HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1909-04-08, Page 8Let Us Measure your figure :or a Suit, and the figure we wi11 ask will please you as well as the per:e t f.t we will guarantee you. We are s- rape:ounty careful to fit all our patrons to perfection, as every gar- ment that Lewes our establishment be - con's an advet•tiaement for us. We will give you your choice ut the finest and newest tabrlce. We do the rest. W. W. TA MAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario [111rNirliFIF LOCAL DOINGS. allisaiikalkailk ABA For quality, value and style in Room Rugs Steuart has them all beat -6,50 to $30. The W. Id. S. of James Street Metho- dist church intend holding ar tea on Monday, April 12th. The Society have engaged Miss Wyatt to sing. Buy your li'all Paper at Stewart's - style, quality and value all in your fa- vor, 1000 Bushels of WHEAT WANTED at the mill. - HARVEY 131105. Sooteh Linoleum 2, 3 and 4 yds nide, Tile, Floral and Oriental Patterns -the kind that wear well and look well -Stew- art. APPRENTICE WANTED AT ONCE. - To learn tailoring. \V. W. TAMIAN. I/ you miss seeing Stewart's windows this week you'll miss a rare treat -they're great. BUGGIES, BUGGIES. A Carload of First-class Buggies Just received at W. G. Blssett's, Exeter. LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM. ANDEIcSON. Lircneed Auctioneer for Huron, County. Terries reasoleable. Date■ can Inc made at tre Advo:ate, Exeter. or Henry Eilber's Office, Cred- iton. 1 jarel Millinery business is booming at Stew art's -their flab ar e',:r'ery pretty. Repair Shop Gun repairing Umbrella repairing Lawn Mowers sharpened Knives & Scissors " Horse Clippers " Saws gummed and tiled Wringer Rollers. All kinds of keys filed and lo2ks repaired. New Bicycles and Sundries Guns and Ammunition in stock. WANTED 1000 Mubk Rat Skins. Highest market prices. J. TRIEBNER Three doors North of Post Office Off With the Old -AND- Ou With the New it will not be long till your thoughts are turned to a oew Outfit for Spring. This sea- son will 1* more than ever in advance with new styles and fabrics. New Suits for Spring New Topcoats for Spring Now Raincoats for Spring New Suitings for Spring The new spring lines are cooing in daily now. We are confident of being able to please you in the least particular. W. JOHNS werchast Tailor• Exeter IIOW DO YOU FIGHT. You are beaten to earth, Well, well, what's that, e'ornt up witin a an:fling face. It's nothing against you to fall (Iowa flat But to Ile there -that's disgrace. The harder you're throanaey rt.e zege- c•r you bounce: Ile proud of your blackcueei eye, It isn't the fact tea, you're licked that counts: It's how did you figi,t-and wee,. Me. Peter ]=ray:,. !.as recovered from els 1(CcItt illness. Mrs. Sidney Davis is confined to her teed throug.e Illness. Mr. 11. E. Pickard is confined to the :souse with a sore foot. Councillor Chris. Luker is 111 with sym- ptoms of pneumonia. Mr. D. A. Rosa, who has been serious- ly 111, 1s Improving nicely. Mrs. Hatter Is suffering from a broken bone in one ankle, the result of a fall. Boys wino piece wires or ropes across the sidewalk to trip people should re- ceelve the full extent of the law. To -morrow is Good Friday. The usual cheap rates are in vogue on the railways, good (rata Thursday until Tuesday. Mrs. C. Zuefle 1s recovering from the recent operation she underwent at the hospital in London and Is expected home shortly. Mr. and airs. J. J. White celebrated the tenth anniversary of their marriage Mon- day evening by entertaining a number of their friends. Mr. \V. J. Beer las installed a harness sewing machine in Ills harness shop. It is a