HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-12-30, Page 8Page 2
./Western Foundry Co,, • Ltd.
0 Yoga Men
Twenty young inen to
learn Moulding, and Stove
, Mounting. A splendid
opportunity to learn a
good trade quickly. To
commence January 10th.
December loth, 1915
Notices Under This Head ten cents a line
hr first insertion; five cents for subse-
quent insertions.
Mrs. W. B, Elliottia this week visit- Mrs. John A. Dey, of Southampton,
ing friends in Markdale. was visiting for over the holidays with
Mr. and Mr. W. Frsnkum and child - her sister, Mrs. W. J. Armour.
ren spent the holidays in Acton. I Mr. and Mrs. Bassett, of Listowel,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Armstrong spent i visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Christmas with friends in Ashfield
WANTED -Kitchen girl. Apply at
(queen's Hotel.
WANTED -To purchase a sucking
calf. Get particulars .et TIMES office.
eelect from at lowest prices.
FOR SALE—A horse and cutter at $30,
or would exchange as part payment on
a cow. Apply to Mrs. J. 0. McGregor,
Lower, Wingham.
WMNTED-Two pipers for Wingham
Detachment 161st Huron Battalion
apply to Major N.T. Sinclair. Wingham.
WANTED -An Organist and Choir
.eader for St.Paul's Church. Applica-
tions will be received until January 18th.
Apply to E G Dymond, Rector.
APPLE BUTTER -Our supply of apple
butter is limited and you bad better
place your order early so as not to be
disappointed. E. MERKLEy & SON.
•3Fhone 84.
Mr. J. henry Christie and son, Master
Morris, spent Chi istmas in Toronto.
Pte. Harry Hinsclif£e, of Stratford,
spent Christmas with his family here.
Pte, Harry Brown of Galt, visited
at his home here for the week -end.
Mr, Fred Johnston, of Lucknow,
spent the holidays with his parents here.
Mr, Frank Cody, of Edmonton, is
visiting with old friends in Wingham.
Mr. John Walters, of Culross, is vis-
iting friends in London and Thorndale.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Carter, of Kincar-
dine visited friends hi town on Monday.
Mrs. Jas. H. Mitchell is visiting .in
r; Mr. Arnott Brock, of London, was
hems for Christmas.
Miss L. Ansley was
few days in Toronto.
Mrs. Thos, Manning,
fisiting her mother,
Mr:' and Mrs. A. G. Smith spent
Christina, in Lucknow.
Miss Shirley Colvin is visiting her
attain, Mrs. D. J. Boyd.
$' Miss Garrett is spending the holidays
her home in Windsor.
•, R. L. Mitchell spent the holiday
ome in Hamilton.
L.. R. Brock, of Galt, spent
tmas at his home here.
iss Reta Walker, of Toronto, spent
ristmas at her home here.
s:,frsiss P. Powell spent the holiday
'With relatives in St. Thomas.
Mr. U. Sherk and Miss Edith Sherk
*l t the holiday in Toronto.
a r. John Hewer visited friends
sn, Tilsonburg for the week -end.
rr. John Mann, of London, spent
L iristmas with friends in town.
Mr. Orville Hill, of Stratford, spent
istmas with friends in town.
r. Ross Forsythe, of Stratford,
nt Christmas at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott, of Glenan-
an are visiting in Windsor and Dayton,
"Miss Hannah Coulter,of Toronto, is
this week visiting with tier parents in
.'• ,liar. and Mrs. W. J. Greer spent the
&:tiristmas holidays with friends in
' ratite.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott and Miss
4*ijftce Greer spent the holiday in
' Y .Ingersoll.
Miss Clara l3osman, of Toronto,
visited with Miss Annie Lloyd over
Mr. Charles Johns, of Montreal, spent
the holidays with his parents, Mr. and
11iCi'e. Wm, Johns.
