Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-29, Page 4Q$x tel Abtiocate Sanderru A Creech. Props. cfEuITUN. f I:L'C II . 11JGG1ES, tsCGCIES. Just ►irked.—A large consignment of buggies from five of the leadlug Brits of Ontario. in all the latest styles and designs. Any person l:tcnding buying will do well to lock over our stock before purchasing: We will save You money by so doing. No tt ouble to show goods. All vehicles are fully guarante..d. A call soil, ited.—TltE- vET.riICK d IlUDGINS. Crediton, OU,t. THURSDAY, Apr. 29,1009 If you have tweeted a kindness re- member it. If you have done a kind act forget P. We know this is contrary to ruatom, for eery city we hear someone bragging how lnu tt he or site has done for a neighbor, and at the same time bewailing the fart that the action was not appreciated. A bhort time ago we I:ear.1 a man brag;fing [.tat he had done a great deal for a tertatn woman In town. On t:e'ng asked what h.' had done he reeled that he had let tier do his fam- ily washing'. If the truth were known, the fact would probably be proved that see did it at a mighty low figure.. Spring is here willou t a doubt ; the small boy will soon doff his shoes and stotkings. don hes last year's straw hat, and with his pockets full of marbles be se:n down on his knees in the dirt deep In the mysteries of knuckle and law. A few days later when tired of Warbles you will find him on the banks of a creek with a can full of worms. a batnboo pole, and a fishing line, having a whale of a time. The buds on the trees will hardly show a tint of green before ;to will be swimming, taking a dose of cramps attd Just sties being drowned, having oceans of fun. bad colds and sore throat. Oh, halcyon days of youth; oh, spring time of life; oh, days of mumps, measles and stonebruts- ea. all too quickly you fly 1 the boy be- comes a man; old ago grows on apace; a few more 'years and he totters on the brink of the grave, yet a Inatf never gets no old but that in spring when the boys first get out their marbles he will stop a moment to watch the game and mem- ory will recall days long since past. TIIE SitE:\TII OF SIGHS (Caroline 'Wells, It Life.) One more unfortunate Gasping for breath, Rashly Importunate, Lac'el moat to death. Gaze at her tenderly. Dressed with atilt care ; Fashioned so slenderly By cotseiere. Look at her garments Clinging like ccrcmenta, Judge her not scornfully. Think of her mournfully. Gently and huniarllY ; Not of the heft of !ler All that 1s left of her Now ie pure womanly. 0, to what meagreness M tY a plump body come; Bpn'sl eg with eagerness Lee hu' a modicum. Se' !hoes elk antis of iters Cling Il; so lovingly 0,1e nil ch. Hay glovlrtgly. Seeithaig t'.osc hips of here. See her aunt tresses isa-apcd from the comb: Ile: :sir (golden tresses. While wonderment guesses Whose head they're from. She is dressed rightly. No Heiler how tightly tier heart is compressed: Dire-tolrc sheathing Hay atop Due's breathing. !tut vee is ti'cll-dressed. C, Jig T CO I% A. The KM You Hare AItrals B31gtlt Beau tie 81�aattue of CAPA Iiiit4:_> HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchfwan, Alberta r511 Tra;.rlea.. Taosae 2.00 p m. on APRIL 1, 20 VAT 4, 11 JUNE 1, 15, 29 JULY 13, 21 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 $%coed slam name from Ontario esseea. M peisupal Natlwen peter at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES \f ens et and retain 132 Un, Edmonton and r.n.ra $42 S. and to otIvi pini ,a M^rp itio• Tete. t•.o.l ro r••,. •n withal Nl de), i•,m twit dale TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on a0 ea,v,e•,+es C,.mh,nsbat friths. fo7s ewvrd with bodd.e. can be ermned it .oderote raw dvwsh local omm. Early application must be mad. ASA /On NOMIL•ttatii•' PAMPHLET eentutdas tatee .ad Nil isleertes. Anel, to swag C P R Ates[ er leR. L. Tia sols. Dec Peer Ass . Timm. ONLY DIRECT till MO CNAMa1 OF WS W. J. "‘AILING, Agent. SXE?BB, Taal' ifkafItilhudIt CEMENT'` BLOCKS` 1 We have purchased An Up -to -Date Machias i for the manufacture of Cement Blocks of i every description. Any person desiring black' 10 ehoold he sure to roll on us And get onr prices. P.Bawden &Son solider.