rust and Weather Proof. l t yt*1• rr M, Iii nR• m.,ke tumor .atie- fcct'. n 1 . ,•r.'•rnj 1 (.tt %Kra f, r the hw•f-fu:est iaearnat,on if yaw writs 11e:allic Roofing Co., Limited, I 33ltsa:f sins., TORONTO, CAJ UDA. Don't do any Shingling until you call snd get prices. J.tVF.S BRiNTNELL. Agent. EXETER SC'i1Se'IRIBE for (tie Advocate and get all the news. (! eter buocutc EXETER - - ONTARIO 01 0O if paid in est, an,•e, 01.60 a year if not an paid. Tao l'saritedStSrtatesictly 9s Adnhscribevancers$1.80 i SANDERS t ChI.ECil, Publishers. With twenty-two years' esper'en-e t• ire credit this college is re•ognlzed as the greatest prsrtlral training school in Western Ontario. Three drt•arnvents-- Commercial, Shorthand & Telegraphy Our Blames are the largest,our rouses most practical and our Instructors etperienced. Our graduates are aaistel to positions ann succeed m none other.. Enter now'. (let our free rata. logoe. ELLIOTT k McLAOIILAN Principal.. Hibbert. -The marriage of Mr. Her- bert Shae of Ribbert to Miss Regina L. daughter of the late Wrn. Creust'. Mit- chel'. took plare quietly 1n Logan April _l. Mr. and Mrs. Shae will reside in Ilibbert. OdAPCP R=A.. Nara the �MI Kind You Hv'n Aleuts Bought Sieutsre Got'rl h Tp. -H. It. Cant• ton net with a painful act:Wert on Tuesday of last week. Ile was going through a trap door In his barn when the t,eavy trap fel!. and a nail projecting through the door a little cut a nasty gash in his head. Had the nail been longer 1' sure- ly would have penetrated to the brain. ELIMVILLE Mr.. Miller of Exeter spent a few days of the past week tite guts tot Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilawkirte.--•We are pleased to be able to report that Mrs. Wllbug llunter is progressing likely after her prolong• ed Illness. -Quite a number of the is. aac Walton C;ub have been out trying the fr luck. but so far thte fish are very scarce. and only a few have been caught -Some of the farmcra have started, seed lag but slow progress 1. being made. owing to the cold. backward weather..., A runeway horst belonging to Mr. R. Skinner passed through the village on Friday last making fast time -going some. as the boy nays. We learned( that Mr. Skinner had a load of straw on the wagon when onehorse, a col', became scared and went Into thea ditch. strik- ing a tit, p'loac poin than smashing the harness and wIL'tictrees they made an escape On' horse was eau ght at Mr. Hawk`ns, while th.other went about a nide north of the vmsge. With no shop license and o :. r.ot,1 , ut I Ism tie Ott In piety. w-• are getteer 'drier' a1- dlgastare tight. / -s ila1TOR=L. ii Kiel Yo Kw Stagbt ZURICH At the meeting for the organization of the bowling club for 1909 the following officers were elected, -fres., Dr. 11 A. Cempb-l! ; Vl,e-Pres„ 1'. t• r Lantont,Sec- Treas., Andrew Hess; Estcuttve Cortina :tee, Dr, Caltpb21', 1'. Lamont, A. Heidc- n:tn.-Miss I'earl \V urtz and Miss Ma- bel McKinley left last wcck for Alma College, St. Thomas. to resum? their studies. -Ed. Morcnz of Detroit Is vis- iting relatives and fr:ends here at prea- ent,-Surveyors are busy at the Job of running a line throu;h the townsh'p for an electric railway. The line has been staked out through Ileaver Meadow on to Slabtowit.-Miss Ida Sipple v ed friends in Detroit last week.- Frank E. Denonty has sold his farm near St. Joseph to paraie aft• stated in that town at $2300 for 1-2 acres. -Miss Jos- ephine lfowald and brother Herbert on Tuesday of last week left for Crystal City. Man., to: the summer.