HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 8Let Us Measure your fieur tor a Suit, and the figure we will ask will please you as well as the per:e:t fit we will guarantee you. We arc scrupulously careful to fit a,{1 our patrons to perfection, as every gar- ment that tasves our establishment be- comes un adeeetlse!' .it for us. We will give you your choke of the finest and newest fabrics. We do the rest. --- N. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them For quality, value and style in Room Bugs Steuart has them all teat -6,50 to 130. w Dr. Ovens Coming. Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Burgeon, wilt he at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, Apr. 2-lth. Glasses properly fltted and diseases of Eye, Ear anti Nose treated. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.tn. Buy your Wall Paper at Stewart's— style, quality and value all in your fa- vor. 1000 Buahcls of WHEAT WANTED at the mill. — HARVEY BROS. Scotch Litu..eum 2, 3 and 4 yds wide, Tile, Floral and Oriental Patterns—the kind that wear :cell and luck ueil—Stew- a rt. APPRENTICE WANTED AT ONCE.— To learn tallorir:g. W. W. TAMAN. If you miss seeing Stewart's windows this week you'll miss a raretreat—they're great. BUGGIES, BUGGIES. A Carload of First-class Buggies Just received at W. G. Blssett'e, Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER w4. ANDERSON, Licensed Auctioneer for Moron County. Terms reasonable. Dates can be made at tee Advo:ate, Exeter. or henry E11ber's Office, Cred- Iton. Riess Millinery business is booming at Stew art's—their plata erre eery pretty. Repair Shop Gun repairing Umbrella repairing Lawn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissors " Horse Clippers " Saws gummed and tiled Wringer Rollers. All kinds of keys tiled and locks repaired. New Bicycles and Sundries Guns and Ammunition in stock. WANTED Skin Mork Rat SkiuQ. Highest market prices. 1 J. TRIEBNER Three doors North of Post Office 444++++ Off With the Old ---ANI)-- Oa With the New it will not be long till your thoughts are turned to a new O,ittit for Spring. This sea- son will bt, more than ever in advance with new styles and fabrics. New Suits for Spring New Topcoats for Spring New Raincoats for Spring New Suitings for Spring The new spring Tines are coining in daily now. We are confident of being able to please ion in the leeet particular. W. JOHNS w.rchast Tailor- Exeter 144-14+144$44-1-1-4-1-1-1-1-14� IP LOCAL DOINGS. WAIL Ala a,ak heek 14.elk,t'kaaa aim '•!r, Samuel Cubbledlek la quite 111. \t'. and Mrs. Chris Luker are recov- g nicely front their illness. \Ir. John W. Taylor lost a valuable ow through death Tuesday night. COAL :SAES.—Anyone wishing (041 ashes may have a quantity at this office Mr. M. Salter has recovered iron, a•r eleesa of several days and has rcturn- , 1 to his work. . Niter. Jas. Dennis has been quite Ill during the past week, but we are pleased to note she Is how on the mend. %ir. W. G. Statham is this week instal- ling a new dough mixer, which will be operated by his gasoline engine. The new machine will be a great labor saver. The annual meeting of the eharchold• erg of the Exeter Canning and I'reserv- ing Company will be held lit the Town Hall on Thursday, April 29111, conUnen- eing at 1.30 p. nt. The recent heavy showers are delay- ing farming operations somewhat, but in Ontario there 1s no great haste for seed sowing. as there is no danger of frost at the harvest time. Niles Ena Nicl'hereo:, has bee:: engaged to teach in S. S. No. 5, Usborne, In suc- cession to Mies Itobineon, who resigned owhlg to lllneso. Mies Robinson will go \Feet to recuperate. Mies McPherson en- tered on her duties Monday. The marriage of Miaa Elat: England, daughter of Dr. and Airs. Frederick 11. England, of Chicago, to Mr. Elsner Mc- Cullough Tytner, took place lu that city a few days ago. Dr. and ears. England were former residents of Exeter. Mrs. England being formerly Miss Stnale. Teachers' salaries have Increased the last few years by $191 for melee and $90 for females. if Whitney has not acoomp3alced anything else the Province owes hint Its gratitude for this service to the educatiortal Interests of the people. There 18 no work more Important than the education of the young. Mr. Marchant, who was recently ap- pointed organist at the Trivitt Memor- :.tl c•hurc'n, has commenced his duties and moved with his family from Hen- sall into the tenement house awned by Mr. James Waltera on Albert street. Ae an otganlat Mr. Marchant comes highly recommended and we welcome him and family as cltizene to our town. WAKE UP.—To-day Is the time to a'd- 'er,iee.—Every thy you wait means mon- ey loit.—Thousands are buying similar goods to yours to -day front competitors whose trade you nmight have.—Unknown met L Is wasted merle.