HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 4(Deter-Abuocat e, Sanders & Creech. Props. THURSDAY, Apr. •.;•., 1(i09 CANADA CONFERENCE OF THE EV. ASSOCL►TO1N New hamburg, Ont.. April 19, flew.). The 45th Annual Session of the above Conference convened here April 15-19. Bishop W. Horn. 13.13., Cleveland. Ohio. prealded. Iles. T. C. Merkel. Rev. F. W .Unrbrcit. Iter. .\. ilalmhubet•, and Mr. Ilerkes were present and addressed conference In the litter( see of the Mlestonary Society. the North Western College, Old People's Home, and the Publishing House, r.'- epertively. A. Abel and W. Ilendrieha were both granted probationers' licenses. E. 11. Dorsch, J. S. Damen and E. M. Graft were ordained an elders. The missionary reports from the Can- adian North West gave gratifying re- ports and evidence of substantial gains during the past year. The standing committee reported as follows. - East District Rev.,S. R. Kneehtel ,I'. E. Berlin -G. D. Damm New hamburg -W. J. Yaeger. Lingeibachs-E. M. Graff. North Easthope-i1. Dierlanun. Ta�Istock-E. Burn. Sebringville-J. G. Litt. F'ullarton-E. Eby. Milverton -F'. Meyer. Rodney -W. M. Sippel. 1tamilton-D. H. Wing. Toronto -W. E. Beetle. Compdon-W. 0 Helot. R natant-.\. C.e:ncns, W. J. Ftddes. 1.10 &1131011-J. C. Morlork. BI^nhcirn-E. S. )llscocks. Flespelcr.-A. 11. Plyley. NI ig.era-J. W. Bean. Gainsbor o -E. M. Glschier. Arnp.lor and Klllaloe-O.G.Ifallrn in Menke oke -A. Geiger. Go:d'n Lake -F. R. Meyer. lto'k:ngham-E. H. Dorsett. North District Ile'. A. Y. lialst, P.E. Waterloo -M. L. Wing. Hi. Jacoba-C. G. Kaatz. Sentra-J. G. Burn. Llstowcl-J. 11. Grenzebach. Wallace -:1. II. Lclbold. Na.nrtndy-A. W. Sauer. Mildniey-L. \Vittich. W.1, erton-°.3. L. Braun. !'o t Elgin -E. 'D. Becker. If mover -\Y. J. Zinmter:l at: . CheeIey-1I. L. Mcracr. Elmwood -II. J. Holtzman. Petry Sound -To cbe supplied. Stretford -S. M. lIauch. Lu 1:h -A. D. Glschier. Dashwood-L..K EIdt. Credl•on-E. H. Bean. M.Ulend-E. P'. Ifatst. North West District Wtnelpag-E. J. Bechtel. Regina -S. F. Brown. Rosthern-L. Arnachor. Neudorf-J. V. Kovar. Melville -J. S. Burn. Kenaston-W. J. Fiddes. Melt -ane Hat -J. S. Damn,W.%% Merl Didsbury-C. t;. Fitkbelner. Se:b'rtvthe-D. RI^d^r warner -M. J Connor, A. D. Nese. Saskatoon -To be supplied. Swift Current -To be supplied. Midale-To be 'supplied. A regular storm period is central on the 25th, covering the 23rd to 29th, hav- ing moon at greatest declination north on the 241n. at:d at first quarter on the 27t1.. Another marked fall of the barometer will act In to the west at the entrance of this pU1od, followed closely by cloudiness, higher temperature and rain. Storm areas will grow wider and gain Intensity as they reach central parts Of their eastward starch. From about the 25th to 28;11 storms will culminate. from the Misslesirpi valley eastward to the Atlantic. Higher 'barometer, west winds, and possible snow squalls to the northward need not be a surprise o't the rear [argent. of these storm areas. Much cooler weather with frost will be natural during thc last four or five thigh's Of tate month. Whatever peculiar Inten- sity the Mare period may fasten upon the general phenomena In March and end April. 1t will subside. in a great measure, by the et.d of April. leaving. It le hoped. a more placid possibility for the month of May. iI the first half of April Is not characterized by frequent and intense storms of some kind. eels - Mie disturbances will be more severe and general. thus relieving the aatronomle strain. GRAND BEND Mr. Louie DceJardine has gone to 11111• borrenee :o work. -Mr. Rrokenshire of Sharon ',peat Saturday here - -Erna Fritz. who has been visiting at Sharon for a frw days, arrived home Saturday -Mrs. Jas. Sharman of Shipka Is visit- ing her parents, Mr, and atre. Brenner 1Ir. and Mrs. Wnt. Baird of Parlgtill vfsltcd at John Bald's Sunday. -Clar- ence Carricre, who has been home for the holidays, returned to Parkhill Mon- day. CEMENT BLOCKS We have purchased An Up -to -Date Machine for the manufacture of Cement Blocks of every description. Any person desiring blocks • ahnuld he glare to call on us and get our pt iceli. P.Bawden df: Son Rsllder+N Costracter, MAiN MT. ••- EXETER . illiMPIP1WW`WWT WAIF W' C1tEDITO:1. HENSALL I LUMLEY. 