great labor saving apparatus, and do 2s its work well. Rev. A. afacVlcar of Atwood preached in Cavell Presbyterian church on Sunday. Rev. Young of Lornevllle occupies the pulpit the next two Sundays. Tne Exeter Gu:i Club has arranged for a big shooting match on their grounds on Good Friday. The prizes are mostly of merchandise, consequently the en- trance fees are small. Tine sympathy of their friends goes out to air. and Mrs. Wellington Nell in the loss they have sustained by the death of the!: little daughter, Susan, who died Saturday last aged eight days. Tine friends hers of Miss Cecilia Fer- guson will regret to hear that she 1s still quite i11 at Minden, Nebraska, with no signs of improvement. An abseils in tea side Is the cause of the trouble. Under the auspe ed of the W. C. T. U. Mini Sproule gave a delightful talk on rttl '.lo:n:ery work among the lumbermen of New Ontario 1:1 the Main -et. church Monday evening to a goodly attendance. At a meeting of the 1908 Bowling Club Thursday evening the affairs of the club were wound up and It was dlsOr- ganlzed. This year in all probability the Aesoclatlon and the Club will be one and the same organization. Mr. J. A. Stewart 1■ showing a prettllY dressed window and it is wort(. your Dr. Cairns was visiting in Loedon tele week. Mrs. Pike of Kalamazoo, Mich., le vis - :Ing relatives here. Mr. Wm. Grigg of Chatham is visiting r. I etives ht town. Mrs. 1'oplestone is visiting her sort, S. e. Pupa:atone at Myth. \tr. and Mra. R. Sweet of Clinton are visiting relativea In town. Dr. L. L. rollick of St. Marys spent Sunday with his parents here. Mr. Daniel Rendie left Monday more - lug for Calgary, where he intends roe: atdl:g. Miss Tilly 'White on Thursday' evening returned front a two months' trip to Qel- lfornia. Mr. John Iiyrne of Westminster was the guest of Mr. J. D. Atkinson over Sunday. Mrs. Yager left Tuesday for Swift Cur- rent, Sask., where she will spend the summer. Mr. Richard Welsh accompanied a car of horses to Winnipeg this week, ship- ped by himself. Mr. John Kerslake returned home on Monday night after spending a few days visiting !n Londo t, Miss Rhoda Kerslake leaves Wednes- day morning for a two weeks' visit In Toronto and Creswell. Master Gordon Howe of Toronto is 1112. guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Wen. Jeckell, London Road North. Mrs. G. T. Mantle has returned from a two weeks',vlsit with London friends. Mr. Mantle has also returned from the city. Mr. John Crooke spent Monday night in town on his way' home to Clinton from a three months' business trip through the West. Mr. Geo. Rowclfffe of London was here Friday on business. Ile recently sold tale other farm of 100 acres In Usborne to Mr. Robert Skinner. Mr. Frank Snelgrove, who spent the past week at the home of Mr. Wm. I'cn- hale, returned to Ills home at Port Bur- well Monday. Mr. Frank Harris and slater Miss Ada of Munro and Miss Bettie Esstry, Eden, ep'nt Saturday and Sunday the guests of the Misses Rhoda and Etta Kerslake. Mrs. J. T. O'Brien and daughter left Monday for Hamilton to Join Mr. O'Brien and become residents of that city. rills estimable family will beemuch missed in Exeter, but we wish therm every success In the Ambitious City. \Ir. John Triebner of Stepaen having rentei the premises recently vacated by Mr. Dan. Harticin, will open a general repair shop and also keep a stock of blc yclea. anmmo:ntion, etc. Ile 1s open- ing up this week. See his ad. In another column. Huron's i'opulatian.