-Dan.Sur- erus, sr., of the 13ronson Lite. is very low at present. Ile is 88 years old and his recovery le doubtful. -Mrs. Schluch ter of alleldgan Is visiting her parents, Mr. and aira. Henry Hupp. SLIISCRIHE for the Advocate and get all the est ova. Leading Entire Horses For the improvement of Stock The season for horse cards is rtiOw here. The !Advocate Is prepared with a choice line of cuts and type for your Job. Remember we give you free from all charge a two -weeks' notice of the horse and route In The Advocate which has fife largest circulation In the district. The notice itself is well worth the price of the cards. SEVERN RAEBUIIN, 19120, is a pure bred imported shire stallion, brown in color, of good build and find action. Ile has an excellent pedigree and is a sure foal getter. Monday leaves ids own stable, Loti 201 con. 11, Stephen, to Khiva Hiotel for noon; home for night. Tuesday north along Goshen Line tO --for noon, home for night. Wednesday to John Cornish's for noon. to Le vi Stahl's for night. Thursday to .Seth Brown's, to Wr.San der's, Con. 3, for night. Friday to Sam. Stanlak's, to his, home. SAMUEL PRESZCATOR, Proprietor SOUTHPORT 347 and 20041, an Im- ported shire, drown Its color, 161-2 hands high, born 1899, strong and com- pactly built, well proportioned: many prize winners to his credit. lie has a fine pedigree and Is a sure getter. Monday leaves his owls stable, Credi- ton, to Thos. Mawhlnncy's for noon, to Dashwood for night. Tuesday to S. Ziler's, to Shlpka. Wednesday to Wnt. Brown's, l0 Curtest Thursday to tit. tltrmei, to Wm. Mor- gan's McGillivray. Friday toll. Thompson's to Centralia. Saturday to Garnet CockwIll's, l0 his own stable. S. G. LAMOPRT, Mart., Jae. DOCK\Vlll, i'roprletor. LORD HOWATSON, 11400, a telutlful bay roast. toale.l 1991), 16 hands LlSh, a tine body, limbs and feat; a sure foal utter, with a pedigree ofthe finest. Monday leaves his own stable, Ma- gu:re, to Pat Boyles, Attire, for noon. to Nassau Davis', Biddulph for night. Tuesday to Rich. Coates, t'sborne, to Garnet Frayne'a. Weinesday to Jo,la May's. Ustorne, to Jas. Stanlake's, S(epitcit. Thureday to J. alert:Ice's, Sharon, to \Vm. 111)1',, Stephen. Friday to Jos. Gualami's, to Wni. A1- ;Iso,i'a. ,•IrGt lI11ay. S.tturday to his own stably. 9. IIASKERViLLE, Mantg.r. T. W. 1HODGSON. l'rop. JARDINiE[t 47311. a beautiful I'er- elieron Imported, letek in color, stands 17 hands, good head, neck, back and legs Ile is a sure foal getter and of excellent pedigree. Monday leaves his own stable, Dash- wood, to John Iiey's for noon, to Zur- lctt for night. Tuesday to Emeros lirodrrlrk's, to John Eckstein s. \Vednesday, to Louie Schllbe's. to B. 1'!Ile's. Thursday noon to John Bender's. t'rllay to Grand Mend then to Shlpka. Saturday to Khiva to his own stable. ZURICH SYNDICATE. Prop. CHARLES STEiNHAGEN. Manager. !'EARL GIFT, 13045, Vol. 29, a pure hr d imported Clydesdale stallion. bright bay, 16 Lands high, well rounded body and excellr tit limbs ; one of the best, of hta class. with a pzdigree that 1. un- surpessed. Monday leaves itis oven stable, Cred- Iton to Wm. Hodgins'. McGIl11vray, for noon, to Hugh Paiton's for night. Tuesday to Herman Young's, to Mt. Carmel. Wednesday to John Rollins'. Stephen ; to his own stable. Thursday to Thos. Amy's, Sharon. to his own stable. Friday to Sam. Jory's, to Paul Coates. Saturday to Jonas Sims, to hie own stable. ELI KING. Proprietor and Manager. ROIs, 40,316, and 931, a pure-bred Im- ported Perrheron Statilon. steel gray rotor, nearly 17 hands high, well pro- portioned. powerful and muscular, with fine pedigree. Monday leaves his own stable at Zur- ich to Silas Rrokenshire's, Stephen, for noon ; to Credlton for night. Tuesday to Silas Stanlake', to I'etcr 1t nun's. Wednesday to his own stable. TF.ursday to Geo. f•enbaek's, to his own stable. W. H. BENDER, Prop. and Man, Zurich NOitniNE'S PRIDA. a beautiful ray, ratan tart 1, e1 trottl::g stallion. 