Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-29, Page 160c to JAN. '10 NOV\IS THE TIME futttcrihe(ter the Aovo• UA'FE and get it bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates Wedding Invitations In Ne•ate.t Type On Mat Pa per's 1'he pones `sulk And Itieht Prices The Advocate Office, Exeter TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. TIIURSDAY. APRIL 29. 1909. SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable We are showing a very fine line in Men's and Boys' Clothing in the cor- rect styles. Prices : Men's from $5 00 to $14 (1J Vont lib' from $3.00 to $7.50 Boys' frrni $1.00 to $0 5(1 Our Men's and Boys' Hats were never better as to style. price and quality. A very Dretty hitt for young wren in the NEW EMERALD SHADE. in the Bret EnKliele Felt.... WE HANDLE THE Star Brand Shirt, which is noted for its style and perfect fitting qn a:it t Also a very fine line Duck Shirts, with Reversible Collar Suitable for Spring and Summer Wear. A Grand Carpet Bargain ! For one week only we will sell ALL WOOL CARPETS, ..n.• sa:d wide. ranging in pt ice from 65c to $1.00—to clear 49c and 69c CARLING BROS. New Wall Papers OUR STOCK OF WALL PAPERS is complete in every detail. If you have a room that does not suit you ani has not the attractive appearance that you wish, go to R. N • Rowe and buy some of that lovely paper he is showing. Also look at his linoleumns and lace curtains. They are beautiful. And prices are the lowest' We can prove it to you! COME IN We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries R. N. ROWS PHONE 22 — ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST•OFFICE 4118000000000031001.4100610001,00 floreetbssl.■al Cards. DE SOC'LSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 1L DENTIST Mestber of the R. O. D. S. of Ontario and Honor *Mutts of Toronto UM.ersity. OVTICI: Over Dickson a rarling s Law Once, Is D. Asdenon'e former Dental Parlors. D. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. a.• �Henor graduate of Toronto U.Ireri•ty. DENTIST. EMI extracted without any pain, or any bad effect• Once over Oladman a Stanbury's office, Milo Bset.r. Medical HR 9111011T, M. D., M. C. F. It S., HONOR • Graduate of Toronto University. Two years resident ph-;sictan Roeal Alexandra Hospital, et.•. Orere and Residence, 14. Amos Old Stand, Andrew Street. EXETER. DR. T. P. MCLAt'GIII.IN HN -- tenoned prvtl re afters •endinlc a 1 ear (Col. lege) .t British and Continental hospital& General practice with 'pe•ial attention to Eye, (with refrae• tion) Ear Nose and Throat. Urect: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DicasoN a CARi.ING, BARRISTERS, SOLICi ton, Notaries. Con, elan -ere, commissioners 0olleiton for Mol•ons stank, et. - Mosey to Loss at lowest fait!, of lntereet 011ies, Main atreet, Exeter, 1. a. Oases., IL A., I. 13. maws OItET TO LOAN. it w• bare a !arse amount of private funds to loan • farm and .illa,re properties at low rates of Inter set. OLADMAN & STANRU'RT, Barristers, Solicitors. /lain et., Exeter On B.S. PHILLIPS, EXETER. Llces.ed Auctioneer. Sales attended In all pars. Aatiafwtion ruaran• teed of no pay Term. reasonat le. All orders left at Ache—wee Ore,. will be promptly attended to. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Mein -St.. Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN A large amou t' of rno:,cy to loan on Wm and village properties at lowest rates. ERNEST ELLiOT, Conveyancer. etc. Office opposite Central Hotel. Exeter. HOUSE FOlt SALE An excellent brlek house. modern and up-to-date. Situated on Main street. Apply at this Office. FCAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. • Barce,.oe LO Da. RAYIAY, Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calla left at the home of Mr. Peter Ba. den Main street, (opp. Trivitt Memorial Churrh), will be promptly & tended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO Oeice—Dr. Ramsay's old stand, corner of Wain and Borth etretta, (opp. Pym'. Blacksmith Shop). Tour patronage eollclt td PIROPEIRTY FOR SALE. • New prick cottage, two story, contain- ing eight rooms, with furnace, electric light and all modern convenlenccs. hard .ted soft water. Two lots, situated on S..: doer street. Exeter. Apply at Advo - in Office. FARM i'OR SALE 77. acres of the 1st col. of Blddulp't. Lot 2. 