—There is nothing under the sun worth buying that Judic- ious advertising won't sell.—Get every dollar that good adver,ising will bring by placing your ads. in the Advocate. There Is no succession duty On an es- tate that doesn't exceed •1t),000. The Succession Duty Act says no duty shall be leviable on any estate the value of which doesn't succeed $10,000. It also says that no succession duty shall be levied on property passing to a father, mother, husband, wife, child, daugeter- in-law, or eon -in-law. where the aggre- gate value of the property so passing doesn't exceed $50,000. Mr. David Gillis was the victim of an unfortunate accident on Sunday last. Ile was engaged Inc feeding the team oif horses Ile drives for Mr. James Oould and when about to descend from the hay loft in some manner lost his hold and balance, falling to the floor below, a distance of ten or twelve feet and In the fall sustained a bad shaking up. lie was at once taken to his home and a pl.ysh fan summoned. Ile Is now do - ;tug as well as can be expected. On F i lday evening the Ladles' Aid of Main street Methodist church gave a delightful social evening In the base- ment of the church. Tne menu consisted of biscuits, muffins and maple syrup, and it was much enjoyed by all present. Tho meeting was presided over by Mrs. E. A. Foll(ck. and she was assisted In the literary pari of the program by Mrs. Vernon. woo gave a rtadine ; Mr a. Hooper a reading: Mrs. Fear. a solo; a number of ladies in a meek five o'clock tea ; the Ladi'e'Aid. a rhorue \\"f 1's Powe I. wite the phonograph. A11 • nr nunlbera wt re thoroughly cn:oycd. When we ace a young man. who Is a kik 0:: :a moderate salary in a store, smoking 1U -cent cigars and occasionally going to get his drinks In a saloon, we make up our mind 'hat the young man Is eprnding all he earns. When we see him in addition to these riding about town 1n a livery rig. we then arc satis- fied that same young man he stealing from his employer ; and it Is strange that young men do not know that old businces men tread them through and through, and such Wren ran never se- cure places 0: trust and responsibility. 'lr. A. 11. Muagrotc. ee-printipal of the \Vingham High Scnoot. and now Con- servative member too North iluroa in the Ontario Leglslatur:. has b:en engag ed by the Exeter School Board to teach the room in the High School Department made vacant by Miss 3teba Gregory ask- ing for leave of absence until mid-sum- incr. Nervous trouble is the cause of Miss Gregory's request. Mr. Musgrove 1s a teacher of many years standing and the School Board may be considered for- tunate In having secured his services. Ile entered on his duties on Monday. Asked what was the best summer drink. a famous phyetclan repl:cJ, "But- ter -11111k. aI!d It Is also the best winter drink .and the best drink all the year round." Noted European scientists have come to the same conclusion as American physicians. after some years of tests, and it Is now declared that a minimum of one quart of buttermilk a day will add from ten to twenty yearn to a man's life. In fact buttermilk as a remedial agent cannot be too highly praised. STA NLA K E—McLEOD. The marriage took place on Wednesday afternoun. April 14th, at 4 o'cio-k. at the home of the bride's parents. Aline CTa14, of Mr. Nelson etenlakr. son Of Mr. S11:as Stanlake of the Lake road. Sodom. to MIss Laura McLeod of Allsa Craig. The cerentotty was perform•.d In the pres- ence of a number of the immediate rel- atives and friends by ilt,. Gillies, pas- tor of the Presbyterian c hurcn. Tho young couple were unattended. After congratulations had been extended and a sumptuous welding supper partaken of Mr. and Mrs. Stanlake left for their future home on the farm vacated by the groom's father and mother 0,1 the Lake (toed. They have the heartiest congrat- ulations and beet wishes of their many (:Pais for a life of proapo ity and hap - p offs. Mr. John Norry has gorse to Galleta to work. Mr. Chester Stanlake left yesterday for Lacombe, Alta. Mr. \Vnr, Brincacombe and family have rceturned here front London. Geo. Armstrong returned to Ho duties In London Tuenday morning. Mr. ltobt. Leattrorn of Loi.dOn Is spend Ing u tew days with friends lit town. M1as Hazel Browning returned Tura - :ley to resume her musical stud at Whit by. Mies Crockett has returned to tier home Dee heater after a visit wee, Miss el. elartln. Mr 531'9. A. Me Donnell end I. 1t. Carling were in Toronto for a few days this week u:, business. Messrs. Lecch and F. Stewart of .Ulsa Craig were 111 town the latter par t of last week buying cattle. Mie. S.,nruel Wittier of Mahcelona Mich.. Is the guest of her father, Mir. Thos. Deii!ng for two weAke. Mrs. Peter McDonald and child left on Friday morning for Galleta, where Mr. McDonald has been for conte time. Mrs. Jackson, who has