4 years old : good arttoe and well proportioned body. with a rr.ol, a pedigree, being a inn of Nordi•tr. Monday leaves hie oan stable. K! Iva. to Corbett for noon. to Grand Beni tor eight. Tuesdty to L. 1.3 Ilbe's to - KeO 1er's Flay. \Velnesday to his own •table. Ttlu-sdey to Mat. F Inkbeinere. tor--- terld.ty to hie own stable. \Vitt. WiTZEL. Prop. and Manage: CURES INDIGESTION Take your sour atont.tcn-o: ntaybc you call it Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Gas- tritis or Ce.tarili of St•:mach ; it doesn't matter -take your atostach trouble reset with you to yoer Fharnta:let end ask him to open a 50 -cent case Ot Pace's Dlapeps!n and let you eat one _s -grain Tr:a:ault and see if within 5 mine es there is lett any trace of you: stomach misery. The correct name for your trouole is Food Fermentation -food souring: the Dtgebtive organs become weak, there is lack of gastric juice ; your food is only .:alt digested and you bccons attt'•ted Ralth loss of appetite, plessul'e and full- ness after eathr:-. vomiting. nausea, hear, burn, griping in bowels, tendo: - nese ;n the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth, conatlptt!o•:, pain In limbs, elecpleesnese, belching o1 gag. bilious- ness. sick headache, ntrvoua,tcsa, diz- ziness and many other a!in lar sym- ptoms. It your appetite is t'.tkle, and noth- ing tempts you, or you belch .as or If yin feel b:oatcd aft, r eating. or your food lies like a :u.ap o: lead on your stomach you can ;Waite up ynat• mind that at the bottom of ail thin there is rut one cause-Ler;,1 ':taitoa of u:,d1- geated food. Prove to yourself after your a_xt meal that :our atctnacu is as good as any; that there Is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and bcgia easing what you want without fear of discom- fort 01 misery. Altnoat [natant rcinl is walling for you. It is merely a matter of how soon you take a little Diapepaln. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gunning were the guests of Mr. Thomas Gunning at. Gran tort on Sunday. -toles Bertha Sutherby and Miss Ethel Million of London re• turneed house Tuesday after a week's visit wioth relatives and 1,tends around here. -suite a number from here attend. ed the Oddfellows sermon at Granton 0:a Sunday eyening.-Mr. J. V. Wilson at- tended the funeral of his nephew, Wilbur eldest son of Caleb Millson of White Oak. -;Mas May Marshall of Bryanston has been spending the past week the guest of Mrs. Wm. Morley. -Master Clar encs sports a new wheel while the old- er boys are getting their buggies In shape. -Mr. \Vm. Ogden is again In the market wltli 80m9 nice new outfits.- Dir; and Mrs. John Morley and Mrs. Suther- by visited with their brother Mr. John Foster near Granton on Sunday. ADVERTISING PAYS SAYS JOHN EL DEII.-That advertising from a farmer's view point is a paying Investment it !las only to be mentioned that Mr. John Elder, who placed an advertisement In the Advocate for two months, disposed of 700 bus' els of No. 21. Barley at $1 a bushel some of tt going as far as Sudbury, Burlington and Quebec. He re. celved no less than 204 letters of en- quiry. Last year he had a yield of 900 bushels of this grain from; a pack- age containing 2 pounds in 1906. These facts arc proof positive that good farM- Ing and good advertising pays. Try it. SAINTSBtJRX Mies Laura Godbolt of Sunshine is vis- iting around Salntebury this week. -Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Davis and family visit- ed at 4r. G. Carter's last Sunday. -Sirs. N. B. Davis gave the young ladies of the vicinity a quilting last week on the eve of tile 111Iss^s Jessie and Cora Washburn's return to tlielr 1:orale In Arthur. -Seeding has commenced in thea vicinity this week. --air. Frank Washburn and family moved to Arthur last week. -The brick work for the new hall has been commenced. IIENSALL Donald Burns was In London last Mon day %lilting his brother Peter, who Is in the hospital and on a fair way to re- covery. -Dave and James McGill lett for the West last week. -Dorothy Welsh 1s again very 111. --John Modson. who has 0.1:11 1n the West near Edmonton ranch- ing, came home last week. Ile intends to work his tarns near Chlselhuret this summer. -Robert Carlisle of the 2nd of Hay, has purchase.' two lots from W. Molr. Ile intends erecting a residence there this sumtlttr.--13cnjamin Caldwell, an old Itensall boy. was tnarrled at Car berry, Man., on April 144th, to Miss Irene Garland of that place. Barry Caldwell assisted the groom. Friends here extend eongratul•ttlons.