1-4 mile from Centralia . 65 ac. u ;.ire cultivation, to ac. Rash pasterc. T. t re is a good two-story brick cottage t.,arn 34 by GO. Other build:rigs also, 3 good wells. 2 orchards; possesalon at orre. Apply on the premlacs. THOS. W. NEiL.. BCS AND DRAY BUSINESS Having decided to go 'tato t he Itue and D:ay Business In E-eter i have placed a new and up-to-date rig o,i the road for the conveyance of passengers to and trorn the station, and respectfully so- licit a fair share of business of the travelling public. Calls at the office, phone 41A, cheerfully attended to WM. ARNOLD. Prop. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDERSON. Lk sed Auctioneer for Iluror, County. Terns icasor,able. Bates can be made at tte Advo•atc. Exeter. or Henry Ellber's Office, Cred- 'ton. I' ';T('RE FOR CATTLE AND (HORSES T..e undersigned can take a limited ::umber of cattle and horses for pasture by the month. For particulars apply to R. D ttulnton. Saintebury P. 0.. Lot A. nth Con. Osborne HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. Tt,c undersigned is ofttr:ng for sale a good brick house and 10 acres of land. Part of South Flail Lot 4. ton. 2. Ste. phcn. The i.ouee 1s In good repair. also a good frame barn and woodshed. Rood soft and hard water. never falling well. good orchard, 3-4 mile from school. 1 ani 1-4 nt l^s from rhur. h. Possession give t next fall. Apply on the premises. MRS. WiNER, Centralia P O. A NEW STORY. ' The Mysterious ley," or "Planning for the Future" 1s tne title of the new serial story catutancncIng in the Advocate this we'k. It will undoubtedly prove ae interesting as the story that ended last weak. P.opl• were greatly pleased with the last one and told uif •0. If you are not now a subscriber at .rt at once and get the advantage of a cheap rate and the eonune,i cuneut et the new eerie!. NOiRTH MIDDLESE'. LICENSES The board of license romtnissiontre for the north riding of Middlesex met to the town hall, %ilea Cralg, Thurs- day last. The following received llcensce.— ,Ulsa Craig—e \ Monroe, H. McColl. Lucan—W. A, McLean, J. McFalls. Granton—Irwin Shaw. Clandcboye—Thos. I lennesey. Strathroy-11. McIntyre, Queen's Hotel; J. W. Pranelcy, American Hotel; Geo. Haneoek, Pranglt y Ilouse ; It. Frcele, Al- bion Hotel; Jas. Alexander, Commercial. Ker wood—James McKee. Adelaide—Chas. Clclford. Parkhill—Hewell Bros., Hastings llouae, John Shaffer, Powell )louse. Martin Breen of tne Franklin hotel, Parkhill. and Zaceariah bicCorm[ck, of Lucas, were given three months. and O. R. Gough. of Napier, one month to close ou . I . Mt•Cornti k's caseif a suitable tenant applies for the hotel. the license linty be issued for balance of year. The. appl)':atlon of John M• Kinnon, of Parkhill, for a )!cense for Arlingtpn Hotel. was held over to give hhn an Op- portunity to make arrangements with Martin Breen, of the Franklin House, who has been given Vireo months to :lose up. SPRING SHOW OF ENTIRE STOCK The annual Spring Show of Stallions and Bulls under the auspices of the S. Hu:o.t Agil:ultu el So isty, wl l be held In the VILLAGE OF BRUCEF'IELD ' ON FRIDAT, APRIL 80, 1909. FREE FIOI;SE CDJIPETITION , There will be no prizes offered for horses and there will ba no judging by the Sorlety, but the Society, in order to encourage a large tuinout of stallions. p:rntit all horses which' will stand 1,:e at least one day In each w;els witnhn the bounds of South Hurare, to show In their respective classes. and the Society will pay $4 for each horse entered for this competition ; the horses to b^ shown i:1 their respective classes when and for such time as the Direct- or. require. The Directors reserve the right to ex• lude