been visiting here from London, returned there on Tuesday and leaves this week for the \feet, Mr. J. G. Junes and a number of young people drove to St. Marys Monday after- noon to attend the Crossley & Hunter meetings. Mr. Fred Gldley uriived here last week to recuperate front the effects of a sec- oild slight stroke of paralysis of the right side. Ile le Improving nicely. Metiers. ee W. Gladntaa and S. M. San dere are attending the convention of the Independent Canners at Toronto this week. The object of the meeting 1s to bring about an amalgamation of the dif- ferent factories. Mr. David ltuasell left for the «est last week with a load of horses for T. E. liundtord. Mr. Russell Intends re- mtining in tnc West, at least .or lit(' Bummer. Mrs. J. C. Humble of Sarnia Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Esti Heys wood. She will also visit for sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Fink - bother of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart entertain - e3 a number of friends on Tuenday evening. The adjourned Vestry Meeting of the Trlvitt eientot-lel Church will be held on Monday right next, Apti1 L'1 th. Mr. John Knight nag disposed of his horse and driving outfit to Mr. Graham of the Bank of Commcrc.: staff. Me. Sidney Dads has moved with his (:unity from Stephen into Mr. Donald �i^innee' house on Sinnco' street. Mr. Henry Belding who was recently snaffled at Dashwood, has moved into Mr. Jas. Wilson's residence, Exeter N. We welcome Mr. and firs. Belding as cl:tzens 6f our town. Rev. Fear of the Main Street church was in Milverton on Sunday where he took charge of thelEpworth League An- ul+e'eary services. Hie pulpit here was o:•cupled by Rev. Oaten of Milverton May 24th v.111 be celebrated in Exeter. An excellent list of sports is being ar- ranged and the p.oplr o! this district, as the committee says, will do well to bear ht mind that Exeter will see one of the heat celebrations of years. Poe/line :1seo Inion Meeting.—A mect- 1ng of the association will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday, April 23rd, 1009, at 9 p. nt. for the tran- saction of ialportant business. A11 the members are requested to be present. - 11. N. Creech, Secretary. Wheat at 41.15 looks good to the man who has it to sell, while the fellow who has sold feels sad, and the buyer of both wheat and flour feels anything but pleasant. That is the price that wheat has beta going at here since Saturday and lora' dealers look to see it soar higher still shortly. An exchange says—Our-thlyd of the fools in the country think they can beat a lawyer in expounding the law. One- half think they can beat the doctor In healing the sick. Two-thirds of them think they can put the minister In a hole in preaching the gospel ; and all of them think they can beat the editor In running a r ewap.tper. if It were necessary to bring to St: Marys evidence to offset the statement that the work of such men as Revs. Cros 'ley and Hunter Is not permanent to its results that evldenee was produ:cd Wed. iteaday night whet,Rev. Mr. Going of Ex (ter, president of the London Mctho:fist Conference. stated that from personal knowledge he could say that out Of !'oo converts in 'Exeter he cou Id count on his fingers the number who had fallen away,—St. Marys Jour;sal. Several telegrams were recri+rd ,here o t Sunday last stating that a man nano el A. J Clark. who had. years ago. teen In the employ of 11r. T W. Ilawk- outnaw, proprietor of the Commercial }louse, had died in D. tree ; and that tt:r sender, 1V. A McKinnon, wished tee relatives informed. Several residents of town remember that surh a man was here for a short time as a driver of Melo, a race horse, but his relatives are no' kcown. Conecqu ntly a message was sent to Detroit stating t',:t' els rel ttlre■ could not bt found. Man is known 1 AE CANDY liesegds 'KNOWN -THE W0010 OVER FOR • PURITY, QUALITYF-FLAVOR 1 Try It and See W. S. HOWEY, PRI1IJ. Chemist and Ofttician EXE:TER I'hnr,» ;.tl lour ETES TESTED FREE EXETER N/R[ET$I CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Eggs Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 1 15 54 5:t 43 44 SO 90 (10 til l 760 810 300 140 1.45 20 10 7 15 25 00 2400 The funeral of 11:; late Thomas Greg- ory, which was of a private nature, took place on Thursday afternoon to the Eteter cemetery. Rev. Going and Itcv. Cobbledick officiating. As a result of an amendment to the 1'harnu%y Act country storekeepers will b' allowed to sell carbonate of magnesia ro•ht•les salts, blue stoat, opperae, rhu- barb root, saltpetre, spirits of nitre, sol- ution of amnconla, chloride of lime, green camphor. citrate of magnesia and quinlee pada green, titcttire of iodine, helle- bore, a five -per -cent. solutio,( of carbo- n • and and arsenate of lead ; t::r three last named being