• Ceatrsct•rs LM AIN ST. • ExErl:tt 11, WV' WWII 11,111PNIPIII M 'e. Fchwalm of (ialedo. I.i Is v:eit.ng ties and Mr.. August 11111 and othee t •quiint:.n e3 In the Mag. for a few dtya.—Alhert Cu;minghatn movel his household effects to A!Iea Craig. where he has a posttfon as bartender at one o: the hotels 1❑ that village.—Mita In - •n t %I.•ael Wends in Dashwood last ,unday.—Art. Zwtcker of London wan tee guest of his brother Charles last eunday••-Our brick and tile makers are busy cleaning up their yards in readl- :csa for the season's work. Largeequan- i s of tile have ben bold the past week Gerry Kuhn has cunslrurted a new tile kilt of i'tcreascd capacity and Joseph illicit at, busily engaged in erecting tile taeds.—Miss Clumsy 13reun purchased t piano last weak aged it was deliver- ed on t•'rtday.—Albert Morlock is kept bele), at tepair work. ; Since he has bought his hurtling lathe he Is able to repair work which was formerly an lin- pwsibilNy.—Our bowlers have been at rk on ttte green and expect to have evcrythtng In fine working order as soon as weather p.rntits.—A new fence ie being erected 111 front of the ideth:o- dist Pari onage and the residence of Mrs. M'Mutray.—John Wind has teen having some needed repairs done t3 hid dwel- ling the past week.—•iilra. Hallman of Berlin visited her slstet, etre. Charles Z•xl-ker, for a few days the past week. —Sir. R. 'W. Webster, wno hast been act- in; as Teller In the bank has been trans- ferred to Vt Ingham and Mr. Hooses of that town has been moved here. Barry Fowler, the ledger -keeper. left for his home in Feeforth ou Tueadhy ori account of 111 health. elle many friends hope he will soon be well again.—Our baseball Players had their first practl^e on Mon- day evening and from now on will get in shape for Victoria Day. The club is enticing arrangements to have some out- side team .here for the day and play a double Leader.—Our auto has been out esveral times the past wcek and; is now t' ting splendidly. Some of the horses .•111 object to it being oil the road. but • ,..y are g:•tl:g used to 1t. 6 CLANDEBOYE Ennis Pullman of London. an employe re:ently burned out. Is visiting friends of the Murray Shoe Company. who was here.—S. C. Chowen was in Camlachle lefondey purchasing a horse.—Dr. Sut- ton has discovered a cane of smallpox near Iter.', the patient tieing Miss Bertha Cunningham.—Pcry Bice wears a bland smile—!t is a wee girl.—Ira Bice has surcl:ased Inc stable belonging to Mrs. Cunn:nghatu w.,l h he 1..teud3 ntovht; to 'ass farm to use aa a work s v3P.—We are :sorry to hear that Celina Atkinson is elk with nervous trouble. K e hope Met she will soma be well again.—Nelson Cis`. station agent has been moved to Dereiester. where he has secured a bet- ter position. He leaves Thursday. Gar- :eet Case of Petrolea comes here.—Mrs. Cun:ringharn and fantllY leave for Lon- -toe this week, where they Intend to re- sat' In future. Our b:ot wishes go will. Pone—Mr. and Mrs. Canning of Grand lie:td specs Sunday here. OUTLOOK VOR THE YEAl A rather cold. backward opting It Ile hue glve:t favorable weattelr from thlo tante on. the prospects for the year are most encouraging. Thera was no scar- city of fodder this spring. and rattle have come through the winter in good condition. in all lines of proiuce the e-11' aliens point to a fairly satisfactory + i It priers. flogs are very high .e:nbs and beef are at a satisfactory figure; the outlook In dairying Is p: orals ing. and for the staple crop of the West 1.1; ly p-ofltable prices seem assured. T:;e p:'osperts are, too, lo: large pro- •t1,.e. lie the Wes: tic area in wheat will u:tdoubtedly be very greatly in- crease!. Thera will be at least 75,000 more p:ople to assist In proiuctice titan there were last year. and the acreage in crop of those already on the ground will also be widened. in Ontario. do. spite a dry tall, a good deal ot plowing •.vat done before whiter set In and the; probabilities arc for heavy seeding Ili s oars' grains. together with liv teased at- r:ntto.: to corn and ntoregchertl sowing for soling crops as a provlelo:t against drought. The shortage In dairy rattle following upon the dry season of two years ago, has also been fairly well ntnde up and It Is, Indeed. 1n hogs alone that Ontario farmers sem to fall shprt of be'ng in a pusl•l,tt to take full ad- vc:['age of the ettuetlon In which they find themselves. Ore the whole it is doubtful . If the country was ever faced by brighter prospects at this season of tee year than thou now existing. and. if there Is no ••'t -bark during the next five months. ttl,ttr will prove a baiter year in the story of the Domtne:el.—Weekly Sun. (HEAP SCHOOL BOOKS IIA'WKiNG M.1CLIINE. Catarrh Sufferers are Nothing itut Hawking, Spitting at.d Ulowiag Machines, Says sit Authority. T• a 1 hey (lovernn1'0 ham bud • a ,a • by which Public ec'hople will h^ enured a supply of readers of bet- ! •r qualley than ta0ee furnished now and grettly redu.'ed cost. The T. Eaton ts been awarded the tender for 1.# cents. with a disrount of twenty p'r rent. for rash. bringing the prl• e of the set of five bsoktf down to 1Ih. Pare o:d price for tee books was !1.15 for the set. The school book ring le now .t thing of tete past aria the peopic of ()Marto will benefit directly ee a result sf Us,' Promise mad • by Si- James Whit- ney. who said the price ot school tsooks wauld be lowered. The value of the concession obtained w lit be fully underate td by families :.amber of children of school age.. The p.1 lir of r.unttrou s s. hso: took., at • n • [slv, prise has bee.a one of the meet oppr•sslre an! Irksome lions in ester c - e e • with the family outg;s. and In se- x z the reduction In cost provided for 1•ney Government hap r •ttdered a s :' l 'e of great value to inose murh ! • ,sed of tee saw. it Is to bs hoped g''3d w .rk will go O t' and that ntnt!- it. r du tions will be secured. not Orly .l; ciao/ns of Public «'hoot book•,but ' »e In use in this High aerosols a• 1s it possible that In these days when cleanliness and sanitary reform is being preached in the churches, schools and gatherings. that thousands of people wil contlhue to suffer front catarrh when there is an absolutely certain remedy al- ways on hand. Hyomel (pronounced iIigh-o-me) Is a pleasant, medicated and antiseptic air Breathe it in and It wilt cure catarrh. It will stop foul breath, watery eyes, and cruets In the nose in b few days Mrs. I1. W. Wilson of Johnson St., \Vallaceburg, Ont.. says ; "Yee, we arc great friends to Iiyontet for the reason that Mr. Wilson Ilse had catarrh for several years and tried several remedies and doctors, but nothing has relieved the trouble like liyomet. I11s trouble 1 from pains across the eyes and a burn in or huskiness in his throat Somo times much difficulty in breathing, the glands Int his eyes and nose swollen and the disease made him literally sick all over. Ile cannot say enough in praise of liyontet. and there is nothing that can give better relief to catarrh than this remedy, w,lcit we ht artily recommend.' A complete llyomel outfit, consisting of a strong hard rubber pocket inhale and a bottle of ilyotnnet, coats only el and .extra bottles if afterwards needed cost only 50c. each. W. S. Cole sells 1 and guarantees It to do exactly as ad vcrtised. l tyomet also cures Asthma, Bronchi the Coughs, Colds and Infant's Croup I ant proud of Pugsley, said Sir Wil- frid; but the people in general do not feel that way. CASTOR IA For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mir -7Z D.ASiIWOOD ((,,• M. IIKOtieNsilrke, DASIIWOOI co.' VEV' 1'i. EtiCEK. Creeds, Wills, Mortgages and all Legal ilo.'uuieets.artfully and promptly prepared Charges moderateissuer of Marriage Licensee. M+'. J. Con tvu.rn moved with lila house- hold effects to Drysdale, where ho has been appointed postntast:r at that place. —Messrs. M. Vertu of Parkhill and, John hell of Lieury were in the village on Sunday.—Rev. L. K. Eldt has been re- turned by the annual Conference for another year. which fact will be great- ly appreciated by his people here.