from competition any horse or horses they may deem un- worthy. For such rejected horses no :non( y will be paid, although they may have been properly entered In accord- .te a with these rules and the rules of the snow. No horses trust be. shown that arc not eligible to travel. Aged draugnet stallion. Clyde or Shire; draught stallion fo.ilei in 1906 ;draw ght etallloon foaled In 1907 ; aged agricul- tural or Qanadlait draught stallion ; ag- ! ultural or Canadian draught stallion foaled in 1906; agricultural or Canadian draught station foaled In 1907; aged earrlage or coach stallion. not less than 10 hands high; carriage or coach stal- l:on foaled In 11100; carriage or coach stall:on foaled At 1907; aged roadster staLlon, not more than 16 hands high ; roadster slat lxi foaled in 1906; blood stallion, all blood stallions 3 years and over must not b3 1:es than 15 1-2 hands high. BULLS Ag.e1 Shorthorn bull $8, 6, Shorthorn Bull. calved after 1906, $8 6, 4. Shorthorn Bull. calvei after S pt 1st. 1907. $8, 6, 4. AyrshI'e Bull $0. 4, 2. llercford !lull. $6, 4, 2. Polled Angus Bull. $0. 4. 2. Jersey Bull. $6, 4, 2. Iloleteht Bull $6, 4. 2. A sweepstek, badge will be awarded the best Durham. Hereford or Polled An- gus Hull as beefing animals, and to the best Jers y, Ayrshire or llolsteint for dairy animal.. A Canadian brei stal- lion is one that does not trace to Inti• ported stork on the side of the dam. The me:nb'rsh!p fee Is $1. Non-mem- b.ra will be eharg'd an admittance fee of 13 cents. Entries can be made with the Secretary at Bossenberry's Hotel u.tttl 11 o'clock on the day of the show. Arrangements will be trade to have ample stable accomodation for all the horses. W. D. SANDERS, M. 1'. Mt LF. \N, President, sen It Ureter. Seafo.th. 4. Sept. 1st, TENDERS foe CONCRETE ABUTMENTS Sealed Tenders will bs' received by the und?rslgned up to Monday. May 3rd,1909 at 12 o'clock noon for the conetructlon of cement abutments in Crcdito-i for a bridge. across tho Sauble River. Plans and sprei',,et.ons can be sten at the of - flee of the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. HENRY EiLI,ER, Clerk of Towne'.1p of Stephen, Crediton. Ont. Announcement to the Public 1 EXCURSION The South Huron Farmer's inetltu'e has decided to conduct an Excurslo•t to The Otntario .Agrlruitural College at Guelph on Friday. Juno 11t't. Keep this dal^ i;: trend and make, arrangenir:es to take It in. Particulars later. W. D. Sa•.- dere. Pres., 13. S. I'hi'i.ps, Secy. SOUTH IIL'RON LICENSES. The South Huron Board of License C.n teisstottere met at 13ruccticid on April 23, to consider the appllcatlpns fo. 1L^enses for the ensuing year. Then were no shop licenses granted in this district. The follo•.sl::g tave^n licenses were granted, vlz— Villago of I3ayfield—Ales. Robins on. Commercial Hotel; Mrs. E. Elliott, Alb:on Hotel, Village of Exeter—W, T. Acheson. Cen- tral Hotel; L. W. Painter, Commercial John Motley. Metropolitan; 11. W. Di n- ney, Mansion Ilouse, got two months l0 9'h out i,i. stock. Township of Iiay,—It, It. Johnston, Dontlinon llouae, Zurich; J. P. !tau, Cotnnr_r.i .1. Zurich ; •Mrs. W. Nicholson, Blake hotel. To'Hnsh'p of Tu keremith—Bru_e 13oe- senberry, Dixon Ilouse, Brucefleld ; G. Stro:.g, Strong's Hotel. Township of Stephen—Wm. Moffatt, Du:ft'r:n Ilou.t', Centralia ; August I1111 C. steal I iotel, Crediton; 11. C. Clarke, Royal hotel, Crediton ; 13. Cunningham, I:hlva Hotel; Jos. 'tiler, Ontario House Mt. Cermet ; Eera Brenner, Shipka hotel ; Mrs. Win. Fritz, Brenner House, Grand Bent; '.Van. 7..:tinier, Cunenx reed Hotel, Dashwood. Tho f"''o ' ! ig resolution was also pas se 1.—` ......... i teat the application o1 N. M. Cautitt of St. Joseph, for a tavern Ilrense for the Balmoral Hotel be not granted in the meantime, but the coin- miasloners are willing to take the mat- ter into their favorable consideration, whenever they are satisfied the fuure de:elopmtnts ani business interests of the locality justifies the granting of a license, and further that the hotel be fitted9 to .