Exeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 3SPRING BLOOD 'THINK ALL WRITING S 1l'RUD. How the t'hineee Dispo"ta of Let- term wt•term and 1i sae Papers. 1_S BAD BLOOL The Chinese held every scrap of writing sacred, no matter what the characters express --the merest commercial message, telt crtise- 1 Mow E:st to Get New Health in tSncConfucius siSed those characters to his used Strength in Spring. 1d�iin III the are a holyge . hinesc comate The winter months are trying to trite all letters and wa.:te paper aro Cho health of oven the Must robust. , laid away in a clean receptacle to Confinement in -doors in over-heat-;awa: the collector, who appearslIIow cd and nearly always badly vcntti' t at regular intervals to transfer the lated towns- -in tee home, the ct , waste papers to the sacred furnace. the shop aid the ?wheel --taxes the If the papers were burned b;7 the 'vitality of sten the strongest. 'Pito CIiinese in their own houu's the ash - blood ice cines thin and watery or t s of the eaered writings would clogged with i!npuIities. Sontet71lles Ill'iigle with the ashes of wood aed you get up in the morning just as ucli -r feel, and the ashes of Chi- N. •S., April 1!1 pecial)h .j uft `r- front which much may be doped. Twelfth St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. bed sacred ho tired as when �' . , i McKinnon HE TOOK A ORIGIN OF THE. POTATO. In consequence of the outbreak rRIEND'S AD�IIICT� of the potato -disease in the 19t11 centw�y, botanists have for years ANI) DODD'S 1h11)NFY PILLS SOON CUBED HIS B.1('K- A l' II I% Malcolm McKtnnon Found Complete and Permanent Relief From His Kidney uud Stomach Troubles. Shunacadio, ('apo Breton Co., liven seeking the original wild species of this most. useful plant, in order that, by crossing it with the cultivated forms, fresh vigor Wright he infused i1:te the latter. The search has extended over Chile, Peru, and other parts of America, but until recently nu BOCCE* 88 has hen promised. Mr. Sutton of Very short time I began to improv^. Reading, England, the well-known took one bottlo and am now taking sexdsni .n, in whuse experimental my second. 1 can safely say that my plant its a great variety of these throat and tread aro cleared from ca - plants has been tried, has now fixed upon a wild syecies, the So- tarrh at the present time, but I still ;amen etuberosum, which has been continuo to take my esusl dose for a gruvving in his gardens fur 2U years, spring tonic, and 1 find thorn Is moth. as being the origival wild s ,ecies, Ing better." -Mrs. W. Pray. 2G0 roe Catarrh of the Throat of T1.1 Years' Standing. e'I was afflicted for two years with catarrh of the throat. At first it west very flight, but every cold 1 took made It worse. "I followed your directions and In a d ' you trent to nese writings arra as ' d as the ing with Backache se rnuc that he 'TI c 1 tube usunt for °U people have headaches; wrl,ln;; itself• could out work, elalu In M )(tars has entirely defied the potato F�[P i(1Sl a ulenti- aun211 e r .. , some 1 1 The ashes from the sacr(d fur -z well known rasldent of this place (ranee Agents Wall GU others are low spirited ; some have!disease, and its offspring 1_ pimples and ,,kin erel tions. Tlle`e nate aro pieced in sacks, the racks took is friend's Alice and used 'cal with the commercial potato. are n sprang I1 ey npto'rs that the aro conveyed by wagons to the sea, l 1)t,dd's Kidney I'ills. The result is, blo(xi is out of order. You can't and there, in a Mon War boat, aro that he is back ut work and his I A Woman's Sympathy r Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill alieuvy financial load? Is your pitta a heavy physical burden? I know what cure these troubles with purgative carried out where the tide runs Backache is gone. medicines, which merely gallop, swift and consigned to the waves. "Yes," he says, in speaking of through the system, leaving you ; Tho Alun War boat belongs to the his case, "I was troubled with still weaker. What you need to Mon War Sher, which is a lodge Backache, due to wet feet and hard give you health and strength in the i with branches everywhere, organiz- work. It got so severe at last 1 spring is a tunic medicine, and the ed and maintained for the purposewas quite unable to du my work. one always reliable tonic and blood i of paying reverence to the spirit of "It was through a friend's ad- ,�to 1• ell's Kidney started use ll builder is Dr. Williams' fink Pills. Confucius. eco I ata These Pills not only banish spring Tho furnace in the Chinatown Pills, and I was soon aware that ills, but guard you against the which nearly every large city in the they wero doing me good. My back more serious ailments thatfollow, United States harbors is generally was easier and I had less pain in such as anaemia, nervous debility', a brick, evenlike structure, about urinating. rheunmatisrn, i. digestion and kiclney five feet high. Opposite it on tho "As Dodd's Kidney Pills had trouble. Ifr. Williams' Pink Pills wall there will usually be an in- done me so much good 1 thought wake new, rich blood which ecription of the character of the I would try Dudd's Dyspepsia 'Tab strengthens every nerve, every or- following: "The spirits of our an- lets and 1 did so with marvellous gall and every part of the body. cestors aro pleased that we keep effect. Two boxes set my stomach Try this medicine this spring and sacred the writing of our eount•ry." right." you will have strength and energy The society of Mon War Sher (Club With Dodd's Kidney Pills to keep to resist the torrid heat of the of the Beautiful Writing) is trade my Kidneys well and the blood coming summer. Mr. J. K. John- up in each case of the prominent pure and I)odd's Dyspepsia Tab - eon, Loch Broom, N. B., says denizens of Chinatown, who sup- lets to put the stomach in shape "Some two years ago I began to port. it by voluntary subscriptions, so that the body receives the nour- feel that my constitution was weak- which pay the salaries of the keep- ishment it needs you aro assured ening. I could not stand any ex- er and his assistant. of the two first essentials of posure or knocking about. I finally --'tom- health. Any doctor will tell you sought the aid of a doctor who GROWTH OF GRAND TRUNK that• said my ,system was very much run down, and that the trouble might Marvelous Progress Made Under end in nervous prostration. As his Manager Hays. medicine did not help mo I decided, on the advice of a friend, to give Since January, 1896, the Grand Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. Trunk Railway System has increas- I had used less than a half dozen ed the operating mileage by 11 per boxes when my health was fully re- cent., through the acquisition of stored, and I think no other utedi- the C. A. Railway. Tho tonnage cine can equal these Pills when one for 1907 --the last complete year's is run down and out of health." report of the company --was 111.9 Sold by all medic?::e dealers or per cent. greater than the num- by mail at 50 cents a box or six her of tuns moved in 1e96. boxes for 82.50 from The I)r. Wil- Gross earnings for 1907 topped hams' Medicine Cu., Brockville, those for 18116 by an even to per Out. oeut.---net earnings being 83.7 per cent. over those for 1896. Fixed charges and rentals for 1907 wero but 3.2 per cent. above those for 1896. New Year's day, ld96, showed a deficit of approxi- mately 81,1".00,0-0; December 31, 1907, was passed with the paernent of 84,100,1e9 in dividends us the result of a year's work. Tho first six months of 1908 pro- duced $328,110 (dividends 4,11 1.1io 4 per cent. guarauterd stock of the company. These figures, few as they are, speak volumes fie- the brilliant ad- ministration of the trust reposed in Charles Melville Hays when he was elected second vice-president and general manager of the Grand Trunk system. Ner d'd it take a dozen years to demonstrate the w•ietben of giving hien absolute sway over this 1ran -.purtIll 1.11 sytit(•trm, which prior to his appeintnleet had bean !a reel)• managed front London, England. Repeat it; 1II`t11oh's Cur* will always eerie my coughs and colds." DANCING BY THIS MILE. How many- invitations to dances aro you likely to receive this year 1 Tent 'Twenty I Well, here are some statistic's that may interest you. According to a tsell-known profeesnr of dancing, six and a half hours is enough to be complete master of the ordinary waltz, with the reversing movement. 1, should be danced to very slow music, and in three steps which go tii each bar $ distance of '2 ft. 6 in. should be traversed. The speed should be 44 bars of music a minute, involving 132 movements of the feet, and 22 complete rovolntio.ls of the danc- ing couple. The duration of a dance ?home net exceed six nlinu'es The pupil should be pro- ficient after ab..ut (i5 trials, invol- ving 17.160 bare of music, 51,440 steps, 8,50 toms and a total dis- tance of seven miles. Only an hour and forty live minutes is nrcea.ary to require the mAzurka. it needs 14,-190 steps, 1.'207 turns, and two miles of dancing. Tho polka is another ewe/ (lance. It. nerds 28 pract ire danrea of four niinittes each to bring perfection. This means 9.200 steps, 2,300 revolu- tions, and a di:tanto of two and • half miles. 4 TIER WASTE!) i:FFORTS. A public s, hoel teacher was ex- lain'ng the Meaning of the word '`glutton. "New, Tommy," she asked, "what weeld you rail a rnan who fa coriltantly overeating 1" "Oh," said Tommy, %hese father was a sea raptain, "he's what you call a 't,•waway, I guess." ♦o•C, c,♦o-0+0•o•o1Pv+ TWE 11.14 oI atarneen AID Or lwILD*V.t1. The ills of childheed are many, and may prove seri- ous if int promptly :melded to. In all homes where ilahy's Own Tablets Are kept there is a promppt cure at hand for such troubles as indigestion, colic, diarrhoea. constipation, worms, and teetning trou- bles And the mother has the guarantee of a gnvrril- n'.'nt analyst that this mc.f1. Y7 rine contains no ciliate er ; poisonous drug. Mrs. R. r Hammond, (opetown, Ont., says:--- ''I havo used Baby's Own Tablets and thiak no- thing can equal them for *'nal{ children. I wooled not be w ithout then in the house, for they saved my little girl's life." Sold by medicine deal- ers, or by mail M >ib cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., tirot:Irvine, Oat Any roan can aff.'rd to be a poet if he d.'c,n't need the money. Iehtoene as Stm hfne after 4 it+rm 11 the enlist when sn n14 1inate, p,tllea% 4-,u,:,11 hat bens driven a +•sy Ly .t1!,ns Luug Balsam N. opium In tt The t >I effect Faris Take a b•11:• flume with you tela day. A woman's train of thought is often on the rear of her dress. A Merry }Pert (lues all the Day. -- But (tie canted linvet tt merry heart if he has a pails in the bark or a cold with a racking cough. Te be merry one must be well and free fri to aches and pain'. 11r. Thomas' Fclectric 0:1 will reliete all pains, muscular or otherwise, and for the speedy treatment of (old• and coughs it is a splendid medicine. EFFECTIVE D1:FEN('E. "We propose to show, gentlemen of the )?try," said counsel fair the defence. "that it is impossible for the defendant to hose committed this crime. "In tho first place, we will prove that the defendant was nl.whore near the scene of the cringe :It the time the crime wa, cemmittc(►. "Next we Is c.ffer the indisput- able testimony of persons who saw defendant on the. spot. and who did not see the defendant commit the cringe. "Wn will 511.w was f“und in the help of the do - ceased. 'Not only that. but we will prove that it was put there by the pro- secution in this case. "We will furthermore show that the deceased committed suicide. "And last, but not least. we will! prove, beyond the shad..w of s; doubt, that the deceased is not; dead. "In view of all which corrobora-' tire facts, gentlemen of the jury,' are respectfully ask for an acquit- i tal." that it poison et -- It's surprising now much a 16 - year old sou can tell his fathdr that the old ivari won't believe. Repeat It: - "Shiloh's yore will always cure my coughs and colds." Speculating enables a plan to save a lot of money by not doing it. The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottlo and give it a trial. Mother -"What aro you doing to your poor dolly, child I" Child --- "I'm going to put her to bed. I've taken off hor hair, but 1 can't get her teeth out." y Bribing the Newts with npin et frog nn may *top a c,u1h, but the inflammation 4• w nes. Al!en'• Luna Salaam, containing n • opium, goes to the root of the trouble and citrus deep-seated *secti•.ns o1 throat and Ieoga It.'s as difficult for some people to he good as it it is fur others to make good. A Pill for All Seasons. --Winter and stuauu( r, in any latitude, whe- ther in torpid zona or Arctic tens perature, I'armelee's Vegetable Pills can be depended up -'n to do their work. Tho dyspeptic will find them a friend always and iti ti d carry there with him everywhere. They aro made to withstand any climate and are warranted to keep their freshness and strength. They do not grow stale, a quality not pussesiled in many pills now on the market. 'Hurry up, Teinnly "' called the 111 ther from downstairs. "We're late now l Nav'o you got your shoes on!" "Yes, mamma - all but one." Corns cause intolerable pain. Il011oway's corn Cu re removes the trouble. Try it, and see what amount of pain is saved. WRONG AGAIN. Young Husband-- "My dear, Je- minrn, 1 roust say that this pud- ding tastes very had." \%ife ''.111 your imaginatiun, dear. Tho cookery -hook sa)s that it tastes excellent:" 1 RUGS r:1• . 1 (1 •..fie: a • t 11-- a'•••1 . 1 .. .:t sI 1'•-..-e.• v • •-. 190 ", •1. .t,••i ateM In • , a VIZ ITi'N.1 AI, RI(1 Cel , "irs•.n l'.;t; •n I•r r Ts;tiIsce Y.l" t:S 11a E ►S a: , w.t!• 'i N U Rlchin n 1 A Drnm-nonl Fire insurance C 1m• pally, Head Office Richmond' Quo 1879. ('.pi tis) d4 .c a o. For agencies at uurepro- seated pAe tis, Ornvin, 0 of Uut.lio, a,ldresa J. II. L1!'AR'r, Chief Agent, these mean to delicate women -I have No. 18 w"elilugtuu St., Eaat,'rurontu. been discouraged. too; but learned how to ------- -- cure myself. I want to relieve your bur- WARREN GZOWSKI Si CO. dens. why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this for you and Members '1'orouto Stock Exchange. Wil) 11 you will assist toe. Traders Bank Building, t5 nrosd Sheet U you need do is to write for a free TORONTO. NEW YORK ' box of the remedy which has been placed In my hands to be Riven away. Perhaps this one box will cure you -it has done so fur others. It so.I shall be happy and you will be curefor 20 (the cost of a postage stamp). Your letters held contt- dentia1ly. Write to -.'a♦ for my tree treat- ment. Lits. F. E Ct: ZRAiI. Windsor. Ont. ONE CAUSE OF FAILURE. As a rule, the Iran who feels that his job is beneath him ealdotu gets above his job. Repeat it:-' Shilob's Cur* will always ours my coughs and colds." The average man is willing to sign almost any kind of a petition SO long as it does not interfere with his personal liberty. Sorno persons are tibia to colds than more suseep- others, con- tracting derangements of the pul- monary organs from the slightest causes. These should always have BOVRIL Is pure corc!ntrated Beef and to ensure supplies of prime at hand a bottlo of Ilickle'e anti - Beef for our needs we have just recently acquired 438,082 acres of the Consumptive Syrup, the present finest .grazing land in the world, in the Argentine Republic, and 000 000 day sovereign remedy for coughs, g K S p�' ' catarrh and inflammation of the acres in North West Australia. lungs. It will effect a cure no neat- Over 100,000 head of horned cattle are on these estates at present. ter how severe the cold inn be, and this number will be much increased. We are therefore in a better You cannot afford to be without a losition than ever toguarantee the put ity and high character of BOVRIL. remedy like Bickle's, for it is the best. STOCKS AND BONDS We isle m.. `Rorke. 1t'rits u• speciatiains (n CO3ALT forinfonoati.:,. ALEXANDER WARDEN, (Latetressurer Presb terlaa laurels la Canada) BONDS AND STOCKS Cobalt stocks bought and sold ono,mmiselon. $ TORONTO STREET, TORONTO. CANADS Lout Distance !'hones -Alain 2370. Main FAIL Advertlsor Will 8o11 5 20 Farmers Bank S00 1000 Bartlett Mines 450. Sot It, Tilt Mll]OM PUSS. Toronto. CALVES .../.111040 �Og. .Tom:* AGENTS1 OI'II 0001)1 AAR • MONKY MA ICRlttt. 11aait,e our bl b (rale 1'.-fuin.,. Toilet 7 sae. (:u5ees, Lie, and secure permanent natio. Dal ('ust•'murs. M--u.y (V: undo -1 11 a ,ods it t ae repretealted. The !lona• SI 404.11.10,1 t , Day/ w 'Aer.,ntu, Canada. arm For Sale pr„8t.es)►wA Farm, In 14 .t0. ti: n•ut't ear Now M -nth!, Itultetla of Real Bargains. profusely Illu.tr..te I. Ini1'ed fn a • pa) your R'.tt. free. t. A, sTCOUT co , to t, wor'd's larre.t tsrm Dealer; 1,1114411111, Bldg., Syracuse, W.V. ale,HTEENTH WITHROW TOUR. BRITISH ISLES AND EUROPE JOS Mils. teaching. 14 Superb lakes. Our most compretienai•s tour. Billions, wit% Atouto Carlo and Holland additional iu,au1., Full illutrated 1'rugraua Ger. t4s Jar►ta bk. furont:+. EUROPEAN TOURS All espenwss paid enc:uding tipt and sduti.aafoat everywhere. Kngiaad, Ireland, Scotland. Wal s 'i• al il e n :awi oliand, Germany. kria d, and France fur ss.Rlun, vl.ittnr earl) nountry b c garbing. boating and railway, from July 2nd Kept Sind. Endorsed by ail Ytsaloshlp en's. the finest trip fir the money crossing the Atlaat14 1Ltners'y sad full.partleulare MAA. V. lS0 V, 1t1 Jarvis St., Turanta USK writ. foe oar EXTRA M1OM 1111011 SHIP TO E. T. CARTER RCO, 89 Front It. asst. TORONTO, ONT. RAT BOVRIL 18 LIQUID LIFE. A woman anprociates an indul- gent husband ---if he doesn't allow the indulgence to stop with him - :self. Et Make the Ernphatls statement that "The 114 L^ Menthol Plaster w111 du more to relfets . uenraagia, lame bark, lumbago and kindred Ironb:e.t than any other plaster. 25c tiro and Sl yd. rolls All drurtlstsi. It is more blessed to give than it is to receive. but most, of us are willing to let the other fellow have the blessing. Rep.at ht:- •' htloh'e Curs will always cure nay coughs and colds.'. It's a good thing to tell the truth occasionally, just to keep in prac- tice. They Soothe Excited Nerves. -- Nervous affections are usually at- tributable to defective digestion, as the stomach dominates the verse centres. :1 course of Parinelee's Vegetable !'ills will still all distur- bances of this character, and by restoring the stomach to normal ac- tion relieve the nerves from irrita- tion. Thero is no sedative like them and in the correction of irre- gularities of the digestive pro- cesses, no preparation has dune so effective work. as can bo testified to by thousands. Tee many men attempt to run the country instead of attending to their own affairs. A Sudden 691 -4 ten moans sud.ten nlnets pd,R rase Is all that is 1/e.de1 10 ward V4144;,t11114 I f .r cramps aryl iliarrh •es Arot 1 .nb•t tutee, tbers is but one " --Perry Pavia'. W} en the optimist gets it in the ne-k lin is thankful that lio isn't a giraffe. Rep•at It.- "Shiloh's our* well always out's my coughs and colds." BRITISH 11':1TF:R-Pn1VNR. The growing industry of extract- ing alutnintnl has stimulated the search for water -power in the Brit- ish fides, because the extraction of aluminum is ro expensive that only low-cost power es ft be ec'n.•tn:call)• employed. in this respect Scot- land, with its mountains, is codl- ing to the front. The water power plant nt the fall% of Foyers, in Scotland. ha=, hitherto been the largest in Great 11! itain ; but now a still larger plant. at Kinlnchlev- en. utilizing the rainfall over a trait of :,> square miles. ms about to he put into. • peratien ter the pr ..lo(•tion of alulriitiutie its nine hydrauli' turbines. each (•f 11.200 brake horsepower. are the large! t aster wheels in the Iiritielm Isles. .1•, umbrella defiler rays there aro ' : f gold raps "n rainy (la:.s. worst tiring about n1 pear• f: e• is tryi lY to et I p 1111t1 up. Iris, "Er os..* -VT vs to t M rs tis 7.• t s t s -e 4!4,11y. •• • •,f'.4111.el '. ,. 1.. 161... 4 Y. ,rl tart y t,• .•0 ).ill • •a !, •-1 ah.nha e'j ne• tI r•k -a• .1 r or ae .. r"-1.., pr..gs. 11.1,1 )neck ( ►a 1 ,tua.N v$tEt1tIAA% CU., torrat♦ BOVRIL LTD., 27 St. Petor 8t., Montreal. 3EIRMIn ink Pencil or rowttain Pen I Just what you want toe doing your Homework! . . - Ynuren hays your eMv A.Intra of NFU( et trees ♦nta.5le 16.4n.•1,t well-tea n(aia from t.ry res ..*(.Hots, P.-mt•Ist Pen is Qote.l6.aded,. (.1 saw, only min e.,rt* of'..r 1'.1.4454 and Irons. Was. 9..d. ars $.e,.1.4 •nrtMI 4 Ia as Oman, aa4 IX (largo ea ets*ee. and are .n.y ..1::+e Snot -today-y.'- r win. Sul 6.14rw, (Aunty 'mum. • vet safe wind.. Sas a.elfabls 1Mslem Os Dort 20, Waterloo u,t USED IN Leading Conservatories, Colleges, Schools, 1 heaves, and in thousands of homes where a piano of distinctive merit it appreciated. The Bell is the only piano with the Illu.nitahle Repeating Action. ilkfcr Bend for (free)) Catalogue No. 76. lllii Sta. PIANO•' Orton Co.. Limited GUCLPH.ONTARIC4 a hungry roan advice is about as charitable as feeding ice cream t.) a wax doll. Mother - "Oh, Johnny, yon tiii tn't pull thn eat' tail l's Johnny (indignantly) - - "I'm not pulling, mother. I'm only just Repast it. -"Bhtloh'sOars will always i„ldiux her tail; it's pussy what'll CUM my coughs and Colds." pulling!!" • rou les r ir t tii •" �, • • Mothers who have used Zam-ttuk knew how It curse Spring Skin Troubles la Children or Adults. Mother, who have not yet tried It should note these facts s- Zam-Duk was unknown ten years ago. ,et such Is Its • merit that to -day it has become the standard salve In the homes of tour continental Zam-Iluk it purely herbals contains no poisonous colouring matter; is used by leading medical men; used In the British Army and Navy; used by all best fitted to know the Deeds of the skin. Make It your family balm 1 '.'r. j. C. Rates, of P"rks Falls (Ont 1. says : --" Zam-Bak erred my three c ildren, who w••re all troken cut in wiles to s•r•h rn estent that It was pitat,le to ere them. Thea, vies had reefed all temetlies pre% iouely applie 1, blit 1 ern glad to say ?am -Bok healed them." Miss S. G. lTsmiltnn, cf Alliston (Ont ). •evs -"tvty fare and hands were one mass (t pimples rind blotches. Thew would itch, and whoa tubbed. broke Out into sorts. V henever 1 put water near ttie affected carts t ra,t•ett a atinging alneation and much pain--inst as if 1 betel been sell.led Nothing that 1 applied seemed to do tee any sod not 1 Merl earn Hub That gave me relief. and a fn.r weeks of Lbs Zltln link treatment resulted in perfect litre Zorn Rub ct.•es tint:n. 141•1 /0 i:.•wa. CP ?a. NOM,. brslbe, ifa1.'8,4,1,0 a•.•ea. • Ir....11.< pissewee/. v.:soma. cirvin iso tat..4..eeee.4.,wt;,, awl all .ken esse.ase oe4 ins,•r(ssi RI.1,be1 tee)! 4.fn fly lanes .fa.(.A M cw•y w!w•w rhaww..herw, .n4 ecist.cU. AN prn4C(4/. 'fore. roll et SOc Eos. IA -1. fir Of 11, or Ars*/roes Zane B.5 Cu . Yo'vel.. foe Segos. t... sew- . '.1 air ti