- utas Gettig Thompson has taken charge of the room In the Mensal' Public School In which her sister has taught 811111 the first of the year. -Mrs. Joe Case awl children have returned to Toronto.-MIss Brett of Seaforth Is the guest of Mrs. Fred Smallacombe.-Geo. Steriing h ft last week for his weettrn farm nca: Es - levan. -Ned Fehaftrr Is dishing 1.1s bro- ther and other relatives in Marlette. M. -N. 11111 of lllllsgrcen Inas disposed of Ills blacksmith bustness and residence and will move to Iicnsall into the house he purchaerd from Fred Ilowald. THE MIGHTY 1'OWEIt Oie CSIIORNE The following Is the report of S. S. No. 4, Usborne, for the month o1 April Tali report is based on the results o1 the recent promotion esantinatlons;-Sr, 1V. -V. Kerslake. bl. May, 13. Davis, T. Gates, A. Skinner, V. May, W. Walk( r. G. Davis. Jr. IV. -A. Bunter 71, L. Coates 71, V. Gates 64, L. Harding 60. Sr. III. -M. May 72, T. Sklnner165, F'. Wtbber 51. Jr. 111,-V, Plncombe 81 R. Thompson 66, G. Hunter a5, It. hun- ter 64, C. Thompson 9.2, V. lucks 58. Jr, I1. -H. Coates, W. Thomson, C. Dav- is. Pt. IL -V. Hicks, M. Sklnncr, A. Harding. Pt. L-13. Carroll, V. Coates, Hattie Webber, E. Thomson. As report shows all those try Ing exanlnatttrns were successful In obtaining the requir- ed mark 50 per cent. Promotions will ilk ntad^ during the first week of May, F. II. Swan, teacher. Mlo-na, that extraordinary and per- fect stomach tonic. will relieve dyspep- sia In twenty-four hour.. it will cure and le guaranteed by W. el. Cole to the readers of the Advocate+ to cure the most pitiful case• of dyspep- sia. It taken according to directions. MI -oma tablets not o.tly cure dlepep- sia, but all stomach dtsturhance8. with as vomiting of pregnancy, sea or car sicknrss atter exceee:ve indulgence. Mi-o-r,a cures by atrengthr it lg and invigorating the flabby stomach walls .Ini atter a course of M1 -o -ria treatment ronsttpation. It there le any, will ent;re- ly disappear. Mrs, S. F:rast of (larksbu:g, Ont., says "A bad etomarh trouble that had both. ered me for years. baffled and puicl,d skilled physicians. was nicely relieved by my using MI -o -ea. My trouble was on ac, oust of food not digesting but fernierittng 1t: :ny stomach. fornil:t3 a gas that ,lave me untold sure, ii,r and peel and also made me weal( nervous, irritable and u:lab,r to rest. Sinn, us. leg Mi-o-na i tan go to bed at night and sleep and wake up in the morning refreshed. I cannot speak too high17 of MI-o-na. MI-o-na is a most etoeontiral treat- ment, a large box of tablets •nlY costs 30 cent• at W. S. Cole'• and the Ma - peptic. nervous or otherwise, who does not Rive them a tttal is losing an ops portunity to regale health." CENTR.ALIA William Colwill, our hay king, has ben shipping from 13 to 20' car loads of hay a week, the season on the whole being a good one fo r stoppers.- Par - 80119 & DAVIS are s'ilpping Targe quart - title.) of eggs those days, and the out- look is bright for a good season. -Thos Elston Is repairing his mill, putting in another bolter and making other lrn- a-overn^nts.-Last Sunday was Educe- 1o.ta1 Day In the Methodist church 'when Rev. A. M. Brown of Varna' preached in- teresting s-rmona on the occasion. The financial results were ahead of last year. -Rev. W. H. Butt preached at Var• na and Ilrucefleld last Sunday in the interests of the Educational Society of the Methodlstchurch,-Quarterly meeting is to be held In the Methodist church on Sunday morning next. The pastor is to be assisted by the Rev. L. W. Wickett of London, who over fifty years ago was one of the junior preachers around Ex- eter and C^ittral(a. GOSHEN LINE The road grader has been along hero improving the King's hibhway,-Thomas Mawhinney bought a fine team of young horses last week. -Chris Djnney Is en- gaged breaking in a colt. for Reuben Davey. -Louts Kraft has put up a new wire fence In front of his farm, thus int - proving it considerably. -Thos. Mawhin- ney gave a pleasant taffy party last week to a number of friends. Married. -The wedding took place at Dashwood, on