—Mr. John Schlundt Is re:eiving the congrat- ulations of has friends these days on the advent of a little son aa an addition to his family.—Rev. A. Geiger occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church on Sunday morning last. preaching in the Ge -man language. --Dr. Quarry and Mr. Art. Zwlcker and Miss Inman of Cred- iton were visitors at the home of Mr. Jonas Bartlelb on Sunday last.—Mrs. Sam'I Schroeder and family leaves this week to Join her husband at Carberry, Man.—Four more new members Joined the Y. I'. A. at the last business meeting. —On \\'eineaday of this week Mr. Dun- can Stader and Diss Susie Schroeder were united in holy bonds of matrimony at the Lutherlan church in this place, ftev, Shun, the pastor officiating. We extend congratulations to the young couple GRAND VEND Mr. Wm. Devine has gone to Exeter where he will work for Mr. C. hackney. —Mr. Sam. Gratton has moved into .Mr. Leavitt's house,—Me. 1). Wilson of near Arkona visited here 'luesday. — Mrs. Foster, who has been with Mre, John Gill. was called to her son's, owing to the illness of her daughter-in-law last week.—Mr. Ted. Lamport of Dentleld cal led here Friday. -31r. Grigg of Exeter was in our burg Saiurday.—Mr. Ycare ley of neat' Crediton was here Friday.— Mr. Maurice Brenner went to Forest last week. -31r. Canning spent Sunday with friends at Clandeboye.—Mr. Emery Car- rier° Is home from Kingston.—Mr. and Mrs. L. Battelle were in Zurich last Monday. SUBSCRIBE for the Advocate and get all the news. New Spring Goods arriving every day. We have the NEWEST and MOST STYLISH GOODS this store has ever shown Colne and see our new goods before purchasing New Dress Goods with thtkt,sot sstylish fabrics. consisting of Striped Suitings, Berges, Panantas, Wool Venetians, Fancy Lustres, Satine Cloths. Voiles, et 'spine ('Ioths, kc., &c. Ladies' New White Wear — Shirt %Valets, Gowns. Skit ta, Corset ('avers, die., site. — New Wash Goods heaptDe, f.ine'no, F'tn ": Vest lives, Muslim:. Lim ttSuitings -'fill 1'Eitl" LATEST— Shit Hogs, kc., &C. Men's Spring Suitings J" .t and and Iatt'gest Assortment of Fancy Spiting, ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and colors. (`all and see there before you purchase your Spying Snit. Prices RIGHT Ideal Woven Wire Fencing All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do well to give u' a call. Sole agents for the nie,ve fencing, Highest Prices I'aid for Farm Produce GIVE US A CALL !!! TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER, THE I3USY STORE - - • DASHWOOD Buggies!. Buggies'. Buggies! JUST ARRIVED --A large consignment of Buggies from five of the lending firms of Ontario, in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing. We will save you money by so doing. No trouble to show goods. All vehicles are guaranteed. A call solicited, TREVETHICK & HODGINS, Crediton . • • Ontario i is F f :a e ee-eee The Dashwood furniture Store I wish to announce to the public that our stock is now one of the largest and best that we have ever carried. Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines No agents. Cotnmieslon goes to you. House Furniture gos hnnthwe lceoamnlgtme 'rgn'd of Canada, ort we are barred from none. We have a !Argo assortment of Window ehedee. Curtain Poles and Trimming/, Roby (7arrisgee, Folding (`arts, Go -Celts. Express Wagons, Curtain Stretchers, Mtep•I.adders, Carpet Sweeper/, Picture Moulding, Boone Moulding, Melo es, Etc. Dracut Extension Rode, White Cottage Curtain Rode, ilk each. Picture Framing done on shortest notice. r.UNDERTAKINC'"'w We carry a lsrge and well assorted stock in Ibis line. in time of need do not fail to call. Any orders received by phone will he promptly Attended to. Please call and exemine our stork and get prices. %Mum. P. McISAAC, Dashwood THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED lie/ D. Z. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 ALSZANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of $10, $20, $50, $100 and $200 and the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Fragce, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland is stated on the fa. a of each cheque, while in other countries they are payable at current rates. The cheques anti all information regarding them may be obtained at every office of the'Bank. 131• Exeter Branch—O. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton The effectiveness of housecleaning can be ma- terially increased by the use of paints 'and var- nishes. Your work will show results, the house will not only he cleaner but look cleaner. SHERW/N-W/LL/AMS BRIGHTEN UP FINISHES Perhaps there is a chair or two that should be varnished, some shelving to be painted, or a floor with worn spots that needs refinishing. It's the eros things like these that in the aggregate make a house "spick and span and homey.'+ S -W. Brighten Up Finishes laciude a Faith, varnish, stats and comet finish for everything in - tide the house. TeU the Sherwin - Whims dealer what you want to Hsieh and he will give you the BdOtea Up Finish particularly Ice booklet, $b0.apted foe Tour 1ParP�' Wats TME SIIER11N-WltuJrs CO. Brighlt LARSCST PAINT AND VARNISH S 11011111101111,D.fishmeal' IN THIN 1/IN11I/10 en Up KII'I'EN Detth of Mrs. Shaffer,—Last week tho dctth of one of the oldest and most high ly esteemed residents took place, in the person of Margaret Detchert, wife of Mr. Henry Shaffer, atter an illness of only three dire She was a native of Ger- marty and was 61 years of age. When a /Until girl she came to this country. se' - line t t the .1 hilly of New hamburg, and late • cline to Zurlrh. In 1895 she was mar:1'd ani had ten a resident of our village for iii yeara. Deceased was a goo 1, kiwi Christian WOnn•tn and during her long residence in the village had en - de trei herself to all. She was held In the highest esteem by the travelling pa- il., for no pereo:s ever stopped at her horse who w'ts not given a hearty wel- come and treated with genuine hospital- ity. Hers la ,the third deattt in the fam- ily in five months. her sister, Mrs.Kraft of Dashwood and her brpther, John Del - chert of Zurlrh having died In that time. The funeral took place to the Zurich cern [cry and was very largely attended. Tuckersutilh.—Dave) Ferguson, a well- known resident of this township, died April 20th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jae. Strong, 4th con. Ile was a na live of Scotland, born there 67 y.'are ago. and coming to this country when eight years of age. Ile lived ht Grey. township until 16 years ago when he carne to this township, retiring one year ago. Death was due to a stroke re e l .e! Eastt r Sunday. $$100 Reward 5100. The readers of this piper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all ire stages, and that is Catarrh. 11a11's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure boo known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dlvaae requires a constitu- tional treatment. 11a11',. catarrh Cure is taken In•' ternally,seeing directly mein the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and asslot• Ing nature in doing its work. The proprietor. have so ranch faith in its curati.e powers that they offer One hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CIIENEY a CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents. Tate Halle Family Pills for constipation. The Molsons Bank inrorpnrated ISM Capital (paid up) Rest Fund - - $3,500,000 - $3,500,000 !las 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and ('orreapondent,: it, all tilt' Principal Cities in the World. A 6H1I $RAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate. - EXETER BRANCH - Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLiNG, Soliciturm. N. D. HURDON, Managers FARMERS WANTED FARMERS WANTED To go with us and tee onr fine wheat farms in Saskat- chewan and Alberta. Train leaves on Tuesday, May 4th. All parties will be shown over our lands at our expense. All purchasers will have their railroad fare refunded out of first cash payment. SPRING WHEAT In the Egale Lake District on the direct route of the C.N,R. from Saskatoon to Calgary. FALL WHEAT In Sunny Southern Alberta on the direct route from Was burn to Leathbridge. John Charlton, Exeter, Agent ge to� poison,