Mr. A. C. Riley, B. A., of Toronto,
is spending his holidays with friends in
Pte. Arthur Newman, of London,
spent the week end with friends in
Mr. Percy Kerr, of St. Thomas,
visited friends in town during the past
Mr. Milton White, of Bank of Ham-
ilton, spent Christmas at his bcme in
Mr. and Mrs. Brpclt Brandon. of
Hanover, spent Christmas with friends
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Hunter and fam-
ily spent Christmas with friends in
Miss Annie Elliott, of Woodstock, is
at present visiting her mother, Mrs. J.
J. Elliott.
Mr. M. J. O'Brien, of 2nd of Culross,
is spending the holidays at his home
in Acton.
Mr. Clarence N. Blackhall returned
to Acton after spending a few days at
his home.
Mr. E. W. Linklater, of Toronto, is
spending the Christmas vacation at his
home here.
Mr. George Shrigley, of Toronto,
spent the holidays at his home in Low-
er Wingham.
Mr. Edward Hewer. of Tilsonburg,
s spending a few days with his brother,
Mr. J. Hewer.
Mr. Will Boyd has gone to Brant-
ford to take charge of a skating rink
in that place.
Miss Florence Vannorman, of Wind-
sor, is spending the Christmas holidays
at her home here.
visiting for a
of London, is
R. .1. Tindall for the past week.
Mr. Jas. A. McCracken of St. Marys,
secretary of the Flax Growers Asso-
ciation was in town for a few days.
Mr. Earnest Buchanan, of Toronto,
spent Christmas holidays at the home
of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brandon, of
St. Marys, visited at the home of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mr. Dick Lloyd, of Toronto, is spend-
ing the Christmas holidays at the home
of his parents, Mr, and bars. A. E.
!.ties Fanny Green, of Woodstock, is
vUpiting at the home of her another in
i$wer Wingham.
.iirr, 3. 13. Mennell, TIMES reporter,
a tit Christmas with relatives and
S s in Clinton.
:Mt. and Mrs. J. A. Mills and Master
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Reid, of East
Wawanosh, spent Christmas at the
home of the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Reid.
Mr. Marshall, of Pettit, Marshall & Co.,
of New York, was visiting for a few
days with Mr. A. Tipling of the Wing -
ham flax mill.
Mr. Charles Fowler has returned home
after spending the holidays in Guelph
and was accompanied home by his
cousin, Alfred Conery.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferguson, of
Mitchell, spent Christmas at the home
of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
G, Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Fleming, of
Toronto, spent Christmas at the home
of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
James Walker.
Mr. Caldwell Brock, of Dundas,
spent the Christmas holidays at the
home of his mother, Mrs. Brock,
Victoria street.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tisdale, of
Merengo, Sask. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy,
of Battleford, Sask. are visiting with
Mr and Mrs. John Reid, Lower
Mrs. Wm. Jobb, of Windsor; 111r. and
Mrs. H. D. Woods and daughter, Versa,
of St. Helens; Mrs. Leckie and,. two
children of Aylmer, and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Morris. of Oshawa, spent the"
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Jobb.
Mr. F. Buchanan is in Toronto this
week and on Wednesday attended a
meeting of the Executive Committee of
the Methodist General Conference on
Social Service and Evangelism, and to-
day will attend a meeting of the Exec-
utive Committee of the Ontario Citizen's
Committee of One Hundred.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young spent
the holidays with their daughter, Mrs.
George W. Bard.
Miss Eva M. Linklater, of Drayton
is spending the holidays at her parental
home in Turnberry.
Mrs. T M. Henderson, of White Bear,
Sask„ is visiting with relatives and old
friends in Wingham.
Mr, W. E. Groves, of Toronto was
visiting for a few days with his brother,
Mr. John F. Groves.
Mr. Harvey Elliott. of Toronto, visit-
ed at the home of Mrs. J. J. Elliott, for
a few days this week.
Mrs. Flood and Miss Mamie Flood; of
Toronto spent the holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Armour,
Miss Agnes Walker, of Toronto, spen
Christmas at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker:
Mr. Harold Stark and Mr. Jack Allen,
of Seaforth, visited the latex s parents
over the Christmas holiday.
Miss Hazel Halliday, of Listowel,
spent Christmas with her grandmother,
Mrs. Halliday, Minnie street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Raby and daughter,
Mabel, of Forest, spent Christmas with
friends and relatives in town.
Mr. Jack Holmes, of Sudbury, spent
the holidays at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Holmes.
Dr. Knechtel, of Winnipeg, was a
visitor for a few days last week with
his sister, Mrs. (Rev.) D. Perrie.
Mr. Frank Gillespie, of Chatham,
spent the Christmas holidays with his
mother, Mrs. Chas. Gillespie.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reid, of Detroit,
spent Christmas with the former's
parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Donaldson and
children spent Christmas with Mr.
Donaldson's parents near Clinton.
Mrs. M. W. Armstrong is spending
the Christmas holidays at the home of
her brother, Mr Robson, in London.
We wish you
all a Happy,
\ew Year
For Diamond and Wedding Rings go
to Knox's.
Fine stock of silverware, cut glass
and jewellery at Knox's.
Any friend of Mr. A. Young, who
wishes to drive to the polls on election
day should phone or tell Mr. Young and
sleighs will call for them.
-A detachment of the Salvation
Army from Wingham visited Lucknow
on Tuesday, and did a good business
during the afternoon in selling Christ-
mas War Crys. They held an outdoor
meeting in the evening.-Lucknow
-The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wingham
General Hospital will be held on Tues-
day afternoon, January 4th, commencing
at 4.15 o'clock in place of Monday
afternoon. All members are urgently
requested to attend this meeting.
-A very successful entertainment
and box social was held in the Zetland
school on Wednesday evening of last
week. The program was a good one.
The sum of $41.65 was realized for the
Red Cross funds. Miss Tipling, the
teacher, is to be congratulated on the
success of the entertainment.
To the Electors of the Town of
Ladies and Gentlemen, -9t the earn-
est solicitation of many prominent rate-
payers of the town I have permittted
my name to be placed in nomination for
the office of Reeve in the Council of the
Town of Wingham, and by virtue of
that office to represent the interests of
the municipality in the County Council.
My record as a merchant of twenty-two
years is well-known to all residents.
For two years I have served to the best
of my ability in the Town Council. I
can truthfully say that during my ten-
ure of office I have heard very few
complaints as to the quality of service
rendered. My all is invested in the
Mrs. Claude Gregory, of London, was town; thus your interest is my inter -
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. est. Iexercise t behoovessuch me aswise a proecponoertymy as own-
er to
F. Buchanan, during the past week. may be consistent with efficient eery -
Mr. Richard Howson, of Montreal, ice. As a manufacturer and an employ-
'Phone 71
Wanted. -Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Fowl, Beans, Etc.
To the Electors of Wingham. •
Ladies and Gentlemen: - Having
served you one year in the position of
Reeve, I am again asking for your votes
and influence to place me in the same
position for the second term. I have
endeavored to give all matters the very
best of consideration and can assure
you that if again elected your interests
will be properly looked after. I thank
you most heartily for past favors and
again solicit your votes and influence.
Wishing you the compliments of the
season, I am
Your obedient servant,
1 d Mills spent the holiday with .,(sited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. er of labour I feel that I have some
�s in Brantford.
W. J. Howson, during the past week. claim upon your good will, and I confid-
IP. Samuel Small, of Toronto, spent entry ask you for your vote and influence
i p Mr. Garfield Vanstone, of Toronto, to place me at the head of the poll on
Cbristtmas at the home of his mother, visited at the home of his father, me, January ^rd. I can assure you that if
irrii. Margaret Small. W. F. Vanstone, during the past week.I elected I will use every means in my
power to advance the best interests of
the town. My opponent seems to think
he should be returned unopposed for a
second term. A man's record is what
he should go before the electors upon.
It may be well to remind ourselves that
my opponent did not always think thus.
He forgets that he opposed Mr. Mc-
Kibben. "Consistency thou art a
dud . W. J. Ilaites *id lir.
:�' 13. HainesMrswere visiting for over
tliea'iday in Toronto.
Mimes Ruby and Winnie Adams, of
11, spent the holidays with their
Yirs. Wtn. Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, of Detroit,
visited with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Reid, for over Christ-
Miss Viola Isard, of Leamington, is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Geo, Louttit, of Saskatoon, James Isard, Diagonal Road, for the jewel," especially when, urged in our
oar a few days with his brothel holidays. own favour. Again soliciting your vote
E. Louttit of town. Mr. and Mrs. WM. Lamb, of King and influences towards my selection 'to
the Reeveship, and wishing you the
Jane Weir. of Toronto, spent toe I sardine, spent Christmas at the home Compliments of the Season, I am t
k with her pare,,ts, Mr a•r•1 of the latter's mother, Mrs.! tcbinson Your humble servant,
t. Weir, Victoria z f, Shuler St.
Wingham, Dec. 28th, 1915
To the Electors of Wingham:-
Ladies and Gentlemen, -I have been
strongly urged by numerous ratepayers
to seek election for Mayor for 1916, and
I have decided to comply with the re-
quest of my friends and will be a can-
didate. 1 would very much appreciate
the honor of being elected Mayor of the
town in which I have spent nearly -
twenty -eight years of my life and if
elected, will give the position the time
required for the proper discharge of the
duties, and all matters coming before
the council will have the most careful
consideration; at all times working for
the best interests of the town. I have
always been opposed to the personal
canvas in municipal elections, believing
that ratepayers should be left free to
select the men whom they desire to
represent them and I leave the matter
entirely in your hands, Elected or de-
feated. I will continue to work at all
times for the the good of the town of
Wingham. With best wishes for a
Happy and Prosperous New Year to you
all, I am,
Yours faithfully,
Walton dibbon
MAYOR for 1916
Strict Economy in 'all Depart-
(The Great Watch Doctor)
For Councillor
For 1916
As C uncillor
For 1916
to represent you as
for 1916
Your Vote and Influ ' ce
— respectfuIly solici - by
For Councillor
For 1,916
Electors of Ward 1—
As Public . School Trustee
For C cillor
For 1916
Six years on Public School Board;
one year as Chairman and five
years on Property Committee.
Electors of Turnberry—
Your Votes and In • nee
on as
for my re-ele
Cou cillor
For 1916
We, wish our
Custorners and
Friends a Happy
and Prosperous
New Yeasr�
Sole Agents
for Ladies
• and Derby Shoes for Men
of the
✓ I);rectory
es now being preparr. • i additions and changes
for it should be repc !o our Local Manager
at once.
.Have you a tela•.' ,.e? Those who have
will tell you that it L. •-..zit precious of modern
Why not order te-io have your
name in the new direr.... r•,
The Bell Telephone Co, u Canada
I have for sale at my premises, lot
26, con. 10. West Wawanosh, a number
of prize-winning Shorthorn Cows, in
calf and with calves at foot, dlso a
number of Shorthorn Heifers, under
one year, one year old and two year
old. Let me hear from you if you
want some good s • JOHN WEBSTER
I thank you for past favors and
will promise you faithful service if
W. J. Adair
Town Hall, Wingham
PHONES: -Office 24 'Residence 168
Farmers' Institute
will hold meetings as follows:
Fordwich, Thurs., Jai cry 6th
Molesworth, Fri., nnary 7th
Jamestown, ., January 8th
Bluevale, Mon., January 10th
Belgrave, Mon., January 17th
The speakers who will ad-
dress the meetings will be
Wm. C. Barrie, of Galt, and
Miss M. V, Powell, Whitby.
Amos Smith, P. A. McArthur,
Pres. • Sec.
-The Lucknow Dramatic Club will
put on the play, "Under two Flags" in
the opera house on Monday evening,
January 10th, under auspices of Ladies'
Auxiliary to Wingham General Hospital.
Successor to J. G. Stewart
Fire, Life, Accident
and Health
P. 0. Box 366 'Phone 198
The Christmas Gift you
are going to select for
"HIM" will have • a toile
of its own—exclusive and
appropriate if you come
here to do your choosing.
Come to a Man's Store
for a Man's,Gift
(sticeessor to NV. A, Campbell)