Thursday, April 22, of Mr. Henry Smith to Miss Flossie' Presz- cator, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Presreator. The ceremony took place at the residence of Mr. Tliun, who perforat- ed tete ceremony. The young couple were unattended. They will reside on the groom's fine farm in Stephen. Heart- iest congratulations and good wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Smith for a prosperous married life. SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the news. HER PIIYSICIAN ADVISED Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Columbus, Ohio. -"I have taken Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com- pound (1 u -r i n g change of life. My doctor told me it was good. and sine° taking it I feel so much better that I can do all my work again. I think Lydia E. l'inkhant's Vegeta Colil- pound a tine remedy for all woman's troubles, and I never forget to tell my friends what It has done for me." -Mrs. E. IIAxsoN, 304 East Long St., Columbus, Ohio. Another Wolman Ile1p:;tl. Graniteville, Vt. -"I \vas passing throughthe Changeof Life a;i,i suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. Pinks::lt:i'; \ ege3- table Compound restored rill '''!Band strength, and proved worth nlouut::ins of gold to me. For the salvo of other suffering women I am willing you svi.houldlle,Vt. publish my letter." --MRS. CILARLES BARCLAY, R.F.D., Granite - Women who are passing thrott'th this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pr- cullar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun•l, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every commu- nity you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. • Staffa.-What might have prove 1 a get• lour accident occurred to R. Ba: b:u • last week. Wh'1' crossing the brldg • 'n (rad of Wm. Oliver's farm it gave way, pav- ing been underniitied by the w.tier, and sank nearly four feet. Fortunat ly Mr. Barbour ese.ap'd with nOth'n; more a'r- lous than a wetting., Tuckcrsmtth. -W.J. Dever:u' of the 2nd con.'had the experience of being at- tackei by a bull in Seaforth last week. The animal knocked him down In the G. T. 11. yards and was about to gore hint when he was rescued by mint who were standl:lg near. You can see Gin Pills curing your Kidneys (lin Pills turn the urine BLUR. A tow hours atter starting to take Gin Pills for Kidney or Bladder Trouble, you will notice that tho urine ]las changed color. You see for yourself that Gin Pills have reached the spot and have started to cure. It won't bo many hours more until you FEEL that they aro doing you good. 50c. a box ; 6 for 12.50. At all dea- lers. If you can't get therm in you neighborhood, order direct. DEPT. A. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED, TORONTO Formerly rr,.a:e !v 7. Dote Drug Ce., Winnipeg tnq .4 Fullness and Bloating After Eating? Little Digesters 25c. a box. Cure or your money back. At all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto A A Live Daily Paper Will Put Money in Your Pocket. With The Toronto Ilaily Star's accurate daily market reports you could sell your grain and live stock at top- notch prices. Half a cent extra on just Soo busliels of wheat or oats would pay a year's subscrip- tion. 25c. a hundred weight on a dozen hogs would cover three years' subscriptions. Don't you ,depending on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you get them -miss tole prices by at least that much several times a year t Toronto Daily Star Pablisres Markel Reports 12 Io 18 Mears Earlier Tran die Marsh* Papers Every afternoon's issue of The Star contains that very day's quotations on the grain and live stock markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and other important cities. These are the same quotations that the next morning's dailies publish -12 to 18 hours later. $1.50 A YEAR CLUBBING OFFER This Poper and The Toronto Oe;ll lite togothsr for Ono Tear. (??.20. Odor• &sto d Pivotal* ion giros 4, 1104 *Mod to dots •sbseripfion p?iIH. 3