1 . ee12.1, ireelG1ES, hlGCIES, Just t1"rt:e1.-.' !Attie consignment of buggies frost five of the leadt.:g firms of Oetar:o. in all the tetra' styles and designs. Any p.• ion L tauding buying will do well to lock over our stock before purchasing: \\'e will save you stoney by so doing. No 11 J able (0 show goods. Ail vehicles are fully guaranteed. A call solicited.-TRE- VETcIICK & HUDGINS, Crediton, Ont. J. C. COLLINS of the Eve 'r Cleaning eel Dyeing Company. will be in Credl- to n this week. Ladies' and Gents' cloth - 1; betu'ifully clan d, diel ani pressed, as good as new. Mr. Collins comes to you well rccommet:d'd, ani to one of the best dyers in the West. Call and see !t'm at Clark's Ifc.trl. --- Some of the farmers have started to work on their land but are not 111 full swing yet. -The brick and tile yard men are busy fixing up to start their sum- mer's work. -Mr. Russell itedden in- tends putting in a Quaker brick machine this spring. -Mr. Joseph Motz was sick last week for a few days. -Ell Lawson !tee finished Frank Clark's well. Eli dug and br Icked 42 feet and bored 12 feat in five days and a half. Who can beat that. Mr. Clarke is highly pleased with the Job. -Loney Redden, son of Slr. Wnt. Fledden, was bitten by Mr. E. Sweitzer's dog on Tuesday, on the leg. The doctor was summoned and the wound dressed, and the little fellow is do'ng nicely. The dog was at once shot. -Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson spent Tues - (ley in Exeter. ---- Rev. George Brown of Walkerton was in the vill•uKe 00 Tuesday visiting Ws brother Bei i, hard. -Mr. Steinacker is visitimz friends in Rostock nd Tav- istock then week. -We are plea,'Pd to state that Ji ester Lavern UMC>l,te ray it repi•)Iv r•.•ruvi ring from his illness. -Jau,e. L h..s heti hi:, elites out On several a teem -ions and is hese flit g quite :lir expert At Iuul(1linW the 111. - chine. -Iles•. E. 11 Bean has returned home from New Hamburg. a here he attended the annual session of the Canada (.'.r.fereiree of the Evangelical church. "l' are ptomip 111) learn t Rev. Bean will be pastor in charge of this circuit for another ye tr. Deli ing h's absence itst Sundae. the I.u'p t was occupied I.y Mr. G. K. Brown in the morning and in the et ening the two adult 111111e claase, and choir rtsvP an excellent program. -Our buys have been having lots of fon the pa it a -k fishing suckers. They have had splen- did .secs•.".- Mitten Atkinson of (:.-n• tra11'i ha* been engaged as bartender at the Conte:el rlotel.- A►beet Ccr•t- ningharn of AIIse Craig was in town last Sunday.-14,•hn;el started on .Ston• day after the holidays, with a good attendance. -Mt'. Gottfried Geiser has bought an Mcr,• of land from Go:tlob Brown, and will thereby ee!ure en. ough land to do hia necessary R.rdein ing.-Our people are commencing to 1 an up their yards for the Spring. A great deal of rabbi,h iisn elly accumu- lates during the winter month -a and it is everybody's duty to clean op th.•iLL hack•yards, not only for appear enet't)• sake. but fur the sanitary condition of the neighborhood. -The expected rail- road sleeting for last Friday night didn't take place, and at present things are at a staltd•still.-Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Kerr of Winchelsea were in the village on Monday. -We were pleased to note in the daily press of last week that Miss Clara Kienzle succeeded in pass- ing the Normal School Examinations in Toronto with honors. CENTitAL.IA La grippe is laying aside a number of our respected citizens. -Mise Swann has resumed her delle. as teacher of our public school. --It was announced on Sunday evening that Rev. A. II. Brown of Varna will preach educational ger- m one In the Methodist church ort Sun- ty next. -The recreation grounder have bean plowed over and will ba put In tine ship! for our sports. When completed Vet grounds will be a credit to the ell - :a3' atld will prove a great boon to our hays. -\.'c are gratified to learn that Mr. W. R. Elliott is out of dtrigcr and that in a few woks he will be able to leave S.. Mirlted's llospitai for home. (Too late fur last week.) Mr. Eiijah Colwlll and wife spent the &ester holidays at Trowbridge with Rev. S. Salton. -Silas Mabel Butt, a nurse 1n Victoria Hospital, London spent Ea. - rev Sunday with her parents at the Meth- odist parsonage. -Mr. W. R. Elliott, our popular horse dealer. who undcr.vent an operation at St. Stlrhaet's hospital. To- ronto, last week, is reported as improv - leg The operation was a success, but ills weak condition cause. 4onsiderable anxiety on lite part of his phYsiciuns and friends. -The Epworth League tea meeting Good Friday evetang was fairly well attended and tete lecture on "Car, - ed t" by W. 11. Mutt was much apprecl- ite, 1. The Sunday errvlree were rohduct- ed In the morning by Rev. A. 11. Going of Exeter. who preached a good praet- tical sermon. and 111 the evening the pas- tor, Rev. W. It. Butt. with the assistance of the choir. gave a song sermon of much interest and profit. -John Troth - an and wife of Lohdoe and Chas. Troth - an and wife of Detroit spent Easter with the fat ler. )lobt. Trothan of this village. -Tee W. SI.8. met at the Misses Wlleon Tu'eday afternoon. MAPLE alto VE. ►t and Mrs. Richard Ncil of Vest Me - I 1 vray spent Sunday with fr:ends on 2nd. -John flughes spent Vueday on t' • Sod with fritnde.-Wm fl. Slmpeter • t i pur',a eei a manure spreader from Gee Simpson. Will knows the valet' of a useful artlrle.-Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nell spent Sunday with their eon. A. W., i• Clandeboye.-The recent what storm did considerable damage in this vl Inity, -Wm. Gllntour 1s busy driving piste at pteaent. He has a complete rig. -Will seheldlre is engaged to work for Mr. r.hn Lewis this summer. F.LiM V iLLE A lob t 'Ardding was relehrat'c) at tete parsonage hire on April 7th of Mr. Richard Johns to Muse Louise ilallan- tyne. both of Ceborne Township. Teo eeremo:ly was performed by Rev. II J. Fair. The young peapl'• have 10' beast H oho; of their many friends. T ,e 1at1e (iv, --year-old son of Mr. John Heywood Is recovering nicely from d leo-atlon of 4Is rhe.t arm et 'he 'tb)w. the result of ta111•; from a tahl< the (toter. Mos 1t. l'onthtoe left las: week to vis her daughter. Mrs. C. D. Simpson at Wroxeter. -Mrs. W. Buchanan la 1n Gray tp. visiting her mother. who is about 90 years of age. -Duncan Stewart of Calen- dar, Perthshire, Scotland, 1s visiting hie aunt. Sirs. John Stewart, London (toad. -Mise Clarissa 111 tcltell, who has been taking ap--clai treatment In London for her 'tearing, was home for Easter. - Warden Peter Lamont arrived home from the Wt at. --J. W. Ortwein received the sad intelligence that his sister. Sire. Seibert of Scyntote, Wis., was dead. Ow - wing to the distance Mi. Ortwein was unable to attend the funeral. -While cut- ting off a tree which had lodged ie. J. Graham of the London itoad, nortrl, had the misfortune to be thrown off the trunk and fell to the ground, a diet,- ance of several feet, breaking itls arm :lose to the shoulder. It will be some time before Frank will be able to resume his work: -While working in the bush Billy Slavin had the misfortune to break his leg just below the kr.ec. Coming aa it done at this season of the year them -- delete will pamper taint greatly in his operation s. 1t lir. Jas. Horton has returned from Essex County, "Jure he purchased some beef -ring heifers. -Miss Jamieson of St. Marys is vlsitina relatives in this vic- inity. -Mr. and Yr.. Jas. Taylor of Hen - sail visited at Noah liortoa's era Sunday. -R. 11. Glenn open: a few days last week with relatives at Listowel. -Sire. If. Chesney and daughter Ella 'mete a week with relatives here. -Mr. Possum and family have moved into nits. Chas. Stewart's house.- Fred Ellerington'e friends will regret to hear that he Is somewhat under the weather - Mra. Llroadfoot of Itruceflehld is the guest of her son and family her.'. DASII\VOOD ita M. BROKENSIIIRE, DASIIN'COD CONVEY. 114. ENCER. Deed., Wills, Mortgage, and all Legal Iroeumer t. carefully and promptly prepared Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licensee. SL. and furs Louis Kraft have return- ed (1 o:n Berlin, atter a pleasant visit with friends there. -Mrs Fred Kalb- fteisrh and Mrs. A Thiel visited at Mrs. I.ou:s Craft's one day last week. Niles Young of Crediton is this week .1esting the Misses Tiernan. -Mr. George Kellermann has purchased the property of the late Daniel Sacks and has moved therein, he having sold his farm to his son Clarence. -School re -opened Mon - 1 ty with the sever al teachers in their prnrec. The children should now put 3 t'i every effort to do their very beat ' t order to be ready for the midsummer •11ns. Parents too should see to it 'hat their children attend school regu- larly. as this will roust for a great deal vii•h regare to a child's progress. -Tete home of Mo. Adan. Birk was gladdened ,y a baby girl on Wednesday of last ea :all .\dant la all smiles now as a ,asequence. -Mr. Wro isothermal and alas Elia Keller were united in marriage on Wednesday at Mise Keller's home 't :he township of Hay, Rev. Thum o'- 1 1.t!ttg. Titus many friends will whah t • happy couple every Joy in their ;ourr- re through Ilfe.-Mesa Horton has been '.'gaged as teacher it one of the Junior Jepat•t:neate of the public school hero. She comes highly recommended as a teacher, both in qualifications and die- . ipllne. Obituary -This week 1t is our painful duty to record the death of one of our rider citizens, In the person of Mr. August Schroeder, who suddenly pass- ed away Monday forenoon of heart fall - t 1Ie had been around its the morn- ing and was in Mr. Fassold's Black- smith Slop as was his usual custom. He had .helped Mrs. Schroeder at run- ing the washing machine, but not feeling well went and lay down, when hia con- dition became alarming and he passed away in a few minutes. Ile will be greatly missed on our streets by old and young as he was always of a cheerful disposition and was always ready for a chat, it %seeming to be his delight to tell of things which happened In the pio- neer days of thc country. He was par- ticularly fond of children and will 00 doubt be much missed by theta. For many years he has been a faithful mem ber of the Evangelical church here under which sacred rites he was burled on Wednesday afternoon by Rev. L. K.Eidt, his pastor. Interment was made 1n the Goshen Line cemetery. We commend all the sorrowing ones to Him who said, "Oast all your burdens upon me and 1 will sustain thee", and trust that some day there will be a family gathering in the Mansions Eternal. KIII V.► The faunae are laid off plowing ow - lag to the heavy rains. -Miss Emma Curt ninghan has retuirned home after spend Ing her Easter holidays with Mrs. F'. Hertzman at Shlpka.-Mr. and Mrs. Jas O'Rourke of London spent Sunday with We. O'Rourke's parents. -Mr. B. Cun- ningham has overhauled his hotel by painting and papering it, which adds a great deal 10 the appearance. -Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cunningham were visiting the former's brother, Barney, on Sunday -There aro lots of suckers up the creek and the boys are catching them. KIRKTON. air. and Mrs. A. A. Spence: attended the Crossley & Hunter services in St. Marys on Sunday. -We are glad to report that alias Enuna Fraser is Improving af- ter a severo illness of quinsy. -Miss ;fa het Sawyer of London is the guest of her cousin. Miss Etta leletehcr.-Steyr Copeland of St. Marys was taken !R of erysipelas last week and her Mother Mrs. Fletcher Sweltzer went to nurse her with the reeult that the mother is now very 111 of the same disease. Her friends hope for an early improvement. \Ve lded.-The home of the late James Hazelwood on the 4th of Blanchard was the scene of a pleasant event on the ev- ening of April 21st, when the marriage took place of Mr. John Thacker and Miss Sarah Hazelwood, the ceremony be- ing perforated in the presence of a large number of the first cousins of the con- totet n'e parties ail al:ro other relatives. Tire ser -mony, congratulations and supper over a pleasant evening was spent by all. The young couple will re- side on a farm on the 8th con. of the sante township. which farm he recently pu alleged. They have the best wishes of t!u•Ir many Wends for a life of hap - p ties.; and proaperlty. Dr. CJnlpbell spent part of last week in horonto.-airs A. Switzer had Miss Ad- dle Prelstley of Kintore as a guest last xe'ic.—J C. Gardiner lost part of his been roof during the recent stenut.-Mr Rev. Veale has returned front a' visit with her daughter at Rayfield.-Itev •►rchdeacorl Youag preached at St. Paul's • aver last Sunday evening. -J F. Stin- e) .t 1; recovering from an attack of la grippe. -J \Vaghorn has engaged with Archie Robinson for the summer. -It Is understood that the Railway By-law for Illattvhard will go before the people again. -The Kirkton Agricultural Society .v111 take advantage of the Gover one's offer for a grail competltio.t for next fall. and Vic eecr.tary, Mr. Antos Doupe .vfll take entries. -- efcGiLLI VRAY Mr. Jos. Dorman of Adanac, Sask., ar- rived home last week on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dornan. Joe looks as if the west agreed with h1nt. Clinton—Tice home of Mr, Jae. Dunford was the scene of a quiet, but pretty wed- ding on Wed nesday, thc 14th, when his second daughter, Pearl S., was united In marriage to Mr. Wilfrid G. Pickett. The marriage took place et high noon, in the presence of the immediate relatives and a few intimate friends. New Spring Go0ds arriving every day. We have the NEWEST and MOST STYLISH GOODS this store has ever shown Come and see our new goods before purchasing New Dress Goodsstyli O°r stock is complete with the moat sh fabrics, consisting of Striped Huitings, Merge;+, Panama!, Wool Venetians, Fancy Lustre•, Satine Cloths, Voile,, Criepine Cloths, ekc., &c. Ladies' New White Wear — Shirt Waists, Gowns, Skirts, Corset Covera, &c., &c. - New Wash Goods New Prints, Ging. hams, Linens, Fancy Vesting!, Muslins, Linen Suitings—THE VERY LATBST— Shittinge, Arc., kc. Men's Spring Suitings Just— the Fittest and Largest Assortment of Fancy Suitings ever shown in Dashwood. All the latest patterns and calors. Call and see them before you purchase your Spring Suit. Prices HIGIIT Ideal Woven Wire Fencing All parties intending to purchase wire for fencing will do well to give us re call. Sole agent,' for the above fencing, Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce GIVE US A CALL 111 TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER, THE BUSY STORE - . DASHWOOD Buggies! Buggies! Buggies! JUST ARRIVED --A large consignment of Buggies from fire of the leading firms of Ontario, in all the latest styles and designs. Any person intending buying will do well to look over our stock before purchasing. We will save you money by so doing. No trouble to show goods. All vehicles are guaranteed. A call solicited, TREVETHICH & HODGINS, Crediton • • - Ontario THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTABLISHED lee/ D. B. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000, ALIZANDER LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 6,000, I 1 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Bank are a most convenient way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations of $1O, $20, $50, $100 and $200 amount payable in g Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Frae, Great Britain, Norway, Russia, Sweden is of while in other countries and the exact Germany, and Switzerland they are payable The cheque; and of the Bank. at Holland, Italy, stated current on the rates. face each cheque, all information regarding them may be obtained at every office 131A Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton DrIhten 111) The use of_paint is an economy. It protects and beautifies. It makes buildings Last longer and look better. But be sure and get the right ind of paltit or varnish for your purpose. Ask your dealer for SIIERWIN-WILLIAM$ PA/Nr.s' AND VARNISHES Made -in Canada 1/11'aVOI 1►•AilUityltf at Montreal. TorontaWins WHALEN School has re -opened this week and all feel the good of the Easter holidays.— A number from this vlcittlty have been attending the Crossley -Hunter meetings at St. Marye.-Wm. Ketoles is busy In this vicinity with his post driver. Ile is a crack stand at the Job. -ales Charlotte Flatness, Lotlle Slattern and James Og- den visitel frle:tda at Elinnville Sunday. -No seeding as yet has been done around here. -Our baseball tears are talking of re -organizing and are anx- iously waiting for dry weather. -Messrs Daniel Hodgson seed J. V. Sillleon have rented the fifty -acre grass farm of Mr. Rider south of here on the corner of Filene'n's side-road.—tared men are a subject seriously considered by the tarnt- ersaround here. None as yet have pre- sented themselves for inspection. Conte right along boys.—Mr. George Milieon Is still unable to be around, but Is Im- proving.—Miss Ella Brooks and Miss Bessie Morley spent Easter the guests of Mrs. Fred. Delbridge at Winchelsea. -Miss Ina Dickens ct Saintsbury was the guest Sllss Edna Gunning for Eas- ter —Mr. Newton Musson spent the Eas- ter holidays with his parents.—Mr. and Mrs. Duffield are rejoicing over the new- ly arrived vlsitor-ata a boy. -Mr. and Sirs. Harvey Squires spent Easter with Itlends 1n Grantotr,-Mr. and Mra. \Vin. Morley visited with her parents for Eae- tor—Mr, II. Millson attended the special meetingsat St. Marys Sunday evening.— Miss Ella Brooke has returned to her place In London. after a visit with her taothct who has been on the sick list. - At the meeting on last Monday evening P was decided to ''raye the S. S. Anniver- sary In June -The recent wind storm did considerable damage to the farmers' bulidings and property in this district. Blanchard: H. Donis, 11. A., Principal of Vienna ciilgh School was called home last week owing to the dangerous ill- ness of his mother, Mrs. Mary Donis. Parkhill.—The death occurred here on April 14th of B. ICernohau aged 37 years. The body was taken to London for burial. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital (paid up) Rest Fund - - $3,500,000 $3,500,000 Has 135 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER BRANCH es Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDON, Manager. FARMERS WANTED FARMERS WANTED To go with us and see our fine wheat farms in Saskat- chewan and Alberta. Train leaves on Tuesday, May 4th. All parties will be shown over our lands at our expense. All purchasers will have their railroad fare refunded out of first cash payment. SPRING WHEAT In the Egale Lake District on the direct route of the C.N.R. from Saskatoon to Calgary. FALL WHEAT In Sunny Southern Alberta on the direct route from Wayburn to Leathbridge. John Charlton, Exeter, Age Faifor r & Co.lson,