--The population of the County of Huron as shown on the assessment rolls of the different municipalities, for 1908, is as follows: Ashfield 2,710. Colborne 1,527, Goder- while seeing it. wild rose, moss rose, ic•b Township 1,958, Grey :3,066, Hay and apple blossoms on the branch, with Morn 2,210,HowiceKIl , Hallett tanley a profusion of violets Lcneath make a 1 Morris _,p a 3,650,6,lop 2,303. Stanley 1,8. ), Stephen Tuckcremtth 2,109 pretty set off for a few choice hate. Turnberry 1.806, Usborne 1,975, East The London and Northwestern Iran- Wawanosl; 1,646, Weat \Vawane/eh way Company has been granted a char 1,908, Bayfield 540, Blyth 818, Mus- ter to build a line from London to Grand eels 1,179. Ci,nton 2,448, Exeter 1,806 Bend, on Lake Huron, passing through Goderich 4,622, itenaall 804, Seaforth the towns of Alias. Craig and Parkhill. 2,251. WIngltnm 2,310, Wroxeter 445, This Is to be a branch Zine from their Total 54,919. main line from London to Sarnia. An advertisement should always be be - lore the public in creme shape. It It dis- appears it la soon forgotten .e,d those that remain have the superiority and ad vantage o: the absence. The only good excuse for the discontinuance of an ad- vertisement 1s that of retirig from busi- ness. Clinton held a very successful Spring Show on April 1. air. H. Smith of Exeter was an extensive prize winner. securing firsts for sweepstakes of three of any breed three years and under with bull Bail:ball 0 g.tnization.-The 1909 Base- ball club was organized Thursday even Ing with the following officers.- Ilon, Pres., G. W. Harrison: tion. Vice -Pres. W. W. Tanian : ]'res., J. J. White: Vico. I'rea,. W. J. llearnaa . Ser., I' .Fleming: Treas.. G. 11. Palmer; Manager, R. N. Creech: Executive Committee, to consist of president, vice-president, Secretary, treasurer, manager, and 8. G. Bawden, A Stewart. T. Creech, Dr. Bright, and Dr. McGlllie (Ay. After careful consideration and considerable dlbrusslon it was deem - aged mare. female, 1 year buil, cow three ed advisable to go Into the proposed years and under, 2 year heifer, and any league with Mitchell, Seaforth, Goderich, year heifer. Bruce spit berry of Bruce- C'intor. and Illyte: A league of nearby PRETTY POLLYOFTHE KiTCdEN field got seco:td for carriage horses. places such as Zurich, Hensall. Credi- ton and Exciter may be arranged. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley 55 Oats 43 Peas 83 Potatoes, per bag 60 Hay, per ton 7 50 Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw 1 40 Butter Eggs Livebogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 1 10 50 44 85 00 810 300 145 20 16 680 2 00 24 00 CARD OI' THANKS. -Mrs. Jas. Ford and family desire to thank those who were so kind to there during their recent bereavement by the death of the husband .111 father. the lain Ja::r•s Ford. Y. M. C. A. CONCERT Tine Y. M. C. A. Conce: t in hie Opera House F:lday night was well attended a:td successful la every wt_:. The pro- gram was a pleasing one, consisting as 1: did of select:ons by the orchestra, corn. pod of Messrs. Blrney, Case, Davis, \Ve k -a ata White, bolos by Master Dieu. glee Statibut'y, o: whom we have made mention elsewhere, Miss Amy Johns, Miss Edna Follick and Mr. E. J. CI.riatie Duets by Misses Alice Howard and Edna rollick, and by Mies Howard and Mr. ife:b Soathcott, readings by Mrs. \Walden harnnm r. Fade o: the numb_ fa 'aa:a welt rendered and all were heartily applaud. ea. Reeve McCtllum was chairman. WHAT KIND OF- MUSIC DO YOU LIKE BEST? You can get any good kind from an Edison Phonograph. it ren- ders a band of fifty piece: as tve•11 as it does a single Pinging %nice. Nothing you can buy will provide so much of the heel kind of enter- tainment for yourself and your family at so trifling n co't as an Edison Phonograph Come in and bear the new things and get our terms. Can. Brit THE PURITY P Re% SOCIAL. -A unique serial will be giv- e:; by the Ladles' Aid of the Main Street Methodist on Friday evening. April le. The menu will co:ulst partly of Bls- cults. Gene, and Maple Syrup, to be served from 6.30 to If o'ciork, after which a select program will be render. ed by the members of the Ladles' Aid. Come one and all and enjoy a treat. Admission only fifteen cents. Owen Atkinsotn, son of Mr. George At- k:neon. met with an accident on Tues- day last which might have easily re- sulted 1n the lose of his hand. Ile was assisting in cutting wood with a circular saw at Dr. Brownings when 1;, some mtnnrr LIR Land came to contact with the saw. between the thumb and the •unlet. cutting a deep. ugly wound, wh'cth� re:NI el Rivera! stitches to close. Tne always we:corn• nnonte of Aprill has broug':t with It beautiful spring weatr,er, tonsleting of warm sunet.Iee and waren showers of rain. The snow t:as entirely disappeared. the frost las been driven out of the ground, the roads are rapidly drying. and the land 1s al- most ready for the plow and the seed - drill . auger and syrup making Is about completed. the trees and shrubs are be- ginning to bud and leaf. and the ball team 1s iRetting ready for practice. Exeter people enjoyed a treat on Fri- day night and on Sunday wham they were given the opportunity of hearing Master Douglas Stanbury, the ten -year-old son of Dr. and Mrs Stanbury of Toronto Ile sang at tie Y. M. C. A. concert in the Opera nous:, Friday nIght, and at 'he Presbyterian and Trivltt acre/10:1AI hurches Sunday morning and evening. respectively. The little fellow Is pose. eased of a remarkably clear, strong and sweet volee. with a wide range. and r,e sings alto and soprano equally well. Ills father and mother were here with him. and visited with Mr. and Jlre. J. G. Stan - hut]. Mr. WesIry Luker of Swan Lake. Man., formerly of Exeter. In renewing 1:1n sub- aertptlo:t to the Advocate. says:- 1t is with p:eaeurc I renew my subscription. i am always anxious to receive tee news front home. It see;ns to bring a person hark to eastern towns. Especlaliy do 1 find it so valuable when on duty as nal- !e- at teig`:t to Aianee over the colunies and read with pleasure the many r;oted improvements to your town. Swan Lake Is a apler:dld thrivi::g little vlilage. it Is now about the size of Centralia. bu' the prospeete are bright for Its fu'ur( devciopemeet. it las Targe a'.d wr:l c iu!pped stores and business places . \t.asonlr, I. O. O. F., ar,d C. 0. F. lodge. and the surrouhdlt g country comprises •',e very beat of land The past waiter w been fine. the eold•'st 0 -lap we rad one an tee thermometer registered about 42 be-; Isis.. EYES TESTED FREE :)w aero. but we had .no blizzards.- Hicks for April. -,a regular storm per- iod, embracing the central days of both the mars and Mercury periods, rovers the 1111 10 tl a 161h, being central with Moon'. last quarter on the 13th. This is another period when the chararterist- les of the Mars Influence will be present to a marked degree. Vicious thunder storms, heavy rains, with destructive !nail in many localities. will result at thin tens, if boreal Influences have not phenomenally dominated stoma and weather thus tar in the Mars period, If snow. elect and general cold hive pre- donenated. this perlo.i will bring unsea- sonably heavy snow. stria and cold. If waren tropical a onditio:ne prevail at this tl:n' mercy deneeeous, tornadl^ atorm4 •will Cr. natural and Inevitaii STER ERINGS oFF' of 9 all Mt LATEST NOVELTIES !N 5oxES- a sk - aMe !ancyAFtiCles filled witb Watt/.''.CIA�Lt . AIRMIllend ir7tie/cA/ EASTER EQGS 1 W. S. ROWE!, PR.B. Chemist and O ttcian EX ETER likes to do the family baking when you buy her the STAR brand of flour. All the delicious things ..he bakes tastes so good to you that you ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER for the kind she likes. it is the best wbite flour on the market, and costs no more than the poorest. HARVEY BROS. ROLE MMANUFACTURERM EXETER • ONTARIO Notice to Farmers and Public ! If you have any OLD IRON, RUBBERS, RAGS, COPPER, BRASS, LEAD. ZiNC, HORsF:HAIR, Bring it to M. Jackson & Sons, the Old Reliable - Firm - where you can gt't highest market price in CASH All sizes Iron Pipe I on hand also Iron Posts M. Jackson & Sons MAiN ST., EXETER. OPPORirg EI.ECTRic. POWER HOUSE Enter Any Time LINTO11 BUSINESS COLLEG as m,een tested in the re/vitae of eer•er,.nee Rh the flee of pttt.II' rpininn, ani M. not her nvnd usntin`. The meet , of otr ertslunt. as not been etcellet Not the Lrae t but whet grade modern Itchiness sc hen In was ern Ontario. Mei. 'dual !s.tru,tinn. No ..- scion. Mail Coarses. Enter era day Writ* for parte-elan ORO. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL Call and examine our 28 gallge Preston Safe Lock Shingle which we are selling for $4.50 per square and you will be conv'nced that it is the most satisfactory shingle on the market. Guaranteed Wind and Storni Proof needing no clip to hold bottom of shingle to place. We are offering splendid values in Halt- ers, Stable Brooms and Shovels, Chaff Baskets, Lanterns, etc. - - - T. HAWKINS & SON Watch This Space Next Week ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES p.& CLARK Mihinery Millinery These Are Busy Millinery Days Every business hour of the remaining ster our millineery s slesroom will be showi g a wealth of beautiful miillinery for all occasions and at our well known easy prices. kirk it fa I!ay. Or y hat aow Our Dress Goods Department Is a busy centre with us just now. All the Latest Fabrics are shown here in the seasonable shades. Stripes and Plain Goods are shown here in abundance. Our stock is complete and you cannot do better than buy one of our New Dress Lengths for your New Spring Costume. House Furnisfflngs FOR THE BUSY HOUSE-CLEANING. This is the time of the year to think of your New House Furnish- infts. Spring is here and the busy house•cleaning will soon start. You will fact thatready for hcarrythee glargest largthis est f' eROOMt knownwe RUGS, CAR. PETS, LACE CURTAINS, L1NOLF:C%1y & OILCLOTHS in Exeter, and can therefore give you the best choice. Room Rags UNION RUGS in sizes of 323, 3131, 314, :1 z4 yds WOOL RUGS in sizes of 313, 3:31, 314, 3ix4 yds TAPESTRY RUGS in sizes of 31:3, 313i, 314, 304, 31x41 yds BRUSSELS RUGS in sizes of 3z31, 324, 3i:4, 4144 yds SMYRNA RUGS (Reversible) 3x4, 3i14, 304 yards VELVET RUGS in sizes of 3z31, 324, 34z4, 4141 yds Small Rugs for Matra in all sizes of TAPESTRY. WOOL, BRt'S- SELS. VELVETS, AXMINS- TF:it and WELTONS All at low prices. Carpets A very large stock of UNiON, WOOL, TAPESTRY & BRUSSELS Ibis is the place to buy your carpets as we have the quantity and quality. Lace Curtains --IN- NOTTiNGHAM, SWISS AND FiSH NET. Over 50 different designsto choose from in the best curtains we have ever shown. Prices tic, 50e, 75c, $1, $1.245, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25. $2.50, $2.75, $3. $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, VI. Linolsuma-Oiloloths Some of the prettiest designs we have ever shown in floor oils -all widths -4 4 to 18.4. We sell tbe GREAT NAiRN'S SCOTCH LINOLEUM Admitted by all to he tbe best made. JONES & CLARK jHeadquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing