HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 5LITTLE DIGESTERS 1
Posidvi)y cats Dyspepsia Promote
Ditgesdes. Mosey back if they fail to
At all DevatiM..e direct teas.
25c. $t nes. COLEMAN MEDICINE Co., Tere.N_
- FOR -
Ale and Porter
Only medal for Ale in Canada.
The )!lases Munro of Port Huron vis-
ited ti,elr cousin. Mr. L. W. Derham, the
past wtek.-Sugar making is very nearly
to a close, -Alen. alacdonald spent the
past week at London. -John A. Mac-
donald spent Easter at his home here,-
Marshall Nell of Toronto visited with
his cousin, L. W. Derham. the past week.
Lieut. De -ham will be among those who
will attend tae military camp at London
In June nc s•.
- --
Keep it clean and Free From Disease
By Us1t g Parlalatt Sage
If you want your children to grow up
wait strong, sturdy and vigorous flair,
teach them to use Parlulan Sago, the
world renowned Hair Tonic.
Parisian Sago Is guaranteed by W. S.
Cole to cure dandruff and atop falling
hair in two weeks. It grows new hair
quickly in cases where the hair Is "thin -
hag out."
It Is positively the most delightful,
invigorating hair dressing on the market.
It Is not sticky or greasy and will make
the coarsest atair soft, lustrous and lux-
uttant. Get a 50 cent bottle front W. S.
Cole and watch how rapid its action. -
Giroux Mfg. Co., Makers, Fort Erie, Ont.
Clinton -A pleasing event took place at
Clinton when Miss Lillian Kellington be-
came the wife of Mr. Win. Stanbury, Jr.
The contracting partici' are popular resi-
dents of tate London Road, where they
have already taken up housekeeping.
Give it
To Your Children
"CROWN BRAND SYRUP" is a food not only for
children but for everyone -and it is used by everyone.
It is a table delicacy which should be in every home.
It is the one thing that satisfies that longing for sweets
which all healthy children and most adults have.
Used in the home, it saves trouble in the making up
of delicious desserts and other good things to eat.
"CROWN BRAND SYRUP" stands for the highest possible
purity in table syrup. It is prepared in a clean wholesome Manner
from the very finest ingredients, which develop a delicious
flavor as of fine honey and rich cream.
These are strong reasons why you should insist on having
Your dealet has it For you in 2. 5. 10 and 20 lb .t -tight tins arida Idt•od has.
The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited
Work• C.'.RDINAI, Ont u!hcea MONTkKti..TORONTO ;•tBRA NTr'ORD
not trade that organ
of yours on a piano
At the pr.'-.'nt we 1' (1) handle a
number of second hand organs and are
therefore prepared to allow you a gond
price for it.
We don't ask you one
dollar more for the piano
than your neighhhr pays
for it.
Sewing Machines,
Sleighs, Hymn I3ooks,
Bibles. Stationery. &c
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
They are noted he the I lata v of their goods.
(! zete, Abvocnte
1100 if pall in advance,
Saito • year if not en paid.
Ts Culled States Subncriber.$I 60
I. • Year Strictly is Advance
SANDERS a CREEC11, Publishers.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho Brent Uterine Tonle, and
only sato effectual Monthly
Itrgul .t.,ron w hit h women cru
dept•nd. Sill in three drip -era
lit of strength - N n. 1.1: ?so. 9.
t 10deetreca stronger 1; No. 3.
for special caeca, per box.
Fol.! 1, all dru Rs, nr sent
ssr�retxti,l en reoe pt of plies.
Free pamphlet. A.1,1re,.: Tilt
Cou. KIelN'tI C0..TOH(110.Ixer. Iformer! y (i'tedsorl
With twenty-two years' experience to Its
-•r.•iit this college is recognized a. the greatest
prs'taa1 training ',hoot in ti'eetern Ontario.
Three departments -
Comlaerclal, Shortbaad d Telegraphy
Our 'lames are the largest, our courses most
practical and our in,tru ton experienced. Our
graduates are assisted to positions and succeed
as none ether.. Enter now stet our free cats•
Te. fcllowing figures of title uiuniel-
pality have bc•c taken front the assess-
ment reit returned by the assessor. 11.
Lipphardt.-Number of acres 52,498:
acres cleared 43,457: acres woodland
2.147: acres slash 3:14: acres swamp
value of lad $1,537.240 , value
of building* $9',t.155: total tasabte
real properly $2.144 4_0: value of prop-
erty exempt $4'2,375business assess-
ment $24,975. taxable Income $1,750;
total assessment$2,414,420. population
3167: number of mule persons between
21 and CO, 700.
t f ,ten-Wedresday, Mr w. Bto•,rrty
was In tet. yard at t,te p.a.•,o tactury
when he was struck o., the grad with a
pine board. caused by t`,r gale of tat
day. He was •iolently thrown to the
ground. recclvl:.g errious injuries, that
for a time rendered t,lr.t unronecious. A
nasty scalp wound. 5% Inches long. a
crushed muscle. sprained wrlat. bruised
hand. and a severe ehaklr.g up. was the
summary of 1 t' u:;for:u::atc occurrence.
Rrueeflrld-Joel Reed has said out his
business to Mr. ltowy of London. At
present th,y are taking stock of hie dry -
goods. groceries. etc.. Mr. Rowy will then
have possession. Mr Reed t,as bets in
our •Illage for nearly five years and has
had a good trade and made many
warm friends. wt.o 'caret his departure
from au. village. He leteeds gal^g is
t,e West 1:, about a month.
hum -r of the Hour.
''Volt''a't you en;o) your di^net
more ii you had earned it?''
"No" answered `.leandering MJce,
"1 wouldn't .'ink ui intruditt' any mer-
, • ars- coil.: !orations into di* season
. . ; t .'tt; an' g•t,1 cheer"_- \'ash•
l slags- r..t you have the courage. to
,i- e a cold , cti► on .hese ivinter morn•
Griggs--T::r'r:d I dc. But I missed
it this mora:: •.
lsrtggs-\'!'hal \ n. the trouble?
Griggs -There t. as no hot asater.-
c :+n Topics.
He :;'s Slate.
.1 ,77R1. IS
VO1<1:IN Sl)\1t':THING
-Chicago Tribune.
She -1 hake too v y dear friends--
A;;:ies and Florence.
kle-Whi:lt is .he more popular?
"Oh, Agnes is ntech more popular
t! as Florence -ant .n the girls."
'Introdc-^ r, 11" :e. I am
^:glial to b..1 "t:1 :1'4 gtris.'-liar
;,-a ilia'
City Journal.
Sportsman -Ary it. od hunting in
part of the c'•t:ntty?
Native -1.•
Sportsman 11";t:n kind of game?
Native -No game at all. Just hunt-
ing. -Illustrated Bits.
In the play, of course, the villain is
always properly chastised by the hero;
b:a in real hie, unfortunately, it Iry
quently happens that the villain is six
it' t tall and a good boxer. -Puck.
Mrs. Kalling-1ou haven't got that
splendid butler now?
Mrs. Parvenu -No, he was a fraud.
Iilrs. Falling -Indeed?
Mrs. Parvenu -Yes, he forgot him-
self once and neglected to drop his
"les," so we discovered he wasn't Eng-
lish at all. -Philadelphia Ledger.
A Volcano. -"What is a volcano?*
asked the teacher.
"A mountain with a fire inside," said
A smile of comprehension spread
over the puzzled face of the smallest
scholar as she asked, surprisedly, "Is
that a mountain range?"-Harper's
Reeder -Scott said a clever thing to-
day; said that luck is a good bit like
likntning, for it seldom strikes twice
in the same place.
Hceder-Yes, and as a rule neither
of them needs to. -Pennsylvania Punch
"Do you think you could ever marry
fur moneys"
"No. But I'm sure I could soon
learn to love a girl who had a million
or two." -Chicago Record -Herald.
"I told you she would dismiss you
if 1 came in between."
"Yes, she has, all right, but yours
a dead one, too."
"She told me everything between us
wast an end" -Cincinnati Commer•
tial Thbune.