-llsfaction of the in- spe_t Local Items NO TIME to opens out the Dry Goods Steric at the Exeter Bargain Ston.. but all the Dry Goods will be opened out to -day, Thursday, _lith of April. The Clacking Big Bargains all this week. and the balance of the Groceries and Boota and Shoes must go this week. Ittt'ling Big liargains for three days. Thursday, Friday land Saturday. J. W. 13RODEIRICK Mrs. Darn,' is the guest on Mrs. Mary El worthy. Mr. W. G. lilsectt was In London Tues d ty on bus'nces. Mr.e,,•.,H. Dickson was In Ooderich on be ei:teei Tor ed:ty. Mr. Janies Walter, was In Hamilto:t on tuslnces this week. Mr. and Mee. harry Cudmore of Clin- ton 'felted her: this week. Mr. Barry ltendlc left Monday for -epokane. Wash., to reels Ni es Maggie Carling of Toronto vis- ited Mr.. E. Chri.t'e this week. et s i Mary E. Taylor spent Saturday el town the guest of het parents. Thr pas: w'e,k has been one of draw- back to tate farriers owing to the rains. Mrs. Illrney I:aa retut'nzd from a visit of two weeks in Detroit and Windsor. Mr. Robert McFall. Is this week mov- ing wan his family to Centralia to re- side. Mass Pearl Bissett has returned from Clinton where she has been for some Hillis. The shershold:ta of the Exeter QaneIng Company meet In the Town lidll to -day at 1.80. Mrs. Llviegstonc of `4 Iv( Eton Is .le- tting her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo',n llawkshaw, Mrs. II. J. Glanville of London is the guest of her mother Mrs. Sweet, Huron street, this week. T. E. (landlord shipped a car of fine horses west on Monday. 1'. Coleman, ao- conlpenyinig them. Meseta. Thos. Case and Wm. Murray were among the nutnber acting to the ca - parity of Jurors at Ooderich this week. W. W. Tainan was taken 111 quite sud- denly ('1 Tuesday afternoon, and is con- fined to ids roost at the Commercial. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carter, who have been r:sidents here for some time mov- ed with teclr family to ilderton Mon;lay Me. it. S. Lang of Ste Marys was hare Wetnesday on burtincss in connection with the manufacture o1 apple barrels for the fall trade,. Rev. 11. N. Steveneo,i, 13. D.. of Toronto will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday next. Mr. Stevenson d.d planar duty lie -e in February. Mr. NVm. Flet^hrr had a few momenta (netting experience on Thursday )ant his horse became frightened by a.t auto. the animal fallhig and necess- itating the help of a few men before th ngs were righted. No damage or hurt was eustahtel. We would call the attention of the readers of The Advo^ate to our clubbing offer with The News. Toronto, where- by they can obtain the two papers for tf2.30. The News 1s unquestionably one of the most influential papers published in Canada. Its editorial comments be- ing quoted from one end of Canada to the other. For anyone wlstting to keep In touch with Canadian affairs there Is no better paper than the News. Sam- ple copies can ba obtained by dropping a post -card to this office. The nt irrlage took plan at the real - len -0 of Mre. noted', Station street, on Wednesday aft moon. April 29th. of Mr. Jah,z et arc y of the Township of Ilay to Mrs. Bella Hicks of Exeter North. ceremony was p.rforni'd by Rev. E. A. Fear In the presence of a few of the in- timate ft:ends. The couple were unat- tenicd. Th: brae wore a prin'esa gown of Swiss rinb:o.dery and cirtied a beau Weil bouquet of bridal roses. and hrr hair decorate! with )range blossoms. aft.. Maudle Hicks, daughter of the bride mad, a very pretty little flower girl. After eongr.tulttlo.te t• rumptu)us Fup• per wan served. The bride was the rer:- pt'nt of a number of beautiful pr se.tt.. Mr. and Mrs. Stacey left for their home Ie the evening whrre a large :rums^r of friends had gathered to give them a !.catty weleom3. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott, who hav0 hen .felting at Seattle, Wash., for sev- eral mouths, returned to their hontcthere Monday. ADJOURNED VESTRY MEETING — The adjourned 'navy meeting of the Trlvitt Memorial Church was held in the School Hall Monday evening last wit`s the rentor, D. W. Collins presid- ing. The auditors, Mesar,, N. D. Ilur- don and C. H. Sanders were present and gave their report of the finances of the church, after which considerable bus!. nee; was die(uesed and traneactcd, and among other t!.ings put on record was a hearty vote of thanks Co the Ladles Guild, The Ctiotr, Sunday Sehoul and Bell Ringers. The rector was granted a four week.9' leave of absence, during the month of July, or whets he desired it. SOLD OUT.—Mr. A. Hastings, who for neerly a quarter of a century has con- duetei a barber shop In town, has 41x-' posed of the business to eir,W,D; husks and Mr. A. Pernprase. During Mr.lfaet- ings long business career here he has established for himself a most enviable reputat:on as master of his calling, attd has enjoyed a large and lucrative trade being always attentive to business as well as being uniformly obliging and popular. The new proprietors are both popular young then and should fully coil mend the business enjoyed by their pre- decessor. Mr. Hastings *has not yet de.. Bide:t as to hie future intentions. but for the present he will continue to work in the shop for a time. BIRTHS Caldwell.—In tle:,sall. ort April tl, to Mr. and ars. Arthur Caldwell twine, a boy atrl girl. Foster—Greenway, Apt 11 1fltlt, to 1.1t, and Mrs. Joscplt L. b'ostcr, .t son. M:\1;RIAGES Snider—Schroeder—\t Dashwood, on 28 April. by ltev. Tt,un, Duncan Snider, to Miss Suslee Schroeder. Stacey—Ilb ks—In Exeter on April 29th, Mr. Jabez Stacey of (lay Townshlp.ato Mrs. Vella hicks of Ereter oNrth. Shea—Cruise—In Logan, on the 21Et Inst. Mr, Michael Shea of Iiibbcrt. to Niles Louisa Cruise, of Mitchell. Matheson—llalls—At Blyth, on April 21, James Matheson of Rensselaer, led., to Miss Jennie netts, formerly of Ex- eter. flatter—Pierce--Lt London, on April 20, Walter F. flatter of Exeter, to Miss Elba J. Pierce o1 Alvineton. Smith,—I'reszcator.—At Dashwood on 22 April, by Rev. Thutt, Mr. Henry Smith to Miss Flossie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Preszcator, all of Step- hen. DEATI15 Ferguson—In Tukerentlth, on April 21 David Ferguson. aged 67 years and 23 days. Shaffe —In Kippen on April 18th, Mre. Henry Shaffer, aged 63 years, 9 mos, 21 days. The general public will take notice Oitat 1 .un doing business in Exeter in the line of purchasing all kinds of scrap, for who 11 1 not lir Pp '4 t., 113y the following prices : Scrap Iron. ... 45c cash, 50c trade, per hundred Rags 55c Rubbers 4c Horse Hair... 22c Copper 7c if It of tt 60c 5c ee per pound 25c 8c it if of (3 re ee All purchases to be delivered to T. HA\VKINS & SON'S If AItl)WARE, EXETER. whete the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the same store, where prompt attention will be given. Fair dealing is one motto and we will give you every cent )our staff is worth. Hold Your Scrap for Us, it will pay you well 1 M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second - Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. 1 am the only authorizeu Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issuean Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. House Cleaning Supplies Ready -;fixed Paints, per tin ....10c, 15c, 25c. 3"f', 45c Senoar's Floor Paints. 46e Campbell's Varnish Stains, per tin..15c, 25c, 45c, 85c Floorglaze Enamel, . 35c, GOc Alabastine and `iurallo. per pkge... , .. 25e, 50c Aluminum Paint, 0 10c, 25c Gold Enamel, " 25c Paint Brushes 5c. 10c, 15c. 25c Wall Paper Brushes 25c White Wash 20c, 25c, 35c Carpet Beaters 10c, 15c Curtain Stretchers $1,4rn, $2.00 Carpet Sweepers $2.25, $4.00 Washers ..... $ri 00 to 87.50 Wringers $3.50 $4.50 Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser, per pkge 28c Step Ladders 81,00 to 81.75 Gals. Pails, Galy. Tubs and Wash hoards. Samson Portland Cement for Walls. Floors. Silos and Walk:, Lowest prices. AEAMAN'S HARDARE & STOVE STORE