largely used for the purposes of spraying may also be sold. A record of all sales must be kept and a••hedule of tt.e dangeroua poleons is still p. ohititcd. No compounding of the ntedt•Ine is allowed. WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DO YOU LIKE BEST? You can get any good kind from an Edison Phonograph. It ren- ders a band of fifty pieces as well as it does a single singing voice. Nothing you can but will provide so Much of the hent kind of enter- tainment for yourself and Tour flintily at so trifling a cost as an Edison Phonograph Come in and hear the new things and get our terms. Can. Exp. Bic,;. THE PURITY floR1�;, AN OUTLINE of the work to be accomplished eyetenl- iqtizes your efforts for the day. First Importance comes the Flour to be used. ONLY TILE BEST le good enough to put into the Bread. Cake and Pastry for your family to tat, \1'e turtle?: the most HEALTHFUL AND MUSCLE- MAKiNG flour that to milled. Try 0. HARVEY BROS. 101.E MANL'F'A(TL'RIGIS EXETER ONTARIO Notice to Farmers and Public ! if you have any ()L1) iRON, RUBBERS, RAGS, ('OI'1'E1t. BRASS, LEAD, ZiN(', HORSEHAIR, Bring it to M. Jackson & Sons, the Old Reliable -- Firm — where you can get highest market price in CASH All sizes iron Pipe also iron Posts on hand M. Jackson & Sons MAiN ST.. EXETEit. OPPOSITE EL1?CTituu I'owER Horst,. Enter Any Time LINTON BUSINESS COLLEO se teen te.te.1 in the erveiblt of experience nth the fire nl pnbli r+pinlnn, and hap not 1 o+trtd %anima. The p,l^nese of our grates as not been exrellel. Not the lances but t tightat grade modern Buelnen School Is Wile rn Ontario indni4oal ia.treetinn. No eseatien. Mail Courses Enter any der. Write for parte Mars OEO. SPOTTON, Nur( tett. OF' esir Call and examine our 28 gago Preston Safe Lock Shingle which we are selling for $4.50 per square and you will be conv'nced that it is the most satisfactory shingle on the market. Guaranteed Wind and Storm Proof needing no clip to hold bottom of shingle to place. We are offering splendid values in Halt- ers, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns, etc. - - - T. HAWKINS & SON House Gleaning Time for Furniture Always something required for the home at this season of the year. A nice Couch for the parlor, Three- and Five -Piece Parlor Suits; Combination Side Boards, China Cabinets, Extending Tables, Dining Chairs in all grades, Felt Mattresses in three grades. the best on the market for comfort ; Wire Springs, guaranteed not to sag, none better ; Iron and Brass Beds, for quality and design none equal. Call and inspect our stock before you pur- chase. No trouble to show goods—but delighted. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Fnrniehers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 Spring Time Wants This is the time to get busy with your Spring wants. The warm days will Poon be here and you want to be ready with your New Spring Attire. Here are a few of the reasonable goods. Spriii Dress Goods Better than ever. All the new - natty dress goods on the tuarket will be found here. Plain, Stripes or Checks in all the leading colors. There is no better place to tiny your New Spring Dress than right here. Dress & Waist lois ARE VERY SWELL! Everybody will be wearing them this year. Our showing is the hest in Black, White, Cream and Echru with trimmings to match. Prices from Sic to $1.75 yd. Linea Wks Are very much in use this sea- son—in fact, THEY ARE LEADERS! We are fortunate in having a splendid selection in all the pop- ular shades—Blue, Pink, Tan or Brown—for 16c and 25c yard. Plain White for 30c, 35e, 40c, 50c yard. hituar Ladies! Do not fail to see our superb showing of New White - wear. All the new and dainty novelties in White Waists, Skirts, Corset Covers, Night Gowns and Drawers, at very moderate prices. Millinery Millinery Our Show Rooms are rvmplete in every line of the Millinery business. Our Milliners are eel y hn'.y and expert to be r ight through t he Beason. Leave your or- ders car ly for your New Hat, they will be able to look well to your wants. Gents' Furnishings The men and boys will he well look.. 1 of tut. by us thy-. Spring. We have made a special efTott to supply their went N. New Ties Ju -t Arrived— THE VERY NEWEST NECKWEAR We keep right up with the times. Ilave you seen the new striped --real swell.! New Spring Suits Something real smart is what we ate showing in TAILORED SUiTS of Greens. Grays and Browns ; also a full line of Blues & Blacks New Sats Now Caps Now Gloves House Furnishings This is a very important factor with the busy housewife just now. Housecleaning is the order of the day and you will find us IIE:ADQUARTERS F'ttit CARPETS. RIGS, I.A('F: (.'CRTAINS, MADRAS ('URTAiNS, T.1i'ESTRY CURTAINS, LINOLEI"MNS & OiL-CLOTHM. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. F. Sanford Clothing