Willie -:Mamma, 1 told Aunt Helen
she grew homelier every day.
)let. Unison -You didn't tell her I
salll to d you?
"I bad- lo, or she would have whip-
ped me0I-Brooklyn I.ife.
"What are they going to do when
theySt through tearing ue the
"Lay 'em down again, of course 1
How else would anyb'd}' b.' a1•1c to
tear 'em up later on, sillyf;altf-
more News.
"They say that. after seven rehear-
sal, Charlie Sv. immington actually
stumbled through the wedding :ere-
"Overtrained, I suppose" -Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Playgoer-I suppose the leading lady
is very happy after getting all those
Usher -Oh, net. She only got five.
Piay'goer - Gracious! Isn't that
Usher -No; slot paid for six, I be-
lieve. -Philadelphia Press.
Dude-Taey say cigarettes will turn
the skin yellow.
Mrs. Prim-Thit's so. Every time 1
catch my boy sni .Ie. ng he gets tanned.
-Mail and Express.
"You look like a regular beer gltz•
z'er. Don't your thoughts ever rise
abme beer"
"Yes, muni; 1 often Link of de fif-
teen cent drinks. But what's de use
when a gent ain't got de price?" -Kan-
sas City Journal.
"We used to think she was a lazy
"Yes; that was when she was poor."
"Iiow• about it note?"
"Why, now that she is rich, we. mere-
ly note the evidence of 1alsitude and
ennui." -Chicago Post.
William Nelson Cromwell, represent-
ative of the French T'anama canal com
Tt►iasion, reoently called on President
Roosevelt In Washington. Mr. Crom•
well is komething of a sportsman• and
during the interview he told the Presi-
dent a sporting anecdote.
"Some years ago" he said, "I spent
a week in Germanys shooting small
game. To a German acquaintance I
happened to remark that i preferred
to shoot in Africa, because there was
a spice of danger in the sport there."
Aeh, said my friend, 'you like a
spice of danger mit your sport, eh ?
Dan you go oud shooting mit me.
De last time I go I shoot mine bruder•
in-law in die leg.' "-Boston Post.
A certain hotel proprietor chanced
to glance out of a rear window and
saw his new waiter chasing a chicken
about the yard.
"What have you in that bowl ?" de-
enae4ed the hotel man.
' M sbrsoms," responded the nes
tivM4et. "Dar's a gentleman dat wants
chicken smothered wid mushrooms,
en Ah'm tryin' to smother kW. sab."Obey* Nom
Kidney P.1's Have. Done Great
t'ervlce for people who work
.0 lir .at 1
Maty Hermall people work every day
in some strained u ., ,,rural p'sltlon.
hsitding Const...'.. ,:c a desk, riding
on :olting wag):,a u. cars, betiding uv. r
heavy house work. lifting, reachlsg.eult
Ittg ; all these suatns tend to wear
weaken and Injure the kidneys until
they fall behind to tater work of filter-
ing the poison from the blood. Booth's
Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys, put h w
strength in bad backs. itensal, cur a
prove It.•
.lrs. Charlea hostick, of Queen atrect,
Hensall ,Ont., Uaye--"My back . was so
weak attd painful that I could not lift
a pall of water. Se:cr atittdtnd pales
would shoot through me in the region
of the kidneys and I could not get up
f:o:n a chair without sup/.o-ting myself
on something. I was dizzy and I had
headaches constantly. I would have to
get up from my (bed many- dries during
the night with the tre.,:rn .t:11 Irregular
secretions of t'.t • kidu•�ye. a red i suffer-
ed with nervousness f. urn : t of sleep
The urine was highly color -d a,td 1t'.tad
•,+1'h a whitish sediment and of a very
offensive odor. Nothing gave me the
Slightest relief and do -tors in Stratford
:tad pronounced me 1:aurtbl'. Booth's
Kidney Pills were advertised and 1 we
eused them at Mr. Ilcmpitlll's Drug
5t ea. It was a comparatively short
ween 1 could see a great ciuunge
to my condition, my back was leas pain-
ful and seemed stronger. so I continued
treatment with Booth's Kidney P1110. I
was cured of each and every symptom of
Bright's Disease and I am as well and
strong as ever. The kidney secretions
were reduced to normal and the urine
cleared to Its natural color. My back is
stronger than it 'has been in years pre-
vious. I enjoy my nights rest and wake
feeling refreshed and ready for the day's
work. Washing or Ironing does not af-
fect me In the least and I will never bo
able to speak well enough of Booth's Kid
ney Pills for what they did for me."
Sold by dealers. Price 50c. The R. T.
Booth Co., Limited., Fort Erie, Ont.,
Sole Canadian Agents.
Fullarton.-The Lutheran church, Mit-
chell, was a scene of a pretty wedding
on April 14th, when Miss Wilhelmine L.
eldest datWhter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Horn, Logan, was united In marriage
to Mr. John Ratz, a prosperous young
farmer of F'ullarton.
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there!. at least one dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
tieing a constitutional disease requires a c•onetitu•
tional treatment. hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in•
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength to building up the constitution and assist•
ing nature in doing ate work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curatia a powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY a CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by ail Druggists, 7.; cents,
Take Hall's Fancily Pills for constipation.
The following la tete result of the pro-
motion examination,' held in S. S. No.
11, Stephen. before Easter. The names
are in order of merit ,-IV.-Amelia Eng
land, Pear! Tetreau. Jr. IV. to Sr. IV. -
Mabel Wild. Jr. III. to Sr. III. -Laura
Stephan. Francis Lafond, Afueral �Vlller;
Sr. II. to Jr. IIi.-Irene Willett. ithy-
nard Stephan, Albert Vincent, Emnta 'Le: -
ler, Jos. Latond. Ira Tetreau, Olive
Willert. Pt. II. to Jr. ii.-Ifenry La -
rand, Willie Stephan. Pt. I. Sr.-Ecron
Lafond, Iiettzel Wild. Pt. L Jr.-Emra
Every family here ought to keep some
Dlapepsin Ir, Inc house, as any one of
you may have an attach of Indigestton
or Stomach trouble at any time. day or
night. •
This harmless preparation will di-
gest anything you cat and ovc-rcome a
' cur stomach five minutes altcr'Hards.
1t your meals don't tempt you, of what
little you do cat seems to till you, or
lay's like a lump of lead in your atom -
nen. or if you have ,teartburn, that 1s
o Elgn of lndleestior..
Ask gout Fharn,atl it fur a 5J -tent
case of Pave's Dlapepsln and take one
ttlangule atter supper To -flight. There
will be no sour risfugs, no '.relching of
undigested food ntlxcd with acid, no
stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or
heavy reeling In the stomach, Nausea.
Dcbtlitating headaches. Dizziness or
intestinal griping. This wail all go.
and. besides, there will be no sour
tood left over In the stomach to poison
your breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's htapcps•n Is a certain cure for
all stomach misery, because it will
take hold of your food a'.d ltgest It
Just the same as it your stomach
wasn't there.
Actual, prompt re,lef tor all your
stomach misery is at your Pharmacist,
waiting for you.
These large 50 -cent cams contain
more t:an eu:ticic:It to cure a cal of
Dyspepsia cr indlgesaoa.
School Reports
The following is the report for the
month of April. together with the pro-
motion eiaminatto:t The names are in
order of merit, -Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.. Ilor-
are Pfaff : Sr. Iii. to Jr. IV., Edith Oar-
rkk. .snide Greco. Grant Ilooper, Sr. 11.
to Jr. III. -Lena Stacey. Mid. i1. to Sr.
iL-Clarice Hooper, Willie Ilooper. Jr.
If. -Norman I'ord, Alice Pfaff. Sr. Pt.
11. -Cora Ford. Jr. Pt. iI,-Ethel Car-
✓ ick. Alma Dearing. Sr. Pt. I.-Ifenry
Green. Jr. Pt. i. -Maggie French.
