HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-22, Page 160c to JANI '1 NOW iS THE TIME re subscribe fur the AUyu- CA'rE arid get a Largaln ab above stated: or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates titt tit? Wedding Invitations In Newest Type On Rest Parle'1.5 'rhe Finest `Volk And )tight )'rices The Advocate Office, Exeter TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APRIL 22. 1909. ampow SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable 'SPRING * SPRING SPRING Spring is here and we are here with the goods. The latest and newest LACE CURTAINS In Tisbuet and Bet tenburg, Patterns ranging from 50e. to $4.30. .Art Muslin in patterns and good colors, lt)c., 12Jic., 15c. per yd. Fancy Script in stripe and fancy patterns, full 40 inch wide at 20c. and 23c. per yd. Real Medrass Muslin in Tight and dark woven colors, buitable for draping and curtains. A very full line of frilled rnuslin and Robinette, a very special line at 25c. per yd. Bonne Firnie Curtains, beautiful designs, ranging in pt ice from 50C. to $1.50 per yd. Luce Curtains by the yard, a very fine line for 25e. per yd. now selling at 18e. These are all first-class lines and will Etend inspec- tion. Colne in and satisfy yourself that we hack our words with the goods. WALL PAPER We are showing thio year the finest assortment we }leer ever offered' We can give you all the latest and newest patterns and colors with wide and narrow borders to sell from 3c. to lac. pet roll. Our err so and silk finish are regular 25c. for 20c. and 15 •. SPECIAL -500 rolls of paper ranging from 10c. to 20. for 5c. Don't Forget That we have a first-class milliner in connection with stet a in the per son of Miss Morlock. CARLING BROS. 1 New Wall Papers OUR STOCK OF WALL PAPERS is complete in every detail. If you have a room that does not suit you an i has not the attractive appearance that you wish, go to R.N. Rowe and buy some of that lovely paper he is showing. Also look at his Iinoleumns and lace curtains. They are beautiful. And prices ate the lowest' We can prove it to you' COME 1N We Keep Nice, Clean. Fresh Groceries K. N. ROWE PHONE 22 — ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST•OFFICE ereftaaloaall Cards. F CAIRNS. VETERINARY SUMMON. Successor to Da Rasur, D` O. T. $OULSTON, L. D. 11.. D. D. 8. D e >t T I b T Special Attention to Dentistry. Ember of tn. Q O. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Night calla lett at the home of Mr. Peter Sweden O N/fate of?afooto Ueieer.ltr. Main street, (opp. Triyltt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. OPTIOi: Over Dickson a ('arling's Law OfIce, Is EXETER, • ONTARIO. Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. ibDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 88. ,Honor D. D. , Henor graduate of Toronto Unlv.rl.ty. DENTIST. Doak extracted without any pain, or any bad effect's Ojos Byer (Madman a Stanbury'a office, Maio street S ssesr. Medical • R BRIGiIT, M. D., M. C. P. a S. HONOR . Graduate of Toronto University. Two years resident php si,ian Royal Alexandra Ito.{dial, etc. - -- - Office and Residence, i',. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew Street, EXETER. FARM rOR SALE Ofllce–Dr. Ramsay', old stand ,corner of Main ar+a Nortb street., (opp. Pym'. Blacksmith shop). Your patronage solicited PROPERTY FOR SALE. New brick cottage, two story, contain- ir.g eight rooms, with furnace, electric 1q!:t and all modern convenlenccs. Hard ,+nd .ort water. Two lots, situated on Seeders street, Exeter. Apply at Advo- ttc Office. 1)R, T. P. McLAUGHLIN Has resumed practlee after s},endingR a year (Col. lege) at British and Continental lloepitate. General practice with special attention to Eye, (with refrac• tion) Ear Nose and Throat. Office: Dash% Nod, Ont. Legal. DtOE8O!t a CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLiCi tors, Notarise, Conveyancers, Commissioners Solicitors for Motions Bank, etc. Meter to Loan at lowe.t rained intermit 011 es. Main street, Flirter, I. R. Ceuta', B.A., L• 11. nelson OI?[<T TO LOAN. W. eat. a kree amount of private lunch to loan s farm ant .'ilia;. properties at low rates of Inter WI. OLADMAN a STANBURT.' Darrbter., Sollclton,Main st., Exeter On B. S. PHILLIPS, ExeTER. Licenced Auctioneer. Safes attended In ail parts. Satisfactlos guaran- teed or no pay Terme reasonable. All order left at Advocate ORI a will be promptly attended to J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Arcllrance Company, also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. M:ain•St., Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN A large arnou•tt of money to loan on farm and village proprrttes at lowest Miss. ERNEST ELLiOT. Conveyancer. etc. Office opposite Central hotel. Eseter. ROUSE FOR SALE An excellent brlek house, modern ard up-to-date. Situated on Main street. Apply at this Office. 75 acres of the 1st cot. of Biddulp:i. Lot 2. 1-4 mile fro.n Centralia . 05 ac. u n1r cultivation. 10 ac. flash pasture. T • rc is a good two-story hrfck cottage barn 34 by GO. other buildings also, •1 good wells, 2 orchards ; possession at oeec. ,apply on the prentls'a. THOS. W. NEiL. BUS AND DRAY BUSINESS Having decided to go into the Ilus and Dray Business In E''etor i hail" placed a new and up-to-date rig on the road for the conveyance of passengers to and from the statlotl, and respectfully so- ilcit a fair shl,re of business of tee travelling public. Gills at the office, phone 41A, cheerfully attended to WM. ARNOLD. i'rop. SEED BARLEY FOR SALE About 800 bushels of No. 21 barley grown and kept for seed purposes. This is a new vatlety that has proven to possess a remarkable clean stiff straw excelling all other varlet:es, also gave tee eight't yield of grain pa acre of tit tee barley tested in 11107 at the O. t. C., mancllurla Included. it has been e ithout an exception the most popular variety with the experimental unto.; In the province ever since the (fret distrib- utlon in 1908 In two pound :ors front the O. A. C. Price on applicatfo»,. JOHN ELIBEi:. lfensall P. C. Lot 1,, (:.):t. 2. itay. White Wyandottes Good Laying Strain. FOR SALT. Eggs ler hatching. let Pen. 13; :m1 pen. IiI set for 13. Three . ttintry or more at reduced rate& Pint pen headed by a bib bred by J. S. Martin of Port (over; 2nd pen headed by a real goof bird of my own raising Either pen needs nn comment as to quality. A11 cnmmsnleatlona ans- a err] promptly. Address CHAS P. HOOFER, P r: h.% 1;e. Elect. Ont. Ofdley 8t. TJIE EXETER COUNCIL The Council nut Friday, April 10th. Absent councillor Luker. Minutes of meeting In Id March 31st read and ap- p: oved. A circular letter from The Can- adian Municipal Journal, re. subsc•rip- tlons for 1909. The account was order- ed to be returned as the Council are not subscribers. The following were. read .utd ordered to be paid ;–Win. Brlckwood labor at cemetery, $1.90 ; Jas. Dennis, p trt salary as bell ringer. #10 ; Ilarv- ey 1n -os. account for coal for 'town Hall. $18.33 ; Jos. Senior, part salary, #33 for labor. Thos. llroek69.15: ltictt Qua!) ce #5.25 ; Fred Hector $1.25 ; Win. Welsh $4.05 ; Alf. Bedford $3 ; Sidney Sanders $3; Walter Westcott $ 4 ; Thos. Holden *3.50. Per Jonns--Carling–That the account of T. IIawkins al. Son for glass amounting to #4.40 be paid. Per Ifeannan–That before the account be paid Mr. Hawkins be invited to discuss this bill before the Councll.–No seconder The motion was declared carried. Ac- counts amounting t.r #101.43 passed on motion of Johns arld Carling.–Carried. Mr. L. 11. Dickson addressed the Coun- cli regards a drain along William street The request was granted. James Hern asked for a drain along Sanders street roan :ling with drain on Carling street. Caas. F. Hooper complained of having .vater In Lis cellar and asked that the Council inspect drain at the corner of Gidley and Carling streets. Mr. Dobler p:•cscnt3d a petition signed by the sever- al ratepayers along Wellington street, -seeing for a content walk froi9 Main street to the railway property. On nto- uoe of Johns and Heamau the petition was received and the request granted, subject to contra appeals.–Carried. L. Dickson, on behalf of a client, asked teat the Council grant a license for a Joeling alley within the municipality. Per Carling–Johns–That a by-law be prepared, granting the privilege and fixing the license fee, said fee to be #5 for ear h alley per annum.–Carried. Ad- journment per Neaman. That teachers are becoming scarcer than ever is evidenced by the fact that the trusters of S. S. No. 5, Osborne, re- ceived only one application to fill the a- ca11 y caused by the restgnatlo:l of Miss Robinson. PASTURE FOR CATTLE AND HORSES The undersigned can take a limited number of cattle and horses for pasture by the month. For particulars apply to R. D teutnton, Salntsbury P. 0., Lot A. 5th Con. Usborne ROUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. The undersigned 1e off rang for sale a good brick house and lo acres of land, Part of South Half Lot 4, Con. 2, Ste- phen. Tne house is in good repair. also a good frame barn and woodshed. good soft and hard water, never failing well, good orchard, 3-4 mile from at hool• 1 and 1-4 miles from church. Possession give 1 next fall. Apply on the premises. MRS. WiNER, Centralia P O. TENDERS for CONCRETE ABUTMENTS Sealed Tenders will be received by the and rrslgned up to Mond iy, May 3rd,1908 at 12 o'clock noon for the construction of cement abutment• In Credito:, for a bridge. across the Sauble River. flans and •pecificattons can be sten nt the of- fice of the undersigned. The lowest or any Bildt r riot ne r sear- Ily accepted, HENRY F:ILIIEI(, Clerk of Township of Stephen, Creditor', Ont. HORSEMIEN ATTENTION. The season for horse bills will soon be hole. The Advocate 1s prepared with a choice ane of ruts and type for your job. Rementtc r we give you free from all charge a two -weeks' notice of the horse and route 1:r Tt.e .advocate welch has the largest c Ir. u:.tion 1n the &eerier. The notice itself Is well worth the price of the cards. BLACKSMITH SHOT' FOit SALE First class stand; doing gaod busi- ness : III hea;t.1 reaso;i for selling. Fur terms and particulars apply to A. E. Pref. Exeter, Ont. Ontario Liquor License Act License District of South Huron Nott a ie here),) ,;i.en that the 1;. and of License Commissioners for the IA -en., Dietrt••t of South Huron will meet at DIXON HOUSE, iN THE N'ILLA(JE OF illtl't'EFIEi.r) --—(IN--- FRiUAY. APRIL 23111), 1909 AT 10 A. M., for the purpose of eneidering apppplteattoes for Liquor Licenses for tin License Year 19(10.10. All persons interested will govern themseles ac- cordingly. JOHN TORRA1?Cg, License Inspector, Dated at t'linton on March 30th. 11811. Notice i• hercb) given that the persons whose names appear in the hllowintr c-hed ilr are apply - int/ for Liquor Licenses tor the License )'tar 11x0.11. and that the ssme are not now Licenses under the Act or are applying for licensee for premises not now under license. Name of 'Rind of Des-rlption 0 Name of Applicant License Premises Municipality N. M. ('antra I Taxers lalmorialSt Joseph HotelI Tp- of Nay Por the current year there were twenty four tavern and two.hop licensee tamed. The total number of spplicatloss for licenses for the ermine year is twenty tacern and no shop license. Any petition against granting License to any ap- plicant or premises must he lodged with the under- signed et least four days before the meeting of the License Board. JOHN TORRANCE. License Inepe• tor for South Huron. noted at Cl,ntnn thle sash of Mar•h. itaen ))IED IN THE WEST 13IRTIIS Clarke.–At St. Josepe hospital, Londotl Ont„ on April 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Wal - late D. 'Clark, of Exeter, a son, (Theo- dore Gale.) Salter.–in Exeter, on April 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Salter, a daughter. Swartz. -1n Stephen, on April 10th, to Mr. and Mrs Jacob Swartz a son. lurk,–Ln Dashwood, on April 14, to Mr. a:.d Mrs. )\dant Birk, a daughter. GI rnv1i1e.–In Excte r North. on Apr:! 17 10 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (;ln::vi::c•, a 80(1. Ou Thured..s last a telegram was rc_'elve-d by Mr. Sinton Hunter of Us - borne of the serious Mitres of iiia son, Simon, at Nanton, Alberta ; and an hour or so later a second telegram was re- ceived, stating that he was dead. The news of the illness and death carte as a great surprise and shock to the par- ents and other relatives, as they had cause to Think hint in his usual good health, having received a letter from hint only a week »afore, 1;1 which he stated that he had juut been for a horse- back ride. It seems. however, frown word received since that he took 111 on the 8th of April of an acute forst of !]right'!' Disease, acid In seven days he had pass - ea away. Mr. Hunter was unmarried, and was aged 38 years. 3 months and 7 days. Ile had been int the West for 17 years, and last visited the family here sono five yeast ago. Of a bright and happy disposlt:on he was a great fav- orite of the family and was well belov- ed by all ve-o knew hitt. The sincerest sympathy u. the many friends la extend ed to the patents and brothers and ela- te. s, who are, George, Sherwood, Will- iam. Frank, Gordon, Edith Annie and Etta Pearl of Usborne, and John of Sas- eatehewalt. The remains were brought to Exeter, arriving here Tuesday even- ing ani taken to the home of the father, Lot n., IUsborne, from where the funeral took place to the Exeter ceme- tery on Wednesday afternoon, the ser- vice being' held at the home at 1.30 o'- clock. Deceased was a member of the I. 0..0. F'e and a number of the Exeter brethren attended the funeral and took pert in the burial service. Local Items ALL NEW GOODS.–Another stock of Dry Goode and Gro_eries just received at the Exet .r Bargal.l Store. Tris crack- ing Big Sale will begin Itext Saturday morning at 11 o'clo: k and continue for Pen Days. RATTLING BIG BARGAINS se usual. The store is for sale or to relit. Eseter, 22nd April, 190'n. J. W. BIIODERICK Toni Carling ari ived home Wednesday from Queen's University, Kingston. Mr. Elizer Williams who has been 111 most of the winter was able to be up town this week. Messrs. 1'. llawdcn & Son have purchas ed a cement block machine, and ate pre pared to do all c•lasees of such wprk. Se. their advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. CockwllI of Crcdlton vis- ited .Nfr, and Mrs. \\'n1. Welsh. the let- ter part of last week.–Miss '.tab 1 we of Crediton was the gu^at of Mise Lottie Welsh Sunday. Miss M. E. Brown. who has bac:; tak- :ag a course In nurser:; at Harper's Hospital. Detroit, passed her final ex- amination last week. Her many friends here will extend congratulations. Mr. Alex. Dow has purchased a fine • :ttlre horse for the Improvement of stock. He is pronounced by eminent judges to be one of the best Merges ever brought to the neighborhood. Mr. harry Rendle leaves Monday for Spokane to reside. Barry will be missed in town because he 1■ a fine young fel- low, and has In 011t the making of a :1 et- l ass baseball player. We wish him luck. DENTAL OFFICES CLOSED April 28 to May 1st. Inriusivc.–Dr. Kinsman and Dr. Itoulston desire to announce that their dental office., will b -r closed On the above dot's, the occasion being the Annual Dental Convention. Tne death occurred in Exeter North on Sunday of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs Thos. Webster. aged 2 mos. Death was caus_d by pneumonia. followed by spinal trouble. The funeral took place to the Exeter r.niettry on Tuesday afternoon. ATTEND CIIURCIi.–Tic Exeter Odd - fellows attend divine service In a body on Sunday morning next at the Prcaby- terian church. The hour of service Is 11 O'clo:•k and all bit emembcre are re- quested to be at the lodge room at 10.15. Rev. D. Urquhart of Ktppcn will preach. DiED IN CALG.AII .—word was re- ceived here this week of the death 111 Cal- gary. Alta. on April 14th of a former Exeter lady. Emma Hoskins. wife of Louis \Valper and sister of Mrs. John tf"Laughlin of Exeter. ller death fol - :owed operatloes for gall stones. .She was 41 years of age. Deceased was daughter of the late William 1t6akel,. Evey growers' ambitious town 1s cMn- poed of three 11. merits. Teoac wl.o work patriotically, vigorously and inte)Ilgent ly ro: its advancement : those who are in .1 ettt, or apathy or indifference, and diose who t eke a curious delight In dis- couraging the efforts of others by rtdl- (-ule, and by persistent denial that any p ogrese can or has ben accomplished. +rid by hoists of any other town but their own. The last class are called toakers, but they arc really something worse. for their opposition does not a - " enlist)? front despondency. but from that unenviable spirit that will 1101(0er act itself or suffer others to act. DEATH OF MRS. FISHER.–At Clin- ton the death occurred on April 14. of elehatlhel house, relict of the late Wrn. Fisher. at the age of 98 years. 8 mos. and 14 days. Derea•ed had been 111 about two weeks, the rause being the .t tirmltlea of oid age. Born of Penn. cyNanta Dut-h parents at Sr. Thomas, Onte til.. reeldcd there for several years, afterwards living jai Luran for a few years. it: Lletowel for twenty years snd :n Exeter for seven years. The husband prede-eised her about two years. They had no children. Tire rrmale@ were brought here and the funeral took place from the tome of Mrs. Fred Fisher. Wl'llam Street. on Friday at 2 o'clock, interment helr,g nitde h, the Exeter cemetery. 1'uliarton.–Mrs. Wl 11.1111 \t'illiam•,who has been making her home with her daughter. Mrs. Wm. Reid of Fullerton village. .)nee her eushar,d's draht 3 years ago. peered away o:, Thursday at the age of 72 years. MAILRIAGES Stanlake–Mc Leod–At Ailsa Craig, on April 14th, ,Nelson Stanlake, eon of MI. Silas Stanlake of Sodom, to Miele Laura McLeod of Ailsa Craig. Thacker–Hazelwood–At Kirkton on the 21 at April, by Rev. Veale. John Thack- er to Callas Sarah. daughter of the late James Ilazelwood, all of Blanchard. Itatz–•–Iforn–In Mitchell. on the 14th John Ratz of Fullerton, to \Yllhclnttne L., daughter of F. Horn, Logan. Kleaman–Clyne–At Sebringville, on the 14th. John Kleaman of Vancouver, I1, C., to ;Mss Clara, daughter of Jacob Clyne of F'ullarton. Plekett–Durnford–At Clinton, on April 14th, Mies Pearl Susan Dunford to Mr. Wilfred George Pickett, both of Clinton. Stanbury–Kellington–At Clinton on Ap- ril 8th, Lillian Kellington to William Stanbury, Jr., Loth of the London Road. Dinsmote–Stephenson–At the manse. Varna, on April 71h, Ella. daughter Of Mr. and Mere Ralph Stephenson. of the Goshen Line, to John Dinsmore. all of Statiley township. Johne–Ballantyne–At EllmvIl1c or; Apr, 7th, by. Itev. Fair. Richard Johne tO MBss Loulee Ballantyne, bout of Use borne. Faust–liartlelb–.1t Zurich on April 8, by Rev. A D. Wachter, Miss Laura' llartletb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. 1[articlb, to Sant. E Faust. DEATHS lluntet•,–At Nanton, Alta., on April 15th] Simon Bunter, eon of Mr. Simon 1 tun- ter of Osborne, aged 38 years, 3 eros. and 7 days. Webetcr.–In Exeter North, on Apr11 29, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Teonta8 Webster, aged 2 menthe. Walper.–At Calgary, Alberta, on April 14, Entrna Hoskins, wife of Louis War per aged 41 years. Fisher.–At Clinton. on April 14, Mehate abet house. relict of the late W'nl. Fisher, aged 89 years, 0 months and 4 days. t ( r Foster.–In Blanchard, on April 14tH, Foster, aged 89 years, 2 months. West.–At Gravenhurst. on April 10th, !Mas L. ;West, formerly of McGillivray aged 44 years. Baker.–in Fullerton on the 14th, Ethel M., wife of Itev. A. C. Baker. aged 36 years, '5 months, and 22 days. Schroeder,–In Dashwood on April 10, August Schroeder. 3Ez?. 1:"! 'rhe general public will take notice that 1 alp doing business in Exeter in the line• of purchasing all kinds of scrap, for whit It I am prep:lred t„ pay the following prices : Scrap Iron.... 45c cash, 50c trade, per hundred Rags 55c If 60c ce Rubbers 4c tt 5c Horse Hair... 22c et 25c Copper 7c ee 8c All purchases to be delivered to T. IHAWKINS & SON'S HARDWARE, EXETER, where the cash will be paid or trade given. Orders for collection of scrap may be left at the sante store, where prompt attention will be given. Fair dealing is our motto and we will give you every cent your .teff is worth. If tt tt if per pound it Hold Your Scrap for Us, it will pay you well! M. WEXLER, Junk Dealer, Exeter, Ont. \L%AL Ace1:. ; NOTICE Regina Watches, when sold without an Official Guarantee, and by other than an authorized agent, are liable to be Second - Hand Watches, taken in trade or procured in some other second-hand way. 1 rim the only authorizes Official Agent here, and am the only one who can issue an Offic- ial Guarantee which will be re- spected by other Official Agents throughout Canada. A. MARCHAND, the Jeweller, EXETER, ONTARIO. House Cleaning Supplies Ready -Mixed Paints. per tin.... 10c, 15c, 25c. 370, 45c Senour's Floor Paints. " -15c Campbell's Varnish Stains. per tin..15c. 25c, 45c, 85c Floorglaze Enamel, " 35c, (0c Alabxu tine and Murano. per pkge. • . . .... 25c, 50c Aluminum Paint, 0 10c, 25c Gold Enamel. 25c Paint Brushes 5e, 10c. 15c, 25c Wall Paper Brushes 25c White Wash 20c, 25e, 35c (,carpet Beaters a 10c, 15c Curtain Stretchers $1,45, 82.00 Carpet Sweepers $2,25, 84.00 Washers $500 to $7,50 Wringers $,3 50 " $4.50 Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser. per pkge 25c Step Ladders $1.00 to 81.75 (Ialy. Pails, Galy. 'Pubs and Wash Boards, Samson Portland Cement for Walls, Floors. Silos and Walk, LjrnWe'.t !Wires. HEAMAN'S BARDWARE & SIM STORE