M. Parsons. teacher.
At 3 o'clock on Thursday morning the
death a-curred ret !,er home In London
of Lady Carling. wife of Sir John Carl-
ing. and aunt of Messrs. and Misses
Carling of Fleeter. She had been an In-
valld for two yearn. hut death was due
to heart failure. She was a daughter of
the late Henry Dalton of London. and
would have ben 9•t y.'are of age 1:. May
next. Besides the husband, who is 92
Years of age. sh'. is survived by six
children and eleven grandchildren. one
of whom, Mass Nenontc Louise Carling.
was married tete previous day. Thr fun-
eral took dace on Saturday.
Underdrainage will pay for itself
from one to three years. Pei haps no
example in Ontario demonstrates this'
more conclusively than the drainage I
of the Rittenhouse tarns at Jordon'
Harbour, in the Niagara peninsula. i
Originally it was very wet, so much so
indeed that often the crops were scarce-
ly worth cutting. In 1906 Jr. M. F.
Rittenhouse of Chicago gave it to the
Government for an horticultural ex-
perimental farm. In 1907 it was under -
drained, the lines of tile being laid
about four rods and a half apart. In
many places the subsoil was very,very
heavy, so that the digging was hard
and the cost high, about $2.i an acre.
In 19(7S nn the part that was formerly
the wettest it grew 115 bushels of oats
to the acre. thereby practically paying
for the drainage in one season; for, the
year previous the oats on the same
land were not worth cutting. The
Rittenhouse farm was surveyed and
the drainage system for it planned by
the Department of Physics at the On-
tario Agricultural College. Any far-
mer i11 Ontario who is contemplating
underdrainage may on application
have his farm surveyed, the drains
planned, and the grades determined.
A fi•tished map containing this infor-
mation and also the size of tile advise
altle'is gent to the owner as soon asui
copleted. The only outlay connected
with the survey is the travelling ex-
penses of one roan from Guelph to the
farm, consisting of railway fare, meals
and cartage of instruments. The rail-
way fare is only one cent a mile each
way for this work. As the conclusion
of each survey a drainage demonstra-
tion is held in the field and simple
practical methods of surveying a drain,
determining its grade and securing a
true bottom are demonstrated, and
the benefits of drainage discussed.
Anyone desiring a survey and plan
should apply to Prof. Wm. II. Day,
Department of Physics, 0, A. C.,
Guelph. A large number of applica-
tions are already in for this season.
. 1
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Vienna, W. Va.- "I feel that I owe
the last ten years of my life to Lydia
E. Pinkhanl's Vege-
tabla Compound.
Eleven years ago 1
was a walking
shadow. 1 had been
under the doctor's
My husband per-
suaded use to try
Lydia E. l'inkllam's
Vegetable Com-
pound and it worked
like a charm. It re-
lieved all my pains
and misery. I advise all suffering
wu.licn to take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound." -Mits. EMMA
WHEATON, Vienna, W. Va.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm-
ful drugs. and to -day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases of any similar medi-
cine in the country, and thousands of
voluntary testimonials are on file In
the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., from women who have been
cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul-
ceration,displacements,tibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every such suffering woman owes it to
herself to give Lydia E. Pinklianl's
Vegetable Compound a trial.
If you would like special advice
about your case write a confiden-
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkliatu, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
and always belpf til.
Attracts Attention
Classified Want Ads. are always
noticed. They are read with
interest by Intelligent people
.a ho are on the toot-oui for
r ble opportunities to CU
their requirements. Whether
your business be largo or small
ttiu Clasatfied Want Columns
wilt help you.
Mr. and Mrs. Satn'I E. Faust returned
front their honeymoo:n trip to Detroit. -
J. .1. Merner and family have moved to
t!. ;welling recently vacated by C. Greb.
--a. C. Callfae has purchased a hackney
et l.:on. He is a fine specimen of his
rl to •.-Jacob Weido 1s getting ready to
ere^t a nice brick dwelling west of the
Evangelical churci..-Rev. A. D. Gis"h-
ler attended the Cott.fcrence at New Ham-
burg last week.-Mcesrs. Victor Appel
and Maurice Rau, who are attending the
Chatha'n Business College, were home
oyer Easter. -Lout. Jeffrey has purchas-
ed tete kitchen adjoining Mrs. McCor-
mick's shop and will move the same to
his house near the tannery. -P. Hauch,
who has been quite 1l1 for the past few
months. shows very little change, wo are
sorry to report. -There are indications
that the St. Marys and Western Railway
Co. may extend their line from Exeter
via Zurich to Goderich. The latter Is one
of the best lake ports in Ontario and as
the C. 1'. it., which is going to operate
the road when completed has come to
the south side of the Maitland, at great
expense. it looks as it they were expect-
ing to connect with one or tete other of
their southern lines, -The following are
the officers elected to the baseball club
for this season ;-Ilun. Pres.. Dr. if. A.
Campbell; lion. Nice -Pres., Dr. J. L.
Wilson ; Pres., C. Fritz : Vice -!'res., S.
Gordon; 1st Vice -fres.. J. P. Rau: Cap-
tain T. L. Worm: Manager. Harvey Web
er : Ser'y-Treas., Andrew F. Hess: of-
ficial scorer, W. G. Hese: Field commit-
tee. M. 'it. Itannle, Hurley Weber, Ii. 11.
Little, Mascot, Lee Hoffman.
Mrs. Christina Gabel, widow of the
late John Koch, formerly of the Babylon
WOod'i3 PhOsphod:ne,
The Great Ervtl •A y Polarity.
'ronevthe whole
nervous -: -•.,t, III.) ;UM eww
loud in o14 Yeinr. Curia Nerv-
uraou.s Debaityy Men -'al and Brain iVorry, Des-
•. ney, Seriut! :realm ELI ‘0114. ST.en
.,J,Irnctea, and Elect, of "flame. or F:erea tat.
$1 per box, sixfor Se. One willple.uc'. six
.vat: ure. Sold by all ddruggiats or mailed to
;Inti• pkg. ou receipt of price. 11r.., 1'tn,i;hln
rutilc,t)r. '. The Woos Medicine co.
(J'crirtcrly it'rn-1.:.') Tenant o.Ont.
Shat Shin!::
either Gal can:: -J , r Paiat J
Are Aivvays Th."','.'; -
RcliQ.b1edui= t.•.
7 y others, Fc-..
ai •; y' -Alli t.._: Cf leo most c. 1 ...
They hav: ban theug•
all k .t.'.3 01 climates. i :variably
1•r.ta•;nQ }fro. Lfjlhtnlrte. Rust
ani SJu.at::er Proof.
If ,: •ng,mahesure ofeat's.
fu :' ! . "n,; E asst. aa: a far the
ro•t--1•. - .....rotation if ).ri write.
it stall::: £wfing Co., l; nited,
wiott:41:f Mrtts., TORONTO, CA'A1).
Don't do any Shingling until you ra,l
And get prices.
Line, stay, die 1 at the home of her laugh
ter, Mrs. Kate Koch, Zur1r't, having
reached the age of 91 years. 1t months
and 20 days. The old lady was quite
smart up to a short time ago. old age
being the caus_ of death. The children
ere Mrs. Hartung. Mrs. 11. Wes•1o:t, and
Katt. alt ilvtong here; Georss O: Dash-
wood ani trustee of Michigan hrs•dea a
number of krandehlldren.
One by one the o'd settlers are being
laid away. arra. Christian Pe tier was
burled in the Amish Cemetery. she hav-
awing attained the age of nearly 90 years.
She leaves her aged husband now 92
years old. and four sons, Merino, John
and Joel to this vicinity and Cirlstlan
In \Re. hlgan.
Kidneys Cured or
Money Back
Thera is no risk in buying GIN PILLS.
They are sold on a positive guarantee
thatthoywill cure all Kidney and Bladder
Troubles, Rheumatism and Sciatica, Pain In the Back, etc. If, stilet
taking 6 boxes, yon can hooestly say that Gin Pills have not cared yon,
take the empty boxes to your dealer and bo will refund the money.
That shows how certain wo aro that Gin Pills will cure you. 50c. a box;
e for 12.50. Sent on receipt of price if your dealer can't supply you.
OPT. A.--110111.1 DIC & (MIEN. co. LIMITED P"..r.: